Trench's therapy

Story by Nahualmorph on SoFurry

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Note: just trying to bitchslap my muse back to work, besides, there's a total lack of Hip flask porn, so i figured i could do something about it.

Warning: the following story deals with hot sweaty sex between male anthropomorphic characters, if this is not your thing, then stop reading now.

I do not own any of the Elephantmen characters used in this story, they belong to their respective creators. I just thought they are hot.

France 2239 A.D.

The air was hot and acid, it burned his lungs with every breath, the smells of blood and burning flash overpowered that of gunpowder and sweat for moments, the smoke was making his eyes water and he was having a hard time focusing on his objective, he heard a faint sound to his left and aimed his heavy machine gun towards the source, firing without hesitation, a few bullets hit the wrecked jeep's fuel tank and it exploded. A man wearing a U.N. uniform fell to the ground, a piece of rusted metal piercing his stomach. He turned to look at his aggressor, his fear overcoming the excruciating pain. Less that 20 feet from him was a huge anthropomorphic zebra clad in full battling armor, his eyes were injected with blood, he was a good 7 ft. tall and heavily built, the black stripes running through his face seemed to accentuate his blood thirsty expression. The soldier gave a single faint whine and the zebra pulled the trigger, silencing him for good, the voices of his team mates resonated on the ear piece he was wearing.

"Trench! We need back up! Team Beta is under heavy fire in point 4,4,9,!"

The bulky zebra started running and a few seconds later he was at the designated point, a hippo, an elephant, a rhino and a croc were covering behind a wall as a helicopter showered the area with burst after burst of bullets.

"Hide, how many flash grenades do you have left?" asked trench through his ear piece.

"Trench, that you?" asked the elephant "I'm all out, so are the others, we're nearly out of ammo too"

"Don't sweat, I'll take care of it" said the zebra and started running towards a small hill, he reached the top and was almost leveled with the helicopter. By the time the pilot saw him it was almost too late, Trench's machine gun was already hot from the shooting and the first bullets had made impact in the shooter and the copilot.

"It's all yours pals! All yours!"

The helicopter exploded and the force of the explosion knocked the zebra down, he fell down the small hill between burning debris, a small piece of metal pierced his left eye and the zebra roared in pain.

His entire face throbbed and he could feel the warm blood gushing from the open gap that used to be his eye. The zebra took a burning piece of wood and pressed it against his wound, cauterizing it. His long, agonizing scream rose through the battlefield with the last rays of the setting sun.

New York 2259

Trench awoke startled and covered in sweat, his hand instinctively touché the patch over his left eye, he remained sitting on his bed until his breathing slowed down, his gaze traveling all over his apartment. His gun and his NYPD badge rested on a small drawer next to his bed, to his right, there was a huge closet with the doors open ajar, several clothes and long coats could be seen inside, a few chairs scattered around the room and a table with a TV was the only furniture. There were two doors on his room, one leading to the living room and the other leading to the bathroom. The zebra took the remote control and turned the TV on. A chubby guy and a blonde girl were talking about the wonders of a new weight loosing formula. The muscled zebra rubbed his eyes and slowly got up, he walked towards the bathroom and stood by the sink, watching his reflection in the mirror. He touched the eye patch covering his left side.

"What's wrong with you?" he asked to his own reflection "It's over" he opened a small shelf behind the mirror and took a bottle of sleeping pills.

Next day.

The police car stopped behind a big truck and LT. Trench got off, his patrol was immediately covered in holes and the zebra took cover next to the SWAT truck and unsheathed his gun.

"Talk to me" he said to one of the four officers hiding behind the truck.

"I guess you can tell we found it sir" said the officer "Serengeti's thugs aren't too happy about it"

"How many men down?" asked the zebra.

"Three so far sir, one in critical condition, they're already on their way to the hospital, we managed to take two of them down, but there's at least 10 more inside."

Across the street, Serengeti's men continued firing from the rooftop of the warehouse they were hiding in along with the illegal merchandise they were protecting, sculptures, antiques, exotic animal furs and bones.

"There's only five of them shooting" observed trench "The others must be preparing a way out, we have to get in"

"How?" asked the officer "We're nearly out of ammo and backup won't be here for another 10 minutes"

Lt. Trench studied the scene, paying close attention to the surrounding area, after a few seconds, he came up with a plan.

"I need to get something from my car... Cover me!"

The officers started shooting as the zebra quickly got into his car and pulled a small case and a fie extinguisher from under the passenger's seat, he barely got out before his car was turned into Swiss cheese by the incessant fire.

"Who has the keys to this truck?" he asked.

"I do sir" answered another officer.

Trench slammed a sewer lid next to them with his fist and popped it open.

"As soon as I get in, give me exactly 3 minutes and ram the truck against the entrance.

"What? Sir! I can't do that!"

"That was not a request, it was a direct order"

"But sir..."

Trench aimed his gun at the officer's face.

"Start the truck"

The officer timidly reached into his pocket and fished the keys.

"Good, the rest of you will find another cover and secure the outside, shoot anyone who gets out"

"Yes sir!" they all said at once, more out of fear than anything.

The zebra hopped into the smelly sewer and immediately started running with his gun in one hand and the fire extinguisher in the other.

"He's crazy" said the officer holding the truck keys "When this is over, I'm filling a complaint"

"It's your life man" said another officer "the last thing I'd want is to piss those monsters off"

Trench had finally reached the spot beneath the warehouse, he could hear the commotion of the men as they moved a few crates, clearing a path for the bikes they were planning to use to escape. The zebra kneeled and opened the small case revealing a bar of c-4, a detonator and a roll of tape. Using the tape, he joined the c-4 and the extinguisher and placed them on a grid just under the bikes. Finally, he placed the detonator and looked at his watch, 45 seconds left, he continued running, holding the switch in his left hand.

On the warehouse, two men had finished moving the crates, leaving the back door clear. A third man came running downstairs carrying a briefcase and a laptop.

"How are we doing?" he asked

"Done" said one of the men.

The guy holding the laptop radioed the men on the rooftop.

"What's going on? I don't hear any fire!"

"They stopped shooting a couple of minutes ago, maybe they ran out of ammo" said a voice through the radio.

"Get down here, we're leaving!"

Just then, Trench pressed the switch and the c-4 exploded, making a hole on the ground that was immediately filled with the white co2 smoke from the fire extinguisher. All the men aimed their assault rifles at the hole and started shooting. There was a loud sound and the front door shattered when the truck crashed against it. Before any of them could react, the back door opened and trench entered, holding a 9mm on each hand, the zebra started shooting and 5 seconds later all four thugs were laying on the floor.

The officer driving the truck slowly got off and was immediately dragged to the floor by a big hand. A burst of shots hit the truck and Trench threw the man as if he were a rag doll under the safety of the truck as he responded to the fire, the 5 remaining thugs were crouched upstairs shooting at the zebra and the cop hiding behind the truck.

"Do we have any weapons inside the truck?" asked trench, his voice thundering even over the bangs.

"Assault rifles and a couple of rocket launchers"

"And why the hell are we using this piece of shit 9mm? get them! I'll cover you!"

Trench started shooting and managed to hit another man before the officer returned carrying a rocket launcher and two assault rifles.

"Your turn!" yelled the zebra "cover me!"

The cop took his rifle and started shooting at the stairs. Trench moved stealthily, getting closer to the stairs, after a couple of minutes, the cop's rifle was empty and he was still receiving substantial fire.

"Trench!" he screamed "where the fuck are you?"

He turned to look at the spot where the zebra was supposed to be and found it empty.

"He's out of bullets" said one of the thugs "let's get him!"

The men started to slowly descend the stairs.

"He left me" thought the cop "that fucking monster left me"

They were less than 10 feet from the truck when one of them noticed a movement in the shadows to their left. Trench pulled the trigger and the rocket hit the ground right behind the thugs. The explosion killed them all and sent the bodies against the truck, the force of the explosion also broke most of the crates and shattered most of the antiques. The three remaining officers came running.

"What the hell happened?" asked one of them.

The other officer crawled from behind the truck and his partners helped him get up. Trench lit a cigarette and went outside just as a group of patrols arrived.

"Damn it Trench!" said a tall, black guy as soon as he got off his car "we told you to wait for backup!"

"There was no time captain" said the zebra "They were about to escape"

The captain entered the warehouse and examined the bodies scattered and the broken crates.

"Way to go" said the captain sarcastically "You destroyed the evidence and killed the suspects... but it's ok, I'm sure the detectives will enjoy the challenge, you destroyed a swat truck, the mechanic's going to love the story, you put an officer in danger and caused an explosion in a populated area, that's going to be fun for the lawyers..."

Trench remained impassible, enjoying his cigarette.

"Are you finished?"

The zebra walked to one of the bodies and lifted it effortlessly.

"Come here" said the zebra.

The captain approached and Trench opened the dead man's mouth, he stuck his thick fingers inside and a cracking sound was heard, Trench removed his fingers covered in an oily substance.

"Fake tooth" said Trench dropping the body unceremoniously "Filled with poison, you would have never gotten them to talk, the second floor is full of evidence, including the skeleton of an elephantman"

The zebra kneeled and picked the steel briefcase one of the thugs was carrying, he opened it and confirmed the laptop inside was intact, then he handed it to his captain.

"And about the truck and the civilians...I don't really give a shit, the truck can be replaced and any human stupid enough to still be around after hearing the heavy gunfire deserves to be dead"

The zebra started walking, throwing his cigarette o his way out.

"Now, Where are you going?"

"I'm going to the station, I have something I want to discuss with Flask and Ebony."

Four hours later.

Trench was sitting in a chair in the captain's office, his face as inexpressive as ever, the captain was walking all around his office.

"I'm very concerned lieutenant" said the captain "There is one man asking his transfer because he claimed that you pointed a gun at his head"

"I got the job done, I don't understand why all the bitching. I told you months ago, I work alone."

"You have to understand Trench, you're pushing your partners too much, this is NYPD, not some mercenary association"

Trench raised his left eyebrow and growled softly.

"If you're not comfortable with me, I can always ask the agency to relocate me" mumbled Trench.

"Don't get me wrong, you're a great officer and a valuable asset, but you really need to integrate to our team"

The captain finally sat in his chair and rubbed his eyes.

"The commissioner wants you to go to therapy"

Trench stood and nearly slammed his fist in the desk.

"destroying my desk will only prove the commissioner's point. Look, I really need your help here, just meet this guy, you don't even have to talk, just go so I can put it in the report, it will save us both a lot of problems."

The captain took a small card and handed it to Trench. The zebra took it and turned, ready to leave the office.


"Maybe I'll check it out" said the zebra and closed the door.

Later, in Trench's house.

"Serengeti must be shitting bricks right now" said Trench standing by the window holding a cup of coffee "I wouldn't be surprised if he does something stupid in retaliation"

"And what are you and Ebony planning?" asked a hippo sitting in Trench's bed holding his own mug "You and the captain come up with something yet?"

"The captain wants to send me to therapy"

The hippo nearly chocked on his coffee.

"Not funny Flask" said Trench "He said I'm on official vacations for the week"

"I'm not laughing" said the hippo taking another zip from his coffee.

"You should go" said Hip after and awkward silence.

"What?" yelled Trench.

"The psychologist is a nice guy, he's the same guy that helped Ebony when... you know"

"When he tried to hang himself" finished Trench "How many of us died?... after the war."

"I don't know, three I guess. But that's not the point, I'm just saying that you might need someone to talk, you know you can always talk to me, but if could be a god idea to hear from someone who can give you a different perspective of things"

"So, those are my choices then" said Trench lighting a cigarette and looking through the window "see a shrink or loose my job"

Hip's phone started beeping and the hippo opened it to check his message, he carefully closed the phone and placed his coffee on a small table near the bed.

"Gotta go, Techs said they decrypted the laptop you got from yesterday's raid."

The hippo walked towards the exit and opened the door.

"I'll let you know about it... Trench. Take it easy"

Hip left the apartment and the zebra stood by the window, watching the first droplets of rain splatter against the glass.

10 hours later...

Trench was staring at his reflection in the mirror again, the bottle of sleeping pills in his hand, he slowly removed the patch covering his left eye, the scar was completely dry, nothing but a patch of dry flesh surrounded by fur.


The zebra stood next to the door leading to the psychologist's office, for the first time in his life he wasn't sure about the feelings he was experiencing, he knocked two times and a manly voice answered from the inside.

"It's open"

The horseman peeked inside and surveyed the office. It was not what one would expect of a psychologist's office. The walls were covered with posters and shelves with books and movies, three big couches in the center, a table with a microwave and a coffee maker, a desk holding a computer, and behind the desk, a middle aged man with long hair was reading a comic book. The man lifted his gaze and noticed the curious zebra looking at him.

"Please come on in" he said "My name's Mark, and you are..."

"Trench" said the zebra walking in "I don't know what to expect from this"

"You don't need to expect anything" said Mark "Just take a seat and we'll have chat"

"I don't think this is a good idea" said Trench sitting in one of the couches "Listen, I'm here just to get my boss off my ass"

"I know" said Mark "I wasn't going to suggest talking about you"

"What do you want to talk about then" asked Trench.

"Anything you want, movies, food, politics..."

"I don't really see how this is going to help"

"It won't" said Mark "But you're obviously not comfortable here and you weren't planning on talking to me anyway"

The zebra frowned, he just sat in the couch and looked at the desk, noticing a folder with his name in it.

"Is that my file?"

"Yeah, wanna have a look?"

"I already know what it says" said Trench "But I'm going to keep doing my job the way I was taught"

"You were taught to be a soldier, an assassin" said Mark "that's not what a police officer does"

"I get results, I have not failed a single mission"

Mark noticed Trench was starting to get angry.

"I'm sure you do, but the problem seems to be that you don't care about anyone else, your partners or even innocent bystanders"

"And why should I? they should be able to take care of themselves"

"To protect and to serve Trench"

"What do you fucking know!? If you knew the kind of bastards that roam outside!" Trench finally exploded "I don't do this to protect and to serve, I do it to survive. I already told the captain, this is the only thing I know how to do, and I'm going to do it for the NYPD, the army or whoever pays me for it."

"You're right" said Mark "I don't know what you've gone through, probably no human does... that's why I think you should talk to other elephantmen"

Trench seemed to calm down a little.

"I don't have time for this shit, I have work to do"

"Ok, you came, we talked... you're safe now, but I still think you should talk to someone."

That night, Trench was on his new patrol, smoking a cigarette, the heavy rain fell noisily over the roof of the car. The zebra finished his cigarette and took the radio.

"Laurie, How's the lap top thing going?"

"Trench, is that you? You were supposed to be on vacation" said a female voice on the other side of the line.

"I'm just curious" said trench "I'm logged into the precinct network, send me the files"

"Ok" said Laurie "there's not much tough, it's mostly inventories and pictures of antiques, seems like Serengeti has at least a couple more warehouses... Trench, Ebenezer said to meet him and Hip at Ebony's"

"Alright, thanks Laurie, I got the file now, I owe you one"

"I won't be working on Friday. Dinner at Danielle's sounds good"

Trench turned the radio off before muttering.

"What is it with girls and big guys?" thought the zebra.

He started looking at the transferred files on his computer. Trying to find a clue that could lead to the location of the other hideouts. One particular picture caught his attention, an image of an African fertility fetish.

"Fuck! I have to show this to Flask!"

He had barely started his car when the truck heading his way turned its lights on.

The truck hit the police car and sent it rolling almost 200 ft. the truck stopped and two men carrying automatic rifles descended.

"Go check he's dead" said the one who was driving.

"No way, you check it" said the other one, visibly scared.

"Hey, I killed him, you confirm"

Before the other man could reply or even move, a .45 bullet severed his left foot. The man fell to the floor and a second billet pierced his chest. The other man tried to look for the source of the shots. Another shot and the tires of the truck exploded. Too late he realized they were coming from the police car. Trench pulled the trigger again and the man fell. The zebra crawled out of the wrecked car and leaned against it, he had a long cut in his forehead and he was almost sure his left wrist was broken.

"Blood and sand" he muttered and approached the truck.

He approached cautiously. He knew who they were, Serengeti must have been really upset. One of the men was definitely dead, the other one was coughing and spitting blood. Trench grabbed him by the neck and lifted him to eye level.

"Where is he?" asked Trench.

"One step ahead" said the man "he will always be one step ahead of you"

Trench heard the sound of a gun and immediately felt a searing pain in his stomach. He snapped the man's neck and dropped the lifeless body away. He ripped his shirt and noticed a small bleeding hole in his abdomen. He heard the engine of an approaching car, he had no way to call for backup, and there were only 7 bullets left in his gun.


The zebra took a knife from his pocket and used it to remove the bullet from the wound in his stomach, then aimed his gun at the approaching car.

"It's all yours pals, come and get it"

His eyes turned red before he fired the first shot.

Trench slowly opened his eyes. He was laying in a soft bed with light blue sheets. He immediately realized he was not in his room, and that it was not a hospital room either. The room was sparsely decorated, the window on the far end of the room was open and Trench could see come pine trees outside, the walls seemed to be made of wood, so Trench guessed he was in some sort of cabin. The bulky zebra slowly got off the bed noticing he was only wearing a pair of boxers, he had a few bandages around his stomach and also in his left wrist, he tried to move it and realized it was not broken as he had thought. He cautiously opened the door and stepped outside the room, trough a small corridor that lead him to a large living room where a familiar hippo was sitting on a couch reading a book.

"What the hell is going on here?" asked Trench.

"I'm glad to see you're finally awake" said Hip lowering his book and getting up "You must be starving, What do you say if we get us something to chew on while I explain you"

Five minutes later they were both in the kitchen, Trench was still wearing only his underwear and was sitting by the table and Hip was cooking vegetarian hamburgers.

The hippo looked a bit comical, wearing his dress pants, shirt and tie... and a pink apron.

"The captain said that two cars and 20 bodies in 2 days was more than the precinct could afford"

"So, this is some kind of punishment?" asked the zebra "being stuck here for two weeks with you?"

"Gee, thanks" said Hip still flipping the burgers "You lost a lot of blood during your last fight and fell unconscious, but the captain knew you could wake up in a couple of hours, so he added a couple of horse tranquilizers to your serum"

"He drugged me??"

"He knew you could have never accepted to come here had you being conscious. So, yeah, he drugged you, we brought you here, and I've been taking care of your wounds for the last three days.

The hippo took the pile of soy burgers and set it on the table. Trench grabbed one and took a bite.

"Where are we anyway? I know we're in the woods, But what is this place?"

"This is the captain's resting cottage. He said we can use it as we see fit as long as we don't destroy anything"

"Very funny"

"Hey, I decided to listen to him, I already made myself a mud pit in the back of the house"

Trench finished his burger and got up.

"If we're going to be hanging around together for two weeks you may want to consider putting some clothes on" said Hip with a chuckle.

"Maybe" said Trench "Now I'm going to take a bath"

"Thanks for the burgers would have been nice" muttered Hip.

The zebra was in the bathroom removing his bandages. The wound in his stomach was almost completely healed.

"We were built like this" thought the zebra "MAPPO designed us to heal fast, a wounded elephantmen was expensive"

South Africa 2239

Dr Nikken entered the testing room, two men in white coats were taking notes from the results being displayed on a monitor.

"How are we doing?" asked the man.

"I think we made it doctor" said one of the scientists "they're all alive"

In the next room, three elephantmen were tied to beds, their naked bodies had several cuts and they were all sweating.

"Look at the regenerating tissue on number 2" said one of them zooming in on the cuts in Trench's muscled chest "They were caused 12 hours ago and then he had direct inoculation with a pathogen fungus"

The scientist handed Nikken a small blood sample and he looked at it under the microscope.

"I don't see any sign of the fungus"

"That's because it's no longer there" said the other doctor "their immune system managed to kill every single pathogen we inject one after another"

"Good" said Nikken, staring into Trench's eyes "They're ready, we'll send them to France in three days."


It was getting late and Trench was bored as hell, he had tried reading the books stored on the ample library, but he got tired quickly, he have never had this much free time for himself, not even during rehab. The muscled zebra was not used to inactivity, he went back to his room and for the first time noticed one of the drawers had a paper with his name written on it. He opened it and saw it contained clothes made specially for someone his size. He had been wearing only his boxers trough the entire day and had actually felt comfortable that way, he picked a pair of jogging shorts and a tight wife beater and put them on, along with a pair of sneakers. As he made his way out of the cabin he found Hip beard deep in his pool of mud (he had actually made it!), the hippo opened his eyes when he heard the footsteps at the porch.

"Where are you going'" asked Hip.

"I'm going for a run, some of us can't just sit on our fat asses the entire day"

"But you don't even know where we are..."

"We're right in the middle of nowhere, and that's just the way I like it, I'll be back in a couple of hours"

Trench didn't say anything else and started jogging. After three days in bed, his muscles were aching for activity. The zebra paid close attention to his surroundings, he had seen forests before... in pictures, but to be really in one, to feel the cold humid air, the strong scent of the pine trees and the singing of the birds. He suddenly stopped in his tracks and kneeled to feel the ground, even the soil had a different texture. Trench felt a mixture of emotions, this place was calm and beautiful, relaxed and peaceful. But at the same time it was a place he had never been in, it was a scenario he was not familiarized with, and that made him feel uneasy. A couple of minutes later the uneasiness had disappeared, the zebra was completely enthralled by his surroundings, he was enjoying his jogging so much that he didn't even realized he had been running for several hours.

"Damn" he thought "Flask is probably calling the captain telling him I ran away"

He started running back to the cabin. Despite being miles away, he knew exactly where he was. It took him at least another hour to reach the cabin. The lights were already on and the front door was open.

Trench entered the house, went straight to the kitchen and poured himself a glass of cold orange juice with vodka, he could hear water running in the second floor and guessed the hippo was taking a shower. Trench noticed he was totally soaked in sweat.

"I guess I could use another bath too"

He finished his drink and silently went upstairs, wanting to surprise Flask. He stood outside the bathroom door and peeked inside. His jaw dropped when he saw what the hippo was doing.

Flask was leaning against the wall, letting the warm water splash all over his chest, his left hand was gently rubbing his hardened left nipple, his right hand was holding his impressively thick and long member. Hip's eyes were closed and his moans filled the room. Trench stood transfixed, watching his partner masturbate. His first thought was to leave and give the hippo some privacy, but his body refused to move and his eyes remained glued to the hippo's impressive cock. Being a zebra, Trench knew he was at least as endowed as the hippo was, in fact, he noticed his jogging short were becoming uncomfortably tight. Hip opened his eyes for a split second, immediately noticing the zebra standing on the door.

"Trench!" said Hip stopping his motions but still holding his dick "I thought you were gone"

"I told you I was going for a jog, I guess I didn't paid much attention to the watch"

"Well... umm... I'll be downstairs in a few minutes"

Trench just smirked and didn't make any attempt to leave.

"Actually, I was thinking about taking a hot shower myself. Mind if I join in?"

Hip was taken aback, he hadn't expected such comment from Trench, he didn't even noticed the zebra taking his clothes off. It wasn't until he felt Trench's Warm breath hitting his neck that he realized they were both now naked, hard and wet under the warm spray.

"What are you doing?" asked Hip.

"I'm not sure" said Trench "but right now it feels like something I want to do"

The zebra started running his hands through Hip's body, causing the hippo to shudder.

"I know you're going to enjoy it too".

The zebra grabbed Hip's erection and started to slowly stroke it.

Hip slowly recovered from his initial shock. Trench was right, he was actually fantasizing about the bulky zebra a few minutes ago. Hip mimicked Trench's actions and his hands soon found the zebra's hard cock. Trench noticed his hand could barely circle the thick hippo's penis, as far as length goes, Trench had the upper hand, but Flask was definitely the winner in the thickness department. Hip felt Trench's hands on his shoulders as the zebra gently pushed him down. Without a second thought Hip got on his knees on the warm and wet floor, he took the zebra's throbbing length in his hands and started stroking the shaft, the flaring head was just a few inches from his muzzle. Hip inhaled deeply and his nostrils filled with the thick, male musk. The hippo's head was starting to spin, the next thing he noticed was something warm rubbing against his cheek, he looked up and saw the need in Trench's expression, he noticed a clear drop of precum at the equine's dick and gave it a tentative lick, causing Trench to moan, Hip opened his mouth and engulfed as much as he could fit of the long organ, his strong throat muscles started working and his broad tongue started playing with the spongy underside.

Trench felt his knees weakening and leaned against the wall, he noticed he had been holding his breath for several seconds now, he exhaled loudly and started scratching Hip behind his small ears. The taste of Trench's cock was overwhelming to Hip, his tongue traced the thick veins that nurtured the pulsing rod, the only thing in the hippo's mind now was to taste the zebra's seed, the hippo's broad muzzle sealed tightly around the pole of flesh and Hip sucked with abandon, his right hand holding the base of the shaft, squeezing softly, his left hand slowly stroking his own engorged member, spreading the copious amount of pre flowing from it.

Trench felt his heart racing, he moaned and squeezed Hip's shoulder to let him know his orgasm was near. The hippo redoubled his efforts, one of his calloused hands groped Trench's low hanging balls and gave them a soft squeeze.

The zebra neighed and dug his hands in the hippo's flesh. Hip felt the first volley of sticky sap hitting the back of his throat, he immediately backed off and received the next blast directly in his tongue. The taste was strong, rich, and strangely, not as salty as Hip has hoped. Trench's orgasm seemed to last forever. Finally, the zebra withdrew his cock from the wonderful mouth, Hip couldn't avoid to give one last lick at the wonderfully tasting organ.

Trench helped Hip to his feet, getting a good dose of cum breath once they were face to face, he took the hippo's painfully hard cock and gave it a few strokes.

"Let's get dry and go to bed" said the zebra "I'll help you get rid of that"

"You don't have to" said Flask leaning his head against Trench's shoulder.

"I want to" said Trench caressing Hip's muscled back.

Two minutes later, Hip was laying on his back in the soft bed, his dark grey erection jutting proudly between his legs. Trench kneeled between the hippo's legs and gently took the throbbing rod in his hands, he approached his muzzled and inhaled deeply, branding the scent of the aroused hippo deeply in his brain. The zebra lowered his head and darted his tongue out, giving a lick to the hippo's leathery scrotum. Hip gripped the bed sheets and his body tensed, he felt the zebra's broad tongue sneaking its way between his testicles and his inner thigh. The scent was new and strangely alluring to Trench. Every lick and sniff drove him to repeat the action more passionately. He wanted to lick and taste every inch of the hippo's muscled body, for a few seconds he even considered sinking his teeth in the fragrant flesh, he almost felt... like a carnivore. Finally, he could take no more of it and engulfed Hip's leaking erection, reveling for the first time in the taste and texture of the hippo's male organ. His tongue started to explore every bump and vein, burning every millimeter of Hip's cock in his mind, his hands gripped the hippo's rear and started massaging the firm cheeks. Despite being his first time with another male, Trench was causing Hip immense pleasure. His fingers started brushing against Hip's hole every now and then. The hippo clenched it every time he felt the zebra's thick fingers. Trench got curious and he stopped sucking on Hip, his eyes fixated on the puckered ring of flesh. The urge was to strong to resist, he immediately assaulted Hip's opening with licks and kisses, sticking his tongue as far as he could. Hip was moaning uncontrollably, his entire body, his will and emotions, were being controlled by the wonderful tongue probing deep in his ass. Just when he felt he was about to pass out, the wetness in his hole disappeared, but before he could even protest, he felt the spongy flare of Trench's cock.

"Do you want this?" asked the zebra rubbing the head of his erection against Hip's ass and releasing liberal amounts of precum.

"Yeah" moaned Hip "just go slow"

Trench pushed in and both grunted at the same time, one due to the mixture of pleasure and pain and the other due to the incredibly tightness surrounding his cockhead. The bulky zebra continued slowly pushing until his crotch touched Hip's firm ass, he waited a few seconds before withdrawing just an inch, he noticed how every movement he made was answered by another from Hip, every twitch and throb from his cock caused a shudder or moan on Hip Trench basked in the feeling of completely controlling another male trough his cock. He looked at hip's face. The hippo's expression was of utter bliss, his big, square jaw opened from time to time in silent screams, his opened eyes were lost in the infinite, Trench's hands started caressing the bulging muscles on Hip's chest and arms. The zebra leaned and gently kissed Hip. The hippo's painfully hard member was pressed between their bellies, coating them in rivers of precum. Their muzzles parted and Trench bent to take Hip's erection in his mouth, an easy task considering the hippo's size and his own long snout. He placed his right hand on Hip's chest for support and took his cock with the other one, then started bobbing his head up and down. The combined sensations of a thick pole battering his prostate and warm lips enveloping his member, plus the thick scent of male musk and sweat filling the small room had Hip submerged on a pleasure world unknown to him until know. Trench noticed ten continuous stream of precum coating his tongue became thicker and saltier and that made him to try harder to bring the big hippo to climax. His right hand found a nipple and started pinching it. Hip roared as his orgasm over took him, his body tensed and his balls contracted. The first blast was so abundant that it nearly drowned Trench, the zebra barely had time to swallow before another spurt, just as abundant as the first one filled his mouth, he had to let some of it escape, to run down the hippo's convulsing organ, he removed his muzzle from the spurting cock and placed his hand just over the head, the next spurt splashed against his hand and traveled down the hippo's cock all the way down to his testicles, and even further, reaching the equine cock that was still slowly penetrating Hip. The feeling f the warm cream was almost too much for Trench, he released Flask's still spurting member and leaned forward, kissing the hippo and sharing his cum with him, at the same time, he speed up his thrusts until he felt his testicles contracting, he buried all the way in with his mouth still locked to Hip's and released his second load of the day deep inside the Hippo's bowels. They continued kissing for a few more seconds, their upper bodies completely soaked in Hip's semen, their crotches with a healthy mixture of Hip's and Trench's.

Finally, the zebra pulled out and they rolled to their sides, still hugging eachother.

"I'm thinking the captain is going to be pissed about the sheets" said Hip nuzzling Trench's cummy chest.

"Just give me a few minutes and he's going to be pissed about the mattress too" replied Trench.

The next evening they were both curled against eachother in the carpet next to the fireplace. Trench was the first to wake, his ass still felt a little sore, he slowly got up and looked at his surroundings. The captain was definitely going to get pissed about his bed, and the couch, and the table. They had spent the last day fucking in every place of the cabin once the bed was so wet that it became uncomfortable. He looked at the sleeping hippo stirring in the carpet, and suddenly remembered he still had to tell him about the statue he found on Serengeti's list a few days ago. He decided that could wait until they were back. Trench entered his room to look for fresh clothes, he opened a drawer and noticed his gun and a pack of cigarettes inside. Trench realized it was the first time since rehab he had spent that much without smoking or without touching a weapon.

He closed the drawer again and grabbed a pair of pants, he still had four more days before worrying about anything else other than to get he and Hip to make even more of a mess in the captain's cabin.


Once again, i remind you english is not my native language, so you'll probably find one or two errors, point them out to me and i'll gladly fix them.

critiques and comments are welcome too.

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