A simple weekend

Story by Nora Nightwolf on SoFurry

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I started this story for my dear friend OKAMI SON but didn't really finish it until now. I'm dedicating it to her as I await word of her status in the hospital. I pray she gets well soon.

The night was cool when an old pick up rumbled up into the driveway of a three bed and two bad home. The driver sighed as he turned the key killing the engine for the night. Reaching over, he grabbed his briefcase, lunch box and a box of tests that were in need of being graded for his history classes. His slender frame fit his dress shirt perfectly his brownish gray fur accented well against his light blue shirt that was untucked. After opening the door he climbed out, his foot paws touching the ground giving him the traction he needed to get out of is truck. Moving to the hood of the truck he put his gear and lucked up his truck for the night. A cool breeze hit him, going up his untucked dress shirt tickling his spine causing him to shiver. Cursing the breeze he grabbed his gear and began padding up to the door. He was very happy to be home, and was looking forward to cuddling his wife while their pups watched a movie. He approached the door but was wrenched from it by a loud thud from behind the door. Quickly he set down his stuff and unlocked the door opening it.

What greeted him were his two youngest pups Melissa and Kelly, booth giggling because the two were waiting for him to come home. In unison they barked cutely and said hello giggling. Relieved that it wasn't something worse he bend down and opened his arms. Seeing the invitation the two pups got up and raced to him for a hug as he asked how they were doing. They nuzzled and kissed his cheeks saying that they were good and happy that he was home. Kelly being the youngest and the only male of the litter was dressed in his older sister's hand me down dress that was meant to be Melissa's. He had blonde fur and and a white underbelly and was definitely a tom-girl. Melissa had black and purple fur and was a tomboy opting to wear her brothers clothes instead of the dresses that her older sisters Rebecca and Zoey had given her. She often stole Kelly's clothes and replaced his with her's.

With the two pups chuckling in his arms, he released them and told them to run along while he grabbed his stuff padding into his home. Closing and locking the door behind him, he set his gear down and moved to the kitchen where he could already smell food being cooked for dinner. "Oh do I smell turkey?", he thought to himself as he entered the kitchen to see his wife Lilly and his oldest daughter Alissa making dinner. His wife was a rabbit standing at five feet three inches tall with the purest of white fur her body was almost that of a Goddess, at least to him she did. He had to force himself to stop staring at his wife to greet his step-daughter who was a mixed wolf blonde fur and whose father was questionable. He reached out and touched their shoulders causing them to jump a little as they were in their own little world. His wife squealed and seized up at his touch while his daughter just screamed softly. They both turned and looked at him with puffed up faces unhappy with him. He lifted his paws in a defensive posture as he apologized profusely seeing that they had two skillets full of turkey meat being cooked. He decided to give them both a quick peck on their cheeks before leaving to go take a quick shower to clean himself of the days dirt and grime.

Padding down the hall he heard two daughters Zoey and Rebecca, both wolves and rabbit hybrids, playing in his office. He smiled as he opened the door and stuck his head in sniffing the air for their scent. "Their hiding under my desk as usual" He thought to himself as he turned on a light. He saw a paw move into the darkness under his desk. He pretended not to notice as he padded through the room as he pretended to look for the two girls in obvious places, before he slowly made his way to his desk. Before he got to his desk though he stopped in the middle of the room and made a pose that said "hmm... I wonder where they are hiding?". He turned to his desk his ear twitching as he heard giggling coming from it. He couldn't help but to crack a small smile as he padded over and pulled out the chair quickly saying "Gotcha!". The two girls squealed and laughed as they were besieged with tickles from their father. Unbeknownst to him though, Kelly and Melissa had wondered down the hall hearing the giggling of their siblings and father. The two of them looked at each other and giggled before running up and jumping onto their father's back.

He felt himself being covered with something realizing that his pups had done a surprise attack. Going with the fun he pretended to be the giant and fall as the pups just crawled over him trying to tickle him. He laughed as he was tickled and sometimes kicked by them. They stopped when their mother came in wiping her paw on her apron telling them that dinner was done and to go wash their paws. Still chuckling he got up and shooed his pups off to the bathroom so they would wash their paws. Still chuckling he arose and patted himself down, his wife padding up to him and giving him a proper kiss welcoming him home. He wrapped her in a tight hug as they stood there in their own little world. That is until it was broken by the sound of "ewwww's" coming from the hallway, which broke them of their kiss. The looked over as their pups giggled and made faces at them while their elder sister stood over them rolling her eyes at them. Still holding each other they kissed again just to mess with their young ones, who in response ran down the hallway going "eww! Kissing's gross!". Alissa just stood there with a look on her face that said "really?" before she too padded down the hallway to the dining room. His wife looked up at him and gave him a quick peck and told him to go wash up for dinner. She turned and padded away from him, knowing that he was watching, she put a little more hip into her step as she got to the doorway. Looking over her shoulder she looked at him, her eyes full of desire towards the wolf that stood in the middle of the room. He smiled back as he loosened his tie and showing off his chest a little. The gesture received a blush and a desired filled giggle from his wife before she padded off towards the kitchen and the hungry pups.

After watching his wife leave, he cleaned up his office a little before heading towards the kitchen to wash his paws for dinner. As he entered the kitchen, he had to stop and just admire how quiet his wife could get all the pups before dinner. Amused he quietly padded past his family and washed his paws before taking his seat at the head of the table. Upon sitting though, chaos began as the pups began fighting for food and making a mess of the once clean table top. Sighing softly at how the peace and quiet was now shattered he began to fill his plate with turkey meat and vegetables while his wife and eldest daughter fought to keep the pups from killing one another over the food. Silently he munched on his portion watching as Zoey and Rebecca fought over who had to eat the evil broccoli tonight. Looking at the other side, he watched as Melissa stole some of Kelly's meat while his mother was cleaning his face of Bar-Be-Que sauce. He chuckled as he saw his saw Kellly look back down and observe that half of his meat was missing and that his sister Melissa suddenly had a larger portion. Being a mischievous one he quickly tricked his sister into looking somewhere else while he stole all his meat back. When Melissa looked back and saw that her prized meat was gone and that her little brother had stolen it back, she looked at him with an irritated face of defeat. Kelly just stuffed his cheeks and smiled at her in response.

Chuckling to himself he looked as his eldest daughter fought with Zoey and Rebecca trying to get them to eat their vegetables, while his wife just sat their rubbing her temples in frustration at the chaos. He smiled at her when she looked up at him, while he munched on a big piece of cheese covered broccoli. This in turn got a puffy irritated face from his wife as she stuck her tongue out at him. He just kept smiling as he munched happily.

Once the food was all gone, he helped with getting the dishes cleaned while his wife took the pups into the bathroom for their baths. Alissa stayed behind and helped him clean and put the dishes away while telling him about her day at school. They chatted and joked amongst themselves until he heard his wife scream. Quickly he put down the plate he had been washing and put the towel over his shoulder as he ran down the hallway to the bathroom. What greeted him was a soaking wet rabbit and a bath tub full of laughing pups. He leaned against the door frame as he chuckled offering his now irritated wife the towel to dry off with. Again his wife's cheeks puffed up indignantly as she took the towel and dried off her face telling Alissa to finish cleaning the pups while she took a shower. Helping his wife up and getting the towel back he went back to the kitchen and finished cleaning the dishes.

He had just finished putting the last plate up in the cupboard when he turned around and saw his wife with a towel around her body as she dried her fur. She looked up seeing him just stand their and stare at her. She blushed at the display happy to know that she could still please the wolf with just her appearance. Giggling she padded up to him kissed him deeply before telling him that Alissa had put the pups to bed finally and was taking her own shower. He took full advantage of the setting and wrapped his wife in a deep hug as he kissed her letting her know how much he cared for her. They broke the kiss a small strand of saliva linking the two of them together before breaking. Their eyes were full of desire for the other, but they knew they had to wait until the Alissa was in bed before they could get too excited. That didn't stop him however from scooping up his wife and carrying her down the hall like a princess to their bedroom where he laid her down gently. His wife laid their in a very beautiful pose before reaching up for him. He leaned down and was accepted by her loving embrace as they kissed once more before cuddling waiting for the last of their children to go to bed.

However their dreams were short lived by the sounds of the birds singing the next morning.


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