The Outsiders. An all hallows eve story. Chpt 1.

Story by Roofles on SoFurry

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The Outsiders

Chapter One

By Roofles

The cool fall weather had finally set in. The road down the dirt path was ablaze with fire as the autumn leaves blew high above, falling every now and then, spilling over the road and lighting up with the rising sun far off in the distance. The sun just now began to poke its head up over the hills. Jayden had turned down the music on his truck, rolled down his windows and was staring out through the thicket he was now driving through.

It had taken several hours to get here from the big city. Breaking off finally from the highway, he managed to hit the country side - using his GPS to find the old house - he turned onto said dirt road with twin columns of trees lining each side, like an arch way that stretched as far as the road itself. It brought a soft smile to his face as he rested back, slowing the truck down a bit and just drifting through the path.

"The city has nothing on this." He mused looking off to the side of the road to see a small family of deer out. The smallest looked as if it had been born just that spring and still even months later stayed close to its mother, like a small duckling than that of a deer.

Jayden smiled at that. The cute family. And it made his smile slowly fade away as he turned back towards the road and drove the rest of the way in silence, not even bothering to turn the radio back on. He barely got reception out here as it was.

It wasn't a surprise. It wasn't unexpected. It was one of those things you don't think about however, why he was coming out to this place. Something that you know is coming sooner rather than later, and yet still when he got the phone call he wasn't prepared. What does one say on the matter? He had just taken a seat on his sofa during the whole phone call. It didn't take long from there to get his things packed up, taking a vacation from work and head out here into the middle of nowhere to sort matters how. Jayden knew he had taken his sweet time, a part of him not wanting to come out here again. After it all. Even if he knew he had too in the end, for his own sake.

The old two story house was as it had been back in the day. A faint sky blue, the paint chipping at every corner and peeling from every board. The white frames of the windows had dulled down to a grayish color beaten by the elements over the years and some of the blinds were missing all together. Others just had strips of wood, lost during several storms over the years. It was an old place; even still as he pulled up the man had to taken a moment to soak it all in.

This place had a history to it.

"I'm home." He said aloud, to no one in particular in the empty house. His voice echoed through the walls as the door opened up. It still had a screen door on the front of it, even if one of the latches had rusted through.

Jayden stood there in the doorway, reaching up to touch the frame. He traced down it's length until he felt something. There were still small notches a couple of feet up from the bottom. Names had been crudely written and faded with time next to them. One of which read, barely legible, Jayden.

That brought another small smile to his face. Something he knew he'd be experience for some time to come. Small pieces, memories drifting back, seeping from the very walls around him of times long since gone. Jayden almost moved aside as he looked down the central hallway somehow expecting to see a pair of children, one in a sundress and the other in Sunday cloths, running down it together. Laughing together. And heading outside to the old swing in the front yard. The rope had finally rotten through, leaving it dangling on a single string these days. It swayed softly in the breeze bringing him back to the present.

The creaking sound of it with the wind was all he could hear in this place now.

Jayden looked out over the yard. It was a mess, not that someone had done anything with this place over the years. Time had taken a harsh turn on this place instead. Weeds grew out of control, most of the grass was yellow and circles of mushrooms grew here and there. Twigs and branches were still scattered about from the summer storms; the lawn hadn't been raked once over the summer and the leaves were beginning to mulch still soggy from the rain this morning. Negligence could be one of the worse things done to a house after all.

He shook his head, clearing his thoughts and gave a gruff sigh. "This is going to be harder than I thought." He spoke aloud once more stepping back outside and looking up at the cloudless blue sky. Jayden took a moment. A torrent of thoughts churning inside his skull, nothing he could pick out. Just a bunch of mixed emotions over everything.

He nearly jumped as a body moved past his leg, bumping into it and giving it a good rub before darting outside. Jayden nearly cursed, holding his chest as he watched the fat black tomcat escape off into the yard.

"Muttons." He muttered shaking his head at the black cat that didn't even look back at him. "Three years and you still haven't changed." And with that his resolve hardened and he made his way to his truck. If the cat could stand staying here, so could he. If only for a couple of weeks.

His ride was that of an old rusty red pick up truck with a white border. It was dented, bruised, beat up and looked as if it had just came out of the impound with the license plate missing and a piece of paper taped to the inside of the window serving as a replacement. It was old and used and yet Jayden had never had a more reliable vehicle in his life. In the light it looked almost orange rather than red from the fading paint on it.

He unlocked the passenger side, not even bothering to roll the window up, and grabbed his bags from the seat. Out here in the middle of nowhere he doubted such need as locking up in the morning was necessary, something he wouldn't even think about back in the big city.

Tossing one bag of his shoulder, he bent down to grab the other, hauling both inside and giving everything a once over.

"A lot of work, indeed." He just grumbled as he opened the screen door; it tilted to one side as he closed it behind him. Likewise he didn't bother to shut or lock the front door as he headed further inside.

The staircase was right next to the door, a long hallway stretched in front of the door leading all the way to the back door and breaking off to the laundry room, basement, kitchen and pantry. To his right was the living room. All the furniture had large white sheets tossed over them and each one was already gathering dust. They looked more like bodies from a crime scene that furniture. The curtains had been drawn shut and everything was cast into an eerie darkness.

That was the first thing to go, Jayden just told himself as he dropped his bags down right there and marched over to the window, tossing the large bed sheet sized curtains open. Light poured in and things were already beginning to cheer up.

Next thing was to take those cloths off the furniture. He'd dust everything off later, but for now just wadded each sheet up. He faked a dripple as if they were a basket ball down the hallway, Jayden jumped back feigning to shoot a three pointer and scored, tossing them into the woven hamper next to the washer and dryer. Old ancient machines that somehow managed to survive World War 2, Jayden just chuckled at that. He shook his head knowing what a pain they would be to actually use. Might be easier to just hand scrub everything and put them out to dry on the line outside.

He stretched and turned back around. His pocket buzzed; fishing the phone out of his pocket he flipped it open as he made his way into the kitchen to see if everything not nailed down was still around.

"Y'ello?" He said casually keeping his phone on his shoulder and the side of his face as he rummaged through the cupboards.

"Hey," a female voice came from the other line. "How goes it? You there yet?"

"Only for about ten or so minutes now." Jayden replied. "Did you know Muttons was still around?" He said only making conversation. His sister took a moment on the other line before laughing, she and him had the same full body laugh inherited by their father and reinforced by being twins.

"No." She chuckled. "No, I did not know that old fat cat was still alive. Still catching mice?" She went on.

"Nope." And they both shared a laugh.

"So not much has changed?" She chuckled along. There was a moments pause after as they both let that sink in. Jayden pulled one of the cups down and set it on the counter, just taking a moment as both were lost in thought. "Do you need me to come down?" She asked softly.

"No. I can handle it, thanks though, sis." Jayden said softly in turn. "How are you and Pete doing?" He asked wanting to just change the subject. Jules was more than happy to change the subject.

The two talked long into the morning as Jayden just went around trying to sort, clean and dust off everything. Neither of them had talked in some time and this whole fiasco had gotten them texting and calling one another more than they had within the past three years. They both knew this was one sliver of light within all this darkness, neither wanted to be the one to point this out. It was hard to be a cup half full kind of person when there was a death in the family.

"And he just got a promotion, so we're going to dinner this Friday night to celebrate." Jules went on and Jayden nodded on his end.

"Sounds nice." He finished resting back against the counter.

There was a moments pause. "What about you and...Rick, was it?" She asked from her end already knowing the answer.

Jayden closed his eyes, resting his head back. "You can guess, heh." He said softly not thinking about it much. It was fun. Fun only lasts so long though and from the start they knew that. Still didn't mean it ended well.

"That bad?" She had to ask. "Do you need me..." She was about to ask but Jayden was already shaking his head.

"Nah, it's fine. Really. You know how it goes." And he chuckled a bit. "The fresh air of the country helps a lot, clear my head. I can focus on this. It's a nice...distraction from it all. Don't want to get all sulky an emo on you."

"Ok." Was the flat reply he got. "You know I'm always here..." She said barely in a whisper now. She hugged herself looking away from her fiancee and headed outside to be alone.

"I know. I am too." Jayden replied and both took a moment on that. "Look, I got to get things up an running if I want to be able to eat tonight." He chuckled, brushing a tear away...brought on by the dust of course. "So..."

"I'll text you later then." She said far more cheerfully and the two parted with a talk with you later. Both omitted the "I love you," or "loves." And it wasn't lost on either of them. Life was never so easy.

Jayden shook his head, slapped both his cheeks with his hands and then grunted jumping up, get the blood flowing once more. He punched a few times in the air in front of him, jogged about to get everything sorted and to clear his head then headed out to set up before shutting the door and heading out to his car. He didn't want to stop, to let those thoughts sink in. He had a mission. That was the best way to keep himself focus.

The whole drive he kept going over the list in his head, time and time again.

It took longer to get to the town from where he was now staying, even with the help of his handy dandy GPS. Most the stores were still opening, half of which were closed down for good and the rest looking as if they never knew what the word closed meant. The supermarket looked as if it had been built with the cold war in mind, practically an above ground bomb shelter. It had off brands of off brands but stocked with more than survive a nuclear war in fact. It only really took one stop to get what he needed, a supermarket that sold power tools?

"Have to love the country." Jayden just chuckled, shaking his head as he pulled up back to the house a good two hours later. The truck sputtered a bit before wheezing as it turned off.

It was already noon by the time it took him to get all the groceries in. Deciding, due to where he was, it was best to make a giant batch of sweet tea with lemon.

The electricity still worked. The water was running and the place hadn't collapsed in on itself yet, what could possibly go wrong? He laughed at the idea as he took a seat at the old piano stashed in the corner of the living room where normally a tv set would be. He was glad he brought so many books to read with him.

"Been a while." He muttered cracking his fingers. It took him a good ten minutes just to wash off the keys, dust everything off and find the old music sheets he had used as a kid. Even before a finger pressed against a single key, a large paw stepped up onto the back porch. The floor boards creaked under its weight, the sound of it was silenced under the flow of music that began to fill the air.

Music seemed to bring life back into the place, sunlight pouring into the room as Jayden's fingers scrolled over the keys and a large body moved down the hallway towards the sound in slow steady, powerful steps.

Amber eyes burned in their sockets as they watched the man play from around the corner in the hall. It stood there without moving, ears perking up at the sound as Fur Elise filled the room. The classic echoing up and down the halls and to the rafters of the building as Jayden played one of the few songs he actually knew how too.

Until one of the keys hit a sour note and the two of them winced as it was pressed.

Jayden pushed the note a few more times, wincing each time. "Damn, I'll have to get it re-tuned." And he sighed turning around with his drink, about to take a sip and then promptly spilling it over his front.

"Ah, sorry. Didn't mean to startle you." The man said from the hallway giving him a wave. "Front door was open an I heard the music and just..." he explained offering a hand. "Names Logan. One of the neighbors pointed out that someone was coming over here. Used to be the gardener. Thought I'd make sure the place wasn't being robbed..." He explained still with an offered hand.

"Forgot how nosy small towns can be." Jayden said without any real disdain to his voice, just an annoyance for his own clumsy mistake. He wiped his chest off, offered the same hand before switching over to the other dry one. "Jayden. I'm a relative of..." He kind of half-shrugged just gesturing to the house itself.

Logan nodded, and gave his hand a strong shake. His fingers were coarse, that of a country boy that worked with his hands often. Strong fingers curled around Jayden's giving them a good squeeze but relaxed a second after.

"Didn't know she had family." Logan just replied letting go. He looked around the room a bit, his nose twitched from the dust.

"Yeah," Jayden got up and headed over to open the window to air things out. "She was like that." He muttered a bit sticking his head out to clear his head. "She was like that..." He muttered some more, closing his eyes and letting the cool breeze wash over his face. A minute later he turned back around attempting to wipe the spill drink off his chest, grumbling a bit over the matter.

The other man was a few inches taller than Jayden was, who was just shy of Six foot. He looked about the same weight but even in the loose shirt he wore, it was clear where the difference in weight came from. Logan looked like a farm boy. Strong arms that could easily lift hay bales and farm equipment. His chest was sturdy and his carpenter pants were stretching a bit as if a size too small, leaving little to the imagination. Jayden tried not to stare.

Logan was far more rugged than the type of people Jayden was used too. He had a five o'clock shadow even in the morning, his arms were hairy and from the top of his shirt Jayden could make out a bit of fuzz. Logan's hair was shaggy and fell over his eyes slightly. They didn't breed his kind of man back in the city, that was for sure.

Logan gave him a look. Jayden cleared his throat. "Want some sweet tea? Freshly made." He offered unable to meet those amber eyes.

"Sure." He just gave a half nod, looking off to the side once more his nose twitching a bit.

"We can go outside, let the place air out." Jayden said figuring that was the issue. Logan just gave a nod and headed out the back door without another word. Jayden stared for a second or two before chuckling and shaking his head. "Have to love the country." He repeated with a smile and headed into the kitchen.

He fixed a few quick baloney sandwiches, tossed some chips onto the plate next to them and a couple of glasses of tea he was out the back screen door that didn't shut behind him. In fact it looked as it hadn't been closed in years.

"Wasn't sure if you were hungry or not, I am." Jayden just shrugged taking a seat on the other side of the white wicker table and in one of the identical chairs Logan was sitting in. The other man had his leg kicked up, his dusty brown boots tilted to the side. "Just nice not to eat alone." Jayden added at the silence he got from the man who looked down at the plate, a single sandwich and some chips sitting on it. "Feel free to have as much as you like, I can always make more." Jayden said if only to try to spark up conversation. He wondered if it was common for people to just come into your house here. Let alone be rather anti-social.

"She never said she had relatives." Logan just repeated looking up from his plate at him, amber eyes burning.

"Don't we all?" Jayden just shrugged with a chuckle. "My grandma wasn't much of a talker. My mum must've inherited it from her. You know her well?" Jayden only asked after taking a rather long drink and not making eye contact, those amber eyes were a bit eerie. They were almost animal.

"Nope." Was the flat reply he got.

Logan had been somewhat welcoming at first and now things had taken an odd turn. Jayden felt as if he were being put on the spot, as if the other man assumed he was someone else than who he said he was. Jayden wished he had brought his wallet with him out here so he could at least show him his ID.

Logan sniffed a bit before shaking his head, he rubbed his brow with one of his large hands. "Sorry, don't worry about it." He said as if reading Jayden thoughts. "It's just been a while..."

"A couple months, yeah." Jayden nodded figuring he meant the loss of the houses previous owners. Death was never an easy thing. "I wasn't able to get down until now though." He said more for his own benefit than to explain himself. If he told himself that enough, maybe then it'd eventually become truth.

"Oh, I meant talking with someone." Logan said looking over at him, he relaxed a bit and gave a weak, somewhat awkward smile.

"About this?" Jayden said clearly missing the undertone Logan had been going for. Jayden nodded though once more just chalking it up to the funeral and everything. "I haven't talked about it with anyone other than my sister. She and I... Well she's the only one I actually talk to, of my family." He added at the end looking over at his companion.

"Same." Logan said but then frowned a bit. "I mean same about not talking with family." Jayden nodded and looked over the back yard once more.

"It's just not something you bring up. Specially not at work." Jayden droned off for a moment thinking about it. "I'm just..." He shrugged relaxing back and picking up a chip. "Not the kind of guy that goes blabbing on about such things." He took a bite and shook his head. "I mean how the hell do you even start that conversation? Who would do that to a coworker?" And he chuckled a bit having been on the receiving end a few times in fact where coworkers just puked their drama out onto his lap.

Logan just stared for a few seconds before looking down at his food. He grabbed the whole sandwich with a large hand, crushing it in his grip and ate half of it in a single bite. It was an... uncomfortable sight. Like seeing a man that had just taken the bandages off an injured hand for the first time in a year, still readjusting or even getting comfortable with using his fingers.

Jayden didn't stare just noticed it, looking away. It might've just been that. An old injury that happened while working.

"What are you doing here?" Logan asked, it sounded more of an accusation. It was lost on the man however. Jayden knew this conversation was just going to be that way.

"The house is technically now in my name. I was planning on going through everything, fixing it up a bit and maybe... selling it?" Jayden just half shrugged though. "Unsure fully what we wanted to do with it."

"We?" Logan asked perking up at that.

"Me and my sister." Jayden clarified with an understanding smile. It was like talking to a kid with Aspergers. Just a slight communication barrier between them that only expanded the more they talked.

Still Jayden found the company good and had no complaints, even if he had to explain things far more literally than he was normally used too. And it was more of a one sided conversation by the end of it. He even got Logan another sandwich and chips as the man basically just stared at the empty plate without asking for more.

"The whole house needs to be re-painted." Jayden went on sitting back down. "Probably use the same blue and white actually, I like 'em. The frames need fixing and the doors greased...bolted...and I'll just buy new hinges. Maybe new doors." He chuckled and just shrugged a shoulder at the look Logan gave him around another mouthful. The man wolfed down his second helping, and ended up finishing what Jayden didn't after he gave him the go ahead. "I need to sort out the boxes in the attic. Go through the ones in the basement, cloths in the room and well... A lot of stuff needs to be gone through." He chewed that over. Lots of memories to sift and lots of things to haul out to the dump. Or just burn on the spot. Even with his truck it'll be a lot of work, he knew already.

"I can help." Logan gave a one shoulder shrug as Jayden looked at him.

"T-that'd be great!" He smiled at the man, caught by surprise. He honestly hadn't been trying to get him to offer his help. As he talked everything over he himself was just sorting things out in his head, what needed to be done and in what order. "I mean it's not going to be easy. I can pay you the same price my mum did." He added in.

"Cool." Was the half-ass response he got. There was a moments pause.

"How much was it?" Jayden asked with a little bit of a frown. He chuckled though, smiled and shook his head. He didn't mind. He was just glad he had company. If Logan hadn't come along, within the day he would've called his sis back to see if she could at least visit while he was here.

Logan gave him a look then lifted up the empty plate. "This much." And Jayden laughed, covering his mouth. Logan just looked at him. Jayden shook his head though, taking a minute to calm down.

"That's sounds about right. Makes you work your ass off," Jayden waved it off before Logan could ask. "I mean work you hard... an only pay you a sandwich and some chips. Now that sounds like my mum!" He chuckled some more. Logan watched him. "I'll double the payment then." Jayden finished with and that made Logan brighten up.

"Sounds good to me!" He nearly growled in approval, smiling broadly.

"Where are you at anyways?" Jayden asked getting up and collecting the dishes. "House wise." He made sure to correctly add on.

"I live behind yours." Logan just stated. Jayden looked out into the vast back yard, trying to see any signs of other housing or neighbors in general and spied nothing. It was an overgrown mess like the front yard. The old tire swing lay in the grass, half buried amongst the overgrown weeds. It made it hard to see let alone with the thick orchard around them

"Cool." Jayden just replied, frowning a bit before giving a nod. "That works out well. Can come over early then and we can get started, be nice to have your company." Jayden just gave a smile before heading in with the dishes.

"We should get the shutters up now then." Logan said coming in from behind him. He wore boots but they didn't even seem to make a sound as he padded into the kitchen. "Need help?" He asked and Jayden took a second to realize he was talking about the dishes.

"Oh, it's good. I can manage a few dishes." Jayden chuckled. "Why shutters?" He asked looking at the man now who was leaning against the yellow flower wallpaper. It was an old ugly thing Jayden's mother had picked out. It would be one of the first things to go.

"It's going to rain tonight. Storm's coming in from the East." Logan said as if just finishing watching the news. He seemed more certain than the newsman ever was. It was hard to argue and they did have a couple hours of sunlight left.

Jayden didn't realize how much time had passed with them just sitting around talking. It took some time to find nails that weren't rusted over, the right tools and then the step ladder, along with the work itself... It easily took up the rest of the afternoon and it wasn't even Seven when the sun was setting.

Jayden was nearly sweating by the end of it. He wasn't out of shape by any means but there was a difference between working and physical labor. Logan didn't even seem to be able to sweat as he hopped down off the ladder next to him. Jayden made sure to give him thanks once more, offering him some additional food as a reward.

"Can you play the music again?" Logan asked as Jayden headed into the kitchen. He popped the freezer open and pulled out a few hamburgers. He planned to freeze most his food, thinking he'd be the only one actually eating it.

Logan speech was slightly off but Jayden paid it little mind.

"Sure. Let me make some food first and I can play a bit more. Hopefully something that doesn't need that busted key." Jayden chuckled lightly as he pulled his sweater off and tossed it over on the couch. The work had made things rather warm and now that the sun was down, all the windows and doors were shut. "Would you mind grabbing some fire wood in the back?"

Logan just nodded without a word and headed out.

Rummaging in a few of his things, Jayden pulled out a George Forman grill and smiled at the over sized family model. At least now he had a reason to buy such a thing. It didn't have a drip tray so he just stuffed a half dozen paper towels underneath and soon had three patties sizzling on it.

Things seemed to calm down an Jayden never really questioned why Logan had stuck around, just enjoying the company. He made sure to text his sister later on, even telling her a bit about his new neighbor. And soon the fire was crackling and the whole house had it's light turned off nothing more than the fire providing any light.

Logan took a seat behind Jayden as he tested out the keys and tinkered with the insides. There wasn't much to do when he visited in the past and he tended to get rather accustomed to the piano. Within minutes he found a way to play, substituting the key for another, and even with the slightly off pitch he began playing one of the sheet music he found.

Bagatelle No.25 in A minor began to fill the room, another classic of Beethoven. Most of the sheet music seemed to be pieces of his work and Jayden had no problem going over them, taking a bit of time on some of the pieces as it had been a couple of months since he had attempted to play.

The whole time, unnoticed, a massive canine curled up behind him. On the floor, taking up the whole rug and snoozed lightly as the man continued to play.

Maybe it was the lack of a radio or tv or computer that had the man enraptured in the music he didn't even notice anything around him. It had been ages since he played and while he played it allowed him to clear his thoughts. To think and at the same not too.

"It's been ages since I played the piano." Jayden finished with, shutting the protector over the keys and stretching his arms. He yawned. "Been a long day." He muttered getting up and stretching some more.

Logan got up at the same time.

"What time should I see you in the morning?" Jayden said with another loud yawn. "Ah, excuse me." He covered his mouth as another one snuck up on him. "Damn, sleepier than I thought. Tomorrow, if you wanted to help out. That'd be great." He said to the man.

Logan gave him a look. A shrug and a nod.

"Cool." Jayden finished with. "You need a lift home?" Logan shook his head. "Alright, I'll see you tomorrow then." There was an awkward moment of silence as neither moved. Logan looked over at the sofa for several moments then to Jayden.

"You want to just crash here for the night?" Jayden asked a bit uncertain at the silent treatment he was getting. Logan gave a shrug. "Well I can get some blankets and stuff."

"Thanks." Logan said as Jayden turned around. It came out more of a growl and Logan coughed a few times after, holding his throat and motioning to the kitchen to get a drink. Jayden gave a nod before heading up the stairs.

He hadn't exactly cleaned the upstairs yet and several more white sheets covered the furniture and even the bed, creating a ghost town. In the darkness without any light other than that of the flickering bulb in the hall way, Jayden thought it best to crash down stairs with Logan. He'd tackle the master bedroom another night when it wasn't in the dead of night.

With a bunch of large blankets and pillowed, Jayden made his way down into the living room where the large dog was seated, waiting for him.

Jayden dumped everything onto the sofa looking over and then gave a startled yelp.

"Shit," he cursed looking at the dog. He looked up and then around. "Hey Logan?" He called out but only silence met him. So Jayden crouched down on his knees and offered a hand. "Hey there, big fella'. Sneak on in here, did ya?"

The canine had to be part wolf with it's size. A massive body like that of a small bear rather than a dog. It's fur was like the autumn leaves outside. A burning reddish brown mane of fur covered it's whole body. The dog looked at him with burning ambers eyes.

"Hey, Logan?" Jayden asked resting back on his feet and leaning backwards to look down the hall. He saw the back door opened and grumbled. He pet the side of the dog head a few times, scratching behind those pointed ears. Jayden sighed and shook his head, got up and headed down the hall to shut the door.

He shut and locked the door, turning into the kitchen. "Lo-," he barely got out before seeing the man standing behind him. "Shit!" Jayden jumped slightly and chuckled, shaking his head. "You see the dog?"

"What dog?" Logan asked him wearily, lifting an eyebrow and leaning back a bit.

"In the living room."

"There wasn't a dog in the living room." The man said looking behind him now and then back. "You feeling ok?" He asked.

"Y-yeah. Yeah. Must just be tired." Jayden blinked a few times feeling his mind become fuzzy on the subject. He shook his head. "Yeah. I guess I'm just far than I thought." He muttered a bit, before yawning loudly. "I'm going to crash on the sofa. If you don't mind taking the chair." He said moving past and yawning once more.

"No problem." Logan said looking down the dark hallway with amber eyes. "Get some rest," he said heading into the living room.

"Just want to text my sis before bed, is all." Jayden yawned, cursing a bit as he laid back on the sofa, kicking his shoes off. He doubled checked the fire to make sure it was smoldering down to it's remnants. Even before he managed to get through his second message he was out like a light.

"Sheesh," Logan muttered taking a step forward his body hunching over until he was on all fours and powerful paws holding him up. "Took forever." The wolf grumbled. He walked over, muzzle opening slowly.

It's black nose nearly bumped into Jayden's cheek. It sniffed once, moving up to nose at his hair. Muzzle parted, drool trickling down the side and onto the floor. It licked its lips before turning around and collapsing down in front of the sofa, groaning slightly and resting back.

"Too much effort." Logan muttered to himself. "Keeping human shape." A hand fell of the sofa and onto the side of the wolf's face. Amber eyes widen before they slowly closed, that rusty red muzzle bumped into those fingers until they unconsciously scratched at his soft furry cheek. "Worth it..." Logan breathed out a satisfied groan, leg twitching as already dreams of running in the fields took him. Chasing sticks thrown for him.