Outsiders. Chpt 2.

Story by Roofles on SoFurry

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The Oustiders.

Chapter Two

By Roofles

Jayden didn't recall closing the shades, or adding another piece of wood to the fire during the night. He didn't recall sleeping on the floor rather than on the sofa either. And defiantly didn't recall having a giant dog be there with him.

Sometime during the night he must've rolled off and onto the floor, not questioning as to why the blankets were already laid out for him on it. Pillows had been propped up and even with him face first against them he could tell he had been covered up. Somewhat, that is.

Autumn fur like the setting sun cascaded over one portion of his body and served enough to keep him warm during the Fall night where the blanket didn't. It was thick and smelt strongly of the very earth and soil of the ground outside, with a tinge of muskiness to it. It seemed to fill the room like a bowl of incense as if a piece of nature itself had crawled into the room and laid down next to him. Or Jayden had woken up drunk again in the woods.

It moved, this furry body, turned over and with it a large arm came crashing down over Jayden's back. He winced slightly as the heavy thing laid across him. From the corner of his eyes he could make out an open muzzle, slow labored breaths groaning out and washing over the side of his face with the morning breath of a canine.

Jayden groaned as he slowly pushed himself up, feeling stiff as if he slept like the dead. He stretched, that arm still on his back, before turning onto his back and laying back down. The arm just fell over his front as if the dog was the one sleeping like the dead. It snorted and twitched but didn't move otherwise.

"A stray?" Was the first thought to cross his mind. Jayden shook his head. No, he tried to recall. He remembered seeing this dog yesterday, last night? Wasn't it? He held the side of his head, not focusing on the issue and just shaking it off. Whenever he tried his mind grew fuzzy as if he had one too many drinks at the bar.

"Must be a neighbors." Jayden said and for some reason that made sense, to him. He didn't ponder how it got in, why it was here now. Just that it was and that was that. And with that thought it was easy to just roll with.

So he scratched the things head, down it's thick neck and over one of its large shoulders. It had to be part bear, he figured. It was huge, even larger than a saint Bernard. It had no collar around it's neck. No markings and its features were almost feral.

A dog and a wolf had several differences, even Jayden, a city boy, knew that. This canine had a longer snout, pointed ears and sharp features. It's head was larger than any domestic he had ever seen. The legs were long, lean and muscular and the paws large and heavy, one of which was still gripping his shoulder lightly. These legs and paws were made for the outdoors, for nature, for running and hunting. Not for the leisured life of a domesticated mutt.

Jayden had taken his sweater off last night, kicked his shoes off and still had his jeans and shirt from the previous day on. He stunk from having to fix the shutters the other night and felt groggy from the somewhat restful, heavy sleep that had taken him. It had been a long day, the drive alone, yesterday.

"Logan?" He asked aloud, stifling another yawn before it came abound him. He kept scratching the canines side. It felt good between his fingers. That thick pelt was warm and that muskiness clung to his hand.

An ear perked up at his voice and an amber eye opened.

"You around?" He asked, only getting silence in turn. It wasn't silence, per say, it was just the soft sounds of nature waking up for the long day ahead.

Birds chirped outside and the house creaked and groaned softly around him. Light was peeking its head through the curtains and a soft breeze blew from the back door carrying with it the damp smell of rain. And even if he took a second, and just listened, he could hear the faint sound of it falling on the porch and roof above. It was a nice change from the ever bustling, hustling city life that never truly died down. No trains racing by, no cars honking, nothing of the sort but the peacefulness of life itself stirring for a new day.

"Rain," he muttered a bit, yawning this time and resting back. He stretched out, groaning as he did so as the heavy weight at his side stirred. "Is that why you came in here, bud?" Jayden said softly, in a friendly tone one would use for a stray dog.

The weight shifted at that and sat up, just enough to turn its broad head over to look at him. Jayden pulled back slightly as those animal eyes bore into him, unblinking. Then it turned its head to look off to the side, ears perking up and scoped out the whole room as if it's own mind was trying to come back to it.

Jayden slapped a hand on the back of it's head and scratched some more. It's head didn't even move at the action. "It's alright. I won't tell your owner. It'll be our little secret." And he smiled softly as those amber eyes turned back towards him. It's black nose twitched, rocking the whiskers on its face side to side as it stared at him, studying, evaluating and comprehending what he said.

"You hungry, big guy?" Jayden asked as he pushed himself up. He scratched at his chest, and rocked from one side to another until his back popped. The large wolf looked up at him, it's features impossible to read. Jayden crouched down and scratched at that large head, the wolf just let him without moving into the pets or pulling away. It's tail didn't wag, it just laid there looking at him, thoughts running behind those amber eyes.

It was a bit unnerving and Jayden was happy to move into the kitchen away. A dog was friendly, open...dumb, this was anything but. Its features were a mask and those eyes continued to look far too deeply at him, intelligent thoughts running just behind them. Those ears stood up, twisting here and there at the sounds of the world but trained in and focused on Jayden above all else. It's tail didn't wag or move, just drift behind it as it followed him into the kitchen. The floor creaked under it's heavy weight.

Jayden just shook his head, figuring he needed coffee above all else right now. And that was the first thing he began brewing up. He slapped a few more pieces of bologna onto a plate and placed it onto the floor for his four legged companion. It sniffed at it before taking a seat and looking up at him.

"I know it's not a five star restaurant." Jayden chuckled taking a few pieces of bread and dropping them into the toaster. "It's what I got. Cheap is the poor mans food." He added with another chuckle and headed over to the small two person table stuffed into the corner of the kitchen. The shabby green table legs wobbled even when only the dishes were placed onto it.

The wolf snorted at that and moved over to the table, inspecting the chair and Jayden just stared, a bit impressed, as it got up onto it and took a seat, mostly, on it. It faced him then down in front of it, then over at the floor where the plate had been placed.

"Brilliant." Jayden laughed, clapping and getting up. "That deserves a drink, if I do say so myself." He bent down to grab the plate, brought it back to the table and then turned to get some milk out. "Do dogs even drink milk?" He asked the creature turning around.

Jayden found himself jumping again, nearly spilling another drink over himself as it wasn't a canine sitting in the chair but his neighbor, Logan. Who just looked over at him, quirking an eyebrow.

"What?" Logan asked him, looking as if Jayden was the crazy one here.

"How, you, but..." Jayden stammered a bit before chuckling and smiling softly, holding the side of his head. "I thought..." He muttered softly trying to piece things together. His very thoughts became fragmented, broken and scattered.

"Don't think about it then." Logan just said getting up; he helped himself to the glass in Jayden's hand before helping the man to a chair. "I got it." Logan said turning to grab the toast from the toaster. "Early morning without your coffee," he teased the man still rubbing the side of his head. "Got to wake up first."

"Yeah..." Jayden nodded, agreeing and trying to forget about it. As he did the pain in his head faded away and he wasn't sure if it had even been there to begin with. "I didn't think you'd stay the night. Figured you headed home to get change, shower at least." He added looking at the guy still in the same outfit he had been in before. That or it was identical to the one he had on down to every wrinkle and dirt stain.

"Yup." Logan just said in turn bringing the plate over. He hadn't grabbed a mug of coffee and was holding the plate from underneath, using his whole palm to keep it balanced before sliding it onto the table. It was almost as if he couldn't use his thumb. Logan took a seat on the other side of the table, and with both hands, grabbed the cup he had been given. Lapping at the top of the milk with his tongue before setting it down.

"Yeah..." Jayden said and as he thought about it his thoughts became fuzzy once more. So he smiled, shook it off and figured he was right. He just needed his coffee. That was all.

The morning went by quickly after the first three cups. They talked about things that needed to be done, or Jayden did. Logan was a good listener and nodded along as he went seeming to keep interest in the matter. Jayden hadn't been one to actually cook food back home. Prefering pre-made things or insta-something. However with the company, he found himself up and over by the stove making up eggs, bacon and hash browns. Stretching his culinary expertise to the limits already.

Logan had gotten up and dropped the plates and cups into the sink, resting on the counter next to the stove as they continued to talk.

"I plan to just get everything and stash it somewhere before going through the boxes and pictures and all that crap." Jayden went on lightening up. From the corner of his eyes he could make out that rusty brown fur but every time he looked over there was just the man resting against the counter looking at him. Somewhat staring. It was a bit unnerving but the less he thought about it the easier it was to accept. "Fixing up the place so it doesn't fall apart is my major concern."

"It'll last." Logan just stated looking around the house. "Been here for a while now. It went through a few storms and its...solid. Good shelter." He just stated once more looking back over at him.

"Thanks." Jayden smiled in return. "Me and my dad, when he was still around... We spent whole summers coming down here to make sure everything was up and running." And Jayden looked off to the side at the piece of wallpaper that had ripped. "I guess I just let the place go to hell over the years after he died." The food began to burn snapping his attention back to it and he quickly flipped the eggs over. "I'm a better handy-man than I am a cook," he just chuckled, smiling softly down at the food and lost in his own thoughts once more.

Logan gave a nod at that. "Never was too close with my family." He just replied softly looking down at the food sizzling and cooking on the stove, filling the whole kitchen with its smell. The man began to drool a bit.

"Hah, sometimes that's a good thing let me tell you." Jayden chuckled sliding a few eggs and bacon, some hash browns onto a plate and dropping a buttered piece of toast on the whole mess. "Want anything to drink?" He asked spying the nearly empty glass on the table. Only the very bottom still had some in it. Jayden pulled out a fork, then thought better of it, and pulled out a spoon before offering it to the man.

It was easier for Logan to ladle food into his mouth than to try and pick at it with a fork. Logan just nodded a thanks as he went back to the table and tried to get everything set up. Jayden wanted to help but Logan seemed to refuse. The man had his pride, that much was clear.

So Jayden got his own plate set up, got a bowl out and filled it with more milk before taking a seat at the table and sliding the bowl over. It wasn't long before Logan was trying to lick it up.

"So are you going to tell me or not?" Jayden finally asked watching him. There was a sharp stab just above his left eye and he winced at the headache that had come so quickly. Even trying to think about the question that had been bugging him was like waking up with a rather nasty hangover.

"About?" Logan asked looking up, his chin fuzz dripping lightly with milk. Jayden was going to point that out to begin with but decided if he left it open ended, it would be easier. And give Logan a choice in the matter.

"Only if you want too." Jayden just said closing his eyes a bit and taking a slow breath. He relaxed and leaned back. "If not. I won't push the subject further." Jayden made sure to add looking at the man still trying to use a spoon. It wasn't that his hand couldn't it was as if his thumb wasn't functioning properly. Or wasn't there to begin with.

Logan caught his look and lowered his head to look at his hand. He turned it over before chuckling a bit. "I've been practicing, you know. It takes a damn lot of work to get down. A lot of concentration on top of it all." Then he looked up, smirking and those amber eyes burned brightly. "No dog could do something like that."

Jayden took a moment on that, fear lingering inside his chest as those eyes looked at him. He shuddering lightly before he brushed it away, wiping his arms off as if trying to brush the dust from them. "Yeah." He nodded. "Defiantly." He agreed. Unsure what it was exactly he was agreeing on. He winced again at the sharp pain in the back of his head.

"Look," Logan said tilting his other hand over as well and resting back. "I've been around for a while now. I know how this works. If you want to see, I got no problem with that. I'm nobodies lap dog." And he chuckled at that, baring his teeth. "Might bring up a few issues, but I could care less." And he chuckled some more his teeth pointed and angular unable to fit into his mouth properly. "It'd be easier if you don't." And his face soften at that. Those hard, refined features relaxed. "Just smile and play along and everything will just be easier."

"Take the blue pill? Or red?" Jayden chuckled, smiled softly and looked away. "It has been nagging at me. For some time... Only when I try to think about it, though." Jayden said looking down at his plate. "Like trying to recall a dream..." He muttered more to himself, trying bring some kind of rationality to it all.

"That's what I hear..." Logan nodded. "When you try to snoop around you run into a brick wall. If you just go with the flow, you can just float along peacefully. Before being tossed out that is." And he barked a laugh, grinning toothily. "So, pup." He said resting on the table and looking at him. "What's your choice?" And his nose twitched. "As if I don't already know." Logan said with great amusement, the facade breaking and the mask slipping away.

"You know us humans," Jayden said the term to be joking and yet hitting the nail on top of the head. "We're far too curious." And shrugged.

"Too true, too true." And Logan stood up a bit. "Close your eyes." He ordered and Jayden took a moment to look at him.

There was just a man before him. Strong, able-bodied and at his physical peak. Strong arms, power shoulders and a rock hard jaw line that still needed a shave. It was the shadow behind him that rose up high onto the wall, devouring the very corner of the kitchen and a twisted muzzle could be seen, teeth baring and drool trickling between them as it curved up into a smile.

Jayden took a breath, holding it and did as he was told if only to sate his curiosity. This was why the cat died. "How far down the rabbit hole does this go..." He muttered to himself, his eyes closed.

Foul, humid breath washed over his face and he recalled the same thing from that morning. The table creaked as a massive weight was pushed against it. Jayden could hear heavy labored breaths and only tightened his jaw as a hot, heavy tongue lapped up over his face leaving behind it a trail of drool.

"Gah," Jayden pulled back wiping his face off, shuddering from the very feel of it, not expecting that in the least. "Nasty. The hell." He said his eyes popping open to stare into the furry face of a massive wolf, leaning over the table and sitting in the chair on the other side.

"Boo." Logan chuckled, grinning with a fanged smile. His teeth were nearly as large (or larger) than one of Jayden's fingers, they were thick and pointed and pearly white. His fangs rested down on the side of his lower jaw. Black lips lined his muzzle like bold ink outlines. A damp black nose was inches away from Jayden's own and it snorted, breathing another humid gust over his face.

The man took a moment on that. Took another. And then just said, "Wow."

"I've gotten better compliments before." Logan slowly took a seat back and it finally clicked to Jayden. His large paws attempted to grip the sides of the table as he looked back at the seat, moving slowly back to sit on his hunches on it. It was why his movement had been so awkward and...inhuman. His hands weren't that, they were paws. Only a dewclaw up and on the back served as a thumb. Jayden admitted it was impressive how much work he had gotten down without thumbs.

"I've also gotten worse insults." Logan smirked taking a slow heavy breath and just looking at him letting everything sink in. The autumn wolf's muzzle opened, it's tongue curled and words just rolled from the back of it's throat each with a heavy growl to them. One of his legs stuck off the side of the chair, pressed heavily against the floor and was the main thing keeping him from falling.

Jayden kept the laugh to himself. It honestly looked like a dog who was trying to be human, or rather "a wolf in human cloths." Logan perked an ear at that turning both ears towards him, maybe on some unconscious level rather than meaning too.

"That's one way to look at it." Logan said taking one hand to scoop up the bowl and to bring it to his muzzle to lap at. A large tongue curled down into the bowl and within seconds it was drained away. "Whatever makes this easier for you." He went on to say setting the bowl down on the table and turning back to his food. He curled two fingers around the spoon and lowered his head, opening his jaws and just shoveled another large helping into it.

"What...what brought you here? To the house, I mean." Jayden asked one of the hundreds of questions that came to mind. He smiled though at the look Logan gave him, or just at the wolf itself. That made it's ears lower slightly.

"I smelled someone new." Logan just stated.

"And wanted to see who had come into your territory?" Jayden asked trying to keep the laugh to himself. It was more of a giddy, scared kind of laugh than one of genuine humor. He took another slow breath, closed his eyes and opened them once more trying to relax the tension that had gripped his body.

"Something like that..." Logan sat up a bit, grabbing one of the cloth napkins and crudely attempting to wipe his muzzle off. Jayden did laugh at that. So the wolf stopped to look at him.

"Thank you," Jayden replied giving him another smile. "Being a guest with manners, it's not something you see often in the big city. Specially these days." And he chuckled a bit more using a hand to cover his own mouth and laugh.

"I am, if anything, a wolf of high class." Logan pointed out lifting one hand and placing the other on his chest. The chair creaked under his weight and he had to re steady himself with a hand and a foot quickly.

"Ah, yes. I can tell. You enjoy Beethoven after all." Jayden played along happy that they could talk about something.

The wolf ears flickered at that and gave him a look, one full of questioning confusion. It was subtle and Jayden had to read into it greatly to understand that he was asking what he meant.

"The music the other day." Jayden was more than happy to clarify. To think he was having breakfast with a wolf.

"Ah," Logan nodded recalling. He took a moment as if hearing the music now. "It was pleasant. A sound I had not heard in this house for years and years."

Jayden frowned a little, scratching his chin as he thought that over. "I'm the only one who played the piano here." He had to think that over before clarifying.

"I know." Logan just said taking another bite of food. There was a moment pause at that. "I'm going to get some coffee as well." He just said, telling Jayden what he planned to do as he got up, on his hind legs no less, fell over to all four and walked over to the counter in three long strides. Logan knew it best to tell him he was moving before actually moving. Less bed wetting that way.

Logan rose up back onto his hind legs, using a hand to steady himself on the counter and began looking through the cupboards before finding the sugar and, with both paws, pulled it down onto the counter. For a second Jayden thought he was going to use his muzzle like another hand but Logan decided against it.

"Here." Jayden said offering him the bowl he had used for the milk ."No need in dirtying more than need be." And he smiled softly, giving Logan some room to work. He didn't offer him a hand or to grab something for him and it was at that, that Logan nodded his thanks.

It would be one thing to be polite and grab him a drink when he was already at the counter. It would be another to do it for him because he was a canine. That he himself might need slightly more effort in doing a task than it would take Jayden to do it for him. It was an insult, Jayden knew and was thankfully aware of as Logan would be more than happy to enlighten him on the matter if he had so tried too.

Still, it was more Logan who was taken aback than the man who had taken a seat at the table once more to continue his breakfast. Logan was already tense, waiting for the pitchforks and fire to be pulled out and got little reaction in turn. Let alone to actually have breakfast with an animal, even Logan was aware of the bad eating habits his animal self had. It took great effort to use utensils and not to just devour the whole plate whole. He was adjusting to all this far better than he thought or even hoped Jayden would. It was somewhat...disappointing.

"The last person I showed myself too wet himself." Logan said taking careful steps on his hind legs over to the table, setting the bowl back down he carried with both hands before taking his seat once more. The whole sight wasn't lost on Jayden but at the same time he tried not to pay too much attention too it. Or the fact wolf Logan was naked, even if covered in that thick rusty brown autumn fur.

"Really now? Why?" Jayden asked only after swallowing his food, and still using his napkin to cover his mouth.

Logan ears perked up, watching him with those amber eyes studying, reading his expression. "Well most people find me terrifying." He stated as if Jayden wasn't even aware of this.

"Oh, I know." Jayden nodded, Logan lifted an eyebrow tilting his head slightly unsure if he actually did understand or not. He could smell the fear coming from him. More that of a weary animal than a frightened one. "I mean why did you show yourself to someone. To them? To me?" Jayden asked the last part only after setting his fork down and looking at his dinner guest.

"Well..." Logan ears twitched, almost folding back before jumping back up to attention. "Last bastard was trying to cut down a tree in my woods." He chuckled a bit, baring his teeth. "Didn't take much to get him to think otherwise."

Jayden nodded knowing he meant by the woods. It was the orchard behind the house. It didn't take two and two for Jayden to understand the wolf territory was in fact that, it was after all behind the house like Logan had said it was. There was another moments pause as if Logan was trying to let that sink in.

The wolf took his napkin and placed it in his own lap, smoothing it out before going back to what was left of his breakfast. He decided he needed a drink first and lapped at the coffee a few times only after lifting it off the table. There was that moments pause where Logan had to struggle, forcing himself to pick up the bowl rather than bending over to drink it on the table. A feat even Jayden noted and respected him for.

"It's easier like this." Logan explained. Jayden would beg to differ but at the same time figured it was easier, at least for Logan. "And you wouldn't remember it when you left anyways."

"I wouldn't?" Jayden asked now sitting back a bit. Logan eyes looked over at him but only got a soft smile in return.

"Not to be...threatening." Logan spoke slowly still trying to study his features. He could smell the fear wafting from him, the tension and unease and still the man was holding himself rather well given the situation he was in. "It's just how we do things here."

"We?" Jayden asked only after Logan had set the bowl down and gone back to his food.

"You didn't think I was the only one here, did you?" And Logan chuckled, shaking his head as he picked at his food. One of his paws twitched, claws extended down towards the plate as if he was about to toss the spoon aside and just rip it apart. It took another great effort for Logan to restrain himself before he continued. "The whole town is." His voice was almost that of a deep growl and he lowered his head, not meeting the man's eyes.

"I've lived here most my life." Jayden said, but only asked for further clarification. He waited, letting Logan take the time needed to continue the conversation. It was easy for the man to hold a conversation with words. Yet it was a struggle, a difficult task for a beast.

Logan grumbled a bit, chewing on his words trying to think of the way to explain such things so that a human could understand. It wasn't easy. He had spent all morning just enjoying himself, planning on driving the human off once he showed his true colors. Make the house seem haunted or some such nonsense so he would have a place to stay for winter. He hadn't planned for this.

"I know." Logan just offered not meeting his eyes. "I have too."

"The woods?" Jayden offered looking out the side door, down the hall and out the window of the back door. He got a semi-clear view of the orchard around the house. The trees stretched for some time in all directions in twisted rows that had overgrown into something one could indeed mistake as a forest.

Logan gave a look which might as well told him yes.

"Could I see?" Jayden asked looking back over at him. "The forest, your home that is. After breakfast, I mean." And he smiled softly making those ears want to fold back down. Logan narrowed his eyes, forcing his pointed ears back up.

"You're far too curious." Logan just stated but got up anyways. He left his things where they were, dropped to all fours and paced around him and into the hallway. The way he moved on all fours was far more feral and animal than before, his body flowing with pure muscle as each strong limb carried him the small and yet carefully planned steps needed. A stride of a predator.

"Done?" Jayden asked getting up after and cleaning things up. "Give me a second, then." And he hummed softly to himself as he washed the dishes off, put food into the trash can and rinsed everything so it'd be easier to clean when he got back. He kept his back to the wolf, even if every instinct told him otherwise. If something was going to happen, it would've already had Jayden just kept telling himself.

Besides? He frankly didn't stand a chance if Logan had planned on doing something; yet, figured Logan wouldn't. That would be rude, being a guest after all.

"You don't have too." Logan said with a bit of a frown taking a seat in the hall and watching the man clean. His ears perked up at the sound of his humming. It wasn't as good as the piano but it wasn't awful either.

"I know. But it makes things easier." And Jayden dried his hands on a rag he had pulled out. He placed it neatly over the handle of the oven and turned around to face the autumn fur wolf.

"It's raining outside." Logan noted looking down the hall towards the door even if he didn't need to be. Practice, skill and patience had taught him such subtle gestures went a long way for one who couldn't just smell or sense such things.

"Do you want me to call you Logan, still?" Jayden asked catching the wolf off guard. He got a smile from the man as those amber eyes turned towards him.

"What?" Logan asked carefully. He could still smell that feared but the man barely showed any.

"Well... I mean is that your actual name? Or is it something you use when your posing as a human?" Jayden asked still with that soft, understanding tone. "I mean no offense." He added lifting up a hand. "Just trying to know you better."

"My name doesn't translate to well into words." Logan said slowly, still eying him. "You seem far too curious." His ears folded back and his eyes narrowed at him. He sniffed in his general direction again.

"My apologies, I was just wondering." Jayden lifted his hands not wanting to start a fight or anything.

Logan watched him carefully as he went back over to his bags still in front of the door. He pulled out a coat and an umbrella, picking up a notebook as well and a set of what smelled like burnt wood. Logan twitched his nose.

"There isn't any rush to get this over with." Jayden gestured to the house around him. "Might as well get to see the sights, meet the locals and get something to eat."

Logan stopped on the back porch, watching the man put his boots on, stuffing his pants into them and getting his jacket up and over his shoulders. The black umbrella clicked open, up and above him.

"Then have I got a lot of things to show you." Logan just grinned and jumped off into the backyard.