chapter 2 thats how it happened

Story by pet on SoFurry

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#2 of elemtals

Chapter 2

Maggies View

Hello one and all if you are reading this then I guess you want to know all about me and the others. My name is Maggie Lee and I am a normal black with brown striped cat, though my up bringing and friends are far from normal. My mother was one of the most beautiful people in the world, though not only was she beautiful she was one of the most skilled fighters. My father on the other hand only thinks of nothing but work, work and even more work, on the day my mother was buried my father was at the office too busy to care. All my life I was brought up to be just like him in almost everyway I was trained to be smart, quick and most of all he tried to instill me the art of the business. When I was little my mother taught me her most powerful skills that only I know how to use but my father disapproved of it. Though against my father's wishes she still taught me anyway that I was the one to choose the destiny in my life and that no-one else can choose for me. I still miss her deeply but I know she is no longer with us her words still run deep in within me so I will do as she wished and make my own decisions. At the time I was growing up and doing my training my father got remarried to a dog of all the people he chose he chose her. He thought it would be good for me growing up with a woman who wanted me to grow up like him and do what ever they wanted my to do like a puppet. After a while they had a daughter which is my half sister Beauty who looks just like a normal dog but has really jumpy reflexes. As I was growing up my friend Pet was really the only person who I could ever open upto since he has been there for me since we where babies. When my mother died he was my shoulder to cry on, I told him everything like what my mother has taught me and how my life was horrible. He told me that he would do anything to protect me from any troubles in my life and that he was willing to put his own life on the line for me.

A long time ago Pet took me out to go to get something to eat in a restaurant that wasnt too far from where we use to live. As we where walking along a van pulled up next to us with a few big men jumping out trying to grab me and drag me away. When they tried to grab me Pet tried to intervien with their plan but one of them slammed him against the wall while another was threatening me with a knife. As soon as the knife was pulled it was like Pet had became a totally different person he grabbed the man holding him by the arm and slammed him into the floor. I seen one of the other men sneak behind him trying to get the jump on him but without even looking at him Pet had him by the throught and with a sudden click he had snapped the mans neck. The man who was threatening me a moment ago had pushed me back against the wall with so much force it knocked me clean unconscious. After a few moments I had started to come around looking up I seen another creature stearing at me that seemed so familiar. Before I could even say anything I could see one of the men behind him about to stab him. Without even a moments thought he had him by the neck immobilizedunable to do anything except to drop the knife he was holding. I could see the man trying to free himself but without avail so as a last resort he raised his head with his teeth showing and slammed his fangs into what I know now as Pet's tail. As he cried out in pain it seemed the muscles in his tail contracted and with a load crack nearly cleanly ripped his head off. We quickly got out of there and back to Pet's house which was closer than mine but his tail wouldn't stop bleeding. By the time we actually got back it seemed that his body had somehow reverted back to his usual form and his mother was there. We had explained to her exactly what had happened and asked about what we should do about it all now. She told us at the time to not to tell anyone what had happened since people would probably take it the wrong way and might think everything was our fault. After a while the wound had stopped bleeding but it seems the pain from that day still haunts him since once in a while you can see him slightly wince. I made a promise to myself when I eventually got home that I wanted to do just like what Pet did that day is to protect not only myself but the people I love. I tricked my father into letting me train in different forms of martial arts saying that if I built a healthy body I would have a healthy mind. Even to this day he still does not know of what had happened that day since if he ever knew I don't think he would ever let me see Pet again saying that he is too dangerous to be around. Over the next few years I trained like there was no tomorrow advancing in nearly even form I could find at an alarming rate. My sister Beauty was brought up slighty different from me since she got a choice if how she wanted to grow up instead of me. Though she chose out of all the things that she could have done she decided to grow up in my shadow trying to be just like me.

Out of every member of my family she is the only one that I can truly trust just like Pet she was there for me and I was there for her. When it was time for the elders to choose a new person to become the watcher of the family we were all pitted against each other. Each person was given a certain budget to run by but we were not allowed to use any help or use the money for things like shelter or food. The money was only allowed to be used to invest into a company or business and any profit from that can be used for whatever purpose we desired. After a certain amount of time we were once more called upon and whoever was the person to make the biggest profit was chosen. I had made the most out of everyone but to most people it didnt really come as a surprise since the way my father brought me up it was easy to make the right decisions. From that day forth I was given the guardinship of the families most precious heirloom which was the families ear ring. I know you are all probably thinking by this point that a single ear ring isnt much and I would have agreed with you at the time.

Now we shall progress alot further into the future to a more recent era when me and the others discovered what we are truly capable of. I was in the office one day doing what seemed to be three solid days of work trying to make any possible sence of all the numbers on my desk. I needed to get as much done as possible since a week later it would be the first time that as the new watcher I was going to the council. As I was working away Beauty had come in to see if everything was ok since no-one had seen me for a while and see if I wanted to get something to eat. I was that tired I could not pass up the opertunaty to get some rest, fresh air and most important decent food into my empty stomach. On the way back to the office People were running around scared almost completely out of the minds screaming. As we got closer there where these small dark creatures attacking random people doing what seemed at the time reaching in and taking some sort of light out of their bodies. Almost as soon as we got there they seemed to stop attacking other people and instead turn to stare directly at us with a demonic smile across their face. The two of us realising that they now had their sights set on us quickly turned and ran as fast as our legs could carry us with a full stomach. I was ok at running at high speeds because of all the training that I had gone through but I had to go slower because Beauty couldn't really keep the pace. After about a minute Beauty tripped realising that there was anytime to run I turned and ran directly toward them as fast as I could. Using one of the skills my mother taught me I wrapped my Legs in a flame jumping into the air and kicking the flames toward the critters. One of the main things about my skills is that I dont like using weapons except for staffs since they can actually slow you down but a can be used as a guard and then counter an enemy with unarmed skills. The skill I used that my mother had taught me was the one of the only times that the exception for using it was actually met. I was facing down quite a few enemies trying to protect someone dearest to me and that the only way I could protect her was to take them all out at once. As soon as they went it seemed that twice as many of them had appeared from within the ashes of the ones who fell. I turned to face Beauty who by this point had managed to make it back onto her I screamed at her to run as quickly as she could home and lock everwhere up. She just couldn't answer me except with a solomn nod as she turned to run all the way back to home to safety. As the enemies prepared themselves for another wave of attacks I could make out a voice crying out to me asking a question.

The question was "why are you fighting, what is it that is most important to you that you would risk everything for just to protect". Somehow the voice had seemed familiar almost like it was someone that I use to know but just couldn't quite make out who it is. There is only one reply that I could ever give to that question and the answer was for me

"it is the people in my life that mean the most for me, they have risked their lives to protect me from evil and for them it is only right that I offer that same gratitude". Almost as soon as that was said the ear ring began to glow with a warming light that seemed to cover the entire length of my body. Once the light had dissapeard I could see that my clothes where completely different and that on my arms where gauntlets. My hands had some sort of leather like gloves that felt like I have had them for years and yet also felt brand new all at the same time. The shoes I was wearing had changed into a sort of trainer that had the feel as if they had only been made for me to wear with such comfort. As I looked on what was under my jacket I could see plenty of short CQC style weapons if I ever needed and what seemed like a small pole. Before I really had time to admire what I had and where all this strange equipment came from the enemies started to launch their next assault. Grabbing the short pole ready to strike them with it began to extend quickly with a small blade on the end but the weapon was so light it felt like it wasnt even there at all. Using it was so natural for me with even the most smallest of swings I sent a good majority flying into the ones who had dodged. After a sort while they had started to retreat into the shadows running away but I had a good feeling that it wouldnt be the last time I had seen the likes of them.

After the battle was resolved the new weapons and clothes that I was wearing changed back into normal receding into the gem on my ear. I got home but as soon as I walked in through the door my step mother turned around and smacked me right across the face. She started screaming at me telling me that I should have came home leaving those things for the proper authorities and that if I had to I should have left Beauty to fend for herself. I could not believe what had just been said to me that a woman actually cares about someone elses child well before her own. I looked at her dead in the eye almost knocking her back with the shock of the look and asked her why she thought I was more important than her own daughter. Without even a second thought she told me that its because after my father passes away that I will be the main person who brings money into the household. Stunned shocked I just turn to her and tell her that all she truly cares about more in this world is her money and nothing more. So I told her straight is that if that is the way she feels about me and my sister then the two of us are moving out and are going to live on our own. She just tilted her head back laughing then looks at me and with a grin across her faces tells me that my father will never approve of such a thing ever happening and she will make sure of that. I just quaffed at her telling her that my father has no power over me and instead it is I who holds the power over all the members of the family being the new watcher. By this point I think she realised who and what she was now really talking to since I was right having the power and control over my own destiny.

That was one of the reasons that I entered to become what I am because I could actually choose what I wanted to do and since I was the watcher no-one could say no. After a few brief moments of staring at each other I walk right past her down the hallway toward Beauty's room which was next door to me. As I got into the room she was on the bed crying because she had overheard what her own mother said about her and what I should have done. All I could do was try to console her as best as I could, she looked at me with teary eyes asking if it was true about us actually able to leave. I just looked at her nodding without even a moments hesitation she jumped up walking over to her wardrobe grabbed a suitcase out and started putting clothes in. After a few moments she was ready to go and to be ohnest I didnt have a single idea about where we were going to go except where ever we wanted. As we approached the front door SM (SM= step mother I don't like using her name it just infuriates me so I will use this instead to keep me calm) ran in front blocking the way holding a knife to me infuriated that me and her only child were going to leave the house for good. She kept screaming that if we even try to leave for good she would rather kill us first before losing every cent of her money. I just looked and warned her that if she even tried such an act that I wouldn't be held accountable for my actions. Just as I reached for the handle she took a swipe at my hand, just as the knife was about to reach my hand I grabbed her wrist and spun her around. She got up screaming that I was always an evil child plotting to ruin her perfect life trying to get my hands on all the money she deserved to get. She looked to her side after picking the knife back off the floor seeing her daughter just next to her and started to take a swing at her instead. Beauty quickly coward out of fear but at that moment I could feel something inside me snap I moved with speed that scared even me, I sent SM slamming against the wall with my foot to her neck.

As she looked up she had a face of pure fear screaming at me that I should be dead in the ground where she thought she put me once and for all. I just removed my leg stepping back beside Beauty SM sliding down the wall laughing like a person in a insane asylum. That was then that she said the one thing had pushed me beyond even my own bounds, she pointed at me screaming out my mothers name and said that she should have made sure the poison did the job. Beauty gasped in shock horror looking at her mother who had now seemed to go completely mad confessing to poisoning my mother. I was shocked taking in such a horedous truth looking at Beauty I just took her by the shoulders and the two of us just walked away. I found out a few days later that SM took the knife to her wrists and wrote all over the walls before she died of how she had killed my mother and seduced my father. After leaving the house we went a few minutes down the road to Pet's house knowing that was one of the only safe places for us. He wasn't there but his name was able to let us in to rest waiting for everyone to get back and hopefully able to help us on our way. After about half an hour later Pet came home beat up exhausted and with him was a very strange wolf who I just didnt feel something right about. Though at the time our main priority was to make sure everyone was okay and safe away from those evil monsters before anything else.

After everything was resolved Pet and his family was kind enough for us to stay with them for quite awhile after we told them everything that had happened. Though the one thing both of us was truly surprised at is that we both became the watchers over our own families and that when we needed help our gems gave us what we needed. That WOLF we had met the otherday during the battles wanted to meet up with us to find out what the hell happened and what happened to us. We decided to meet in the local square in the city centre but as we approached each other I could make him out better. For both of us without even a moments second thought I launched a kick toward his head and he launched a punch straight toward me. As we looked more closely he had caught my leg quite easily but he noticed that I found it just as easy to block the punch he threw. It also turned out that out of everyone else he was also a member of a prostigious family and he had also became another watcher. It turns out that his whole family specilise in many forms of martial arts even some that most people do not know of which was probably the vibe I got off him. When we started talking he also said that I was giving off the sort of vibe that I had trained in many forms of fighting and the attack we both launched was testing each others reaction speed. That pretty much sums up what had happened at the beggining of all of the mis/ adventures we have had together and hopefully we will have more stories in the near future. You are probably wondering about how we all met Nega well that is a story for another occasion but it will just be something for you to look forward to. Everything else will be answered in all due time so please be patient and that you all once again for reading about me and the rest of my unusual friends.

chapter 1 it all begins here

So Now The Story Truly Begins Hello Ladies and Gentlemen my I now Introduce myself my name is Pet Yee but if you would like you could just call me Pet for short. Within the first part of the journey each of us will individually tell of how we...

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