Natalya with Daddy

Story by Desert Mutt on SoFurry

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(The following is mostly a work of fiction. It contains sexual situation as well as incest and age-play. Natalya is copyright to her player and used with permission.)

Natalya finished grooming her long black mane, letting it fall back in place. She smiled to herself and blew a kiss to her reflection, her ears shifting some and her eyes sparkling. She stood up and stretched, walking toward the door. She caught herself in the full sized mirror on the back, and decided to check on herself one more time.

The young equine fem shifted, looking at herself with a smile. She was not skinny or anorexic. She had a small amount of fat on her frame, making her soft and curvaceous with soft breasts on the larger side. Only the most popular girls called Natalya fat, even though she was not. She knew better though. They called her that because they were jealous of how curvy she was, and how all the boys drooled over her.

She also knew that she could physically beat them up, though she never bothered to. The girls that were jealous were the ones that were looked obsessed and not very strong, always having boys do the work for them. Despite the smooth look of her flat sections and softness of her curves, the mare had some muscles underneath, as well of knowing how to throw a punch and not some sissy slap. She could beat them up easily and her boyfriends would not retaliate. Many would not hit a girl, especially one they were attracted to. Several kept on her good side for fear of a hoof to the crotch. Those that would hit her, did not want to meet her father.

Her father. Natalya shivered at the thought of him. Many times he seemed to be what most see in canines. He could be sweet and loyal, loving and kind, protective of what he cared for. But in her seventeen years, she knew him better then most and had seen more of him then even he would care for. The mare knew her dad could be shy around new furs he had not met before, and that under some conditions, he could have a temper.

A small bit of wetness formed on the front of her panties as she shivered at the thought. She turned around to look at her rump, almost perfectly heart-shaped and juicy as practically any apple. She did not get slightly aroused by the anger that showed in the canine called dad when he lost his temper. It was the dominance. It was kind of scary because it seemed he could do almost anything, but it was so exciting to see him looking so powerful that almost no one who saw it went up against him. She had never seen him hit anyone, though there had been times when the wall took some abuse, and luckily had never been the one she lost his temper at that far.

Natalya reached around and took a hold of the of the strap of her thong, pulling it. She shivered a moment as she camel-toed her wet and excited slit then adjusted it to her ass cheeks. She opened the door, stepping out of the room. The mare's ears flicked as she stood in the silent house then walked to her fathers room, tail swaying happily.

The pushed the door open, looking inside. Her father laid sprawled out in bed, sleeping peacefully in is boxers. Most of the sheets had been pushed away during the night, showing most of his body. One of her brown furred ears flicked again. She pushed the door aside, padding in quietly despite the hooves. She moved up to the bed and started climbing on slowly, pausing a moment when it looked like he was about to wake up. She moved above him, smiling to herself as one leg moved over his body to the other side. She looked down between her legs, making sure she was in position. She dropped her hips, plopping down on him and pressing her sex against his sheath through the panties and boxers, making the canine wake up with a grunt.

"Morning Daddy," Natalya said happily, grinding against her father firmly and feeling the sheath beneath her form. The equine teen showed no reaction to feeling it swell under her, though it did excite her. She had started teasing him a while ago after catching sight of her father glancing at her and seeing the bulge of his shaft through the boxers once. She had started calling him "Daddy" again, rubbing up against the canine and teasing the sheath and shaft. She knew the resolve was giving, she would have her father soon.

"Good morning Natalya," The canine murmured, shifting now that he was fully awake, "What are you up to waking me up?" He looked at her suspiciously.

"You promised you would spend the entire day with me," She said, leaning against her father more, "and I want to get as much out of you as I can today." Her pussy gave a slight twitch as she said it. "You didn't forget, did you?" She looked up at him with her large glistening eyes, pressing up to nuzzle against his throat and taking a deep smell of the male scent.

"I didn't forget," He said softly, "I just didn't expect you to wake me up for it is all." He kissed the top of her head, getting a small nicker from her. His paws moved to hug his daughter, rubbing her back. The sheath and canine shaft presses through the boxers and up against her crotch through the panties.

"What's this?" Natalya asked, reaching down, "Is that from me daddy?" The mare looked at him with a smile. Her hoofed hand reached down, slipping into his boxers and gripping the base of the shaft. Her tail flicked as she heard her father merf in pleasure from her squeezing the hardened length.

The canine paws started to move, as though he was going to pull her away from his shaft. There's a grunt of pleasure as she pumps along the length, rubbing her thumb around the head and across the tip. He reached up instead, rubbing her through the bra, then moving around to undo the clasp. He pulled the top off, moving to cup her breasts.

Natalya let out a soft moan in pleasure as she felt her father's paw pads slide up press against her nipples. She leaned forward into him to give him better access. One of the hands gripped his hip as the other traced the sheath through the boxers and slid down to his balls. Her tail flicked more in excitement as she felt building excitement in her sex.

The canine suddenly let go and grabbed her waist. He pulled his daughter forward towards him, forcing him to release her grip on his length. He nipped at her collarbone and licked, moving his tongue down along her breast toward the nipple. One paw traced along her spine with his nail as the other slipped down into her panties, rubbing her vaginal lips.

The young mare closed her eyes, feeling her father's tongue near one of her hardening nipples and the finger pad tracing her already wet vaginal lips. She let out a gasp as he suddenly pushed up, sinking the digit into her depths to the knuckle. Her hips pushed forward, grinding against the paw as her rump pressed into and rub his lap.

Her father sucked more, his tongue flicking across the tip as he give a gentle tug. He let out a low growl, sending vibrations across her flesh. He rubbed the base of her tail then slid down to stroke it. His finger slid out to the tip, rubbing the paw pad up and against her sensitive clitoris.

Natalya could not take it any more. The need burned deep in her loins for him. She pushed off her father, slipping the fingers out of her sex and pulling the nipple from his mouth as she laid down on her back. She reached down, taking a hold of her panties. Her legs raised off as she took them off, showing her butt and wet vaginal lips.

"Please...please fuck me Daddy," The equine fem moaned. She spread her legs some, exposing her entire body to her father as she looked up at him with burning need. Her body ached for him, her lips dripping wet. She watched as her father stood up, removing his boxers. The mare shivered at the sight of his shaft, watching him excitedly.

Her father's pressed his tongue against her vaginal hood then slid up along her body, causing Natalya to moan as her muscles twitched underneath the long wet lick. The male body moved, pressing his hips against hers. The paws gripped the soft rump, squeezing the cheeks and making her wiggle some.

"Fuck me HARD," she moaned to him, burning with need. He kissed her on the lips as he lined the tip of his shaft up with her opening, letting the tips touch each other a moment. His hips suddenly thrusts forward, parting her lips and sinking in until the knot slammed against her, the thrust making her breast bounce and causing a loud moan.

Natalya's body shuddered in pleasure as she felt her daddy bury himself in her. She wrapped her legs around his waist, grinding back against the knot pressing against her. She felt him pull back, the thickness sliding out of her to the tip, then grunted and moaned as she was slammed back into her, bouncing and jiggling.

The canine nipped her throat then shifted up some, looking down at her. He tightened his grip on her hips, the nails dimpling the soft skin of her ass. He tugs her back as he slides out to the tip, then pulls her toward him as he thrusts forward, slamming his shaft into her and grinding against the warm wetness of her canal before pulling back again.

The mare whimpered in pleasure, her eyes closed as she pushed back and against him, grinding. She took a hold of her breasts, squeezing and massaging. She pulled back as the length slid out of her, then thrust back to slam against herself against him.

Her father moved his paws as he continued to pump into his own daughter's depths. He spread her ass cheeks, letting the tips trace along the crack and up to the tail base. He lets out a growl of pleasure, the hips pulling back then thrusting forward hard, forcing his knot past the lips and into her vaginal depths.

"Oh fuck DADDYY!" She screamed, feeling the knot enter her tight sex. She reached up and grabbed him, holding her father tight as. Her canal clamped down hard on the knot, squeezing it as her hips grind against hers. "Fuck me daddy," she moaned, "rape my dirty cunt and fill me with your hot seed." She panted, feeling herself getting ready to cum.

The older male took a hold of her shoulder, growling in pleasure at the tightness squeezing around his shaft tightly. He pulled his hips back, tugging the knot against her without pulling free, then thrust forward as deep and hard as he can before pulling back again.

Natalya tensed and groaned. The knot and shaft rubbed against her body, finally sending her over the edge. She screamed out for her father as she hit climax. The pleasure-filed mare, thrashed in pleasure, her walls squeezing and pumping the length more as she covered it and some of the males crotch with her fluids.

The increase in tightness caused another growl from him. He slid his paws from her rump and gripped her hips, holding them tight. The canine speeded up, pulling back and thrusting forward into her as fast and hard as she can. His knot tugged against her then slid up as he pushed into her as deep as he can.

She shivered as her climax lasted a while, moaning some. She gripped her father, digging her fingers into his back some as she pushed back against him. Her body jiggled in, still tingling in pleasure from her orgasm.

"Beg," her father growled in pleasure, "beg to be filled with cum like a bitch in heat." His body started to tense more, his breath coming as deep panting snorts as he thrust into his daughter's tight and wanting body.

"PLEASE CUM IN ME!" She screamed, still twitching and writhing from her own climax. She wanted his cum in her and the begging turned her on a little more as she continued to pump. She could feel his body tensing against hers.

Natalya's father gripped her hips and pulled her against him as he thrusts forward hard, the knot swelling to full size and locking him in place inside her depths. He tilted his head back, his chest rumbling as he let out a deep snarl of pleasure. The shaft swelled and twitched, spurting the thick warm canine cum deep into his daughter's own body.

"Oh daddyyyy," she moaned as she felt the shaft twitching and the cum spurting deep into her body. She panted looking up at him, eyes glistening with pleasure and love for her father. She shifted as she felt his muzzle against her neck, feeling the tongue lick at her neck. He pulled back, looking down at her with a smile.

"Did my little girl enjoy her first fucking with daddy?" He asked her, looking down at her as he panted, tongue hanging out of his muzzle some.

"Yes daddy," Natalya responded softly. She leaned up, kissing her father on the lips then nuzzling the underside of his jaw and neck. She could feel some of their fluids leaking out past the knot, dripping down her vaginal lips and across the crack of her rump. She let out a slightly surprised gasp as her father moved her with him, shifting to get comfortable with her on the bed.

"Thank you daddy," she said happily, "I love you."

"I love you too," her father replied. He kissed the top of her head then cuddled up with her. "Well," he continued, "we have a while her together. We can't go anywhere until the knot deflates."

"That's fine," the mare replied contently, "I like the feel of you inside me." She kissed him again and laid her head into his chest, smelling her father's scent as she cuddled up and enjoyed the afterglow of their session.