Flopping a Pair

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#2 of High Stakes

The family that plays together...

Hopefully this doesn't come out looking too nasty; the formatting's pretty experimental.

High Stakes: Flopping a Pair

One might think the pair in the shadows between street- and house-lights to be "skulking" or "lurking"; but, while they do seem to conscientiously avoiding the illuminated areas, their casual pace and postures would make it hard to apply either of those labels with a straight face. Indeed, the cougar and fox seem to be more strolling than anything-else, even pausing every so often amid a giggle or playful growl, silhouettes and dimly-glowing eyes almost seeming to dance around each-other.

Were one able to see better into their dark environs, one might notice that the sounds of amusement usually come as a result of a teasing grope or other such gesture of affection - a hand on a breast, a tail brushing ticklishly along a side, hips or waist pressed lightly against an engorged maleness or the lips below.

"So...if any normal mortal does actually see us, they won't really notice us even if they get a perfect view?" The question sounds in Trialathi's teenage-sultry alto during one such interlude, leaning hir demonic partner up against a wall.

A nod is the initial reply, smooth tongue lapping at the felid's cheek and engendering a casual flick of the whiskers. "Mmhm, as long as we stay out of the light. It's one of the perks of being a Lust, Sloth, or Envy; some Wraths and Greeds can pull it too. Stealth can be pretty important for us, y'know."

Fingers stroke through a fluffy tail for a moment, then their adolescent owner steps to one side with a matching nod. "'Course - people knowing you're around or on your way can really ruin your night sometimes." The duo continue on their way after this, arms around each-other's waists as a light vulpine giggle trills into the night.

Shortly Trialathi brings Lateia to a halt. "This is it." The house they now stand before, a bit past the midpoint of the 1200 block on Fourth Street, has nothing in particular to distinguish it from those nearby - it carries all the same essential elements as those around it, and this is no planned community with cookie-cutter houses, so its substantial differences from its neighbours are unremarkable; but, by the same token, this makes each one easy to idenfity if one knows what to look for. In this case, the telling features seem to be dark brick near the foundation and light-blue paint on the siding above, along with the front door appearing to be unpainted as they stop a few feet short of it.

"Let's see...remind me what kinda family you have?" Lateia's arms cross under hir generous bustline, hir expression a bit more serious than seems to be hir usual.

A sizeable sigh leaves the muzzle of hir felid companion. "Just my mom and my little sister. Dad kinda lost it and fucked off when he found out Mom was pregnant again. Not that he was there much to begin with..." A small growl punctuates the last statement, along with an annoyed flick of the tail.

With an irritated snort, the vixen's right ear folds down in sympathy. "Would it be mean to point out that a demon made a better dad than that?"

Golden-furred shoulders rise and fall in a helpless shrug. "I dunno. I get the feeling that there's a lot about both demons and angels that mortals just don't know anymore, or maybe never did. Assuming angels even exist."

"Ohhhhhh, they exist, believe me..." The words come out in a tone somewhere close to "inscrutable", being born from a combination of frustration, instinctive disgust, and allure. "How little is 'little' again?"

Trialathi's tail quirks in curiosity. "Six. Why?"

One crimson eyebrow rises, the matching catlike eyes beneath showing a small degree of surprise. "You're okay with your six-year-old sister getting pregnant?"

"Y'said we had ways to make sure it wouldn't be too hard on her body, right?"


Another shrug, this one showing a simple lack of concern. "What's t'complain about, then? Honestly, I'm more worried about how you'll affect whichever one you knock up."

The demonic vulpine has to pause for a moment's thought in order to recall just what hir mate refers to. "...Ooh, you mean how it'll make her my thrall?" Trialathi nods in reply. "Mm...I suppose I can't blame you, since I technically could make her do any nasty little thing I wanted after that - but I'm bound to you now, remember? That means I can't do anything to her that you wouldn't want me to."

Felid eyes lid halfway and muzzle turns slightly, unconvinced. "Yeah, about that: since you did the same thing t'me, how do I know it ain't the other way around?"

Vermillion lips pursing, Lateia's eyebrows now knit in puzzlement. "I'm...actually not sure on that. It's not something that's really come up as far as I know, at least not often enough to be passed along or written down. It's probably worth something, though, that you nailed me first."

"Guess we'll hafta test things out then."

This time it's the vixen's shoulders that engage in a helpless shrug. "I guess so. Anyway, I figure you'd be better than me to handle your sister; I'm big enough down there that I could seriously hurt her, and that's just no fun in bed." Hir tail swishes a couple of different directions alternately as a thought occurs: "Well, I mean, unless it turns out she's a masochist, but that's not very likely. And even then, I'd really rather not wreck her body like that."

Another nod from the puma, this one solemn. "Yeah. I hope I'm small enough, for that matter..."

The worry prompts Lateia to look hir new witch up and down once. "I think you'll be okay. Just barely." Shi then grins almost evilly, leaning in close. "Think how tight she'll be..."

A matching grin appears on said witch's muzzle, largish hands gently gripping the vixen's breasts as shi grinds hir inflamed maleness on the demon's thigh. "Rrrrr...I'd be gettin' hard just thinkin' about it if I wasn't already."

"Ooooohhh." Black back arching to press those breasts into hir lover's hands, crimson eyes close in pleasure for a moment before the fangy grin reasserts itself. "'Atta girl. That kind of excitement makes the first part a lot easier."

Trialathi lets out a loud snicker as they turn to enter the house. "'Girl'...that's gonna take a little getting used to."

Quietly entering a few moments later, the pair's only greeting - as expected - is the rhythmic breath of two recumbent catamounts, accompanied by the ticking of an antique grandmother clock on a shelf across the living-room. Once inside, they separate, each heading quickly and quietly for their designated targets: Trialathi to the right for the sister's room, adjoining hir own; Lateia to the left and a little ways down the hallway found there, bound for the master suite where the mother would be lying alone - rather sadly, the Lust thinks, if she's anything at all like her elder kitten.

There's two steps you'll need to take before actually converting her, Trialathi had been instructed just before they entered, unless you think she'll do sexy things with you without...extra persuasion. The second one was mandatory; unconfident that the kitten wouldn't find such things too weird otherwise, shi knelt by hir sister's twin-size bed, waiting for the first to take hold. While her youth does have the anticipated delaying effect, eventually she begins to squirm, the witch's infernally-enhanced musk gradually intruducing her hitherto-untouched nethers to a burning, needy arousal.

Across the house, a black nosepad twitches and the vulpine muzzle below splits into a grin even more carnivorous than the one it had work a few minutes earlier. This would be even easier than expected, almost-pitifully so: a heavy, heady scent already permeated the large room from the cat's own natural strus! Shi may not even need to use any of the abyssal means at hir disposal for influencing a mortal's mind, depending on her leanings and how badly her heat affected her...

A soft sound of discomfort draws a tawny hand up to pet between the ears above the small muzzle making said sound. "Heya, Rii." The elder sibling intentionally pitches hir voice lower than hir normal speaking tone, trying to imitate how shi'd sounded before becoming partially female.

"'Zat you, Treth?" Evidently the attempted self-impersonation had succeeded at least well enough, as the kitten's tone carries neither alarm nor confusion.

Golden muzzle bobs in a short, slow nod. "I'm a little different than I was this morning, but it's still me."

Deciding that subtlety is over-rated in such a situation, the demoness makes quick strides toward the head of the bed, leaning over to grasp the sheet that covers the felid form before hir and pull it gently back. A reddish tongue then moistens the black lips before it: This woman was clearly where Trialathi had gotten most of hir feminine looks, their similar heights making it especially clear. Maturity had filled her frame out somewhat more than could be said of her teenage kitten, her legs appear to have been used more heavily...and her bustline, unsurprisingly on full display along with the rest of her, was at least a match for Lateia's! The Lust's looked bigger, hir being a tad slighter of build than the mother cat, but in absolute terms...

Powder-blue eyes finally open, one ear canting to match the expression of mild confusion. The teenage cat had long wondered if those eyes would eventually fade into another colour, as his (having been male at the time) own had done, and to what colour if they did; shi actually hoped not, finding them quite pretty as they were. "Different..?" The question soon leaves her mind as unfamiliar sensations remind her of their presence, causing another involuntary squirm of her small hips. "Nnh...I feel...funny. Think Mommy would mind if I took off my nightdress?"

Tawny eyes flutter open with a throaty moan as a vulpine hand caresses one cream-coloured breast, its owner's sleep never having been able to reach anywhere near its usual depth for obvious reasons. Chest arching to press it into the attention, her other senses take a moment to resolve - she was still in her bed, in her room, and naked as she had been when she went to bed...good, the only thing out of place was the fox standing by her bedside and fondling her.

The vixen, to be more precise - though she was pretty big for a vixen, both vertically and horizontally. Make that "in all three dimensions", she corrected her inner monologue as the prominent mammaries jiggled slightly before her. Hrm. She'd never really been into other females, but... "Nnh, what a way to wake up."

Now the larger sibling's muzzle shakes on the other axis available to it. "I don't think so - in fact, I think she'd want you to be as comfortable as possible!"

"'Kay." After pushing her covers down, Rii reaches down to start pulling the thin garment up her body.

Watching for a moment, the elder sibling soon reaches a hand toward the younger with an offer: "Wanna little help there?"

A smirk plays across black lips as shi gives the mound cupped in hir hand a light squeeze, garnering another small moan. "Not too harsh a disturbance, I trust."

The black-furred hand gets pressed into its target by a sand-coloured one. "You kiddin'? I could get used to wakin' up that way." A claw then pokes out of her free hand's forefinger as she points it at the vermillion erection on Lateia's hips. "I gotta ask, though: How's that possible?"

The question engenders a brief pause for thought, skirt already hiked up far enough to reveal most of the plain royal-blue panties beneath. "Mmmm...yeah, sure." With a nod, larger hands replace smaller in pulling the nightdress up toward her head, the smaller ones shifting down to start sliding said underwear down her short-furred legs.

Soon denuded, the young kitten giggles with a matching tailflick of amusement. "I feel a little naughty." A distraction then ensues, one of those small hands reaching out to rest on one of the generous breasts before her, expression turning curious again. "You look different - kinda like Mommy!"

"Are you sure you want an explanation right now?" Sable muzzle leans in close, hir tail's dance changing its steps a bit as the smirk takes on an amused quality.

One eyebrow arches, both slitted pupils rolling toward their cranium in thought. "Good point." Her heat was nasty enough this time around that she'd already been seriously considering letting the vixen beside her help satisfy it even before discovering that, and such a person probably couldn't get her pregnant...

A quicker nod confirms the assertion. "Yeah - see, thanks to some things that happened a little while ago, I'm now as much your sister as your brother."

The explanation draws another giggle, muzzlebridge wrinkling slightly. "That's weird. You look pretty, though!" Her train of thought then gets cut off by another demand for attention from between her legs, thighs pressing together and hips writhing as her ears pin back in consternation. "Urgh...this isn't helping at all; I feel even funnier now!"

Laying down and stretching out atop hir quarry, tip resting just outside its destination, Lateia's muzzle darts in for a couple of playful nips at the mother's jaw. "No sense leaving you feeling empty any longer than necessary, hm?"

A small grin parts the golden muzzle, eyes closing again in enjoyment as her legs rise to wrap around the vulpine's waist, crossing just above hir tail. "Exactly. When ya need it, ya need it!"

Giving a throaty chuckle in reply, Trialathi shifts hir body up onto the bed next to hir sister's, one forefinger raised. "I think I know a way to help with that - but I'll needja t'do somethin' for me first!"

"Whatcha need?" The kitten leans into her sibling's larger form, looking it over curiously.

Trialathi grins, laying down and guiding the full-female's head down hir body. "Well...ya see the bit down there that looks the same as what you've got?"

"How true." Hips shift to push the vixen's long maleness in where it was being invited while both hands knead at the large swells above. "What's your name, pretty?"

Not certain how to proceed otherwise, the mother's hands mimic those of the one above her, a chuckle of flattery from being called "pretty" by someone who looked to be a good ten years her junior nearly getting lost amid more sounds of pleasure and excitement - not only had it been years since she'd been filled, but the tool penetrating her was bigger than any she'd had since she was a teenager herself, or maybe ever! "Mara. You?"

After a moment's search, a small muzzle nods, the accompanying tail flicking in renewed curiosity. "What about it?"

"As weird as it might sound, start lickin' around there. Trust me, you'll know when yer doin' the right things."

Blue eyes blink repeatedly, baffled by the request. "Errrrr...'kay then..." After drawing her rough tongue once lightly up the length of the slit before her, getting a small sound of appreciation in response, she noses curiously at the firm length above. "Hey, izzis what usually boys only have?"

There's likely no harm in her knowing anything - after all, she's family now. The Lust also found hirself wanting to kiss hir effective mother-in-law, if only to make up for what was to follow, but didn't dare. "Lateia." Another thought later, as a backward motion resets hir position and shi re-enters the mature woman beneath hir, shi realizes that hir trepidation is unfounded: shi's matebound now, so a kiss no longer has any effect!

"Rrrrr..! Mmm, that's pretty..." Almost at the same time, they both begin grazing clawtips across the other's hardened nipples as the vulpine length's removal and replacement start to take on a rhythmic repetition.

"Mmhm. An' what you're workin' on is what normally only girls have." A light moan follows as the kitten licks again, taking a little more time, soon starting to do so at a regular pace.

Another moan sounds in reaction to a light squeeze above. "Want me t'do anything with this?"

The larger muzzle shakes again. "Nope - we're savin' that for later; it's what I'ma use to get rid of that funny feeling!"

Any further commentary gets silenced by the vixen's lips sealing themselves to the cat's, drawing a small growl of pleasured surprise along with her pressing her hips back against those working to satisfy her needy passage. Then a smooth tongue poked into her muzzle and she found herself responding to it eagerly despite having no particular interest in females - the kittens' father had never done that, and it was something she rather missed from her teenage years. It's almost as if this vixen knows how to get her going...

"Hunh...really? How's that gonna work?" A couple of quick laps contact the lips before her as she moves her hand over to her brother's - sister's? - hip.

Those adolescent hips arch slightly, pressing a little into the small muzzle. "Hehe...that's a surprise! But I promise you'll like it."

Another giggle for the promise. "If you say so!" She tries a slight change of angle, garnering an appreciative "ooh", then decides to take a risk and poke her tongue into the orifice, gently licking along one wall just inside.

Hir rod now making a steady pace in and out of the felid shi's breeding, Lateia begins paying close attention to both of their bodies - subtle shifts and small motions had always been reliable telltales for hir of exactly what hir partner of the night wanted Shi never had been one out purely for hir own satisfaction, especially when claiming someone as shi is here, and as shi's done to more than a few in the past (if never quite so completely), including the handful or two shi's impregnated over the years. The thought that Mara is probably the oldest mortal shi's lain with brings an inward smirk as it reminds hir of the first shi ever impregnated, back when shi was but a kit hirself better than half a century ago, having sent the young thing into heat earlier than nature had intended as hir witch was currently doing to the youngest of the family - shi'd found out through the grapevine later on that shi'd made that stunning arctic vixen into the youngest mother ever recorded for several-hundred miles in any direction.

"Now yer talkin'!" Trialathi's hands reach to pull hir sister's head slightly into her with a growl of pleasure; needing no more encouragement, the kitten starts lapping around those walls eagerly, almost surprised at how well she enjoys the act. After a few more moments of the moist slit being ground lightly into her muzzle, Rii tilts it back a bit to apply a lick to the hardened button-like thing above; taking the subsequent hiss as further encouragement, she sucks on it for a few moments, getting a series of throaty moans for her efforts before returning to the inner walls beneath.

Every comparison Mara makes between her ex and this nocturnal stranger called Lateia finds the male coming up short - the fox is hung better (that would be embarrassing if he ever found out), is far better at pleasing her in peripheral ways, and now it's becoming obvious that he lacked in staying-power as well! At this point he'd usually have been straining to keep a hold of himself, while the one currently in her bed barely seems to have gotten going.

For hir own part, the hybrid Lust finds in the situation a new challenge to hir concentration: never had shi tried to manage this many different sources of pleasure before. Never before had shi been able to try it without binding hirself temporarily to the one shi was pleasing, aside from with Trialathi - and in that case, at least for the first time, shi'd been too busy revelling in hir own ecstasy to make the attempt. Success seems to be with hir, though, and shi suspects it will get easier with practice; shi's also confident that it's something shi can only do thanks to hir Pride heritage granting hir both the mentality to handle the task and the patience not to give up simply because it's difficult.

While she does notice the "funny feeling" from that area of her own body becoming a constant presence, mild but slowly growing, Rii pays it little mind as she concentrates on the task at hand, inwardly noting the gradual changes in the older cougar's motions and sounds. Eventually she realizes that the space between those walls is closing a bit; not long after that, alongside a particularly-loud moan, a swell of some kind of juice starts to wet her muzzle. Curious, she pulls a drop of it in with her tongue; finding the flavour rather enticing, she opens her muzzle the small amount she can and lets most of it enter, the rest escaping into her facial fur or out onto the sheets.

Licking her lips afterward, she can't help but giggle at the expression she sees above her. "Wow...you really liked that, huh?" Before any response can come, she lets out a small groan of her own, hips involuntarily rocking forward. "Uhhh...okay, i-is this supposed to happen? It's...like there's a fire between my legs!"

Lateia decides it's time to let hirself go a bit as shi feels hir mortal companion's motions grow more insistent, slightly altering hir angle of approach to plunge deeper along with adding more force to hir thrusts and exhilirating in the way her moans rise in pitch and urgency.

While it isn't clumsy by any means - shi'll later decide that "clumsy" simply doesn't exist where cats are concerned - it's beginning to show rather obviously how inexperienced the cat is in mating. Surprise, almost shock, registers at the revelation: she's hardly unattractive, and clearly rather talented at it, so why wouldn't she have been getting the attention she deserves? Had the siblings' father (assuming they were the same person) been the jealous and inattentive sort?

The larger hands pull Rii back up some. "Somethin' like that, yeah. I just gotta put out that fire!" Shi then pets down her front, focussing on the small-but-noticeable swells her chest now sports, producing a kittenish moan in response. "Also, didja notice these?"

"Huh?" The little muzzle tilts downward so the blue eyes above can peer at the place in question, then blink in surprise. "Well, that's new!"

A nod and a large grin reply as Trialathi nudges hir tip up to the kitten's flower, which now stands thirsty for what it can provide with the right stimulation. "Ready for the most-amazing thing you've ever felt?"

Feeling Mara's motions against hir grow even needier, clearly craving release, the red-on-black vixen decides it's time to turn hirself loose and bring hir lover of the moment to heights of ecstasy that she apparently hadn't visited in years. Hir arms shift to loop around golden torso, the cat's soon following suit and allowing hir to pull their breasts together, thereby still getting some sensation on their nipples from each-other's fur as the change in position again adjusts the angle at which hir maleness penetrates the lips it never quite exits between, giving its tip access to the mother's deepest and most-pleasurable recesses.

One leg having been draped across her sibling's hips to make things easier, both still laying on their sides, Rii lets out a small gasp at the feel of her virgin slit parting around that tip. A concern occurring as she realizes just how it feels, she looks down, lips pursed: "You're gonna put that whole huge thing inside me? You sure it'll fit?"

The elder puma chuckles, taking hir time in feeding the length between hir sister's walls. "Should be able t'manage most of it, at least." Both have already started to purr loudly, claws combing through the younger's light hair.

She has to have been neglected - someone with two kits should never be this snug inside. Poor thing. Such is the demon's line of thought as shi pistons hir envy-inducing girth inside hir mate's mother. Shi's always liked this particular alignment: not only is it about as intimate as it could get, but it also allows hir shaft to press against a female's clit as it moves, especailly once hir knot inflates, as it was just starting to do.

Despite Lateia's youthful appearance, the thirtysomething female was beginning to think that she was the less-experienced of the pair. She'd had her fair share of bedroom flings before meeting the male who'd eventually become her mate, but some of her friends had had a great many more, and she'd always frankly been the randier of the pair - and nobody had ever managed the things this vixen was doing to her!

Trialathi had wanted to pause for a moment once shi'd gotten as deep into hir young sister as shi could, to give the little kitten a chance to get used to the feel of having someone inside her, especially someone as large as hir. Shi really had. Unfortunately, the combination of both their heats and the incredible tightness around hir had blown away most of whatever self-control shi might have, resulting in hir already working hir way up toward full speed inside the kitten, needing all of what was left just to avoid hurting her.

Not that Rii seemed to mind. The look of bliss on her face somehow manages both "sexy" and "adorable" at the same time, as do the mewls of pleasure and occasional needful whines she emits; despite having been a virgin hirself until earlier that night, shi knows shi won't be able to stretch their mating out nearly as long as shi'd like. "Hey, Rii?"

Mara almost whimpers as she feels the cock inside her start to have trouble getting in all the way - she'd been unsure there would be one, the fox appearing mostly female after all, and she'd always loved the romantic feel of being literally inseparable from her lover for a few minutes. Of its own accord, her tail snaked up and around the bushy one above her.

A light groan, muffled by the felid muzzle attached to hirs, vibrates out of Lateia's throat as hir mostly-formed knot finally slips in between the lips that had obstructed its progress for the last few moments. Apparently the mother cougar has been waiting for this in some way, the contraction of her inner walls around the member between them telling of her peak arriving a bit ahead of schedule, accompanied by some kind of vocalization that similarly gets warped beyond recognition by the kiss still ongoing.

"Yeah?" The younger sister couldn't manage much more around the heavy pants and moans brought on by her first mating and the intense arousal around it.

The elder isn't very far from such a state, hir length beginning to pulse faintly and hir barbs rise with absurd quickness compared to hir earlier liaison. "Suck a little on one-a my nipples, would ya?"

After taking a moment to process the request, Rii lifts the closer of the pair with both hands, finding the nub already perked and firm as she wraps her lips around it, tongue giving it a few gentle rasps.

Bare moments and a few abortive thrusts later, knot fully engorged and locking hir inside the cat beneath hir, vulpine muzzle disengages from felid and opens to emit a loud orgasmic howl, maleness unloading its typical long flow of demonic seed into a womb craving just such a thing. A series of further semi-involuntary rocks of the hips follows before both partners settle down to some degree amid pants and sounds of satisfaction.

"Rrrr...you haven't been getting the kind of attention you'd like, have you?" Shi's fairly sure shi already knows the answer, but shi feels like comforting the feline woman if shi's right.

"Ohhhh-hohoho...just like that..." The roughness of a feline tongue adds a dimension of pleasure that catches Trialathi by surprise, building on a mating-pace already approaching the feverish.

A giggle of amusement at the reaction gets cut off by more-empassioned mewls brought on by the quicker motions within her heated passage, small hips grinding back in toward her sibling's as she enjoys every moment of it to the fullest. "Unh...somethin' feels...different..!"

One ear flicks as the teenager noses down to give it a friendly nip. "Dun fight it; just let it come!"

Shaking her head slowly, Mara's ears splay to the sides. "My ex wasn't exactly what you'd call an eager mate. But you'll make up for it, won't you?" The question actually catches her by surprise as it comes out of her mouth, not having anticipated just how much she suddenly wants Lateia's continued company.

For hir own part, the demoness smirks and nips playfully at her cheek. "Ooh, I think you might be seeing quite a bit of me from now on..."

The ensuing reply gets cut off before even beginning, grin fading into a look of hip-squirming confusion. "What in the..?"

Barbs flaring out around the elder sibling's length proves all the provocation needed to send them both over the edge, harmonic yowls of release accompanying a thick pulse of essence into a womb that normally wouldn't have had such a desire for it for a few years yet. Small nose nuzzling around the expansive cleavage before it as both struggle to regain their breath alongside a few more lame rocks of the hips, Rii eventually manages to pant out: "That was...huge fun..."

Grinning almost evilly, Trialathi nods, scritching hir little sister behind an ear. "Ennit tho'?" Shi then spends a moment marvelling at the fact that shi had so much to give the kitten despite having loosed similar streams no less than twice earlier that night - though being a Lust's witch may have something to do with it.

"Call it my gift to you for having given birth to my new mate - a gift I've already bestowed upon said mate, who's also just now bestowing it upon your younger kitten." Giving a mysterious grin at the puma's baffled expression, shi then shifts to one side as much as possible so they both can watch as the skin and fur on her mound fold outward into a sheath, which quickly fills and overflows with a pink member not so much unlike the one currently stuck inside her, engendering another long moan of pleasure.

Thin-fingered hands then find their way back to a bustline covered in off-white fur, appreciatively kneading the newly-expanded orbs there. "You like?"

A smaller body taking less time to modify, similar changes are just starting in the room across the house. Like the older pair, both watch as a new appendage pushes its way into the open air; afterward, the younger sibling giggles and moans lightly as the elder starts playing with what could now definitely be called breasts on the six-year-old's chest - in fact, by proportion, they were right about the same size as the witch's!

"Y'know, I'd never considered the idea of a little kitten with serious boobs - but now that I've seen it, I kinda hope it keeps happening; you look sexy, little sis!"

The accolade causes Rii's cheekfur to fluff out in mild embarrassment, though the kitten's attention is more on deciding how they look for herself. "Hrmmm...I'll hafta take a look inna mirror later on, but I gotta say they look pretty good from here!"

First moaning gently at the attention then pushing the new endowments up a little with both hands, Mara looks at them speculatively for a moment, then grins with slight embarrassment before a shake of the head. "Wow...any more an' I'd get some serious back problems!"

An amused snort is the immediate reaction. "You don't honestly think I'd let that happen..?"

Such a question reminds the mother of one that had occurred not long ago: "Just who are you anyway, Lateia?"

One tawny hand reaches down to give the kitten's new maleness a gentle squeeze, having extended to a length that would usually be considered respectable (if unexceptional) even on a full adult. "Bet yer gonna wanna try this out pretty soon, huh?"

After a toe-curling groan of pleasure at the contact, Rii nods, nipping at the larger bust in front of her for no particular reason. "Yeah. Inna minute, tho'; that took a lot outta me!"

In the middle of debating just how to answer, one red-tipped ear flicks as a realization strikes the vixen. "I'll hold off on answering that for just a moment, so I don't end up having to repeat myself. Because otherwise I will, and not too long from now, either." More confusion gets registered as Mara's head tilts to one side, though it doesn't get cleared up as yet, the Lust changing the subject for the time being: "Mmm, I hope our kits get at least some of your looks."

The inexplicable elation returns, echoed by a broad grin. "I'd be a little disappointed if they didn't have some of yours!" What was this? When the vixen had first arrived, Mara had been worried about the possibility of getting pregnant again, but now it was as if that worry had simply evapourated, leaving only a feeling of anticipation.

A gentle nosing gets applied between small ears, the accompanying muzzle bearing an impish grin. "So, Sis...what wouldja think if I toldja you'd be havin' a kitten of yer own because-a this?"

Cobalt eyes widen hugely, staring at the golden ones above. "Y-yer serious?" After a confirming nod, the young one ponders for a few moments, tail flicking thoughtfully; at length a giggle trills out. "Actually...I think I like the idea. I bet some-a my friends would be so jealous!"

With a chortle of agreement, Trialathi begins slowly shifting their positions. "Welp...whatsay we go see what Mom's up to while you recover, hm?"

The suggestion draws a confused blink. "Whuh? Isn't she asleep?"

"Not exactly."

Without removing hir younger sister from hir maleness, Trialathi manages to rise from the bed and begin carrying the kitten across the house held tightly against hir torso, generating more light giggles and moans from the slight bouncing motion of the firmness within, blue eyes closed.

On their way out of the living-room into the opposite hallway, one eye reopens and peers upward. "So...are you still my brother, or should I start callin' you my sister instead?"

A moment of thought ensues, the elder sibling not having really thought about that issue. "Mmmm...either technically works, but 'sister' would prob'ly be more accurate at this point. O yeah - we tweaked my name, too; it's now Trialathi. 'Tria' for short, I guess."

"Ooh, that's pretty!"

A few more steps down the hall after that and the pair arrive in the master bedroom, Lateia having gingerly turned Mara around to pull the cat backward into hir front; both look up as Tria pads in and announces their arrival: "Everything amazing in here?"

The full adults grin at the question, Mara being the one to answer: "'Amazing' is just the word for it, hon!"

Matching grins then appear on the kittens' muzzles as the elder one sits them down on the foot of the bed. "Teia, meet my little sister, Rhea." The younger gives a cheerful wave, adding at the end: "Call me Rii."

Lateia chuckles, looking around between the three cats. "We have a sexy family." Shi then interrupts an incipient protest from the youngest: "I'm serious, Rii - you're about as hot as my little sister was at your age!" As before, the compliment draws a look of shy embarrassment.

A small interrogative growl then sounds from hir throat as Mara noses hir curiously. "You've got a sister?"

The mostly-black muzzle dips in a nod. "Mmhm. And actually, you'll all be meeting hir soon..."

Small ears perk at the foot of the bed. "'Hir'? Wussat?"

"That's what the first few like me - both male and female - came up with for pronouns: 'shi' and 'hir' instead of 'she' and 'her' or 'he' and 'him'."

As Tria nods, hir mother considers the notion for a moment. "Hrm...makes sense, I guess. Kind of a middle ground. O yeah - what about the question I asked a minute ago?"

The request requires a bit of thought to answer. "...O, you mean 'Who are you?'?" After a nod of confirmation, shi continues: "Right. Well, the short version is: I'm a demon, a Lust - to be even-more specific, a concubus; I'm sure you've heard of incubi and succubi?" More nods, echoed by one of hir own. "Well, a concubus is both at once - with all the abilities and all the restrictions. It gets to be a royal pain sometimes, remembering just what you can and can't get away with..."