Not Without You: Part 3/4-Everyone Loves a Party?

Story by VoodooRoo on SoFurry

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#3 of Not Without You

Sequel to 'Three's Company,' part 3 in the series.

Standard warnings; this story depicts graphic sexual acts of a gay nature between two furries. If you're under 18 (or 21 in some places) years of age, or don't like MxM, then don't read! Otherwise, enjoy!!



Lance bolted upright in bed, the single name escaping his mouth. He pried his shirt off, which was drenched in sweat, just the like the rest of him. He was breathing hard, and was wide awake. He looked over at the clock on his nightstand; 4:43. It was still dark outside.

There was a gentle knock at his door; his mother. "Lance? Is everything alright?"

"I'm--" he started, his voice cracking a little. He cleared his throat. "I'm fine."

His mother didn't say anything. "You sure, sweetie?"

"Yeah," he said, swinging his legs over the bed. He was happy he'd locked his door; he didn't need his mother to come in and see his fur matted in sweat and cum.

"OK," she said, walking back to their room.

Lance sighed, putting his face in his paws. It had been such a vivid dream; nightmare, really.

He'd been back in Ty's room, the two of them making out on Ty's bed. Lance had reached down and shucked off Ty's pants, Ty doing the same to him. Then, Ty had gotten up and helped to his Lance to feet, then went behind Lance to finish his rimming. But when he got down, he came back up, sputtering. He was spitting white fluid from his muzzle. "What's THIS!?" he'd asked, disgustedly. Lance tried to put his tail between his legs, whimpering. But Ty had yanked it back up. "Who have you been with? What dirty little fur have you been with, you cum-guzzling gutter fox!?"

"I--" began Lance, but Ty cut him off.

"NO! You know what, I don't want to know," he said, opening his bedroom door. "I'm sure you two will be happy together, fucking around. OUT!"

Lance said nothing, just slinked out of the door. It slammed behind him and then everything went black, leaving him alone.

That's when he woke up.

He could smell Josh, his body heat amplifying the smell. His fur was stiff in spots with dried semen. He could still taste Josh on his lips. Was a one-night stand worth it? Josh had assured him he wanted nothing more, but what if he lied? What if Ty found out? He couldn't stand the idea of lying to Ty.

He stood up, grabbing clothing. He knew sleep wasn't going to happen anymore. He opened his door and darted into the bathroom, scared his parents may be stalking the halls still. Turning on the hot water full blast, he stepped under, washing Josh out of him; ALL of him.

Standing in front of the mirror, he couldn't even meet his own gaze. He felt lower than dirt. He fooled around with another guy, behind Ty's back. He'd never had sex before his in his life, now he'd done it twice in two months, with two DIFFERENT guys, no less. This wasn't who he was. He wanted to ask Ty to be his boyfriend. He had to. He couldn't justify 'one time didn't count' over and over again.

It was five-thirty when he went back to his room. He played video games with the sound off, so not to disturb his parents. He watched the sun rise, his stomach clenching at the idea of math being his first period of the day.

He went downstairs, his mother making breakfast, his father reading the paper.

"You were up awful early," said his father. "Couldn't sleep?"

"No, not really," said Lance, sitting down, nervously playing with his fur.

His mother set a plate of pancakes in front of him. "Who's jacket is that on the chair?" she asked.

Lance nearly choked in his first bite. His eyes darted to the back of the chair near the door; Josh's jacket was still flung over the back.

He cleared his throat, swallowing hard. "Josh's," he said, as off-handedly as possible.

"Oh?" asked his mother. "That's the little kangaroo, right? What was he doing here?"

Lance tried not to blush. "We were studying. Just studying for a few hours."

"Is that how the glass broke?" asked his father, not-sternly, more curiously.

"Yeah," said Lance. "I was getting a drink for Josh, dropped the glass and broke it. I was gonna pick it up before you got home, just didn't have time. I was SO tired."

"Well, it's alright," said his mother, getting Lance's father a plate of pancakes. "No big deal. I'm just curious how Josh forgot his jacket; it was pretty cold last night."

Lance was wolfing down his breakfast now, anxious to get out of the house. "I guess--"

"Don't talk with your mouth full," said his father.

Lance swallowed. "I guess he was just in a hurry; favorite TV show or something." He dropped his fork, grabbing his backpack. "I'll, uh, walk to school today. Bye!" And with that, he was out the door.

His mother sat down at the table now. "Aren't you going to ask him why Josh went out the window, and why he was here that late?"

His father sipped at his coffee. "No, not now. I'll ask him the same time I ask him why he came home so late a month ago, the same time you ask him why his clothes were in a plastic bag and smelled of someone besides him."

"So...never?" asked his mother.

"Precisely," said his father, opening the next section of the paper. "As long as it's not drugs, I'm willing to let him do whatever he needs to."

"Maybe it's a girl," said his mother.


Lance walked into his math class, looking around; no Ty. But Race was there already.

Race's heart skipped a beat when Lance walked in. He tried to hide the fact that his pants had tented while he was thinking about Lance showing up. The fox walked to his usual seat, sitting down next to Race.

"Hey," Race managed to get out.

"Hmf," said Lance.

Race looked over at his friend. "Something wrong?"

"No...nothing you want to hear about," said Lance weakly.

Race leaned in closely. "Guy problems?"

"NO!" said Lance. "And keep that to a minimum, okay?" Lance shifted a bit in his seat. "Well, maybe. Problems with ME."

"What?" asked Race.

"N-nothing," said Lance. "Just...don't wanna talk about it."

"Okay," said Race.

"So, what is it you want to talk about?" asked Lance, remembering Race's phonecall from last night.

"Uh, well, I, um--"

Race was saved when the bell rang, and the teacher came in. Ty was right behind him, running for his seat.

Race took a deep breath. "I'll tell ya later, okay?"

"...Okay," said Lance, turning his attention to the teacher.

When the bell cut loose, Lance walked past Race and over to Ty. Race watched him go to the leopard, exchange a quick 'hello', followed by a furtive look around to make sure one was watching, then Lance planting a quick kiss. The leopard giggled and they walked out of the classroom. Race sighed watching them go; that must've been the other guy. He was in shape, good-looking, and obviously willing. How the hell was he going to compete with THAT!?

Ty walked with Lance down to his locker. "Sorry I didn't call. I had session."

"It's okay," said Ty. "As long as you weren't with some other guy!" He laughed.

Lance dropped his textbook he was getting out. ", of course not."

"Lance, that was a JOKE," said Ty.

"Oh, right...heheh," said Lance, picking up his book.

Ty gave him a funny look.

"Sorry, rough night," said Lance. "Didn't sleep well."

"Well, we could blow off second period," whispered Ty. "And then do a little more blowing."

Lance grinned widely. "I'd love to, but I really don't think I can afford to skip. Mid-terms are just a month away."

"Fine," said Ty. "But maybe we can do a little study session for them later?" he asked, swishing his tail a little.

"Sounds good," said Lance. "Your place?"

"Yeah," said Ty. "Later." He walked off towards second period.

Lance was still smiling when Ty left, the grabbed his books and walked towards his own class.


Lance sat down at his lunch table. There was already a full-swing discussion on 'XBOX2 versus PS3' in progress, mostly between Rick and Chris, who had the same argument on 'DS versus PSP.'

"Where's Josh?" asked Lance, sitting down.

"Right here," came a voice next to him. Josh sat down with his lunch tray. "Heya."

"Yeah, hi," said Lance, opening his lunch bag.

"Have fun studying last night?" asked Josh, starting into a slice of pizza.

"Yeah," said Lance. "But I think our study sessions are over. I feel pretty good about the test."

"Test?" asked Clark, quizzically.

"Uh, yeah," said Lance. "Just some lame test."

"Maybe we can talk about the test later," said Josh. "I still feel a little...unsure about it."

Lance looked over at Josh. "I thought we agreed we only had once."

"Maybe we should study for EVERY test," said Josh, grinning.

Lance stood up. "Come on, let's go 'talk'...NOW."

Josh followed Lance out of the cafeteria.

"WHAT test!?" asked Clark.

Lance dragged Josh around the corner and into the janitor's closet. "Not the most romantic place..." started Josh.

"Shut up," said Lance. "YOU said it was a one-time thing, and that was it. I'm trying to be with Ty here, and I don't need you fucking it up for me. I DON'T have an interest in any other guys, okay?"

Josh scuffed at the ground, looking at his feet. "I'm sorry, I didn't think a little harmless flirting would hurt anyth--"

"Well, it does," said Lance. "It's bad enough I went with you last night."

"Bad enough? You can't tell me you didn't like that," said Josh. He put his paws on Lance's shoulders. "You were the first guy I've been with...EVER. You're always going to be special to me now."

Lance pried off Josh's paws. "That's fine. But I'm going to be with Ty, and no one else is going to stand in my way. Keep the flirting to a minimum, and don't think you're going to wedge yourself between me and Ty,"

"That would be HOT--"


"Kidding! Just kidding," said Josh, raising his hands in defense. He kissed Lance lightly. "I promise, no more, okay? I won't hit on you anymore."

Lance smiled. "Okay." He opened the door and left.

"That doesn't mean your boyfriend is off limits, though," said Josh, quietly.

Lance walked back to the table, sitting down, staring at his food.

"Where's Josh?" asked Gary, the dalmatian, generally the quietest of the group.

"He's...uh...getting a drink, I think," said Lance.

"Awww. I wanted to invite both you guys to my birthday party next Saturday," said Gary.

"Really?" asked Lance.

"Yeah," said Gary. "I'm inviting all my friends; I'm gonna invite Race, too. Bring a guest, even; parents are outta town all weekend!!"

"Anyone for a guest?" asked Lance.

"Sure!" said Gary.

Lance knew who he was going to ask.

"So, next Saturday, then?" asked Lance. "As in, a week from tomorrow?"

"Yep," said Gary.

"I'll be there," said Lance.

"Great!!" exclaimed Gary. "I'm gonna be sure to find Josh and tell him, too."

Lance sat back in his seat. "Oh...great."


When the final bell rang, Lance went to get his jacket and head to the football field. He still wondered what Race wanted to talk about.

He was going out the front doors and rounding the corner when he grabbed from the small alleyway between the two parts of the school building. Warmth spread across his muzzle.

"Heya," said Ty, releasing Lance's tongue.

Lance smiled. "Hi." He kept looking out, afraid someone was watching.

"Don't worry, too dark to see back here," said Ty, unzipping Lance's pants.

"What're you doing!?" asked Lance in a fierce whisper.

"It's always sexier with the chance of being caught," said Ty, spreading Lance's boxers apart, teasing his shaft out through the opening in the fabric. Despite the cold, Lance was fully hard already, and plenty loose.

"Oh!" said Lance, as Ty's mouth moved over his exposed cock. Ty played the rest of Lance's sheath away, massaging the base of Lance's shaft with his thumb, playing with Lace's balls with his other free paw. Lance could hear suckling noises as Ty played his muzzle over the top of Lance's cockhead.

Ty eventually stopped with his thumb to push his muzzle all the way down Lance's cock. He pressed his tongue against the underside of Lance's penis, licking up and down. He managed to get all the way to the bottom, then slowly pulled himself off with a little 'pop'. He licked off the precum on the tip of Lance.

Lance opened his eyes, which he'd had closed since Ty had throated him. "Why'd you stop?" he asked.

"I just wanted to prime you," said Ty. He unzipped his own pants, turning around. "I don't think you've had a turn at me."

"No, this is true," said Lance, hesitating. "Now?"

Ty bent over, looking up through his legs. "Now."

Lance grabbed Ty by the hips, bringing his leaking cock down towards Ty's tail. He lifted the leopard's tail up and out of the way, exposing his pink hole. He then brought himself forward, inching in. His preing head slicked the way for him, making it easy to get into Ty.

"Little loose," said Lance, pushing more and more of his cock into Ty.

"Lots of practice," said Ty, grinning. "I've done things that would make your head spin and need to sleep for three days."

"We'll have to pick a three-day weekend," said Lance, devilishly.

Ty laughed, reaching up and starting to paw himself off. His own member was dripping pre-cum across the cement. Lance was still looking over his shoulder, seeing if someone was watching. Still no one had screamed 'OH, GOD!'

He managed to get his cock all the way into Ty, his warm insides tight against Lance, but not uncomfortably. He then pulled himself back out half-way, then pushed back in, over and over. He kept it going slowly, feeling his cum pushing back up through him. He adjusted himself so that a particularly sensitive spot was pressing against the bottom of Ty's tailhole, which made shivers go up and down his spine. His testicles kept churning, bouncing up and down as he penetrated Ty.

Ty was pulling his paw over his dick, trying keep time with Lance's thrusts. He had to brace himself against the wall with his other paw, Lance thrusting farther into Ty; and it felt great.

Lance was pressing into Ty faster now, almost unable to control the bucking of his hips. He felt cum collecting in his cock, pressing against his head, begging to be released. He looked around Ty's spread legs and saw the leopard pleasuring himself, gasping from both himself and Lance.

Ty's own cock pulsed, and then erupted across the ground, spraying his semen everywhere. He tried to keep the evidence off his pants, licking it off his fingers. His orgasm lasted for nine contractions, each one pumping more cum from his body. When it was done, he still felt Lance inside of him.

But Lance's own cumming wasn't far behind. He felt a small twinge run from his balls and up his cock to his head. Then, he exploded inside of Ty. This was the first time he'd topped someone, and his orgasm was the most intense he'd ever had. He flooded Ty's insides with cum, feeling his own warmth on his cock, more of it dribbling down Ty's legs.

Lance pulled himself from Ty when he was finished. Ty turned around, licking Lance's semen off his cock, slurping it down.

"That was great," whispered Lance.

"Yeah," said Ty. "First time, right?"

"For giving butt-sex, yeah," said Lance, grinning. "Is it always that good?"

"Yeah," said Ty, pulling up his pants and kissing Lance. "Gets better every time, too."

Lance kissed Ty back. "Then let's not wait too long for the next time." He looked down at his watch. "Aw, damn! I promised I'd meet Race on the football field."

"We'll meet up later," said Ty. "Stop by, around eightish, or so, okay?"

"Yeah," said Lance, as they walked out of the alley. "I'll see you then." He ran off towards the football field. Ty just smiled, enjoying watching Lance leave; at least watching his ass.


Race sat on the bleachers, looking around for Lance. It was a little chilly, but he wanted to talk with Lance so badly. He was trying to figure out the right words; "I like you""would you ever want to...?""you're my best friend and..." He just didn't have the right words that conveyed "I'm gay, too, and you're cute."

He was ready to give up waiting when he spied Lance come from the small alley that had been formed between the two ends of the high school. What he was doing back there, Race wasn't sure; until he saw the snow leopard emerge with him, both of them smiling at each other. Race then knew what had happened. He looked away, choking back tears. If it wasn't official yet, it had to be close; he couldn't tell Lance how he felt NOW.

Race watched Lance jog from the leopard and head towards the football field; Race started running to the opposite end, not wanting to see Lance right now. He didn't know what he was going to do, but he couldn't do it face-to-face.

He didn't stop running until he was home, back in his room.


When Lance hit the field, he looked all around for Race, but didn't see any hint of the collie. He knew he was late, but wasn't THAT late. He didn't expect Race to be so impatient.

He sighed, walking off the field. Maybe he'd call him later, see what he wanted.


Ty stepped through his front door, hanging up his jacket and sitting down with a sigh. His parents were already at work, and it would be at least three hours before Lance came over.

He was ready to go upstairs and play video games when his front doorbell rang. Maybe Lance had come over early.

He opened the door and on his porch was a kangaroo. "Hello."

"Hi," said the kangaroo shyly.

"Can you?" asked Ty.

"Yeah," said the kangaroo. "My name is Josh. I'm a friend of Lance's. He'd mentioned you a few times, thought I'd stop by and say hello."

"Oh!" said Ty. "Come on in."

Josh stepped inside, taking off his jacket. "Anyone else here?"

"Nope," said Ty. "My parents work all night, so it's just me every night; gets a little lonely. I'm glad I'm friends with Lance."

"So just friends, so far?" asked Josh, off-handedly.

"Yeah, we...wait, what do you mean 'so far'?" asked Ty.

"Well, you suck a guy off in the shower, I think it's more than 'just friends,' " said Josh, moving closer to Ty. "You could suck ME off in the shower, y'know. Or here, or on a bed, or wherever."

Ty looked up at Josh in shock. "What!?"

"Well, it doesn't have to be a BJ; I'm up for almost ANYthing," said Josh, leaning over Ty on the couch.

Ty pushed him off. "I don't know what ideas you have, but I think you should go!"

Josh sat back on the couch. "I get the idea you're gay, and so am I. And I'm looking for a little fun. Now, c'mere!"

Ty stood up. "No! Lance is my guy, and there's nothing that can change that."

"Not even pictures, plastered across the whole school of you two?" asked Josh.

"You don't have pictures!" said Ty.

"Really?" asked Josh. "There's an envelope at home that begs otherwise," bluffed Josh. "You don't want me to out you two to the school, hmmm? I'm sure everyone will be so understanding."

Ty fidgeted with his paws. "That''re supposed to be Lance's FRIEND."

"And I am," said Josh, getting up and touching Ty's arm. "I want to be YOUR friend, too. Just one night. Is that so bad? We both get something out of it."

Ty looked at Josh, realizing how good-looking the kangaroo was, not knowing Josh was playing both he and Lance just for a little action. "Well, maybe..."

"No maybe's, c'mon, we'll have a little fun!" said Josh. "I'm sure you were with other guys before Lance, right?"

"Well, yeah..."

"So, what's wrong with one more?" he asked.

"I guess," said Ty. If it saves Lance from being outed, thought Ty, I can do it.

Josh turned Ty around and pushed him back onto the couch. He took off his own shirt, then ripped off Ty's. He fell over the arm of the couch, on top of Ty, pressing his chest against his.

"Mmmm, hard already, huh?" asked Josh, playing his paw over Ty's chest.

Ty grinned. "Yeah, just a little."

Josh pushed his paw down Ty's pants. "Doesn't feel so little to me." He parted Ty's boxers, playing with his cockhead.

"Mrrr," said Ty, closing his eyes.

Josh unbuttoned Ty's pants with his free paw. "Feels good, huh?"

"Yeah," said Ty, grabbing Josh through his pants. "How 'bout that?"

Josh smiled. "Feels really good." He licked Ty. "How 'bout we get these annoying clothes off?" He pulled Ty's pants off, followed by his boxers. Then he pulled off his own. They both lay there, naked and looking into each other's eyes. Their shafts rubbed against one another, and Josh poked at Ty's balls with the end of him.

"How you want it?" asked Josh, pulling the rest of both their shafts away.

Ty looked away. "However you want."

Josh had a predatory glint in his eyes as he reached down, slipping a digit into Ty's tailhole. "Hmmm, nice and loose in there, I see. Plenty of practice."

Ty blushed. "Yeah..."

"But not yet," said Josh, moving forward and sitting on Ty's chest, his cock dangling right in front of Ty's muzzle; it even brushed against Ty's nose on occasion.

Ty willingly bent his head forward, sucking down Josh's cock. Josh threw his head back, growling low in his throat. Ty dragged his tongue across Josh's flesh, tasting his salty-sweetness. Pre had formed in Josh's slit, and Ty lapped it up eagerly.

Josh looked down into Ty's eyes. "That's good, Ty."

Ty said nothing, taking a break to lick Josh's balls, then back to his exposed shaft. He propped himself up to get a better angle on it, taking as much as he could into his maw. Josh wasn't as big as Lance, but damn close. He slicked up Josh, then pawed him a little, his fur quickly getting soaked in his own saliva and Josh's precum.

"C'mon, get your muzzle back on there!" said Josh. Ty did as he asked, putting his mouth back on Josh.

When he did, Josh started to face-fuck the leopard. Ty was a little surprised when he began, but went with it. He put his tongue on the kangaroo's sensitive spot, letting him run his cock over it when he came back into his muzzle every time. Josh pounded into Ty's muzzle, but not too hard; he didn't want to hurt him. His balls kept hitting Ty, but Ty didn't care.

Josh could feel himself welling up with cum. His dick was rock-hard, but he was trying to push it down. He kept bucking into Ty, rubbing his sensitive head against the roof of his muzzle. Ty loved feeling Josh inside, touching the top of his mouth. He reached around, sinking a digit in and out of Josh's hole, imitating butt-sex. He stroked Josh's prostate through the wall of his tailhole. He felt Josh's cock flex a little more when Ty hit him in the right spot.

Josh was in heaven. When Ty had started to finger him, he'd just lost it totally. Pleasure was all over his body. He felt semen spread up through his shaft. He tightened his muscles, and Ty felt his tailhole tighten. He knew Josh was on the edge.

When Josh came, he pulled his cock from Ty's muzzle, cumming all over the leopard's face. Ty felt the warm, sticky fluid hit him, and he liked it. He'd only ever had one other facial in his life. He pushed his digit farther into Josh's tailhole, feeling it spasm around his paw. That only amplified Josh's pleasure.

When Josh's orgasm had passed, he bent down and licked himself off of Ty. "You're turn."

"I like to top," said Ty.

Josh stepped off of Ty, then lay back on the floor, spreading his legs showing his pink hole.

Ty knelt down in front of him. He scooped some of Josh's cum off himself and Josh's cock and spread it across Josh's hole, lubing him up. Josh shivered when it touched him, and more when Ty lay across him. He ran a paw up and down the inside of Josh's thigh, pressing his cock just below Josh's tailhole.

"C'mon," said Josh. "Fill me up."

Ty poked him in stomach with a paw. "In due time." He pressed his cock just against Josh's hole, feeling the warm cum he'd smeared there. He felt his aching cock just begging to be fulfilled, to be pressed into that warm spot, and have its out.

He moved his hips forward, slowly bringing himself into Josh. Josh took in a sharp breath, being the first time his hole had been penetrated. It was odd feeling; he wanted to pucker his tailhole, but resisted. He wanted Ty inside of him.

Ty pressed on harder, feeling the kangaroo open up beneath him. Ty could tell this was his first time taking a butt-fuck. But Josh wasn't crying out or complaining, so Ty kept pushing his cock into the little roo. He could feel the semen lubing up the path for him, making it slick and easy to get into him. He was impressed the roo hadn't clamped down at all; he was taking it well.

Josh closed his eyes. It all felt good and hurt like hell at the same time. Ty felt so long and thick; he didn't think he'd EVER get all the way in. But it wasn't really more than a couple minutes before Ty said, "okay."

Josh opened the eyes, looking up at Ty. "Okay, what?"

"I'm all the way in," said Ty, smiling. "I'm hilted." Ty moved himself out, then slowly back in again. Josh sighed in pleasure.

"That feels really good," said Josh.

"I'm glad," said Ty, almost forgetting WHY he was doing this. He pulled himself in and out, feeling his testicles knocking against Josh over and over again. He watched as Josh reached up and started to paw himself off; he could see the roo's cock was ready to go again.

Ty kept pushing himself in and out, feeling his seed run up through his shaft. It was so slick now from his own pre he was having no problem getting back into the kangaroo. He could feel little spasms running along his cock, and Josh could feel those translated into his tailhole. He knew Ty would be cumming soon, and kept his pawing up; he wanted to come with Ty.

Ty's entire body felt electrified as he brought himself into Josh once more. With that final slam home, he felt his semen rush up through his shaft, exploding into Josh's rear end. He sighed with pleasure and relief as he spasmed nine times, each one feeling better than the last.

Josh felt Ty cumming into his rear end, and he then felt his own cum pushing up through his cock again. He came across his own chest, his penis spattering thick globules of his white seed onto his tan chest. His second orgasm felt better then the first.

Ty lay down across Josh, then rolled the side, both of them face to face, Ty's cock still in Josh's butt.

"That was great," said Josh, kissing Ty. "Thank you."

Ty just blushed, then pulled his cock from Josh. "I think--"

Before he could finish his sentence, there was a soft knock at the door. Ty visibly jumped; who would be here?

He crossed the room naked, crouching and looking through the blinds on the window. "Oh, my God; it's Lance! He's early."

Josh grabbed Ty's butt. "So we'll make it a three-way." He growled.

"No," said Ty. "I don't want Lance to know. EVER."

Josh grabbed his and Ty's pants, throwing Ty his. "Then get dressed."

Ty pulled his shirt and pants back on as the door bell rang. "Just a sec!" yelled Ty. When Josh was dressed, Ty went and opened the door. "Hey, Lance!"

"Hey," said Lance, stepping past Ty. He stopped dead when he saw Josh. "What's he doing here?"

"He--" began Ty.

"--was just leaving," said Josh, passing the two of them. "I'll see ya later, Ty."

Ty didn't say anything. Josh walked to the door and left.

Lance sniffed at the air, catching a familiar musk. And he noticed Ty's still-hard erection in his pants. "What exactly were you two doing?"

"I--I didn't think you'd be here so early," said Ty, walking from the living room to the kitchen. "Guess we can really get going on studying!"

"Ty..." began Lance. "I know those droplets of semen on the carpet didn't get there by themselves."

Ty swallowed hard. He turned to Lance, tears in his eyes. "I'm sorry! H-He can came here, and threatened--and then said--" Ty sobbed, then ran to Lance and threw his arms around the fox. "I'm so sorry! I just want to be with you!"

Lance guided Ty to the couch, both of them sitting down, Ty wiping his eyes.

"Look," said Lance, "you're not all to blame here."

"Yes, I AM!" said Ty, miserably. "He said he had pictures of us, and would spread them around school, but it was no reason to do it. I thought I'd have time to clean up before you got here."

"Ty, it's not all your fault." Lance sighed. "He came to me last night, too. Same threat. And I went to bed with him."

Ty looked up. "What?"

"He said he'd out us both," said Lance, now a few tears slipping from his own eyes. "I didn't...didn't want to, but I didn't want you getting hurt again. I can't bear the thought of you moving away from me."

Ty sniffled again. "So...he was just using us?"

Lance gritted his teeth. "Seems that way."

Ty put his head on Lance's shoulder. "I really do only want to be with you."

"I know," said Lance. "And I want to be with you."

"'ll be my boyfriend?" asked Ty, hopefully.

"Yes," said Lance. "Yes I will."

Ty kissed Lance hard, hugging the fox close. "That makes me happier than you will ever know."

"I think I can imagine," said Lance, squeezing Ty's butt.

Ty wiped a few more tears from his eyes. "So...should we study now?"

"Yeah," said Lance. "But REAL studying."

"Deal," said Ty, giggling.


Lance got home around eight. Even though it was a Friday, he was dead tired. He unlocked his door and stepped inside. He almost walked over the envelope on the floor. He picked it up, quizzically; there was no name or address or anything on it. It wasn't sealed either, the back flap just tucked under. He opened it up and found a single card inside, with "From your secret admirer" written across it.

Lance frowned. Was this from Josh? He didn't think so; Josh wouldn't be this tactful or secretive. And he'd been with Ty all day. So who'd left it.

He went upstairs, laying the card on his desk. It had been one hell of a day. At least he'd gotten Ty to agree to go to Gary's party next Saturday.

Lance picked up his phone, dialing Race's house.

"Hello?" a female voice came on.

"Oh, hey, Mindy," said Lance to Race's sister. "Home visiting?"

"Hi, Lance. Yeah, for a little while." Mindy attended a college in a different state. "Looking for Race?"

"Yeah, is he there?" asked Lance.

"Hang on," said Mindy. Lance could hear voices in the background, low and furtive. "Naw, sorry, Lance he's...uh...studying, I guess, doesn't want to be disturbed."

"Oh....," said Lance, frowning. "Well, ask him to call me, okay?"

"Will do," said Mindy. "Bye, Lance." And she hung up.

Lance put the phone down. Race had never turned him down just because he was studying. He wondered what was up.


Mindy hung the phone up, sighing. "Still not confronting him?" she asked her brother.

Race said nothing, looking at the TV.

"You'll have to see him on Monday," she said, "and the sooner you get this over with, the better you're gonna feel."

He still said nothing.

She sighed again, exasperated. "Well, don't expect me to lie for you anymore." She left the room.

Race watched her go, then clicked off the TV. He had no idea what he was going to do. Why was he having these feelings NOW? He wondered idly if Lance had noticed the card he'd slipped under the door. He'd felt like such an idiot afterward, but couldn't think of anything else to do.

He reached over and picked up the phone, dialing the first six numbers of Lance's number, then stopped. He cleared the number and put the phone down. He ran upstairs to his room, sitting down on his bed, trying to will away the feeling of emptiness and pain he felt inside. He didn't want his parents to see him moping over a GUY; it was bad enough his sister knew.

He rolled over and went to sleep, not bothering to change his clothes. He had no idea what he was going to do, but he knew he couldn't avoid Lance forever. But for now, he slept.


Saturday, Race left another note for Lance; he sealed and addressed this one to Lance because his parents would be home. Sunday, he dropped off a package that had a necklace in it for Lance.

Lance couldn't figure out who was leaving these things for him. He even called Ty, asking if he'd left the necklace for him. Ty said no, and asked Lance about it. Lance said maybe it was a wrong house delivery; despite the fact it had Lance's name right on it, which he neglected to mention. He also left out the notes he'd received.

On Monday, Race was absent from school. Lance was worried if he was okay or not; he hadn't called him back all weekend.

Tuesday, Race was also gone. Lance tried calling him, but got no answer.

On Wednesday, Race was back in his usual seat.

"Hey, there," said Lance, sitting down next to him. "You doing okay?"

"Yeah," said Race, not looking at Lance. "Just a little cold, ya know?" He looked over at the empty spot in the opposite corner. "Where's the leopard?"

"Ty?" asked Lance. "Back in his own class."


"You sure everything's okay?" asked Lance.

Race smiled weakly. "Yeah, don't worry about me."

"...OK," said Lance, not believing him.

When Lance got home that day, there was another package for him; this one was a gold-plated watch. He usually didn't wear watches, but this one looked so good. He still couldn't figure out who was leaving these for him.

By the time Saturday rolled around, he'd received two more notes from his 'secret admirer.' But he shoved those aside; tonight was Gary's party.


Lance pulled up in front of Ty's house at seven, the leopard jumping in and planting a kiss on Lance. "Heya."

Lance smiled, putting the car in gear, and heading Gary's.

Gary lived in the more up-scale area of town; he had a three-floor house, border-line mansion. The driveway, front yard, and street were packed with cars already, furs walking towards the house. Lance managed to fit his car on the street, he and Ty walking towards the house.

Inside, it was loud, bright, and wall-to-walls furs. A long table was positioned along the left-hand wall, filled with chips, pop, finger sandwiches, and such. In the back, in the kitchen, was the keg and assorted liquors. Gary's parents were gone for the weekend, so anything was fair play.

Lance could also spot amorous guys taking their girls upstairs, barely waiting before peeling off clothing.

"Hey!" shouted a voice. Gary crossed the room to Lance. "Glad you could come!" he shouted over the music that was playing, "Dave Mathews' Band' on right now. "Who's your friend!?"

"This is Ty," said Lance. "He's still fairly-new to town."

"Hey!" shouted Gary to Ty. "Have fun here! Any friends of Lance's are okay with me!"

"Thanks!" Ty shouted back.

Gary tipped his glass at them. "Drink's in the back, food is...everywhere! Have fun!" He walked off, mingling with other furs.

Lance and Ty moved into the next room, away from the music. "How'd he get booze?" asked Ty.

"His brother is twenty-two," said Lance, grabbing a fistful of Doritos. "I'd guess he brought it."

Ty nodded.

"You want some?" asked Lance. "I'm driving."

"No," said Ty, "I don't like beer."

" 'Kay," said Lance.

Across the room, Race was watching Lance walk in with Ty. He was standing with Clark, and Chris and a few of the other guys, half-listening to them talking and laughing. He'd already shot down four beers, and was on his fifth. He watched as Ty put an arm around Lance, looking like two friends to anyone else. Race was thrilled to see that Lance was wearing the necklace he'd given him.

When Race watched Ty walk away, he crossed the room to Lance.

"Hi," said Race, setting his drink down.

"Oh, hey, there ya are!" said Lance, turning around.

"Yeah, I was over there with Clark," said Race. He leaned in close. "Where'd Ty go?"

"He went to get something to eat," said Lance. "He'll be back in a second. Why?"

"Cuz there's something...upstairs I want to show you," said Race.

"Have you been drinking?" asked Lance.

"A little," said Race. "Come on, it'll only take a second." He grabbed Lance's paw and lead him upstairs.

At the bottom of the stairs, Josh watched as the two of them made their way upstairs. He then looked across at Ty, who had a bewildered look on his face when he didn't see Lance. Josh smiled.

Race opened the bedroom door at the end of the hall. "What is this thing?" asked Lance, stepping inside. He stopped when he heard the door close and the lock engage. Lance turned around. "What are you--?"

He was cut off when Race grabbed him and kissed him. Lance shook free. "Race!"

"Please, Lance," said Race. "I don't know what it is, but ever since you started being with Ty, I can't get you off my mind! I've never felt this way before until now, but I I want to be with you like that."

Lance couldn't believe it. This was insanity; he had THREE guys after him now? And on top of it, this guy was his best friend.

"Race, look, I...Ty is my boyfriend now," said Lance, backing up. "Besides, your STRAIGHT."

"Not any more," said Race, taking off his shirt.

"You are drunk, though," said Lance.

"I still know what I want," said Race. Lance was entranced by the collie's tight muscles, and looked across his chest and abs.

"You're my best friend," said Lance. "W-we can't--" He tripped and fell across the bed.

Race pounced on top of him. "Why not? I am your secret admirer."


Race grinned and nodded. "You're so hot, and smart, and sexy, Lance. I can't imagine anyone else I'd rather be with." He kissed Lance again.

Lance looked up at his friend. "Race, I..." He hugged Race tight, pulling him down on top of him. "NO! I can't do this to Ty again!" He wriggled out from under Race and sat against the headboard. "I already was...unfaithful once."

"I don't want it to be once," said Race, stroking Lance's hair. "I want you as my own."

"You want to be my boyfriend?" asked Lance.

"Yeah," said Race, his stomach twisting. Lance had already said Ty was his boyfriend.

Lance looked into Race's deep, green eyes. "I....I wanted you as mine, too, but I didn't think you were--"

"Well, now I am," said Race.

"But Ty..."

Race sat next to him, putting arm around Lance, pulling him close. "You're my best friend in the world; I don't want to make you do anything you don't want to. But I do really like you."

Lance sighed, looking down. "I really don't want to hurt Ty." He looked back at Race. "But I like you, too."

Race smiled. "So, you'll be...with ME?"

Lance grinned now. "Yeah, I'd like that." He licked Race. "A lot."

Race reached down and fondled Lance through his jeans. "These pants are in my way."

Lance looked down at Race, who obviously already was hard. "Your's too." Lance stripped off his own shirt, throwing it away to the floor. Race kissed him up and down his chest, unzipping Lance's pants. Lance murred and reached over and undid Race's. Both pairs of jeans floated to the ground.

They kneeled in front of each other, hugging hard. Lance kissed Race up his neck, Race slipping Lance's boxers down his butt and stroking a claw along his cheeks, bringing to his tailhole now and then. Lance giggled and shivered; he reached down and yanked the collie's boxers down all together. His pink member was already free of his sheath, but his knot was still hidden.

"Hmmm, I see what you have your mind on," said Race.

Lance grinned again, throwing the collie down on the bed. He straddled him, biting him lightly on the neck. Race reached down and shucked off Lance's boxers, his hard cockhead bouncing into view.

Lance sprawled across Race, nude, just feeling his warmth. He felt Race slip his arms around him, hugging him close. "I've always liked you, Race," mumbled Lance.

Race smiled now. "I always liked you, too; unfortunately, it took another guy to make me realize that." He stroked Lance's hair softly, his other paw tracing slow circles around Lance's back. Lance sighed contentedly, closing his eyes.

"Do you wanna?" asked Lance after a moment.

"Do I want to what?" asked Race, genuinely.

Lance looked into his eyes. "Be WITH me."

"Oh," said Race. "Yeah, I'd like that, too."

Lance sat back up. "Okay."

Lance moved back, still sitting on top of Race, and eased himself over Race's cock. Race gasped at the feeling of Lance's warm tailhole spreading over his penis. He bucked his hips a little, forcing it in deeper. Lance laughed. "Little eager?"

"First time," said Race, also laughing a little.

Lance settled himself over Race completely, letting his cock fill his own tailhole completely.

"What now?" asked Race, sheepishly.

Lance started to move himself up and down, riding Lance's cock. "This."

"Ohhhhhhhh.....," said Lance in a trance-like voice. He felt himself getting stiffer, which he didn't think was possible. His balls started to tingle, and he liked that feeling. He also felt his knot starting to form.

Lance felt odd himself; he was used to being lubed up when being penetrated, but it didn't hurt as much as he expected. Besides, Race was started to pre now, so it helped to slick things up. He could feel the collie's knot forming, a bulbous growth at the base of his cock Lance's tailhole kept hitting when he came back down.

Lance stopped. "Roll to the side."

"Huh?" asked Race, a little breathless.

"Come on, roll with me," said Lance. They both ended up on their right side, Race still embedded in Lance. "OK, go ahead."

"With what?" asked Race.

"Fuck me," said Lance, quietly. "Bury that knot in me."

Race did as encouraged, sliding himself in and out of Lance; this felt even better to him. His cock moved easily in and out of Lance, catching small sensitive areas of his shaft on the way out, which made him growl. He leaned forward and bit Lance's neck as he breeded him.

Lance could feel his own cock throbbing, and he was tempted to reach down and start pawing himself, but he resisted. He wanted to have all of himself when he returned the favor to Race. Instead, he lifted his left leg, giving Race a little more room to work with and fondled his own testicles.

Race didn't think it could get any better, until he felt his knot form fully, and he rested that inside of Lance. That was a whole new level of pleasure. For Lance, this made his eyes go wide and yip a little.

"You okay?" asked Race, stopping. He tried to pull his cock out, but found he was now fully tied with Lance; it would be too painful to get back out.

"Yeah, that's just a new feeling," said Lance. "But I like it." He smiled.

Race grinned and resumed his pumping, having to keep his knot inside of Lance now. Every thrust out brought a tingle of pleasure up his cock to his head when his knot pressed against Lance's hole. He felt semen pressing against his slit, preing like crazy. His heat and Lance's mixing deep inside of Lance's tailhole, making his head spin and he was panting intensely.

"Nnng," he gasped out, as he felt one last tingle, then his cock spasmed hard inside of Lance. He pressed himself into Lance as deep as possible, feeling his balls pull up to him tight as his orgasm spilled his hot seed into Lance's rear end. It felt amazing to him as his penis spurted out cum, his member still hugged by Lance's tailhole. He pressed his pelvis into Lance's rear, feeling his muscle still contracting, pushing more and more cum out, some of spilling past his knot and onto the bed.

Lance felt Race cumming in his rear end, the warm cum painting his insides. "Ooooh," he said quietly. He felt his own cum welling up inside of him. He feel Race's muscles tightened up as he pressed himself against Lance, hugging him until his orgasm passed. When it did, Race breathed deeply.

"Wow," said Race.

"Yeah," said Lance, turning around and licking him.

"Does it always feel so good?" he asked.

"Better, sometimes," said Lance. "Guess I have to wait for you to settle down before we do anything else."

"Yeah," said Race, embarrassed now by his huge cock base still plugging Lance.

"It's OK," said Lance. "I like being this way anyway."

Race slipped his arms around Lance again, hugging him.


Ty was still walking from room to room downstairs, looking for Lance. He didn't see him ANYwhere; it was like he just disappeared. His car was still outside, so it wasn't like he'd left.

"Hey, there," came a voice. Ty turned around and was face-to-face with Josh.

"Hi...," said Ty, pushing past him.

"You come by yourself?" asked Josh, following him.

"No," said Ty, still looking around for Lance. "I came with Lance; he drove."

"Oh," said Josh. "That's weird, though. I thought I saw Lance with Race. They were headed upstairs awhile ago."

Ty looked over his shoulder. "Upstairs? For what?"

"You only go upstairs at a party for ONE reason," said Josh, slyly.

Ty looked over the stairs to the second floor, watching another couple of furs going upstairs, kissing and unbuttoning.

"No, he didn't go up there for that," said Ty.

Josh shrugged. "Whatever. But I haven't seen 'em come back down, either." He walked away to the drink table.

Ty waked to the bottom of the stairs, fidgeting with his paws. Lance wouldn't go up there for sex; they'd already committed to each other. He trusted Lance totally.

But something made him put one paw in front of the other and climb those stairs.

Josh watched the leopard climbing the steps from the opposite side of the room. He smiled again, and sipped at his drink.


Race pulled himself out of Lance, kissing Lance again. "Your turn."

Lance rolled Race over on to his stomach. He could see the collie's balls swinging between his legs, and that him stiffer yet. He pressed two digits into Race's behind, feeling his pucker around them. "Sure you're ready?" asked Lance.

"Yeah," said Race. "I want you in me."

"Okay, I'll go slow," said Lance, grabbing Race's hips. He pressed his cockhead against Race's tailhole, spreading his own pre around the ring. When he was satisfied, he pressed himself inside, feeling the now-familiar resistance against his cock. But he pressed himself deep into Race, slowly so not to discomfort him. But he managed to hilt himself, getting himself in up to his base. His balls rested comfortably between Race's warm legs.

"How's that?" asked Lance.

"Good," said the collie. "Really good." Lance's cock was pressing against his prostate in it's current position.

Lance slowly pulled himself out, then slammed himself back in. He was breathing and sweating hard now, feeling his semen pumping through his cock. He liked this feeling though, the feeling he'd just had with Ty last week.

When he pulled out again, he only went in a little, then back out a little, over and over, quickly, keeping one sensitive spot tantalized by Race's ring. Race gasped a little at the sudden, furious movement. But then Lance resumed his slow pumping, gripping Lance's hips harder now as his orgasm neared; he'd almost been afraid he was going to cum when Race had exploded inside his rear. He kept bucking his hips, pushing himself in and out, his body flooding with pleasure.

Race was digging his paws into the bedspread, looking for something to grab on to. It wasn't that it hurt, much anyway, but it was intense feeling another guy inside his rear end. He bit onto the pillow, biting down hard. He felt his cock leaking again, his knot pushing out again.

Lance could feel his cum pushing up and out of his cock; he was so close now.

But he stopped dead when the doorknob rattled.


Ty stopped at the last door at the end of the hall. One of the other furs had said a guy fitting Lance's description had gone in here with another male collie. He breathed deeply, knowing he wouldn't find anything in there; probably just video games.

He twisted the knob. Someone had engaged the lock, but not all the way; the door still swung freely. Light from the hallway spilled in and across the floor, then the bed.

The first thing that caught Ty was the smell; the musky smell of sweat and cum he knew all too well. Then, he saw the collie bent over on the bed, Lance planted firmly inside his tailhole.

"Ty...," whispered Lance, his face stricken.

Ty's face screwed up, tears welling up in his eyes. He couldn't believe it. This wasn't extortion, or because he was going to be outed; this had been of his own will.

Ty felt crushed. His heart dropped into his stomach, and he stepped back.

"Ty, wait!" said Lance, pulling from Race. Several furs had gathered in the hallway now. Ty backed out into the hallway as Lance approached him, dripping pre. "Ty, it's not--"

Ty said nothing, just ran back down the hall, to the stairs. Lance tried to go after him, but stopped in the hallway when he remembered he was naked. He retreated into the bedroom as several furs looked at him in surprise.

Hitting the bottom of the stairs, Ty ran for the door, closing his eyes to shut out his tears and his urge to scream. Several furs watched him run past, it already getting out what had happened upstairs. He wrenched open the door, running out into the night. He didn't stop running until he was across the lawn. Then he stopped to sob and cry.

"Need a ride somewhere?" asked Josh, leaning against his car.

Ty sniffled, wiping his eyes. "No. Stay away from me. You sent me up there on PURPOSE!"

"So what if I did?" asked Josh. "Would you have preferred to have been in the dark about it?"

Ty said nothing, just looked away.

"And who's here for you now?" asked Josh, approaching him. "Not Lance, that's for s--"

"I said stay away," said Ty, quietly.

Josh stopped in his tracks. "...OK."

Ty turned and ran down the street. He knew he was miles from home, but he didn't care. He didn't want to be near ANYONE right now.


Lance slammed the door, locking it and making SURE it was locked now. He could hear furs talking outside the door, and couldn't make out everything, but caught the words like 'gay' and 'fags.' All his worst fears were being realized in a space of minutes.

Race was sitting on the edge of the bed. "Do you want to...finish?"

Lance shook his head, putting his face in his paws. "God..."

Race stood up and went over to him, putting his paws around Lance's shoulders. "Hey, it's okay. He was going to find out eventually, right?"

"Yeah, but....not like this," said Lance. "I didn't want to hurt him too badly. And now EVERYONE knows."

Race licked him. "If I get to be with you, I'd tell the whole world I'm gay."

Lance smiled weakly. "Thanks, Race." He picked up his boxers and pants. "I think we should go."

They got dressed and opened the door to several hopeful eyes, apparently trying to see if the show was over. Race and Lance slinked past them to the stairs, going back down. The music was still playing, but no one was doing anything; all eyes were on Race and Lance. All except Clark, who wouldn't meet their gazes.

No one said a word as the two of them slipped out.

"Well, a little preview of how Monday will be," said Lance, sourly.

Race hugged him again. "It's okay, we have each other."

"But who does Ty have?" asked Lance. "He's gotta be feeling pretty alone right now."

Race said nothing.

"Don't worry, I do want to be with you," said Lance.

Race kissed him again. "You want to do something tomorrow?"

"Um...sure. Call me, okay?" asked Lance, excitedly.

"You bet," said Race, as they headed for their cars. The two of them drove away. Race felt happier than ever, now that he had someone. Lance was torn; he was deliriously happy Race wanted to be with him, but felt so guilty for the way Ty found out.

He sighed as he parked at home, sitting in his car, thinking. He was terrified to go back to school now, everyone staring at him, knowing what he did, calling him all those names. Not to mention confronting Ty. And what if his parents found out?

He leaned his head against the steering wheel, closing his eyes tight.


Ty opened his front door, beat after walking home for two hours. He kicked off his shoes, not caring where they landed. He went upstairs, falling across his bed. He didn't feel anything anymore except hollow, like there was nothing inside of him TO feel. He wanted to scream, cry, throw or hit something, but didn't. All he did was grab the notes he had from Lance and shredded them, throwing them into the garbage.

Somehow watching those pieces of paper fall into his wastebasket made him cry all over again.


Race was lying in his bed, looking at a picture of he and Lance from last year, his favorite picture of the two of them from a camping trip. He smiled as he looked at his new mate, feeling so happy Lance had wanted him. He'd been afraid Lance would stick with Ty, and refuse to leave him. Race did feel bad for the leopard, but was still happy Lance hadn't turned him down.

He rolled over and turned off his light, and for once had happy dreams; of he and Lance together.


Author's Note: Yes, there will be a part 4, so anyone who wants one, settle down, it's cumming... er...coming =P I have yet to decide if it will finish out the series, but I have ideas already beyond this one anyways, so it wouldn't be the 'absolute' end. Oh, yeah, and part 4 is going to be very heavy-handed, very down. Things are still going to get worse still before coming up >.>