Lost and Found Pt.2

Story by Articus hare on SoFurry

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#2 of the Lost and Found Series

Lost and found.


Snow could hear the noises coming from the den, and knew exactly what was going on even before he opened the door. He could hear moaning, panting and the odd stifled squeal. As he opened the door, he saw coal and a winged feline both fucking their new rabbit. Whose name turned out to be Parker. Though they all called him park, bunny or pet.

Coal and the feline were really giving it to the rabbit. Snow felt himself grow aroused and watched as coal came in the rabbits mouth. The rabbit swallowed every last drop. He had been with them for over 2 months now, and loved his new home. The other furre, the feline, had been with them longer then he could remember, since he had met coal in fact. The felines name was Red. He was a vampire coal had rescued. The poor creature had been bound to a tree and left to die by sunlight. Coal saved him and brought him back here where he became his pet.

However, things had been rocky when parker and red were introduced. It seemed they both knew each other, and in a bad way. Red it seemed had been a part of the raiding band, which killed parker's family. Parker it turned out had been there when reds family was killed, he even killed reds family though he swore it was a mercy killing. The two hated each other for a few days. But eventually they began to grow close. Almost like brothers. They both shared nearly the same past, and had forgiven the other for his part in his families killing. Parker was also part vampire, but not fully. His blood was clean as any non vampires, but he still had the blood cravings and fangs, other than that though, he was just another bunny.

One day parker was out in the woods collecting fruits and such, when a bear attacked him. Red was nearby and ran to save parker. He was almost too late. The bear had hurt parker deeply, red killed the bear, grabbing parker up in his arms and racing back towards the den. It took 3 whole days before parker finally woke up. As he lay there looking up at red, red leaned down and kissed him on the lips, saying ‘I love you parker'. Parker confessed his love for red to and the two became mates.

Snow smiled as the bunny licked the last of the cum from coals cock, before turning his attention to snow, murring happily."Snowy! Your back, come sit near me, you must be cold." And grinned playfully. Snow just smiled back and replied "actually yes,. I am rater cold.. maybe you can help warm me up?"

Snow went to sit next to their new friend. He was more than just a pet. He was a part of their family, a good friend, and a good advisor in problems. And on more than one occasion he'd shown he was willing to die to protect his home and family. It was over a month ago. A few days after he had recovered from the bear attack. They were all out along side the rivers for a picnic. Things had been going well until a group of bandits attacked them. Coal and e were ready to fight the bandits, but parker did something he had never seen any other rabbit do. His entire body seemed to glow with a faint fire. He drew his sword, which we always wore anywhere he went, and shot into the bad of thugs with such blinding speed, no one new what happened until the 4 bandits fell to the ground in pieces. They never really did ask parker how he did it. Just put it down to years of killing to survive and left it at that.

"Something on your mind snowy?" parker asked, looking up into his friend's eyes. "Oh no. Nothing important. Just thinking about how cold I am."

At this parker giggled. The hare felt his mate behind him, pumping harder until he came in his ass. Filling his hole with delicious hot seed. Pulling out slowly. "Mmmn. Parker. I love you." said red, leaning forward to hug his mate. Parker hugged his mate back, kissing him deeply on the maw. Sliding his tongue over and around his mates, purring happily. Snow was watching all this and growing hard. He grabbed the bunnies ass and slowly pushed himself in. growling softly as he pushed into the rabbits tight ass. That was something they could never really figure out. How the rabbits ass could stay so tight no matter how much it was fucked. But they just chalked it up as another mystery and left it alone. Besides, the rabbit was very, very good at yiffing so they never really questioned it. He could hear their pet moaning deeply as he pushed his hardened meat into his ass.

Parker moaned out. Snows cock was fairly large, about 7 inches long, roughly the same length as reds, but an inch shorter than coals. He could feel snows cock pushing deep into his ass. Could feel snows knot popping in and out of his ass. He moaned again, dropping his head from his mate's maw to his cock, licking and sucking on it. Taking reds entire length into his mouth. He could hear red and snow both moaning softly, Red more so as he his mates tongue teasing his cock. Red began to pant as his cock started leaking pre-cum into parker's mouth. Red started thrusting into parkers maw moaning with each short thrust. It wasn't long until the hare's mouth was filled with red's hot load of cum. Snow lasted another minute or two before releasing a long hot load of seed deep in parkers ass. Parker moaned as he too came, blowing his load on the floor. Snows load, and his knot, having sent him over the edge. He lay on the floor, panting somewhat heavily, snuggling his head against reds legs and moaning contentedly.

Coal sat up in his chair. Smiling tiredly. ‘Ok everyone. Time for bed. And no complaints either.' Coal and Snow both slept in the same bed, As did parker and red. Or more accurately, Coal and Snow slept in the only bed in the small home, and parker and red slept on a pair of mattresses by the fireplace. Not that they minded. A bed was a bed after all. As red lay on the bed he could feel his lovers arms encircling his body, furry hands caressing his muscular chest, and a small giggle close to his ear.

"Christ not again park... don't you ever get tired?" moaned red. How he loved his mate, but he was always amazed at how his love could fuck so much, even for a rabbit

"Mmmmmn...Oh yes red, I loved you fucking me tonight. But now, I just want to cuddle with you. Can I do that?"

Red smiled and rolled over, spooning his lover. Parker was a little shorter than he was. His build was slighter. But he still had well toned muscles. His whole body was covered in scars from his hard life. Some were very old, some fairly new, All of them incurred in some kind of fight, battle or scrap in his life. Parker's age was never really determined. No one survived the destruction of his village but him, and no one ever knew he existed. He looked old, but that could have been due to his life of surviving. And that aside, he acted like, and had the energy of one barely in there 20's. He didn't like to talk about it much because even he couldn't remember how old he was. How many winters and summers he had endured, how long or how far he had traveled from his home. His entire life before the attack was forgotten, washed away in a baptism of blood and fire. Some nights, red would hear his love crying softly in his sleep. At these times red would hold his love close until he stopped crying. Red never let on about it though, his love was obviously fighting some inner demon and didn't want anyone to know it yet.

"Oh, thank the holy ones park. You had me worried for a moment." He replied. Pressing his body against parkers. Feeling his loves warmth through his fur. Hearing him murr as he was held in his lovers embrace. Parker snuggled back deeper into reds chest. Parker deeply loved red, and would have done anything to protect him.Red was bigger than him, but he liked that. he liked snuggling agaisnt his mates muscular chest, feeling his strong arms encirceling his smaller body, and feeling his wings draped lightly over him Tonight he felt safe in his loves arms.their bodies both pressed together, as they asleep like that, snoring into the night, unaware of the two figures watching them

"Awww... isn't that cute?" whispered the one to the other.

"Its adorable it is. Kind of reminds me of us when we first met." Replied the other, turning to look at his mate in the dark hallway "do you still love me like that?" asked the somewhat brighter wolf. The darker wolf turned to his mate, smiling in the dark, "come to bed Hun, ill show you how much I still love you.."


Hello everyone, I'd just like to take a moment here to explain why this took so long. You see, my ex-bf, whom I broke up recently with-and now kick my self hard for- killed himself. It nearly killed me when his brother told me, as he was my very first bf. I learned he killed himself because of me. so i had to take a little time off. but now im back.. Thank you my watchers, viewers and people who faved my first story, and to any and all new/potential watchers and fav's. Ill try to have more stories up, but they do take some time to write up.

Once again, I just wanted to apologize for the delay. I hope you enjoyed reading this story, and look forward to PM's and comments