This time I lost some...

Story by WolfgangWolfe on SoFurry

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I've always said life is like a game.

You win some.

You lose some.

I guess this time I lost some...

Maybe I should've listened to all the advice I had gotten and got off the case...

Maybe I wouldn't be where I am now, but I'm here...

I guess maybe I should tell you exactly what happened.

It started 3 days ago...a rainy night and a frantic customer...


I sat there in my office, full on my own ego. I was one of the best detectives out there and I knew it, hell, everyone knew it. I suppose that's why he came through the door.

"Mr. Drake? Are you Alec Drake?" the frantic squirrel asked as he flung the door open. He was wearing a pretty flimsy suit, he looked pretty important despite this.

"Yeah I'm him, what seems to be the problem?" God I was a cocky bastard.

"I would like to report quite a few missing persons, " he reached in his wallet and pulled out a card, "I am William J. Fidget, I own the wrestling federation downtown, I'm sure you've heard of it, FWF, the Fur Wrestling Federation, but anyway, my best wrestlers have been disappearing and seemingly without a trace!" He yelled in a very fidgety manner. I simply pulled a smoke out of my pocket and lit it, taking a few long puffs before I replied,

"How much are you charging?"

"Well it wont be much, as I said, my best wrestlers have gone missing and business has been kind of slow..."

"Well, it would seem I would not be able to help you, so..." I said as I began to rise.

"Wait! Ok, ok. I'm sure I can come up with the money some how, how does 2 grand sound?" He asked, waiting eagerly to hear a yes. My eyes lit up with that figure and I feigned disinterest.

"Well, it ain't much, but I'll see what I can do." And with that I held out a paw to shake his own, he quickly shook it and nodded his head.

"Thank you so much! I knew I should come to you!" he paused and looked at his watch, "and on that note I must be going, I'll have to maintain some sort of order down at that place, I will be expecting you in the morning, I am afraid no kind of evidence is present but you're more than welcome to ask questions about anything you may find." With that said he quickly made his way out the door, giving me no chance but to accept his invitation.

"Heh, well thanks, I guess I don't have much choice now." I yawned and looked at the card he had left on the table, now that I thought about it I did hear of some up and coming wrestling federation in the downtown area. Though, this place wasn't the most reputable, the kind of federation that took on all challengers, not your standard entry type. There were a few wrestlers who stayed around for the work but the majority was the kind of drunken idiots who looked to pick a fight and usually a losing one.

I sat back down at my desk with some difficulty, I wasn't the slimmest detective in the entire town...ok, at about 300lbs I wasn't slim at all, but being 6 ft tall, I looked more like a bear than a wolf. But as I said, I had some difficulty sitting at the desk with my gut pressing against the edge of it. Guess it was my own fault; I loved eating despite the fact that I was always full of myself. I opened the draw to my side and reached in for my custom made handgun, a blue flame etched into the barrel of it. I looked it over with a sigh, "Hopefully I won't have to use you..." I said and slid it into my holster. Having a rep like mine gave me a lot of quick work, and even faster enemies.

Tomorrow was going to be a busy day.


I didn't have much trouble finding the place as that was pretty much all that was in that part of the town. A few worn down apartment buildings perhaps, but nothing that stood out like this place. Wearing my favorite trench, hat, white dress shirt, slacks and puffing on a cigarette as usual I walked up to the front, some old worn posters of the returning wrestlers were hung on the walls and strewn across the floor. A dirty red carpet lay across the ground to greet me as I opened the doors, but just as I did I felt a rather large paw pull me back. My hand quickly reached for my gun and found itself aimed at a rather large gorilla, at least 7ft tall and well over two times my weight.

He snorted at the sight of my gun and looked down at me, his gray eyes piercing my green ones.

"Do you have a ticket?" he grunted and easily pushed my trigger-happy hand down, gripping my wrist a bit. I winced a bit and used my other paw to reach for my badge, holding it up for him to see.

"I'm detective Drake, your boss told me to come here today." As soon as he saw the badge he released my arm, not too happy, but not stupid enough to mess with a cop.

"Oh yeah, He told me to be expecting you, his office is the last door on the right, just before the entrance to the arena." And with another snort he turned back to the door. I felt my wrist a bit to make sure it wasn't bruised and put my gun away. I tipped my hat and began to walk down the hall. I got to the end in no time and placed my hand on the door knob, just before I turned it I stopped and looked toward the arena, I poked my head in and saw a huge gator lifting a rather large boar above his head, Just before he got him acquainted with the ground he mumbled something, it almost sounded like he said "fresh meat"; then, slamming him down onto the canvas he roared. The boar lay down and stayed down, breathing heavily but unable to move, not quite unconscious but not very alert either. The gator grinned toothily and snapped his fingers, instantly two of his apparent flunkies ran out.

"Yes Crusher sir?" They said almost in unison.

"Take this loser in the back, ya know what I do to losers..." he chuckled, the kind of chuckle that even made me shiver. The two drones instantly hopped up into the ring and dragged the boar off into the back through some large double doors. The gator stood and watched them, and then almost by fate he turned and glared at me, I tried my best to hide my surprise as he did and I simply glared back. He chuckled again, making it a point to show the rows of pointed teeth in his head before he sauntered off to the back, hitting the doors with his tail as he left.

Turning back to the office I received a surprise as Mr. Fidget himself was coming out of it. He also looked like he was about to come out of his skin as he saw me coming in.

"Ah! Mr. Drake, I wasn't expecting you so early! Well, no matter, please come in." He said stepping to the side to allow me in. I took a seat in a rather cheap chair that was there, an old worn chair made of fake leather. Taking a look around, I saw that there were no awards on the wall, no trophies, and no plaques, Kind of odd for a "popular" federation.

"So, Mr. Drake, how may I..."

"Call me Alec, the last person who called me Mr. Drake was my high school principal, and it was usually associated with some kind of suspension."

"Oh, forgive me, I didn't know. Well, Alec, how may I help you here? I have already informed everyone here of your arrival and they are, well, not all willing, but they will answer your questions." He chuckled some and began to pour a glass of scotch, he turned and poured another glass and slid it over to me.

"I see," I said taking a sip, it burned on the way down. Good stuff. "I've noticed you don't have many, if any, trophies here, business been kind of slow?" The squirrel looked somewhat shocked by my observation and quickly tried to produce an answer.

"Ah yes! Well, I uh... I don't like to keep them in the office a, a, and besides that they haven't been dusted off in ages so we keep them downstairs." He gulped and wiped his brow with a handkerchief in the pocket of another tacky suit he wore. I closed my eyes for a moment and nodded, then stood.

"Well then, I suppose I should begin my investigation, I'll keep you updated." I placed the glass back on the table and turned to the door, quickly closing it behind me. As I did, that oh so familiar gator was going down the hall, I didn't think he noticed me...that was until he spoke.

"So you're the detective that I've heard SO much about?" He chuckled as he finally turned to me, his size was unbelievable he was almost as big as the gorilla, maybe 7ft even and very well muscled...with the exception of his large scaly gut. It kind of stood out on him; perhaps I just hadn't noticed it before...

"Yeah I'm him, and you must be Crusher I assume."

"Heh, the one and only. Unless you know of any other 550lb top wrestler gators around here."

"Well that's the first bit of good news I've had all day." I said pulling out another cigarette. "So, you seem to be the top dog around here huh?"

"Heh, you may say that. If there's a fight that needs winning I'm the reptile to call." He said, leaning against the hallway wall. I lit my cig and took a deep puff before I turned to him again.

"Is that so, I guess that's what you were displaying when I got here."

"You could say that, somewhat of a preliminary match, just to see if the new wrestlers have the potential to fight here." He answered looking at his claws.

"And if they don't have it?"

"Well, let's just say they're dismissed." He chuckled in that maniacal way again.

"Uh-huh...well, now that we've gotten acquainted...what do you know about all these disappearances?" A trail of smoke left my mouth as I said this.

"Hmmm, well, as far as I know, it seems that it's just anyone disappearing. Beginners and pros." He replied still looking at his claws as he spoke.

"I see, well, you've been most informative. Do you know anyone else I could ask for info?"

"You could try some of the other wrestlers around here, don't know how much good it will do ya though. As for me, I've got some training to do, we've got a big tournament tomorrow, I just HOPE that no one else goes missing, heh." He laughed some and walked off down the hall, probably to some other training area in the building. I stood there for a moment and thought about the info he gave me, I knew a good part of it was bull, but it was all I had to go on, there was something shady about this guy and I didn't like it one bit.

I suddenly realized I had to take a whiz real bad, apparently the Scotch had run through my system, on the other side of the hall, across from Fidgets office was the men's room. I quickly walked over and opened the door. The bathroom was even more disgusting than the exterior of the building.

"Looks like Mr. Fidget isn't too keen on hiring custodians." I muttered as I walked over to a stall, I was alone or so I thought until yet another paw grabbed my wrist. I spun around yet again and had my gun pressed against the forehead of a beautiful young vixen. She was dressed in black from head to toe and had an almost fearful look in her eyes. I pulled my gun back and put it in the holster.

"That's two times today. Ya know this is the men's room right?"

"Yes I know, and I'm sorry if I startled you but, you're detective Drake correct?"

"The one and only."

"Good, I came here as soon as I heard Quick hired you."

"Quick?" I asked, never hearing that name before.

"My boss, well, former boss Mr. Fidget. That's his first name. I used to be his secretary, He fired me shortly after I found out...well anyway look, all I can tell you is to get off of this case and get off of it quick." She said looking deep into my eyes; they were a very deep brown color.

"Thanks for the tip but after you found out what?"

"It's hard to say, I stumbled across some files one day as I did some extra cataloging. They said something about..." and with a grunt the bathroom door opened, the same monkey from the front of the place!

"You!" he growled and walked toward the two of us.

"Hey Magilla, don't worry about it. She's with me." I said standing in front of her; she looked to be absolutely terrified as she cringed behind me.

"And that's supposed to mean what? Mr. Fidget said not to have her in the building." He snorted again and shoved me out of the way, taking her by her shoulder and pulling her out of the bathroom; I shot out behind him and watched as he dragged her towards the entrance.

"Get off the case Drake! Get out while you still can! Quick is up to something dirty!" she yelled and was carried out by the huge ape.

"I swear that woman is crazy." Quick said walking up beside me, I spun around and grabbed him by his shirt.

"Is there something you're not telling me?! And I thought your name was William! I swear to god if you're lying to me..."

"Please, please, Mr. Drake I assure you that I have told you all I know. Ms. Foxx had some mental issues when she worked here and believed I was in on some big scheme, that's why I had to let her go. I have all the paperwork and files to let you know this is legitimate. And Quick is just my nickname." He said; "I really had no choice but to let her go."

"Well then, let me see this paperwork."

"Surely." He said and led me back to the office; he looked through a fairly large filing cabinet and pulled out a folder. I skimmed through it and it all seemed fairly legit. It appeared to be a strategy for beating their opponents, rather than some scheme.

"I suppose I should also warn you about the owner of our opposing federation. That old snake Arthur Sly, he's been trying to shut us down for god knows how long. I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if it was him who's responsible for the missing wrestlers." He sighed and began to sort through some papers.

"Perhaps I should do a bit of searching there; anyway, I hear there is supposed to be a tournament tomorrow." I stated taking a seat in that same cheesy chair from before.

"Ah yes, as a matter of fact it's against his federation, I think you should be there for it. I have a pretty good feeling someone may go missing again." He said setting the papers aside.

"I'll make sure to clear it in my schedule, by the way, when I came here earlier today Crusher was fighting someone, a boar...any idea where he went?" Quick paused for a moment then began to answer,

"Oh, you mean Harry, he was trying out for a job here, I'm afraid we had to send him away, he just wasn't what we were looking for."

"I see...well I've got a bit more questioning to do and then head back to my office. Do you mind if I take Crusher's file with me?" I asked as I stood.

"Oh of course, whatever helps in the case." He laughed some as he reached for the cabinet, "Though I don't believe my top wrestler would be responsible for this, but whatever the case, I must thank you once again, who ever is responsible for the disappearances hasn't shown up since you've been around." He nodded and handed me Crushers file from the cabinet. I tucked it away into my jacket and left his office. I continued to ask around at the place for a bit but to no avail. I either heard the same things or some insane theories of what was going on. Either way I wasn't getting anywhere.

There was one person however I neglected to speak to...

"So, I didn't think that a wrestling federation would need a bouncer." I asked the huge gorilla as I walked outside, he looked down at me and snorted, unhappy to see me I suppose, I had NO idea why.

"You'd be surprised how many fights break out around here; we don't need that going on around here." He answered folding his arms.

"I understand... I'm afraid I didn't catch your name Mr.?"

"It's Rock. I doubt you came over here to socialize so let's skip to the point. I don't know what's going on here but I know that Mr. Fidget believes you can put an end to it, and you had better do it. This is my job and my life, I will not see this place go down, and I won't let anyone drag it down."

"Drag it down? What do you mean?"

"I'm positive that if these disappearances don't stop this place will be closed down, I'm also positive that that's exactly what this person wants to happen. So, I don't see what Mr. Fidgets finds in you but I hope whatever it is, you keep this place open. Now if you will excuse me, detective, I've got some guarding to do."

"I see, thank you for your time." I said walking away, then I paused..."and I will keep this place open, you can count on it." I finished walking away.

"For your sake, I hope you do detective, I hope you do..."

I got to the opposing federation in no time and already things didn't make sense. This place looked like one of the best federations I had ever seen! The entrance had a neat and clean red carpet and a number of decorations all around it; it wasn't guarded like the other since it was in the "better" part of town. I stepped inside and was greeted with a number of awnings and very well made banners, Followed of course by the owner himself, Mr. Sly. I half expected him to be a snake from Quick's description, yet here I was standing in front of a rather old and portly Lion. His mane had streaks of gray in it and some glasses were neatly perched on his nose. He had a much better taste in clothing than Mr. Fidget and had a more gentlemanly air about him.

"Ah, Mr. Drake, I assumed that you'd be by at some point." He said while extending a paw, I shook his paw. He had a firm grip.

"Well I must be quite the popular character." I laughed some getting a smile from him as well.

"That you are, that you are. Come; let's have a seat in my office." He replied and began to walk down the hall, this time to an elevator. We entered and pushed the button for the top floor, as the doors opened we were in his office, a pretty spacious and nice setup.

"I can only imagine some of the things that Mr. Fidget had told you about me. I don't know what its worth but I can assure you it was all lies." He began taking a seat at his desk; I continued to look around the room. The walls were lined with trophies and plaques. When he said that for some odd reason I believed him.

"Heh, you two sound like real pals. So I assume you know as well about the missing wrestlers?"

"How could I not." He laughed. "I guess my "Pal" Fidget neglected to inform you that some of my wrestlers were missing as well." I paused for a moment as he said that, I didn't see that one coming.

"Really? That's an interesting bit of info."

"Yes, our most recent one was Harry, he disappeared earlier today, and I know it's a bit early to jump to conclusions but he always lets us know when he'll return." He sighed and removed his glasses to rub his eyes.

Harry, that name sounded familiar... of course! That boar he had seen earlier today! I rubbed my forehead as I heard that, feeling utterly stupid for having not seen that coming as well.

"I suppose I should also tell you. The reason I knew who you were is that I was going to hire, but when that bastard Fidget found that out he got to you first." He said thumbing through some papers on his desk; this was beginning to get confusing.

"Wait, wait, wait...YOU were going to hire me first?"

"Yes, it was my wrestlers who had gone missing first. I mean, for the sake of brevity, do I LOOK like someone who would have to put Fidget out of business. And I know that's what he suggested, but look at my establishment and look at his, I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if it was HE who is responsible for this, and that Crusher fellow doesn't seem to be the most reputable character in the world." He replied almost angrily. But, everything he said did make sense; unfortunately I still had no proof to make those statements valid.

"Well it does make sense, but I still must continue this investigation, first off, I would like to know just who is going to be at this tournament tomorrow."

"Of course, I've got two of my best and a few rookies. You can see them at the Tag match tonight. My two best are the tiger brothers, a tag team that came to me a few years ago. My others however are fairly new to the wrestling game. Robert "the Rocket" as he likes to be called is the best of our rookie wrestlers but I need to see how well he handles a tag match, so I paired him up with my best Tag match wrestler Kuga. He prefers to be called the "Blue Blizzard". Those are all the wrestlers who will be there on my behalf. If you want to know anymore I suggest you go to the match tonight, but I warn you once more. This case isn't worth it, you should just let this one go, one case won't kill your reputation. On that note, I'm afraid I must prepare for this evening, now please be on your way." He said as he put away the papers.

"I see, well, you've been most helpful. I appreciate your warning but I never give up a case and I don't plan on starting now. I will go to the match tonight and see if any other wrestlers go missing, I have crushers file with me as well and a number of other factors to consider. With any luck, this case will be over by tomorrow." I answered rising from my seat, the old federation owner shook his head and closed his eyes.

"The young, so impetuous and often....stupid. All I can say now is this; don't let your pride be the end of you. Good day." He nodded as I got back into the elevator.

This guy was a bit harder to read than Fidget, I had it engraved in my mind that Fidget was behind all this until I left that building. Arthur's strong concern for my leaving the case made me rethink his innocence. There either was some immediate danger, or I was getting closer to finding out who the hell was behind this.

I got in a cab and looked at my watch, the match would be starting in twenty minutes, I would be a bit late, but I would get there on time. I figured I had time to kill so I began to thumb through crushers file. Nothing I hadn't really expected to see, some juvenile delinquent charges, a few assault, but then something in particular caught my eye, a word I hadn't seen in quite some time but always in that same bold red color.... VORAPHILE...I hadn't dealt with one of those in a long time, and last time I did it wasn't pretty. Some crazed snake had managed to gulp down two horses and a rabbit and tried to put wolf on the menu...before I put two bullets in his head. Worse thing about these guys is that nobody really wins the prey hunter or the hunted. But I guess this just gave me one more reason not to trust this guy, as though I didn't have a cornucopia already. Of course, I knew I had dealt with this before and worse; I really didn't have much to worry about...

20 minutes later...

As the cab pulled up to the front of the Federation a loud noise erupted from the building, from the outside alone he could tell the place was packed. He opened the door and began walking toward the arena inside, there were a few other guards around during a fight it seemed and he had to show his badge just to get in. In the decent sized ring in the middle of the arena Crusher and another large wrestler, a bear it seemed, were preparing to take on some audience members.

"Ah Mr. Drake, glad you could make it." Fidget said walking up behind me. He scared the hell out of me too.

"Yeah I'm sure, so glad you neglected to tell me about it before." I said resting against the door way.

"I'm terribly sorry; it's just that I figured you wouldn't be interested in this. It just some weekly tag match we have, nothing as serious as the tournament tomorrow. It's going to be Arthur's best against my best, crusher of course." He replied, quickly making that B/s excuse for me.

"Uh huh, so what's this all about? Do those people climbing into the ring belong to the suicidal section?"

"Oh you mean the audience, its something we do before every show. Just to get our fighters warmed up so to speak. Got to keep them fit you know."

"Funny, I thought that's what training was for."

"That is definitely a major part of it, but this allows them to take on people other than fellow wrestlers, it makes the training a bit more interesting. Ah, well Mr. Drake, I've got some fights to oversee. I hope you enjoy the show." He said and walked into the crowd, disappearing from my sight in seconds. I tried my hardest to push through the crowd, the smell of cheap beer and popcorn assaulted my nostrils as I progressed. By the time I got down to the front row the announcer was beginning the match and Crusher and his teammate had retreated into the back rooms to prepare. He stood in the center of the ring as a small microphone was lowered down to him; he took a hold of it and cleared his throat.

"LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLAAAAAAAAAAAAAADIES AND GENTLEMEN! ARE YOU READY FOR A REAL BRAWL?!" the crowd roared in response. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAALLLLLLLLLLLLL RIGHT THEN! IN THIS CORNER WE HAVE THE CHALLENGERS...THE TIGER BROTHERS!" With that the crowd parted and the two brothers began to charge down the isle, a flurry of cheers burst forth from the audience. The smaller brother leapt in first, he was well muscled yet had a somewhat stocky build, he turned to the crowd and threw his paws in the air, roaring proudly, which was only followed by a thunderous roar from the larger brother, who, with the exception of his muscled arms was all gut.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAND IN THIS CORNER WE HAVE THE RETURNING CHAMPIONS....UUUUUUUUURSO AND CRUUUUUUUUUSHER!" I thought the crowd had yelled there loudest for the tiger brothers but I was now proven wrong. Hysterical cheering began as the two stormed down the aisle not far from me. I could feel the vibrations as they ran. Crusher once again took no time in spotting me and flashed me that same blood chilling toothy grin. At this point I wasn't surprised to see that he was the top wrestler as he towered over the two competitors; but I also could not help but notice his at least 700lb partner. The massive (though deceptively agile) bear leapt into the ring with the greatest of ease, slamming onto the canvas. He growled fiercely and flexed his already bulging muscles and pointed to the 2 competitors, giving them a very theatrical thumb down.

The crowds hadn't ceased their cheers and it didn't look as though they would stop. If anything the beginning bout made them shout louder. I turned to one of the screaming fans beside me.

"Hey! Aren't these tag matches supposed to have specific weight classes!?" I screamed barely over the crowds.

"Well usually! But here they don't bother with that! That's what makes this place so great!" He answered but promptly returned to cheering. The announcer waited for the cheers to die down some then continued his intros.

"AAAAALLLLLRIGHT THEN! LETS GET THIS ON!" he shouted and ran out of the ring, the sound of the bell signaling what was to be a VERY brief fight. Before the ringing of the bell could even stop 2 powerful clotheslines had already knocked down the tiger brothers, luckily for them they had rolled out of the way before a gator tail hammered down on the canvas where their heads used to be. The smaller brother using his speed quickly retaliated with a sharp kick to Urso's stomach which caused the huge bear to lurch forward in pain but gave crusher enough time to move in and grab the smaller tiger by the throat, lifting him what seemed like feet off the ground before he was sent down to the canvas again; this time, it didn't seem as though he would get up as easily. Luckily before the next blow could be landed, the larger brother had grabbed hold of Crushers tail and used every ounce of strength in his body to hurl him into his ursine partner. A little shocked by the attack himself crusher struggled to his feet but was tackled by the recovered smaller tiger. Urso barely moved out of the way but took advantage of his roll and grounded the bigger tiger brother, who hit the canvas with a loud SLAP, and was instantly held down in a sleeper hold by 700lbs of bear.

Though the smaller tiger had tried to mimic this attack, Crusher easily unlatched his arms and flipped him over his back and thrust him hard onto the canvas. In an almost photographic moment the sweating and now winded tiger saw a large green mass over come him as Crusher dived onto the struggling tiger, almost covering him completely with the exception of his head and legs. Urso who now stood laughing over the bigger and now unconscious tiger brother turned to his partner who nodded to him and rose from the barely conscious smaller tiger, Crusher laughed and grabbed the tiger's legs and began to lift him upwards as Urso did the same with his arms. The crowd went psychotic once again as they prepared what now looked like a finishing move.

I hadn't really realized why people preferred this to a more legit federation but now it struck me as hard as the two huge wrestlers struck their obviously outmatched opponents. They enjoyed the very carnage of it, and this was about as close to and all out slaughter as they would get. I could barely stand to see this display as the smaller brother was slammed into the canvas not once, or twice, but 3 times, not to mention that on the third slam he was then forced into some unbearable hold such as I had never seen. The fact that he remained conscious throughout this was still a mystery to me, but Urso's final sleeper hold soon changed that.

With one unanimous roar from the champions and the crowd, the match was done. The announcer stepped into the ring once again and retrieved his Mike once more.

"WOAH! WAS THAT SOME MATCH OR WHAT?! AND THAT WAS JUST THE BEGINNING ROUND! BUT NOW IT'S TIME TO GET DOWN TO WHAT YOU'VE ALL BEEN WAITING FOR..." Just as he was saying this, the usual group of goons came out and dragged the unconscious fighters into the back, I hoped for medical attention but I knew that was unlikely. Hopefully after tonight's events I'll discover just what was going on back there... But for now, I was forced to endure another undoubtedly brutal match.

"IT'S THE BIGGEST TAG MATCH OF THE SEASON! AS STATED ONCE BEFORE...IN THIS CORNER WE HAVE OUR CHAMPIONS CRUSHER AND URSO REPRESENTING MR. FIDGETS FEDERATION AND THE CHALLENGERS..." The crowd fell silent with suspense as the announcer paused, "ROBERT "THE ROCKET" RHINO AAAAAAAAAAAND "THE BLUE BLIZZARD"...KUGA!" Just as he said this, a small rocket flew out over the crowd and exploded into a glorious display of lights and colors, so far that was the most expensive thing I had seen at this federation. Not a moment after it had exploded Kuga and Robert had come barreling down an isle, fierce looks across their faces. With not as much grace or ease as Crusher and Urso the two climbed into the ring, Kuga stumbling a bit as he did, provoking a laugh from the crowd. The large dino shunned the laughter and focused on his opponents, though he was obviously a neophyte he knew what his priorities were.

Robert on the other hand seemed as though he was skilled enough but did not possess the same determination as Kuga, as a matter of fact he sort of lazed about the ring, whether it was confidence or boredom remained a mystery. But the time for thought passed as the bell rang once again, beginning the fight.

Kuga surprisingly made the first move as he tackled the huge Gator into the canvas and wrestled his way into a leg lock that made Crusher roar out in pain.

"I certainly hope that this is not the best you have to offer." Kuga said still twisting Crusher's ankle. Crusher grunted and turned some toward his opponent.

"Nah, I just like for rookies to feel they stand a chance..." he growled and used his thick tail to slap Kuga off of him; he rubbed his leg for only a moment before he bounded after Kuga who was trying to regain his bearings.

Robert and Urso on the other hand were circling about each other as though thinking and rethinking every possible attack and outcome. Then without warning, the two had locked hands and were in an all out mercy match.

Urso grunted then muttered under his breath, "Don't show off too much, you are supposed to lose after all..."

"Don't worry about what I'm doing; just make sure you make it look legit." Robert said as Urso nodded and shifted his weight, turning the mercy hold into a merciless flip into the ropes, nearly sending him out of the ring altogether. Before Robert could as much as get on a knee, Urso had already leapt at him again and pinned him under his massive gut.

"Damn, did you have to throw me so hard?" Robert whispered, feigning a struggle,

"You said make it look legit; hey does the rookie know the deal?" Urso asked, not entirely using all his weight to crush the crooked wrestler.

"Nah doesn't have a clue. But Arthur insisted that he go, I guess he doesn't trust me very much." He chuckled and made it appear as though he had finally overthrown the huge bear.

Crusher who now had Kuga in a similar leg lock as Kuga had had was grinning immensely, he was also in on the whole scandal of course and relished in the thought that Kuga had no idea, his slice of the pie had just gotten bigger. Kuga tried his best to struggle out of the hold but with every kick or grunt crusher twisted the blue iguanodon's leg, he yelped loudly from all the pain but quickly bit his lip to keep it concealed.

"Awwwww, I'm so sorry dino boy, am I hurtin' ya? " Crusher laughed again, just angering the blue dino more.

"I hope you enjoy pain, cause you're about to get a mega-serving of it!" Kuga yelled and calling upon all his might managed to release himself from the leg hold, surprising even Crusher...that was until Kuga had tightly locked his legs around Crushers broad neck, choking the gator completely.

Crusher coughed and tried his best to wrench himself from the hold but astonishingly to no avail.

"Why you....son of a...." He grunted as best he could.

"Must be sad to be the best wrestler and get bested by a rookie, lemme know how it feels!" Kuga said tightening his grip even more. The light slowly began to grow fuzzy from Crushers view and colors began to swirl. Shapes were now becoming blobs and sound was totally lost... he had almost passed out completely when the bell sounding the end of the match sounded. Kuga released the Gator instantly and stared on in amazement to see that Urso had managed to pin Robert. It was over, Crusher and Urso had won.

A number of angered boos and hisses came from the surrounding audience but it did little to change the outcome of the match. "WOW! WITH JUST A FEW SECONDS LEFT ON THE CLOCK TOO! WHAT A MATCH! WELL LADIES AND GENTLEMEN THAT WILL BE ALL FOR TONIGHT BUT PLEASE JOIN US TOMORROW FOR THE TOURNAMENT OF THE CENTURY! GOOOOOOOD NIIIIIIIGHT!" the announcer concluded and stepped from the ring, people began to file out slowly but surely, I on the other hand stood behind. I wasn't entirely convinced the match was not premeditated.

"Damn rookie! He almost ruined the whole deal!" Robert thought as he pretended to struggle to stand up, even Urso had to breathe a sigh of relief as the match ended. Crusher on the other hand had already sprung to his feet and was glaring angrily at Kuga, his teeth grinding against each other. His blood boiled as he stared at the iguanodon, he took a few enraged steps and was now towering over Kuga, it looked as thought he would strike him...when he suddenly suppressed his anger and extended his paw.

"Good match..." he said and smiled his most insincere smile.

"Thanks, same to you." Kuga said accepting the help up; he stood and shook Crushers hand.

"You must allow me to discuss some important transferring matters with you and Robert, you two seem like you're wasting potential at Arthur's place, see me in the back offices after everyone's left." Crusher grinned and walked over toward Urso.

"The plan has been set; Robert is all yours, but leave the tubby blue one to me." Crusher snorted and continued walking.

Urso simply grinned and nodded in agreement and made his way towards the back once again, this time directing Robert and Kuga.

Almost drawn back by the wave of the crowd I proceeded to shove through as fast as I could, trying to make my way to the back area. Just as I was about to shove the double doors open and race through when I was stopped by a very surprised Mr. Fidget.

"Mr. Drake, might I ask why you're going into the back area?" He inquired blocking the doorway.

"Oh I'm sorry to trouble you, it's just that you hired me to do an investigation and now I need to investigate." I said, practically dripping with sarcasm.

"Well yes as true as it may be, this is the one area that I refuse to let anyone go into, with the exception of myself and the wrestlers." He said wiping his brow with a handkerchief.

"Look pal, how do you expect me to do a thorough investigation without checking every possible area for information?" I yelled, now beginning to get annoyed.

"Once again I apologize Mr. Drake but I would be more than adequate info on what goes on back there if it will aid you."

"Ya know what, skip it, I'll be back bright and early tomorrow, I think this case is coming to a head, and after the tournament I should have your criminal...that is provided I have your PERMISSION to." I grunted and turned away, walking back toward the entrance. Once I had left I took my time getting home, it was a long enough day as it was and I knew I had a lot to do once I got home. But those words still echoed in my mind...VORAPHILE... I knew there was a reason that Crushers smile had set me off, whether now it was fear or anger remained a blur.

Meanwhile at Fidgets Federation...

"So, if you don't mind my asking, what is the significance of us remaining here?" Kuga said, resting on a couch and swatting at a fly that continued to buzz about him. Crusher grinned and turned to his locker pulling out two large suitcases.

"This is a business transaction so to speak, just stay quiet and mind your business and this will go smoothly." Crusher grunted as he slammed the two heavy suitcases on the desk in front of Robert. Without so much as a nod he opened the suitcases, which now revealed their contents. Well over 100 grand in dollars.

"Ah yes, I think that'll do just fine." He said and closed the cases, about to lift them when Crusher slammed his paws down on them, stopping him.

"Uh, are you forgetting something?" he growled staring deep into the rhino's eyes.

"Look, I told ya, I cant give you the lineup for tomorrows fights until the morning, right now I know about as little as you do!" he yelled trying to heave the bags but another slam was given by Crusher. Kuga had already risen to his feet and was watching the whole development, while Urso had watched him to make sure things went well.


"Crusher, what are you talking about?! The deal was that I get you the lineup and you get me into this federation when Arthur's goes down, why the hell would I go back to him?!" Robert yelled back in retaliation. Kuga had stepped forward at this point, still a little shaken by the whole thing.

"Wait a minute, what are you guys..."

"Shut the hell up!" crusher yelled turning his attention to Kuga for a moment then fixed his eyes on Robert once more. "Ya know, Robby, I don't think you're taking me seriously...I think that you think that this is a friggin' joke. Well let me show you just how funny it is!" he grunted and turned to a bigger locker that was over in the corner, he practically ripped the door off the hinges. But, just as he did, the limp bodies of the tiger brothers feel from it, bound and gagged and just barely breathing.

"Oh my god..." Robert said as he saw the two hit the ground. "What did you do to them you sick bastard!" Robert said trying to run at him but was stopped instantly by Urso's paw, twisting his wrist into submission.

Crusher grinned and walked right up to Roberts face.

"Stop your bitching, we haven't done anything...yet, just got them drugged up on sedatives. But, if you don't tell me the lineup for tomorrow I am going to have to do to you....what I'm about to do to him." He said pointing at the larger brother who still was completely knocked out.

"No, please...don't bring them into this, they don't know about any of this."

"I DIDN'T BRING ANYONE INTO THIS! YOU DID! I DO NOT like being lied to and I don't like being made a fool of, so he's gonna have to pay for your stupidity." He yelled and was about to walk over to the bigger brother when Kuga stepped in between the two of them.

"I can't let you do this! You'll have to go through me if you want them!" He said putting up his fists. Crusher simply laughed and shook his head.

"Hey rookie, remember what I said about letting the rookie feel like they have a chance?" He said and almost like a bolt of lighting had ducked down and delivered a devastating blow to Kuga's gut, knocking the wind out of him instantly. He leaned forward and began to cough and sputter, while crusher stood up and looked down on the Dino. "Well, that crud only counts in the ring!" He yelled and swung around, smacking Kuga heavily with his tail, knocking him over into the wall, nearly unconscious.

Robert tried his best to wrench from Urso's grip but he had grabbed his other hand and wasn't even considering letting go. Crusher laughed some as he looked back and saw him then continued to walk over to the bigger brother.

"Heh, sorry Rob, you're just gonna have to wait your turn." He chuckled and lifted up the barely conscious tiger by his throat.

"WH, what are you gonna do to him?" Robert asked, giving up any attempt to escape at this point.

"Oh don't worry, you'll see..." Crusher grinned and slowly began to open his huge jaws, drool dripping down from his rows of gleaming teeth; he hissed some as he brought the large tiger to his jaws, extending his tongue some as he licked his face, extracting nothing but an incoherent groan from him. Then without warning he stuffed his head into his jaws, now using his hands to hold him steady as he began to gulp him down.

Urso simply smiled at the sight that he was used to by now, while Robert stared on I horror, half because the Brothers were his friends and half because he feared the same would befall him.

Crusher wasted no time in gulping in his paunchy preys shoulders and was now beginning to work his way down his broad chest. He now used his paws to push the tiger into his jaws, even then despite his strength; the tiger was not as easy to swallow down as some of the wrestlers he had eaten before. He groaned in ecstasy as he engulfed the huge tiger, despite the difficulty of It he had finally made his way down his chest and had begun to pull in the soft light colored gut that hung from his jaws, a few greedy gulps and he was halfway there, his neck bulged tremendously but he was used to that feeling by now.

Robert, who was now utterly disgusted by the sight tried once again to free himself and possibly stop the ensuing event, but a sharp blow to the back of the head silenced his revolt, now staggering and trying to regain his own consciousness more than anything else he looked on once more, only to see the blurred image of the larger tiger brother's torso disappear into the ravenous gator's maw.

Fate being the cruel mistress that she is commanded the younger brother to awaken at just that moment, still not quite coherent enough to take action but enough so that he could watch his brother's untimely demise. Tears welled up in his eyes and he clenched his weakened fist, wanting to jump up and rush to his brother. Luckily for him, reason prevailed and he remained under the disguise of unconsciousness. That was until he saw Kuga coming to across the room, realizing he didn't have much time as the gator was already gulping in his brothers legs he tried his best to draw attention to himself. His actions fell on deaf ears and blind eyes,

Kuga who was holding his throbbing head tried his best to focus his view and almost by chance glanced over to see the awakened brother, he now noted that the brother was nodding his head in the direction of his bound hands. Instantly Kuga knew what he must do, but he also knew that in doing this it may be just one of them who would escape alive... that was a chance he'd have to take...

Glancing over at the sadistic Urso, who was currently watching his partner in crime, he made his move and darted across the room. Just reaching the younger brother as Urso caught notice. Growling deeply and realizing he had to hold Robert as well he called out to Crusher's backstage goons.

"GET IN HERE YOU IDIOTS!" he roared which was quickly followed by the four of them entering the room, Kuga untying frantically had just finished the brother's feet and was now moving up to his hands.

"No time! Help me stand!" he yelled and Kuga did just that, being as agile as he was the brother leapt into the air and brought his hands around in front of him, nodding to Kuga as he landed. Crusher was pulling the other brothers feet into his maw, tail still hanging limp from his jaws when he saw the 2 making their escape. They ran head on at the four guards and clothes lined them all rushing toward the door as fast as they could. But Kuga's conscience soon called him back,

"Wait! I got to get Robert!" he exclaimed to the 2nd brother who was well down the hall.

"Are you crazy? We gotta get out of here?! Leave him!" he yelled back.

"I...I can't do that, I have to go!" Kuga yelled rushing back into the room, heading straight for Urso, the four lackeys stretched out on the floor around them. 'Urso grinned madly and dropped Robert on the floor; who was half conscious from the blows landed from the huge bear. He rushed towards Kuga as well who upon impacted landed his three strongest punches on the bears face, he staggered some but quickly regained his composure and spit out a bit of blood before grinning and rushing the dino again, landing a strong blow to his face as well, though with the adrenaline running through his veins it did very little to stop him from landing another 2 punches to the bears soft midsection, winding him almost completely. The battle seemed to be in Kuga's favor...until the four goons returned from their brief slumber and not prepared to fight clean as a chair smashed against Kuga's back sending him quickly to the ground.

Crusher now laughing, having slurped up the fat tigers tail walked over to Urso and gave him a light kick to the side,

"Get up you idiot! How could you have let him get that many hits on're slipping up." He smiled and pat his quivering gut, the sight of it was nearly as grotesque as he was, and it sloshed up and down as he walked, a trophy for his vorish ways.

"As for you, I was simply going to knock you around a bit after you told me what I wanted to hear but since your little buddies pulled that stunt I think we're going to have an extended dinner." He grinned toothily as he lifted Robert off the ground with one paw. Urso now wiping his muzzle stood and looked at the dino lying on the floor and felt the same anger that Crusher felt after he first fought him.

"Go to hell, all of you..." Robert said faintly as he was held up by his throat.

"Well, I guess I'll just have to meet you there now wont I?" Crusher laughed and dropped him to the ground, looking up to Urso once again. "This ones yours, eat up, we don't want you getting thin on us." He chuckled and turned his attention to Kuga.

"But, what about the other one, the one that got away?" Urso asked, a bit annoyed.

"What about him? He's no longer a threat...let him go, if he's stupid enough to come back that's on him...BUT I doubt that after what he saw he will be. " Crusher grinned and pat his slowly churning gut, now standing over the nearly unconscious blue dino.

"Ah well, under different circumstances I might have cut you into the deal, but I doubt you'd take me up on my offer. I can see from your actions you like to play the hero. But even the hero meets his match..." he chuckled lowly and snapped his fingers for his boys to pick Kuga up. Almost as soon as they had him on his feet he wrapped his arms tightly around the dino's waist and began to hoist him upwards, his huge jaws almost dropping open to accept his victims head.

Urso on the other hand chose the lazier attempt and sat on the ground at Roberts's feet, grabbing him by his thick ankles and hoisted them up toward his jaws. With an excruciatingly loud pop his jaws unhinged (a trick taught to him by Crusher no doubt) and began to engulf his prey's feet. The sudden uncomfortable heat on Roberts' feet caused him to stir a little but not much as he twitched his toes some, extracting a grunt from the hungry bear. Suddenly with a fast yet powerful gulp, Roberts's feet were locked in Urso's throat and his knees were quick to follow. Using his own muscular paws and ravenous gullet he quickly had the unsteady rhino in up to his waist and wasted no time in bringing in his somewhat rounded yet muscled mid-section.

Kuga's head and chest had already disappeared down Crushers gluttonous throat, already coated in thick gator drool and beginning to stir more and more (much to the Voraphile's delight) his lower half protested the ingestion. But despite his tries he could not dislodge himself from the large lizard's esophagus. Crusher growled lowly and uses his powerful arms to hoist the portly reptile into his own jaws, his teeth biting down just enough not to draw blood but allowed him to savor his struggling opponents taste. His large gut provided him with minimal challenge as he soon pulled that to into his slobbering maw, from then on; the flailing legs seemed to be his only concern. A concern that would soon be rectified by his scaled paws, grabbing his legs and steadying them as best as he could as he proceeded to gulp in Kuga's muscular legs. A muffled yell could now be heard from his gut as the fully awake dinosaur thrashed about in his belly, regrettably this did little more than urge the reptile to gulp faster and cause Kuga's legs to vanish into the greedy maw, now nothing more than his tail remained, which Crusher made sure to take his time with.

Robert who had now fully regained consciousness but far too late awoke to feels his entire body engulfed by the savage bear with the exception of his head. His eyes had fixated only for a moment on the thrashing tail blue tail that was quickly pulled into the huge alligator's mouth like thick spaghetti. He drooled some and rubbed his disgustingly gorged gut, which provoked a thunderous BUUUUUUUURRRRRRRRRRP from the satisfied beast. Sad to say, these were Roberts's last views as Urso's tongue curled over his face, followed by the closing of his jaws, concealing his final view in darkness. Seconds and gulps later, Rob was nothing more than a struggling bulge in the bear's gut, he laid heavily against the wall and rubbed his belly, not used to consuming prey so large.

Crusher simply grinned as he turned to his stuffed partner and gave him a complementary pat on the shoulder,

"Just one more day..." he laughed but was abruptly interrupted by what seemed to be an enraged Mr. Fidget. He immediately turned his attention to the gorged wresters and shot a glance of disgust,

"Well I sure as hell hope you two had a good time, thanks to you two it may be the last time that this happens!" He yelled, upsetting his hair and flustering his tie.

Crusher simply rolled his eyes and folded his arms, "What the hell are you ranting about now?"

"What am I ranting about now?! Because of you two idiots, Terry escaped! Rock had actually tried to catch him. But if you had taken care of him like you were SUPPOSED to, this wouldn't have happened at all! What if he manages to get to that cop!?" he yelled and with an enraged hand struck the much larger gator across his more, producing little more than an angered growl.

"Oh don't give me that growling crap; I could just as easily turn you over to the cops so just stop it now. I don't give a damn who you are or what you can do, you mess with this operation and I will have you taken care of...DO YOU HEAR ME?" he huffed and stared directly at Crusher who now seemed to use every fiber of his body not to obliterate the angered squirrel before him.

"I understand perfectly, but bear this in mind, you're not invincible....I'll say no more, and as far as Terry, let him tell, I'm sure the cop has caught on by now but after tomorrow none of that'll matter anyway, so just calm down and go count your money or something, let me handle what I'm supposed to do." Crusher grunted and continued his cold glare.

"You had damn well better, I want this place cleaned up....We have to be ready for tomorrow..." Fidget proclaimed and left the room, slamming the door behind him.

"Heh, just one more day..." Crusher snorted and clenched his fist...

That same evening...

The dreary hole I called an office awaited me as I turned my key. I was already half asleep but had too much to think of to take a nap. I laid my gun down on the desk and pulled up a chair, once more I skimmed through Crusher's file and found little more than I had seen before. But, something caught my eye that hadn't before, there were a series of dates linked together that showed a consecutive number of losses from Fidgets Federation when competing against Arthur's, Urso was already there but oddly Crusher came along shortly after and the losses stopped. I tried to think my hardest when he said the disappearances began, but if it coincided with Crusher's arrival, I had a motive, suspect, and hopefully with tomorrows findings, some shred of evidence.

I knew tomorrow wouldn't be an easy day; I also knew that the patient bullets in my gun would soon have a chance to run free. I knew crusher wouldn't go down without a fight, and with Urso to help, my chances were slimmer still. I also knew that for the majority, most people who went to that back area didn't come out unless they worked for the federation, hopefully, stealth would work to my advantage in that instance. But just like every other tomorrow, I knew it would come, and there was no way I could stop it, so I decided to take out my unhappiness on Fidgets plans instead.


I refused to be late again so I rushed toward the federation as fast as I could. The amount of fans that had arrived surprised even me; it had to be way more than the legal occupancy and probably charged twice as much. This tournament decided something big between the two federations, and I knew that if I didn't intervene a few other wrestlers would go missing.

I eagerly made my way down to the edge of the ring again and looked up into it. Sure enough, Crusher and Urso stood waiting for their challengers. I suppose this was too important an event to waste time on introductions. I looked over the grotesque reptile and seen he had grown a great deal pudgier, I shuddered to think what the cause of that was.

The crowd had begun to die down a bit when at that instant the entrance to the area burst forth and there stood two competitors. The younger tiger brother who seemed to be struggling to hold back tears and rage and someone, a boar I had never seen before...a boar who despite that fact looked very familiar who also seemed to be failing to control his rage. Judging by the cocky grin on Crushers face I knew that he was the cause of their anger.

The two wasted no time in rushing down to meet their competitors and jumped into the ring twice as fast, I tried my best to hear the heated conversation over the roar of the crowd, barely able to make it out.

"I hope you didn't think that after what you did to my brother I wouldn't return. I hope you also don't think that I am going to turn you over to the police, what's the use? I have no substantial evidence and don't deserve to live." The younger brother said clenching his fist and producing a single tear.

"I knew you were very competitive Crusher and as admirable as it may be, that gave you no right to steal my brother from me as well. I, Boris, swear to you I will avenge my brother any means." He grunted and raised his eyes to Crusher and glared at him.

I knew it! That's where the similarity came from, the boar I had seen yesterday morning, I couldn't believe I had allowed that to slip past me! I felt a knot deep in my stomach and my heart pounded like a hammer on hot steel. I too now felt the same rage, not because of loss but rather distrust. Everything was beginning to come together; I just hoped that I could stop any more disappearances.

"Well, well, looks like someone is eager to join their brothers. Oh well, I was getting tired of you two anyway." Crusher snorted and stood, ready to fight. The two not wasting a single minute more charged at Crusher, unfortunately in their rage they had forgotten about Urso and soon were given a jarring reminder. As the four fought viciously I thought it would be my chance to sneak into the back area, that's when I saw that no good Fidget... he looked shocked and startled by the twos return, but in the confusion I easily made it to the back. It was very dark and foreboding but it made it all the easier to get in unnoticed. A few of Crusher's "helpers" lurked about but at the news that Crusher was fighting the tiger brother and Boris they instantly rushed out to see it. I finally made my way to a rather large room where there appeared to be some kind of scuffle not long ago, I looked about for any sort of clue when I saw a locker against the back wall. I opened it slowly and sure enough I had the proof I needed, several tufts of hair, obviously left by one of the tiger brothers. This had to have been where the other brother...met his end. I looked about for several minutes, finding nothing more than old paper clippings and the familiar posters from before. There wasn't enough information still to lead to conclusions. So, I decided I would have to catch this bastard in the act.

That's when I heard the sound of a doorknob being opened.

I bolted behind a stack of large boxes and peered out from a space between them, sure enough, Crusher and Urso strolled in with their entourage. What I didn't expect to or WANT to see was that the younger tiger brother and Boris had both been knocked out cold. This tag team was UNBEATABLE!

"Put those two over on the floor, I doubt they'll be waking up any time soon." Crusher laughed and stood before a mirror in the opposing corner. The helpers chuckled lowly and complied dropping the two roughly on the ground.

"So what do we do with these two Crush?" Urso asked and stood over them, grinning mischievously.

"WE aren't going to do anything," crusher answered, walking up beside the bear and placing a paw heavily on his shoulder, "YOU are going to dispose of these two just like the last two, but make it snappy huh?"

"Heh, sure thing crush, u sure you don't want a snack this time?" Urso laughed bending down some to Boris.

"Nah, I've got more important things to tend to..." Crusher grunted and without warning lashed his tail and knocked over the boxes I hid behind, surprised I reached for my gun but he just as quickly swatted it out of my hand.

"Ah, detective, ya know, I knew someone was here just couldn't quite place who. " he said moving closer to me, I balled up my fists and got ready to fight, I don't know what for, I had no chance but I had to at least get out of here.

"Well now you know, what are you going to do about it?"

"Well I suppose in any other case I would...well, I'd probably be eating you right about now, but for SOME reason, that just doesn't sound as satisfying as beating the hell out of you." he growled and cracked his knuckles.

"Well, you'd better do something before old age kills me first." I responded trying to keep composed.

"But, that's where I have another dilemma, so here's what I'm GOING to do..." he said and without warning bashed me over the head, I stumbled backwards some with the blow and the room got blurry, just as I looked up again, another fist had crashed into my jaw...everything went black.

The bear also looking somewhat surprised walked over to Crusher and looked down on the cop.

"Ya want me to take care of him too Crush?"

"Of course not, you worry about those 2 for now, I've got this one" Crusher grinned.

"Uh, I don't know Crush, now that I think about it...those 2 over there will be kinda tough..." Urso added pointing over to Boris and Brother 2, but Crusher's cold glance gave him all the determination he needed. Returning to his kneeled position beside Boris he pulled the large boar's head toward his spacious maw and proceeded to take his muzzle into his. Hoping to finish him before either of his victims arose he gulped much faster than before, he carefully positioned himself though, sure to miss the boar's tusks as he continued his act of gluttony.

While Urso pursued this Crusher seemed to be preparing for something on his own, his workers instantly took to Alec and bound him to a chair near the middle of the room, still nowhere near conscious.

With another sickeningly loud gulp the bear had already lodged the Boars head in his throat, another and his shoulders began their trip down as well. His neck bulged and his gut almost roared with hunger for the approaching meal. Seconds later the boars buff shoulders entered the hungry bear's muzzle, 2 more gulps and the ridge of the boars firm but round gut found its way in as well. Urso loved every second of this, he drooled heavily, making sure to slurp and taste over every inch of his meal. His mood had quickly changed from uncertainty to an almost lustful hunger. Now even more than before his throat was almost stretched to capacity with the large meal, Boris' gut was well down it and his head poked into Urso's waiting and well spaced gut.

Before he took another gulp he held Boris' waist in his muzzle by clamping down his jaws a bit, and with two fast movements of his paws Boris' shorts were slipped off and he began to gulp once more, the shorts would only make it harder for him to be digested.

Crusher took a glance over his shoulder at the quite literally stuffed bear and chuckled to himself.

"Heh, if only he knew..." he thought but did not interrupt the bear's meal. Another finishing gulp and slurp and the rhino's hooves had descended to his gullet. Nothing was left, but a quickly traveling bulge, then, the bulge stopped and swelled the bears gut (which was already quite large) at least another three feet. Crusher's workers smiled some, enjoying the show almost as much as the matches and even helped to bring the tiger over to Urso who could barely move the foot or so to reach him.

The treacherous lizard turned around at this point and watched as the tiger's shorts were also removed and his feet slipped into the bear's muzzle.

"I have to give it to the poor bastard, he didn't give up, hell, He'll probably try and give ya gas too!" He laughed and slapped his thigh.

Urso did his best to smile at this but was too engrossed in his meal, with the 2nd brother being so lithe he was easily at his knees in minutes, his legs making hardly as large a bulge as the stocky rhino. Several swallows later and the bears rippling and powerful gut had come upon the tiger's torso, his hands already slipping inside the warmth and moisture of the bear's muzzle. This must have triggered his awake.

The tiger had already begun to squirm a little; still unaware of his current situation when suddenly his eyes shot open. He looked about frantically still in the mindset of the ring and caught a glance of Crusher, his anxiety quickly turned to rage but then he noticed his feet would not allow him to run over and kill the voracious reptile. He looked down now, receiving a sickening surprise. He, like his brother, was being eaten. He tried his best to move his paws but they were useless at this point, the bear was now well over his elbows and moving up to the tigers chest, licking and slurping him to make sure he was slick enough to slide in. Kicking made no difference as well; his only option left was to shout out obscenities at the top of his lungs.

"YOU COWARD!" he yelled, ending his torrent of swears, tears beginning to well up in his eyes. He flinched his shoulders once more but to no avail, the bear had gulped once more and was now licking up the tiger's neck.

"Ah, you put up a good fight kid, but think of it this way..."Crusher said, walking over to place his paw on the brothers head, "You get to meet your brother in hell!" he laughed and gave the final shove to Urso's open muzzle and sealed the brother within, the jaws closed around him like the gates of a prison and cut off all light. All he could hear was Crusher's laughter and the wet noises of Urso's body. With another gluttonous gulp he found himself rapidly deposited into the belly of the bear, a deafening belch removing what little air he had. He saw Boris curled up beside him and with his last breath cursed Crusher...then, the shadows around him turned to darkness, unconsciousness had now taken over. The lack of air had won and so did Urso.

Leaning back heavily on the wall Urso rubbed his packed gut and sighed.

"I don't even think I can move now, but it was worth it." He smiled and gave his gut a few pats, rubbing it some to soothe it, the skin feeling tight as it had ever been.

"Ha, being a voraphile sure has its perks don't it?" Crusher added and stood, walking over to Alec who was still in a daze and scratched his chin. "Now what to do with this one..." he thought but was interrupted by the voice of another.

"NOTHING, not yet anyway..." it was fidget, "You do nothing to him yet, you have more pressing matters to attend to Crusher. Our money is heading here soon; I suggest you ensure that your piece of the pie doesn't get any smaller. The rest of you get out!" He said and watched as Crusher's helpers quickly fled the room, he locked the door tightly behind them and looked over at Urso then back at Crusher. He took the hint instantly.

"Heh, that's the smartest thing you've said since we've gone into this business venture..." he growled and advanced on Urso, the realization of his position now dawning on him.

"Hey Crush...we-were partners!" Urso chuckled and tried his best to back away but with no was obvious to him now why Crusher had decided to let him dispose of the last two wrestlers. Crusher however was not moved by his pleads.

"Ya know Urso, that's the funny thing about having a partner, see, as long as you're my partner, my paycheck will always be a little smaller than usual, now we can't have that can we...PARTNER?" he growled lowly and continued his advance. Urso now showed a fear that many never knew he possessed, sweat poured from his brow and he still continued to back into the corner.

"Awww, c'mon Crusher! I-I-I won't take your pay; you can have all my money! PLEASE! Just d-d-d-don't do this!!" he yelped and kept backing away, now stuck in the corner.

"Don't YOU wish it was that simple...see, then there's another problem, If I DO let you live, you're gonna run out first chance you get. Then there's the issue of the cops, though, with Mr. Drake out of the way it won't be much of a problem, but in the end we're gonna have to pay someone off and sorry..." He whispered and in a green blur was on the bear, holding his arms to his sides and staring dead in the face, practically muzzle to muzzle... "But this way is so much easier!" He growled and opened his gigantic muzzle, taking in the bear's head and shoulders with one chomp. He bit down some but only to steady the bear's intense shaking, his face licked up and down the bear's face as though he waited for this moment. Even the bears sweat made the gator groan with delight, finally he took in his first gulp which pulled the bears head down the powerful throat.

Fidget simply stood back and watched, he didn't particularly enjoy the sight but it was an effective way to get rid of unwanted individuals.

"Come on, come on! We don't have time for this!" Fidget said impatiently as he looked at his watch, the gator sighed in an annoyed way but he too knew they were pressed for time. Taking another large gulp and using his arms he hefted more of the large quivering bear into his muzzle, his throat easily able to take in the bloated ursine figure's chest. The drool practically dripped from his jaws as he took the next gulp, the bears bulging gut entering his maw. No longer needing to hold the bear's arms he gulped once more and they too disappeared down his esophagus, the gut hanging out from the sides of his mouth. A few soft though effective bites compressed the bears gut enough to get it all the way in, a louder gulp was heard as this too passed into the gator's already bulging throat, he looked like a frog now, his throat expanded in every direction, now only the bears rump and legs hung limp from fear and exhaustion from crushers mouth. Just as Urso had done to the previous wrestlers, Crusher removed the bears shorts and tossed them aside, they would most likely be burned later along with the others. Grabbing the bear's thick legs, Crusher tossed his large reptilian head back and allowed gravity to take part in this act. Almost like a theme park water slide the bear's legs slid in with a startling speed, one more slurp issued to them and then the snap of Crusher's jaws closing behind them. He rubbed the bulge in his throat for a moment before he sent it like so many others to his grotesquely large belly. The scales pressed out and his gut spilled onto the floor as he made the final gulp. He was now on hands and knees but didn't need to be as his own gut would've kept him off the ground.

It was at this point that the darkness Alec experienced began to fade back into fuzzy light. He shook his head some and looked about the room. All things were not quite in focus but he could make out Crusher's much larger form. He didn't know what had happened but he noticed the absence of three wrestlers from the room and assumed that Crusher was the cause. He watched the huge lizard lurch to his feet, his gut hanging down just below his knees and pressing outward just as far as he stood. He gave his tight yet hanging gut a few slaps, followed by a disgusting belch and then looked back to Fidget.

"It took you long enough." Fidget grinned and now had a pistol turned on the stuffed reptile. "You're not the only one who can play the dishonest business man. Now that I've got money and an alibi I really won't need you anymore." He laughed some, keeping the gun aimed at Crusher's head. The gator did well not to flinch, and even at gunpoint showed no hint of fear.

"Ha, I should a known, used my own trick against me. And if you kill me, that'll explain the missing wrestlers and all, hell, you may even get rewarded for it. But what about the P.I. over here?" he asked and pointed a thumb toward Alec.

"As I said before, I'm keeping him alive as long as he needs to. I'm glad that you were at LEAST smart enough to see the beauty of my plan, perhaps if you hadn't been as greedy as you were this could've worked in your favor as well, but lets be serious, you would've just as easily turned the tables on me." Fidget grinned some and shrugged as he said this. Crusher still brandished that cocky grin.

"Eh, you just have me all figured out don't you? Well I guess you won, I wouldn't say its fair and square, but hey; who am I to judge?"

"Yes, who are you to judge? You're no one. You're a corpse who just doesn't know it yet." Fidget replied and prolonged the event no further. One bullet escaped the gun with the pull of the trigger and five more followed. ALL blank. Crusher simply grinned and walked over to the very confused Fidget, still clicking the empty gun at his approach. He took it from his paw and looked at the gun.

"Ah, ya know? You should really check your gun before you intend to murder someone; you never know who can come into your office and switch the bullets." He said, tossing the gun aside. Alec knew it was over for Fidget but also knew this was prime time to get free. Moving his paws silently he reached for a pocket knife he had up his sleeve and began to work on the rope that bound him.

Fidget had already mastered the art of levitation with the help of Crushers hand around his throat and was about to begin his disappearing act.

"I'm not even going to give you the opportunity to beg for your life like Urso, I've been waiting too long for this." He smiled toothily and gave Fidget's face a long slurp.

"Heh, just think though, you'll be in the papers for something! The last missing person in the case, along with the detective. And don't worry; I'll be spending your money very well." The gator continued, squeezing a bit harder on his former employers throat.

Fidget tried his best to wrench the reptile's hand away but with no success at all, a million pleads flowed to his brain but he could barely breath much less beg. The room suddenly became a blurred picture to him, despite the already dimmed surroundings, only the heat of Crusher's muzzle was apparent to him.

Alec had succeeded in removing the ropes but remained seated, not drawing any attention to him. His head still pounded but it wasn't as prominent as before, he scanned the room and saw his gun lying about 6ft away from him. He had no intention of saving Fidget but he still had to get out of this alive. He waited until the gator was well into his meal, in just the few moments he took to find the gun Fidgets torso was already no more than a bulge in the gator's throat.

Crusher took no time in devouring Fidget, he was much smaller than any prey he was used to and easily was able to fit him in his muzzle. Another toss of his head and a gulp later Fidget was no more. A faint outline of his wretched face was seen, almost heard, screaming in horror. Then the slow and loud belch from the gator forced out the remaining air and silenced the crooked owner once and for all.

"Ah, and now for...huh?!" Crusher growled as he turned around and saw Alec sitting in the chair holding his gun.

"I have to admit, you have given me a great deal of trouble, more so than any of my other cases, but now it's over. You're going to be locked away for a LONG time my carnivorous friend."

"I knew I should've tied you up myself." Crusher said, taking a step forward, but quickly stumbled back 3, a bullet lodged in his right arm. He grunted and held it tight, trying to stop the blood.

"You son of A--"

"No, we'll have none of that, I don't suggest you move or speak again. I, unlike Fidget, always check my guns. But even I must admit, I am in a bit of a dilemma, I would have to make a call to get you out of here but seeing as how I am stuck in this room that will be quite impossible. Then again, I could just shoot you between those shifty eyes of yours, but, that wouldn't be very honorable of me."

"Sounds like you have a tough choice there...what do you plan to do Mr. Drake?" Crusher asked panting a little and clutching his arm.

"Seeing as how I don't have to offer up any information, I'll leave those thoughts to myself, as for you, I'd appreciate it greatly if you opened the door." Alec said standing slowly and motioned with the gun for crusher to open the locked door. The gator moved slowly and complied, then noticed his foot was just near Fidget's gun; he paused for a moment and then walked to the door.

"Oh and one other thing detective..." He said facing away from Alec.

"And that is?" Alec asked keeping his gun aimed for the gators head.

"You REALLY should've killed me when you had the chance." Crusher's tail lashed out violently and sent the gun flying towards Alec's face; he just as quickly pulled his trigger but only succeeded in hitting the ceiling as the gun hit his hand instead. With uncanny speed Crusher was upon him and clutching Alec's wrist, pointing the gun away from him. Another 4 shots fired but with Crushers other hand pummeling the detective's stomach, the gun was soon dropped. He coughed up a little blood and looked up as best he could, his free hand pounding into the gators gut but with minimal effect.

"I'm not going to be NEARLY as GENTLE with you as I was with them!" Crusher roared and bit down heavily on Alec's right shoulder, it was a wonder he didn't pass out from the pain. He howled in agony and tried his best to punch him off of him but failed, the blood gushed out from his shoulder and the Gators jaws locked down even tighter. Then as though struck with lighting Alec dawned his hidden knife once again and plunged it into the gators eye!

The grip of his jaws instantly was broken as he roared madly and stumbled back clutching his eye.

"AAAARGHHH! YOU SON OF A BITCH! WAIT TILL I'M THROUGH WITH YOU!" he growled and finally removed the knife from his eye, the flow of blood not ceasing, he tossed it aside and bound across the room after Alec, his fists raised, ready to fight for his life when the locked door suddenly exploded off the hinges!

It was Rock!

The huge gorilla bolted through the door and shoulder tackled the lizard into a nearby wall. Barely able to turn around and quite stunned, Crusher tried his familiar tactic of lashing out his tail...which was easily deflected by Rock, he grabbed his tail and swung him around to the other corner of the room, his head knocking into the two lockers against the opposing wall. The room spun and Crusher tried weakly to get to his feet, his hands and feet felt as though they would give out at any moment, but rock wouldn't allow him to get that far. His hands grasped the lizard by the shoulders and stood him up quickly. He spun him around and stared him right in the face, snorting at the sight of him.

"I want you to look at me and be fully aware of what is about to happen to you. I want YOU to feel the terror that I'm sure many others have faced because of you." He breathed heavily and kept his cold stare locked on Crusher, not even noticing Alec in the corner.

"WH-what are you talking about..."Crusher asked groggily, barely even able to speak with the loss of blood from his eye and arm. "You can' can't do... no, NO!" He said getting more and more frightened as he realized what Rock meant.

Rock was going to eat him.

Rock kept one arm on his shoulder to steady him while he used his other hand to hold the gator's maw shut, his jaws opened wider than any normal gorilla could even despite his huge size and moved quickly over the gator's jaws. His eyes went wide with horror as he was pulled into the gargantuan gorilla's gullet. Rock wasted no time in gulping him in and didn't even seem to be enjoying it. Alec however couldn't believe what he was seeing, he expected Fidget and KNEW crusher was involved but he never would've seen this! A strong feeling of self-doubt came over him. What if he wasn't this great detective he proclaimed himself to be? Surely if he was he could've stopped this all from happening and yet here it was all laid out before him.

Crusher's head had already begun its progression to Rock's belly and his powerful arms made the journey even speedier. Using a synchronized method of heaving and gulping the gator quickly disappeared not inch by inch...but foot by foot! The only instance in which he faced a problem was when he tried to ingest the gator's heavily drooping belly but Rock's jaw dropped even lower and took it in with little more than 5 gulps. His throat seemed to stretch almost painfully and this same pain was etched onto his face as Crusher's gut entered his esophagus, he paused for a moment and stopped using his hands to guide Crusher in but rather now to massage the lump in his throat. He still felt as though he may burst but he kept on, another strong swallows and the gator's fat tail and muscled legs found their way into the gorilla's mouth. Now only Crusher's slightly fidgeting tail slid into the ape's muzzle. His gut hung down to the floor, far lower than it had originally, he rested heavily there yet he looked as though he had a good deal of mobility. Alec was almost scared of him now; he looked as though he had done this before.

The ape stood silent, looking even more like an ape with his eyes tightly shut and his knuckles resting heavily on the ground as he did his best to UUUUUURRRRP out the remaining air, content to know that Crusher's dying struggles could be felt within him, his gut thrashed about for a bit then began to slow and stopped. He heaved a sigh of relief and now stared directly at the detective.

"I am only sorry that you had to witness such an action. I...I have known about this entire deal for some time now, and though I am quite ashamed of it, I know I had to let it progress." He said, confessing to Alec with his head bowed, he still however managed to maintain that same aura as he did before.

"But...why? If you could've done something about this before why didn't you?" Alec said, holstering his gun.

"Because I knew if I had informed you the Federation would be closed, I told you once before detective, I would not let it be closed. Besides, now that Fidget and Crusher are out of the way it can be run by someone who can make it flourish...some one..."

"Like me!" Arthur said stepping into the room and walking beside Rock to put a paw on his shoulder. "You did good Rock, My Trojan horse, figuratively speaking that is." Arthur laughed and looked in the direction of Alec, almost enjoying the look of surprise on his face.

"It was you? YOU were behind all this, WHY?" Alec asked clenching his fist and gritting his teeth.

"Well why is the easiest answer so I'll start with you realize how profitable it would be to own the only two wrestling federations in town? Do you? I knew it just as well if not better than Fidget. Now, I don't want you to assume this was ALL my doing. Fidget was indeed responsible for the missing wrestlers, he hired Crusher and tried to get rid of my best but realized that may be too suspicious, so, he began to pick off a few of his own wrestlers as well. To ensure his safety however he hired you. He knew that if I got to you first, all evidence would point directly to him. So, I proposed a deal, if he ensured that none of my wrestlers would go missing I would not only drop it, I would pay him. I knew he couldn't resist. I also KNEW that the greedy S.O.B would never stick to the plan, so, long before the deal was even made I hired Rock here to be my eyes and ears. He did actually work for Fidget at first but even he saw through to his treachery. But, I figured at one point or another he would try and pin the blame on me as well as take my money so I made sure to have someone to pin the blame as well. That is where Fidget's "secretary" had fit in. She too knew left Fidget for my employment." He answered pacing up and down the room.

"So what now, am I supposed to just stand here and allow you to take over both federations?"

"Not at all, see, that's one thing I WAS hoping Fidget would succeed in. but even he could not take care of you. You WOULD have been the best in the business, but this case had too many sides for you to decipher. But either way, you jeopardize my chances of making this work. You REALLY should've looked into a partner Alec, this way; at least someone would know where you are." Arthur said and bowed his head for a moment as though in deep thought. Alec's hand was just above his gun now and ready to remove it.

"Go ahead Alec shoot, you've got ONE bullet, you can hit one of us. But what will you chose, shoot me, and have no evidence as to what happened here, or shoot Rock and kill someone who actually was in it for the good of the company. Your choices, either way, end up with you in a bind." Arthur said staring directly into Alec's eyes; they almost seemed to disarm him, enough so that he didn't notice Rock advancing on him. His arms were quickly grabbed and he was hoisted into the air effortlessly. Arthur simply laughed and walked over to remove Alec's gun.

"Oh, I forgot the other option; you could've shot yourself and spared yourself the agony of slow painful digestion. Whoops! Must've slipped my mind." He laughed and nodded at Rock to seal the deal.

Yet, as Alec struggled to escape from the gorillas grip he heard a deep low whispering in his ear.

"I am truly sorry detective, I never meant for things to go like this, I will try to make this quick and painless. But, I can't have the federation closed. It IS my life." Rock nodded with a remorseful look in his eye and opened his jaws. At this moment Alec's demise didn't seem as coldhearted. He almost understood Rock's dilemma and stopped his struggling. Opening and unhinging his jaws he hefted the detective into them, his head instantly slipping into the muscular gullet. Another loud gulp pulled Alec's shoulders in as well, he heard the wet noises of the body around him as he slipped in yet again, tilting his head a little he saw his gut and legs drawn into the large muzzle as well, the last bit of light sealed behind him. Besides the gurgling of Rock's gut he heard a slowly increasing noise, It was the sound of Rock's heart. With each lurch down his slick throat he heard it a bit louder. Them he felt his head pass into another chamber, the rest of him followed and he curled up. He looked over at Crusher who as well was curled up in the gorilla's gut, he almost laughed at the irony of the situation.

Rock almost sighed and gulped heavily, feeling the detective slide easily into his already massively stretched belly. He laid a hand on it and urrrrrped slightly, releasing the air and massaging his gut some to relieve the tension. Arthur simply turned and began to walk to the door.

"Now that THAT'S dealt with." He stopped and tossed Alec's gun into the wastebasket. "Come now Rock, we have much preparation and renovation to be done. You can digest them off later, perhaps with the added of weight you could be on our sumo wrestler line up!" Arthur laughed devilishly and walked out of the room, his laugh still audible down the hall. Rock stopped and looked down at his gut, still rubbing it and realized he didn't prefer this means to an end. But, he managed to keep the federation open and that was all that mattered. He heaved himself up and walked out....

The air grew heavier and his breath quickened a little, though oddly, the feeling of Rock's paw on his gut soothed him for a moment before he began to move. Alec used his remaining time to reflect on all that had happened and inevitably he thought of only this...

"I've always said life is like a game.

You win some.

You lose some.

I guess this time I lost some...

Maybe I should've listened to all the advice I had gotten and got off the case...

Maybe I wouldn't be where I am now, but I'm here...

And no matter what I do, I've lost this game."

With that final thought, he slipped out of consciousness, the stomach acids slowly worked on him and Crusher.



By Cameron


(aka wolfgang wolfe)

(draft 1, completed 7/18/04)

Written by: Wolfgang Wolfe

Kuga (C) his player

Edited By: Chronos Deamoly

P.s. Comments and criticisms welcome, I'm wondering about some of these ratings...

Knock First

Knock First By Wolfgang Wolfe The obese wolf rose from his pretend slumber and looked over at the clock, it was a few minutes past midnight and he was already late. He sat up quickly and did his best to dress quietly, but the floor creaked under...

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So Dreams really do come true...

So Dreams Really Do Come True... "I ...I can't do this." The wolf was obviously nervous, it was Anthrocon 05' and all the faces that were once just images on a screen were now staring back at him, face to face for the first time. "Sure you can!...

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