Captain Minty vs The Space Emperor

Story by Khorax on SoFurry

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[Author's note: This story contains elements of corruption, hypnosis, musk and gay sex. There may also be a bunny involved. If none of these things appeal to you, there are plenty of other stories to enjoy on the internet]

The footsteps died down from the charge, a loud clamour of thick soled boots upon the metal floor. The situation had gone from bad to worse: the Exemplar likely impounded and under troop lock down, its crew either dead or injured, or in the hands of the Kypacti, where they may as well been dead. The green rabbit took a moment to breathe, taking off his helmet and wiping the sweat from his brow. Kypacti ships always seemed warm and balmy to him. Although this isn't the first enemy ship he assailed, he had never seen one so big. He hadn't counted on the second laser bank: or on the sheer number of Kypacti troopers.

Looking down at his helmet, he could see the indent from the laser blast earlier. Another shot like that, and the helmet would offer no protection. With a sneer, the bunny placed the helmet aside, removing the communication module, as well as the visor headset. If he were to face the Kypacti alone in taking down the ship, he wasn't going in blind. Taking another breath, he looked out the grating to the maintenance hatch where he hid, hand readying his own blaster. A drop of sweat fell down his fur, along his green ear, making his whiskers twitch slightly. His eyes readjusted to the dim lighting of the walkway.

From here, he could see them, two large drones, easily a foot taller than himself and massive. Their bodies coated in a black tight bodysuit, accented with leather straps and circuitry. The two were clearly not the smaller and meeker troops from earlier. Their broad shoulders rested above equally broad bodies, and the large midsections that almost made the Kypacti who they were: where other species were mostly eeking out an existance, the Kypacti seemed to revel in excess. He wrinkled his nose in discomfort, once again readying his pistol before kicking open the crate.

His visor lit up with designations and calculated the correct location to disable the two guards. The shots fired swiftly, lighting up the dark, dank hallway with pink neon for just a moment. When the dim diffusion resumed, the two large guards slumped against the walls, their uniquely colorful visors blank and empty. With quick and light steps, the lithe rabbit moved a paw over each one, inspecting vital signs. Through his own infovisor he could see that both were alive, but unconscious. His face set in grim determination, he considered finishing them off, but then where would be his mission of peace. He shook his head, angry at himself for considering. These were likely forced into service, like most Kypacti soldiers. He looked over at the long, reptilian helmets and considered taking one for measure.

His momentary pause became ill fated, however, as the doors before him opened. A thick, large paw reached down and grabbed him by the neck, lifting him a foot and a half off the ground. There stood the largest Kypacti he had ever seen, easily weighing in at five or six times his own weight. Missing from his body was the full helmet: instead a half-helmet adorned a tusked, wolverine-like muzzle set in a grim expression of discovery and determination. From within the room beyond a deep, growling voice commanded.

"Bring the troublemaker to me."

Immediately, his captor squeezed tighter as the green bunny pawed at the offending hand. Another pair of hands grabbed his arm and midsection, removing his twin blasters and sending them clattering to the metal floor. The rabbit kicked at the massive strength of his assaulter, only catching a glimpse at the room around him. As realization dawned on him, his kicking slowed to a stop, and his eyes grew wide. The color drained from his face for a moment, giving his attackers time to force his hands behind his back and cuff them with energy cuffs. The large wolverine-Kypacti chuffed once at the rabbit, almost smirking in knowledge when he pushed the bunny forward towards the center of the room.

In full view, he could see the control center for the Kypacti mothership. Dim neon lights of varying colors adorned the walls, providing just enough illumination to see the metal plated floors. Here, dozens of Kypacti: drones, guards and even a few half-mask troops wandering about operating the ship. The roof of the room an expanse hologram of stars as far as the eye can see, a recreation of the image outside, if the room itself were not deep in the center of the elongated ship. the layout was circular, and in the center sat a large figure sitting on a heavily padded, comfortable throne.

"So you couldn't wait to meet your Emperor, little one. That's fine by me. We can proceed ahead of schedule."

The emperor leaned back from his throne, looking over at the small space warrior with a dark, toothy grin. His scales shimmered and gleaned greasily in the light, Unlike the others, he wore very little in comparison. Leather straps crossed his chest, holding up what appeared to be two leather shoulder plates and a leather belt. His feet were encased in thick, leathery boots. Below, a revealing leather thong hiding nothing about the gator's impressive maleness. In fact, the entire figure seemed to exude a mixture of masculinity, raw sexuality and almost comic lack of decorum. That the large alligator man barely fit in this get up filled the bunny with a mixture of fear and humor. Afraid of his sheer size, but humor because the imposing image appeared to be a bad actor in a pornographic holovid.

It was at this moment, the small figure started laughing at the giant scaled beast. As he took a second look and noticed the over-the-top rainbow colored leather-feather motif cape. He could feel tears come from his eyes. It was too much. This had to be a joke. Big as though he may be, this gaudy fruit of a gator could not possibly be the feared Kypacti emperor, conqueror of fifty suns and destroyer of culture in countless systems.

"By the Star of Deneveire, you look like a fucking joke. Are you seriously telling me that you look like that? There are whores with better fashion sense." The bunny replied between fits of laughter, tears forming in his eyes. He grasped his sides, falling to his knees in almost airless hilarity. The fit continued until even the dim light was eclipsed. The large figure stood over him, his eyes glaring down. Behind them burned budding anger and rage, but his face expressed an almost sneering grin. He reached down and as the thick figure bent over, he could hear the utter control behind that voice, deep, strong, dominating.

"If you don't find my attire pleasing, perhaps I could remove it for you." The Emperor reached forward and grabbed the rabbit's holovisor, crushing it in his strong grip, his claws covered in leather. As the reptile stood, the visor fell useless to the ground. "We'd like that, wouldn't we boys?" He inquired the room, answered with echoes of cheering and laughter. The alligator looked down again at the bunny with a mean, knowing smirk. "But first.. we need a bit of adjusting." He waved his hand and two of the half-visors lifted the bunny roughly off the ground. He could feel the sheen of sweat on their arms as he held him fast, while a third placed a mask over his muzzle and nose. Within moments, darkness covered his vision, the last image that of the Emperor rubbing himself lewdly.


The vivid variation of the bright spectrum of colors continued for a few moments, lost deep to the dark. Images floated up of his home and family, of his lost crew, and of the mission in which he was sent. Scout the large anomaly sensors located just outside the Panthoran Wormhole. Return with details. Instead, he found his ship embattled and scanned, warped onboard the mothership, and he took it upon himself to invade. It gave him one hell of a headache.

Minty groaned heavily as he began to regain consciousness. Through a fog, he remembered small details: the feel of greasy, sweaty fur and scales. The scent of leather and something strange, almost sweet and spicy in it's aroma. He takes a deep breath of fresh air for a moment, only to find a rush of that pungent aroma filling his chest. With surprise, he jumps, his body only falling back against the padded table. It doesn't take long to realize that his arms and legs are bound: the soreness that radiates from his restricted joints remind him.

Having adjusted to the dim lighting of his surroundings, the spare warrior finds it easier to see the details of the room. The walls are spartan, almost padded themselves, and a force field shimmers in the only opening to the room. He can see tubes off to the side, one of which leads to the mask over his maw. He tries to speak, but his voice comes out muffled and distant. Each breath brings in fresh air, but also a bit of the tainted gas. He finds that it makes him feel a bit sluggish.

"I do love it when one of my captives realizes their fate. We take exceptional care of our prisoners. They get well fed, given the freedom to do what comes to mind, after ensuring our own safety and sovereignty of course."

The deep voice of the Emperor speaks up from behind the bunny. He cannot see the gator, but he can feel him: the heat radiating off the alligator's body is unmistakable. The claws move down to rub along the green fur of the rabbit. The feeling is not unpleasant, strong and commanding, massaging deep into his sore shoulders with detail and care. A thick rumbling fills the room, reverberating through the bones of the bound bunny, emanating from the figure behind him. As the sound echoed through, Minty could not help but feel himself relax slightly.

"There. Much better. This won't take too long, then you will be free to go wherever you wish."

The offer seemed almost benign, and suspicion arose in the heart of the space warrior. The Kypacti never let anyone escape. They were always killed or imprisoned for life. At his expression, the large face of the Emperor filled his vision, moving around to face the bunny. In his hand, a metal box rested, roughly a foot and a half on each side. As his gaze started to fuzz again, the thick-bellied Emperor reached over to press a button. A strange liquid started to drip into his maw. It tasted sweet and tangy, with a slight saltiness to it. He coughed and tried to hold it out, but it soon filled his maw and he had no choice but to swallow.

The Emperor nodded once, almost scientifically before moving out of view. On a table next to the bunny, Minty could see the opened and empty box set down. Filled with apprehension, he tried to struggle and move, but found his body weak. A soothing warmth started to fill from his gut, moving over his body and making his fur prick up. Where ever it moved, he found himself relaxing, except his loins where the fire grew. It was then he realized something with dawning horror:

He was as naked as the day he was born, on full display before an enemy that even his own enemies feared. He was naked, and he was getting hard.

He tried to spit out the liquid once again, but found that his body simply wouldn't respond. With every moment, he swallowed more and more of the chemical, increasing the warmth and causing him to sweat. The rise of hormones surged through him, his balls churning and swelling, and despite himself, Minty humped needfully into the air once. He searched the room for his captor, but instead he found two of the half-visors from earlier. They moved to either of the leather slab where he was bound before the Emperor came back into view. The alligator had removed his cloak, leaving him only bound in his greasy harness. Looking behind the rabbit, the alligator spoke, reaching forward for Minty's throbbing shaft.


As his protests started, a large leather mask slipped over his face, obstructing his view of the alligator grabbing his cock. With a single click, the mask sealed the captor in complete darkness. Barely a second after, bright colors soon filled the vision of the bunny. He closed his eyes to try and shut them out, but he could feel the visors interacting with his own installed optic interface, replacing his closed eye images with that of the visor's. Pleasure erupted from his cock, the alligator's actions completely unknown to him, but sending waves of sensual pleasure through his body.

He moaned, and he enjoyed it. Time passed on without meaning, his sensations dominated by the sensual pleasure between his legs, the repetitive colors, and a buzzing sound that he could never place. He found that more liquid dripped into his maw, the flow increasing, and he hungered for it. It almost felt like a pit had opened in his gut and he needed to fill it with the warming, thick liquid. A heaviness fell over his body, as if he were resting more and more against the table, less able and inclined to move. He groaned as his legs were spread further, as were his arms, and the warmth increased, making him sweat profusely.

With every wave of pleasure that passed over him, the bunny breathed in deeply, almost purely the strong gas from earlier, the spiced earthiness almost comforting in it's scent. It smelled strong, powerful and definitively male. Images of locker rooms from home momentarily flitted through his mind before being washed away on a wave of color and sexual need. With every moment, his thoughts of home turned into twisted, changed versions: his home eternally ruled by the Kypacti and his Emperor.

His memories adjusted, old flames turning into fellow drones, constantly on the vigil for errant thoughts. The warm public baths his home was famous for turned into dirty brothels, designed with the Emperor's own personal tastes for grime and uninhibited sex. Every aspect of his life diluted through the lens of the alligator's corruption, and soon a broad, perverted smile formed across his face. He wasn't captured, he was rescued from a vast conspiracy to remove his homeland from the Kypacti control. His fellow crewmen had turned against their captain and were taken in for custody.

As he lay there, he caught a glimpse of his former associates in their rehabilitation. They rested on slabs much like his own, or in pods designed for quick psychological and physiological adjusting. Each image brought up a feeling of lust and want. This is correct, he started to think to himself. This is how things should be. He breathed in the gas readily, hungry for more of the ripe scent, each inhale fogging his mind more with hormonal need. He lost track of how many orgasms he almost had, on how much liquid he swallowed, his thoughts distant, jumbled and soon gone.


Emperor Khorax stood up from his captive with a resolute nod. The rabbit had fallen just like his crew did, eagerly and without pause. He looked over at the information extractor to see how much data was being compiled: the location of the rabbit's homeworld, the movements of its military, and even his most secret desires. At this, the alligator grinned in lustful pride. With a quick typing on the nearby keyboard, he turned to his personal entourage, those he personally oversaw. The drones were near-mindless. His guards dumbed down brutes, but his entourage were personally programmed to fit their innermost desires, intermixed with his own.

He rubbed the growing gut on the rabbit, the lithe form now thick with a mixture of fat and muscle, the nanofluid fed to him reprogramming his body to fit his own needs and wishes. Soon the rabbit will forget about his former life, replaced with one of servitude towards the Kypacti cause, mainly spreading the Emperor's influence of lust, grime and hypnotic obedience. He growled as he rubbed the rabbit's thick dripping cock, knowing it wouldn't be long until the first and most important session is over.

Hours pass, with the bunny's memories almost completely corrupted, feeling that he was found and rescued by his Lord and Emperor, Khorax of the Kypacti. In gratitude and lust he wished to devote his life to servitude alongside his crew. His crew were to be drones, but he were part of an elite group of personal servants. The scent of the alligator's own musk filled the mask almost completely now, as it ran throughout the ship, reminding all of their place. A growing hunger filled his gut, a gnawing need for more nanofluid, and food in general. His own personal self-image was replaced by one that was beefier, meatier, and at least a hundred pounds fatter. It wasn't long before this image became natural.

With the final elements of programming in place, the leather slab turned vertical, ready to release Minty from his bonds. The bunny struggled not an inch, his visor filled with the ever present colors of his fellows, only opaque instead of see through. As the computer signaled programming completion, Khorax lowered a hand. The wrist and leg guards released the now-pudgy bunny, who stumbled a bit forward. His visor switched to a transparent series of color, his expression one of desperate need. Taking off the lower portion of his mask, the bunny stumbled towards the Emperor and grabbed a meaty paw. As his servants move to intervene, the gator shakes his head and lifts his arm. Almost desperately, Minty starts to breathe in and lick, moving a paw up to feel over the gator's strong and chubby form. The alligator seems more than happy to oblige, reaching down possessively.

"So, what do you wish to do, boy?" The Emperor asks of the rabbit in his grasp, whom is practically worshipping his fuzzy, scaled pit. The rabbit pauses just long enough to respond, grinding against the alligator's leg with lustful need.

"I wish to serve and obey my Emperor, and see our enemies join us, or die trying."

Knowing that the repurposing is successful, the alligator looks over the sweaty bunny, proud of what he could see. He's altered the genetic structure of his slave, whom now holds a physical dependency on his obedience visor and his larger size. He reaches down and suddenly plants a kiss against that maw, tasting his own sweat on the bunny's breath. He pulls forward and grabs the bunny's leg, hoisting his large form upwards and against the wall. With strong passion, they kiss, tongues intertwining in lustful need.

All the while the alligator moves his claw lower, grabbing the chubbed bunny's other leg. At the deepest part of the kiss, the gator lifts, holding Minty against the wall by his legs, with a touch of positioning, he starts to lower the bunny onto his thick cock. His scaled gut rubs up against the bunny's thickened member, slick with pre. It leaves a trail on the exposed scales that shimmer in the dim lighting. As his entourage looks on, the alligator slowly penetrates his new servant's backside, the fluffy tail flicking against the wall in need.

As his own three inch thick member slips deeper into the rabbits tailhole, the bunny moans. He doesn't fight the penetration, but he can feel the soreness of himself stretching. Yet, the pole seems pre-greased, slipping in without much fuss or lube. The swirls continue to invade his vision, but soon they almost seem to fade away, along with the sounds, all that's left is an absolute need to obey. to serve.

To lust.

With increased ferocity, the gator starts to press in, his cock fucking the rabbit with animalistic vigor. A growling rumble escapes the scaled ruler, vibrating his gut, his muscles and his cock, as well as the bunny impaled on him. With surprising care, the reptile pulls out his dick, only to shove it back in time and time again, fucking the bunny deeply, as fresh moans of lust fill the air. It isn't long before the lapine hero soon finds his cock spurting heavily against both his lusty captor and himself. It is at this, the gator pulls back, slipping free.

The debased rabbit falls to the metal flooring, his sweat-soaked fur completely messed from the fucking. He leans, catching his breath, his eyes glazed slightly, but with a needy grin. He lifts his paw weakly to grab at the gator's cock needfully. With a knowing smirk the gator peers down, right into the eyes of his handiwork, taking the cum off his belly and smearing it through the matted fur, growling in almost affection.

"Make sure he's kitted up properly with his plug and harness. Don't clean him up. You know the rules."

As those watching the event tuck away their hard dicks, they move to attention and salute, the same look of lust echoed in their eyes. They move to collect the fallen bunny, who pants in need, scooping up some of the spilled cum into his maw hungrily. The taste explodes in his mouth, oddly familiar. It dawns on him that the nanofluid carried hints of this flavor, one that he finds a deep craving for. Hungrily, he starts licking the floor to get more, only interrupted by the alligator's gruff command. Without thought, his voice joins in the others, almost in unison, the white seed dripping from his lips.

"Yes Our Emperor. We Obey."