Endless Time

Story by Xeminor on SoFurry

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A sad poem when i was feeling old

Endless time

Rue the day with bitter lament,

Thinking of wasted time you have spent,

Again the bell tolls as the hours pass,

Ever marching closer to our final mass,

Watching your hands age day by day,

As cracks appear in our mortal clay,

Each step you take forwards your falling back two,

Taking your place in the reapers queue,

Each blink of the eye makes the light grow dimmer,

Youth now escaped the worlds lost its glimmer,

Despair replaces hope as we count our last grains,

The hour glass now turned life escaping our veins,

Each breath you draw is now treated as the last,

Fearing as you realise you have less future than past,

As you look in the mirror what looks back at you?,

Wipe away all the makeup is there really anything to rue?


Eternal Beauty

Eternal Beauty I love you with all my heart, Even though we are so far apart, I long to feel the warmth of your skin, Because inside you lies my souls twin. I want you more with each passing day, And with your love to Announce I am gay,...
