digimon: its about time we meet

Story by Hex92 on SoFurry

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#4 of Digimon

"Tsume rolled over to the side facing away from wizardmon " I didn't run my mouth he started it, he thinks just because he's a knight he can order me around. I wish they would just get rid of him" she said in anger " now tsume let's not say something you might regret" said sorcerymon " maybe you should just relax for a bit, its been a long day and you been out all day so I know you're tired" said wizardmon " yeah I guess ....but he still makes me so-" " yes we know, but you just have to listen to what your parents tell you tsume" " we know you just want to find a good and all Digimon but you already know that not all digimon are good" tsume sigh and set up and look at the two digimon " yeah you're right I'm sorry, I just can't seem to forgive him for what he said about dorumon .... and what's worse you never apologized either" " let's not worried about that how about a snacks?" Asked sorcerymon " cake, I want cake!" Shouted tsume " to much sweets are bad for you tsume and your mom told you-" " yeah yeah i know enough " after they had there snake a knock was at the door, sorcerymon open it and it was Crusadermon. Another knight digimon tsume cant stand . When Crusadermon is picked to look after tsume its time to head for the hills cause Crusadermon is mean and tells tsume what to do and what not to do , tsume notice that rasion cause dorumon is a strong knight and her mom put him first in command when she wanted that tittle . " you two can leave , i can take over " said Crusadermon " its OK we-" " leave. Now! " wizardmon ad socreymon looked at tsume as she nod and they walked out the door " well now what do we have here?" She asked as she walked up to vex " his name is vex , he's a new digidestion " Crusadermon looked at him for a bit and then back at tsume " tsume its time to go to the training room" " i dont have to go you know , i already masterd the D-power digivice" she said as crossed her arms " yes but have you mastered how to bio merge with dorumon?" " uh-" " thats what i thought trning room now " tsume growld and stood up and left the room as dorumon follow with vex and sunmon . In the room it looked like a computer room, it was dark inside there was 3 big computers as tsume put her digivice on the table and picked up the D-power digivice and walked in the next room with dorumon that was a white room vex saw threw the computer screen " begin training session now" tsume sigh and hold up the digivice as words spelled on the computer screen ( bio merge digovaloution) " bio merge activate! " " dorumon bio merge to!" tsume shouted as she moved her digivice over her head and did a quick spin as she hold the digivice close to her chest with her eyes closed as a burst of purple and light purple enagy expand behind her as she throws her arms out wide as she fell back to dorumon . Dorumonstarted to changed once the transformasion was done vex saw a big digimon in full black armer with yellow lining and a sliver cape

" who is that ?" Vex ask in shock " that is alphamon , dorumon mega evolution " said Crusadermon " but wheres tsume?" " tsume is connected within him" " what do you mean , she's...Inside him" " in other ways yes " Crusadermon said as she type in something and candlemon came out of an open door . Seiken Gradalpha alphamon shouted and Draws out a convergence of light that was pierced into the center of a magic array, and stabs it through the opponent. Vex was so shocked at what he was looking at an hour later the digimon alphamon chaged back into tsume and dorumon . Then tsume and dorumon walked back in the room and sat down on the floor . More like fell over as the lights fliped on as everyone looked and saw 2 digimon in the room " mama , papa !" Tsume said happly as she ran to them and huged them " i missed you so much " " is this the young boy ?" The one in blue amer asked " yes thats him , he's a bit slow but he's ok " " uh im standing right here tsume " the 2 digimon walked out of the room as tsume mostioned vex to follow as the soon end up in a crystal like room . As the to sat down in a chair in frunt of a pig table , tsume walked up to vex and pushed him up to the table "vex i want you meet my mama and my papa. But to you there are ophanimon and Seraphimon" vex looked at tsume confused how can they be parents " um not to be mean or anything but how exactly are the your parents?" " hey you don't be mean! , if i say there my momma and Poppa, where my mother and father Got it!! "Tsume shouted " ok ok geez you don't have to get mad" " now tsume remember what we told you about your outburst" said ophanimon " uh right sorry " " young boy are you the one who saved my daughter?" Asked Seraphimon " uh yes sir I did" " because of your great courage we owe you our gratitude, its always an adventure when she gets into trouble" said ophanimom " tell me are you really a digidestion?" " well sir to tell you the truth I don't really know..... I don't even understand why I'm here" said vex as he Looked to the floor

digimon: its about time we meet

he Didn't want to ask, her digimon was very nice, they got along fine with sunmon . As they were done with collecting the fruit they headed back to cherrymon still saw tsume sleeping and so was cherrymon " this tree sure likes to sleep " vex said with...


digimon: its about time we met

" I would love to stay and talk to you guys, but like I said I cant, now if you would be so kind into moving I promise I will make this as painless as possible " tsume said as she got to fighting position " you may be a princess but that doesn't mean...

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Digimon: about time we met

It all started one fine morning were tsume and dorumon an lunamon was exploring the digital world . Its been a long day for tsume seeing that she and Jake got ride of myotismon with the help of tai and the other's . After the fight tsume just wanted to...