Outpost 13 (part 2)

Story by Fenryx on SoFurry

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#2 of Outpost 13

The next morning, Lori and Fen are awakened by a terror laden scream. An

unnatural cluster of eyes, ears, tentacles and bat wings all compacted into

the general size and shape of a bowling ball flutters at the open window of

their room. Fenryx grabs a selection of knives, ones that have the general

look and purpose of ninja throwing shards, and then proceeds to launch a

barrage of the hurtling at the thing at the window.

The assault causes it to explode in a fury of blood, smoke and viscera. Lori and Mel are cowering together under the bed while Fen is standing and seething with pure rage.

"Is it gone?" Lori asks in a terrified tone of voice just a notch or two above that of a whisper in volume.

"The spy eye is destroyed." Fen growls in a tone of vice with levels of anger

and hatred neither the vixen nor the bitch have heard from him before and for

their own safety they decided to wait until the ranger calms down before

coming out of hiding as he continues with: "Eternally damned perversion of

the natural world, it's things like that which will keep me in the hunt until

they intern me in the grave."

Even as he makes his statement the creators of the thing have their say:

"Hear us, mortal fools," a weirdly distorted disembodied voice intones in a

mocking manner, "you are meddling in affairs to which your primitive minds

cannot even begin to comprehend. Forget about Outpost Thirteen for it is

forever lost to you. It was ours before you humans came and now it is fully

ours again. You misbegotten children have NO place here. Keep away if you

value your souls."

A message that elicits a reaction that whatever made the thing might have

planned on:

"What the Fuck was that?" Melody asks with righteous indignation as she

stands up and glaringly looks about the room for the source of the voice and

settles her confrontational gaze on the gurgling spot on the floor where the

remains of the spy eye are quickly deteriorating, with her hands on her hips

to complete a stance of complete and utter defiance. "I go where I please or

where my vocation sends me! Who the Fuck do you think you are to tell me to

refuse a perfectly good assignment!?!"

Fenryx barks in an authoritarian tone he had used with them before and every

time he had done so in the past his position, both socially and mentally,

would brook no dissention:

"At ease, Melody!"

Then he continues with: "The message was obviously a recording. Every time I

took down one of those things previously there was a one in four chance it

had a message and/or some item or items somewhere like a wickedly sick and

twisted piñata."

As he gathers up his throwing irons Fen thinks he sees and smells something

strange about them. "Lori, Mel, you two have access to identification spells

do you not?"

Mel, standing up and naked as the day she was born nods as does Lori who is

still under the bed. "My throwing irons have just become enchanted and I want

to know how."

"I was with you when you forged those shards, Fen," Lori relates as she

slowly gets to her feet; still quivering with fear from all that is going on.

"And you never did take those weapon and item enchanting classes that were

recommended did you?"

"Gods of Light and Darkness!" Fen yells as he quickly gets dressed in his

parade armor ensemble. "I almost forgot about that. Thanks for reminding me."

After running out the door, Lori looks at Mel in an expression that silently

asks: "What the Fuck?"

"Fen signed up for the enchanting classes last time he was in town." Mel

explains. "Now that we have the down time, he's taking them."

"Oh!" Lori exclaims in understanding. "So, what do we do now? Our dildo

supply is strangely missing and these things."

She holds up one of Fen's irons. "Hurt too much going in to serve the purpose

unless he left their sheathes behind."

"You can be so sick, twisted and perverted, Lori," Mel says with a lusty

smirk. "Not that this is necessarily a bad thing."

Lori gives Mel a passionate kiss. "Ordinarily I'd oblige you, love, but that

thing and Fen's reaction to has me spooked. I want to know..."

The vixen almost swoons, "Phew! This thing reeks of magic! And when Fen made it I'm sure he did not enchant it."

"Spontaneous enchantment?" Melody asks incredulously as she blinks in

confusion. "I've heard of it happening, but I never thought I'd witness it

first hand."

"I know," Lorelei says in a clinical manner before ordering: "Get my portable

laboratory. I want to do this right. While Fenryx loves us enough to never

hurt us..."

"You've never seen him filled with righteous rage before have you, Lori?"

Mel asks as she gets out the set of tubes, liquids, powders and unguents they

use to identify magical implements in the field. "He got that way once before

when we were captured by that eye tyrant...who turned you to stone. Do you

remember anything from then?"

"Not a thing and I get the impression I should be glad." Lori freely admits.

As they set up the mini-lab the Bane water jar accidentally spills onto the

knives, giving off purple sparks. "A Bane weapon!" Lori cries. "Fen will love

that. Purple sparks are...I Keep forgetting, Red is evil outsiders, Blue is

for magic enhanced beasts..."

"Aberrations," Mel says while reading their instruction manual. "We might

have known. Spy eyes are a known type of aberration. They are supposedly vat

grown by the Overseers, thought to be a kind shadow partner to the Horde."

"Wasn't there supposedly an entrance to the Labyrinth of Lament on the

island?" Lori asks as she taps the side of her muzzle.

"That was a rumor going around," Melody states. "But nothing has ever been

proven. I wonder if High Command is send Fenryx to the island to either

confirm or deny these rumors with all certainty..."

The two give each other conspiratorial glance of: "Of course they are!"

"Either the Overseers have a spy in High Command," Lori reasons. "Or they

have some sophisticated means of remote viewing."

"Which means the spy eye was a kind of preemptive strike." Mel says with a

smirk. "But while it spooked us, Fen was incensed. Rangers get that with

certain monster types."

"Ah, that's why he was so pissed," Lori says as the proverbial light

bulb/candle of understanding alights over her head. "He hates aberrations

with a passion few ever get to see."

"We have and so has every femme he's slept with." Mel giggles to which Lori

glares at her and to which she amends: "Different emotion, Lori, I know but

it's just fortunate we have some of his more positive emotions expressed

towards us."

"Right," Lori says with a smirk. "I'd hate to be on the business end of his


Melody nods and smiles before agreeing in all seriousness: "Neither would I,

but I think we have Fen's answer now."

"That we do." Lori says with a smirk as she reads between the lines. "I take

it you want to fool around now?"

Melody pounces the vixen rather than verbally replying. As they play lesbian

games with each other, Fenryx only just makes his class. Or so he thinks.

As it turns out a special accelerated program has been created for him. When

he goes to enter the classroom he is transported to a cave with dancing

lights of various colors floating around the area combining with incense

wafting about at odd intervals that creates an ethereal atmosphere.

Grabbing his sickles and preparing for a fight he instead meets up with a

very old dragon with glittering gold scales. Confused for only a minute,

Fenryx recognizes Auros, a dragon that had allied with the humans almost from

the start. Recognition slowly dawns on as he realizes that this is her secret

cave tucked away in its own private dimension.

"Greetings, Venerable One," Fenryx says with great respect.

Auros chuckles: "No need for such ceremony, Fen, I am here to teach you the

basics of enchantment. The rest of which is more or less trial and error;

High Command doesn't want this extra curricular activity to jeopardize your

upcoming mission."

She then pauses thoughtfully before smirking and continuing with: "Well, I

don't see this as unnecessary. You will be one of a few crafts persons going

and in case something should be needed, who would make what is needed? But that is neither here nor there. For right now we will keep things simple.

With the materials present, make me a dagger suitable for enchantment."

Fenryx goes straight to work, making the required weapon with some input from Auros herself. When all is said and done, the dagger turns out to contain a slight dweomer. Auros informs Fenryx that a weapon, or anything else that is

craft and/or constructed for that matter, granted its enchantment while in

the process of being made holds its enchantment longer and with less strain

than one enchanted after it has been constructed.

He was so rushed as to have forgotten to bring paper and writing material

with which to make notes upon, although the mere fact that he is making the

minor magic items instead of watching them being made is nailing the process

and the information to complete in his mind like a placard that he can

mentally access much more readily than his own notes or books to confer with.

The mere act of creation is teaching him more effectively that a whole month

of verbal instruction. As Fenryx continues to forge weapons and armor, all of which contain some small enchantment, a portal opens up in the cave.

Through this portal steps a small group of humans. All ten are well know to Fenryx as they were to go out into the planes and beseech aid for their fellow humans against the Horde.

Fenryx and Auros can see behind them are a contingent of beings from other

realities. Militaristic angels step forth along with elves and dwarves from other planes of existence ready to fight the Horde and repopulate this world with their kind. Once this would have been a happy scene, but the lupin and the dragon give them a chilly reception. Auros's cave is a portal to Fen's world and the only way in or out.

Auros set her domain between the Prime Material Plane that represents that

which Baron Objugare's reality and the Astral Plane on purpose so that she

could act as a Guardian. The leader of the returning delegation, a tall and

older man wearing the grey robes of a master wizard and known as Maxwell

Caesar hails the dragon and lupin warrior.

"Fenryx! Auros! So nice of you to greet us here." Maxwell beams as he approaches. "We did it! Old friend, our world..."

"Is no more," Auros proclaims which shocks the gathered as the dragon


"You are too late to save your people, Max, the Horde exterminated all of

humanity and its children save the beastlings. They rule in your stead. Too

many beings fought and died to drive the Horde back to their lands for me to

allow you to progress any further."

"But Auros..." a blonde woman pleads until Fenryx shakes his head and takes

up his bow.

"No, Valerie," Fenryx says with a heavy heart. "I can't let you through. As

much as I might want to, your presence would bring back the goblins. You will

be hunted down and executed should you go back. Leave now and never return."

He can't even look at them as he draws back his bowstring. "I don't want to

do this. But for the sake of my world; for the survival of all beastling

races, I will kill you."

"So, the war is over then?" A huge bald and dark skinned man asks of the wolf

and the dragon.

"It is, Malcolm," Auros says with a twinge of regret. "The beastlings won,

but the price of that victory was every last man, woman and child of human

and gnomen kind as well as races closest in relation to them. There is no

place for you now. You are the past, and there can be no future as long as

you exist in his world. Turn back now and avoid bloodshed. Make life anew

elsewhere. For the sake of all, you are not welcome here."

Fenryx keeps a look of desperate determination on his face as he aims his

bow. Without warning he fires and shoots Maxwell in the heart. He had been a

friend of Maxwell, a very good friend.

Malcolm raise his great sword and starts to charge only to be cut down in a

hail of arrows. Regretfully the others retreat, taking the bodies of the

fallen with them. Sadness fills the eyes of the departing humans and the

lupin that killed their friends.

The message was sent and received: No humans allowed. After they left, Fenryx collapses sobbing. He and Valerie were lovers once; closer than he is to

Melody and Lorelei. Inside his heart is breaking. The fact that he just saved

countless lives is no comfort.

Auros compacts herself into a humanoid form a little taller than Fenryx and

hugs him. Crying in silence, Fenryx takes small comfort in the dragon's arms.

When Fenryx goes to leave, Auros tries to assume her normal form. She had

done this hundreds of times in the past; just not now. Now it is her turn to

cry. She tries out other forms but every time she returns to "normal" form

she goes back to the anthro form.

"Auros, what's wrong?" Fen asks to which she sobs. "I can't go back to how I

was, Fen. This is my normal form now."

"It could be worse." Fen consoles. "I like the way you look now, although

clothes is going to a pain in the tail."

"Clothing?" Auros asks and then realizes she is completely nude. "I never

really needed them before."

"Granted, but you could do with some now. That is, unless of course you want

someone to have sex with you." Fen says with a lusty smirk.

Auros cocks an eye ridge before deciding to give it a try. Taking care not to

damage her wings, she lies down and spreads her legs. While sex in this

position is nothing new for the aged lady dragon the fact that she can't

assume what she assumes is her natural form is.

The mating is brief and to the point; after he cums Fenryx leaves. Contacting

several of her friends, Auros finds that this trend is disturbingly freqent.

Even her enemies contact her with death threats for doing this to them. It is

generally agreed among dragon kind that the ritual performed to kill all of

humanity that the Horde's Dread Emperor performed had something to do with

all of this.

Exactly what and how to reverse its effects on themselves are generally

unknown and this is where everything breaks down. But they all agree to look

into it, each in their own different manner. On a more carnal note, Auros and

a few friends among the dragons of good have arranged a kind of draconic orgy

in a secluded dimension that all of dragon kind has kept secret for centuries

as a kind of Neutral Ground territory where the various dragon types can meet

and discuss things in relative privacy.

Upon getting wind of this carnal activity between some of the more well known

dragons known for their disposition in favor of goodly folk, the kobolds,

smaller scaly creatures loosely related to dragons and humanoid in form

before all this came about, busy themselves with readying various sorts of

magical equipment for the event as well as their best artists. While the

little scaly monsters ostensibly serve their larger draconic cousins, more

than a few of them have gotten together to prepare to render some "Dragon

Porn" to sell to anyone with the gold to purchase it.

Once the Horde gets wind of this, many well to do goblin, hobgoblin and

bugaboo lords, including the Emperor himself, order kobold artisans and art

houses to make themselves available for commissions. In the beastling realms, a new invention, the printing press, is gearing up to make copies for the masses.

In the mean time Fenryx and company are getting ready to cast off. King

Duncan has chosen to mark this as a momentous occasion with much fanfare. At this time Miyagi Toru is introduced to the command team. Once pleasantries

are exchanged the venerable sensei is escorted to his cabin.