The Witch's Farm, parts 1-9

Story by horsewriter on SoFurry

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A witch turns Tom the farmhand in a milk cow and breeds her.

Part I - Transformation

It was the middle of summer, and I was shoveling hay in a barn at the ranch where I worked. It was hot and dusty, and I had just stopped to take a break.

In walked the Mostress, accompanied by one of her little midget friends. The Mostress, as she insisted on being called, owned the ranch. And she was one strange lady. Other than her leather outfit, she always carried a whip, and was usually accompanied by one or more midgets.

And she didn't even pay very well.

"Slacking off again I see, eh Tom", she smirked.

I stared at her. I stared at the midget next to her. That's it, I thought, I'm quiting this stinking job.

But not before I tell her off....

"Look here, you fucking cow, I'm busting my ass for you...."

Instantly, her expression changed to one of rage "Did you just call me a fucking cow?!"

I threw my pitchfork on the ground. "I quit!" I exclaimed.

Her look of rage changed to a sly grin. "No, I think you'll be staying", she said, and pulled out a small black wand from her pocket. She waved it around, leaving streamers of light hovering in place in the air in the shape of a pentagram....

"What the hell?", I exclaimed, staring.

Then a strange sensation pulsed through me, like my body was shifting or sliding, and suddenly my pants and shirt felt too tight. I looked down reflexively, and small white hairs where growing from my arms!

I held up my hands to my face - my four fingers where fusing into two, and my thumbs where shrinking into my hands.

"What... what's happening to me?!" I exclaimed, startled.

"You're turning into a cow, Tom", she replied coolly.

Then the buttons popped off my shirt and pants. I was growing larger....

I stared down at myself: my belly was covered with white hairs. Then my pants legs ripped open, revealing my now white haired legs. The shoulder seams of my shirt popped, and the sleeves ripped and fell away. My arms where covered with the white hairs....

My fingernails had turned black and where now huge and thick, my four fingers merged into two!

Holy cow!, I thought, she's right!

I stared at her in amazement and horror. She smiled back at me. The midget next to her pointed at me and chortled. "A cow, a cow", he said, and did a back-flip....

Then my shoes split open, my socks ripping off. I looked down: I was standing on two hooves!

"I... I'm changing!", I exclaimed. "Into a cow?!"

"Yes", she replied.

"No!", I screamed.

Then my underwear popped, splitting open, and fell away with my shredded pants. I looked down, and did a double-take, staring in shock: my penis was shrinking up into my groin! And on my lower belly where four little pink nipples, poking out like little fingertips....

Then I felt my balls retract up into my belly. I reached for my shrinking penis with my hoove-hands, only to feel it shrink from my grasp into my underbelly, leaving a smooth feminine curve for my groin. My balls-sack split open and became a vulva, and my penis shrank into a clitoris as I watched.

"I'm turning into as girl?!" I shrieked, in an oddly high tone....

"No", replied the Mostress, "You're becoming a fucking cow."

I continue to stare down at my changing body: the flesh around the nipples on my lower belly had begun to swell, and the nipples themselves felt warm and itched, and the flesh beneath them ached. That's when I realized I was growing an udder....

The Mostress was right: I was becoming a cow....

"S-stop transforming me, p-please", I begged.

"No", replied the Mostress.

Then I noticed I could see my nose. I put my still-changing hands to my face: I was growing a muzzle!

Then something hit me on the backside. I twisted around to look and saw a cows tail protruding from the top of my butt. I could feel it swaying....

Then I felt the flesh between my legs open up, and an opening grew up into into me between my thighs, stretching up into my belly as my testicles continued to contract up into me. I stared down at my smoothly curving groin as I realized what was happening: I was growing a vagina!

Then I felt it suddenly stop growing, and blossom at its top into a female womb as my testicles became ovaries.

"Oh God, help me!", I cried in my new high-pitched voice; the voice of a girl....

The Mostress only smiled.

By now, the flesh around my new cow nipples had grown into a sizable udder, and I reached down with my hoove-hands and lifted it. It felt warm, and fluid, and it ached. And my new cow nipples nipples still itched.

I made a strangled, sobbing sound. I really was turning into a cow! A female cow!

Then the bones in my hips and legs began to change shape, making me lean forward.

That's when I lost my balance, and fell to all fours, standing over my shredded clothes.

Then the changes stopped.

I looked down at the cloven hooves my hands had become. I looked back at my tail. I looked beneath me at my dangling udder.

I was a white cow.

"Now sleep", said the Mostress, "and forget...", waving her wand in the air.

Instantly, my eyelids felt heavy, and everything started to go black. My legs folded up underneath me, and I laid down on my side.

I fell into a deep sleep.

Part II - Awakening

I awoke in the morning to the intense need to pee. And I mean it was an emergency: I had to get to the bathroom before I peed in my bed, and it was going to be a race.

And my head hurt. And I was horribly thirsty.

I was laying on my side with my pillow between my legs for some reason (I must have stuffed it there because of the pain, but it definitely wasn't helping), so I rolled over as I got up.

But I wasn't in bed - at least not my bed. I was laying in hay. That was confusing, but I was only half awake. And the headache....

It must have been one hell of a bender.

Well, I tried to get up. But all I could manage was to get to my hands and feet.

And why didn't the pillow fall from between my legs?

I opened my legs wider, but still it didn't fall off. Instead the soft, surprisingly heavy warmth of my pillow slid over my inner thigh, and suddenly I couldn't hold it any longer and there was an instant of release, and a spurt of something warm fell on my leg.

I had to get to the bathroom, now.

I rolled from the hay, the warm pillow rolling heavily between my legs, and I put my arms down in the hay and pushed up.

Groan. What had I been drinking?

You know that unwelcome glow that accompanies morning when you go on an all-night bender? Well, it hurt. Also, birds where singing, really loud. Chirps filled the air. And the world smelled like hay, dirt, and mouse urine.

Yes, it was another abominable morning.

I sighed, and wrenched my eyes open, which caused painful pre-morning light to flood my eyes.

I was in a dark and gloomy barn of some kind. Hay covered the floor. A little calf - a baby bull - pure white, like snow, was asleep in the corner.

I gaped in dumb-stuck awe and wonder.

And then I looked down.

The hands I had pushed out in front of me where hooves.

Of course, the hooves that I had where my hands should have been where a dark black, and the the fore-legs supporting them where covered in light white fur.

I was standing on the floor, on four white-haired hooves.

But that wasn't all: I was looking down a long, white muzzle. Not a nose, a muzzle.

And as I got to all fours, I swished my tail.



I tried to move it, and it flicked....

So I looked.

In the gloom and semi-darkness, I was looking back at the body of a white cow. Complete with snowy white tail.

"Holy shit!", I gasped, only it came out in a soft, musical, almost lyrical voice....

A flock of birds took to the air outside the barn at my exclamation. My ears pivoted towards them automatically. In the corner of the barn, the little calf stirred and stretched his legs.

It took a second, but I thought: extremely vivid dream. Not a problem. I'm a cow.

I'd never been a cow in a dream before. And where was I?

I looked around me. I was in a barn of simple construction that seemed vaguely familiar - did I stumble in here last night? And more importantly, why was I a cow?

Then suddenly the sun began to rise. Rays of light shot through the simple wooden frame of the barn, lighting motes of dust in midair, and pointing a long finger of illumination towards a trough filled with water beside the barn door.

I'm in a barn? Well, that kind of makes sense....

I shook my head, tossing it wildly. I mean, color me confused, but I had never dreamed of being a cow before.

Then I got an idea: I looked into the trough. And that's when the dream became lucid.

A white cows head looked back through big deep brown eyes.

That's different. But it explains the headache, I thought.

What a weird dream, I told myself.

Screw, it thought. Outside, and pee.

So I started stepping to the stall door, carefully putting one hoof down after the other. And I could feel the power in my bovine body. I could feel my weight shifting with each step, my muscles rippling in my flanks. I tossed my head, swished my tail. I twitched my ears. I could hear the rustling of the birds outside, and more circling above and cawing. Then I heard the scurrying of mice, and tiny little high-pitched chirps that must have been something people couldn't hear....

I snorted. I could smell the world! The hay in the barn, the earth beneath, the leaves and grass outside the barn. Myself - misty and dank, and the calf - a musty, almost spicy scent. Beneath that, the mice in the hay. And the air itself carried a scent, a faint salty sea smell, and a damp scent like ozone.

And I was starting to get a really sinking feeling: this was no dream. I mean, I had never had a dream this vivid before.

And as my hooves clopped across the floor, it occurred to my that I still had that peculiarly heavy, warm pillow between my legs.

Only, I had no pillow to put between my legs in this barn. I stopped and thought: what's that between my hind legs? Because it wasn't a pillow....

So I looked back between my legs.

And suddenly everything was wrong.

I blinked, and did a double take.

Between my hind legs was what looked like a cows udder. A milk cows udder. On my body... or rather under my new cows' body. That's right: hanging down there between my rear legs was a big udder, complete with four big long pink nipples dangling down.

I quietly managed to breathe the word "Fuck!" - in a slight, singsong girls voice that was all I could manage....

I tried to shake my head in disbelief, but instead I flicked my ears.

I have an udder..., I thought in wonder.

I considered my four new nipples: they just hung there, dangling in the cold morning air. And then suddenly I could feel all four of them stiffening, and as I watched they slowly came erect.

And then another thought struck me like thunder: only one conclusion can be drawn from that....

Was I was a girl now, too?

I looked. I lifted my right hind leg, craned my neck around, and stared, in fact, at the hind-quarters of a... female... bovine.

I snorted in disbelief. I was a cow.

And this was no dream.

"No...", I sighed, my musical now female voice catching me by surprise again.

That... was... it! I just couldn't take this any more!

Exasperated, I stomped my hooves and mooed, but that only brought my whole situation back home more clearly, especially as I felt my new udder jangle around painfully with each stomp!

I suppressed the urge to scream.

It was real! There was no denying it: this was my body now.

I let that set in for awhile: I was now a female cow.

How could this happen? Who, or what, could have done this to me, and why?

And that's when it came back to me. Last night! The Mostress was a witch, and she had transformed me! Suddenly, it all came back: the conversation, the spell she had cast, my transformation.... The whole episode seemed like a dream, but it must have been real!

I trotted in a circle, completely at a loss as to what to do next in a situation like this. And as I walked, my udder began swaying heavily back and forth between my hind legs, brushing warmly against the fur of my inner thighs....

And the need to pee was overwhelming....


Suddenly, I understood: that wasn't my bladder that hurt - it was my udder. That painful fullness between my legs was my new udder!

I lowed, shocked by the realization.

Things just got worse and worse! And so out of pure, uncontrollable morbid curiosity, I turned my head back and stared again between my withers at the bulging weight that hung between my hind legs - I mean my hindquarters....

Short white cow hair on a big milk-swollen udder, four long pink nipples dangling from it. And it felt so full of milk it hurt....

And oh God, the pain.

I winced. I couldn't believe it: on top of everything else, I thought, I think I needed to be milked.

No. Stop, get a hold of yourself.

But it was true.

It wasn't just the heaviness, it was the painful fullness. My skin of my udder felt taught, and it hurt, and it felt warm, and it... itched?

Well, my nipples itched....

I sighed.

Dammit! That witch was going to pay for doing this to me! Probably, I thought, with a hoof up her ass!

And that thought cooled me off a little.

But not much.

I shook my head: the first thing I needed to do was get of here, I thought. Then maybe I can find some way to get turned back....

So I turned back to the barn door. Oops: no hands!. Well, I tried bumping it with my nose, but it wouldn't open.

And that's when I noticed how simple the barn door was: it was two upper doors, which where open, and two lower doors, with just a wooden bar on the other side. And it occurred to me that I could crane my neck over the lower doors, and push the bar back.

Sigh. Finally, some good news.

And I began to plot my escape. Calmer now, I felt I could lift the bar and then... how would I open the barn door?

But my thoughts where interrupted by a mooing sound from the corner of the barn. I turned to look, and there was that little snow white calf, struggling shakily to it's legs.

I can't understand how I could have forgotten about him....

Finally, he stood - and slowly, unsteadily, he started walking towards me.

Part III - Calf

He was staring at me with open eyes, like a little deer: a little baby white calf, with a two bumps on his head where horns might grow. And I watched in awe as the little guy walked up to me on his gangly legs, and stood in front of me.

Suddenly, I got a bright idea: "Can... can you talk?", I asked hesitantly, my voice still unfamiliarly sweet and soft.

Then he looked up to me.

He looked so helpless and cute, so wide eyed and gangly legged. So lost as he came trotting up to me.


I made a sympathetic snorting sound as I clopped towards him, instantly becoming fascinated... and we rubbed our necks against each others as we met, tails high.

And as I trotted, I was suddenly very aware again of how warm and full my udder felt, but I tried to ignore the sensation of it's heavy weight between my hind legs as it swayed back and forth with each step I took....

I didn't care about my own discomfort: he looked so happy, so helpless, so small. I just wanted to help him....

He pushed his head into my neck, rubbing. And I sighed. Suddenly, all the tension flowed from me....

I lowed contentedly as he rubbed his head against my belly.

His little body felt so warm against mine.

And what I really wanted, at that moment, was to have a pet calf. Vaguely, I wondered where his mother was.

His head brushed against my hips as he nuzzled my flanks, and next I gave a startled little grunt when his cold damp nose poked painfully into my udder! But that didn't interrupt my fantasies until.... I was vaguely aware that my four cows' nipples where poking out painfully hard....

Well, I guess what I felt next shouldn't have come as a surprise... he started nuzzling my cow teats! Now, as a neophyte to suddenly being a cow, the sensation was a complete shock! His tongue felt like warm velvet against the bulging weight of my... my udder....

I stomped my right rear hoof in surprise, thrashing my head and tail, and craned my neck back and stared.

He had his nose beneath my belly, between my hind legs...

What should I do?

I was going to push him away with my head... and then he started licking me down there with his tongue. His tongue on my udder felt almost like having a tongue on your dick, it was so sensitive.... And then he started to grip and suck at my cow nipples! I stomped and lowed, involuntarily - and that's when I suddenly realized I was about to get my next lesson in how to be a female cow!

He was trying to nurse from me!

And suddenly, warmth settled into the dangling teats of my cowness. I could feel my cow nipples coming erect - all four of them! Then I felt his lips on one of my nipples, and then he gripped the - my - teat in his mouth and started pulling and sucking on it! Electric shocks of sweet sensation passed through me every time he sucked. I gasped and lowed in surprise, shocked at the sensation, eyes wide open as I realized what was happening to me.

And it only took him a few tugs to get it right... and then suddenly I was giving him my milk! The next thing I knew, I felt this warmth flowing down from all inside my painfully full udder and then I was overcome with this draining sensation in that heavy, drooping, swollen-feeling weight that was hanging between my hind legs, and I could feel this stream, a stream of warm wet liquid that flowed from deep beneath my right front nipple, and my... my milk - my milk! - was suddenly coursing out through... one of the nipples on my udder... that he had in his mouth....

I mooed, part in surprise, and part in relief, and I just stood there and let him nurse from me, feeling my mothers milk flow in spurts though my teat, electric pulses of sensation hitting my brain with each suck of his mouth, his lips on my big long nipple....

And he began to nurse from me. And it felt so weird, as each pull of his mouth sent an electric jolt of sensation through me and drew a little of the pain in my udder away....

I craned my neck around and stared at him as his throat worked and he drank. Small droplets of milk wet his muzzle. And the relief was both intense and immediate as my mothers milk flowed from me....

And you know what, I thought in bliss, being a cow isn't so bad at all...

So I just stood there and let it happen.

Oh God, this feels weird, I thought.

I lowed in relief again, and for a few moments I just closed my eyes and I just stood there, letting the calf nurse from my udder.

It felt so right, so natural. And I just couldn't bring myself to stop. In fact, I wanted to nuzzle him, so I did. I craned my neck over, and pushed my nose into his flank....

I couldn't believe how warm and soft he was. And his scent, like spices....

And that's when something occurred to me: why is there a baby calf in this barn in the first place?

Sigh. I shut my eyes and just let him nurse.

He was drinking in earnest now, and I sighed in relief as my mothers milk flowed from my painfully swollen udder.

My calf. Mothers milk. My milk.

Then it hit me: eyes wide in wonder, I realized I was feeling my new cow body's maternal instincts!

Oh, that was just great!

I sighed a great cow sigh again.

Well, I wasn't going to let the little guy starve to death, instincts or no. It just wasn't in me. And besides, nursing was kind of fun....

I mean... he, uh, just needs his breakfast. That's all. And, God, I needed it too....

Part 4 - Sow

Then suddenly I heard the lower barn doors opening. Someone was coming! A moment of embarrassed panic shot through me: I couldn't let anyone see me doing this!

Then I thought: that's silly. Your just a cow, in a barn, nursing her calf.

Don't panic.

Then a man stepped through the opening. He had blond hair, and a hay straw in his mouth. He was dressed in suspenders and jeans, and was pulling a wheelbarrow full of hay, with a pitchfork on it. He was a farmhand!

I watched him cautiously.

He pulled the wheelbarrow right up to the barn.

Should I... could I... talk to him?

Wait a minute. He's a farmer, and I'm....

Well, it was worth a try.

I opened my mouth to speak, and I took a step toward him... which caused my calf to loose his grip on his nipple, and I mooed involuntarily in surprise as he steeped back up and pushed his muzzle into my udder again, grabbing another one of my nipples in his mouth.

The man glanced up at me at that, and we looked each other in the eyes.

My calf began tugging on my nipple.

Then his gaze fell to my groin, and he... leered?!

What is this, a peep-show! What a pervert! And then I felt another moment of embarrassment. Considering what I was doing, he didn't really seem that naughty by comparison... but dammit, I needed it... and so did the calf.

Then he was reaching his hand out to me. I repressed the urge to bite....

He patted the side of my head, and looked me in the eyes. "Don't worry, I brought you breakfast, too", he told me.

I tossed my head in anger. This could not possibly get worse....

Beneath me, my calf finally got a grip on his new nipple.

I snorted. Don't worry, he says.

And then it occurred to me that maybe he wasn't the enemy.

Wait! Maybe he could turn me back!

Then something inside me spoke: No. Don't.

No. He might be part of this....

Then he starting forking hay over the door into the barn.

My calf began suckling again, sending electric jolts of sensation through me with each draw, and I sighed a long cow sigh....

Behave like a cow. Don't give anything away.

So I put by muzzle into the hay, trying to look cow-like, and grabbed a mouth full of straw. At my udder, my calf began to drink in earnest. God, that felt so draining....

I tried to chew, staring at the farmhand.

And as I looked up, he was smiling down at me.

And it was kind of good. Sure, it tasted like hay, but I had no problem swallowing it.

Then he spoke: "So what's you name?", he asked.

"Tom", I replied, in my sweet girl cow voice, before I could stop myself....

He laughed, looking at me. "You're a guy?! I mean...", he laughed again, "you used to be a guy?!"

I glared at him.

He was shaking his head and laughing.

That bastard! This isn't funny.

"Ahem", came a woman's voice from the barn door.

We both turned and looked. It was a stunning brunette in riding clothes, and carrying a horse whip! It was the boss lady, the Mostress!

"Now, I told you! No fraternizing with the farm animals!", she scolded, and she reached into her pockets and pulled out what looked like a wand....

"No!", screamed the farmhand, as she pointed the wand at him.

At that, my calf stopped nursing and turned to watch, milk dribbling from his muzzle.

Suddenly, the mans' skin turned bright pink, and he started getting... fatter?

What the hell?!

"No! I don't want to be a pig!", he cried. Then I watched in astonishment as his fingers fused together and his hands became little pig trotters, and the buttons on his shirt popped off. "Please! Mostress, no...", he sobbed. I stared. His face was becoming a pig snout!

"Well, you won't exactly be a pig", said the woman, walking towards him with the wand in her hand.

Then his pants popped off, exposing a little curly pig-tail on his backside, and I stared in shock at his shrinking manhood as it shriveled up into his crotch.

Then he clutched at his groin with his little pig trotters, and he squealed! At the same time, a double row of sow teats sprouted down his front, and began to grow right in front of my eyes!

Panicked, he tried to run for the barn door, but he tripped over his clothes and fell to all fours. And from my angle, I could clearly see the he... was now a she! The Mostress had turned him into a sow!

The Mostress looked to me. "Good help is so hard to find", she said, shaking her head.

Behind her, a squealing, terrified sow was trying to run from the barn, sow titties swinging under her belly, tangled up in shredded clothing.

I stared at him... her in horror.

Is... is that what happened to me?

Did she do this to me?

I was about to ask when she put her hands on her hips and spoke first.

"Now lets talk rules...."

Part V - Rules

"The first rule is: no talking to the farmhands. You can talk to the other animals and the midgets all you want."

"Second: no plotting to escape or raising hell, unless you want to spend the rest of your life as a worm."

"Third: get used to your new form, it'll be easier for you that way."

I stared at her, open mouthed. Then I got my courage up: "Turn me back!", I demanded.

"Not until you've dropped you first calf", she replied.

"Dropped my first...?! What?!"

She sighed. "After you've given me a replacement calf, I'll turn you back. Until then I need you."

She wanted me to have a calf?!

"Here, I'll help you out." She waved her wand at me, and golden sparks of light flew from her wand and settled on me. Next, I felt tingling run up through my legs and settle in my middle, making the center of my abdomen feel warm.

"What... what did you just do to me?", I asked.

"You're going into heat", she replied with a smile.

"I'M WHAT?!"

Then she turned and walked away, waving good-bye over her shoulder.

I stood there, dumbfounded, watching her walk off.

Then my calf put his nose in my udder, grabbed another nipple in his mouth, and started suckling again.

I grimaced, and then sighed an audible "ahhh..." as he sucked my milk.

This part, at least, never got old.

What was I going to do? If I was going into heat, I needed to stay away from bulls. But the only way to get my humanity back was to have a calf....

I shook my head. My stomachs rumbled, and I started to nibble at the hay while my calf suckled.

Minutes passed as my calf drank his fill. Finally, my udder was empty of milk, and he stopped nursing and rubbed against me a few times. Then he went to the corner of the barn and went to sleep.

Part VI - Bull

The barn door was open now, so I decided to walk out. I trotted across the road connecting the barns and onto a vast field of green grass. It felt weird to walk on all fours, especially with an udder swinging between your hind legs. In the distance, cows where grazing. Hungry, I tried some grass....

It tasted like salad.

After a few minutes, I was aware of a scent - a cow smell, with undertones of men's locker-room.

I craned my head to look around, and there was a big black bull, not ten feet away from me.

Tingles poured through me at the sight of him, settling as warmth in my abdomen. And I remembered what the witch said, that I was going into heat. Oh, no..., I thought.

He looked up at me and sniffed the air: "You're new here", he said in a deep bass voice.

"You can talk?!", I sputtered.

He walked up to me. His scent was overwhelming now, and I closed my eyes for a second, and drank it in. I had a brief fantasy of him mounting me and....

"I'm Emily", said the bull.

Emily, I thought. A girls name....

"I'm Tom", I managed weekly.

"Tom", he snorted. "Figures. The witch sure has a perverted since of humor."

"How... how long have been here?", I asked.

"Oh about three years or so."

"Three years?! The witch won't turn you back?"

"She says she has something... special in mind for me."

He looked into my eyes: "So what where you... before you became, you know, a cow?"

"I was a farmhand", I told him. "Until I called the witch a fucking cow."

He laughed at that. "I told her she was full of bull."

"So tell me about yourself", he said.

We made small talk about our lives before for a little while....

That's when I noticed that the tip of Emily's penis was slowly growing from it's sheath, and I shivered. Warm butterfly-tingles settled in my underbelly and between my legs. Looking at his cock, I wanted to hold it, to suck it, to have it in me....

I desperately wanted to submit to him. I snorted and shook my head. God, I was horny - and I reminded myself that I was going into heat!

Then I felt the unfamiliar feeling of my pussy growing wet.

I needed to make an excuse and get out of here.

"Look, I, uh, gotta go see to my calf", I said.

"Oh, OK", he said. "We'll, I'll be seeing 'ya."

I turned around and fairly trotted back to the barn, udder jangling and swaying with each step.

I could feel Emily's eyes on me as I left, following me.

I walked into the barn. There in the corner was my calf, asleep. I grabbed some hay in my mouth and started munching it. And I paced, and thought.

Three years.

Emily had been a bull for three years. I wasn't going to wait three years to get turned back. But the witch had said that the only she would turn me back is if I had a calf for her.

And damned if I was going to do that.

But I didn't want to stay a cow forever.

So I paced back and forth, eating the hay, and having occasional cow-sex fantasies about getting mounted by Emily. I realized that my vagina felt warm. God, I was really horny.

Finally, I couldn't take it anymore, and I made my decision: I was going to get turned back, and if that meant having a calf, then I was going to do it.

I walked up my sleeping calf, and nuzzled him. "I'm going to make another one of you...", I said.

And I turned to head to the barn door, and standing there was Emily.

"Hey, I just wanted to talk...", he began.

I walked up to him. Our scents co-mingled in the musty barn air.

"Emily, I have a problem...", I began.

Part VII - Mating

He interrupted me: "Are... are you in heat?", Emily asked, sniffing the air.

I sighed. I walked up to him, and rubbed the side of my head against his.

"Oh!", he exclaimed.

"The witch put me in heat", I told him. "She says she wont turn me back until I have a calf."

"I see", he said, closing his eyes. He rubbed me back.

"So I need you to breed me", I whispered.

By now, his scent had become overpowering, and when I looked down, I could see his penis protruding from his sheath.

I shivered, warm butterfly-tingling sensations settling in my underbelly and between my legs. I felt my pussy grow wet again.

"Are you... sure?", he asked.

I nodded my head. "Yes."

There was a moment of silence.

He looked me in the eyes. "So... right now?"

"Just mount me", I replied. I swished my tail in exasperation.

"OK...", he said, and moved behind me.

I looked back at him for a moment, and spread my legs a little farther apart, my udder dangling.

"Move your tail", said Emily. I swished it to the side.

Then Emily reared up on his hind legs, and wrapped his forelegs around my middle, resting his huge body on mine. I "unf"'ed, feeling his weight.

"Hold still", he said.

God, I was so horny I couldn't take it anymore.

Then I felt something poke me in my new pussy. "Is... is that your penis", I asked, craning my head back to look at him.

"Yeah, hold this pose", Emily replied.

So it was. It felt like something the size of a fist. That's when Emily spread the lips of my pussy with the tip of his cock, and found the opening of my vagina.

"Here it is", he said.

I shivered, tingles running through my warm vagina.

The next thing I felt was his penis opening my flesh and sliding up into me.

"Oh God!", I cried out as he slid about three feet of bull cock deep up into my belly. The pleasure of his flesh sliding though mine was intense, and made me shiver.

His cock was huge, long and warm and hard, filling me up to my belly. He was in me! "Oh, fuck!", I exclaimed, impaled on his penis, scraping the earth with my hooves and blinking. His cock felt so good in me....

"That's the plan", said Emily.

Then he started to thrust.

"Ahh...", I moaned as his he slid his penis back and forth inside me with electric pleasure. "Ahh... ahh... ahh...."

Warm waves of pleasure spread out through my body from my vagina.

God it felt good to be fucked - and I really needed it!

Then he started to move his hips against mine, angling his penis inside me as he thrust. Warm pleasure washed through my body "Oh, God!", I breathed. I couldn't believe I was actually getting fucked by a bull, as a cow!

I could feel his hips against mine, his balls banging into my udder with each thrust, his warm weight on my cow's body....

And suddenly I was aware of a warm knot of electrical pleasure building up in my vagina that was becoming irresistible.

"More...", I breathed, and he laughed.

He started thrusting harder.

I pounded my hooves into the ground as he fucked me, lost in pure bliss as the pleasure built in my vagina, spreading out through me in warm waves. Sex as a man had never felt like this!

He started to pick up the pace, grunting atop me, and I was suddenly mooing and panting to his thrusting. God, it felt so good....

Then my vagina started to spasm, and a warm wet blanket of pleasure spread out from my vagina throughout my entire body.

I caught my breath - it felt like I was floating! And suddenly I was seeing stars, and I couldn't feel my hooves or tail-tip. Pleasure filled me. I let my breath out with a long "Moo...."

It lasted about ten seconds....

When I came back down to Earth and I could see again, Emily asked me "Did you just come?"

He was still humping me, his penis sliding back and forth inside me. Only it didn't feel as erotic as it had before my orgasm; it felt like he was just in me.

I nodded my head, "I think so", I replied weakly. God, that had been intense.

"Good", he said. "I've had three years of practice".

He fucked me for another minute or so, and the pleasure started to return to my vagina. Then he announced "I'm going to cum."

I shut my eyes. Here it comes.

Suddenly Emily pressed his hips hard against mine, pushing his cock as deep into me as he could. Then I felt it grow warmer and more engorged and then pulse inside me, and he shot his warm sperm into my womb in huge pulses. It felt like he had left a gallon of it inside my vagina.

And we stood there, joined, for a few moments while we both caught our breathes. Then Emily dismounted me, sliding his penis out of my vagina, leaving an empty feeling inside me.

He walked up beside me, and rubbed against me.

"How was that?", he asked.

I sighed and closed my eyes. "Wonderful."

I couldn't believe what had just happened to me....

He licked me on the muzzle, and we started to make small talk, mostly about our old girlfriends and boyfriends, what our lives where like....

While we talked, the calf wandered up to me, and put his nose under my lower belly. He touched his cold nose to my udder, making me gasp: "Oh!". I craned my head to look at him.

"Does junior want dinner", asked Emily. I nodded.

Then he took one of my nipples in his mouth and sucked, sending a sweet electric bolt my brain, and my warm milk flowed through the nipple, spurting into his mouth.

"Ahhh....", I breathed, relaxing as he sucked, each draw of his mouth sending another electric bolt of pleasure through me.

Emily watched me curiously. "What does that feel like?", he asked.

"Good", I replied. "Kinda draining."

He watched me a little longer.

"God, I miss my tits and pussy", said Emily.

"I know how you feel", I replied. "I miss my balls and cock."

So I just stood there in the warm afterglow of sex, letting the calf suck the milk from my udder. It was the perfect end for getting laid, I thought, savoring the sensation.

Emily rubbed up against me. "We can do it again in about five minutes."

"OK", I replied, rubbing back against him.

Finally, the calf finished nursing, and we watched as he wandered off to lay down in the hay and rest.

Emily looked at me. "You ready for round two?"

I looked back at him: his penis was protruding from it's sheath, again.


He put his muzzle beneath my tail and sniffed. The butterfly-tingles returned to my underbelly and between my legs, and then I felt my pussy grow wet again. I stomped my hooves and tossed my head in anticipation, making my udder sway and bounce.

Then Emily reared up on his hind legs, and put his fore-hooves on my rump. I turned my neck to watch as he guided his huge erection to my pussy. I felt the tip of his massive penis part the folds of my pussy, and he found the opening of my vagina and slowly slid his entire length into me, making me moo loudly as he walked his hips up against mine.

God, his dong felt huge inside me, filling my whole vagina and running up beneath my belly. And it felt so good to have him in me again....

Then Emily started to fuck me again.

Part VIII - Aftermath

I awoke the next morning, my legs folded beneath me. By my side was my calf, and on the other side of me was Emily. I could smell their scents: musty locker-room from him and spices from the calf. The barn was quiet in the pre-dawn, except for the chirping of birds outside.

I slowly got up, spreading my legs apart, letting my udder dangle. My udder felt warm and full. My nipples stood out in the cool morning air.

Well, I knew what to do: I lowered my head and licked the calf a few times. He squirmed, yawned, opened his eyes, and slowly got to his feet. Then he put his muzzle beneath my belly and reached for a nipple.

He took the top-right nipple of my udder in his mouth and began to suck, sending sweet electric jolts through me with each draw. Warm milk flooded through my nipple as he drew milk deep from within my udder.

I sighed and tried to relax. God, this never gets old.

I stood there while he nursed, and thought of last night. It had been a lot of fun, getting mounted and fucked by a bull. My pussy still ached from it. He had come in me five times....

Still, I was glad to be out of heat. The need for a good fucking had been so intense....

I started eating the hay while I nursed. I wondered what it would be like being pregnant, or giving birth for that matter. Well, I was about to find out. But at least nursing a calf was fun!

Then Emily stirred, moaned, and got up to all fours. He looked over at me, nursing my calf. He walked over to me and licked me on the muzzle.

"How are you feeling", he asked.

"Fine", I replied. "I'm not in heat anymore."

I licked him back.

He waited until I was done nursing, eating the hay with me.

"Let's go get something green to eat", he said, and walked out of the barn. I followed him into the green pasture.

We started cropping grass.

As we grazed, a golden retriever came up to us. The dog was massively pregnant, and she had eight bulbous teats hanging from her chest and belly.

"Hello, Emily", said the dog.

I stared. It could talk?!

"Hello Gary", said Emily, and nuzzled the dog.

"Tom, this is Gary", said Emily.

I did a double take. Gary was a guys name. Another of the witches victims?

"Hi, I'm Tom", I told the the dog.

"Oh, you where a guy once too", said the dog. I nodded my head. "Small world", she said.

I stared at her pregnant form. That was going to be me in a few months.

"So how did you end up as a dog?", I asked.

"Well, I called the Mostress a bitch, and I told her she had big tits. So she turned me into a bitch with big teats", replied Gary.

Then she told me her story, about how she had been transformed into a bitch in heat and had let the other dogs in the kennel fuck her, and now she was pregnant.

I shook my head. The witch sure was a pervert.

But I was curious. "What's it like to be pregnant?", I asked.

"Well, you can feel them inside you, packed into your womb. Sometimes they move around. I can count eight little puppies inside me", she said.

"When is the birth going to happen?", asked Emily.

"Oh, it can't be long now", she replied.

"What other animals on the farm used to be people?", I asked.

"Oh, there's a mare who used to be an old guy, a horse-whisperer. And a rooster who used to own the farm. He was a Colonel in the army. I think there's a new sow now, who used to be a male farmhand, and least according to the midgets."

I remembered the guy who had been turned into a sow right before my eyes.

"Tell me about the midgets", I asked. I had always wanted to know more about the Mostresses little people.

"Well, they all used to be basketball players, until she made them fun-sized. Now they just work for her, hoping to be changed back one day", said Gary.

I sighed and nodded my head.

"I have to go", said Gary. "I need to nurse my pups", she said, tail wagging. I knew how that felt. And Gary bounded away, running through the field.

Emily and I looked at each other, and we went back to grazing.

Part IX - Farm

After a few weeks, my calf seemed less and less interested in nursing, and more in grazing. This left me in a painful lurch as my udder felt more swollen by the day.

Then one morning, instead of nursing from me, he just went out into the field and started grazing.

And I was in agony. God, I needed to be milked. So I asked one of the midgets who cleaned my barn if he would milk me.

He led me to the a barn where the milking machine was. This was an electric pump with four suction lines attached to it. He switched it on, and put the four suction cups to my nipples.

They stuck right to my nipples by suction, and sweet electric pleasure flowed through me as they drew the milk from my udder in streams. The machine sucked all the milk from udder in a minute or so. God, it felt good to have a dry udder again - and it felt a lot lighter.

After that, I would line up with the other cows every morning and evening to be milked.

One day, Gary showed back up again - and she was no longer pregnant.

"Hi Tom", said Gary.

"Hello", I replied. "How are your new puppies?"

"Oh, doing fine. I had eight", she said, waging her tail.

Eight puppies, I thought. That must have been hard.

"So what was it like to give birth", I asked, knowing I would be going through the same thing eventually.

"It was a lot easier than I expected", she replied. "I was labor for about four hours, and they came one after another, about two minutes apart."

I nodded my head. I was going to have a calf, though. So it was probably going to be a lot different. I wondered how in the hell I was supposed to pass something as big as a calf through my vagina.

Apocalypse, parts 1-8

Part I - Transformation I awoke on a strange hospital bed that looked like one of those hibernation chambers out of the movie_Aliens_. The room was dark and barren, except for a door with a little red light above it. I was wearing a hospital...

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