Delta Chronicles ch.2

Story by Joe 2-0 on SoFurry

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Back at base everyone was relaxing and chilling after a verrrrry eventful mission. John was looking over the new hundred dollar bill he had won from Jack, and Clarice was cuddling in his albino white fur. Jack was lamenting over the loss of a hundred dollars while Dylan joked about the "one shot three kills" incident.

Suddenly JJ burst in and yelled "Delivery, Delivery!"

"what the fuck now?" Jack said.

"I got a new gun" he said with ever apparent glee.

"So what?"

"Its a fucking Minigun, XM-172 Microgun, to be exact."

"And I should care, why"

"Because its Man Portable, Man fireable" JJ said as he held out the new weapon.

"Shit that's small" Jack said looking over the Gun.

"Well, it's got over a 2,000 round a minute firing rate, Enough to shoot you clean in half."

"Holy mother of God, Whats that?" Clarice said coming out of John's bunk not realising she was in the nude. Jack, JJ, and Dylan were all to stunned to speak. Clarice looked down at herself and retreated back to John's bunk and quickly donning a robe before coming back out. "Like I said, What the fuck is that?" she repeated, and JJ sputtered out "Its a Minigun."

"Ok, that's fucking AWESOME" Clarice said

"Have you ever realised how hot you were?" Dylan said.

"No, but John's filled me in on that fact since we started dating." Clarice replied.

As if on cue John emerged fully clothed from his bunk, not repeating his girlfriends mistake.

"Hahaha, I heard what happened and saw it from my bunk." John said.

"Hahaha, laugh it up and you won't be getting this tail in a loooooooong time." Clarice retorted to her boyfriends mocking.

Suddenly the computer screen lit up to show the Presidential Seal, and then a human face appeared.

"Good morning Lady and Gentleman," the President spoke.

Jack stepped forward to adjust the webcam so that the president was actually looking at their unit.

"Sir yes sir!" they yelled in unison.

"At ease people, I have a mission for you."

"What is it Sir?" JJ spoke.

"One of the Columbian drug cartels has started terrorizing the Capitol of Columbia, which is no surprise figuring that the Capitol is situated close to the highest concentration of Poppy fields in South America, but anyways the boys you trained at Search Block can't contain the attacks, and since you were trained as a Counter-terrorist squad, Go and show those Fuckers what Terror really is." the president finished his briefing. "What're the limits?"

"You have none." the President said with a grin, as the computer went back to the screensaver.

"Well a chance to try out this fucker." JJ said with glee looking at his new toy.

Jack and John lokked at JJ and then at each other and John said "They're Fucked every which way."

"Yo fuzzbutt's, Get ready to go."

Three hours later they assembled at the helipad all geared up and ready for war.

John packed a SR-25SD sniper rifle,and a M-9 silenced pistol.

Jack had the usual SM-8 and about four thousand round boxes of ammunition for JJ

JJ had another six thousand rounds of ammunition on his person and the XM-172, which added up to about two hundred pounds

Dylan cradled a MK-1S six shot revolving grenade launcher and an MP-7A1 submachinegun

Clarice however only had the MP-7.

About a half hour later a covert Blackhawk from the Night Stalkers aerial division landed and a gruff voice said "Get the fuck in here you twits."

With that the helicopter lifted off and headed for their destination, however they were soon joined by a second helo. "Who's in the other helo?" Clarice inquired

"Bravo team." the pilot replied

Clarice got sweaty because she once cheated on John with a member of Bravo, However he did not know yet and she wanted to keep it that way.

"What's wrong wit..." John only finished half his sentence before a guided SAM hit the Bravo's helicopter

"SHIIIIIIIT" the pilot said as he banked and lost control as a piece of debris hit the main rotor shaft sending the helicopter into a vicious spiral. Then they hit rock bottom, literally.

After a long period of time unconsious Clarice woke up in a field of debris from a shattered helicopter not knowing where she was or how she got there. All she remembered was being buffeted around in a spinning helicopter when she blacked out. She heard a groan from under the wreckage and rummaged for the source of the noise she finally got to the source and saw, John, severely injured with two broken legs, a broken arm, and possibly a broken back.

she started to cry with worry as she threw the wreckage off of him, "What the fuck happened?" she said. for the first time she looked over the crash with detail. She saw the pilot, who wad suffered a horrific death, impaled on a shattered rotor blade. She looked away feeling sick to her stomach, and continued to survey the crash. She saw the legs of a black wolf and yelled "Jack!" with terror as she ran toward them. She stopped just short of them and pondered whether or not there was a body attached to the legs, she heard John groan again and she found Jack alive but injured.

"Jack, are you all right?"

"yeah, Im fine." the wolf replied as he struggled to get up, due to the amount of ammunition he was carrying for JJ.

Clarice helped him up and explained the pilot's and John's conditions. she and Jack searched for JJ and Dylan but found nothing. Then they saw two figures walking towards them from within the dense columbian forest.

Jack cupped his hands around his muzzle and yelled "Identify yourselves!"

"It's JJ and Dylan" JJ's familiar voice called.

Clarice ran toward them and was never happier to hug a human being. "We thought we lost you in the crash." Clarice said still hugging the human.

"Me? Well, this is one human you cant get rid of that easily!" JJ said still holding the mnigun.

"Well Im just happy to see you."

"How're fuzzbutt and your boyfriend doin'."

"John is in critical condition." Clarice said pointing to the bloodied arctic fox on the stretcher that Jack had set up.

"Holy Shit." JJ commented quietly.

Suddenly a shower of bulletshit the ground just behind them. JJ, Dylan, and Clarice spun around to see a small army of cartel guards advancing on them. Dylan fired a grenade from theMk-1 ans took out about five of them, while JJ and Clarice dove behind a piece of wreckage for cover. JJ finished loading the minigun and ran out and commenced to fire on the advancing guards, dropping them left and right.

"I hate to quote Schwartzenegger but, GET TO THE CHOPPA!" JJ yelled

Dylan and Clarice complied with JJ's command and frantically ran to the wreckage. Clarice lokked back just in time to see JJ get hit in the leg while reloading. she spun around ran toward him on deft paws. when she gut there the guards were almost upon JJ bet she took out several with her SMG. She looked at JJ's eye's and saw a ferocity there that she had never seen before in any being. The look in his eye's scared her so much that she backed away and ran, leaving JJ to deal with the guards. Meanwhile JJ had managed to get up and leaned against a tree off his injured leg. The guards were now within Melee diustance. He looked at the closest one, a Jaguar, who saw JJ's eyes developed a look on his face of fear and decided to finish JJ offwith a bayonnet on his AK. JJ grabbed the end of the AK's barrel and pulled it away from the cat. He subsequently turned it around, and with honed accurracy cut clean through the Jaguar's Tracheah with one clean slice. He turned to a human guard and stabbed him in the heart with the bayonnet, spilling blood all over the guards clothes, and the guns barrel. The rest of the guards backed off and leveled their wapons at JJ not repeating their comrades mistakes. Just before they pulled the triggers JJ fell to his good knee and fired at the upper bodies of the remaining guards. The overpoweredness of the russian .30 caliber bullet passed clean through their chests and killed them nearly instantly. JJ thanked Mikhail Kalashnakov for making the innaccurate piece of shit AK, its innaccuracy being the only thing that saved JJ's life. The rest of the unit crept up behind JJ and he looked back, the look being gone from his eyes. "What are you guys looking at?" JJ asked.

"What was with your fucking eye's?"

"Well I was pissed at those fucking bastards for taking me out of action."

"Ok nuff said, JJ watch after John, Dylan and Clarice, you two are with me" Jack ordered.

"SIR YES SIR" they all yelled in unison.

JJ limped over to John, who had woken up and began complaining, while the rest of the squad headed out into the forest. JJ yelled "Kill 'em all for me, will 'ya?"

Clarice looked back and wnked at him.

The journey to cartel was long and silent with few words spoken to one another. when they finally arrived there were almost no guards thanks to JJ. Jack gave the forward command and they advanced in total silence toward the personnel hut. Jack opened up the door and saw about thirty guards and plantation workers sleeping. He ordered Dylan to deploy a incendiary grenade at the entrance to the hut. Dylan did as he was told and flames started to burn and the hut charred. they moved on to the next hut where the cartel leader had two prostitutes, panthers, Clarice got pissed that a fellow panther would lower herself so low as to be a prostitute and killed all three. soon after the plantation was in flames as were the poppy fields. they ran back to the crash site and called for a evac chopper and reported two casualties, one critical and one minor. "How's John?" Clarice asked worriedly.

"Ask him yourself!" JJ replied doing little to contain the happiness that his freind had survived.

"I'm doing much better, thank you very much." John said leaning up on his uninjured arm.

Clarice ran over and gave him the best kiss he had ever had from her.

"Thank god you're alive." clarice gasped.

"Well im Tri-pelagic."

You're sense of humor is still a moment ruiner." Dylan laughed.

They looked as they heard the "Whoomp Whoomp" of their blackhawk helicopter descending before them and their staff sergeant there told them to prepare for an eight hour debriefing on what hapened, but they were still just as glad to be heading back home. Clarice looked at the dead pilot and realized how much war was like hell.

If you think that any of the weapons in this series is fake just go to and see for youself that there are wierder guns than tthe ones I am describing in Delta Chronicles.

Delta Chronicles ch.3

John had passed away due to a ruptured lung and the teams' morale was low. Clarice was confined to her quarters sobbing that John had died. Jack had changed the nameplate on the door, so now it read WINTER. Jack wondered who this new recruit was, and...

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