Galaxy On Fire - Chapter 3

Story by RuffianCat on SoFurry

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#3 of Galaxy On Fire

Galaxy On Fire- Chapter 3


When I woke up and learned I had been unconcious for a couple days I was worried about brain damage. Apparently, I was fine. Okay.

The phantom blade through my gut and the blood loss was the reason I was out for so long. None of the hospital staff knew what had happened to the power plant. None of them were told where I was being shipped in from.

The med evac from the power plant probably was back at the plant by now. The hospital contacted Flarn and Korr from my contact information in my omni-tool.

Everything was probably fine. Those two, even if I was hurt, wouldn't abandon a job. They must have forced Cerberus to retreat.

Still, even though my partners and I were the only reason the development of the plant could continue for the last few weeks, I wondered if we were fired. One of them, at most, would have come with me to the Citadel. I wonder if both were told to leave, once I wasn't there to intercept that human Alliance Commander at the plant.

I learned that the phantom blade, which was confiscated by the Alliance natch, missed my spine. The Salarian and Human doctor duo that were explaining my status to me assured me that even if the blade had severed my spine I would have only been paralyzed, not killed.

Anyway, an impalement injury was still a bit much even with medi-gel available. I understood why I was brought to the Citadel, but why did my partners both come too?

With plenty of time to think, I did so. After almost a year with Korr and Flarn I had some idea of their work ethic. That neither of them stayed at the plant made me think something was wrong.

There were a lot of events at the developing power plant that felt "off".

The job site at Paradise Falls was supposed to be secret. That's why a small non-alliance team was hired, my team, for the security so it wouldn't leave many traces to find the location. It only took a week for the site to get hit by the first small wave of Cerberus.

The wave of hostiles that took me out was pretty big. The next one, if it hadn't come already, might be enough to take the plant.

I took a break from my train of thought to briefly survey the room. My Omni-tool was beside my bed on a clip-on tray. I put it on and stared out the glass wall of my room at the bustling space-city.

My Omni-tool was automatically connecting to Korr and Flarn. I wanted them to visit me and I wanted to talk to them about my suspicions.

Someone at the plant site was working for Cerberus.

--A little while later--

I heard heavy footsteps that didn't belong to the hospital staff in the hallway. Finally, they were here-

So was a Turian.

"Boss," Korr called me, which he hadn't before, it made me feel awkward in front of the stranger, "heard you were okay!"

Everyone sat down. I sat up in my bed and said,

"Yea. Hi, I am Cade," I addressed the Turian.

"Vyus," he replied, "I...spoke with your buddy here," he motioned to Flarn, "I want to work with you guys. Flarn told me you guys work as a team, not just leader and followers."

"Yes," I said, "Ummm....I'm not saying no-"

"Before you decide you want to know about your current job, right? Flarn gave me a few details, nothing to get you guys in trouble though," Vyus said.

"Current? Oh," that meant we were still hired, "then yes. I mean, we still have a lot to talk about, but Flarn wouldn't bring you here unless he thought you were worth it. Um, what's your specialization?"

"Infiltration," he said and showed me his omni-tool. It was different than mine, which was made for supporting my allies. His was outfitted to hack enemy systems and shields. I liked it.

"Additionally," he continued, putting his hands on my bed, "I figured I should mention it, but I enjoy recreational drugs."

Almost no drug was illegal nowadays, but some military, specifically the Alliance still had issues with their use. Vyus probably used stimulants during combat.

"That's fine," I said. I had tried them briefly during training. It was really a kick, but the after effects gave me stomach problems so I didn't end up using them regularly.

"Also, I have my own ship. It might get a little cramped with our Krogan buddy here, but from what Flarn told me your ship is currently out of comission," Vyus said.

This job guarding the secret power plant would pay enough to pay off the repairs to our work ship and enough to pay for food for a while.

His hands moved onto my leg closest to him.

"Then, since I'm tentatively part of the team now..." Vyus smiled at me, "I have no problems with your trust-building exercises."

Vyus hand stroked my shin as he said this.

"Oh, uh, um..." I looked at Flarn and Korr. Flarn, was a little more serious in his expression than Korr the Krogan, but both of em' were smiling at my flustered response.

"That's," Vyus now knew I had a thing for other species after learning from my partners what we did with each other, "fine with me, actually. Cool."

A problem came to mind.

"What about our biology? I mean..." I was talking about Turians and Humans allergies to each other.

"I got drugs for that too," Vyus said.

"It'll be a while before we can.."

"Yea. I heard you got skewered- I had that happen to me once. It sucks."

"Hehah, yea," I said while wondering, were all aliens so non-chalant about sex? I mean...from the time I spent working as a mercenary in Omega I knew a lot of Turians, Batarians, Krogans, etc. were not prudes. But I barely knew Vyus, he was rather charming though. I liked his darker skin tones and red face markings.

I got back to why I was in such a hurry to talk to my partners, "Flarn, Korr, what happened after I was stabbed?"

Galaxy On Fire - Chapter 4

**Cade** "It's only been three days, your wound can still open up," Vyus said to me as the Alliance transport was taking us back to the power plant. Korr and Flarn were checking their weapons, although I had already checked all of our gear. Vyus had...

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Galaxy On Fire Chapter 2

**Galaxy On Fire Chapter 2** **Vyus-** Omega. I love this place. Plenty of drugs for cheap, at least if you know the supplier, and I know many. This place had cleaned up a bit in recent years. A couple of brutal gang wars and everything would be...

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