Return of the Rat King Chapter 4 "Splinter Finished"

Story by lordgriffin on SoFurry

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Jason Falco, Son of the Rat King, moved to finish off Master Splinter's free will once and for all

Return of the Rat King

Part 4

Splinter, FINISHED.

Jason Falco stood there, feeling the Ninja master's soft warm fun under his bare foot. The rat lay on it's back, "forepaws" curled against his chest, hind paws in the air, naked in the muck floor of the sewer, posed as if a pet "playing dead" as his master had commanded.

Splinter swallowed, still "playing Dead" for his master, feeling the sole of the young boy's foot on the chocolate fur of his throat, the grime from the sewer floor being wiped off on his fur, and all that filled Splinter's mind was how...HONORED he was that the master would condescend to place his foot on him, a lowly rat. On his chest, he felt the cool sole of April O'Neal's, bare foot. Aa glance showed the thick brown muck that left her foot print on the white fur of his chest, though the woman was naked as the day she was born, the rat's attention was drawn back repeatedly to Jason's groin, the young boy's erection jutted out, the perspiration on his young balls made Splinter's mouth water. A part of his mind rebelled, this was humiliating, it was wrong, but his rat senses craved the scent, hos rat instincts, enhanced by Jason's abilities, made him crave the scent of his alpha.

April stood, her toes curled in the silken fur of Splinter's chest, she hated that she had fantasized about the long warm fur caressing between her toes. She watched Jason mean forward and did not resist his touch on her soft breast as he simultaneously caressed her bare breast, and transferred his weight to step down on Splinter's soft exposed throat. Abril heard Splinter...

*GURRK!* and his breathing stopped.

"Jason..please...mummph..." She was cut off as the young boy leaned in and placed a vicious kiss on her lips his tongue dominating hers as he leaned in to lick at her tonsils. For the moment, the pleasure in April's mind overrode everything else, she was acutely aware of the cool air against her bare skin, Jason's seen on her exposed Labia cooler in the air, the firm gentle touch of his hand on her breast, and his dominating kiss. Her eyes closed and she unconsciously shifted her weight to Splinter's chest.

Splinter's MindScape

Inside Splinter's head, in his "mindscape" where no one could see. Splinter stood facing his opponent. Splinter was naked Jason was in a "gee" Jason could see ALL of Splinters fur patterns, the streaks of darker brown fur down his neck and aroundh is arms, the brown stripes about his flanks and circling his muscular legs.

Splinter took a defensive stance "I will FORCE you from my mind!"

Jason laughed "Try Rat, you will be my slave!"

Splinter moved like lightning, with a flying kick, but as his kick lunged, The boy was not there. Instead Jason was behind him and SLAMMED the rat down Head first into the concrete floor of Splinter's own mind"


Outside in the real world, Jason broke the kiss when he was read "Please...WHAT April?" the lad smiled.

April panted, noticing Karai leaning against the door frame smiling hands folded over her chest. "Please...don't...kill Splinter.

Jason rolled his eyes "will you PLESE forget about the rat, it's VERMIN, it's a PEST"

April whispered... "But you can still USE hi.." she was cut off as Jason placed a finger over her lips.

"ForGET the rat" he chuckled "besides LOOK at him."

(Picture used with the permission of ~oystercatcher7 at

Splinter's MINDSCAPE

Back Inside the Mindscape. Splinter panted, his head reeled, That should have crushed his skull but he was alive with a headache. "How is...this Possible?" he blinked.

Jason appeared holding whip "Because your my SLAVE splinter, in the real world I have my FOOT on your throat and you have a RAGING hard on" he laughed

Splinter stood "No...this is NOT true!"

"No?" Jason smirked "Then why are you sporting a hard on? You get turned on by pain?"

Splinter looked down and his eyes widened...his cock had swollen to full erection!"


Once again in the "Real world" April glanced down. Splinter's tongue was now turning a light blue, unable to breathe with his throat under the foot of his new master, foamy saliva ringed his muzzle as if he were rabid, but the rat remained obediently still on his back. But what was obvious, Splinter's angry red spike jutted from its sheath fully aroused and his red eyes were LOCKED on Jason's groin. Despite his impending suffocation, Splinter was, was not just AROUSED by this, he had a RAGING hard on. April glanced back up at Jason, and Karai and nodded quietly.


Back in Splinter's mind Jason was moving in for the kill "This is all academic Splinter...I have your body, what you see how is the LAST of your free will...Make it easy on yourself...Kneel before me in your mind, and it will be all over.

Splinter sneered "NEVAH!" and attacked

The Real world:

Jason smiled and relaxed, enjoying the feel of his nemesis as he curled his toes in the soft neck fur. :You are beautiful April, beautiful enough to have a place in our organization...I am going to give you to Karai as her pet...she will train you, and if you prove yourself, you might one day be one of my wives." He felt Splinter beginning to go limp; the rat was near passing out. Jason kept a tight hold on Splinter's mind, he could still feel, what was Splinter's dominant mind, struggling, the feel of shame and humiliation was delicious as the rat railed against the walls in his own mind, it would not do to have April see splinter struggling, when they had her so close to surrender. Jason winked at Karai and lifted his foot.

Splinter could feel his head swimming dark clouds began to move in on his vision, but all was right he was staring up at his master's groin, gazing on the soft firm-pouting sac, and the incredible length of his master, when he felt the foot left from his throat.

Mind Scape:

Jason reeled, as the rat's foot connected again with his head. Splinter was not helpless, and with his mind so disciplined...Jason could not always anticipate the Ninja master's moves. But As he Asphyxiated Splinter's body in the "real world" the rat's attacks became more desperate...less coordinated. Jason's black bull whip sung out and connected more now, giving the rat red welts, and now, the rat gave a pleasant cry of agony as the whip striped him "Surrender Splinter" Jason smiled as the rat, panting fell to all f's nearing exhaustion.


Karai walked over with a Collar and leash for April. The older girl let the Ninja mistress lock the collar about her neck as Karai smirked and gave April's flank a gentle caress "Don't look so glum April" she said "Work hard and it won't be forever."

Jason smiled again "Get up Slave"

The tamed rat sprang up gasping, he did not stand like a man, instead her crouched on all 4's like any other rat, his stiff red erection hanging from between his flanks "Thank you...m...Mastah.."

April watched as Spinter had his right paw near his own erection. It was clear that Master Splinter, wanted to jack himself off right there in front of them, but he did not touch himself.

"You know April" Jason said "The irony is, I almost have not altered his mind at ALL..."

Karai pointed to her left, and April moved to kneel beside Karai, the leather leash having a gently sway from Karai's left hand to April's collared throat. As she folded her bare legs beneath her to sit her shapely ass on her heels April asked "What do you mean? And why is he...hesitating."


Splinter groaned, he tried to resist, but he felt himself listed by the pure force of the boy's mind. Jason Falco was INCREDIDIBLY powerful. Around him Splinter felt some kind of Smooth inky black substance begin to creep up his feet. He looked own, as the very shadows began to engulph his feet in the clammy cool darkness "W..What are you...doing to me?"

Jason smiled running the curve of his black whip up Splinter's shaft "That is your final resting place. I told you, this...version of you...represents your free will... your GOOD side. The only way to defeat the LIGHT is to cover it in darkness."

Splinter groaned, as the inky substance began to travel up his tail and legs, he felt more and more weak, more...hopeless " I feel this way?"

Jason moved behind the rat, and moved his tail aside. Splinter felt Jason's cock poke against his pucker "Why? That is your OWN darkness Splinter, we all HAVE it, as it covers your "GOOD" side, you will feel weaker" Jason wrapped his arms around the Mutant Ninja master and THRUST firmly, sliding his cock inside Splinter's body, as he began to rape the Ninja Master. Jason leaned up close and saw Splinter's ear cock back to listen as he whispered "What is even better is, LIGHT is connected to HOPE.... So as you debase yourself OUTSIDE, the darkness will take you more and more, before the end you will feel SO hopeless you will submit to me, when you DO....I will be able to permanently seal up your free will and light side forever."

As Jason penetrated under his tail Splinter gasped "Gahh!" Jason was big and the intrusion made the rat cringe, making Jason's enjoyment even greater


Karai laughed while Jason walked around his tame rat like a cat examining his prey "That's right" she smiled stroking April's soft red hair "You see my FATHER was so 'disciplined' he did not partake of pleasures of the flesh. Pillowing, the Japanese called it. The ancient masters realized how much STRESS there was in someone who does not regularly, relieve themselves." Karai reached out lifting splinter's chin to look into his eyes smiling. "You did not teach THAT did you FATHER" she spat in his face.

Splinter felt the soft hand under his chin and looked into Karai's eyes, seeing a human of his betters. His red eyes blinked "M...Meiwa?" Her spittle hit his face he smiled and trembled, his erection was so hard it hurt and he winced, his pink fore paw hovering near the red erection.

"As to why he hesitates, it is because he's not been given PERMISSION to beat himself off HAVE you RAT."

April watched amazed as Splinter's two adversaries kept him at bay, the tamed rat accepting whatever they gave him. "But...he...He's your FATHER.."

Karai spun around and slapped April soundly on her cheek, leaving a bright red handprint "that...that VERMIN is NOT my father. Look at him crouching there on all 4's just WAITING to be given permission to cum all over himself."

"But...he was TURNED into a rat by Shredder..."

(Picture posted with the permission of lepoardgeko at

"That's right" Karai smiled, lifting her tans formed fathers chin again to rub her cheek against his smiling venomously "And THAT will be my father, and more, you see SHREDDER has not neglected the pleasures, and I will seal the rift between our clans, I will have Shredder's child." She smiled smugly as the rat groaned again with need.

April Allowed Karai's slow stroll behind her and did not resist as Karai began binding April's hands behind her back.

Splinter's Mindscape

Jason reveled in controlling this ninjitsue master. The darkness had now engulfed Splinter's entire lower half, in shiny inky black darkness. Jason thrust deeply into the rat's Rectum. Splinter had long since stopped struggling, grunting with each thrust as the human lad used him as a woman. Jason could see the veins in Splinter's rat feet thru the shiny black it sheathed him so tight, it had flowed around Splinter's Genitals to leave them uncovered, and Jsaon reached down stroking the rat shaft "Give up're finished. ..

For Splinter he felt the warm hand around him, it was so welcome compared to the inky cold... his head went down, he had never encountered anything like this, the feeling of hopelessness growing. Softly Jason Hears splinter ask. "If...If I surrender to you, in will my fate...change?""

Jason felt the shift, Splinter was almost HIS...he would succeed where other's failed. "Submit to me RAT, and instead of cold clammy torment, the rest of your life can be in warm...contented bliss.

There was a pause. Splinter felt the powerful Human lunge again and again...penetrating his anus slowly, his head drooped "Y...yess..mastah..."

Jason erupted deep inside the ninja master, holding his muscular furry body close, he pulsed his mind seep deeply into splinter's very core. His seed would eat it from the inside out. Splinter's cock erupted in the Humans had. Jason took the time to Grasp Splinter by his scruff and point his face toward his cock. Splinter coated his face in his own cum....


Jason ran toe along Splinter's naked tail "And thanks to him being pent up....he was vulnerable...but we still could not have done it without you April. " The hardest part about breaking him, was the first orgasm. Prior to that the stupid animal had no concept of the intensity of the self-pleasure. He desired you April, that's Why we needed you, his desire combined with his arousal you brought him to his first climax. It's like a drug, after the first hit, he became addicted. I really mean it, I hardly altered his mind at all, the only thing I am doing is, magnifying his arousal, stimulating his need, I have not actually ordered him to call me master or to obey."

April, now trussed by Karai looked at Splinter " this true?"

Splinter looked at the floor "... yes"

Jason smirked "What do you think of your ninja master now April? Kneeling like a rat, waiting for his HUMAN masters to give him permission to masturbate himself in front of us."

Karai ran her nails along April's side gently "Did you know in the days of the ancient masters, that one of a Samurai's greatest duties, was to pleasure his master, like a girl?"

April swallowed hard, the tales were well known, even taught in schools...even Samurai were sexual toys for their master if he wished.

Karai whisper in Aprils ear "You will serve me....I will be Karai-sama"

April stared in disbelief "Can...he be...rehabilitated?"

Jason stroked Splinters head like a pet, rubbing behind his ears "Oh I suppose, but there is not going to be ANY rehab treatment for YOU vermin is there?"

Pleasure shuddered thru splinters frame, his master was touching him " mastah"

Jason smiled in triumph "Were gonna feed this rat so MUCH 'drug' you're going to grovel for the REST of your life at my feet like a GOOD boy. So April...what do you think of Splinter's need...?"

April looked down "why are you tormenting him?"

Karai smirked "You mean besides that he deserves it? Well you See is your first test...Jason now has control of Splinter's mind, but we want more...he's still resistive..."

"Resistive?" April asked.

Jason used a remote and a portion of the wall slid aside to show four examination stasis tubes, a place at the foot of each read "Raphael, Donatello, Michelangelo, and Raphael" Jason looked at Splinter "Rat, go retrieve your sons so we may...examine them."

Splinter looked up.. .his groin ached so much with need, and his master's erection, he could smell it, it was so close, if only he could TASTE it, but the part of his mind that had been, lashed out "P...please...Mastah, anything you want...with not use me...against my sons.."

Jason shrugged "I could force him, April...but I want it to...shall we say...CUM easier, My powers have him in such a sexual frenzy, I bet a single climax will finish him off. But I am a fair man April." He turned to splinter with a grin "Slave?"

Splinters ears perked "Yes Mastah?" the tamed rat responded

"April will decide if you may pleasure yourself"

Splinter's eyes widened and he crouched closer to April...his paw near his glistening spike "P...Please April...let me masturbate..."

To April's ears hearing her venerable ninja master, using such a vulgar term, it shocked her, but at the same time...aroused her.

"Master Splinter, do not NEED my permission."

Splinter's eyes widened "Y...yes I do April...PLEASE...I...need...."

April shook her head, seeing Splinters length beginning to throb with his heartbeat, he saw Splinter wincing with the strain, the rat with a critical case of "Blue balls". "Why do you need my Permission, You said Jason is NOT controlling you..."

Splinter looked up as if April has just said the earth was flat "Mastah is my god...I worship him, I MUST obey him, PLEASE April..."

April looked down, he was losing this argument "Splinter, if I do this, they will finish you off. Finish you off for GOOD, you will be Jason's PET forever, and will hunt down your sons for them to study..."

Splinter's eyes looked wild as Karai sood with one had on her hip her other holding April's leash, and Jason, still naked walked to the side to observe "I DON'T CARE APRIL....I need RELEASE... Please...I am BEGGING you."

April's shoulders dropped, she glanced up, seeing Splinter couching, a pleading look on his face. She sighed, " can pleasure yourself."

Splinter's mind Scape

Within Splinter's mind, the black ooze had now crept up over splinter's Torso. The rat lay like a worm at Jason's feet, his arms pinned by his side within the sticky inky blackness. As he had promised, the feeling was no longer cool and clammy, but warm, and inviting. With so much of his body coated, Splinter was overwhelmed by the hopelessness. "Thank you Mstah...what...what will you do with my body in the real world?"

Jason smiled standing over the rat, his erection undiminished "Get to your knees before me and suck my cock splinter and I will tell you"

Splinter had to squirm, it was quite undignified but he no longer cared...moving and inching like a worm, he had to struggle to his knees. Jason's cock stood erect before him, his ears flat with humiliation, Splinter made no protest as he opened his mouth and sucked Jason's cock into his mouth.

Jason enjoyed the warm feeling of the rats muzzle on his dick and reached down with both hands, one cupping under Splinter's muzzle, the other behind his head so he completely CONTROLLED the rat. "In just a little while You will Hunt down and capture your son's they will not be killed and I will not force you to kill them, but they will be our gunnie pigs. as for will capture the City leaders, where we will either make them our slaves or cross them with will remain my obedient mindless pert till your death. I fancy you will grovel at my feet for all to see. I will also use your mutated DNA to breed with our Mutant rats. You will be little more than a trained animal.

Jason felt his body clench as he climaxed within Splinter's maw...the blackness now creeping up the rat's neck ...just a LITTLE more."


Splinter let out a screech of joy as his pink-clawed paw began jacking himself off in front of his adversaries, a look of bliss on his face. Unbidden they watched the rat hunch over and his pink tongue lapping at his copious pre and pointing his own cock right at his face. To Splinter, the pre tasted like ambrosia as it leaked from his tip, smearing his muzzle with glaze.

April watched as the rat rushed to his climax, his paw pumping with soft squishing noises as his own nose ground between his clanks, tongue lubricating his shaft for his paw with his own saliva. Her own hands slipping to her own wet sex to gently tease herself.

Jason loved every moment, how many people could say they so debased such a prominent Ninja master, as Splinter, hunched over, washed his own balls with his own tongue and slipped it into his own sheath like an animal.

It didn't take Splinter long, his eyes closed in bliss as his length erupted thick ropes of milky white rat semen splattering his own face and muzzle. Sitting in the middle of the room with his Audience watching the rap Grunted with an "Huhhh huhhh huhhh!; as he turned his head to coat his entire face.


Within Splinter's Mind, Jason watched splinter's eyes droop. His face covered in his own semen, licking his lips as he finished swallowing Jason's seed. Jason gently laid Splinter down on his back at his feet. The inky blackness was now creeping around his head and over his ears. Jason gently stroked Splinter's chest and spoke softly.

"That's it Splinter...just go to sleep. Once the darkness consumes you, the seed I left in your ass will devour you from the inside out....just...let it happen. I look forward to raping your body in the Real world."

The voice was so soothing, and the touch felt so good. Splinter had a silly smile on his muzzle as the inky darkness flowed over his large ears, and eyes. He could still hear Jason's chuckle, see the boys condescending smirk. The Black ooze was more than skintight and it moved up his cheeks.

Jason stood as Splinter's eyes were covered...his ears plugged by the thick warm ooze. Like a hunter with a slain trophy. Jason placed his foot on Splinter's flank. The last part of what had been Splinter's free will, his pink nose, was covered by the ooze as it flowed into his nostrils and mouth and down his throat.

Jason observed for several more moments, making sure the process was complete. With his mind, he levitated the black mummified form of Splinters free will, and left it suspended rotating in the center of the mind room. He sneered with contempt "So much for the RAT" he said satisfied. "Now to have you finish off your sons"


When it was over Splinter closed his eyes in satisfaction panting "Thank you.....thank you..."

Jason grinned, "if you want to show your gratitude it RIGHT"

"Please mastah, PLEASE ...may I suck your cock?"

Jason smirked "Aren't you a ninja master?"

Splinter gazed up at the human above him "No" he answered instantly

"Then what are you?"

"I am a rodent, I am a vermin...I am your slave, I serve The Rat King

"Then you may serve your MASTER"

Splinter's heart skipped a beat, he was really being allowed. He scampered up before his new God and crouched, the human's erection jutting out. Jason felt the rodents muzzle open and take him within, suckling firmly. Jason smiled down "Good boy!"

April grew more aroused down as she watched Jason grip Splinter's ears like hand grips and tugged his new slave firmly into his groin.

Splinter did not resist his new master. Relaxing to let his groin thrust into his muzzle, he simply suckled firmly, like a nursing ratling, the taste was completely savory, salty sweet, and the scent intoxicating, his paw was already down on his own shaft, stroking himself again, his tongue teasing from his Master's balls along the underside of the cock as Jason pulled back. His mind open as the Human boy riffled thru his memories. Memories of his wife, erased, memories of serving Shredder....Jason found every perverted desire in the mutant before him, and brought it to the fore front. Jason causally kicked splinter's paw away from the rats own cock with the toe of his foot. Splinter meekly complies crouching on all 4's.

For Splinter this was true peace and bliss, his master had a firm grip on his velvety ears and was thrusting firmly into his face, pressing his nose up against the boy's pubic bone and into the curly pubic hair. His lips curled around the firm fleshy ember. He felt his master stiffen.

April watched Jason smile and twitch as he hauled pack on Splinter's ears, holding the rat deep in his groin and April knew he was feeding Splinter. The Ninja master's eyes were pure admiration as she swallowed, feeling his master painting the back of his throat with his seed.

While Jason held Splinter pinned in his groin he uses his bare toes to slide along the rat member, clutching Splinter's ears and using his thighs to trap the rat's muzzle in his crotch he whispered softly "Cum for your master, Splinter."

Splinter's world immediately erupted in pleasure, his master's cock in his mouth looking up his smooth belly from where he knelt and his loins erupted, coating his master's feet in thick shimmering white rat seed.

Jason felt the warm sticky substance, holding in Splinters mouth long enough for his own climax to subside and let the rat use his tongue and lips to clean off his cock.

Satisfied, Jason released the rodent. Splinter gazed at the man to whom he would pray. April watched, still teasing her own cunt as Jason placed his foot covered in Splinters jizz out in front of the rat. Splinter did not hesitate. His muzzle dropping he did not just lick his master's foot, he was eager, like a puppy, he could not get enough as he licked his own semen off his master's feet.

Karai noticed April watching, her fingers busy in her own crotch "Hmm enjoying the show of the BOY with your MASTER?" she chuckled.

April only blushed. Karai smirked "Don't be shy, I don't blame you...go ahead you could not have stopped this anyway...and trust me you will be doing much MORE then that" Karai winked "Just wait till Tiger Claw calls you to his bed.

Jason let the trained rodent completely clean both his feet, and then retrieved his robe. Without looking back he said causally "Splinter...brings me your sons, I think they have caused ENOUGH trouble for ONE lifetime.