for the lover of a good wolf 6-7
I was on my way to work after my wife and son had just left to spend a few days at my mother in laws when a storm rolled in. sky got dark. really dark and then the rain started there was not gradual build up to it just opened and poured a monsoon on...
Catnip: Chapter 5
I should tell you, up until this point my intention was pleasuring bast, then she started riding me, and i couldn't even think straight.
Scott had pointed out that at this point in the story they have been really just fighting out of their reflexes and not in a proper and clean way. Adam at this point never really noticed that himself and agreed to do some training. Axel then discovered...
So after some time the team began backtracking at the past dungeons they have been to around town. It wasn't until they ran into Dominique again at the 4th dungeon that it was a little bit awkward for both sides. "I don't think you all would be...
So the truth of Dominique's nasty behavior was revealed, his parents were getting divorced. One day after the divorce was final Dominique did not come to school for a full week because news of his parents splitting went around the school like wildfire....
Tucker Chester and Adam had gone back another day after processing "what the hell happened" in Chester's words. They explore the museum and the painting they had gone inside of, and discover that the paintings are like portals in a way leading to the...
MF-Ep3-The Problem-
On a trip to his high school on a school bus Adam is seen on his phone with his headphones in. For a few months now throughout New Stone City, there have been incidents of people going missing and reappearing traumatized around museums in the city...
MF-Ep1-The Intro-
For the Story of the monster fighters, there are 7 Main characters this time around and might be tied among the shortest group of magic protagonists at this point. -Taken from their character bios- Unlike the magic fighters their normal outfits are...
Dragon Layers, chapter 4
He grabbed his horse and rode straight back to his office. it was just twelve when he got into his room. the package he sent for examination had come back with the results.
Lair of the Bat People
The site of this had jake's erection returning in full force as he scrambled to his deformed feet, tripping and lunging straight toward coleen. it was his turn to knock her onto her back as he took her inch-long black nipples into his mouth.
Girl's Night Out (2/2)
The club was hopping as usual on a Friday night, though there wasn't the insane crowds that usually packed the party spots as a Saturday there was more than enough to go around. With their lack of knowledge on the subject both Newlyn and Serathin had...
A warm breeze drifted through the open window, setting the curtains in motion. They wafted through the air and stretched out towards Key's nose. In annoyance, she swatted them aside, more fixated on her book than anything. The snow leopard had...