Just Looking

Story by ZackSpencer on SoFurry

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Here's a really quick, really short story that i kind of sped through (sorry for the possible errors), but i had some free time and i thought that you guys might enjoy my little quicksy here. Give me some feeback if you want, it's always welcome, and as always Love you fuzzy-butts!

~Zack <3

"Oh, come on dude, it's just looking!" The orange tabby said from across the table, slapping the lynx's arm. "Those jugs were huge, it'd be impossible NOT to look!"

Cooper DeLane, a (semi) young, unhappily married, henpecked husband, lynx that had gotten dragged to a bar by his best friend. Jerry (the orange tabby) thought he was doing the lynx a favor to get him out and about (that's what Jerry calls it, but he really means laid). "Jerry, I know what you're doing and it's not going to happen." Cooper explained, taking a sip of his beer and licking the residue from his whiskers. "Just because Deana and I are hitting a dry spell right now doesn't mean I'm going to go out looking for other women to sleep with."

The tabby chuckled. "Dry spell'? Coop, you guys haven't had sex for over three months! That's not a dry spell, it's a fuckin' drought!"

Cooper shook his head, though, he did understand (to a degree) where Jerry was coming from. Three months without sex was the least of his problems, in fact, he could wait three more if it meant things would start to get better. The trouble actually dated further back than just three months; arguments, disagreement, and happiness drifting away was all he could think of when he tried to remember how he and his wife had gotten so torn apart to begin with.

"Hey, I won't tell Deana if you won't." Jerry said, obviously not wanting to let this go.

"Jerry, I'm not going to sleep with another women. End of story."

The tabby threw his hand up and flopped back in his seat. "C'mon Coop, you've got to be pent up as hell, and relieving yourself is only going to go so far."

"And what makes you think I'm masturbating?" The lynx asked, and regretted it as soon as the words left his lips.

"I've known you since grade school, I think I would know when my best friends is 'just going to blow off some steam'." He said that last part while fingering air quotes. Cooper had used that line on the tabby to buy some extra time while he finished pawing off one day, forgetting how perverting cleaver Jerry could be sometimes (it's like he knew whenever anyone was doing something sexual, no matter what anyone told him).

Cooper reluctantly nodded. "Yeah you got me, but even so, masturbating might not be... 'it'... but it's been holding me off and it will just have to do."

Jerry laughed. "You've been BARELY holding out! You might say that you haven't been looking, but you have been eyeing down anything that moves and if you keep 'holding off', you're pants are going to burst." The lynx laughed. "I'm serious though, you put any more strain down there and you'll be walking out of here with a fully exposed rod for everyone to see."

"Alright alright! You've made you're point!" Cooper shook the image from his head of his shaft dangling between his legs in front of everyone at the bar. "But I'm still not sleeping with another girl, so take whatever other back up speeches that you have up your sleeve, and shove it up your ass, now, if you'll excuse me, I have work tomorrow and I can't afford being hung over while on the job. Goodnight, Jerry."


Cooper couldn't say that Jerry was completely wrong; the lynx was really (REALLY) pent up, and he didn't know how much longer he could go without fucking something, but he would hold out for as long as he could. Just because the urge was there, didn't mean that he would break vows just for self-pleasure.

Upon pulling into his driveway, the lynx felt some conflicting feelings as to whether he should or shouldn't step inside his own house, knowing what could possibly be waiting for him. Maybe a fight; another one of Deana's famous 'so what's this skanks name?' or 'I can't believe that you would go out and do something like that to me' even though he never did anything to begin with.

Or she could be sleeping (which was the best case scenario).

Not willing to find out which was waiting for him behind the door, Cooper sat down on his front porch steps and sighed. This was pathetic, he told himself, forced to wait outside until I gain enough balls to confront my own goddamn wife.

He sat there, attempting to pep talk himself into walking through door for about an hour and a half, but never really getting anywhere; the more he thought about it, the more he thought about the possible arguments that could sprout from his alleged sudden burst of ballsy-ness. Those never ended well, and when Cooper realized that he was just wasting his time, he got up and walk into his house... at least, that's what he wanted to do, instead, he continued to just sit there.

It was probably about another fifteen minutes before he noticed a slowly incoming shadow from in front of him. As the shadow got closer, he recognized it to be his across-the-street-neighbor Ty. Ty was a college graduate attended Stanford U as a graduate to become a lawyer, and from what little conversations he had had with the possum, Ty was in his last year.

Cooper and the possum didn't talk very much, mostly because whenever they did, Deana would call Ty a faggot and curse him off because she thought he was hitting on the lynx, though, Cooper didn't see it that way; he just thought Ty was being friendly.

"Hey," the possum said as he stepped into the light of Cooper's front porch. His hands were in his jeans pockets as he tucked his bare elbows into his sides because his button up shirt sleeves ended just a few inches from his shoulders and the night breeze was nothing short of bitter and chilling. "What are you doing out here at one in the morning? Wife lock you out?"

Cooper smiled, even though he didn't really feel like it. "No, actually I don't know, I haven't even tried yet."

"So why are you sitting out here all by yourself?"

The lynx thought about that. He couldn't very well just flat out say that his wife stole his balls and replaced the area between his legs with a pussy after all. "Reminiscing..." he eventually said.

Ty nodded and there was a short pause before said; "Mind if I sit with you?"

The lynx shook his head. "Let's just hope that Deana is asleep because she'd freak."

The possum chuckled as he sat down next to the lynx, but Cooper could tell that it was forced. "Did you two have another fight?"

"Earlier today, yeah. I actually just came back from the bar with my friend."

Ty laughed. "You didn't JUST come back, you've been sitting out here for the better half of two hours!"

Cooper's hear flicked as he looked over to the beaming opossum. "How long have you been watching me?"

Ty shrugged. "The better half of two hours."

They both lightly laughed, then silence.

With Ty sitting right next to him, Cooper started to realize how pretty the night was; the stars were shining brightly, it was quiet, and the only sound that could be heard was the lonely calling of the night breeze.

"How do you do it?" Ty asked, rubbing his arms to try and keep warm. "How do you remain so faithful to someone whose so rotten to you? I mean, you're attractive, sweet, considerate... someone has to have hit on you by now?"

Jerry had asked that same question countless times, and all Cooper would say was "It's just not in my nature to cheat on someone like that." But for the first time in a long time, the lynx actually thought about the question. "You know, I actually don't know. For the longest time, I would just say that it wasn't in my nature, but now, I'm seriously starting to reconsider." Cooper sighed. "Maybe I should just get a divorce..." those words slipped out much easier than the lynx would have thought possible, and it scared him how easily it was to say. It scarred him that maybe he was fighting for a lost cause all of this time.

Pink delicate finger touching the side of his arm snapped him from his thoughts. "Well, I hate divorce, and I think that people should strive to protect the love they felt before they got married, but, I also believe that it should be a shared effort, and if you're the only one carrying the weight, then what's the point? You can't make her love, and she obviously doesn't want to. It's at times like this that you and only you have the choice whether or not you should go on like this. If you're carrying all the weight, then you have the final say..."


Cooper couldn't count how many days he's thought about the possum's words. Ty was young, twenty four at most, yet he had more wisdom than Cooper could ever hope to possess. Was he right? Should he stop fighting for something that isn't even there anymore? But then what would happen? All he knew was Deana. And her distorted version of love had messed the lynx, and he wasn't sure he knew how to love properly anymore.

Did he ever really love her though?


He couldn't answer that.

It felt like he should know the answer, like 'yes' should have come easily to him, but all that came was blank and empty nothingness. When he tried to think of happiness with her, all that came to mind was the cross face of the vixen and the many arguments that were so petty, Cooper couldn't even remember the reason why most of them started.

Within those few days, he's been seeing a little bit more of the possum from across the street; getting together for coffee even once and actually enjoying his time with him. There was one point where he had watched the possum undress from his bedroom window. He wasn't sure why he was watching, maybe he just missed the feeling of doing something dirty, but when the possum turned and looked out the window to see Cooper watching him from his own home, he didn't get offended, or close the curtains, instead, he smiled and dressed a little slower.

Cooper wasn't sure whether he should look away or not, but he instead just enjoyed the little show, and when he went to pleasure himself later that day, the first thing to come to his mind was the images of the (un)dressing possum.

He turned his head to look at Deana's shoulder as she slept. The sun was just starting to peak over the trees, sending bright orange beams into the bedroom. He reach over and touched the vixen's shoulder, only to have his hand shrugged off as Deana pushed herself out of bed and pulled on her robe. She was about to walk away when... "Deana wait,"

The vixen stopped but didn't say anything.

"We have to ta-"

"About what? How there's nothing left? How we should try and make this better? How I'm being so unfair to you?"

"About US!" Cooper said, getting a little louder than what he would have liked. He cleared his throat. "We need to talk about us. We're (obviously) not what we used to be, and this little game that we're playing; pretending like everything's alright when it's really not. I don't want to keep carrying both of our weight-"

She laughed, not a real laugh, a laugh that mean she thought she had him cornered in the conversation already. "'Carrying OUR weight'? Cooper, you don't carry any weight; you run away with your friend to some bar, hook up, then come back and pretend like everything is alright."

"That's a lie!"

"Oh is it?"

He jumped out of bed. "YES! All I do is try to revive something that's long been dead, and the reason I go out to bars is to drink because you piss me off to no FUCKING end and I need a drink, not to get laid! YOU'RE the one who stays here, just waiting for me to make some kind of fuck up so you can bitch to me about it! I try to hug you, I try to love you, but all you do is push me away and accuse me of sleeping around! I tell Jerry all the time that I'm not interested in cheating on you AND FOR WHAT?! I stay committed, I stay faithful, only to come home to you're sick fantasies of me fucking someone else! I don't know what to do anymore Deana! You're driving me crazy with your stupid little thoughts that I'm the enemy here when all I really want to do is LOVE YOU!"

"You wanna know what you can do?!" The vixen shouted, matching Coopers tone. "You can LEAVE!"

"You want me to leave? Fine!" The lynx pulled on the first pair of his pants he saw and threw on a random shirt. "Better than putting up with your bullshit." He mumbled as he shoved past her.

He skipped steps as he flew down the stairs and slammed the front door behind him when he walked out. He wasn't sure where he was going, so he let his feet take him wherever, and they only when in one direction; forward.

Within a few seconds, he found himself knocking on the door of Ty's house. He wasn't sure if the possum was awake or not, but frankly, at the time, he didn't really care.

About thirty seconds later, the door opened slowly to a bedheaded, crooked shirted, half-awake Ty that took a few seconds to register who was standing at his door. "Cooper? What're you-" but he never got to finish as the lynx pressed his muzzle into the possum's.

Ty was a bit shocked at first, and if it weren't for Copper holding him in place by his hips, the possum probably would have stumbled backwards, but eventually he melted into the kiss and pulled the lynx through the door, kicking it closed with his foot when the both cleared it.

They kept backing up until they both fell onto the couch with Cooper on the bottom. "Fight with the wife?" Ty asked between kisses.



"Break up?"




"Oh yeah!"

The possum squeaked when Cooper's large paws caressed his rear roughly under the elastic band of the pajama's waist. "I'm gonna fuck you now..." The lynx said, pulling down Ty's pants as far as possible.

"I thought you never would."

They fumbled with stripping their cloths between the kissing in groping, but eventually they were grinding their sex against each other while exploring each other's body thoroughly. It didn't take long for the both of them to get fully erect and painfully ready, but the possum seemed to like teasing the lynx.

When he couldn't take anymore, Cooper lifted the possum's rear and barely gave him any warning when he dropped it onto his hard throbbing cock, feeling the warmth and tightness grip him like he's never felt before.

Ty whined and wriggled, trying to get comfortable, but Cooper made that hard to do while he mercilessly started to buck up into him.

Cooper might not have been able to remember much about the feeling of sex when he and Deana did it, but he was damn sure that this was twenty times better than that and still escalating. His balls slapped the base of Ty's furless tail while the possums cock bounced off from his chest after every thrust. He had never felt another man cock before, and he never thought he would ever do something like this with a man, but he couldn't say that he was regretting it.

"Fuck! You're so big!" Ty cried as he arched his back and leaned into the lynx's fucking, trying to get it to go even deeper.

"I don't think I've ever been in someone as tight as you." Cooper said through his teeth.

He grabbed the possum's sides to hold him still as the lynx's quickened the pace, getting more and more whiny squeaks and yelps as he drilled Ty's rear.

He pulled out, getting a confused look from Ty for a moment before he flipped and pounced on top of the possum so that Cooper was he one on top. He wasted no time in getting his shaft back into the war hole of the possum and resume his pace.

As he humped the rodent, he could start to feel the rocking of Ty's couch underneath them. Ty gasped and flinched, reaching up and caressing Cooper's chest as he pushed deeper into him. He could start to feel the lynx's balls on the base of his tail again, and he wasn't sure how much longer he could last.

With every thrust, the lynx would poke and prod at the possum's prostate, his pre-cum painting Ty's insides and allowing easier sliding. He could feel Ty's tail start to wonder around Cooper's legs and rear, and gasped when he felt it penetrate his hole. He's never felt anything like that enter him, and he wasn't sure if he liked it or not, but when Ty's tail found a certain area and pressed on it, Cooper threw his head back and pushed his hips all the way forward as he growled and came into the possum.

Ty started to tense up even more as he himself came and blissfulness followed soon after.

"Fuck, that felt soooooo good...." Cooper moaned as he lay on top of the possum's chest, feeling his delicate fingers comb through the lynx's headfur.

There was silence, nothing but the two boys enjoy they're afterglow. "So what now?" Ty asked after a while.

"Now, we get dressed and I take you out on an actual date." He said, sitting up and smiling. "Gotta get to know my new roomie."

Ty laughed. "Oh you're moving in now huh?"

"If you'll have me."

The possum leaned forward and they kissed again. "I'd love that."