Sirius Fun - Part 3

Story by Smokescale Aquatos on SoFurry

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#3 of Sirius Fun

And here's part 3, the final part. As I mentioned in the first chapter, this was all pretty heavily edited. Originally, I left it kind of open ended in case I decided to come back and do a sort of Little Red Riding Hood variation... you know... since that is probably the single most popular vore-themed story in the fandom. After the aforementioned unpleasant experience, it left me not wanting to pursue it, and I'm still in that mindset. I'd kind of like to just let this stand as it is.

Again, not much story, mostly dirty stuff. Hope you enjoy.

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Images swirled about in Nicky's mind as she slept, completely and totally comfortable deep in Sirius's body, wanting for nothing save perhaps the touch of her lover, Sasha. She cooed and shifted once in a while as the two outside remained curled up together, the freed vixen caressing the wolf's delightfully round belly. Daybreak came swiftly, the sun shining in on the bed, waking Sirius before his partner. He yawned quietly and pulled the vixen atop him, stroking hir back, chuckling as hir body molded to conform to the odd angle his bloated middle created, finding hir new position rather cute. He sighed and lay there completely content as his mind grew more and more awake. Finally, Sasha stirred and joined the lupine in consciousness, stretching a bit atop him before licking his nose affectionately.

Hir hands explored the vast dome under hir, making hir giggle a bit, "So this is what ya looked like while I was in there huh?"

He nodded and kissed hir forehead softly, "That's right, and I have to say, it feels marvelous. I've never experienced anything like it."

The hermaphrodite vulpine nodded and nuzzled against the canine's chest, yawning again as shi grew more alert, "How about we have some breakfast? I'm starving!"

Sirius concurred and they made for the kitchen, taking great care not to jostle his tummy too much for fear of waking the 'child' within. Sasha showed off hir skills while the wolf sat at the table, watching, caressing his distended girth, awaiting the coming meal eagerly. Before too long, two, mouthwatering omelets, a plate of sausage, and two servings of toast were on the table, and the lovers began, savoring the delicious bounty.

"Mmmm, you're a great cook Sash! You gotta teach me some of this sometime."

The vixen nodded, "Can do, it's pretty simple. Nicky's gonna be jealous that she missed out on breakfast. How's she doin' by the way?"

Sirius ran a hand long his swollen middle, pausing for a moment as if probing deep inside, "She's still asleep, but she's moving a bit more. I think she's close to waking up. I wish I could see the look on her face when she comes to."

He chuckled and continued stroking his plump belly, unable to find the willpower to stop. Under his fur, the vixen within stirred again and yawned, finally breaking away from sleep and stretching a bit. The motion could be seen easily through the wolf's pelt. Sasha giggled and moved to sit on hir knees in front of Sirius, running hir own paws along the surface of the large bulge. Nicky opened her eyes to see nothing but darkness, pressing out a bit as the memory of the night before came to her again.

"Heh, morning guys." She yawned loud enough to be heard from across the room through Sirius's fur, an interesting sensation to say the least.

The wolf smiled and squeezed his plump belly affectionately, enjoying the presence of the lithe vixen inside him, "Sleep well Nicky?"

"Better than I've ever slept before. God it's comfy in here. Kinda wish I didn't ever have to leave."

Both the wolf and his other companion smirked at one another. Sasha knew how enticing such a prospect was. Sirius was rather tempted as well. He had grown rather fond of this little joy they had discovered together.

The lupine caressed his tummy tenderly, "Well you can climb back in there anytime I'm not in need of a flat six-pack."

Sasha continued hir own affection of the dome of white fur, finding it rather luxurious, "Hey honey, you notice anything different?"

Nicky's brow furrowed slightly at the question and she thought about it for a moment, nosing softly out against her mate's paws, "Well, no, not really. Why?" She had not fully roused yet, forgetting what had happened to the last person who had climbed in.

Sasha grinned and looked up at the star-eyed wolf, "Spread'em, I'm goin' in."

He blinked a bit as the vixen's grin simply continued to stretch wider and wider, already smelling the strength of arousal emanating from hir throbbing member.

"But, I dunno if I can hold both of you. I'm stretched pretty good as it is."

"Just spread'em boy! I'll make us fit!" Hir determination would not be denied as shi forced his legs apart. Shi pushed his succulent scrotum out of the way and sank hir muzzle deep into his already dripping folds, quivering lightly in anticipation. The thought of carrying both girls in his belly was more than enough to send his arousal sky-rocketing, but the sensual assault below threw it into orbit. He moaned deeply, filling the room with his noises of passion as Sasha pushed hard. Shi wriggled wildly as hir tail flicked about behind hir, rather desperate to get inside, and hir efforts were quite fruitful. Within moments, shi had sunk the whole of both arms into the canine's passage, working on pushing hir pert chest in as well. Nicky was quite eager to help too. After experiencing the rather lovely little tryst in the bathroom yesterday, she was almost aching to feel her lover's new shaft buried in her. One might argue she had become addicted to it.

Sirius panted and pushed back in his chair, panting fiercely as one of his free hands pumped firmly over his length, needing to feel the coming explosion. His other hand was busy groping the massive lump in his middle as it continued to grow. Feminine aroma filled the room, pumped out not only by Sirius himself, but by the vixen sinking hir way in up to hir waist. Thankfully, the air conditioning system did not connect to the other neighboring apartments. Otherwise someone else from the building would knock the door down in a fit of erotic desperation.

A number of grunts, several firm pushes, and one sudden jump in the wolf-dog's waistline saw Sasha tucked away once more in his womb, curled up with hir mate in the most intimate setting. Sirius howled at the top of his lungs as he came, and came hard, covering himself in his own thick release. His petals slurped nosily at the last of the vixen's tail, sealing hir in for the time being. He trembled and quaked as orgasm wracked his body before slumping in his seat, struggling to catch his breath. Somehow, he had managed to contain both girls within him, and it was the most intense, glorious, and bizarre feeling that had ever washed over him.

"Mmm. A lil cramped, but still really comfy, wouldn't you say honey?" It was nearly impossible to tell who was talking under Sirius's fur. Both girls sounded remarkably similar in the open air, but with the muffling of their voices, any distinguishing traces were left to echo in what little open space there was deep in his womb.

"Yeah, it's great. I love it in here. Now, what were you talking about? Should something be different?" That was Nicky, inquiring curiously. She was still not sure what Sasha was talking about, but that was why the lady had climbed in, to show her first hand. With one fluid motion, Sasha's hand reached out and groped hir mate's crotch, massaging something unexpectedly tender. Nicky shuddered and groaned happily, arching her back and pressing against the other vixen firmly.

The assaulting vixen grinned and squeezed hir fingers firmly, "Hehe, like that do you honey?"

Nicky simply melted under the attention, "Mmmm, oh you bet. That feels great! What are you doing?"

Sasha smirked, "I'm giving you a hand job, now that you've got a 'handle' to work with."

The other lady's eyes opened wide before her own hands reached down and felt over her groin, finding the new appendage and enclosed package firmly attached to her. Shi yelped happily feeling the rather sensitive member react to hir touch and grinned. From that point on, no more words came from the wolf's belly, but it certainly did shift about. Low growls of lust, moans of carnal release, and various other noises made Sirius's middle vibrate lightly. Unable to withstand it too much longer, his claws digging into the wood of the chair, he leapt to his feet and ran to the wall separating him from his equine neighbor, banging on the barrier with more strength than was necessary. The horse on the other side, sitting in his easy chair, reading the newspaper, jumped, startled horribly by the sudden pummeling of the wall.

"Sam!! Get over here!! I need you!! Now!!" Sirius sounded horribly desperate.

Apparently, at least in Sam's mind, his lupine neighbor was having another 'attack' that required his help. With a little bit of a sigh and a chuckle, the horse put his paper down and grabbed his keys. After locking his own home, he walked the short distance to Sirius's door. It opened easily and closed just as easily, the lock slipping into place. Once the door was securely barred, the stallion clopped his way towards the kitchen, freezing as he drank in the sight of his neighbor. There was Sirius, crawling towards him on the floor, completely nude, tongue lolling out of his mouth, and his belly sagging heavily under him, shifting about wildly as Nicky took over Sasha's role from the day before at work. The smell had hit him first, but he took the strength only to be a more severe 'attack' than normal, but as soon as he saw his friend heavily gravid, he was unsure what to think.

"D-did I... get you... pregnant!?" It was all Sam could do to keep his composure. The idea that he might have had an unintended effect was beginning to terrify him.

Sirius moaned as the two vixen's inside continued to drive him insane, "No! It's a couple'a girls I met. They're inside me... and it hurts!!"

The stallion moved quickly to the wolf's side, rolling him onto his back and touching the palm of one of his large hands to the wriggling dome. Knowing he wasn't going to be a father put him at ease. But the idea that two full grown people were stuffed in the wolf somehow was beginning to work on his imagination. Those thoughts were pushed aside, hearing his friend complain of discomfort.

"I'll call 911, just wait here." As he stood to reach for the phone, Sirius grabbed his wrist firmly.

"No! It hurts so good!!"

Pain had nothing to do with it. The poor wolf was simply in need of a decent stuffing, and he knew Sam would be up to the job. Sirius begged through his moans as more sweet honey leaked from under his manhood, his shaft pulsing softly, aching for the horse's 'help.'

All the deep brown equine could do was happily oblige. He couldn't hide his apparent erection, already tenting out his rather tight pants. Sirius pawed weakly at the equine's groin, unable to do much more than moan at this point. With strength passed down through his bloodline, Sam lifted the massively plump wolf from the kitchen floor and carried him to the bedroom, setting him down on the bed. Sirius rolled back onto his hands and knees, lowering his head so that his tail rose higher in the air, exposing the source of the powerful scent. Sam just chuckled watching the distended tummy his neighbor now possessed jiggle about, slipping out of his clothing quickly. He was quite well equipped, even for a horse, large enough to leave the wolf sitting funny for a week should he 'miss' his entry. Without ceremony, the equine crawled up on the bed and started it off, not bothering to tease or take it slow and easy, simply jamming the whole of his thick, dark rod as deep into the wolf's well lubricated slit as he could. As soon as he hilted himself in Sirius's warm embrace, a yelp of surprise rose up from under the lupine, followed by a giggle and a sudden, second tight embrace, tighter than the wolf's, encircling Sam's shaft.

After a brief moment, the stallion realized what had happened, "Ooo, hehe, I like this! Double Trouble!!"

It was Sasha, now not only impaled on the lovely shaft of hir mate's. It was pushed so deep into hir passage shi could swear it was breaching into the chamber that lie beyond. But now shi was also stuck on the stallion's! He had pushed so far, so fast, he actually managed to sink a few inches of his massive growth under the vixen's tail! It brought a whole new meaning to the term 'double penetration' and it just made his eyes roll back in his head before he humped away.

Sirius whimpered and moaned, panting furiously as his tunnel was invaded once more, stretched so deliciously by his neighbor's generosity. Sam grunted and ground away, slapping his thighs against Sirius's rump firmly, his plump testicles swinging forward and striking against Sirius's, dwarfing them with their sheer size. Sasha moaned even louder as Nicky upped hir own pace to keep up with Sam's. They could feel the body holding them thrown forward with every powerful lancing. The added motion served only to help the newly made hermaphrodite rocket closer to hir first male climax, and what a memory it would make. All four continued their own efforts, pushing back against whoever it was that had penetrated them, or rocking away to fill the other with the treasures awaiting them.

The sheets crinkled up in Sirius's hands as what he sought grew agonizingly closer, one of his hands reaching down to stroke himself again but he was refused by Sam, pushing his hand back out of the way. The equine wanted that pleasure; not only screwing the wolf silly but wanting to jack him off as well, and he was quite good at it too. It wasn't the first time he had played about with the wolf's male package, and it certainly would not be the last. He gripped the canine length firmly in his hand and jerked hard, pumping back towards the thighs he was bumping against hard enough to make a light slapping sound. The repetition, while not varied in technique, was certainly enough to send the entire group to the moon.

A new howl filled the air as Sirius finally came once again, spraying onto the sheets below him, not to mention his fox-filled belly, and back onto Sam's thighs, coating the equine in warm, sticky, sweet smelling nectar. Sam himself loosed a massive blast, flooding not just the wolf's bloated womb, but Sasha's soon to be sore rump, turning hir into a cream-filled 'snack.' Nicky's own explosion came but mere seconds after, loading hir mate with even more musky male hormone, and leaving both vixens breathless. Sirius panted heavily as he basked in the glow, a purr-like rumble in this throat, mixed with a whimper as Sam removed himself from the slick tunnel. The horse flopped down next to the wolf and wrapped his muscular arms about the canine, pressing his silky, white back against the chiseled, sinuous frame of the equine neighbor. The hug was quite firm, a comfortably tight embrace. Sam's hands roamed over the now motionless bulge his friend had gained in the last day or so.

"So, are you gonna tell me what's going on? Or should I guess?" He grinned as he asked.

Sirius smiled with a chuckle through his panting, eventually catching his breath, "I met Sasha the last time you came over. You saw her."

"Yeah, that's right, the cute vixen you had over." Sam smirked.

"That night, we 'got to know one another' and one thing led to another and before I knew it, she had crawled between my legs and was in my gut. It felt wonderful. I didn't wanna let her out, but I had to, the next day back at her place. When I let her out, we both noticed she wasn't just a she anymore. Something happened while she was in my tummy, and now she's got a dick. Shi brought hir girlfriend over from work last night and we had some more fun, this time stuffing Nicky in. If I heard right, I think shi's had the same change too. Kinda cool huh?"

Sam snickered a bit and bumped his nose firmly against the back of Sirius's head, mashing the tip of his shaft firmly against the now well used passage entrance, but not letting it enter, teasing the poor lupine a bit, "Yeah, that's pretty cool. I didn't know you could stuff someone in there."

The wolf grinned and turned his head to look back at the stallion out of the corner of his eye.

"With how big that dick of yours is, I wouldn't be surprised if I could drive a bus through there."

Sam chuckled and smirked a bit, "Well somehow you still manage to stay tight as a drum."

"Yeah, I wonder why that is..." He wondered aloud, but at the same time, honestly trying to piece together how that was possible. It was quite the little mystery but so long as there were no ill effects, they did not need to question it. For several minutes Sirius and Sam lay there, recuperating from their fun while Sasha and Nicky explored one another's altered forms more closely. Muffled voices could be heard under the wolf's skin as the girl's conversed. Eventually, both Sirius and his neighbor sat up, leaning against the headboard.

The wolf squeezed his belly, "You two still doin' alright in there?"

Sasha pushed out softly against the flesh holding them in, "You bet hun! We love it in here!"

Sirius pressed a palm against hirs, able to see the outline through his stomach, "Wanna come out and meet Sam?"

There was a brief moment as the two whispered to one another quietly, giggling every now and again, "Nah, we wanna stay put."

The lupine chuckled and stroked the rather bulbous gut he sported, "For how long? Dunno how easily I'll be able to move with you two playing around in there."

"Until we decide ta come out. And don't try ta push us out any sooner or we'll bite you!" It was a hollow threat, meant only to amuse.

The ripe Sirius smirked and squeezed the dome housing the two lithe vixens, "Oh alright, twist my arm why don't you?"

The truth of it was, he wasn't ready to let them out yet, and the thought of holding on to them for any length of time beyond the moment was extremely attractive. The white-furred dome shifted slightly as the two girls moved, making themselves at home in the wolf's warm, cushiony belly. A pair of soft rumbles rose up from within once they became settled, curled up tight with one another. The resulting 'fox ball' under Sirius's fur offered a slight increase in mobility, which he took advantage of. Carefully, he scooted his gravid form to the edge of the bed as the equine next to him sat up as well.

Sam frowned a little, wanting to cuddle more and fondle that huge tummy, "Where you goin'?"

The wolf stretched a bit once he was on his paws, "I think a shower would be nice."

The stallion chuckled and nodded, slipping off the bed as well, helping his neighbor keep steady with the added weight as they made for the bathroom. The shower was quite pleasant, most of the time was spent by Sam shampooing the canine's tummy over and over again, plenty of excuse to rub and stroke the ample dome. And so the rest of the day passed in a very laid back, and rather erotic, manner. The two spent the night together while Sasha and Nicky kept their 'games' to a dull roar in Sirius's womb.

Sunday came and went with a similar speed and demeanor, but when Monday morning rolled around, the white wolf rose with a yawn, slipping back into the bathroom for another shower while the stallion remained asleep. Through the bath, Sirius slipped down gradually until he sat in the tub, stroking his overly swollen tummy. It had been a glorious weekend. Carrying those two girls around everywhere with him was the most fun he had ever had in his life, and the trip to the coffee shop was rather interesting as well. He chuckled remembering the looks he received upon the other patrons' first glances, then the bizarre stares he took note of as his belly not only moved about, but made noises that were oddly enough vulpine in nature.

Sam's blush made it all the more comical to Sirius, as if the horse was the father or something.

As the lupine lay there reflecting on the past couple of days, the two vixen stirred and woke, stretching slightly under his fur, a pair of yawns penetrating his flesh. They had drifted in and out of sleep most of the time, losing track of how long they had been imprisoned. Eventually, the question had to be asked and Sasha spoke up.

"Mmm, what time is it? Hell, what day is it?"

Sirius smiled, "Morning ladies, it's about 7 o'clock Monday morning. You two plan on going to work or calling in sick?"

Sasha bit hir lip a little, concerned slightly by the memory of how they had left Friday, "Um... It'd be our last day. We kinda decided to quit."

Sirius chuckled and patted the firm dome containing his girls, "I assumed that from the story you told me night before last. Don't think you'll be able to afford that nice place you've got over on Beaker street."

Nicky's eyes widened a little as the thought hit hir, "What are we gonna do for jobs!? Where are we gonna live!?"

Sasha tried to sooth the panicking vixen, hugging hir firmly, "Shhh, shhh, it's okay, we'll figure something out. We always do."

The wolf holding them smiled and squeezed the two girls through his pelt, "You two already have a place to stay."

Nicky whimpered, "Yeah, and now we can't afford it."

"Sure you can, I don't charge rent, otherwise you two would owe me for the weekend. I'd say the sensation of carrying you two around by itself is more than payment enough."

The girls were both left speechless as they let his offer sink in, "You... you would let us live with you?"

He smirked, "With me, in me... either way I'm happy. Always nice to have a feminine touch to help keep things looking nice."

A long silence hung in the air as the two girls stared at each other, having grown acclimated to the darkness, able to see to a degree with the faint light passing through the wolf's tightly stretched skin. When words came once again, his two 'babies' squirmed and wriggled about frantically, unable to hug him as they squealed with glee.

"We'd love to live with you!! Thank you so much!!"

The canid shivered and gasped as he tried to contain the ladies, squeezing his stomach tightly to slow their movements a bit, "You're more than welcome girls, now, climb on out and get ready, I'll drive you to work so you can clean out your desks."

Both Nicky and Sasha giggled happily and moved about once more, pushing free of the wolf's body. A part of them both was reluctant to leave, but the thought of telling the fat badger off one last time was more than enough incentive. Once exposed to the warm spray from the showerhead, both girls crawled up the panting wolf's form and kissed him deeply, one at a time.

Sasha pressed against the lupine's side, hir arms wrapped around his now trim middle, "You're just too good to be true."

"The same could be said for you two girls," he wrapped his arms tight about them, holding them in a warm, loving embrace, "I love you two. I'm ecstatic you're gonna be living with me." Never before had a male of any sort save for their fathers told either of the vixens, truthfully, from the bottom of his heart, unconditionally, that he loved them. They were touched by his affection and returned it ten fold, squeezing him as best they could.

"We love you too, Sirius. Don't you go changing on us." Nicky said with a dreamy little sigh. Everything was going to turn out just fine after all.

"Heh, I won't, I promise. Now, get ready! I wanna come meet this asshole of a boss you two told me about!"

The girls both smirked and did as he requested, wondering if his presence would have any effect on the distasteful beast. It took only a short while for the trio to clean up, helping one another get those hard-to-reach places that were so fun to scrub. They all dried off and dressed just as the equine woke, yawning loudly.

"Hey, where you guys goin'?" His vision was still a bit blurry having just come to, but he could make out the figures of one white canine and two typically colored vixens.

"Oh I'm taking the girls down for their last day at work, then we'll be back. G'head and go back ta sleep bud." Sirius slipped over, giving the stallion a kiss on the nose.

Sam had expended a great deal of energy over the weekend, so a nice long rest was very appealing. With a sleepy grin, probably due to thoughts of a nice little dream he was having earlier, he flopped back onto his pillow and passed back out, nickering softly in his sleep. Sirius chuckled, having seen that before and found it amusing each time. He and the girls left as quietly as they could and piled into his car, driving off towards the vixens' former place of business.

They didn't bother to bring a change of attire suitable for the workplace according to the dress code, opting instead to go with what was comfortable, which happened to flaunt a bit more than their work clothing did. It was sure to draw a few stares. Traffic was fairly lax and they arrived at the building in a timely manner, the wolf parking just outside before they all headed up to face the impending verbal hailstorm.

Upstairs on their floor, everyone that had arrived was busy getting started for the day while the badger, who Nicky and Sasha wished would choke on a cheeseburger, reviewed the security camera footage from the girl's bathroom Friday. The mere fact there was a security camera in the lady's room would be enough to get him in hot water with the higher ups, but his pride would not let those two get off without some sort of punishment, from him, or from the company. He wanted the satisfaction of having them thrown out of the building after a nice, loud 'You're fired!!' rung through their ears. Unfortunately, his hopes of making any more progress up the corporate later were already faint, his chances stretched awful thin from a number of other minor incidents. He growled softly watching the footage, not sure whether to be turned on, or utterly disgusted.

"Damn lesbians. All this time they've been involved with each other. That's gotta be some kinda violation." The truth of the matter was he was right. It was indeed against the rules for two employees to become involved in a romantic relationship, but there was a loophole he failed to think of. He simply was not a bright badger. He did not have a mind for rules and regulations, and that lack of interest in them was about to get him into serious trouble.

Several employees stopped cold in their tracks as the two vixens strolled casually in from the elevator, a tall, handsome wolf followed just behind them. They walked to their cubical and began gathering their things, collecting what few personal items they had brought in quickly. The work they had not delivered to their boss was saved to an external drive and removed, not willing to give him any more chances at stealing their talent. Whispers surrounded them, whispers that eventually made their way back to the badger who had given up on being moral and went for the gusto, his pants unzipped and his pride exposed behind his desk.

"Sir!!" His secretary popped her head in through the door, startling him horribly as he darted to cover himself, despite the fact that she could not see past the desk. Though it was hidden, his posture, and his high-strung reaction told her exactly what he was doing, after all, it hadn't been the first incident, and at least he was hidden behind the desk this time.

"Don't you know how to knock!?" He growled, trying to stuff his shirt tail back into his pants.

She raised an eyebrow and shot the indignation right back at him, many of his underlings had developed a bit more backbone since Sasha's outburst.

"Put that away and get out here! They're back!!" The lady disappeared back out of the door.

His eyes narrowed, ignoring the feline's impudence. He was sure to make her pay later. He made himself presentable again, grabbed the copy of the tape, and stormed out into the faux-wall funhouse that was the cubical stack. Sasha grinned broadly hearing his heavy steps coming, turning to Nicky expecting to have to sooth hir fears, but surprisingly, shi was grinning just as evilly.

"You two!! What the hell are you doing back here!? I thought I told you never to come back!!" The badger glared with untold hatred at the pair.

"You must have hallucinated that when I was about to dislocate your shoulder. We're getting our things and we'll be gone in ten minutes. So either be nice, or shut the hell up and go the fuck away." Sasha just smiled at him, then turned back to hir efforts.

The manager seethed, still deeply detesting being talked to in such a manner. He demanded they be scared of him! Why weren't they cowering!?

Sirius looked the odious creature up and down, not impressed with his build, "This fat ass is your boss?"

The badger's daggers zeroed in on the new target, growling deeply, "And just who the fuck do you think you are, you mutt?"

"Mutt?" That was one thing Sirius could not stand being called. He growled right back and the girls restrained him lightly.

"Easy there big guy. Let us handle the porker."

Again the death vision changed targets and locked back onto the vixens, "You don't have ten minutes. You will get your fuzzy pillow-biting asses out of here or I'll have you kicked out by security!"

"Why? Because we're lesbians?" Nicky practically spat at him.

He sneered back at the girl testing hir testosterone, "Maybe... or maybe because you violated the 'no workplace relationship' rule."

Sasha jumped on that one quickly, "We'd been screwing each other silly since before we came here you moron. There's nothing against a preexisting relationship. In fact, that was one of the first things I asked about in the interview. They said it wasn't a problem so shut your face."

Strike one, he was down one weapon, so the second pitch came about.

"Alright, I'll have you arrested for corporate espionage! That disk contains files owned by this company! If you take one step towards the door with them, I will have you in cuffs so fast you'll think it's bondage night!!"

Over the weekend, Sirius had read the corporate manual the girls each kept a copy of in their purses. It was a small book and outlined the rules and regulations that pertained to their department. Why they kept their copies with them puzzled him a little, but it was quite fortunate they did.

"That would be wrongful prosecution. All the files they have stored on that disk were created by the two of them, and since the data had not left their hands yet, it is still technically under their ownership. Chapter 12, section 3 - creator of material retains ownership until said material leaves the creator's physical possession. Then and only then does it transfer to ownership of the company." The wolf spoke rather matter of factly.

The sudden mention and use of the technical jargon impressed the girls, both of them turning back to look at him as he stared the badger down. That was strike two, and he was furious. Sasha could have sworn shi saw flames in his eyes. Time to pull out the last line of defense.

"If you're not out of here in two seconds, I'll have no choice but to send a copy of that tape of the two of you in the bathroom to the board of directors. They'll give me the authority to do whatever the hell I want to you dikes!!"

Nicky smirked, letting the hormones drive hir attitude for hir, "Go ahead. Bring the board down here. Call them. I dare you."

He snarled and hit the intercom, roaring for his secretary to do just that. It wasn't fully believed he could have that kind of pull. And yet, within ten minutes or so, a dozen or so people filed in wearing crisp, clean suits, standing there in front of the three staring down the badger.

"What's going on here?" The head of the board was rather displeased they had been called down.

The obese badger stood himself up as tall as he could, addressing the board with as much respect as he could muster, "These two harlots here were caught on camera engaging in maliciously obscene activities!! I demand they be arrested for indecent exposure!!"

If he could just get the cops involved, he could manage to have them brought up on theft of company material. Without even waiting for anyone to ask, he rolled the tape, stepping back to let the whole of the board drink in the erotic sight and sound. Looks and gasps of discontent were abound, and when the tape was over, instead of looking at the two foxes, they turned their attention to the badger.

"And just what the hell are you doing going through footage from the women's bathroom!? And what is a camera doing in there anyway!? What kind of sick pervert are you!?" The slanderous interrogation continued as the badger began to shrink away.

"But! But what about them!?" He pointed accusingly at the two vixens, both of them smirking at the great, fat beast.

"We're not pleased with their actions either but that is only demanding of a warning! You have been spying on women in what was thought to be a private washroom!! You're fired!! I want you out of this building in fifteen minutes!!"

The badger was horribly shocked, "Fired!? You can't fire me!!"

"Don't make me call security!! Clean out your office this instant before I have you arrested!!"

The badger suddenly lost his fire and slumped visibly, shuffling back to his office with his tail between his legs, literally. Sasha and Nicky both almost fell down laughing, held up by their lupine companion. Their laughter was silenced quickly by the chairman's voice.

"Don't think you two are getting off Scott-free. This is going on your permanent record with the company. Now get back to whatever it was you were doing before we interrupted you."

Nicky stepped forward just as they turned to leave, chiming in, "Actually, we were just leaving. You see, we decided this particular venture just isn't for us. We've found another opening with a small, private firm nearby that we think we'll be more comfortable with."

The chairman nodded softly listening to hir speak, "I'm sorry we're losing you. I hope you're happier with your new career. I apologize whole-heartedly for any grievance Simmons may have caused you."

"Oh that's quite alright. I'm sure he'll get what's coming to him soon enough." Nicky smirked.

The old feline tilted his head softly, not sure what shi meant, "Would you care to explain why you think so?"

The vixen grinned and nodded, "Of couse. You see, I'm pretty sure Sasha and I aren't the only one's he's caught on tape before, if not doing something like what we were doing, then just using the facilities. And when the other ladies find his tape collection, I'm sure there's going to be a massive law suit headed his way, which we would love to spearhead."

The grey cat nodded with a slight grin, "I trust this would be a personal claim, not one to be filed against the company?"

"Oh of course not. With the exception of lard-ass, this has been a great opportunity for us both. We wouldn't dream of attacking the company itself. Besides, you'd just shift the blame onto him anyway."

The chairman nodded lightly, "I'll have my attorney get in touch with you later this week to help get things in motion. The company will file against him as well. This is not something we condone in the slightest."

The vixens both nodded as Nicky shook the feline's hand firmly, just as the badger came jogging out of his office with a cardboard box in tow.

"I'm on my way out sir! You don't need to call the police!"

"Simmons... Just a second." The cat's voice was stern.

The badger froze and turned slowly, gulping quietly, "Y...yes sir?"

"I hope you have a good lawyer. Because you'll be hearing from mine shortly." The chairman glared unhappy at the obese fellow.

A new look of dread filled Simmons' face before he turned and ran flat out, making a bee-line for the elevator.

The older feline narrowed his eyes and leaned over to the badger's former secretary, "Have security detain him downstairs. A person running like that has something to hide."

The lady nodded, overjoyed at the thought. She hurried back to her desk and called the lobby to pass on the word.

Sasha snickered seeing everything go to hell so quickly for hir former boss, "It's been great while it lasted, and thanks for givin' him the boot for us. We gotta scoot now."

The feline nodded and turned to leave once more, "Perhaps we'll do business in the future, maybe drop a few projects your way if you're interested."

Nicky and Sasha grinned at one another, giving each other a powerful hug, then became trapped in Sirius's firm embrace.

"Great job girls! Let's go home!" The wolf squeezed them tightly for a moment then released them.

The trio gathered the two vixens' things and left the building, returning to the wolf's apartment in short order. They celebrated their successful day at a fancy restaurant, welcoming Sam along for the night. After dinner, they all returned to Sirius's place, the girls already planning out how they were going to redecorate. The wolf was a little dismayed at the sudden decision to change his apartment's look, but he knew they wouldn't be swayed, and he honestly had no complaint about what they planned to do.

Sasha spread hir arms to define the space in one corner of the great room, "I can see a desk area over here with our computers connected on either side."

Nicky nodded and turned looking over the rest of the room, "We'll need to replace his queen sized bed with a king sized. That's not gonna be big enough for all three of us."

Sasha poked hir lover's side softly and smirked, "Don'tcha mean the four of us?"

The equine coughed softly, almost swallowing his after-dinner coffee the wrong way, "Excuse me!?"

"We're not gonna leave you out of all of this, I mean c'mon. Sirius admits ta enjoying your company as much as ours. Isn't that right honey?"

The wolf blushed and chuckled, nodding in the affirmative, "Yeah, I suppose it is."

Sam's own cheeks turned flush ever so softly, "Well, um...I guess it couldn't hurt."

"Nope, it certainly won't. Now Sirius honey," Sasha moved over to him, wrapping hir arms about his waist, kissing his chest, "Why don't you go get comfy in yer bedroom, ya know... loose the clothes and all while Nicky and I go freshen up."

He nodded and kissed the vixen pressed against him, holding hir close for a brief moment, "Sounds like a plan."

The other fox smirked and moved over to the horse who seemed to be feeling a little left out, "You can join him if ya like. The more the merrier after all."

Sam grinned and enveloped the vixen, dwarfing hir with his impressive frame as he mashed her silky form against his toned chest, "I would love to."

The two men released the girls and made for the bedroom, slipping out of their clothes in short order. They lounged on their backs next to one another while the vixens disappeared into the bathroom. Behind the closed door, they shared a few whispers and giggles as they disrobed, deciding to see just how much the wolf could hold. If it worked, lord knows what would have changed by the next morning.

When they were ready, they slipped back into the bedroom and over to the bed. Nicky took the horse and Sasha took Sirius. It started off innocently enough; cuddling, kissing, a few fond gropes here and there, then the girls decided it was time to get things started. Sasha began strapping the wolf's wrists to the headboard while Nicky fastened his ankles to the posts at the foot of the bed.

Sam ventured a guess at what they were planning and grinned, "Kinky lil minxes. Mind if I join in?"

Sasha leaned in and bumped his stomach lightly with an elbow, "That's the idea stud. Why don't you get him nice and wet with a few good licks?"

The horse grinned wider and nodded, moving down to the wolf's crotch, pushing his masculine package out of the way. He immediately mashed his nose against Sirius's smooth cleft, already moistening with anticipation. The white lupine moaned and squirmed in his restraints as his arousal became blatantly obvious. The horse's broad tongue slathered the insides of his passage with saliva as it drew away every hint of nectar that was found there. Nicky and Sasha grinned, sitting on either side of the wolf, stroking his chest and whispering sweet nothings to him before they winked at one another, springing into action. With two pairs of hands mashing hard on the back of the equine's head, his muzzle began to sink into the wolf's passage, spreading him wider and wider. Moans of intense passion filled the room as Sirius's tunnel bulged. Sam yelped and struggled a little, having been taken completely by surprise, and soon, his head was gone from sight, nothing more than a firm swell in the wolf's belly.

To help relax the wolf a bit more, Sasha climbed up over him, straddling his hips as the horse underneath struggled to pull himself free. Eager to distract the lupine, the fox pushed Sirius's erection deep into hir warm passage, wasting no time before beginning to bounce away atop him. Nicky meanwhile fought to roll the horse over onto his back. Once shi succeeded, shi mounted him in a similar fashion, forcing his impressively thick shaft deep into hir own grasp. The lady moaned happily as both shi and hir mate pleased their two favorite men. The equine instantly relaxed as did the wolf, both making their own noises of approval. Their distraction provided the vixens with the opportunity to wedge Sam even deeper. With every hump, Nicky pushed the horse's form up against Sirius, his chest stretching Sirius further than ever before.

Sasha began caressing the growing bulge, slowly pumping the wolf's length within hir, whispering sensually up to him, "You're gonna love this. We're gonna rub your belly all night long once he's in there. Doesn't it feel so good?"

He nodded weakly, squirming softly, pulling against the restraints as the horse slipped deeper, now up to his waistline. Nicky thrust harder down atop Sam until finally, a whinny rose up from Sirius's fat belly. The equine's massive length throbbed away as it released its load into the vixen's warmth. Shi moaned in climactic bliss as shi took every drop he gave hir, letting the progress of Sirius's ravenous slit drag the horse's rod out of hir. The timing was perfect. Shi was emptied just after having shoved hir own spire right under Sasha's tail.

The two vixens moved against one another, the one in front taking both hir lovers at once as the stallion's legs slipped out of sight. As his hooves disappeared finally, bloating the wolf's middle out to it's final girth, Sirius howled passionately. He soaked the sheets under them in warm, intoxicatingly sweet honey while filling Sasha with lupine seed, soaking hir walls in the warm, gooey goodness.

It took little more stimulation for Nicky join in and flood hir lover's rump with hir own brand of cream. With so much flowing into hir, Sasha threw hir head back as twin orgasms struck hir, quivering folds soaking the wolf's thighs while throbbing member coated his massively swollen, wriggling belly. The two girls panted and slowly climbed off the wolf, moving to either side of him as they caressed his gargantuan tummy, kneading it firmly as Sam got comfortable inside. It didn't take long for him to understand why the girls loved it so much in there. The group, exhausted from their activities, fell asleep quickly. Sirius, having been released from the bindings, hugged the two vixens against his horse-filled gut. It was a wonderful way to celebrate the day's success.

Morning came and the two vixens went about making breakfast, letting the heavily gravid Sirius remain in bed, asleep. Sam had yet to wake up as well, far too comfortable to let much stir him. The smell of food brought Sirius to consciousness. He rose, hoisting the weighty swell containing his neighbor's sleeping form off the bed and waddled to the kitchen. He had enjoyed carrying Sasha and Nicky at the same time, and having Sam in there was just as lovely. He relished the weight, hugging low on the enormous bulge as he shuffled out of the bedroom. As he eased into a seat, the wood groaned trying to hold the combined mass of wolf and stallion. The girls giggled and stroked his belly even more as he ate.

When the equine finally woke up, half the day had passed and he was ready to climb back out. The birthing process was equally exhausting, at least for the wolf. Once he was back to his trim, toned form again, he and the girls noticed what had changed overnight. The equine rose, glistening with Sirius's moisture as hands felt over the new form, finding curves that had not been there before, as well as a pair of swells. The wolf stared in shock at what his body had created. A muscular, toned, heftily gifted feminine equine stood before the three, their attention locked with Sam's new chest before they spotted the length that still dangled between hir legs.

"Shi's a girl!!" Sasha exclaimed, practically drooling over Samantha's new figure.

Nicky shook hir head and grinned, moving over to stroke the horse's shaft, "Nope, shi's a herm, like us! I gotta say, nice rack!"

The horse blushed heavily, feeling over hir new bosom, inhaling sharply upon discovering just how sensitive they were, "Ooo... I... I think I like it."

Nicky smirked and slipped a couple of fingers into the horse's new crevice, feeling about within the new passage. A moan rose up from the mare's throat as shi moved hir hands to cup around the vixen's paw.

"You only think you like it?" The vixen giggled.

Sam shook hir head rapidly, hir mind made up now, "No!! I love it!! Don't stop!!"

Nicky obliged, stimulating the equine to hir first feminine orgasm gently. The sensation left the brand new lady speechless, seated in a chair with hir legs spread.

"Oh my god! No wonder you two are so willing to shove something in there!"

Sirius laughed and squeezed Sasha softly in his arms, cuddling with hir, "Now we've got four herms in one room. Just think of all the fun we could get up to."

Nicky leaned back from having begun lapping away Sam's soaked thighs, "I've always been partial to roleplay... and now that we have a 'big bad wolf', we could play out Little Red Riding Hood how it should have ended!"

Sirius laughed and rolled his eyes, "Good lord... I'm just going to stay sore, aren't I?"

Sam shivered and gasped through hir words, "I'd... ooo, be more than... haa-happy to... mmm... hide you... oh god yes... for a while."

Sasha cackled, "And we'd just follow him in. You'd be so big you wouldn't be able to fit through the door."

The mare shook hir head, "I don't... right there, that's it!! I don't mind."

The wolf frowned a little, "Awww, I was hoping I'd get to see if I could stuff all three of you in me sometime."

The vixen licked at his cheek, a hand stroking along his rigid spire. Shi giggled feeling his fingers slipping over to offer hir the same kindness, "Don't you worry. You'll get your chance."