Sapient Genus Species
#2 of Technical
For the Esoteric Menagerie series, a list of pseudo-linguistic references to sapient, anthropomorphic species, to differentiate them from their feral counterparts.
Sapient Genus Species
For Esoteric Menagerie
By Xanufre Zantrobus
The aim of this reference list is typically to find the most definitive scientific root to identify a single species and then supplant the end with a new suffix, -anro, which is short for andro. (ex. cat = felanro) An alternate method combines the English term in some way with the suffix -formes. (ex. cat = Catiformes) Obviously a lot of this is fudged until a better system is devised. In particular, "house" cats and dogs comprise an overwhelming abundance of varieties. It's a headache. However, a sapient biped is biologically different from a sentient quadruped, and therefore must be identified with proper vocabulary. This list is subject to indecisive revision. It is understood that these terms are substituting actual in-universe words from an unknown language. Don't forget about Ctrl+F. Oh, and some of these might be mythical. Just saying.
An NPC generator is available using this list, which even provides age, sex, coloration, and four Risus-style aspects ranked from (4) to (1). It's random; it's not sensible. (Vamale was a term replacing the rude colloquialism "cuntboy", although only "intersex" is used now apart from male and female.)
Mammals - mammalanro - Mammalia
Aardvark - orycteropanro - Orycteropus Alpaca - pacanro - Vicugna pacos Anteater - vermilinguanro - Vermilingua Arctic Fox - alopanro - alopine Armadillo - dasypodanro - Dasypodidae Badger - melinanro - Melinae / Mellivorinae (I don't give a fuck either anymore.) Bat - chiropteranro - Chiroptera Bear - ursanro - ursine Beaver - castoranro - castorine Buffalo - bisanro - bison Bunny - lapanro - lapine Camel - camelanro - camelus Cat (house) - felanro - feline Cheetah - jubatanro - jubatus Chipmunk - tamianro - tamias Cow - bovanro - bovine Coyote - latranro - Canis latrans Deer / Elk - cervanro - Cervidae Dingo - dinganro - Canis lupus dingo Dog (house) - cananro - canine Dolphin - delphanro - delphine Donkey - asinanro - asinus Elephant - proboscanro - proboscine Ferret - putoranro - Mustela putorius Fox - vulpanro - vulpine Gazelle - gazellanro - Gazella Giraffe - giraffanro - Giraffidae Goat - hircanro - hircine Gopher - geomyanro - geomyidae Gorilla - gorillanro - gorilla Guanaco - guanacanro - guanacoe Hamster - cricetanro - Cricetinae Hedgehog - erinaceanro - Erinaceidae Hippo - hippopotamanro - hippopotamus Horse - equanro - equine Hyena - hyaenanro - hyaenidae (Aeaeaeaeaeaeae.) Jackal - jackalanro - Canis aureus/adustus/mesomelas (Getting real sick of your shit, Mr. Linnaeus.) Kangaroo - macropodanro - macropodine Koala - cineranro - cinereus Lemur - lemuranro - lemuroidae (Joey?) Leopard / Ocelot - leopardanro - Panthera pardus (Screw panthera pardus when you have leopardus pardalis.) Lion - leonanro - leonine Llama - glamanro - Lama glama Lynx - lynxanro - lynx (Now explain what happened with kangaroo.) Meerkat - suricatanro - suricatta (Just stick with a damn system, people.) Monkey - simianro - Platyrrhini (In simiformes, don't want to sound like platypus.) Mongoose - mungosanro - Mungos mungo (I'm not naming them herpes-tanro.) Moose - alcanro - Alces alces Mouse - musanro - Mus Okapi - okapianro - Okapia Opossum - didelphanro - didelphidae Orca - orcanro - orcine Otter - lutrinanro - lutrinae Panda - pandanro - Ailuropoda melanoleuca (I'm up to here.) Panther - pantheranro - Panthera Pig / Boar - porcanro - porcine Platypus - platypanro - Ornithorhynchus (Are you fucking kidding me? Bird-billed?) Porcupine - hystricanro - Hystricidae Puma / Cougar / Mountain lion - pumanro - puma Rabbit - leporanro - leporine Raccoon - lotoranro - Procyon lotor Rat - rattanro - Rattus Reindeer - tarandanro - Rangifer tarandus Rhinoceros - Rhinoceranro - Rhinocerotidae Seal - pinnipedanro - Pinnipedia Sheep - ovanro - ovine Sloth - folivoranro - Polisa (Folivora? Eats foliage? You can be more specific than that.) Skunk - mephitanro - Mephitidae Squirrel - sciuranro - sciurine Tanuki - viverranro - Nyctereutes procyonoides viverrinus Tapir - tapiranro - tapirus Tasmanian devil - sarcophanro - sarcophine Tiger - tigranro - tigris Walrus - odobanro - Odobenus Weasel - nivalanro - Mustela nivalis Wolf - lupanro - lupine Wolverine - gulanro - Gulo gulo Wombat - vombatanro - Vombatidae Woodchuck - marmotanro - Marmota monax (How much marmite might a marmota eat if a marmota may eat marmite?) Yak - bosanro - bosine Zebra - zebranro - hippotigris (Hippo-tiger, what the hell?)
Reptiles - reptilanro - Reptilia
Alligator - gatoranro - Alligator (Or are you not trying anymore, either?) Ankylosaurus - ankylanro - Ankylosaurus Basilisk - corytophanro - corytophanidae (And here are words which rhyme with Cory...) Brontosaurus / Apatosaurus - apatosanro - Apatosaurus Chameleon - chamaeleonanro - Chamaeleonidae (Stop with the fucking dipthongs already. I'll punch your lights out.) Crocodile - crocodylanro - Crocodylinae Dinosaurs (collective) - sauranro - -saurus Dragon (mythical) - dracanro - draconic (Two arms and two wings.) Gecko - gekkotanro - Gekkota Iguana - iguananro - Iguana (That's how it's done, Carolus.) Lizard (true) - lacertanro - Lacertidae Komodo - komodanro - komodoensis Parasaur - parasauranro - Parasaurolophus Pterodactyl - pterodactylanro - Pterodactylus Skink - scincanro - Scincidae Snake - serpentanro - serpentine Stegosaurus - stegosanro - Stegosaurus Triceratops - triceranro - Triceratops Turtle - chelonanro - Chelonii Tyrannosaurus - tyrannanro - Tyrannosaurus rex Velociraptor - velociraptanro - Velociraptor Wyvern (mythical) - wyvanro - wyvern (Arms are wings.)
Birds - avianro - Aves
Bluejay - cyanocittanro - Cyanocitta Canary (yellow) - Serinanro - Serinus flaviventris Cardinal - cardinalanro - Cardinalidae Chicken / Rooster - gallanro - Gallus gallus Crow / Raven / Rook - corvanro - corvine (They won't get off my bust of Pallas.) Cuckoo - cuculanro - Cuculidae Dove / Pidgeon - columbanro - columbine Duck / Goose / Swan - anatidanro - anatidae Eagle - aeetanro - aeetus Falcon - falcanro - Falconidae Flamingo - flaminganro - Phoenicopteridae Hawk - accipitranro - Accipitrinae Hummingbird - trochilanro - Trochilidae Mockingbird - mimianro - Mimidae Ostrich - struthianro - Struthionidae Owl ("typical") - strigidanro - Strigidae Parrot - psittacanro - Psittacidae Pelican - pelecanro - Pelecanus Phoenix (mythical) - phoenixanro - phoenix Penguin - spheniscidanro - Spheniscidae Robin - erithacanro - Erithacus rubicula (Isn't that the title of a scat song?) Seagull - laridanro - Laridae Stork - ciconianro - Ciconiidae Toucan - ramphastanro - Ramphastidae
Amphibians - amphibianro
Frog - acranro - acrine Newt / Salamander - salamandranro - salamandridae
Fish - pescanro - (God dammit.)
Shark - selachianro - Selachii
Hybrids - hybridanro
Griffin - griffanro
Blame Wikipedia for inaccuracies and the American education system for my lack of patience (that's how socialization works, boys and girls).