Kael the wolf pup

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#1 of the stories of Kael the wolf pup

The wolf cub walked in ready to take a bath. He stopped when he realized he was not alone. His face turned bright red when he saw that his older sisters were in the bath with no close on. They saw him and laughed. He began to stammer apologies at them.

"I I'm s sorry. I I didn't realize you two were in here. I c can w wait." He said as he began to back away from the bath towards the door.

"It's ok Kael. We were just talking about you anyways."

"You were? About what? I really should go..." He stammered as he continued to back towards the door.

"Kael, come here. We need to ask you something. Get in the water already its ok."

"Ok." Kael replied as he walked nervously towards the water with a towel still wrapped around him. He did not take it off until he was at the bath's edge. He took it off and jumped in one quick motion. Due to how small the pup was, he could not touch the bottom of the five foot deep bath. When he surfaced, he saw his sisters on both sides of him. He let out a yelp of surprise and they laughed again.

"DON'T DO THAT!!" Kael yelled when he caught his breath. He hated people sneaking up on him.

"Ok Kael. Now then we want to ask you something."

"I I'm s sorry th that I br broke your perfume bottle Sarah! I I'm sorry! Pl Please don't hu hurt me!"

"You broke my perfume bottle? That's not what we were going to ask but ... To make up for breaking my perfume bottle; you will have to help us with a party we are going to throw tomorrow!" Sarah said as she grabbed Kael and pulled him close.

"Anything! Just don't hurt me!" Kael said as Sarah took him out to the deeper part of the bath.

"Elise, bring the soap and shampoo. He needs to be bathed."

"I can bathe myself! Let go of me!" Kael said as he struggled to get out of Sarah's grip. Elise brought the shampoo and soap and began to lather Kael up as Sarah lifted him out of the water. He stopped struggling when he realized he was getting away but then Elise began to wash around his sheath.

"N No! stop! Let go of me!" Kael said as he felt himself begin to harden. He kept squirming and was finally able to worm out of Sarah's grip. He landed in the water with a splash and began to swim away from them. He was not fast enough. He was grabbed again and this time, he could not get away. Elise began rubbing his sheath again and slowly his member came out. Seeing how easy it was to make it come out, Sarah began thinking about the party as she put Kael down but held him in place.

"We will help you get dressed for the party tomorrow at five P.M. You should know something about this party though. You will get hurt but it will be pleasurable pain. You don't have to do it but if you don't, then I will have to think of another way for you to earn my forgiveness. You remember when you broke my vase?"

"Yes. I remember. I will do it." Kael said as he was carried to the side and lifted out of the bath. ‘Nothing could be worse than having to eat a candle whole! Especially when they hold the only part of my body that hurts if someone breathes on it to hard; my tail.' He thought to himself as he picked up his towel and walked away with his face still bright red.

The rest of the day was uneventful as he did the chores his sister's gave him. Kael wished he could remember his mother but she passed away when he was born. His father had already died in a mugging so when his mother died, he was under the custody of his sister's. He wondered what would happen tomorrow but did not ask. He went to bed around nine o'clock since he could never stay up later than that.

When he woke up, he found it was noon. His sister's normally never let him sleep in that late. He got out of the bed and got dressed. He walked towards the kitchen to find Sarah making lunch.

"Well well sleepy head. I made you some chicken soup."

"Thanks Sarah!" Kael said as he sat down and began to eat. When he had finished, he got up to help his sister's set up all of the refreshments and everything else for the party. When they had finished setting everything up, it was four o'clock.

"Kael, I want you to go take a bath and get really clean for us ok?"

"Ok." Kael said as he walked towards the bath room. When he had finished bathing, it was four fifty. He went to his room to see what he should wear and ran into Sarah and Elise.

"Now Kael, the girls will be arriving soon. I want you to go get a pair of boxers and put them on but nothing else. Ok?"

"Wh why? Why only boxers?"

"Because I said so. Now go."

"Yes Ma'am." Kael said sulkily as he walked to his room. He put on a pair of boxers and came out to find his sisters with a bottle of something for him.

"Drink this, it will help you stay up with us tonight."

"Ok" Kael said as he drank the thing. When he put the can down, he felt very dizzy. He stumbled backwards and nearly fell over. "Wha what was that?" Kael asked as he struggled to get his bearings about his position.

"I told you. It was an energy drink. Now go stand by the front door and behave yourself.?

"yes sister" Kael said. He walked over to the door and let in all the guests. When everyone had arrived, Sarah came over to him.

"Now I want you to go give these ladies what they want to drink. Also, if they ask you to do anything, do it. Ok?"

"Ok." When Kael had given everyone drinks, Sarah came up to him and gave him some lemonade. He drank it and immediately began to feel drowsy. The last thing he remembered was the ground rushing up to meet his face. He woke up and thought he had gone blind. He realized that he wasn't blind because he could see designs on the cloth in front of his eyes. Confused, he tried to remove the blindfold but found he couldn't move his arms. He tried to call out but found something holding his snout shut. He struggle but found he could not break his bonds at all. He felt something cold and hard on his back and recognized it as one of the foldable tables. He realized his arms and legs were tied to the legs of the table. He heard someone say "He's awake!" and then he heard Sarah's voice.

"Our entertainment has finally woken up. Now I believe we had some bets about how ticklish he is and other things so let's begin testing them."

Kael felt something breathing on him and then he felt someone's hand rubbing under his arm. He tried to get free but couldn't. The hand began to tickle him and he could not do anything about it. He then felt another hand tickling his stomach when he was already shaking with laughter. Tears began running down his face as he could not stop laughing. He then felt something rub his sheath and his member came out. He felt something soft touching it and then he felt the same thing rubbing his nipples. He recognized them as feathers but he did not care. He just wanted the tickling to stop. After what felt like hours of the torture, they stopped. He kept laughing for another five minutes while money was traded. When he finally stopped, he heard Sarah saying

"Now that those bets are out of the way, I think we had some about whether or not his tail actually hurts when touched." When Kael heard this, he began struggling anew. He tried to yell but he couldn't. They saw his reaction and there were some comments about how cute he was. He realized he was on top of his tail and gave a sigh of relief until he felt his arms and legs being untied. He was easily picked up and flipped on his stomach back on the table. He struggled but found himself outmatched by the people holding his arms and legs. He was tied back down but before anyone could grab his tail, he began to move it randomly in the hopes that no one would be able to catch it. He felt a hand grab his tail and the tears began anew this time from pain. He tried to call out again but only managed a muffled mew. Some of the girls "awed" at that. He felt something tied around his tail and then he could not move it. He felt another hand grab it and began to rub it. Each rub brought out a muffled yelp of pain and more tears and struggling. He then felt something place under his tail so it was not hanging and then he heard Elise say "where is the hammer?" When he heard this, Kael freaked. He began shaking and struggling and crying and calling out but only got a few pats on the ass and a few how cutes. Slam! He yelled as loud as he could but all that came out was a little louder yelp. It continued for an eternity and then he felt his tail tied to something around his neck. He was so relieved that his tail would not be attacked anymore that he did not realized something being lined up with his ass until it was too late. Crack! Crack! Crack! "How many does he need?" someone asked.

"Twenty-five should do!" Sarah replied. Tears were flooding his face and he could not do anything. When it was finally finished, Kael could not think straight.

"Alright girls. Let's head to the bath pond! Elise, bring Kael but tie his paws together." Sarah called as she led the girls to the pond. Kael did not have the energy to be able to get a baby off of him so he was quickly tied up and carried to the pond. He felt himself go weightless and then realized that he had been thrown. He landed in the water and sank. The blindfold came off and he felt someone pull him up. Looking around, he saw girls; all Sarah and Elise's age looking at him. He realized he still had an erection but did not know why. He saw Sarah walking in with a bag full of stuff but he did not care. He wanted to get free.

"Now who said that his ass could handle all the dildos we have? Ok. Well I have the dildos and a pacifier gag if you want to change out the muzzle. Bring him over here so we can begin." Sarah said as she pulled out exactly what she said she had as well as some vibrators. He was carried over and laid down on the floor. Before they removed the muzzle, one of the girls placed her mouth on his cock and licked it until he came. She had a lot of his semen in her mouth and then the muzzle was removed. Before he could speak, she had placed her snout in his and spat out all his semen in his mouth. He did not want to swallow it but before he could spit it out; the pacifier was shoved in his mouth and strapped to the back of his head. They then grabbed his legs and chained them above his head so his ass would be fully exposed. He still had an erection. One of the girls began to tickle his foot and he began to shake with laughter. He felt something being placed at the entrance to his tail hole and then it began to go in. His eyes went as wide as possible and then some as his pupil shrank to dots from the pain. It was shoved in and then pulled out. He heard one of the girls mention bleeding but he could not think. The action was repeated with a different dildo each time and the vibrators stayed in him for ten minutes each. After what seemed like an eternity, they placed a dildo bigger than all the rest by far and began to shove it in. He nearly feinted from the pain but he didn't. it was left in him and then it began to vibrate. He felt something being placed on one end of the thing around his throat and realized it was a string. They led it through a crack in the dildo and up to the other end of his neck. They tightened it until there was no slack and he would be in the fetal position for it not to be shoved even further in him. They untied his legs from above the wall and then they all took off their clothes. Some of the girls licked his member while others licked the soles of his feet. Some of the girls tickled him and others grabbed and pulled and licked his nipples. The torture went on forever but they finally stopped. They had made him cum too many times to count and the last one made him faint. He was drenched with sweat and other stuff and his face was drenched in tears. When he woke up, he was sore all over. He was lying in his bed and the memories of what happened came flooding back. He began crying very loudly causing Sarah and Elise to run in.

"What's wrong? Did you have a nightmare?"

"GET AWAY FROM ME!! YOU HURT ME!!" Kael yelled as he huddled in the corner of his bed away from the girls.

"What? You fell asleep during the party so we carried you up here. The energy drink did say something about possible nightmares. We would never hurt you. Now go back to bed Kael."

"Ar are you sure? It seemed so real. And I do hurt all over!"

"I swear Kael, we did not hurt you. Go back to bed and you will feel fine in the morning. In fact, you should take it easy tomorrow Kael. I will do the chores since you are not feeling good now.

We love you!"

"Ok. I love you two. Good night." Kael said as he turned and fell back into a peaceful well earned sleep. His sister's never lied to him. They had not hurt him at all.