The Lycanthrope Tails. Chapter Five.

Story by Roofles on SoFurry

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The Lycanthrope Tails

Chapter Five

By Roofles

Dakota woke in the early morning, even before the sun had even begun to rise, and heard the sound he had been so hoping for. That of a howl that echoed around the mountains, calling him and the pack to return. Yet, why then, at this moment was he filled with so much despair hearing it? In his arms was a human and yet all night long he kept him close, warm in his embrace. Safe, secure and secret from his pack. The very one calling him.

Dakota knew it was best to just go out now before they came looking but even as he laid Jared on the couch gently slipping over the still slumbering soul, he could smell that man's faint scent all over himself. And he liked it. He didn't want to have to shower. Dakota didn't want anyone to find out for his and Jared sake. So he quickly hoped into the shower and scrubbed every inch of himself off in the freezing cold spray not wanting his own lustful state to cloud his judgment on the matter. The pack was being summoned and he needed his full focus, not needing the extra baggage.

As he got out of the shower, using Jared's towel ironically to dry off, he walked in on the very man looking over at him as he woke up from all the commotion. Dakota wasn't exactly being quiet in his frustration, clawing the very wall as he walked by.

"Dakota?" Jared asked rubbing one eye. "Fuck, it wasn't a dream." And he laugh lightly at that, getting up and stretching, scratching his belly as he walked over. "Is everything alright? You aren't..." Jared looked around the room sleepily. "Aren't robbing us, are you?"

"What? No. I'm fine." And Dakota face fell as he looked at the sleepy man. He reached out for him but kept his fingers away, pulling them back and down to his side. "I have to go... take care of something. I'll be back for you shortly!" He quickly added, taking a step forward and restraining himself from grabbing the man. From dragging him along with him.

"You don't have too..." Jared offered back already knowing the answer. He just didn't like how Dakota had said "back for you" rather than here or to town. Was he planning on taking Jared somewhere?

"Please stay here. Please promise me you won't leave." Dakota begged, pleaded even and his golden bronze eyes widen as he asked. "I can't..." And Dakota swallowed the rest of the sentence. "It's safe here, secure."

"I don't plan on going anywhere." Jared offered. "Besides, no matter where I go you seem to find me." Jared had said jokingly.

"Oh," Dakota just said blinking a few times. "That's because of your scent." And he gestured to the scarf he had hung up in the bathroom. "You mind washing that for me? Wearing it. Then giving it back to me." Jared blinked at him before laughing.

"We'll see, bud." And Jared patted his chest moving past him with a yawn. "Funny," he said looking over at Dakota.

"What?" And he quirked his head to the side looking at the human.

"You said you found me by scent." And Jared flicked the side of his own nose. "Maybe that's what the hunters are doing to catch you." He chuckled some more.

"Impossible. Humans can't follow our trail from our scent." Dakota just said back to him. "How do you know they were following us?"

"True," and Jared shrugged covering another yawn. "You were the one mumbling about it all night." And he looked over his shoulder at him, and offered another shrug. "Maybe they have a wolf or something then." And he waved the man off, hoping he would forget where Jared lived. Jared just went into his room, locking it behind him. Requiring some much needed, ungroped sleep.

Dakota's face fell at what he had said, an that the room had been locked. It'd be easy to pop the door knob off or break it down with a finger. Dakota forced himself to turn away though, heading for the door. His own legs felt as if they were moving through a swamp, each step growing heavy the farther they carried him away from the man in the other room. Dakota made sure to lock up the best he could, marked the front of the door then on all fours headed for the forest. The call from the pack was too strong to resist.

It was as difficult as it had been before, running with only three good legs. His injured leg felt better but oddly ached worse the farther away from Jared's house he got. The wolf stopped several times to look back as if trying to catalog the direction directly into his brain to return. He left a trail for himself to follow and on the top of the hill side, near the animal clinic, he looked down over the town.

It was a small thing from way up here, nestled between all the trees and mountain range, this town. Tiny little lights glowed in the buildings and all Dakota could hear was the silence of the forest around him. He could smell the fresh air, feel the mud between his toes and that wind blow through his fur. And all he wanted to do was run back to the very place he had just come from. Over the hard pavement and down the streets that stunk of garbage, oil and car exhaust. And back to the bed waiting for him in the cramped, small space, trapped inside a building as if it were a cage. The sacrifices one makes...

Dakota just shook his head of the thoughts and let his instinct take over, leading him through the dense forest and towards where the pack would gather. He could smell them in the air and kept low to the ground as he moved faster, heading back to those he called family. The large paws slowed down and he looked back one more time. "Please be safe..."

The large russet red fur wolf wasn't a fool and lurked outside the clearing he had come to, walking around it and sniffing at the air from all directions to make sure it wasn't a trap. It wouldn't be the first time they had used such cruel, yet cunning, tactics to capture his kind. They knew more than anyone else how close a pack was with each other. The easiest way to get to the others was to use bait. Even the strongest of his kind stood little chance walking head first into a trap. And they had lost more due to this than anything else.

When one of your own was tied up, being tortured and howling in pain it was all a wolf could do but to run to their side.

Dakota didn't move until he saw the great white wolf walk forward and up onto the dead tree in the center of the clearing. His fur rustled in the wind as he, the Alpha, lifted his head towards the dimming stars above. The great wolf was snowy white with dark coal black eyes that gazed around the whole clearing seeing what Dakota couldn't.

"Come forward, the area is safe." The Alpha spoke and his voice boomed around the clearing. Even before Dakota rose up in greeting several others stepped out from hiding.

Once upon a time ago his pack had been the greatest within North America, roaming as far as Alaska to Ottawa. However as Dakota looked over his brothers and sisters, his heart sank low into his chest. Not even half of them were here now. They had grown too large, too arrogant and had crossed human territory one too many times. What was left of his pack was a handful at best, slim pickings from the best to the worse. Most were still young, untrained and only still getting used to their wolf legs. The more experienced ones had given their lives to protect the young, the next generation.

Dakota noted the fact Alpha was standing alone, by himself, on the center tree. He was always one to stand over the rest, yet he was never one to stand alone... And for some reason, only now, did this bother Dakota as he limped forward. Being stood over like the rest.

"It aches my heart to see how few of you are here," The Alpha spoke with a soft, yet powerful voice that made everyone lower their heads a bit more. Dakota kept his where it was as he looked around the others, listening little to what he had to say. "And still I am happy to see that you all have made it here today. To this meeting." And he nodded towards Dakota at this.

"Why have you called us?" A female spoke up off to Dakota's side. She was one of the few experienced members left, yet still a new member to the pack. Her fur was a light brown and pieces of moss clung to it giving it a green tone like a forest floor. Dakota wasn't even familiar with her name. "It is foolish to gather us all here out in the open."

"At ease, Sylvan." The alpha bowed his head in only acknowledgment, his chin not even lowering below his chest. "This is urgent and could not be avoided. I myself have made sure that our meeting would be safe."

Sylvan didn't seem convinced, but she didn't say her thoughts aloud. Beside her two of the younger wolves coward not looking at the Alpha.

"I have gathered you all here today, so we may regroup. Lick our wounds in our safety of numbers. And take a much needed rest." Alpha looked over the younger members as he said this. "We are all tired. Hungry. Thirsty. I have brought food," and he motioned behind him. Dakota could smell the carcass of an elk or moose but couldn't see it. His eyes were still looking around at the pack. "I have already had my share, so help yourselves. Sate your hunger. There is a stream nearby, fresh from the mountains."

There was several growls at this as the younger pups bounced on their feet looking at one another and wagging their tails. Most of them were already off to do just that. Some just curled up next to the tree and fell asleep even before their bodies rested on the earth. They were weary, tired and their ignorance had left them cold, hungry and on their last leg.

"Is that all?" Sylvan spoke only after the younger members had left or fallen asleep. "That is why you gathered us all? What if they come! We would be sitting ducks for the slaughter. This is foolish!"

"Peace," the Alpha said but growled under his breath. "I know what I am doing, Sylvan. The young ones need their rest. They are not strong as you, or I."

"That maybe so-," she pressed taking a step forward but a louder growl cut her off. She folded her ears, legs crouching down and she lowered her head not meeting the Alpha's gaze. Sylvan grinded her teeth but held her tongue.

"If I may, Alpha." Dakota finally said looking away from her and up at the wolf. "Would it not be wise to increase our pack, then? We have lost so much," and he gestured around them. "Would it not be for the best?" And he thought only of Jared as he spoke. "It would put the burden off the young ones." Most of which kept a large distance from the russet red fur wolf. Even his gaze abound them made them shirk away in fear.

Alpha nodded at this as if thinking it over. "I have taken a great time to ponder this. However, it is not wise for the time being. We are few in numbers but that means less mouths to feed, more room to spread our legs and most importantly easier to hide from those who seek us. The newly turned would be feral for many moons and it would take great time, patience and training to bring them into the fold. We do not have any such commodities for us right now." And he sniffed a bit, looking down at Dakota. "Where have you been, Red Fang? Why ask such a question?"

Dakota looked away. "I have been hiding amongst the humans. It was safest at the time."

"I see." And Alpha wrinkled his nose at the scent. "You should wash yourself in the stream, the smell is nauseating." He turned his head, looking back at those who were still gathered. The older members that knew they could wait to eat and drink as they see fit. "We are waiting on the rest to show up. By nightfall I plan to have the pack moving due West, into the denser forests where we may lose ourselves in the trees."

Dakota folded his ears at this, planning on taking Jared with them. He could easily turn the man. The problem lay only with the pack. If it wasn't allowed, if it would be a threat to the pack... they might take him away. Eliminate the threat. And might ask him to be the one to do so. That would complicate matters...

Everyone was already on edge these days and it would take very little to set them off. Dakota was a fool to come, he should have stayed back with Jared. They didn't need him here. If this was the only concern? Safety of the pack was the Alpha's job, his job was something else entirely...

"We should fight." a pale fur wolf spoke only after the Alpha had stopped. The wolf was one of the smallest of the bunch but his scars alone showed how long he had been with the pack.

"It would be suicide now." Dakota just said to him. The wolf had light powder blue fur that matched the Northern snow. Dakota had taken a seat and as he was the only other to keep his head up, he towered over the rest that slink around below the Alpha's gaze.

"In direct confrontation, yes." The wolf said wisely. "If we do hit an run tactics, we can wittle down their strength. Then, when we see fit, we can put this threat down on our terms. Not theirs."

"We are not ones to hide in the shadows with our tails between our legs." Dakota just replied with a snarl.

"An weren't you the one to hide amongst the humans?" The pale fur wolf replied. Dakota didn't get a chance to speak as Sylvan cut him off.

"Back when our pack was at full strength we would not need such tactics." Sylvan was more than happy to jump in, walking over to join the two glad to see others had come to the same conclusion she had. "When we had Grimjaw, Deerstalker and Lily pad." She muttered under her breath looking down at the ground, mournful for their loss.

"She was one crazy bitch." The smaller of the three barked, grinning widely. The pale fur wolf wagged his tail looking off with a dreamy expression thinking of Lily Pad. "Foxy as a... fox."

"And also was the Alpha's mate." Dakota felt the need to point out. He was frowning now looking over at where the Alpha who had laid down, up on the tree above the rest. "Why is she not here? The two were inseparable."

"Something must have happened." The powder blue wolf shrugged a shoulder. "Grim was his flunky as well. His butt buddy," and the wolf snorted at that chuckling like a hyena under his breath. Then he shook his head. "We lost a lot."

"Grim was a big oaf, with more brawn than brain cell." Sylvan laughed now, shaking her head. "Raith, I would have thought you would be one of the first to fall." She teased a growl at the powder blue wolf.

"Where I lack in size, I make up tenfold in cunning." Raith just replied calmly without even seeming to notice the insult. He rose his head proudly. Both of the other two saw him to be more of a fox than a wolf. Slender, sharp features with jagged edge fur.

"Grim was the Beta," Dakota said getting back to the topic at hand. "Lily Pad was his mate. Why, then, is the Alpha here alone." And he growled at this stomping his foot down and really forcing this point in.

"Maybe that is whom we are waiting for?" Raith said thinking the matter over and answering with the most logical reasoning. "Why else would the Alpha gather us all here in the open?"

"A good question indeed," Sylvan growled now keeping her voice low. "A good question indeed."

"Why," Raith asked suspiciously looking at Dakota. "Why are you asking about this? You never come to the meetings, let alone join in. What ulterior motive do you have?" Raith was shrewd, sometimes too nosy for his health and Dakota narrowed his eyes as the powder blue wolf sniffed at him. Dakota lifted up a paw to swipe at the smaller wolf's muzzle but Raith withdrew just as quickly as he had done the deed. There was a look in those pale gray eyes and a smirk formed on the corner of Raith's snout.

"Watch it." Dakota growled a warning.

"At ease, Red Fang of the pack." Raith bowed his head moving a step back. "We have other pressing concerns."

"That is my only concern." Dakota replied sharply making the smaller wolf pull back a bit more as if he had just been smacked in the face. Dakota was stunned with himself at the venom to his voice as he spoke. As if Raith had insulted Jared directly. The large russet red fur wolf looked away with a growl.

"What is the meaning of this?" Sylvan inquired looking between the two.

"It is nothing, Sister Sylvan." Raith chuckled taking a seat out of Dakota's reach. "He was just giving me reason behind his actions, is all." And Raith did move closer, circling around Dakota as he spoke, his shoulder rubbing behind him followed by his tail that looped around his side as Raith moved past. "We all have sniff the butt of The love that dare not speak it's name."

"Weren't you going after the Alpha's mate." Dakota frowned at him as he circled around the russet red fur wolf once more. Dakota watched with as he went wondering how many punches would it take to get to his gooey center. "That is a very different kind of issue, Raith. And problem. And is your own." Dakota said getting up planning on just heading back, regretting this whole waste of time when he could be snuggling someone who didn't want it.

"And she isn't here, Red Fang." Raith said as Dakota turned away heading back the way he had come. Dakota stopped to look back at him. "Some of our most practiced members are missing." And Raith let that sink in.

Dakota took a moment looking at him. "We..." He swallowed the word planning to keep Jared out of this as long as he could. If Raith were to rat Dakota out however... "I have a theory that one of our own is responsible for this."

"Captured." Raith thought that over taking a seat in front of Dakota. The larger wolf leaned back a bit eying him suspiciously. "Enslaved and tortured for information on our whereabouts. Our routes and the most likely course we'd take. And where'd we go." He scratched his chin with a claw mulling that over. "They'd most likely know already then that we'd head West. Have a contingency plan for it. They might burn down the whole woods, if it comes to that."

"Even knowing, it is still the best action we can take. Our numbers are too thin to match them as we are now." Sylvan just said coming back into the conversation now that she knew what they were talking about. "Once we get into the forest it'll be too difficult to get us."

"Most of us, you mean." Raith pointed out. "The young won't make it. Only few of us will get out, this time. Gathering us together, moving as a pack... It is true that most of us will get away safely. And most of us," he just added with a glare. "Will end up dead. A distraction so the others can escape."

"Alpha must know that." Sylvan frowned.

"He must think it's for the good of the pack." Raith noted. "They will catch those they can to lure out the rest."

"Lure?" Dakota asked looking at him.

"Yes, as bait. It's super effective." Raith chuckled with a roll of his eyes, not one to be fooled so easily. You don't live as long as he does, being the smallest member of the pack, without knowing a few things.

"Bait..." Dakota frowned at that. "I have somewhere to be." And he stood to leave once more.

"And of the pack?" Sylvan growled after him. "Will you leave us too?"

"I have my own... to worry about." And Dakota took off into the forest. "Please be safe," is all he could say as he tore through the forest using even his bad leg the best he could to move even a second faster. Dark thoughts already growing in his mind at the very fear of such a thing happening to him.

Tess was busy texting, and thus harassing, her brother who had seemed to have forgotten about her. He did send a text telling her that he'd be up in the morning but that didn't mean he could just ditch her for the day! She was bored, and hungry... and broke. She needed his money and car to do anything fun! So Tess chose to harass him until he replied.

Jared didn't reply however.

She just tossed the phone onto the couch in the closed waiting room and headed into the back room to go find something to do, like harass Morris. In the meantime she could plot ways to get back at Jared for ditching her, unaware at that time that the side door was still unlocked as it had been before.

To say it was unlocked, wouldn't have been true. Mary could easily pick such a simple thing, even in her sleep! Those of the animal clinic hadn't even relocked or checked on it. And while Morris had been correct to say they wouldn't return for them, Mary wasn't here now for any of them. No, she needed something to use...

"Plan B." She muttered snatching the phone and slipping out just as quickly as she had come in, walking with the grace and poise as a model walking down the runway. "Bait." And the first thing she saw was a photo of the brother and sister used as a screen saver. And around his neck was a red, black checkered scarf just as the great wolf had been wearing. "Fascinating..." And a wicked smile formed on the corner of her face as she already began to crack the code for the cellphone.

Jared was already getting up, groaning as he looked at the time. "Fuck me silly and call me Sally." He said under his breath seeing the time. He had woken up so early the day before, and even earlier today! What madness was this! It should be the opposite. Staying up all night and sleep all day.

His only comfort was the fact he was alone in the house, something he made sure to check. Every corner, crook and cranny of the place Jared went over; only finding dust bunnies under the sofa. Better safe than sorry, even still he didn't enter the master bedroom. His hand inches away from the door knob, shaking slightly before pulling back.

"Damnit," he could only mutter in the silence of the house. At least he had left the radio on in the kitchen. He almost missed that warm embrace of the other man... Just the sound of another living being inside this house with him. He detested silence more than anything else. The sound of that heartbeat, Dakota's heavy breaths... it all had been so relaxing.

Jared flushed brightly, shaking his head off. "Dude, chill. Relax. Calm the fuck down." He said to his own reflection in the mirror. "It was some random naked dude. A dude!" He shook his head again, rubbing his forehead. "Fuck. I can't believe..."

Jared wasn't short nor was he tall. He was average in a lot of ways but still somehow managed to stand out in a crowd. He kept his hair short, facial hair trimmed and worked out every couple a days during the week. A good diet and constantly working kept his figure healthy. Nothing that would make someone just cling to him as Dakota had but not someone that wouldn't be hit on either.

That sort of affection and interest in him had just stolen his breath away and they hadn't even done anything! Just sort of hugged, awkwardly, on the couch during the night. Jared could still hear the sound of his heart beating against the side of his face, the very smell of the other man lingered in his nose. And even the next morning all he could do was think about was him. That strange, naked man he found in his home.

Ok, so it wasn't the most pleasing of thoughts. More kind of the creepy kind. Didn't mean Jared wasn't flustered over it all, finding his heart racing quickly. He actually had to go into the kitchen to get a drink of water to cool off. It had been so mild, so simple and yet it had been a heated exchange. Dakota could be very grabby.

"It was a guy!" Jared knocked his head against the wall softly. "Get bad thoughts out." He grunted before rubbing at the bump and looking over onto the counter where he had left his phone.

It buzzed lightly. Just another text from his sister, he was sure. So he went about his morning routine, ignoring it. Jared chose not to give himself a much needed fap, seeing as how his thoughts weren't on his side. A cold shower helped take care of that.

"Don't leave the house?" Jared grumbled as he put his toothbrush back. "What am I? A child? I don't even know the guy! Hell I doubt that was his real name. What kind of name is Dakota?" Jared sneered a bit, chuckling before shaking his head. He nearly froze his balls off in that shower and still he found himself getting hot and bothered, and still thinking about him! "Ordering me like that... begging me rather." And he sighed, shaking his head. "Dude prob won't even remember how to get back! Let alone come back." He had almost been sorry to see him go in the first place.

Jared made himself a light breakfast, some waffles that he just set on the counter before turning back towards his phone. He dropped what he was doing and quickly looked the message over once more.

"Scared. Downtown. I think someones following me. Please help." It was a message from Tess. There was another with it, more urgent and with some directions to the place. Jared stopped everything and ran for the door, grabbing his coat on the way out and not even shutting it all the way.

The small town didn't really have a "downtown" to it. It wasn't a bad section of town. It was just remote, removed from the rest. A place where stores had closed down and bums lived at. Not particularly dangerous but still the place you would call the "worse part of town."

And it was Tess. That made everything five times worse. Every other thought had been forced from his head as he drove down the street in his truck, looking to the left and right before checking his phone again. The two had grown up together. Their was a special bond between twins other siblings would never fully understand. And Tess was the only family Jared had left. And he couldn't lose her too...

"I'm here." He texted back getting out of the car and shivering in the cold air. He left the truck, pocketing his keys and keeping his phone in hand. He looked around. Twilight had set in and everything was illuminated in the soft light of morning.

Jared could make out the stores, all of which had closed signs on the front. Wooden boards had been hammered over some of them and windows had been broken on others. Most of the stores had metal bars protecting the window, that didn't stop people from breaking the glass anyways. Jared could make out a few cardboard boxes here and there from where bums stayed for the night.

He didn't get a text. He didn't get a reply. All he heard was the soft sound of boots steps behind him. Jared turned just in time to see what hit him and a flash of white blonde hair. Then everything went black.

Dakota was back to the house, in half the time it had taken to leave. His legs seemed to know where they wanted to go and all he had to do was give in to that and let them carry the large wolf all the way to his doorstep. Dakota took a moment to catch his breath, panting heavily and holding his hind leg up closer to his animal body, wincing at the throbbing pain.

The door was unlocked and Dakota's face fell as he saw it hadn't even been closed all the way.

"Man. Person. Are you here?" He said loudly pushing his way inside. It was only then that Dakota learned he hadn't even learned Jared name yet. The man had asked for his but not given his own. Scrunching up his brow Dakota tried to recall what they had been saying when they first found the large, injured wolf. There was that girl, and some older dude... and then... "Jared!" He called moving through the living room and not even caring that he knocked over the side lamp. Dakota sniffed at the waffles that had fallen to the ground. "Pup? Are you here?" He moved past and into the bed room to look.

Dakota spun around and was already sniffing at the ground once more, moving towards the garage. He didn't even bother to try to open it as with one paw, broke the side of the door and swung it open. "Jared!" He shouted into the dark garage. His golden bronze eyes looking around before he pushed the side button to open the garage door.

His mind hadn't been thinking. Not putting it all together. Until the garage door opened and he saw that Jared truck was gone. And his heart fell.

"Did he leave?" Dakota paced back and forth in the living room. "Run away?" He sniffed at the air and there was a lingering stench of fear to it. "The doors open, food not even touched... Something happened." And he stopped at that as his eyes burned red. "Something happened." And he was going to make who did it pay with blood.