pokemon addventure

Story by shadowolfie on SoFurry

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#1 of pokemon adventures

a new story i wrote i am going to post a drawing of leon (the trainer) before or after i finish the second chapter

(9:37 AM)

It was a calm Saturday morning my mom was downstairs cooking breakfast. I sat up in bed and looked at my clock "9:37 Am I guess I need to go and shower." I get up out of bed and go into my bathroom and after my shower I looked at myself in the mirror. My long white hair hanging a little past my shoulders my grey eyes making me look as if I was blind, I smiled I wasn't the worst looking guy in the world. I may not have large muscles but I was pretty strong, my mother called me from downstairs "Leon get down here and eat your breakfast before you leave." "ok mom I'll be down in a minute."

** I quickly got dressed in my blue jeans and my white tee-shirt then I put on my grey long sleeve shirt then I put on my black sleeveless jacket and grabbed my bag and went down stairs to see my mom in the kitchen. "morning sweetie you ready to start your adventure?" I sat down at the table "yeah im ready I got the money I saved from this summer and my pokedex im ready but I thought first I could eat some breakfast." she smiled and put a plate down in front of me with bacon, eggs and grits on it. I smiled and started to eat my mothers cooking probably for the last time for a long while.**

** I had begged her and begged her to let me go on my own pokemon adventure and last week she finally caved and told me I could go. She smiled and reached under the cabinet and got something out from under it "here sweetie I got you this." she presents me a brand new sleeping bag with the tag still on it and everything "thanks mom you're the best." I finished my food and put the sleeping bad inside my bag. "you have fun on your adventure and here." she holds out three thousand pokedollars. I look at her shocked "mom are you sure I have seven thousand already you don't have to give this to me." she smiled and put it in my hand "you need it more than I do and with one less mouth to feed around here it should be easier on me and your sister." I hugged her tight "thanks mom tell sis when she wakes up that I love her and that I promise to show her all my cool pokemon when I come to visit." mom nodded "I will sweetie now go and have a good time" I smiled as I hugged her one last time and walked out the front door. **

*(10:11 AM) *

I stepped outside into the cold winter air a thick layer of snow on the ground it was nothing new but the snow was always thicker in snowport when it was winter well my first objective was to go and buy all the supplies I needed so off to the pokemart I guess. I walked to the towns pokemart and I walked inside the warm heat hitting me as I stepped inside I looked around the store and I got a bunch of food and snacks a couple of full heals and super potions then I got ten ultra balls then I saw something on display at the front counter I looked at the box and it said poketranslator and a tag that said five thousand pokedollars I frowned. I could really use one of these but I don't know if I will have enough after all of this stuff. I had the clerk scan all of the items I got "and the total is four thousand six hundred and fifty pokedollars will that be cash or check?" I grab the poketranslator "here add this as well." he scans the translator "ok your new total is nine thousand six hundred and fifty pokedollars cash or check?" "cash" he nods and presses some buttons after I hand him the money "here is your change have a great day." I take my leftover money and walk outside back into the cold.

(10:33 AM)

I walked through the woods the snow lightly falling onto the ground layering the other layers of snow the snow crunched under my feet as I walked down the path leading to the mountain that splits this region in half. I looked up into the sky and saw dark clouds over the area there must be a storm coming.

*(12:48 PM) *

I walked down the path a strong wind blowing as the clouds got closer and closer snow falling at a very fast rate then something about the size of a acorn hit my head then another it had started to hail I looked around for the rest stop for trainers to see if it was nearby, but I couldn't see it but I did see a cave I ran into the cave as fast as I could before it could start to hail to hard. I stood in the cave and looked inside it was empty and there wasn't any signs of a pokemon living here so I decided to unpack and setup a small camp until the blizzard was over the snow and hail and wind only got stronger as time passed I had hoped this would only be a small blizzard but it looked like it was a big one. I got one of the chocolate bars from my bag and I ate it leaving me with three more for later. I tried to pass the time but I couldn't find anything interesting to do so I got out the poketranslator and set it up while I had the time I put the small device in my ear so I could see if I hear any pokemon and find out if this thing worked or not , but I couldn't hear anything case there where none nearby. I sighed and climbed into my sleeping bag and went to sleep hoping that the blizzard would have died down my the time I wake up.

(7:47 PM)

I awoke in the cave to the sound of a large pokemon growling at me the inside of the cave to dark for me to see what pokemon it was. "what are you doing in my cave human?" I quickly explained to the male pokemon that I was there case of the storm. He sighed "fine you may stay but if you try anything I wont hesitate to attack you." I nodded to the pokemon "I understand" he walked over to the other side of the cave and as he did I felt a large amount of the warmth I had when I awoke go away.

** I thought to myself what pokemon he was could be a houndoom, ninetales or a arcanine I could tell he was big from his shadow so that took out any of the smaller pokemon I guess he is a arcanine I heard there was a rumor about there being one in the area I didn't think it was true but I guess it was. Just then my stomach growled and I reached into my bag and got a glow stick out of my survival pack mom gave me I cracked it and shook it until it glowed the glow was weak but I could see as far as my arm length. I opened my bag and dug through it looking for the dried fruit I had bought. I was to busy digging through my bag to hear Arcanine coming closer to me I felt the area around me get warmer and I looked up at the towering six foot tall pokemon the average arcanine was over three hundred pounds of strength but this was the first time I had ever seen a arcanine with black fur his tuff of fur around his neck and ankles was still a creamy white like all the other arcanine and the black strips that a normal arcanine had where red it was very intimidating but at the same time amazing to see a pokemon that no one else had ever seen before. He bent down and started sniffing my bag "hey do you have chocolate in here?" I nodded "yhea I do why?" he looked at me "I want it" I looked at him shocked "what why do you want chocolate?" "case I like it and ill call it payment for letting you stay here."**

** I reached into my bag and got the three chocolate bars and set them down in front of him. He layed down and looked at the chocolate then to me then back to his chocolate "could you open one of these for me?" I face palmed myself for forgetting that he couldn't open the packaging "sure ill open it" I opened one of the bars of chocolate and presented it to him in my hand. He took the bar from my hand and gobbled it down and sighed happily "its been so long since I've had chocolate" I smiled and reached over and petted his creamy white fur on the back of his neck I guessed he liked it because he didn't growl or tell me to stop.**

(10:38 PM)

My eyes where heavy as I sat in the cave the glow stick barely creating any light now I kept catching myself dozing off as I sat beside Arcanine his warmth not making it any easier to keep myself awake I was fighting a losing battle I soon layed down beside him to go to sleep but before I fell asleep I felt a large paw pull me into a warm hug he nuzzled against me and I smiled as I went to sleep feeling safe in the large pokemon's protection.