Circumstance part 1

Story by Wip on SoFurry

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#1 of Circumstance

The story is about fox fallen on hard times and a bear that takes advantage of the situation.

It might be best to think of this as my practice range. I'm playing the plot by ear, just rambling along and stretching out my writing muscles. So fair warning that the work is probably not all that original but I'll try to work in a goodly amount of smut and kink in subsequent installments.

Feel completely free to offer up criticism, comments, requests and/suggestions. I'm an approachable kind of feller, no worries about me taking offense. I'm here to learn.


The twisting pain of hunger helped to steel his resolve. It was this or starvation, he told himself as he walked the last few blocks.

The emaciated fox gripped his stomach again. It could have been nerves as much as hunger. Prostitution was definitely a last resort at which he had arrived. It had been a long downward spiral ever since moving to this city. He wanted a fresh start but instead found nothing but bad luck. He lost three jobs, two due to the businesses shutting and the third, selling discount electronics, after he got caught trying to steal tablets. He had managed to alienate every friend and acquaintance he had made since coming here, not that that number was staggering and having burned all bridges to his home town he found himself for the first time utterly and completely on his own. Sid was alone.

Ward street was hard to distinguish from any of the the other streets in the economically depressed area of downtown, but Sid remembered always seeing a few hookers plying their trade when he used to ride the bus through the area. It seemed as good a place as any to take his final step into the gutter.

There they were. A fucking cornucopia of furs and scales. Probably the most diverse street in the city, now that he thought about it. Girls, guys and others of every age and every shape scattered in loose clumps up and down the road. All dressed to titillate and seduce. Some of them look more plastic than flesh and others wore clothes more expensive than a years rent at the shit-hole apartment he was getting evicted from. Sid took a look at himself. What did he have to offer? Short, even for a fox. Skinny; refugee-skinny, not sexy-skinny. His clothes were a faded gray hoodie over an even more faded gray t-shirt that might have once had a band name printed on it. His jeans were so threadbare that some of the holes were on the verge of obscene. And his shoes were off-off-brand he lifted from a walmart a few months ago. The most expensive thing on him was a set of ten ear studs, five on the inside ridge of each ear. Also the only form of self expression he could presently afford.

"Yeeeah, this is going to go great," he said to himself, momentarily considering turning around. But his stomach seemed to protest. Even if he just made twenty dollars Sid could stretch that to maybe two weeks of food. Three if he was not picky.

There was no set plan for anything. He thought a hundred dollars would make the night a success. With that he might even have a slight chance at begging his landlord for an extra week.

Sid sighed loudly to himself. If only he'd had some drugs to take the edge off... of course then he could sell the drugs and avoid this whole unpleasant impending experience. Sid was not gay but had no illusions about whom he was going to be servicing. Fucking women, he thought bitterly, all they have to do is ask for it.

He stopped a few store fronts down from a group of chatting women, or very convincing transvestites.

A car rolled slowly by. Sid's heart jumped. He back into the dark doorway of the closed shop hoping the shadows concealed him.

The car came to a stop in front of the group of happy whores. Sid stared trying to take in as much information as he could.

A few from the group walked closer to the curb. They leaned near the passenger window. Probably negotiating a price, thought Sid. Something green passed through the side window. A hand grasped it. The door opened and one got in as the rest turned back to join the conversation.

"Get the money up front," Sid told himself.

Gathering up as much courage as he could, Sid stepped from the shadows and stood nearer the road. As much as he could he tried to fain a relaxed "who-gives-a-fuck" pose he saw the more veteran hookers used.

The night wore on. Sid began to alternate from anxiety to disappointment as one car after the next rode by. Few gave him more than a glance.

Deciding he needed to up his game, Sid pulled off his hoodie. It was not yet winter but it was fall and late at night. He began to shiver. How the nearly naked prostitutes kept from freezing to death, he had no idea.

With no phone or watch Sid had no way to tell how much time elapsed but eventually a black truck rolled to a stop across from him. Between the hunger and the cold it took his brain a moment to process this.

The window rolled down as he approached.

"You look a little lost," said a deep voice. It was a bear. Big too. Even sitting in a large SUV it looked like his ears were pressed down against the ceiling.

Sid shrugged. suddenly he felt very ill-prepared for negotiating. "A-are you looking for a good time?" he mentally cringed. An unfortunately timed shiver made him come across as even more inept than he felt.

The bear regarded him for a time. Then a deep rumbling laugh. "You must be new to this."

Sid shrugged again. "Yeah."

"Well get in and let's talk. It must be cold out there."

It was but Sid still had his wits about him. "Let's talk money before we go anywhere."

The bear laughed again. "Come closer. Let me see your teeth."

This was confusing but Sid leaned into the passenger window. He really needed to seal the deal. The bear's hand shot up and grabbed Sid's muzzle. Sid pushed off against the door but he was at a bad angle. He felt his jaw being wrenched open. The bear's face got close. Inspecting Sid like a side of meat. Then he let go.

Sputtering, Sid jumped back from the truck. his head spun from the sudden burst of adrenalin. "What the fuck!" he screamed.

"Relax. Had to make sure you're clean. I don't want to catch a disease."

His head was still spinning. This psycho might be his only chance tonight. Fighting every urge to bolt, Sid picked up his sweater and move cautiously back to the window. What was one more indignation at this point?

The bear smiled in a manner hard to distinguish from a disdainful snarl. "Good boy. Hop in and let's make a deal."

Fuck it, thought Sid. He opened the door and pulled himself up. The warm air from the heater was heavenly.

When the door shut the bear started the engine again.

"Wait!" Sid protested.

"If I stay parked here any longer we both risk getting arrested." Thankfully he did not start to drive off. He just looked at Sid.


As the SUV drove off Sid was extremely grateful the bear waited for Sid's ok, less likely the bear was a serial killer. He was almost certain he did not have the energy to jump from a moving vehicle and run.

The smooth sound of a well maintained engine and the passing neon signs set the mood as they pulled into an empty parking lot. "So," said Sid, "I was thinking I could jack you off for a hundred?"

That deep laugh again. "You're not worth that."

Sid looked offend.

"No offense. I guess you are new... Here's my offer: you let me face fuck you and if you do a good job, I'll give you thirty bucks."

Sid's ears drooped. his mouth opened but what could he do? "I... I want the money up front."

"Heh. For what? You haven't done anything yet."

"But-" anger and frustration fought for his tongue. This was not how it was supposed to go.

"Don't cry," said the bear.

Sid just noticed his eyes were getting moist. He cursed himself and turned his head.

"Alright, boy. You can hold the money. It's not like I couldn't just take it if you wuss out."

Sid did not want to look at the bear or say anything. This was possibly the most depressing time he had ever been through.

Three bobbing tens made their way before his eyes. He sighed and took them."Look... I-" he swallowed. His throat was dry. Probably not a good sign. "I've never did this before. You're going to have to tell me if I'm doing it wrong," he said meekly.


Damn him, thought Sid. He knows what I mean. Does he get off on being a prick? He shook his head, still avoiding direct eye contact. It was a bad move. The scene started spinning again like his brain had come loose. "I've never given a..."

"Oh," he chuckled. "Seriously?"


"Wow! I mean, wow!"

Regret. Sid wished he had kept his mouth shut. More blood rushed to his head. Edges were starting to blur and sounds were reverberating.

The bear would not let it go. "What the hell made you want to get into this life?"

"It's not a 'life.' I just need some cash."


"What? No! Not that it's any of your damn business, but I'm going to spend it on food."

"For a slut, you sure have an angry mouth."

Sid panicked. there was nothing to stop this grizzly from taking back the cash, shoving him out and stomping his ass. trying to sound sincere, "sorry. I just haven't eaten in a while..."

The bear could smell the desperation. "No fucking excuse."

Sid's world swam. "Please!" He looked at the bear, now a dim, fuzzy blur. "I'm sorry! I'll-" he made a fumbling reach for the bears zipper but the darkness over took him before he could know if he was on target. faint echoes ringing in his ears then nothing.


He was somewhere soft. Soft and warm. With great effort he opened his eyes. Zero recognition. This was not his apartment.

He tried to think. Where am I? Why? W- before he could finish the thought last nights events started replaying.

"Fuck me," he croaked in resignation. There was no way he could see this situation ending positive for him.

Experimenting, he moved his limbs one at a time. They all seemed to work and were unrestrained.

He took in a deep breath. It was the bears smell. This was his place.

Maybe I can sneak out. He could be asleep or at work, Sid thought hopefully.

With that set as a vague objective, Sid pulled off the thick blanket. A surprised "yipe" escaped his lips. He was naked.

A new goal. Find my clothes, he thought.

He swung his legs over the side of the bed and pulled himself to a sitting position. He closed his eyes and waited for the spinning to stop.

On shaking legs Sid wobbled his way around the bedroom. Before he could start rummaging through a closet he heard the now familiar voice of the bear.

"Come get some breakfast," it bellowed.


Sid abandoned the search for clothes. he made it to the bedroom door and griped the frame for support while he pushed it open. His bushy tail wrapped around to protect what modesty he could still claim.

The bear laughed at the fox. "You were pretty out of it last night. Wasn't sure if I should have left you out on the street."

"Thanks," indignation could wait. Clothes could wait. "Y-you said something about breakfast?"

"You look like you could use some." He motioned to the chair across from him at his kitchen table.

Sid let go of the door frame and staggered to the proffered seat. Immediately Sid began shoveling in spoonfuls of scrambled eggs with reckless abandon.

"Jeez," remarked the bear, "you weren't fucking kidding. When was the last time you ate?"

Without pausing Sid shrugged. "Three days ago I found a candy bar."

"Hah! Well, I'm not much of a cook, but you're welcome to eat your fill. I'm sure you can work it off."

Sid's heart beat faster but he did not stop eating. Nothing is ever free.

When Sid pushed the plate way after his third helping it brought a close to that quiet breakfast. The bear still leering at him and Sid doing his best to avoid eye contact.

The bear asked, "what is your name? You had nothing in your pockets."

"Why did you take my clothes off?" countered Sid.

"Isn't it more comfortable sleeping naked?"

"Yeah, but-"

"You're welcome. Now what do I call you? 'Boy' sounds a little demeaning..."

It was. "Sid."

"Sid," the bear rolled it around his tongue like a pretentious guy sampling wine.

"So," said Sid, "what do I call you?"

That deep laugh of his was beginning to grate on Sid's nerves. "Why don't you call me Glen. It's Glen Hess but I've seen you naked and you've begged to suck my dick, so I think we can skip some of the formalities."

Sid averted his gaze again. He could feel his face getting warm.

Glen was finding this immensely entertaining. Sid was not.

"I'll tell you what, Sid. I have to go to work soon, so why don't you just chill here for awhile. Have some food, take a shower, watch some TV, whatever. And when I get back we can pick up where we left off last night. Sound good?"

No, thought Sid, it most certainly did not. "Yeah."

Glen got up. "Sid, Stand up for a second."

He did, and his eyes widened. the bear was huge compared to the fox. Sid''s head only came up to Glen's chest. It was clear this was all about intimidation even before Glen leaned in close and said in just above a whisper, "if you're thinking about ripping me off... I will track and kill you."

Sid swallowed hard and backed away a step.

Glen let loose a rumbling laugh. "Until then, make yourself at home."

The massive grizzly turned and plucked a set of keys off a stand near the apartment door and left.

"...Bye," Sid called.

He was alone again. It dawned on him how strange life can be. He was naked, his tail wrapped around his front like a furry fig leaf, in the apartment of a guy who may or may not kill him.

Yeah, he could run. But there was nowhere to go. He had until Saturday before his landlord changed the locks and promised to "shoot that fucking deadbeat trespasser on sight," if memory served.

In resigned indifference he wandered around Glen's apartment. It was a lot bigger than his. And more furnished.

When Sid got to the living room he was awestruck at the size of the television. He sat down on a luxurious white leather sofa, sinking in, and turned the behemoth on.

An hour of flipping between soap operas, live court broadcasts and daytime talk shows left him feeling a bit more calm.

Sid fixed himself a sandwich after some exploration of the kitchen (not a kitchenette, Sid noted impressed).

Then it was off to the bathroom where he found his rags of clothing folded on a towel rack. They seemed out of place in such a nice home.

Already naked, Sid stepped into the spacious shower and let the warm streams wash away his thoughts.

In a leisurely couple of hours under the blissful water Sid decided he would still be here when Glen got back. Worst case scenario, Sid would get to spend a few more hours in luxury before doing what he promised to do last night. Best case scenario, supper might be involved.


When Glen arrived home he was not at all surprised to see evidence that Sid was still there.

Sid's shoes, socks and hoodie were still in the bathroom and the soft sounds of television were drifting from the living room.

With great personal restraint Glen managed to empty his bladder with out stroking himself in anticipation of what was to come.

Glen walked softly to his living room. Sid was curled up in the corner of the couch. A cheap sci-fi movie played n the television screen.

Running his eyes over the sleeping fox Glen said quietly to himself, "I think I could get used to coming home to this."

Louder, "Siiiid... wake up foxy."

There was a flicker of ears.


The fox sprang to life. Ready to flee until he remembered what was going on. "Oh. Glen. Uh, hi."


"I, uh, waited."

"I see," Glen kept his voice neutral. He recognized the low self esteem and wanted Sid to try and impress him.

"Yeah. um, I would have made you supper, b-buut you didn't say what time you'd be back, so..."

Glen let the silence eat at Sid.

"Before supper...Did you want me to..."

Glen raised an eyebrow.

The fucking sadist is going to make me say it, thought Sid. "The, uh," he coughed, "blow job... that... that you paid for. Last night?" Sid burned red and his ears were flat.

Delicious, thought Glen. "Alright. Glad to see you so eager. You really waited all day? I would have thought you had a home or job to be at, still kind of early."

Sid was thankful for any opportunity to delay the inevitable and suddenly became a lot more chatty.

He went on at length about how miserable things had been for him since moving to the city, carefully editing out the parts that could imply he had brought some of this on himself. Glen just sat next to him, giving monosyllabic responses when warranted. Sid talked more openly to Glen than he had anyone else since moving here. Later it would depress Sid, but for now, as long as he was talking he did not need to worry about taking a giant bear penis into his maw.

When Sid finally ran out of things to say he not only felt foolish but his eyes started to sting. He turned from Glen and as nonchalantly as he could he wiped the back of his hand across them.

Glen silently took in the scene. This appealed greatly to his sadistic inclinations... but some of that damn compassion was poking through too. Hmm.

"Sid. I might bee able to... help you out," he spat the last words. It just did not feel natural.

A sniffle came from Sid whose head was turned away.

Glen continued, "if I offered to let you stay here, room and board, would you be interested?"

Sid turned to face him. His eyes were wet but now held a glimmer of hope. but ever suspicious that hope faded fast. "What would I need to do?" he asked softly.

"Nothing more than what you were selling on the street. And you wouldn't have to deal with the unwashed masses of degenerates and pervs. Just one."

Sid's mind reeled. He doubted he was in the right emotional state to make the right decision, but his mind replayed the last year. All the intermittent homelessness, the cold indifference from everyone he met, the hunger... what was his pride worth? Was it worth some stability? This apartment was a heaven compared to the small, cold, roach infested, cement box he was going to be kicked out of. And the thought of working the streets like last night, for every day of his foreseeable future.

"I... would really like that."

Glen smiled. He knew he had him. "Hold on now, Siddy. I said the offer was there but I need to know you can live up to your end."

Sid was approaching a breaking point. He sputtered and in the high nasally voice that was music to Glen's ears began pleading his worth. "I- I can do that! I know I've never done it before, but- but you could teach me!"

Glen laughed at him getting so worked up. It was foreplay to him. "Hmmm. I tell you what. If you can deep throat me, that means I want it _all_to be down that cute muzzle of yours, then I'll believe there might be some hope for you. deal?"

Sid nodded. He was afraid to speak. The less he tried to analyze what he was committing to, the better for his mental well being, he assumed.

With his big boot, Glen pushed the glass coffee table away from the couch. A flick of his hand indicated where he wanted Sid.

Sid obliged and slide off the couch, crawling the two steps that put him on his knees I front of the grizzly.

Glen spread his massive thighs giving Sid a path to his test.

Sid was deliberately slow in getting to his task but Glen did not seem to care.

Tentatively the fox edged closer, his head between the walls of Glen's cargo pants clad legs. Sid rested a hand on the bulge and looked up to Glen.

The bear stared down at the fox. His gut would obscure much of the action, Not that he figured he was fat, just more of him to love. "Go on, boy. It won't bite you."

Sid fought back the urge to cry. He wanted to focus on the task at hand, not how he felt about it.

Trembling fingers undid the button and pulled down the zipper. a warm blast of musk invaded Sid's sensitive nose. He did not expect it and pulled back with surprise.

That rumbling laugh descended from above and Glen's admonishing voice, "don't be a pussy. Put your nose to it and let me hear a big, deep sniff."

Sid shuddered at the prospect. Asking for Glen to take a timeout and a shower were obviously out of the question. He pressed his face back into the growing bulge and as loud as he could, took in a deep breath of the sweaty air.

His stomach churned and his head spun but Glen seemed satisfied and wedged himself against the back of the couch for leverage to pull his pants and boxers down for Sid.

Good lord! thought Sid. It really was huge. Thick and maybe ten or twelve inches in length. Granted there was an issue of proportionality, but Sid was very grateful he himself was not naked. His self esteem might not stand another blow.

Glen helped things along with a few quick pumps. "Remember, Sid, you take the whole cock down to the base or you're out on your ass."

In incoherent protest he babbled to Glen, "th- It- It's too big! How can I? I-I-,"

"Don't start crying again. if you ask real nice, I'll give you a hand. "

Sid was stunned. How was he going to do this?

Experimentally he stuck his tongue out and prodded the head. It was wet with pre. Salty, bitter and oily. Not something Sid would recommend. He opened his jaws as wide as they would go and went to work trying to slide the anaconda in without letting his tongue touch it as much as that was possible. The top of his head pressed into the bears stomach.

At what Sid hoped was past the halfway point he felt the head hit the back of his tongue triggering a gag reflex. His head shot back trailing strands of saliva and pre.

He wiped his mouth and looked up helplessly at Glen.

"Did you want that help now?"

Sid knew he would not like it but obsequiously gave a nod.

"Ok. Get it back in your mouth and relax your throat."

As if that was possible, thought Sid. He stretched his mouth open again and slowly went down the shaft.

Without warning a colossal hand palmed the back of Sid's head. In the time it took to utter a surprised muffled yelp, that massive hand pushed down.

Sid felt the back of his throat part to accept the bear cock. His tongue was pinned and his air was cut off. In a furious panic he pushed up against Glen but it was like trying to move a brick wall.

His watering eyes bulged at the sensation of a sausage ramming its way down his esophagus.

I'm going to die! his mind screamed.

Just as roughly as it was pushed down, Sid felt his head being pulled up. the cock was still in his mouth but with heaving gasps he could draw in some air. Then down again.

This repeating nightmare went on until stars danced in his blurry vision. He had stopped pushing back and the moans of his pain were drowned out by the bears moans of pleasure. The monotony finally broke when Sid was hit with a fresh sensation. warm fluid. The sliver of his brain that had not shut down freaked out. It's blood! he thought. He was sure something tore and he would soon drown in the arterial sprays of his own blood if asphyxiation did not get him first.

Glen was lifting Sid's head off of him. A rope of thick cum spurted again, this time into Sid's slack mouth, giving him a taste of what had been pumping down his gullet.

Sid choked on the salty phlegm like gob as he again gasped for his life. His head rested on glen's lap while he focused on not dieing. A hand began stroking Sid's ear. He did not have the energy to pull away. All Sid could do was stay limply on his knees.

the ragged gasping slowly turned into shuddering sobs. Sid's throat felt raw, his lunges burned and he felt like he was going to vomit.

"You did good, Sid," said Glen in a slightly patronizing tone.

Without moving, Sid tried to speak. It came out in an unintelligible rasp instead of the pronouncement of damnation Sid wished he could pass on Glen.

"Shhh. You probably won't be able to speak for awhile. But on the bright side, I've decided to let you stay." He resumed petting Sid's ear.

From the puddle of semen, drool and tears pooling on Glen's thigh, Sid was not at all sure whether this was worth it.


When Sid finally found the strength to get off his knees, he spent an awkward sleepless night on the white leather sofa. Needless to say, he skipped the supper of microwave burritos that Glen prepared.

By the time the sharp ringing of an alarm clock brought him to full consciousness, Sid was feeling marginally better. He laid there until he heard Glen coming out of his room. Sid rolled off the couch and stood. Aside from the sore throat he felt repetitively fine.

When he made his way to the kitchen Glen was putting a plate of bacon in the microwave. It was still dark outside.

"What time is it," he asked hoarsely.

"Four," Glen turned toward Sid. "Glad you're not broken, 'cause that was fun as hell, last night."

Sid sat at the round kitchen table and hung his head. "I... honestly can't do that every night. I think I almost died... could we, maybe, do other things?"

"Hah! Don't be so fucking dramatic, my little fox. But, yes. I would actually prefer to mix things up."

The toaster sprung. Glen proceeded to get two plates and juggelingly stacked them with bacon and toast. "After today, I think you should be the one to cook the meals."

Sid was so happy Glen did not object to sex acts that were less life threatening he would have agreed to anything. "Yes, sir!."

"Heh. I like that."

It just slipped out. Sid felt the increasingly familiar sensation of a blush coming on. What the hell is wrong with me, wondered Sid.

Over breakfast Glen told Sid to go to his old place and take anything he wanted to keep. Sid was uncertain if it was still legally his but saw no harm in walking down there to see.

Glen reached in his pocket and took out his wallet. "I'm going to give you some cash for a cab. And I want you to stop someplace and buy a pre-paid phone."

Unaccustomed to generosity, Sid was at a lose for words. "Wow. Thank you."

"it's not just a gift, so don't get sentimental. I need a way to get a hold of you."

Sid took the five twenties. He could not remember the last time he held that much money. His contemplation ended when Glen said he would be back around five so Sid should have something warm waiting for him. Sid shivered at how that could be interpreted.

With a laugh at Sid's unease, Glen tossed him a spare key and left for work. Sid was curious what "work" he was in but thought better than to ask.

"I guess I'll clean up then," he said to the empty kitchen.

After washing the dishes and putting them away, Sid found a roll of trash bags he could use to clean his stuff out of his old place. The metaphor it lent itself too was a little painful.

That is when Sid noticed he still had the smell of Glen's essence in his fur and on his shirt. He scratched what he could off his shirt. The warm shower he took almost made him feel things would work out. Maybe he could adjust to things.

He continued to ponder that as he caught a cab to his old apartment. Was he a whore now? Was he Glen's boyfriend? Was there even a relationship dynamic to be analyzed? Sid was pretty certain he was not even gay. The dick sucking was about self-preservation to him, not sexual.

His reverie was once again interrupted. This time by the jackal driver, shouting at him in his guttural tongue.

"Fucking ripoff!" said Sid as he saw the fare. "You'd think for that price I could buy a few damn minutes to myself."

The jackal stared uncomprehendingly.

"Gibbering asshole," muttered Sid as he left the cab.

The building Sid stood in front of was a stark contrast to Glen's place. Here half the windows were boarded up. The brick facade was crumbling in patches. It was only four stories compared to the fifteen he had left.

Sid put his hood up and hoped to pass by the buildings front office without running into his landlord.

Sid finally caught a bit of luck. No one in the lobby or the stairwell as he sprinted up two at a time.

There was no point in ever taking his keys. The lock had been broke since he moved in. A couple sharp jiggles of the handle and the door clicked opened.

Roaches scattered as Sid turned on a flickering light. The kitchenette/living room was only about half the size of Glen's apartments living room. It was pointless to even compare, thought Sid. He kicked absently at a pile of empty ramen noodle cups. No point going through the fridge, he thought.

The only things he had were a few changes of clothes in his bed nook. They needed to be laundered but until recently that was of low priority. He left a soiled pillow and mattress. The desk lamp that served as the bedroom light was tempting (it worked) but ultimately not worth lugging across town.

Making one last survey of his living room area he saw a rusty pocketknife he found a few moths ago. It brought back more memories than anything else in the apartment.

He flashed back to the time he found it. It was in the gutter in front of a bus stop. The money situation was getting worse. The knife he found, though small and rusted, was a symbol of power to him. He pictured himself waiting in a back alley outside of a dive bar. He imagined waiting for a drunk to stagger out after closing time. A quick flash of the metal and the hapless fellow would gladly hand over his wallet.

Sid never followed through on that idea. He was too small to be intimidating and the luck he was having would lead him to a jail cell. That was the point that kept him from dipping too deep into a life of crime. For some reason, foxes did not statistically fare well behind bars. Sid could not think why.

Then there was that darker time, maybe two weeks ago. Sid would sit in his living room, propped against the wall with the least amount of plaster falling off (he had no furniture). And he would experimentally hold the open blade to his wrists or where he thought there was a major artery on his neck. But the blade was probably dull, he guessed, and he was no anatomist. Maybe it was just cowardice that night that kept him alive, he had thought.

Sid decided he had been crying far too often lately. "I need to get out of here," he said to himself.

On the way out Sid kicked another pile of rubbish and backed out the door flipping a defiant bird to that chapter of his life.

And that is when the hand slammed around the back of his neck. In a blur Sid was yanked backwards. The hand let go so Sid could take the full impact of the hallway wall behind him.

The wind was knocked out of him, but he already knew who it was before he recovered.

"The fuck you think you're doing, bitch?" growled the six and a half foot tiger.

"I'll have the rent! I swear it!" Sid said in a rough voice. He bent forward to take the pressure off his probably bruised shoulder blades.

The tiger had heard this before. "You're late too fucking often."

"I swear, Mr. Torcaso. I swear to you, I'm getting some money today!" some how Sid was still holding the half full garbage bag containing his clothes. "See!" he held it up to the tiger like lawyer would raise a damning piece of evidence.

The tiger did not see the connection. Rather than play twenty-questions he did what had always worked for him.

A paw wrapped around Sid's already sore throat, pushing him back up the wall. The tiger's snarling maw bent down to eye level with the choking fox. "Bull shit," he spate menacingly.

As clearly as his crushed throat could make it, Sid croaked, "I'll even have enough to do laundry!"

The tiger released Sid who slid down to the floor gasping.

The tiger paced in front of Sid. "I'll get the full amount tonight?"

Sid nodded vigorously. He doubted he could talk.

"You know what I'll do to you if I see you back here without that money after tonight?"

Another earnest nod.

"Get up."

It went completely against Sid's instinct to stay down, but just wanting to get out of there as fast as he could, he struggled to is feet. He held his bag in front of his chest like a shield, his ears pinned flat.

The tiger stalked closer. Sid flinched when the tiger jerked back his arm. In retrospect it might have been seeing the tensed body and shut eyes that triggered the right hook, thought Sid. Never make yourself an inviting target, he had learned.

The fist connected above Sid's left eye. The tiger waited a moment to see if Sid had any fight in him.

He did not.

"Fucking pussy," said the tiger. He picked up the fox under one arm and the black bag with the other. By the time he was in the front lobby the limp form was starting to twitch.

Sid awoke fully in mid free-fall to the cold pavement. A heavy but soft mass landed on him right after.

"Don't come back without money, you hear me?"

Sid stayed laying face down on the sidewalk. "Yes, Mr. Torcaso," he mumbled.

A minute without a surprise kick and Sid felt it safe to assume his landlord had finished with him.

He crawled back to his feet amid the ambivalent pedestrians that walked by him. It could have gone worse, Sid thought.

By the time he trudged a block, Sid was already putting the incident behind him.

Sid's side of town was not a place anyone would want to go, but it did have a surprising amount of phone stores. Most sold knock-off imports or secondhand hot phones in addition to the burners and pre-paids.

Sid was no longer welcomed in a few of those stores, and others that he had shoplifted from without getting caught, he avoided just out of habit. Finally he stopped in front of a dilapidated building flanked by two liqueur stores and across from a pawnshop/check-casher. The rusting sign read 'Cigs N Cells'.

Sid walked in. From behind a bullet proof wall of glass a muffled voice called out. "No vagrants, no handouts, no help wanted. Fuck off."

Sid sighed. His general appearance and the trash bag slung over his shoulder made it an honest mistake. Rather than getting pissed, Sid fumbled in his pocket for the waded bills to show the wolf.

This put the encased proprietor at ease. "Sorry 'bout that. You know we have to be careful."

Whatever, thought Sid. He cleared his throat a few times while he look through the scuffed plexiglass at the selection of phones. "I'll take that one and..." Sid did some mental calculations, "put forty-five dollars worth of minutes on it."

Declining three minutes worth of attempted up-sells, he watched the clerk head in back to get his phone. It was not the cheapest but it was not nearly the most expensive. A functional model. It had been a while since Sid owned a phone. He could not think of any numbers he could call.

Sid left the store wondering if he should feel pride at having a phone again or shame in how he got the money for it. He opted not to dwell on it. Putting the cell in his pocket, he took out what was left of the money Glen had given him. Around twenty-five dollars remained.

A thought occurred to him. The nicest thing to happen today was getting this money from Glen. If i take a bus instead of a cab, I'd have like twenty dollars left... maybe I should pick him up a thank you gift , he asked himself. Is that gay?

He crossed to the pawn shop and started browsing.

An hour later Sid still was not sure what to get, or if he should even buy a gift. On one hand, if there was no reciprocity for getting the money it made the prostitute parallels more blatant. On the other hand, Sid only knew Glen for two days, during which time Sid was striped naked while unconscious and later face-raped to a point near death (regardless of how Glen would word it). Sid stroked his chin. He had a place to stay and food. "I guess that warrants a gift," he muttered uncertainly to himself.

He poked absently at his left eye. It was definitely swelling, but it did not feel like the eye socket was broken. Still it annoyed him that he was not more careful leaving. He was sure he could have out run the tiger if the bastard had not gotten the jump on him.

Sid pushed that out of his mind again and left the store hoping for inspiration striking him on the bus ride back.

Circumstance part 2

5 That evening when Glen got off the elevator he was greeted with something he was unaccustomed to. The pleasant odor of home cooking. It delighted him to no end when he was sure the smell was coming from his apartment. As Glen fumbled for his keys...

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