A Story on my Human and Skunk Love

Story by Lone Fox on SoFurry

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#319 of Lone Fox's Art

I decided to write a story for my Human and Skunk Love Art.

So here it is.

Now I don't care if it is not written just right or anything.

I just want to know if you like it or not. OK?

And Thank you.



The story begins on a Planet in the

Omega Sector

Markis wanted to get away from the Human Race. He hated the way Humans treated other beings that was not as smart or looked diffrent then them. Markis wanted to go to one of the Planets that had been Tamed by Man. (or taken over).

So Markis goes to the Planet Salaryn (sa.la.ryn). There he puts down a clame on 100 Acres of land and then puts a Prefab home on it. Here Markis plans on living to get as far away as he can from humans and there inhuman ways.

Now Markis has been living on Salaryn for about a year. He has had the chance to see and meet the locals. They look more like Humanoid Skunks. But they seem to lack the Skunk stink. Now one day his warning system toled him of a Forest Fire about 10 miles North West of his place. So he goes out in his Speeder Flyer to chick it out. When he gets there the fire seems to be burning in a grassy plane and looks like a small village in the center was burned out.

As he looks it over, there seems to be no one around. The Fire looks to be burning it self out also. So Markis speeds to the burned village. His Bio meater reads one lifeform in the center of what was once a village. Markis lands and sorts in the rubble. He soon finds a burned body. He digs it out and sees that most of the fur is gone and 3rd degree burns on it. And that it is female. He puts her into his Speeder and rushes home.

Once home Markis goes to what looks like a Barn for cattle. But he has no cattle. But in the barn tere is a Robotic Medic. He takes the Burned Female into the chanber and starts the RoboMedic. The machine scanes the female. "She is a Local and is badly burned" "Yes. I know she is." answers Markis. "Can you help her?"

"I can do 94% repair on her. Sir."

"Good. How long should it take?"

"It should only take around 6 to 8 Hours."

"OK. Let me know when you are finished."

"Yes Sir."

6 hours had gone by and Markis had not heard anything from the Medic. So he goes to the barn to see how things are.

"How is she?" Mark asks.

"I have about 12 minets to Sir."

"OK then I will just sit here and wait." and Markis sits on a bench. Soon the Medic speeks. "Sir I am finished."

Markis goes into the chanber. He looks down on the female. All her burned skind is gone and her fur has been regorwen. She looks Normal. "You said you would only be able to do a 94% repair on her. She looks fine to me." Says Markis. "I was able to fix all her outer damage. I can not do anything about her being sterile. Sir."

"Sterile?" asked Markis. "Yes Sir." said the Medic. "OH. OK then I shall take her into the House and put her to bed tell she wakes." answerd Markis.

"Yes Sir. She should sleep tell morning Sir."

Said the Medic.

Markis takes the female skunket into his home. He puts her in a spair room on a bed and then puts a cover over her. "There you go. Sleep well and tomorrow we shall see how you are." Markis then leaves and goes to bed him self.

The next morning Markis goes to check on the female. She seems to be still sleeping. So he goes to the kitchen to get something for breakfast. Soon Markis hears a screem.

He runs into the room to see what is wrong.

"AAAAAAAaaaa....!!!! Where am I!" screams the skunk.

"You are safe here in my home." answers Markis. "Who are you and where is this?" She says. "I found you in a burned out village. Don't you remember?" Markis askes. "Village? OH! Yes. I remember." the skunk looks herself over. "There is not burns and my fur is OK! How?"

"I brought you to my home and my Medic fixed your burns and all. And now you are here. You remember anything about the Fire?" Markis askes.

"No. Only that everyone was running and yelling Fire. Then the hut I was in fell on me and then the fire. I felt it burning me but could not get out. I thought I was going to die. Then all went black." she said.

"You saved me?" she asked.

"Yes. Yes I did." answerd Markis.

"Why? You are Hooman."

"I may be human. But I care about otheres. And hate to see anyone hurt. So I brought you back here to be healed. My name is Markis. What be your name."

"I am Breeann. Thank you for saving me. Markees."

Makris smiled at her saying his name. "Come let me show you around my Home."

Breeann got out of the bed and stood for a moment. "OH. Dizzy." Markis grabed her to keep her from falling. She looked at him holding her arm. She then knew he cared. "Thank you." She said.

After Markis showed Breeann his place he took her back to the house. "Are you hungry?" he asked.

"Yes. Yes I am." she answerd.

He fixed her eggs and ham. "Here you go."

"Mmmm. This be good. You no eat?"

"No I ate allready."

OK this is how Markis and Breeann first met.

From here they became best friends and then Lovers.

Hope you liked this.

Sincerely: Lone Fox