Lost and Found Pt.3

Story by Articus hare on SoFurry

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#3 of the Lost and Found Series

Lost and Found Pt.3

*Parker's sidearm, as you will see later in this story, is a .45 SAA, which means .45 caliber single action army. It is called such because it was officially adopted in 1873 by the US army as their standard issue sidearm. Single action means you have to cock the hammer each time you want to pull the trigger. To learn more go to wikipedia or google.

Side note, this story is really more geared towards explaining the mysterious hare we call parker. I wont spoil it now, but it will still have some fucking towards the end. So enjoy!

Parker and Red had been spending the night quite comfortably with each other. Spooning on the mattresses in front of the warm fire. Coal and snow had been gone a few days, out ‘looking for an answer' as snow had put it. Though they were probably just out on another of their 3 day long excursions into the mountains. What they wanted up there always baffled the young hare, nothing but snow and rocks. But they seemed to enjoy the mountains so parker never gave it a second thought. They had been sleeping peacefully until it happened. 4 or 5 dark forms entered the cave, clubbed them senseless and tied them up, dragging them away from the warmth of the fire into the snow outside. As parker looked numbly around, he saw the face that had been haunting him for the last week....

*Earlier that day*

Lately, a strange looking wolf had been hanging around the den. Or what looked like a wolf. He seemed to be half wolf half lion, but always disappeared before parker could get a good look at him. His face bothered the hare though. As if he'd seen him somewhere before, but couldn't place the memory. Something about fire and screams, he'd sit there thinking it over, never finding the answer. Eventually he gave up on it. Besides, if it tried anything, he'd find himself in a world of hurt.

One day. As he was out in the woods, the creature approached him. Parker met the creature with a civil smile, though he didn't like the creature. Something about his eyes just bothered him. Something about him plucked at a long buried memory, but he couldn't ever place it. "Good day" said the wolf, or lion, it was hard to tell which was the dominant species, "I noticed you hanging around that old cave. Tell me, does anyone else live in there with you?"

The question put parker on his guard, but he didn't show it. The sword on his back suddenly felt lighter, whispering to him to be careful. Bane had been his only friend for a long time. He was with him since the beginning when parker forged him from a chunk of black metal he found in a meteorite. Since its creation, the blade had always been with him. Forever strapped to his back, waiting patiently to be used against those who would do harm.

Along with bane, he carried a .45 colt revolver, a gift from red. It was a simple looking gun; the only noticeable features were the various runes carved into it. Not that the runes really did much, maybe give the gun a little more power and accuracy, for they were magical runes. But the gun itself was a good one. It never jammed, never, double fed, and had plenty of stopping power. And the thing parker liked most about it, it was a single action revolver. Oh yes. How he loved his .45 SAA. Its weight on his hip felt good. Like it belonged there. And he could use it well.

Parker didn't trust the wolf, but he had no reason to act hostile towards him, "yes I live in that cave, and no I don't live there alone. I live there with my mate, Red. Why do you ask?"

At the mention of his mate's name, the wolf/lion's face lit up in a disturbing smile. "

"Ahhh... I see... well then child, I have a message for you." At this the creature strode up to the hare, whispered in his ear "your mother and father screamed before they died" and disappeared into the bushed, followed swiftly by 2 shots from the hares revolver, none of which managed to hit him.

"COME BACK HERE YOU COWARD AND SAY THAT AGAIN!" parker called out into the woods, the creature long gone. Parker quickly ran back towards the cave, reaching it and throwing the large bolt home in its slot.

"Parker! What's wrong? What happened?" red ran up to meet his love, he could smell anger and gun smoke on his mate and was worried.

"Its... nothing red.. That wolf...lion... thing approached me today. Asked if I lived here, I said I did with you, then he said "my mother and father screamed before they died." Parker looked up in to his mate's eyes, "do you think he knows something? About my families death?"

"Maybe" replied red, "but if he does, he'll wish he'd never come around here."

Parker whimpered and moved closer to his mate for a hug. The wolfs words having upset him. "Thanks red.. I love you so much. I'd do anything for you"

They went to bed. Holding each other tightly. Sometime in the night the thugs attacked and drug them out into the snow, Tied tightly and unable to move, they cold only struggle and growl.

: A foot kicked savagely across parkers face. Nearly making him black out. "You stop squirming or you'll get worse got it!"

"Go fuck yourself you filthy bastard." Parker replied. Spitting in the face of the one who had spoken to him. At this the thug began beating him, red roared loudly, trying to get free but couldn't. Parker refused to cry out, instead taunting the thug, "is that the best you got? HAH I've stubbed my toe and it hurt more than this you weak little bitch."

The thug would have killed parker there if another larger form hadn't knocked him off "Oi! Leave him be, boss wants this one himself.

As the thug spoke, a much larger form entered the dim light, it was the wolf he had encountered earlier that day. The same wolf who had been stalking him for the last week, his face still lit by that disturbing smile. Suddenly parker realized why the lion looked so familiar. And he roars violently at the monster

"YOU BASTARD! YOU KILLED THEM! YOU BURNED MY VILLAGE TO THE GROUND!! ILL KILL YOU!" parker struggled violently against the ropes. Nearly break free, but he stopped as the wolfs hand clamped firmly around his throat, locking off his windpipe. "That's right hare. And now I've come to finish the job... but first..." The creature smiled evilly and dropped the hare on the ground, ripping of his clothes to expose his naked, helpless body, and the wolf grinned evilly, undoing his own pants to reveal the massive cock within " ill make you pay for making me track you down..."

Before anything else could happen, two more dark forms were among the thugs, killing them before they could even scream, knocking the wolf/lion to the ground and freeing parker and red. Parker reacted instinctively, drawing his revolver and sword, wielding both with graceful ease "who the hell are you and what do you want?"

the two forms removed their hoods and both parker and red nearly cried with happiness " Coal! Snow! Your back! Thank god your both back!" cried parker happily.

Their joy was quickly cut short as the sound of a pistol cocking reached their ears. The lion was standing, holding a pistol aimed at them. "Hahahaha... you think its over? No. I'll still kill you parker, And you red. And you two as well just for fun. Parker, before you die. Would you like to know why I killed your family? Because I wanted to, because I could, and ill do it again once iv killed you!" the wolf fired the pistol at red, hitting him in the chest. Both Coal and Snow cried out as red dropped, but parker did not. He saw his mate drop, and roared like no creature in the heavens or hell ever had. His entire body seemed to burst into flame, his fur changed color, turning a deep hot orange. He turned to the lion and began advancing towards him. The lion fired his pistol at parker

Parker took each slug in his body, none of them even barely staggering the hare. The bullets ripped their way through his flesh, but he didn't stop. He advanced slowly towards the lion with the gun. His whole body burned hot with fire, but his skin didn't seem hurt at all. As if the fire was as much a part of his body as his fur. He grabbed the creature's pistol and melted it. Molten metal and plastic encasing the lions paws, trapping them together, burning the flesh terribly. He could see fear reflected in the eyes of the lion. His eyes went wide as parker covered the lion in the same flame that burned on his own body

"You killed my family. You destroyed my childhood. You stole everything from me in a wave of blood and fire. Now feel those same fires steal away your life"

as he finished, the fires on the lions body began to burn with a white hot intensity. Burning the creature to death with the same fire he had used to destroy parkers home

Parker turned back to his mate. The bullet had taken him in the heart, parker used his powers to remove the bullet and heal the wound. Red was a vampire, so bullets wouldn't kill him, but they'd still hurt.

"You ok red?"

Coal, Snow and Red just stared at him in slack-jawed silence. Not really sure they had seen what they just saw. Parker turned away, a tear in his eye, his powers had gotten out again, and now he'd lost his friends. They'd never want him around now, knowing he had these powers, and he began to walk away.

"Hey, where do you think your going?" called coal. Smiling to his pet, "did I tell you you could leave?" parker stopped in his tracks and looked back, the tears still in his eyes "but... you wouldn't want me anymore...no one ever does when they discover I have this pow..." parker's voice was muffled by reds mouth, his tongue sliding around inside parkers mouth. "and what makes you think that my pet?" snow asked. They all three moved towards the hare, hugging him closely to let him know he was still welcome in their home and hearts "we'd love you no matter what you were bunny boy."

Parker shuddered happily. Finally, he'd found someone, or rather a group of someones, who wouldn't chase him away because of his powers. He gasped as he felt something poking against his bottom and looked up at the 3 others who were smiling at him "well little pet? How much did you miss your owners?" asked coal. He had gotten behind parker and had the hare in his lap.

Parker giggled and licked coals maw, then snows "a whole lot." He giggled again and moans softly as coal began to harden under him, his emerging cock pushing into parker's ass. The moan was quickly cut off as snow filled his mouth with his meat. He could feel coal standing up, pushing parker onto his knees and mounting his ass "Red, come back here and help me with this slut bunnies hole."

Red obeyed happily, sliding himself under parker and pushing his cock in with his masters. Making the hare moan and squeal around snows cock, which parker sucked on with great zeal. Wanting to be filled full from both ends by his loving family.

Parker gasped as he felt something wrap around his body, constricting lightly, he looked back and saw a tentacle wrapped around him. The tentacle came from reds body.

"Red... what.... How..."

red winked at his mate and smiled. Two little wings had appeared on his head. "Im an incubus parker. I... didn't want to tell you because I thought you'd hate me for it. Im not completely an incubus... but-"

"Red, its ok" interrupted parker "I'd love you no matter what. I could never hate you for anything love"

Parker was stopped from any further speaking by snows cock being thrust in his mouth again "yeah, that's touching and all, but its not gunna get this cock sucked, now get to it bunny boy. Parker giggled and started sucking hard on the cock, working furiously with tongue and throat to make snow cum. Feeling the two cocks in his hole close to releasing as well. The tentacle around him slid down to his cock and started stroking it. Snow didn't last long in the hare's skilled mouth. After a few more moments of sucking and licking, parker felt snows load blast into his waiting mouth. Sliding down his throat to fill his stomach. He murred at the taste of his owner's spunk, and felt the two cocks in his ass release as well. Filling his hole full of hot juicy seed. Making him moan and murr deeply. The tentacle stroking his cock began stroking faster, making him cum a long hot load on the ground and he moaned again as his seed spurted from his tip.

Snow, Coal and Red fell tiredly in a heap on top of the hare. Pinning him under them. Parker wriggled and squirmed to get free but couldn't from all the weight

"Oi! Im stuck! Some one wanna let me up please?" He felt himself being lifted by Snow.

"sure bunny boy. Come on coal, let's take these two and get home." Coal carried red and together they all made their way back into the den. Parker fell asleep in snows arms. Snoring softly as he was carried.

"Heh.. Look at that. He's fallen asleep, Inst that just the cutest thing?" snow smiled down at the sleeping hare in his arms. He looked so adorable when he slept.

"Aye, almost as cute as this one I got here snoring way in me arms" came coals reply. Red had fallen asleep in his arms and was snoring.

They entered the den, moving over to the fireplace, where they collapsed in a tired heap on the mattresses, snoring long and peacefully into the night, safe and warm in the little den, they slept peacefully,