Domination and Submission Chapter 4: The Introduction to Life

Story by Neptune on SoFurry

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Wow, this really took me a LONG time to write, but it was worth the wait! I wrote 3 chapters at once this time. This is a short chapter that kinda breaks the story series up into several parts and it acts as a sort of 'introduction' to the rest of the series. It is HIGHLY recommened that you read the other two chapter before you read this one.

Since this short chapter has no yiff (sowwie) I have nothing to warn you about . . . except for the graphic violence and yada yada yada. This chapter (along with the other two that will be posted very soon) took me a LONG time to make becuase I have been extremely busy with school. I hope you have as much fun reading it as I have writing it! Enjoy!

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Domination and Submission

Chapter 4: The Introduction to Life

by~ Neptune Wolf


He sighed as he sat down at his comfy, leather office chair and sat his gun on his desk in front of him, a chrome plated Desert Eagle. The 42-year-old Siberian Husky leaned back in the chair and put his arms behind his head. The thick muscles in his arms, like bundles of steel cords, flexed and stretched the starched fabric of his dark-blue uniform. Jerry Allen starred up at the blank off-white ceiling. The fluorescent lights were on, but the office still seemed gloomy and smelled of stale coffee. File cabinets and boxes covered every wall of the office except for one: the one next him with the window that had a perfect view of the brick wall of the building next to his. He glanced over to the window, it was too dark to see out of but he knew it was the same bricks laid in the same boring common bond. He sighed again and looked back up at the ceiling.

In another room, a laptop computer connected to a sophisticated piece of equipment started to beep. The fur inform of the computer put down his bottle of water and hit the print button on the screen, his eyes were large and worried. What came out of the printer was a lot of paper with frequency waves jolting up and down, graphs in different colors, charts, and a few data tables. He closed the laptop and carried it out of his cubicle.

Someone knocked on the door to Jerry's office.

"Come in." The muscular Husky said tiredly, without looking up at the door. It was another Siberian husky. He was a lot younger than jerry, about 19 years old, and had on the same dark blue uniform he did. The young husky walked into his office with the laptop in his paws. Jerry looked at the thin dog. it was his son, Albert.

"I have news." Albert said with a long pause and a wide child-like smile.

"WHAT? Tell me!" Jerry angrily growled at his son. The young dog shivered a bit but then stood up straight as if he were in the army addressing a superior officer.

"There has been a disturbance in the downtown area. I think it could be a Blue . . . Dontae." Albert reported, not looking his father in the eye. Jerry got out of his relaxed stance and sat upright in the office chair, his paws in front of him on the not-so-cheap wooden desk.

"Well damn it, lets go check it out." Albert's father said while picking up his .50 caliber Desert Eagle and taking the safety off. "Get everyone ready and outside, pronto! I'll be driving this time." Albert marched out of his father's office and down the hall and raised the alarm. Every fur in the Blue Death headquarters scrambled about gearing up, putting on their bulletproof vests, grabbing extra ammo, checking their guns, and whatever else they had to do to be ready to fight.

There were only four members of the Blue Death Bounty Hunter team were on the special Blue Hunt. The BDBH team was a bounty hunting company that repossessed various items for private companies, the city of Detroit, the state of Michigan, and even the U.S. Government Things like cars, yachts and expensive aircraft, and fugitives from the law were the norm, but they devised a team that exclusively huts the Blues when the By Any Means Necessary (B.A.M.N.) law was installed. Jerry Allen was head of the whole company. He had been a successful bounty hunter since he was 16, and when he was old enough, he stared his own business.

The doors to the red and white Hummer H2 were slammed shut. Jerry had it already started and pulled out of the parking lot. Albert opened the laptop and reopened the program he was looking at before.

"According to the computer, there was a heavy disturbance downtown on Fifth Street and Towne." Albert yelled to his father from the backseat. Jerry Allen made a sharp left turn and the tires to the heavy machine screeched. The four furs in the SUV were squeezed to the right by the G forces. Jerry drove like a mad-wolf down the busy streets of Detroit, narrowly avoiding serious accidents as he ran through red lights. They had a police scanner in the Hummer, nothing was happening. It took them no time to get the place where Albert had told them to go. All four furs quickly got out of the Hummer with their guns loaded and ready. Albert was reading the charts and graphs on the laptop's screen. "It's right here!" he said pointing to Michael's Lounge. They rushed towards it with Jerry leading the pack. He was the undisputed alpha male.

As the group of four Siberian Huskies approached the door to the old theatre two furs were running out; a blue lion and a German Shepard. The Shepard ran into Albert, causing him to fall and drop the laptop, and kept running along side the blue lion.

"Stop those two furs!" The head of the Blue Death Bounty Hunter Team yelled. He and the other two Huskies chased after the two furs, leaving Albert on the ground. When he saw them leaving he got up quickly.

"Wait for me!" The young Husky yelled hopelessly. He knew the mission came first and that these two furs that ran out of the theatre were a possible threat that ad to be neutralized. Albert picked up the computer and checked it for damage, nothing but a few scratches. The three huskies ran without looking back. They chased the two furs into the parking structure on the other side of the building.

"Stop or I'll shoot!" Jerry yelled as he himself stopped in his tracts and aimed at the blue lion with his chrome-plated Desert Eagle. The other two huskies did the same, their laser sites had a prefect shot at both of the vigilantes in the parking garage. Apollo and Markillian stopped, put their paws in the air and turned around. Jerry came a little closer to the two furs with an arrogant smile on his muzzle. "There is no escape! Just come with us and answer a few questions!" he yelled, even though he was only 15 feet away. His two teammates came a littler closer as well, but they stayed a behind their intrepid leader, Jerry.

Albert finally caught up to his teammates and his father; the laptop was open and in his paws. He stopped as he got no more than 50 feet from the rest of his team. The computer was beeping and the graphs and charts were changing dramatically like it had done at the headquarters. A disturbance was occurring very, very close . . .

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Apollo was driving as fast as he could down the highway. It wasn't too crowded this time of night and the police were too busy dealing with the mayhem going on at Michael's Lounge. Markillian sat nervously in the passenger seat next to the blue lion in the cream suit.

"Where are we going?" The black and tan German Shepard in the suede suit finally asked after a long silence.

"To a safe place. I have to cast another locator spell as quickly as possible and without disruption. Dontae is probably aware that we are looking for him and is going to cast a Your Doom spell as soon as he gets to his safe place, so we have to get to a safe place before he does. Don't worry about it, kid." Apollo said as he cut through three lanes of traffic doing 110 miles per hour in the dark blue Mercedes Benz. He seemed a bit too assure of himself, Mark thought. He didn't trust him but he had to at the moment.

Apollo drove up the ramp on the Lodge freeway and got onto Seven Mile Road. It was busy and Apollo frowned. Seven Mile was always crowed at almost all times of the day, Mark thought. The blue lion stopped in the middle of the street in the fast lane and put it in park. Cars swerved around him and honked their horns and made a few death threats but Apollo paid them no attention.

"What the fuck is your problem!" Mark yelled at Apollo. He said nothing in reply. Apollo's eyes were closed and he took his paws off the wheel, mumbled a few things Mark could not understand, and then put the car back into gear. Mark sat quietly next to the lion as he continued to drive. This guy is crazy! He thought to himself. Apollo drove to a quiet side street and stopped in front of an empty house on the west side of the city. It was dark and very few lights on in the entire block. Apollo stepped out of the car and closed the door. Mark put his right paw on his head. He though to himself, "What the fuck is he thinking? We don't have time for this!"

"Get out." Apollo said as calmly as he could but obviously seemed frustrated. He tapped his watch on his left wrist. Mark hesitated to get out. "Hurry Up! We don't have much time!" Apollo yelled. Mark got out of the car quickly and as soon as he shut the door, the car began to contort. The metal shrieked and sounds of twisting metal engine parts filled the air. It was like nails on a chalkboard to the German Shepard. The Benz folded into itself making a perfect, shiny solid steel cube. Apollo touched two side of the cube and it began to contort again, this time it split itself into two pieces and melted down onto two thin metal disks big enough for one furson each. Apollo stepped onto one of the disk and it lifted of the ground silently. Mark was in awe with a stupid look on his muzzle. He had never seen anything close to that ever in his life. The blue lion guided his hovering disk closer to Mark and slapped him.

"We don't have time for this! Get on that disk and I'll do the rest. You can look stupid on your own time." The dog did as he was told, too shocked by what he had just seen to say a smart remark. The disk lifted off the ground with him on top of it. Apollo waved his left paw and two translucent-blue shields were put around both of them. The two disks took them higher and higher off of the earth very quickly and once they reached a certain height, they shot off at more than 800 miles per hour. With the shields up, they couldn't feel the intense forces that acted upon them.

In a matter of seconds, they landed in a far way place that Markillian had never seen or could even dream of. It was an ancient, white-stone palace in the middle of a deciduous forest. Apollo slowed them both down to a much slower speed as they approached it. The two furs were at the colossal entrance hall where white marble columns and floors were adorned with gold accents and marble statues of angels that had been worn down and weathered by the hands of time. Most of the fine detail was hidden under overgrown vines and tree limbs that had broke their way through cracks in the walls or from the huge openings where lead glass windows used to be. Their limbs and branches filled with leaves and the sounds of birds covered the ceiling making it seem as though they had never left the wilderness outside. A column had fallen, maybe hundreds of years ago, and shattered against the floor, leaving a hole in the ceiling that allowed a perfect view of the moon. The roots of the trees that had crept in long ago had covered the shattered stone column. The huge, maybe 50-feet tall, room had a golden glow due to the hundreds of candles that were placed about. The off-white wax from the candles dripped in long lines along the walls, on ancient wooden tables, and other notches in the walls and columns. Other than the bird and squirrels, there were no other animals or furs.

Apollo guided the German Shepard and himself at a slow speed through he white palace, taking them through many corridors and rooms until they were in a library that was possibly five times as grand as the entrance hall and just as dilapidated, yet elegant. Books covered every wall but some were covered in the branches, vines, and roots that crept in through cracks in the wall and grown to a great thickness, pushing out the white stones that made up the wall and creating bigger holes. There was much less light in the library, ironically, but there was a group of maybe four furs sitting at one end of an long wooden table that seemed to be made by a great furniture maker hundreds of years ago, but still looked like new.

Apollo stopped Mark's hovering metallic disk and directed it to the table as he continued on out of the huge library and down another corridor or two. He sped up and zoomed down several other rooms until he made it to a small, pitch-black room, no more than the size of an average bedroom. He stopped and stepped off the disk and onto the floor. The sound of old decaying leaves disintegrating under his feet was amplified by the emptiness of the room. He took off his shoes and quickly got into a martial arts-like stance. With some quick movements, Apollo Rex feverishly began to cast the spell. He thought he could kill two birds with one stone by casting a locator spell and a Your Doom Spell made specifically for Dontae.

"True Blue Combination Spell Number 1,249:Your Specific Doom Location Spe . . ." He was abruptly interrupted by an extremely deep, strong pulse that knocked him to the ground. The blue lion gripped his chest as if his heart was about to explode. Blood spurted from his mouth and then he lied still on the ground. Dontae had cast the spell before he could. It was a Your Doom spell much stronger than the one Apollo was casting and was combined with another spell Apollo himself had not mastered. It was made so that no Blue could cast a spell against him. It could only be dispelled by a stronger Your Doom Spell combined with something else . . .

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In the library, the four furs at the table greeted the German Shepard as soon as he touched the ground. They were expecting him and seat was already awaiting him. Mark couldn't see any of their faces due to the dim light. Apollo had mistakenly extinguished all but one candle in the library.

"Just stay calm, Markillian. Apollo is casting the spells needed as we speak." One of the shadows said bellowed in a deep masculine voice. It reminded Mark of a blacksmith with a black moustache and holding a huge hammer. The Shepard shivered a bit and his fur ruffled up. "I said stay calm. I can hear your heartbeat quicken and I can see you shivering." The blacksmith continued. Mark could tell by the tone of his deep voice that he had a smile on his muzzle.

"You are among friends, Markillian." A more feminine male voice said from behind him. It startled him but he kept his wits. He turned around slowly, even though it would be of no help in the low light. He sat down in the wooden chair provided to him at the table. The Shepard sat there in silence while his eyes began to adjust to the dim light. He started to make out their faces. On his right was a male lynx. His eyes were covered by a hood, but they peered up from under it every once and a while at the nervous German Shepard. They were eerie yellow and green orbs. A fox was on his left, but there was something weird about him. It took Mark a few seconds to realize that the fox was reading a book in almost pure darkness. He did not know the book was there until he felt around on the table and the fox gently moved his paw away from the book and turned a page. Across form Mark was a hyena who looked at him with laughing eyes. The only candle, about 35 feet away on the sixth or seventh shelf of the huge bookcase, flickered and Mark could see a bit clearer for a split second. The hyena across form him had on a gold chain with a gold pocket watch at the end. "Trio" was inscribed in diamond cuts on the watch.

Mark sat there in the huge library and listened to the sounds in the darkness that surrounded him. There were small mice in the library scurrying amongst the books. He could hear a conversation far off in a hushed tone. It was in the same language he had heard Apollo chanting in the car earlier. Out of nowhere there was loud, deep BOOM that reverberated throughout the White palace. Then there was a smaller thump, as if someone had fallen.

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Well that was it for the Intoduction of Life. I really hope you liked it.

Please send any questions or comments, critcisms or hate mail to [email protected] and feel free to visit my website, where you can see the other 2 chapters before anyone else can!\_life