Ryan Muskrat 3 - Pleasure and Pain

Story by fortuneotter on SoFurry

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Us three managed to sleep into the next morning. When I woke up, Mitch was sleeping on me with his hand around my otterhood, and his breath hollowly over my shoulders. Johannes had his back upon Mitch's back when I looked over my shoulder. I carefully move Mitch out of the way so I could get out of bed. I made a long stretch, grunting at the end of it. I walked out of the room and went downstairs to find my hyena bro Clayton sitting on the couch, where I learned ‘it all'. Clayton looked at me as I walked behind the couch and over it to sit down. I asked him, "Where have you been all this time?"

Clayton replies, "I am usually with my friends."

"Which friends?"

"Oh, some friends that want me over at there house 24/7, a black bear, in particular. Does it matter?"

"Yeah, it does, because I want to spend time with you." I just realized that what I just said sounded homosexual.

Clayton picked up on it. He slowly gave a response, "I would like to ask, but it seems as if the musk scent all over the house says it all. What's been going on? I promise I'll tolerate your answer. If I don't, you can sock me in the face."

"I won't bother socking you. I feel comfortable talking to you."

"OK, then, what's the deal?"

"Well, Johannes, Mitch and I were bonding by mating and sex yesterday afternoon. Do you mind?"

"Dude, not at all!" He smiled. "Come here, I have something to tell you."

I came close to his face with my ear by his mouth, hoping he had good news.

"Otter, Ryan, I found out that I'm gay a few weeks ago with the bear that I was talking about seconds ago. I never did anything with him, but I like him, and I know he likes me. I like you too, but I didn't want to make you uncomfortable since you've only been here for six days."

I was in a zone. I was, at the time, thinking about all that's happened within three days. First it was Johannes, a lion, then it was Mitch, a wolf, and now it's Clayton, a hyena. Oh, my life is getting so much better by the second. I felt a nastiness coming upon my body, and I wanted to take it out on Clayton. I asked, "Can I suck you cock for you while you suck mine." I then realized I jumped too big of a leap.

I was surprised when I heard Clayton say, "My pleasure."

I laid my back upon the couch while Clayton gets in a sexual stance, about to drop his long cock in my mouth. I feel his mouth savor my penis, when I start sucking on his.

I felt no ‘coming-up-on-climax's' yet after about twenty minutes, but the acts were pleasing.

After another five minutes with a sore mouth, I started to think harder on the act and sucked his beautiful hyenahood swiftly and viciously. He picked up on it and performed the same action. I could now feel a climax about to hit me in another two minutes.

Before climax hit, I licked his cock with loads of my saliva, and he did the same. We both stiffened up at the same time, barked and cummed at the same time. His semen tasted salty and sweet, as I swooshed it around my tongue, hungry for more. I waited for more cum, and when there was no more to be ejected, I swallowed the pleasure and spit his dick out. I pissed the last of my sperm and he took his mouth off. We then kissed and held each others' sweaty bodies with pleasure.

It was now 9AM, and all four of us were in the kitchen eating breakfast.

Johannes started, "So, Clayton, where have you been all of life?" I chuckled.

Clayton replied, "I've been out at parties with Grey, for your information."

Mitch jumped in, "Why is it that you have not been with us most of the time?"

"Well because I have a life too, I need to get away sometimes."

"Why is that? We're not bad people?"

"I know, but you guys don't like to get into the fresh air like I do."

"I know, but why is that a big deal?"

Johannes added, "Yeah, we would love to have you around, for reasons you may never know."

"Like what?"

"Oh we won't tell you. Right, Mitch?"

"Right," Mitch answered. "Right, Ryan?"

"Wrong," I finally got to say. "Clayton? Mitch, Johannes, and I were mating yesterday, in an extremely stimulating way. Mitch, Johannes? Clayton and I were sucking each other's cock viciously this morning. We're all gay. But I feel each of us should about one another's homosexuality, you know, to bond with one another. We're not a natural brotherhood, that's why our homosexuality is good for us. I'm not saying we have to make physical contact with one another every day, but it, I believe is an extremely good thing. Understood?"

Everyone nodded in shock of my words.

I nodded back and walked up to my room to relax. I eventually fell asleep.

What was four hours later, I was awoken to the knocks on the door y my new brothers.

Clayton was the first to speak, "I took your words into consideration. We took your words into consideration. We want to try some new moves on you."

"OK," I reply.

I follow them into the musk-room, and Mitch explained the act we are about to perform. "You and Johannes are on one side with your heads on the pillow. Johannes, you can fuck Ryan from behind. Clayton and I are on the other side with are heads facing the other way at the other end. I will fuck you, Clayton from behind. Clayton and Ryan, you guys give each other blowjobs."

I followed the words I knew, and assumed that ‘fuck' meant sex. Johannes carried me to the bed, while Mitch carried Clayton. When we were all laid on the bed, without warning, Johannes shoved his cock in me. I grunted at the sudden bolt of his wondrous manhood came waltzing into my ass. He started humping me at the spot, and I was left to savor the feeling of his balls slapping on mine, while Mitch and Clayton got ready.

Mitch and Clayton took it slow. I tried to hold in the urge of being cock-hungry as I watched them playfully wrap each other. Finally I saw Mitch's pink penis drive itself into the tight ass of Clayton. The hyena breathed on my cock, causing me to pulse and breathe a bolt of breath onto his long dark-brown hyena cock with fur. He pulsed.

I grabbed his waste with my arms and started sucking like crazy. He started at the same time as me, closing his whole mouth over my long black otter manhood. I savored the scent of his oversized balls, as they smelt like forty straight days of sex with musk freely scenting the area of my nostrils. I assumed that Clayton was doing the same, as I felt a wind-tug on my precious jewels.

Mitch and Johannes were fucking us viciously, and every hump brought Clayton's dick and my dick deeper in each of our mouths. I was approaching an ej-ec-ul-ation. (I've heard the word ejaculation when one of my brothers was talking about girls. I'm guessing this is what it can be used for since ‘ejaculation' and ‘ejection' sound alike.) I was under supreme heat, as Johannes fucked me without hesitation and Clayton sucked me like there was no tomorrow. As I was tensing, I massaged my tongue over Clayton's beauty, and without delay, I ejaculated with a loud bark that barely escaped my half closed mouth. As I was emptying my cock, I felt Clayton swallow and heard him bark with pleasure, as he spit his semen into my mouth. I waited for my mouth to fill before swallowing with pleasure.

Mitch and Johannes reached their climax at the same time, and right when they let off their roar and bark, I heard a big bash coming from downstairs. We all paused in fear. Johannes and Mitch ejected their cocks from our asses, got off the bed and stood up. Clayton and I spit out each others' cocks and rolled over to our "brother-fucker's" side, rolling off and standing upright.

Marching sounded as if climbing stairs. Johannes, the biggest one of us all, grabbed a nearby baseball bat and held it in a defensive stance. The rest of us got behind him, hoping he could defend us. When the marching stopped, there was a big delay in sound (except for us panting) before the door to the hallway bashed open chipping a part of the wall and breaking hinges on the other side. Who appeared was a larger black bear, who looked hungry for violence. I heard a voice behind me say "Grey?" and I looked over my shoulder to see Clayton's mouth wide opened in shock.

I then realized that it was the one that was familiar with Clayton.

The bear charged. Johannes swung the bat. The bear grabbed it, twisted it out of his hands, and violently pushed Johannes out of the way, ramming him into a wall. Then he pushed Mitch in the same direction, with he being busted into the wall and landing on Joe, who then collapsed as he was trying to stand.

Left were Clayton and me, trembling in fear. Clayton managed to pull off words, "Can't we just talk?" before he was struck with the bat on the top of his head. He wobbled in a dizzy fashion before dropping to the floor unconscious.

I was left. The bearâ€"Grey, pushed me down and forced me on my hands and knees. He then slid an erect penis in my ass. I screamed in terror as he dominantly grabbed me as if we were meant to be.

After what seemed like two minutes in his clutches, he laid off a loud scream as I felt his bear semen be ejaculated into my ass. Then I heard sirens. I tried to break free of our physical bond but he grabbed the bat and struck atop the head. I heard a faint "Get on the floor, now" before I passed out.

I woke up I what looked like a room in a hospital. I was in the hospital, dressed with medical appliances, laying in a sanitary bed next to Clayton, and Mitch and Johannes were sitting in chairs next to us.

"I apologize for not being able to protect you guys," said Johannes in a sorrowful way.

Clayton awoke. I looked at him and smiled before responding to Joe, "It wasn't your fault. Instinct had a lot to do with what just happened. Try not to let it take over the rest of your life, Johannes."

Clayton replied, "Yeah, if I were to think about that at all for the next days of my life, well..."

"Hold that thought," Johannes interrupted, "Why was that bear after us?"

"Well, where is he now?"

"Answer my question, first."

"I don't know, I'm guessing, well, the affection I was showing towards him made him feel weird."

"But he raped Ryan."

"He did? Oh, I'm sorry Ryan, I really am."

I nodded.

Johannes continued, "You shouldn't ever talk to...Grey anymore. He's in prison for rape, sexual assault, and damage of federal property."

"I won't," said Clayton.

"OK, then." Johannes turns to me. "Are you OK, Ryan?"

I reply, "I am feeling better, thank you."

"What did it feel like?"

"It felt awful, like I wanted to kill my hormones rather than take the rape."

"I understand. I'll try my best to never let it happen again."

"OK, thank you, Johannes."

Johannes nodded.

I relaxed for some time, then I fell back asleep.