The Warren -- Two Guests

Story by Icarius on SoFurry

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"Fucking deviants."

The angry, downright venomous tone in the muttered curse startled Keera out of her own thoughts and made her look around in surprise.

She realized that she was in the middle of a dense crowd. Third shift had started only an hour ago, so the warren's passages were filled with second shifters shuffling through the markets and commons, or visiting taverns and brothels to unwind. Being both small -- almost head shorter than the average kobold -- and practiced at navigating crowded tunnels, she had been moving through it almost without paying attention, but now the crowd had come to a standstill. And, much like the one whose remark she heard -- a young male in a leather smock, wearing the gray-red armband of a furnace worker -- many others were also glaring at something up ahead while muttering curses.

She noticed a support pillar nearby and pushed her way towards it. Scampering halfway up its length, she looked towards the center of the crowd -- and understood immediately.

A squad of soldiers had come down on leave from the military tunnels near the surface. Being soldiers, one of two things occupied their minds during these visits -- drinking or whoring. And this group had likely done plenty of former before moving on to the latter -- which also explained why they neglected to actually move inside the brothel.

One of the soldiers was taking a prostitute from behind, right against the tunnel wall. Pants around his ankles and both hands planted firmly on her hips, he was thrusting into her rapidly, head bowed and teeth grit in concentration. For her part, the prostitute braced against the rough arc, back arched and tail held high against the soldier's chest, its tip curling and twisting around the back of his neck with each thrust.

The remaining soldiers surrounded their friend in a loose circle, whooping loudly and cheering him on, thus preventing anyone else from approaching their rutting comrade -- and, inadvertently, from entering the door to the brothel. Some were already rubbing their hands in anticipation of taking their turn with the girl, while others have simply dropped their pants and were now openly stroking themselves while enjoying the show.

The crowd was getting larger -- and angrier -- by the minute. Nobody liked having soldiers down in the commons. Nobody liked being denied their own chance to relax after a long shift. And absolutely no one liked being stuck in a crowded tunnel. Insults and complaints were coming in louder and more frequently -- and were met with jeers, insulting gestures, and shoving from the soldiers.

The other prostitutes could see the mood turning ugly and rushed to defuse the situation as best they could. They moved among the soldiers, drawing their attention away from the crowd, caressing and brushing up against them, teasing, giggling, whispering compliments in their ears, persuading that maybe, just maybe, taking your turn right now was worth the few extra tokens for an actual room.

Whether the lure of instant gratification was successful in defusing the brewing riot -- Keera did not know or care. Middle of third shift was what the message had said and she still had a ways to go. She was already working her way back the way she came, towards a detour that would be longer but, at this point, quicker than trying to push her way through a crowd this dense.

Although she did spare a brief thought for the furnace worker -- and what he would call her if he knew where she was going and why.


The message could not have come soon enough.

This was Keera's thought as she pushed her last six work tokens across the bar. She's had seven earlier today, but after her hand felt out the stiff scrap of parchment in the hidden cache, she celebrated by purchasing two mushroom pies from a market vendor. One was still in her satchel -- the other had served as her first proper meal in four shifts.

The barman across from her set aside the mug he'd been polishing and palmed her tokens without saying a word. He knew her and he knew why she came to his tavern -- a dimly lit, out of the way taproom carved out of a half-collapsed mineshaft tucked away between the farming tunnels and the animal pens, frequented mostly by tired-looking kobolds who always ordered their drinks strong, to make up for senses irrevocably dulled by the omnipresent smell of manure.

The six brass oblongs bought her access to the rear of the tavern, past a corridor lined with private backrooms, and through a locked door hiding a deep, dusty shaft -- then down a seemingly endless series of rickety ladders and roughly hewn ramps, lit only by an occasional patch of glowing moss. At the bottom of the shaft was another door -- and beyond it, a small room. In the room, a well-built kobold sat on a chair beside a stone hatch, carving something in a piece of wood with a small knife.

"Scar girl," he greeted her as always, standing up.

As always, she resisted the urge to bring one hand up to the leather choker around her neck.

"How long?" he asked.

She held up three fingers -- three shifts. Cleaning up always took long. And this time, she would also have to replenish the water reserve.

"My shift then," he acknowledged. "This time, it'll be three, then five, then two," he motioned at the small brass bell attached to the hatch. "Remember that?"

She nodded.

He seized the iron ring on the hatch and lifted with a grunt, revealing a dark hole with a rope ladder disappearing into the darkness below.

As soon as he stepped clear, she crouched down by the hole and stepped onto the ladder. She climbed down a few rungs and looked up, to see the hatch close again with a heavy thud, plunging the ladder shaft into complete darkness.

After a moment, Keera began her descent into the Old Warren.


Before the warren, there was the Old Warren. A massive city hidden under the mountain, with thousands of kobolds populating its tunnels and caverns. Safe from surface threats, it grew and expanded despite the warnings of the miners who could listen to rock and heard it rumble and shifting with each tunnel dug. Until one day, it grew and expanded beyond their skill.

And that day, the mountain fell on the city.

There were survivors. They were few, but they found one another after the mountain stopped shaking and the ground settled. They salvaged what they could and they dug upwards, rising above the broken city. There, they carved new, narrower tunnels and made a new, smaller warren that was slow to grow even if their numbers were not.

The Old Warren, they said, was forbidden -- and best forgotten. Unstable rock and risk of cave-ins were the reasons their leaders claimed. The legions of wailing ghosts -- the spirits of those buried alive in the collapse -- were the reasons unruly hatchlings learned from their caretakers. Rumors of exiles and lost survivors who banded into cannibal tribes, as well as... things that had crawled out of the deep caverns to claim the abandoned tunnels were the reasons muttered to one another over the fifth pitcher of ale after a long shift.

This did nothing to stop scavengers from picking through the abandoned districts, seeking trinkets or tools that others would pay a few tokens for. It did nothing to stop smugglers from exploring the dark passages, finding routes in and out of the new warren and new paths through which to transport their illicit goods. It did nothing to stop Keera either, though she was neither of those.

Her destination was a once-bustling market district -- now a collection of crumbling shops and warehouses. It was close enough to a passage into the new warren that it had long since been picked clean by scavengers and with only one intact tunnel leading into its cavern, it was of no interest to smugglers either. This made it ideal for the thing that she sought in this place -- secrecy.

She picked her way through a mound of loose rubble, arriving at a small market square surrounded on all sides by crumbling buildings. From there, she entered the doorway of a shop notable only for being in a slightly better shape than the rest. She only stopped on the ground floor to check for possible footprints in the dust on the floor -- finding none, she climbed the stone stairwell and entered one of the rooms at the top. There, she swept the floor clean and retrieved an oilskin satchel from under a pile of rubble in one corner, pulling out two blankets from inside, which she carefully sniffed, checking for rot or mildew, before spreading them out, one on top of the other. She also checked the level of water in a clay jug under the wall -- as she suspected, she would have to refill it after today. For now, she drank some, while nibbling on a piece of her other pie. Finally, she removed the rotting wooden shutter blocking the window, placing it on the floor and returning to settle down on the blankets.

She did not have to wait long.

Her heart skipped when she heard the dull thump from the windowsill -- she looked up, meeting the gaze of two vibrantly orange, reptilian eyes set in a triangular head adorned with two pairs of horns and placed on a long, slender neck atop a lithe, muscular, almost catlike body covered in scales and ending in a long, finned tail, and adorned with a large pair of leathery wings growing from its back. The creature also wore a leather harness looped around its body, upon which were strapped several pouches and satchels.

It regarded her with... was it satisfaction? Contempt? Anticipation? She could never tell. Neither could she stand the intensity of that gaze for long. She looked down, though not before catching the creature's maw twisting into a smirk.

"For fuck's sake, Vis, will you just get in already!" an irate voice called out from outside. "Your skinny ass ain't the only one wanting a break."

"As always, we are guests here," the one on the windowsill replied in a quiet, measured tone, his eyes never leaving Keera's face. "It behooves us to ask the host permission before we enter."

He hopped down to the floor, wings spreading to slow his fall. His place was immediately taken by a creature virtually identical in appearance -- only noticeably larger and stockier -- and with eyes that were pale yellow.

"The fuck you on about this time, Vis?" the new arrival fanned his wings a few times, settling them on his back. In contrast to Vis, whose voice was akin to a stream of oil, his was closer to shoveling gravel. "Hey girlie," he nodded at her before also hopping down to the floor with a heavy thud. "Long time no see."

Both Vis and his companion -- Tyr -- were draakir. Or, as most of the warren called them, "those bloody flying lizards." Or, as some few called them rarely, with the sole intent of pissing them off -- pseudodragons. They were quite large -- easily half the size of a typical kobold when standing up on their haunches, and the bulk of their wings made them look larger still. The draakir had their own colony in a cavern somewhere near the surface -- and they maintained a long-standing partnership with the kobold warren. Many served as scouts or couriers for the Far Patrol, while some even came down into the tunnels, helping the Peacekeepers watch over the markets and commons.

Whether these two worked with the former or the latter -- or perhaps with neither -- was not something they ever bothered to share with her. They both bore scars, showing them no strangers to combat, but that indicated nothing -- Keera had plenty of those of her own.

"The fuck you mean by 'permission' anyway?" Tyr turned to his companion again. "Ain't like she's going to say no after she came all the way out here," he paused, before giving a short guffaw. "Ain't like she actually could for that matter, eh, Vis?"

"Words are far from the only means of communication," Vis proclaimed sententiously. "In fact, I would go as far as to say that they are often the inferior one."

"What?" Tyr blinked in confusion. "Wait, you mean like that 'lepathy thing? You can do that? But I thought that was just one of them old legend things.... Oooh, oooh, tell me what I'm thinking now!"

"What?" it was Vis's turn to be confused. "No. First of all, that would be mind reading, not-" he stopped and sighed heavily. "No, never mind. Besides, we didn't come here to discuss methods of discourse -- fictitious or otherwise -- did we?" he looked at Keera again.

"No, we sure didn't," the other lizard followed his gaze. "And time's wasting. So, who's going first this time?"

"You are."

That was not true -- as it hadn't been for three visits prior.

"You sure? Right then!" Tyr rose to his haunches and began unbuckling his harness, letting it slide onto the floor. "Down you go, girlie. Been such a long time since we saw each other, I need to give you a proper hello."

Tyr walked onto the blanket -- or rather waddled, as the draakir were not built for a two-legged gait. Meanwhile, Keera complied with his request, getting to her hands and knees and lowering herself down until her lose was level with the lizard's groin.

She extended her tongue, sliding the tip between the folds of his slit and giving it a slow, upward lick. Tyr growled in anticipation and she repeated the motion again, and then a third time, running her tongue over what was now a growing, hardening bump. Another lick was enough to bring his member out of its slit -- it rose upwards, swelling in size rapidly. It was slick and smooth, and had a dark, fleshy color. Though it was thick at the base, it narrowed towards the top, finally tapering to an angular, spade-like shape. Engorged, but not yet fully erect, it finally succumbed to gravity, flopping down right along the ridge of her muzzle.

"Handsome fella, ain't he?" Tyr gave her a toothy grin as the cock continued to stiffen. A bead of pre emerged from its hole, rolling off the tip and then down the side of her face, towards the corner of her mouth -- she licked it off almost without realizing it and the lizard's grin got even wider. "Oh-ho! Well, he missed you as much as you missed him. Now open up, so that we can have ourselves a reunion."

Keera tilted her head sideways, letting Tyr's cock slide halfway off before catching it in her mouth and wrapping her tongue around its length. However, before she could do anything else, the draakir leaned forward, grasping the horns growing out the back of her head, and simply began thrusting.

Eager as he was, there was no gentleness to his movements. He was just going in and out, repeatedly slamming his crotch against her muzzle. He was oblivious to her comfort and nearly neglectful of his own -- nose filled with his heavy musk and with saliva and pre dripping out of her mouth, Keera struggled to keep his cock cushioned with her tongue, lest in his haste he snagged it on one of her teeth.

"Yeah! Oh yeah!" Tyr grunted in rhythm with his thrusts. "That's it. Fuck yeah! You missed that. Yeah, you did! You love this cock! Can't get enough!"

Her eyes flickered to Vis. The other draakir was sitting on the edge of the blanket, watching them both intently, his own erection poking out from between his legs. However, each time his companion said something, the cringe on his face became a little more pronounced.

The pace Tyr had set meant that he could not last long. He suddenly tightened his grip on her, made three more pumping motions, stiffened with a grunt -- and blew his load.

"Oh yeah," he rasped out. "Fuck yeah. Swallow it. Swallow it all."

She complied as best she could -- he did not release his grip or move back, forcing her to swallow awkwardly around his cock, the cum pooling at the back of her mouth and around the base of her tongue. Some did make it down her throat, leaving behind a strange, tingling aftertaste -- but then a few drops fell down her airway.

She yanked herself backwards, coughing and sputtering, the lizard's seed dribbling from her mouth as tears welled up in her eyes.

"Too much for you, eh?" he rumbled, looking down at his saliva-covered cock with pride. "He just wanted to show you how much he missed you is all."

"You know, I long for the day when you realize how terrible you are at this," Vis muttered, disapproval clear in his voice. "Boorish, clumsy, always in a hurry...."

"Oh, not this shit again," Tyr scowled at his companion. "What's it to you anyways? Told you once and will tell you again -- it's a hole. And what do I do with holes, Vis? I fuck them."

"And miss out on literally every other fun thing you could do with one."

"I'm having fun," Tyr shrugged.

"You... never mind," Vis sighed. "Your 'hole' is done choking on your 'fun.' I believe this means it's my turn now."

Keera's throat still burned, but her eyes had stopped watering and she'd wiped her mouth on the hem of her shirt during the argument. As Tyr moved away and Vis stepped in his place, she knelt down again, hands folded in her lap. She knew what would be coming next."

"Down," Vis commanded and she obeyed, once again finding herself with an erection hovering right in front of her nose. His cock was of a lighter color than Tyr's, but it was also slightly larger -- still not as thick as that of a kobold, but not missing much in terms of length. It had gone slightly soft as the two talked, but that could be easily fixed.

"Begin," Vis proclaimed.

Her tongue snaked out of her mouth and coiled around the draakir's member, pulling it into her mouth. As anticipated, it once again stiffened and grew as she pulled back her tongue, leaving behind a generous coating of saliva.

Vis exhaled audibly and hunched forward slightly, placing a paw on her forehead for stability -- but that was the full extent of the work he would do. She was the one supposed to put in the effort of servicing him -- and so she did, as always starting slow by gently sucking and nibbling at the base of his cock.

"For a reason that remains incomprehensible to me, Tyr, you seem to completely ignore that a mouth is not just another hole" Vis had decided not to drop the matter after all. However, he wasn't even looking at his companion -- his eyes were closed and his voice was lazy, mellow, relaxed. "The range of motions and sensations, the degree of control over force, frequency and intensity -- how can you possibly insult this by comparing it to something that can only tighten and, at best, relax?"

Keera decided to involve the tongue again. Its tip darted around the base of Vis's cock, occasionally probing the folds of his vent. A satisfied hiss issued from the draakir's mouth.

"All that trashing and bouncing around you do... so unnecessary," Vis continued once it became clear that Tyr was not going to humor him with a reply -- the stockier lizard was sitting on the edge of the blanket, picking between his teeth with a claw. "Aren't you the one always complaining about how tired these excursions make you feel?"

She once again wrapped her tongue around Vis's shaft and began sliding it up and down its length. She closed her eyes, focusing on maintaining the proper rhythm, when a light tap against her head reminder her that there was something much more important that she was supposed to be doing. She blinked and looked up -- Vis's eyes were open now as well, his mellow, relaxed expression replaced by an intensely... hungry one.

Their eyes locked. Suddenly, she was keenly aware of how they must've looked. She, twice his size and four times his weight, yet down on her knees before him, her mouth around his cock, dutifully sucking and caressing it while he looked down upon her. Her heart thumped in her chest and sudden warmth spread through her loins -- and his eyes told her that he somehow knew this.

"Besides," Vis spoke in a voice halfway between a murmur and a growl, his eyes never leaving hers. "The way you just throw your head up and pound away, you end up missing so much... context."

"Finish," he added in a whisper, solely for her benefit.

She obeyed. She ran the full length of her tongue along his shaft's sensitive underside and felt him shudder. She licked and suckled at his tip, tasting and swallowing the creamy pre seeping from it, and he bared his teeth in a silent growl. Finally, she fully enveloped his member with her mouth, sucking and pulling while her tongue ceaselessly caressed, teased and massaged. He seized her horns and made a single thrust forwards -- his entire body stiffened, then shuddered, and she felt her mouth flooding with hot, thick seed.

Vis retained his hold on her, but it was nowhere near as tight as Tyr's had been. Neither was he transfixing her with her gaze anymore, having thrown his own head back in an expression of bliss, tongue lolling out of the side of his mouth. Thus, she could draw away enough to allow herself to easily swallow the cum filling her mouth, even as she continued to suckle and milk his member for as long as it continued to pump out cum.

"Well?" he finally turned a lazy eye towards Tyr. "What do you think about this?"

"I think you're a fucking weirdo is what you are," the other draakir shook his head -- but her ear caught a slight catch, a tiny hesitation in his voice.

"Misunderstood," Vis corrected him gently. "Disdain and confusion are often the reaction to those graced with great talent."

"With what?" Tyr snorted disbelievingly. "Getting your dick sucked is a talent now?"

"Yes," Vis agreed enthusiastically. "Allow me to demonstrate," he took a step backwards, pulling his softening cock out of Keera's mouth. "Pants," he ordered simply.

That single word made her all the more aware of how hot the knot in her stomach was -- and how much it had grown from the moment that Vis alighted on the windowsill and laid his orange eyes upon her again.

She pushed herself up into a crouch -- noticing how much the material clung to her crotch as she did so -- and reached behind her back, undoing the clasp at the base of her spine, where her tail emerged from her rump. She then stood up, simultaneously sliding the now loosened pants down her legs -- she shivered as the coarse fabric peeled from her groin, giving way to cold air -- she did not even have to look down to know that there would be a dark spot on the garment's crotch.

Vis certainly did look. His nostrils flared.

"Kneel," his voice was quiet but firm, brooking no disagreement. "Tail up. Head down."

She did as he told -- head on the blanket, tail high in the air, another shiver running through her as the air caressed her hot, exposed vulva. She then jumped as a set of claws brushed against its folds -- and then again when they plunged in between them.

Vis withdrew his forepaw after a moment. She could not see it, but she could imagine how it glistened with her juices as he held it up.

"Talent," he stated.

"Well, fuck me..." she heard Tyr get up and approach her behind. A moment later, she felt hot breath on her cleft. He inhaled sharply.

"It's my turn now, right?" he practically demanded.

"Of course," Vis agreed. "The one thing I ask is that you appreciate the opportunity here -- and that you don't squander it."

"Oh girlie," Tyr growled in anticipation and she felt him step in between her legs and lay his forepaws on her hips. "Hold on tight, cause I'm about to take you for the ride of your life."

He made a few initial thrusts, his stiffening cock bouncing against her stomach as it failed to line up correctly. He eventually had to stop and guide it in with one of his forepaws, muttering impatiently under his breath. Once he did so, he immediately set out to squander his opportunity.

It wasn't just the complete lack of grace or artistry on his part, but also the fact that, in this particular case, the size difference did actually matter -- something that he made precisely no effort to account for. His quick, rough thrusts were going straight up her passage, with minimal friction or pressure, forcing her to contract and cramp her walls around him to feel anything at all. Her swollen clit poking out from what, in this position, was the bottom of her folds, was left completely undisturbed.

"Oh yeah! You like that? Take that fat cock! Take it all!" Tyr grunted and growled, completely oblivious of anything but himself. "I'll fuck you so hard, you'll walk funny for a week! I'll give you such a pounding, your ass will end up in a sling!"

She could not see Vis from her position. However, she did hear his groan.

Still, it could have led somewhere. She lowered herself slightly, changing the angle of Tyr's thrusts, and clamped down around his cock with all the strength she could muster. She tuned out his grunts and cries, focusing only on the movement of their bodies and on the stiff rod pistoning inside her. Slowly, she began to feel the heat build inside the pit of her stomach. Her cleft became even wetter and slicker, inviting the cock deeper inside. She played out her legs, jutting her rear further outwards. Her breathing started coming heavier and faster. Her...

"Oh, here it comes! Here it comes, girlie! Tyr cried out. "The big one! Here it co- ...a-a-aaaahhh!"

He came mid-thrust, only belatedly digging his claws into her hips and pressing his groin into hers as his cock pulsed and pumped, delivering several spurts of his seed into her passage.

"Oh yeah," he murmured once he had recovered enough to speak. Oh yeah. That was good. No. That was fucking awesome."

"No, that was fucking deplorable," the frustration and disappointment in Vis's voice quite possible exceeded that which Keera felt. "Why do I even try if you never bother? In-out, in-out, one-two, one-two, done! Like a damned rabbit!"

Oh, fuck off," the elation in Tyr's voice war rapidly giving way to an annoyed growl. "What's it to you anyway?"

"Tyr, friend, understand me here," Vis despaired. "I'm simply trying to get you to appreciate the finer points of-"

"And I said you can fuck right off!" Tyr snapped angrily, pushing himself off of Keera and stepping towards Vis. "What fucking business of yours is it what I do with this?" he waved his half-erect cock in the other's direction. "You're mad cause what, you don't get to perv on me enough when I'm fucking? Yeah -- what, you think I'm so stupid, I don't notice you letting me always go first? You think I don't know why? Well, fuck you, you fucking deviant. You like staring at male ass so much, you know where to get if you want some. But that ain't here."

Tyr advanced on Vis as he spoke, still remaining upright, his wings fanned out aggressively. Vis retreated on all fours, trying -- and failing to get a word in edgewise. Keera, forgotten by both, jumped up and retreated to the opposite side of the room, crouching down by the water jug and watching the fight warily.

"Last I checked," Tyr spat through bared teeth," I throw down as many fucking tokens as you do. Equal pay, equal time. And I don't keep butting into your time with fucking critiques, so when it's my turn, you shut the fuck up and let me do what I want! And if I want to fuck a hole, I'm gonna fuck a hole! Because on my time, that is what it is -- not some fancy pleasure dome, not a fucking hotel for cocks. It's a hole! Is that fucking understood?!"

"Perfectly," Vis, whose rump just pressed against the wall behind him, jumped at this opportunity. "Clear as day! Your time, your rules. I apologize -- sincerely. I did not want to offend you, or in any way impose on you. From the bottom of my heart -- I am sorry."

Tyr continued staring down his companion, nostrils flaring and teeth exposed in a snarl, looking for any reason -- any at all -- to continue the fight. However, Vis's conciliatory tone and nonthreatening posture provided none. He opened his mouth, starting to say something -- but them relaxed, dropping down to all fours. It was as if all the air went out of him -- taking all the anger and aggression with it.

"Yeah..." he muttered, suddenly avoiding eye contact." Yeah. I'm... yeah. Apology accepted. It's, you know. You always go on and on, telling me how bad I am and how I should do things.... I don't like it, Vis."

"I know. And I should know better. I'm sorry," Vis also began to relax. His voice sounded sincerely regretful. "I did not want to insult a friend. I... no, never mind. How about," he cast a glance towards Keera. "How about we just carry on?"

"Wha? Oh, sure, go ahead," Tyr agreed, sounding immensely relieved. "It's your turn now."

"Yes, it is," Vis nodded, stepping around his companion and walking back out onto the blanket. "Here. On your back. Legs wide."

She was in place almost before he was done speaking.

"Now then," Vis began, climbing up to straddle the base of her tail. He shifted around, finding a comfortable position, and leaned forward, placing his forepaws on her thighs. An impish smile appeared on his face -- Tyr was directly behind him and missed that shift in expression. "As you've rightfully chastised me, it is none of my affair what you do with a hole during your time with it. However, if that is the case, it follows that, on my time, I also get to do what I want. Correct?"

"Well, yeah, sure," Tyr agreed, a faint note of suspicion creeping into his voice.

"Excellent," Vis grinned at Keera. "Then, for this turn, I shall take this hole before me and declare it to be a lectern."

"A wha- Oh for fuck's sake..." Tyr groaned, rolling his eyes towards the ceiling. "Vis...."

"Now, now, my time, my rules," Vis wagged a warning claw -- right before using it to flick Keera's exposed clit, causing her to flinch in surprise. "So let me tell you why I care so much. It is not so that I can perv on you, as you so eloquently put it -- I am, in fact, somewhat wounded that you'd consider me so selfish and conceited."

As he spoke, his forepaws went to work, caressing, teasing and tickling Keera's cleft. His touch was gentle and quick, and each time a claw slid along the inside of her folds or stopped to pinch and run her button, it sent a little pleasurable jolt through her entire body.

"I am, in fact, doing this solely for our mutual benefit -- both yours and mine. To clarify -- I am taking vital steps to maintain our current arrangement here. Because," he raised one claw for emphasis. Keera could clearly see a thick bead of her juices rolling down its length. "While I will not deny that its foundation is entirely monetary, there are nevertheless three very good reasons why we should endeavor to expand this beyond a common transaction."

By now, his entire forepaw was inside her vagina. It moved up and down the passage, seeking out familiar sensitive spots and points of pleasure, while the other limb remained outside, massaging and flicking her clit as it swelled and reddened in response, becoming increasingly more sensitive to the touch. Once more, Keera felt her loins heating up. Her passage grew slick and wet, trembling and constricting around Vis's limb.

"First. Consider the great, no, the staggeringly enormous good fortune of having found someone who is not only willing to indulge our... uncommon tastes," his orange eyes were one again locked on hers, but this time there was something more to his gaze than the burning hunger and demand. That something caused her heart to race and the smoldering fire below her stomach to roar into a blaze. "But also someone who shares -- and, dare I say, greatly enjoys them."

She was suddenly very close. Her entire body shuddered with the urgent need for release -- but Vis shook his head and eased off. Not yet, his eyes were saying. Not quite yet.

"Second," he broke eye contact for a moment to glance at Tyr. The other draakir had moved to the side, seemingly disinterested in what Vis was doing -- but the larger lizard was positioned in such a way as to have a clear view of the other's actions, should his eyes accidently stray in that direction. "Not only has that someone been accommodating to these tastes, but also willing to go above and beyond to provide the level of secrecy and privacy that they demand," Vis made a gesture that took in the room, the desolate building it was in, the ruined district and, somehow, the entirety of the buried city. "I defy you to so readily find another kobold with both traits that I've just described."

Her entire body was shaking, every muscle tensed with the effort to remain still. Her loins ached, burned, with the need for release, but every time she got close to the edge, Vis would pull away, making her gasp and whine soundlessly in frustration. Her hips were lifting off the blanket in unwitting thrusting motions and she had to grip at its fabric with both hands to stop herself from simply plunging them into her folds along Vis's and achieving climax herself.

"Third, and perhaps most important," Vis brought her to the very edge before withdrawing mercilessly, drawing a noiseless sob from her throat. He pulled out from inside her completely, his forelimb positively slathered in her fluids and began using it to stroke his cock, applying them as lubricant. "You are a liar, Tyr. A filthy, terrible liar. You say this is just a hole -- and yet, every time we come back from patrol, what happens? The females at the colony practically line up for your, tails raised and cunts forward, but what do you do instead? You badger me about when I'm going to schedule the meeting, whether I delivered the message, whether the message got picked up yet.... On and on and on. And then you take the trip here, always bitching and moaning about how it's too far and how it's not worth the effort, and how this is your last time for sure. And all that, I might add, to then throw down a good chunk of your wages for the privilege of sharing a 'hole' with the guy that may or may not be after your ass as well."

"But you're the one who.... I mean, you were the first one to...." Tyr protested weakly.

"Yes! However, I am a weirdo and a deviant. So my question is, what does that make you?" Vis grinned.

Without warning and without waiting for a reply, Vis leapt up and plunged his cock into Keera's cleft. He seized her hips and began furiously pumping away.

She was so wet and slick, she barely felt his cock slide in and out of her, but that didn't matter. He knew exactly what he was doing -- with every thrust he made, his groin and underbelly rubbed and teased against her clit.

She's been so close and so on edge that she climaxed in a matter of seconds. Her back arched, her claws pierced the blanket and dug into her palms, and her mouth opened in a silent, ecstatic cry. Her passage surged and contracted, and she felt a pressure that's been building inside her all this time find a sudden release -- her hips bucked and quivered as fluid began squirting from her cleft, splattering and soaking her thighs -- and Vis's body.

"And that's why we have to appreciate this arrangement!" the lizard shouted. He was nowhere near done -- and showed no intention of stopping. "Cherish it!" Even with both their groins becoming dangerously slippery, he was still keeping a firm grip and a steady rhythm. "Nurture it!" She's been riding out the orgasm, but her clit was on fire and that fire was once more spreading deeper into her loins, growing and building to the point of physical pain. "We're all perverts!" Vis panted out just as the second climax hit her, causing her to buck and twitch so violently, he was nearly thrown clear and had to spend a moment repositioning himself. "We're all deviants!" he cried out cheerfully, picking up the pace again. "And we are few! It was luck we found each other. It'll take more than luck if we want to stay together. And we want to -- and we have to! And you need a bit more than some fucking tokens for that!"

Her third orgasm came on the heels of the second. The fourth wasn't far behind. Somewhere around number seven, Vis finally climaxed himself, though her groin burned and throbbed so much, she only realized it after he collapsed on top of her, panting helplessly. He might've still been trying to say something, but his mouth was not cooperating anymore.

They both simply lay there for a long while, their chests rising and falling in unison. Finally, the draakir grunted and pushed himself up with a wet squelch. His entire underside -- all four limbs and the underbelly, groin to chest -- was covered in a thick coat of her fluids. He clambered over her leg, leaving behind a trail of slime, and shuffled over to where her head lay.

"Just look at this mess," he mumbled. "Clean me... would you?" he added?

Too exhausted to prop herself up, she nevertheless complied, turning her head towards him and starting to lick the mess off his body. Vis simply stood there, letting her go about her task, only moving occasionally to give her a better access to some other part of him. She left his crotch and slit until last -- that's where the splatters were the thickest and required the most effort from her. As her tongue explored his vent, scooping out the last of her juices, she felt a bump rise under the tip -- and the head of his cock once again poked out from its sheath.

"Well then," Vis snorted in tired disbelief. "Still haven't had enough, it seems. Well, if that's the case...."

Before he could finish, Keera felt a weight drop on her tail -- she looked up to see Tyr, who now straddled her in the exact same position that Vis had occupied not so long ago.

"So. Uh," he began, staring at her abused, exhausted loins with uncertainty -- and with a degree of helplessness. "Like... where the fuck do I start, then?"


It was somewhere in the middle of the next shift when they departed, Tyr complaining to the unusual silent Vis about how tired and sore he is and how they should finally find a place closer to the surface. They left Keera too worn out to even move, lying in the middle of a dark, wet spot -- everything, the blankets, the shirt she was still wearing, and even her pants would need a thorough wash before she headed back to the warren. But right now, she did not even want to think about all the water she would need to carry up here for this.

They also left her the payment -- two pouches, both filled with tokens. She didn't need to count them to know that they would be enough -- enough to pay off the tunnel fees for the months, enough for two meals a day -- maybe even enough to afford meat every now and again. Especially since, before leaving, Vis told her when to start checking the cache for his message -- only two weeks this time. Two weeks before she would have to come down here again, to lay out the blankets and to entertain her two guests.

To say that she wasn't looking forward to it would have been a filthy, terrible lie.