The Sparks of an Ancient Light

Story by ChrisSawyer on SoFurry

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Not the usual furry fare, but I hope you can give my story a chance.

The Sparks of an Ancient LightTo begin with, Maggie Pumpkin was dead. To further complicate things, she was born twice; first as a baby colt in an emergency room near Grand Junction in 2220; and then again as a muscular young filly on a remarkably clear day in 2239 when she first stepped into a boxing ring.It could be said that every animal experiences a moment of rebirth, a profound sense of awakening when they discover their true talents. For Maggie, her strength lie in the ring. Press conferences however..."Vinnie," Maggie gruffed through the bathroom door, "I can't wear these tighty whities! They'll show everything!"The crocodile hauled himself off the bed and moved to the door, "Come out Maggie, let me see yuu."Vinrod heard some sort of commotion in the bathroom, and a flurry of obscenities from his boxer, "Don't you go and break anything now, girl!"After a moment, a tawny brown horse emerged wearing tight shear underwear that, although cut for a male, displayed all that Maggie had with embarrassing clarity, "I shouldn't have transitioned without going through the reassignment surgery, it's too awkward!"

 The crocodile turned his head this way and that, "It's not so bad Maggie, at least, it's only as bad as you allow it to be."Tears welled up in Maggie's eyes as she pulled her long blonde hair down over her face, "I can't do it Vinnie... I just can't!""Come here girl..." He rumbled, enwrapping her in his long arms. Maggie nuzzled the rough plates of his skin and sighed, "How can you be hard and soft at the same time?"He chortled, "Maggie, you don't have to go out there. You can forgo the presss conference, and do the weigh-in in private."Maggie sighed miserably, and looked down upon her penis as it strained against the shear fabric of the undergarment, "I'm supposed to be a female! They'll all laugh at me!" Vinrod snorted and bopped his large hand upon her head, "Don't be ashamed of yourssself, Maggie!""It's easy for you to say." Maggie said with a wiggle of her ears so that he'd know she was joking, "Male and female crocs all look and sound the same!""I bet you thought I was a boy all thisss time, eh?"She smiled as Vinrod clasped his hands upon her cheeks and gently massaged the nervous horse before he hit upon an idea. He took a small towel from the washroom and slipped an end into the waistband of Maggie's form-fitting underwear. He let the towel drape down over Maggie's genitals, then stepped back to admire his handiwork, "There! All fixed!"

 Still fretting, Maggie tugged at the towel to see how well it'd stay on, "Won't they tell me to take it off for the weigh-in?""Perhapsss." Vinrod replied, "But by then the presss conference will be just about over."She blew out a long breath, "Okay, let's get

down there."Vinrod nodded as Maggie took up her blue and yellow boxing robe and slipped it on. On the back was printed: 'The Buckley Bomber,' though Maggie'd since changed her slogan. Vinrod opened the hotel room door and led his fighter out into the hall. In the elevator lobby were several animals waiting to get down to the casino level, and they seemed delighted to meet Maggie in such an intimate setting. Vinrod produced a pen so that Maggie could sign autographs, and while the party waited for the wheezy elevator, Maggie's mind began to wander back to her childhood home in Buckley. She shook her head with a snort, and Vinrod patted her rump to comfort her.Soon the elevator arrived, and the group piled into the car. It strained ominously as Vinrod's two hundred and seventy two kilogram bulk weighed upon the cables. But there was no problem, and the car arrived at the casino lobby in short order.

 Just then Maggie's opponent Lily Gardner appeared in the hall, accompanied by her entourage. The divisional champion looked directly at the towel covering Maggie's crotch, then whispered something to one of her aides. Maggie flattened her ears as she cupped her hands over her towel, but became surprised when the attendant returned with a towel that Lily placed over her own crotch, "We better get going." Lily said as she pushed through the gathered bystanders and out into the Hotel's casino.Maggie followed behind the tall bison as Vinrod walked beside Lily's trainer, a rough and tumble lion named Dieter. The stench of liquor and pipe weed was overpowering as Maggie looked about the dimly lit room. It's vaulted ceiling was imposing, as were the huge chandeliers hanging precariously from their rather delicate looking chains. Maggie hoped that they wouldn't have to stand underneath one.The fighters were then led up onto a white carpeted platform as flashbulbs popped and flashed all around them. Lily playfully patted Maggie's abdominals, eliciting a startled squeak from the nervous horse. Rocketing to the top of the eastern division in just eighteen months, Maggie was unaccustomed to this sort of media attention.

 "Lily!" Called a feline, "How do you feel fighting a stallion here in the female league?"The bison did not immediately answer, instead, Lily handed Maggie a water bottle as she crossed arms with the transgender horse and drank from the bottle in Maggie's hand. Maggie caught on, and sipped from the bottle in Lily's hand as a multitude of cameras created a disorienting strobe-like effect upon the far wall. Finally, Lily smiled to Maggie as she turned to the sports reporter, "If boxers fought with our genitals, then I might have an opinion about Maggie's plumbing."Maggie smiled broadly as Lily winked her support. As the press conference wore on, Maggie realized that her opponent was running interference, shielding Maggie from the pointed and often intrusive

questions regarding her recent change from a male to female fighter. Maggie basked in the glow of Lily's support, and she imagined herself becoming good friends with the bison, but her reprieve was interrupted by a dark brown voice, "Maggie, come away with me."

 The hall became dark as her dream was undermined by the eagle's voice, and Maggie's senses reeled as the mariner pulled her mind's eye away from the ring, and carried her far afield; "Do you remember the little colt?""No, Herald..." Maggie groaned, "Stop it, I don't want to go back there."Maggie's mind struggled to remain within the Royal Calais, and just as it seemed she'd succeeded, the dark of the hall was shattered by bright and cheery sunlight, "Come Maggie, return to Buckley... come and visit the little colt that you've forgot.""No Herald... I'm not Dennis anymore..."Her words became faint, detached, distant. An uneasy serenity fell over her as slowly, gently, Herald placed Maggie's mind upon the green fields of Buckley. Maggie watched as her childhood self pedaled his bicycle to the border of the protected forest, and then the stout little colt climbed a driftwood fence and wandered into the woods. "No...." Maggie gasped as the great and tall trees loomed large, "Herald..."Dennis Pumpkin greeted the trees as friends, and climbed up on them, unaware of the sweet and thoughtful things they said about him...

 "Go into the woods, Maggie.""NO!!" Maggie cried as the dream collapsed around her, revealing the back wall of a dark restaurant exterior. Maggie's ghostly outline flickered for a long while as the shock of Herald's vision held sway upon her senses, "I was so lonely... those trees were the closest thing I had to a friend."The eagle gently reached out with his wing, "Maggie, can you see the path? Is it there?""No."Herald clacked his mandible as Maggie recovered from her friend's intervention, "I see how you were trying to guide me toward the woods, even in my dreams."The eagle chortled, "Have we been through this so often that you've become aware of my technique?"Herald then turned away for a moment to trade anxious words with an unseen animal, "Herald, who are you talking to?"He did not immediately answer, and the mare knew that she was in trouble, but also, she knew that Herald was there to help, "Maggie, we've got to figure out why the path isn't appearing for you. I've asked someone to come and see you.""Oh?" She asked, quite surprised, "Herald, is this someone a god?"

 He shrugged his wings, "It depends on what you mean."Maggie smirked at his customary elusiveness, whilst he traded more and more words with the unseen entity. Many hours seemed to pass, and Maggie became concerned, "Herald, someone else might need you, I'll be okay for now."He raised his wing to silence

her, and she became alarmed as a deep and heavy mist closed around them. She waited there in the fog, her friend's broad form silhouetted within the gloom. The image recalled the day Herald had first appeared to her, some ten years ago... He'd stepped out of the fog, as if the fog it's self had taken animal form. And then... he was.Through her introspection, Maggie'd scarcely noticed that the fog'd lifted, and Maggie found her eagle friend looking thoughtful and perhaps a little troubled. Maggie's bright golden light shimmered as she smiled to him, "Herald, how did you get this job of yours? Did you take it upon yourself, or did this... 'someone' appoint you?""It is my hope that you might find out."A surge of excitement swelled within Maggie, for she knew that something momentous was about to happen, "Okay," Maggie said, trying her best to be calm, "If someone's coming to take me... Can Randy come with me? Or Maybe Vincent? I don't want to go by myself."

 Herald sighed, turned his golden eyes to her, "Between the great oaks and the high jagged hills there is a path..." He paused; reached out his broad wing which passed gently through Maggie, "Once you leave behind the mortal world and take the high trail up, no one else may follow.""Why?" She asked, as Herald brushed his wing lovingly across her cheek. "That path is for your steps alone.""Wouldn't that someone be there with me?"Herald smiled, "You wouldn't be able to see them.""But why? Herald, is there some kind of spirit or animal who does... god stuff?"Herald chortled, "Maggie, I'm sorry that you are having such a difficult time transitioning into your next life..." That thought struck home, and Maggie recoiled from him, "Yeah, I know all about how hard that is!"He smiled gently, "I am sorry your life was so difficult, Maggie."Indeed, it had been a hard life. But in spite of her passing, Maggie had drawn some comfort in her spiritual body's wholly female shape. It was as if some higher power had acknowledged what she herself had always felt. That Maggie Pumpkin was female. "Herald, you said someone was coming to help, who are they?"

 Herald bowed his head as Maggie pressed him for more details, "Herald, what is the path? Who made it, and why can't I see it?""My best guess is, you're not ready.""Herald! This is crazy! Why would I not be ready to be born again! Did I do something wrong!?"He cupped his wings over the frightened spirit, "Herald," She peeped, "I need to know who you are talking to!"Then, Herald stood bolt upright as his answer came, though it was not what he wished to hear; "Maggie, it appears that I must leave you."Maggie shook her head, "Herald, I don't understand." Herald smiled weakly whilst trading silent words with his mysterious employer, but it soon became apparent that there

was no arguing, "Maggie, I have to fly away now. I am being asked to retire.""No, Herald..." She peeped, as the eagle bit back a painful emotion, "I'll likely settle up in Shannonvale, try to find me if you can! I love you very much!""I love you too." She whispered, and Herald nodded bravely as he again beseeched the unseen entity to intervene on Maggie's behalf. There was no reply. "I was hoping that I could have helped you before I go."

 Maggie smiled gently as she attempted to comfort her friend, "I appreciate your concern, I really do. I'll be fine. Besides, what's the hurry? I have all the time in the world to move on, eh?""Maggie, if you linger much longer, your identity will slip away. You'll begin to recall all of your past lives, and that's when things will get messy." Maggie cocked her head, "Yes? How will that be a problem?" Herald became alarmed as his shadowy outline began to dissolve away, and he hurriedly answered, "Your memories will become a story that has no beginning and no end; and your spirit shall arbitrarily choose a moment of experience on which to look back, or from another to look ahead." His outline was nearly indistinct from the mist that surrounded them, and his voice became hollow, and far away, "It is the framework of a living body that gives structure to your spiritual mind. Without a body your soul will be lost and adrift, you will become a hostage to all of your past moments, and you will be unfit and unable to rejoin the living."

 Maggie's light shimmered as Herald became overcome with emotion, "Your mind will drift away, blown upon the winds like so much dust until at last your consciousness shall pass into oblivion."He wept in the way that eagles cry, and in that moment Maggie realized that Herald Kirsten was not a spirit, he was something else... "Herald, I'll find a way back! I'll become a little colt again!"Weeping, crying, Herald Kirsten faded among the things unseen. His mournful smile burned into Maggie's heart as he winked away, and in that moment her thoughts became focused upon one goal; "He wanted to help me become alive again, and so that's what I'm going to do! If this someone won't help me, then I'll help myself!"The problem was, Maggie had no idea how to proceed. 'At least I know there's someone out there, someone who's in charge of things.'Maggie departed the restaurant and looked to the broad avenue as a gentle rain began to fall. She wished the city could be as she'd remembered, but it was not. It could never be, until she found a way back into life, 'Why the fuck does this have to be difficult! What the hel is the path, anyway?'

 At the back of Maggie's mind was a nagging thought, and try as she might she couldn't rid herself of it; 'You're not worthy. The path will not appear to the unworthy.'The shunting of the passing traffic

became muted in that strange sort of way, and everywhere there was the mist. Maggie's bright golden light flickered erratically as she struggled with the growing realization that perhaps the mysterious someone would not appear to her... because she was not worth their time. She shook her head and focused upon the falling rain, wishing that she could become soaked, and Maggie's light shimmered sadly as she began to despair. Maggie's mind turned inward, and obsessively examined all of the things she'd said and done in her recent life, 'Okay, what could I have done that's so bad?' She recalled her sparsely furnished flat, and how the sink would always back up. One thought leading to another, she found herself back within the Royal Calais... "NO!"With superanimal effort, Maggie pulled her mind away from boxing and to the task at hand, "I have to find a way to make amends." She glanced up, "I'm sorry! Can I do something to have the path appear? Please!"

 There was no reply. Maggie bowed her head, and lowered herself to the pavement all while living animals hurried past her, oblivious to her desperation, "I'm sorry.... please, can someone help me!?"Now, there comes a point where compassion overcomes protocol, and the dark seraph of death descended upon Maggie Pumpkin and brought not release, but the memory of her closest friend; "What color was your coat?" Herald asked as he collapsed beside her. Maggie smiled, and marveled at how his spiritual form seemed to have so much... weight."My fur was the color of wet straw, and I had a mane of light blonde hair.""Hmmm." He replied, "That's a nice combination. If I was a horse, that's how I'd like to look.""Herald, what did you do when you were alive? What sorts of jobs do eagles have?""Oh, eagles entertain all manner of professions. As for you, we should endeavor to get you back into the world of the living, someone somewhere needs you!"Maggie's mind seized upon the utterance; 'Someone...' "Maggie, you're one of the longest wandering spirits I've ever seen. Ten years now since you've left the world, and still you've not returned."

 "Ten years doesn't seem like that long." She said with a long breath, the gesture being purely emotional since she'd no lungs, "Who's the longest wandering spirit, anyway?"Herald chortled, his large luminous eyes twinkling as the memory slowly faded, "Some crazy eagle, has big feet and kind of looks like me!"Maggie Pumpkin awoke, and found herself out toward Market Street. She opened her arms to the rain and imagined herself becoming soaked, 'I always liked the rain. The smells, the sounds.'Slowly, Maggie faded into the night. Moving. Wandering. She looked into the darken windows of nearby shops and saw no reflection. It was another strange artifact of her spiritual nature, she'd not seen her own face in the decade she'd

been dead. "Don't think of yourself as dead." Herald had said some years ago, as if betraying some secret to her he ought not to, "Think of yourself as awake now, but while you're covered in a living body... that's when the thing that's you... really you... is asleep." His face was grave as he gestured with his wing, "Won't you sleep now and dream? Come Maggie, dream the dream of life..."

 'Oh, Herald...' Maggie whispered as the rain fell all around her. She cast her eyes skyward, 'Why are we even here? What's it all for?' The dark shadow of death lingered nearby, her heart aching to comfort Maggie. Sadly, she was unable to. Death was as removed from Maggie as the wandering spirit was from the mortal animals who passed by, oblivious to her presence.Maggie wandered on, and eventually found herself back at Golden Gloves. This fitness gymnasium had been one of her... 'haunts' in life, and it was a place Maggie always found herself return to when she was feeling troubled. She entered the arena and smiled to her portrait gracing one of the far walls, along with her friends Lily Gardner and Sylvia Sharps. "Oh Lily, I wish I could see you right now."As she mulled over her predicament, she began to make peace with her fate, 'If Herald's boss doesn't want me, then I'll just stay here until I drift away, or whatever Herald said would happen to me.'Maggie felt better as she opened her mind, now willfully relishing her fondest memories with no thought of the future. As was typical of her life, high emotional peaks were often followed by low depressing valleys. When Maggie began her career as a male to female boxer, it caused quite a controversy. The young colt'd been endowed with large expressive eyes, a mane of thick blonde hair and a pink feminine nose. So blessed, Dennis Pumpkin had found it easy to cast aside his male identity and become Maggie Pumpkin. The regular world has a way of intruding upon our plans however, and so Maggie's transformation was punctuated with isolation and heartache. Many females refused to fight the new Maggie Pumpkin, feeling the gender dysphoric stallion would have an unfair advantage against them, "You forget your name, Dennis?" Some would sneer.

 It was the burly bison Lily Gardner and a wolf named Sylvia Sharps who set aside their concerns and stepped into the ring with Maggie. This inflamed the boxing press, and rumors immediately began to swirl. As Maggie paused from her introspection to watch the young animals at Golden Gloves train, she caught sight of a young equine mare sparring with a canid partner. Maggie's heart ached, oh how she wished she could mentor the young boxer, "That's it, you're doing so good..."A cascade of emotion falling down upon her, Maggie suddenly found herself back in that gloomy locker room with her crocodile trainer and feline promoter. "Okay Maggie," Said the cat as he stepped behind Maggie's chair and put his hands on her

shoulders to massage her neck, "Don't expect Lily to cut you any slack!"Maggie squirmed against his touch, and Anthony stepped away with a smile, "You gotta use that reach of yours to counter her greater height!""Yes, Anthony." She replied with a roll of her eyes.Vinrod the crocodile smiled to her and put his large hands upon her cheeks, "Moost impoortantly," he said in his heavy Mantuan accent, "Duu must win!"

 Maggie cupped her hands over his, and wondered why it was that crocodiles made such great trainers, yet were lousy fighters. "I'll do my best, guys."The door opened, "Three minutes!" an animal chuffed, and Maggie sprang to her feet. Back within Golden Gloves, Maggie smiled at the fond memory. The battle for the divisional title was one of her most fond recollections, and she'd haunt that old amphitheater if they hadn't torn it down. Within her memory, Maggie adjusted the sports bra over her curved pectorals after a quick stretch of her torso. The powerfully built mare then moved down the long hall toward the stadium. Maggie tightened her jaw as a raucous crowd howled and cheered as the current divisional champion took to the ring and strutted to and fro. The edge of the ring could be seen at the end of the tunnel, and Maggie bit back a nervous lump as Lily's feet danced across the mat, to the delight of the crowd. An announcer's voice boomed through a speaker, but his words were merely a garbled static. Maggie then arrived within the amphitheater, and the crowd cheered her, chanting her name over and over, "Mag-gie! Mag-gie!" Maggie flexed her biceps and gave a shrill whinny, bringing the crowd to a fever pitch. The announcer chimed in once more, "From East Buckley, weighing eighty one point six kilograms, Maggie Puuuum-kiiiiin!"

 The crowd cheered all the louder, while the regional champion looked down upon Maggie and brought her gloves together in salute. The mare returned her opponent's gesture as she approached the ring and slipped under the ropes. Standing six foot six, Maggie was a full four inches shorter than the bison champion. However, Maggie's arms were longer, each bearing an enormous fist that dealt fearsome punishment. Lily Gardener eyed Maggie's endowments as the opponents drew near and touched chests for the customary stare-down, "You ain't cut your bits off yet have you? I'd like to try you out sometime.""You really have a way with the ladies." Maggie nickered. The announcer spoke again through the loudspeaker, and the crowd cheered wildly. As the fighters parted, Maggie briefly imagined herself and Lily in the throes of a sexual encounter, 'Heh, me and Lily. That's a laugh.'As Maggie reminisced, the flow of time was greatly accelerated within the physical world. Animals darted and dashed around her as she continued her journey back in time, these introspections being the only way

that a spirit may dream. As Maggie turned her gaze toward the past, the future came rushing to meet her. Already fifteen years had transpired as Maggie Pumpkin continued her dreamlike trance.  The crowd of animals within Maggie's recollection chanted and cheered, each rooting for their perspective favorites as Maggie again brought her gloves together in salute. Lily responded with a half-hearted gesture as the referee bid the fighters "Fight!" Lily threw herself at Maggie, only to be stopped cold by a hard right which momentarily stunned the bison. "Follow up!" Vinrod screamed, "Hit her again!" Maggie cocked her fist and prepared to throw another punch when Lily recovered from the mare's blow and landed her own right cross. The blow struck Maggie's cheek, sending the mare stumbling backward. Lily charged ahead, throwing blow after blow, while Maggie ducked and weaved, attempting to shake the aggressive bison. "I'm gonna fuck you hard Maggie!"

 With a wild swing and a swift move to the right, Maggie repelled Lily's advance. The two crashed against the corner ropes, and Maggie pressed her nose to Lily's cheek, "You really want me to fuck you?"Lily threw Maggie across the ring with a roar and flailed her arms wildly, but Maggie stood fast, throwing her own wild combos. The fighters stood nose to nose, each trading fierce blows as the crowd screamed wildly. Finally, the bell rang and the referee separated the combatants. Maggie returned to her corner as Vinrod rolled under the ropes and appeared beside her, "That was guut girl, Guut! But yuur eye iss sswelling closed."Indeed, Maggie reached up and found her left eye to be puffy and painful, "Ow!"Across the ring, Lily made a rude sexual gesture which brought a smile to Maggie's face. The bell rang, and Vinrod gave his fighter a supportive pat, "Duu yuur best!"Maggie did her best to control her breathing as the fighters circled one another, then Lily lunged, Maggie surged, and both fighters clashed.Within the background of Maggie's recollection, death quietly studied Maggie Pumpkin. The black seraph fended off the anxious concerns issuing from the lord of all life as she stayed with Maggie, 'Love, you must awaken.'

 Maggie's recollection was shaken, but continued on as the fighters traded blow after painful blow. Finally, Maggie got clear and landed a hard right to Lily's jaw. The impact sent a loud report which echoed through the amphitheater, sending the crowd into a frenzy. Lily stood, a blank look in her eyes as Maggie followed up with another hard right. The awesome strength of Maggie Pumpkin was unleashed upon the stunned champion, and Lily Gardner teetered for a moment before falling to the mat. Maggie fell to her knees as the referee rushed to the fallen champion and shook her. He then pointed to Maggie and declared, "The winner by a knockout!"'Maggie,

you must wake.' Death's words momentarily fell upon deaf ears as the animals within Maggie's dream rushed to the ring. Vinrod the crocodile hugged his fighter, and then Maggie went to Lily's side as the bison sat up. Maggie hugged her opponent, drawing a warm smile from the dizzied bison, "Well, it's official. You hit like a girl."'Love...' Death whispered, 'You have a rich history with much to be proud of, why do you dwell upon this act of ritualized violence?'

 There seemed to be nothing that death could do, and so the black seraph, (Her name being Ibiza Pushpath, actually,) departed from Maggie Pumpkin's mind. After a great long while, Maggie let go of the triumphant moment in her life and returned to the regular world. Maggie shook with surprise when she found herself in an open field. It was night... and my had things changed. The building, her favorite gymnasium... gone. Only the concrete foundation remained. Maggie looked about with a soft sigh, 'I wonder what happened to my portrait?'Once she'd collected herself, Maggie found herself back out on Baseline Road. She wandered aimlessly as the evening deepened into night, reminded at every turn by the echoes of her former time. "I'll always remember those nights, back at Golden Gloves."She again looked to the clear bright stars, and they smiled gently upon her. Her inner light trembled with want, and she scanned the sky, looking... Hoping. 'Herald, where did you go?'***Now, you and I have business elsewhere. We're going up north, into the avian stronghold of Shannonvale. The year is now 2271, and a great many things have transpired since Maggie Pumpkin's time. The greatest change to have come in the last decade was the dissolution of the central Union Government. The individual animal city states have struck out on their own, with Shannonvale bidding good riddance to it's mammal neighbors. A mammal can always tell when they've stumbled into the realm of eagles, because nothing is ever on the ground. You'd be right in assuming this had long been a point of contention between avians and mammals, in much the same way that avians complain about the fiddly door knobs of the mammal world.

 Homes in this place are perched high up in trees, or tend to be, anyways. Some, like the Brightwing residence are built into the side of a steep hillside. Ayer Rock is the name of the neighborhood, an enclave of upscale homes perched along the picturesque foothills. It's a steep drop from the balconies, however, a road along the top of the ridge permits motor vehicle access. It is here that death has come, to look in on an old spirit once known to Maggie Pumpkin.Within a bedroom just off the main gallery, Justin Brightwing grasped a playing card with his long toes and fumbled with it for a moment before turning it over, "Shit." His brother emitted an excited squeal as he brought a trumping card

into play, "Poison Cymax beats Fire Ants! You lose two turns Justy!"Justin watched as his brother Ashley took his two turns, and noted how deftly he manipulated the playing cards. Justin looked down upon his freakishly large feet and wondered how two golden eagle brothers separated by eighteen months could look so different.

 "What's on your mind Justy?" came his father's voice.Oblivious to his late father's question, Ashley sat down upon his bottom, his fan-like tail spread out behind him. "I'd say that's a wrap, we could go a few more rounds, but I don't see a point. When are the guys going to be here?""Should be here soon." Justin replied.Tristan Brightwing remained silent, but he knew Justin was up to something. Soon enough, a flock of eagles arrived upon the outside landing. Ashley flashed them a smile as he opened the circular glass door of Justin's room, "Hey!""What's up!" A young bald eagle cawed, and then asked with a bob of his head, "Ready to go?""Where are you going Justin?" Tristan asked, and Justin answered his father in the form of a question, "What time does this movie start?""Three." Replied the youngster named Virgil Proudfoot, and Justin nodded, hoping there'd be no further questions from his invisible father."What movie are you seeing?"Justin groaned, and bowed his head. Tristan knew that the local youth used Justin to gain access to restricted films, because at a glance, Justin could pass for an adult. Adolescents are restricted from viewing adult films without a parent, I'm sure your world had a similar rule.

 "You guys sure you want to see 'The Crush,' right?""Isn't that film about a school teacher that becomes mired in a relationship with an obsessed student?" Tristan asked, "I don't think you boys should see that movie. Please see something else.""Uhhhh..." Justin stammered, then; "I have to use the bathroom."The boys nodded as Justin left the room. Ashley fidgeted for a moment as he waited for his brother to close the washroom door before opining, "I guess Justin's having tummy trouble again."Within the bathroom, Justin could freely speak to his father, "Dad, come on! It's only restricted because of language! There's no sex in the movie!""It's a movie for adults Justin, you shouldn't be watching things like that!""Dad, please!""Justy," Tristan said, his tone gentle and reflective, "I'm sorry I can't take you boys somewhere nice. I'm sorry I can't be there for you."Justin looked about, wondering where his father might be standing, "You're here for me right now dad, and you've probably saved me from a really shitty movie!"

 "Justin?" Ashley called, "You gonna need an ambulance?"Justin flushed the avian toilet and them emerged from the washroom, "Guys, I don't want to see that

movie, why don't we go to King's Hall?"The other youth filed out into the hall as they looked to one another, "King's Hall might be okay!" Chirped a smaller golden eagle named Beatrice. Justin handed out ankle purses to any who didn't already have one, while his mother appeared to offer coins and monorail passes, "What time do you expect to be home?""At least by six." Ashley replied, "A new episode of Tower of Power is on!"Eleanor waved the flock off and then gazed out the window as they flew away. She sighed as her late husband appeared beside her, "Gods how I miss you."The mother eagle bowed her head and moved away, apparently feeling the same for Tristan. Tristan's inner light shimmered as Eleanor returned to grading her school papers, but her mind was obviously elsewhere. She rose and moved slowly along the hall, her husband's spirit right beside her, "I don't know how much longer I'll be able to keep this up." Tristan said as Eleanor moved into her sleeping nook. He hesitated, 'Oh, Elly. I know it's gotten better for you and the boys. Somehow Justin can hear me, but I know that soon we'll have to let go of one another.' A strong breeze then blew through the home, and Tristan shook with surprise when it was his feathers that became ruffled, and not Eleanor's. This wind pierced stone, wood and flesh. An etherial vapor then rose up from the floor and swirled about the home, forming tall thin tornadoes as the otherworldly wind howled, 'The spirit world has weather?'

 The father eagle had no idea that he was being watched, and yet an odd sense of foreboding drove Tristan into his old bedchamber where he found his wife pulling a box from under her sleeping cushion. Tristan's spiritual eyes moved over his wife's broad shoulders and deep heavy chest, 'Ashley's small and petite, he looks like me. But Justy, he's going to look just like you, Elly.'With her long toes, Eleanor plucked photographs from the box and placed them upon the cushion, "Is that all that's left of me?" Tristan whispered, "Just some old photographs under the bed?"Oblivious to the black flame which roiled just above him, Ibiza was touched by Tristan's sorrow. Though she veiled her passage in darkness, Ibiza's heart radiated compassion, gentleness, and a tender motherly love. The entity looked through Tristan Brightwing and reviewed all of the past lives the eagle had lived. She grasped each of the memories that fell from his eyes like so many tears, and rode the crest of all of his triumphs and sorrows. Below, Tristan stood beside his wife as she reminisced, "I love this one Trissy." she breathed, gesturing to a photo of Tristan looking down from a ferris wheel's gondola, "That was such a good day."

 "Yes Elly, it was."She gasped, weeping in the way that eagles cry as Tristan bowed his head in sorrow. He moved to the window and then through it, riding the strange

currents of spiritual energy that he was gradually beginning to master, "Justin is the only thing keeping me sane. If spirits are real, there has to be someone or something I can speak to."'Indeed.' Thought Ibiza, her mind reviewing many options and possibilities, 'The female isn't likely to mate again, so I may not return the husband to her.' Ibiza thought, 'Still, there might be another way...'As Tristan gazed down into the valley, Ibiza passed him by, leaving him for now as she sought to address an old grievance, 'For Octavius' sake, I shall endeavor to act.'***High over the ridge, Justin Brightwing peeled off from his flock. No explanation was given, and none was needed. His friends knew where Justin was going, although on this occasion Ashley followed after his big brother. Though separated by only a year and a half, Justin was a towering figure in Ashley's life. It wasn't simply Justin's great size, it was something he exuded, an intangible quality in his character that Ashley felt he could always draw inspiration. Justin then became aware of a presence, and he glanced about, "Dad, are you there?" Justin hissed before his brother got too close. 'Hmm, no answer.'

 Beside the eagle, Ibiza Pushpath regarded him carefully, 'If I spoke, would you hear?' Justin glanced about the sky once more, and Ibiza watched him carefully, utterly fascinated by the eagle. 'What is your strange link to the spirit world?' She wondered as Ibiza investigated Justin's spiritual memory, and was surprised when the eagle became aware of her intrusion! "Dad? Is that you!?""Hey Justin!" Ashley called, "You're not going to linger too long at Shelton's, are you?""Nope!" Justin called back, "Just crossing the border real quick and then hopping back over!"'It's a good thing the pony lives near the border.' Ashley thought as the pair made the forty minute flight. Ibiza receded from Justin, and from the third dimensional realm of Midgard. Up into the higher realm of Nidavelir did she go, Ibiza's many questions trailing along behind her as she sought out her uncle's hollow. But our boys, they continued their flight into Albany, the home of horses and other hoofed mammals. Albany is a picturesque realm dotted with nondescript white homes where animals possessed of a simple means quietly reside.

 I must confess a fondness for these animals. Horses and Stags tend to be good natured, and are content to just live and let live. They are not overly concerned with the comings and goings of strangers, which works to our eagle brother's advantage. Ashley and Justin fly unfettered over the main thoroughfare of Telegraph Road, idly watching traffic meander beneath them as they note their landmarks and count the streets before their turn above Forest Drive. The neighborhoods over which the boys fly would be indistinguishable from the Albany that Maggie Pumpkin knew.

Change comes very slowly here, and the automobiles used within Albany still employ steam-powered engines which emit very little pollution, and so our eagles are not bothered by noxious fumes which might gather over the roadways of other city states.Ahead, a small equine pony rushed about his back porch, gathering his harness straps and other odd ends he'd need for his flight, "Mom! Have you seen my chest strap?""I put in in the laundry!" Came Missy Holden's reply, and Shelton wrinkled his nose, "Mom, it's nylon. You don't need to wash it."

 The pony stooped before the washer machine and reached in, grasping at random articles before he found what he sought. With a nicker he pulled the strap loose and put it about his chest. Despite his diminutive height, Shelton Holden's chest was quite broad. His arms and legs were thick and stout, and his orange safety strap stood out in stark contrast against his dapple grey coat. Wearing only his orange flying harness and a short black kilt upon his hip, Shelton waited for his friend to arrive. "Where are you off to today?" Missy asked as she appeared at the back door. Shelton offered an innocent shrug, "We may see a movie.""Your friend isn't going to try and get you into any restricted films, is he?" Missy asked with a raised brow. "Mom!" She waved her finger at her fifteen year old, "You're too young to see restricted movies! So don't you do it!"He nodded, and then Missy leaned over and smooched her son, "See you later, and take care being on Justin!""Okay." He replied with a sullen nod. Then, the eagle brothers touched down in the yard. Shelton waved to them and skipped out to greet his friends. Missy marveled at how beautiful the eagles were, and how big Justin truly was. She offered a friendly wave, and Justin replied with a wave of his wing as he knelt down for Shelton to slip a strap about his neck. Missy winced as Shelton mounted up, and Justin exclaimed, "You been sneaking a few extra sugar cubes? You're feeling heavier than usual!"

 Shelton made some retort that Missy didn't quite catch, and then Justin broke into a run with her son bobbing up and down upon the eagle's back. With the tree line fast approaching, Shelton unconsciously shut his eyes, 'I hope I'm not too heavy!' His fears were unfounded, for Justin stepped into the air and the trio was off. Missy looked after them and breathed a sigh, "I hope Shelton never gets too heavy for that."She moved back indoors and went to her daughter's room, "How are you feeling?" Inside, a tall mare flashed her mother a warm smile, "Everything's fine! I didn't hear a peep from him!""In fact," The blind mare continued, "I haven't heard from Clint for several days now. I wonder if that shadow he's always talking about finally caught up with him?"Missy sat down on the bed and cradled her daughter's

face in her arms, "I'm just glad he left you alone for at least a few days so you could sleep. I'm so excited about your new job!"Shelly offered a supportive pat, "I'm sure the job will be fine. It's funny how things work out, huh?"

 'Indeed.' Missy thought, 'It's only been twenty days since Shelton met Justin.'Missy lay her chin on her daughter's shoulder as she recalled Shelton's telling of the day he met his new best friend. The first week of September had been warm, and Shelton Holden sat astride a motorbike as he followed a dusty old trail as far as it could take him. Strapped to his back was a metal detector, borrowed from his high school's science room, 'Shoot, the trail's ending.'Shelton stopped just shy of his goal, to reach the former Union trash dump of Dun Keel. Shelton deployed the bike's side stand, and switched the contraption off as he cupped his hand over his eyes to better see ahead, "I think I see the old entrance."He thought to try and urge the cycle on through the open fields, but the thought of his father becoming angry at any such mistreatment of his prized cycle scuttled these ideas. The pony pulled the metal detector from his backpack and assembled the device. Grasping his large burlap sack which he hoped could become filled with valuable bottle caps and other metal items, Shelton trod through the high grassy fields toward the entrance of old Keel.

 By chance, Shelton was overflown by an avian eagle. A golden eagle specifically, one who was struck by a profound sense of deja-vu at the sight of a little grey pony moving through a grassy field with what appeared to be a rifle in their hands. Intrigued, Justin Brightwing slowed and angled in to land near the pony. From Shelton's perspective, he'd been fumbling with the metal detector and was becoming quite concerned that the contraption might not function as promised. "Hello." Said a voice. Shelton whirled around to find a very large eagle who flinched, perhaps fearing that the startled pony did indeed have a rifle. "My name's Justin." The eagle said, relieved that it was only a metal detector."Uh, hi." Shelton said, "You're in Albany you know.""Yes." The eagle replied, his voice quite deep and lovely. "Ok, I just wouldn't want you to get in trouble for being out of your own area."Justin studied the straps and loops of the metal detector and then his eyes sparkled mischievously, "Would you like to fly with me?"

 Shelton frowned, "Um, look sir, I'm just fifteen years old. I don't know if it's appropriate..." Justin interrupted Shelton with a wave of his wing, "I'm seventeen, I'm just a little big for my age.""Oh." The pony snorted, "You're kinda a LOT big for your age."Shelton hemmed and hawed for a moment, unsure of what to do and not entirely comfortable with the abruptness of this stranger. Justin picked up on the pony's

uncertainty and he politely nodded, "I'm sorry for intruding into your day, I'll leave you be.""No..." Shelton peeped, "Could you explain, um... how would flying work?""Use the straps for that metal detector to hold yourself onto my back! We can tie the long loop around my neck, and then fasten it to the strap across your chest. Then, you can use your knees to brace against the base of my neck, just like animals used to a long long time ago!"Shelton found himself unfastening the detector's straps, and then he backed away, "Look, I don't think that's safe...""It's really quite safe." Justin assured, "Are you sure you don't want to try?"

 Shelton wrinkled his nose at the prim and proper way the eagle spoke. He seemed like an egg-head, one of those know-it-all's who always had some smart ass response to everything you said. "Ok." Shelton found himself saying."Lovely!" Justin chimed, "Just loop the long carry strap over my neck!"'I can't believe this!' Shelton thought as he worked, while on the other side Justin marveled; 'Unbelievable! This pony is right out of my dream!'"Okay," Justin said once Shelton'd finished, "Now, just climb up and secure your chest strap to the one about my neck."There was much bumbling and flailing as Shelton attempted to climb atop the eagle, for Justin's feathers were quite smooth and slick, and Shelton slid off each time he attempted to mount up, "This isn't working!"Finally, Justin tucked his legs up beneath himself and sat upon the ground like a mother hen incubating a clutch of eggs. Shelton flattened his ears, and then swung his leg over Justin's back. "Oh," Justin peeped, "You may want to remove your shoes."Shelton did, and then braced his knees as Justin had instructed, "You've done this before, right?" Shelton asked as Justin slowly extended his legs. The pony now found himself high off the ground as Justin looked back, "Pardon?"

 "Carried a mammal, you've done it before, right?""Nope, never." Justin replied, while silently he joked; 'Not in this life, anyway.'He began to walk, and Shelton went rigid with fright, "Just relax!" Justin said as he quickened his pace and extended his wings, "It's alright!"Shelton closed his eyes for a moment to try and calm himself. He breathed a sigh when the eagle's gait smoothed out and opened his eyes to find himself high above the treetops, "Ugh!""We're doing very well!" Justin called on the wind as he made a slow banking turn and crossed over the road below. Shelton looked down upon his father's motorbike as Justin flapped his great wings to gain altitude, "No!" Shelton cried, "I want my dad! I want down! Please!"Justin immediately complied as he set down upon the road. A great cloud of dust was kicked up, and both animals snorted to clear their sinuses. Justin noted that Shelton

did not attempt to dismount, and so he walked to and fro while Shelton sat astride his shoulder, "How was it?""Uhhh..." Shelton peeped, "It was... neat."

 Justin spread his wings, "Want to go again?"Shelton smiled, perhaps finding confidence in Justin's compliant nature, "Okay."'He did land right away.' Shelton thought as Justin again broke into a run and stepped into the air. Shelton felt the eagle's muscles working beneath his feathers, and was awed by the tremendous strength of the avian eagle, "I wish I could be an eagle.""What's that?" Justin called as the pair soared up high. "Nothing." Shelton shyly replied.The pair did many more touch-and-go's throughout the afternoon, until the shadows of the setting sun grew steadily longer, "I'll have to get my dad's motorbike back." Shelton groused, and Justin was pleased that the pony seemed reluctant to part from him. "I'd like to fly with you again sometime soon." Justin offered, and Shelton nodded enthusiastically. "Sure!"The pony offered his address, and Justin was relieved that it was easy to remember, 'Twenty Four, Forest Drive, Albany. Cross street is Telegraph.'Missy smiled when she recalled how Justin had shown up at their door the very next day, "Hello, I'm looking for Shelton!"

 "You must be Justin." Missy said as she invited the eagle in. Justin inspected the narrow door frame, then compressed his bulk through, "Oh, careful!" Missy peeped as Justin pushed his way inside. Shelton appeared in the parlor and smiled to Justin, "I didn't expect you back so soon!" His tone offering more than a bit of teasing. "Sorry." Justin said with a shrug of his wings, but Shelton hugged his new friend and properly introduced him to his parents. Shelton was relieved that he'd warned his parents that Justin was younger than he appeared, the eagle looked so big and mature with his lofty brow scraping the ceiling of their kitchen, but the youthful spark in Justin's eyes was unmistakable to Missy Holden. Shelton invited the eagle to his room, and Justin gingerly made his way along the hall, doing his best to not knock away any photos. He pushed his way into the pony's room where Shelton made comment of the eagle's size, "Good thing you're kind of squishy so you can fit through our doors!"Justin chortled, and poked about Shelton's room with great interest as the pony shyly squirmed, "What's wrong?" Justin asked, "You ok?"

 "I just haven't had a chance to clean up." Shelton replied, and Justin looked about, "Your room's cleaner than mine."Shelton glanced at his record player, and Justin followed his friend's eyes to a copy of the Sugar Plum Fairy overture. Justin clacked his mandible as he reached up with his foot to browse Shelton's music collection, "Uhhh..." Shelton groaned, "My mom's an orchestra conductor, and these records are all performances that she led.

I'm really proud of my mom because she's kind of a rock star in the classical music world.""Shelton, you don't have to apologize for liking classical music, and I love the Sugar Plum Fairy opera!"The pony breathed a sigh of relief as he smiled, "Thanks, Justin."Justin settled down on the floor, as Shelton marveled that Justin was still the taller animal, "Can you play some of your mom's recordings?"Shelton beamed, "Sure!"From the kitchen, Missy smiled when the Waltz of the Flowers began playing, and she hummed in time with the music. Her husband's hands moved up along her arms, as Gabriel put his lips to her ear and joined in the tune.

 Three weeks later, Justin was now a firm fixture around the Holden's home, to the point that Missy's neighbors would stop by to inquire about Shelton's new avian partner, "Them two's sure a sight, ayep!" The elderly stallion from across the street recently opined.'Things are looking up for Shelton.' Missy thought, 'He's never had a friend like Justin.' Although Missy secretly fretted that the avian might be harboring a homosexual attraction to her pony."Mom," Shelly suddenly said, "I had the strangest dream last time Clint was bothering me.""Oh?""It was sort of like a dream. Anyway, I had this vision of what he looked like, and what Clint did when he was alive. Clint seemed to know that I was seeing his past, and I think that's why he left for a few days.""Well," Missy said, "Maybe he knew you'd bust his ancient mariner fantasy." She slipped her arms around her daughter, struggling to come to grips with all this supernatural stuff, "What did you see, anyway?""Well, I think he really was a sailor." Shelly assured, "Though the last vision I got was weird."

 "Hmm." Missy snorted, then asked, "Did your vision offer any insight on how we might get rid of him?""Not really, but like I said, when I started asking him about the details I saw, he got really freaked out and left."Missy nodded, "Okay, tell me. How did your dream get weird?""Clint was tied to a tree, and there was a strange buzzing sound... all around him. Almost like a hundred chainsaws going off at once." Shelly brushed the hair from her face, "Clint was screaming mom, he was in pain..."Missy abruptly rose, "He can't be Clint Trickett from The Flying Mantuan, that's just not possible!""Every legend has it's factual roots." Shelly replied, "Anyways, I'm sure I'll learn more about him when he comes back. He always does."The mother equine held her daughter tight, 'There's got to be someone who can help us. If spirits are real, then there's someone out there who created them. There's got to be...'The Luminous Dragons and Mayalee Mae"What should I call myself?" Asked a little grey mouse as

she stood amongst the boxes and bundles containing her valuables. "I dunno." Replied a deep voice from the kitchen, "I always liked Florence Mae."

 "I went by Florence a hundred years ago." Mayalee replied, waiting to see if Sam would offer any additional ideas. A sudden crashing was heard, and the lion sputtered a curse, "Need any help?" Mayalee called. "No, I just have to sweep up some broken glass, so don't come in here for a minute."She lifted her foot and thought to remind him that such things wouldn't harm them, but she let it be, "Since it's my two thousandth anniversary, I thought maybe I'd go by my first name, Genivee Tin."The lion glanced down the hall, "I like that! It makes me wish I could go by Karl Kuhn, but I suppose that name's too well known."Mayalee smiled to him, and then squeaked when she sighted a small black box. She opened it and found a tiny shoe, "Karl! I mean Sam, look!"The lion made his way to their bedroom and stood over her as Mayalee showed him a weathered and wrinkled old leather shoe, "Is that your shoe from when you were a girl?""I wore this at my grand dad's funeral." She peeped, "I'd thought I lost this, I haven't been able to find it for fifty or sixty years."

 Sam looked about at the piles and piles of belongings, 'I can see why.' He thought, taking up a nearby wooden box, "Careful with that." Mayalee warned, "Make sure you don't touch it.""What's in it?" He asked, gingerly shaking the box. She flicked her whiskers, "Look and see." Sam opened the box, and found within it a dark brown feather, "Who's is this?""That," She said with emphasis, "Is a little memento from King Octavius!""You're kidding! How did you get it?"Mayalee smiled, "Who do you think was Octavius' chamber maid?"The lion was flabbergasted, "You? I never knew! You never mentioned that before!"She climbed up onto his lap, "The war years have always been a sore spot for you Karl," She squeaked, "I mean Sam."He nuzzled her, "Maybe I'll take the name Karl Preston.""And I'll be Genivee Tin." She said, placing a little kiss upon his nose. Karl then rose, and carefully closed the box, "I better get that glass cleaned up."Mayalee nodded, "We'd better go by our current names for right now, at least until the move." He smiled, and then returned to the kitchen as Mayalee resumed sorting her possessions. She sighed, and stuffed some tattered old clothes into a brown paper box. She recalled quite clearly when she'd purchased each of them, so many years ago, and now it seemed they'd become a reminder of just how heavy her existence had become. As Mayalee reminisced, her bedroom became wreathed in flame. The bright burning glow was a fire visible to her and Sam alone, and she smiled to her dragon, 'I thought I'd make some pudding before we set out.'


the kitchen, Sam opened another paperwood box as he took stock of the kitchen equipment, "Mayalee, which pan do you want to use for the pudding?""Just leave the sauce pan out." Came her reply. Sam smiled and set aside a small black pan as he emptied the contents of a cabinet into the box. He sighed, and looked about his flat, 'I really liked this place. It's going to be tough finding another one like this.'He glanced at the mirrored tile above the refrigerator and noted that his grey hair dye had almost completely faded, 'Gotta put more grey in, my party is this Monday.'Mayalee appeared beside him and playfully pecked his rump, "Hey girl, don't start anything you can't finish!"She giggled as Sam lifted her up into his arms. "Eighteen years." Sam sighed as the couple gazed into the mirror together, "I'm going to miss being on the force.""You better add some more grey." Mayalee said as she kissed his cheek, while a voice from the doorway cawed; "Get a room you two!"Sam smiled as a diminutive hawk entered the flat, "Hi Allo! Any trouble getting here?"

 "The usual, and when are you moving?""Early next week, although our request to settle in Aure Dei was rejected. So we're not sure where we'll go."Allomere nodded, "You've been in Brandenburg for eighteen years, I mean, the Union was still around when you first moved in here.""Where's Timmy?" The lion asked as he kissed Mayalee, then set her down. "Just chatting with your neighbor." Replied a lanky fox named Timothy Buttons as he entered the flat and took stock of the multitude of boxes, "You two sure have a lot of stuff!" Mayalee smiled warmly as she gestured for him to stoop down. He did, and received a rather loud kiss. Her smooch delivered, the companions settled down as they prepared for the coming day, "Princess Olivia," Allomere said, "How funny is it that her modern self will appear in an arcade later this morning."Mayalee nodded as she settled into Timothy's lap. The fox shyly smiled as she purred in his ear, "You have an anniversary coming up! Your first ten years with us!""What's it like having your two-thousandth anniversary?" He asked, and Mayalee became thoughtful, "I don't know, the time seems to just slip by. It doesn't feel any different than my two hundredth anniversary, actually."

 Timothy shook his head, 'I wonder if I'll handle being alive for two thousand years as well as you, May.'Hearing his thought as clearly as any spoken word, Mayalee pecked his cheek, "You will, sweetie."Now, you've no doubt gathered that there's something quite curious about these animals. Deathless and ageless, Mayalee and her companions are forced to move themselves every two decades or so because an animal who never ages tends to draw unwanted attention. "I'm surprised the dragons aren't here yet." Allomere said to no

one in particular, and Mayalee snapped her fingers, "Oh! I was going to make some pudding! Kromhaut will likely need a snack to settle his nerves."All nodded their heads in agreement as Mayalee hopped up and moved to the kitchen. Allomere climbed up onto the sofa and cuddled against Timothy's side, and Timmy marveled at how far he'd come, in so short a time. Sam smiled to the pair, and thought how nice it was that they could be together. "You and Olivia shared a lot of history." Timothy said, and Sam smiled gently, "She shared a little history with Karl, but that was a long time ago."

 Allomere furled his wings, "When is your last day?""My retirement ceremony is Monday, and the national police commissioner is actually going to attend, they're very sorry to see me go."Allomere understood that Sam's words were directed elsewhere, and he bowed his head, "I'm sorry Sam.""At least I was allowed to take such a high profile job, I should be thankful... I guess."Just then a gentle voice spoke out within Sam's mind, 'Perhaps in a short while, you might reapply to the police agency, posing as a related animal to your current persona?'Sam nodded, "Thanks Ariadne, I'm sure it will be okay.""Puddings about ready!" Mayalee chimed, and then she indicated that she was ready for her dragon. She felt the floor drop out from beneath herself, and in an instant Mayalee had become a passenger in her own body. Kromhaut Majoris licked Mayalee's lips as he savored the tasty treat, "Thank you love! It looks delicious!"Sam felt his dragon gently enter his body, as invisible flames licked around his bushy mane. Within the avatar's special vision, the flat had become wreathed in mist and flame. "Hello Sam," Said Allomere, but it was not the hawk who'd spoke, instead it was the dragon called Mimir, one of Kromhaut's eldest sons.

 Spiritual fire then issued from Timothy's eyes as the dragon named Tannin took him, although Sam himself remained in control of his faculties, he needed to drive."What name shall you take as your new identity?" Mimir asked Sam, and Sam shrugged, "I may take your advice and pose as a relative of Sam's."Mimir nodded Allomere's head, as Kromhaut lapped at the black saucepan with Mayalee's delicate tongue. He seemed to wish to offer some advice, but the avatars had been all through it before. Sam waved his hand, "We'd better get going." A short time later the company was loaded into Sam's personal motor car, a large black sedan with generous chrome accents and plush embroidered seating. The autobahn motorway lay ahead, and Sam stepped on the accelerator, they needed to make up some time. To a spirit or observant tree, the sedan appeared to be a comet, wreathed in mist and sparking with fire. A great tempest of invisible wind followed after the car, and Sam reminded Kromhaut that they'd need to be more

discreet, lest the eagle see them.

 "I am well aware of the eagle's clairvoyance." Kromhaut replied, "Ibiza reports that neither the son nor the father was aware of her presence, and so I have every confidence that you avatars will fulfill your function and veil our passage."'He's in a real mood.' Timothy thought, 'This isn't going to be a fun communion.'Most communion meetings were enjoyable outings you see, when these strange spirits come and assume control of Timothy and his friends and then do silly things, like over eat at a diner or go to an amusement park. 'It wasn't the sort of work I expected when they contacted me.'Perched upon the back seat, Allomere rest his head on Timothy's shoulder, 'Our real work begins once they leave.' The hawk said, 'That's when we're able to use our powers to help wayward spirits.'Mayalee drew a breath to offer a comment when she caught sight of a wisp of black smoke darting amongst the crowns of the trees, 'Is that Ibiza?'"It is." Kromhaut said flatly, "She has finally emerged from her mother's hall, and begun exploring the world."

 The others turned their attention to the black seraph as she followed along with the car. Of the avatars, Mayalee was the most taken with Ibiza, the little mouse marveling at what a free spirit the dragon was, 'Can we talk to her?' "NO." Kromhaut rumbled, "Our paths are separate, there is no need to interact with her.""She's been a little too friendly with some of the spirits." Sam noted, "At least from what I gather.""Maybe she could use an animal avatar to help train her in the proper 'Kromhaut' technique of ignoring traumatized ghosts?" Allomere joked, and Kromhaut turned Mayalee's head around backwards to glare at him."Why use us as avatars, anyway?" Timothy asked, "I've seen you alter the structure of matter, you could do all sorts of things, like make your own bodies." He bowed his head, "I like being a part of the group, don't get me wrong, but it seems like it's hard for your avatars when they have to move and leave behind their friends or a great job that they love."'We need your experience.' Came Tannin's voice, 'Your collected life experiences contained within your soul, it helps us to relate to animalkind.'

 Mimir then offered his perspective; "Timothy, you once opined that a dragon's mind is like a computer, your analogy is more correct than you realize.""Yeah, you guys can be... odd, but that's also what makes you so endearing! If you had your own bodies, you could start gathering your own life experiences. You could be your own animal, so to speak."'We could never mingle with normal animals,' Kromhaut said, 'In the way that we can with you as our vessel. Even in a world where dragons be revealed, our passage upon the land would be met with reverence and awe. We would be held in loftier esteem

than any king or emperor, and there could be no meaningful relationship with such a disparity of power.'"Have you even tried?"Kromhaut did not answer the fox, and Timothy thought with a chuff, 'I don't think of you guys as kings, or even gods. I think you're lonely animals, and unfortunately, you infect your chosen avatars with your isolation.'This comment struck home, and Kromhaut thought of all the times both Mayalee and Sam had begged him to alter their bodies so that they might appear to age, 'An animal who never ages does indeed draw unwanted attention.'

 Mayalee's spirit gently touched him, and he sighed through her body, 'Krom, is it really so difficult? Magic is a part of who you are, is it healthy to deny it?'"No, Mayalee, I cannot work magic within the third dimensional realm of Midgard. My kin have sworn an oath, and I do not intend on being the one who breaks it."'That's why you're so upset about Justin Brightwing's clairvoyance.' Mayalee thought, 'You see it as a breaking of this important agreement among your family.'"I do not wish to discuss it." Kromhaut said flatly, but Mayalee persisted, 'That's why you want to see him, isn't it? You want to sense which dragon might have touched him?'Kromhaut's presence within her vibrated with stress and anxiety, and Mayalee backed off, 'What would you like for lunch?'The subject of food was as water thrown onto a flame, and Kromhaut relaxed, knowing Mayalee would not give further argument, "I would like a large tuskin burger, with fried grasshopper legs and tomato paste."'I wonder sometimes,' Mayalee joked, 'If you shouldn't have selected Sam as your avatar.'

 The lion smiled over his shoulder as the companions drove on, "Ten miles to the Shannonvali border.""Doesn't anyone find it interesting that the eagle's father suffered a fatal heart attack at the very same age as Octavius?" Timothy asked, and Kromhaut shrugged Mayalee's shoulders. Sam flashed Timmy a cautionary glance, and the fox quieted down. The company then prepared for the border crossing as the dragons receded from their animal's faculties. Soon a backup of automobiles could be seen, and Sam growled at the long line of cars, "We're going to miss Justin at the arcade, it will be more difficult if we have to catch him at home."The border checkpoint didn't take long, and Sam noted that the border along Brandenburg and Shannonvale was one of the last frontiers to hold on to the animosity of the hundred years war. Brandenburg was once called Toulon, but in the time before the falling of the cataclysm, Toulon was known as Nyasaland, a realm of sleepy felines who whiled away their time chasing wild beasts and lounging in the sun.

 One of the abilities Sam possessed as an avatar was an access to the memories of all his past lives, and Sam recalled with clear distinction his life

upon those ancient plains. As he waited in the traffic line, his memory of that long-gone place became blended within the confines of the modern world, and at times such as these, his recollections became a kind of dream within a dream. "Good morning sir, what is your business today?"Sam snapped from his daydream as a large bald eagle loomed over his window. Sam smiled, said; "We'd like to go to the Creed shopping center.""Brandenburg has Baden Place, what is your interest in Creed?""Baden has the same two dozen stores, each time we go."The eagle smiled, noted Allomere in the back seat. 'A fox, a mouse and a hawk.' The border guard thought, 'Pretty diverse group. Perhaps a little too diverse.'"Sir, could you please pull to the side?" The eagle waved his wing in the direction he wished Sam to go, and within Mayalee's body her dragon growled at the delay. A short time later, Mayalee, Allomere and Timothy waited in a side office while Sam negotiated with the Shannonvali customs officials. Mayalee could see the eagles through a small window as they spoke with Sam, and she shook her head in frustration. Sam then approached the office as a bald eagle followed a short distance behind, "They're not going to let me or the car into Shannonvale. They'll allow you three to go on ahead."

 "With no car." Mayalee chuffed with just a hint of Kromhaut's archaic accent slipping through. Sam shrugged his shoulders as Allomere nuzzled Mayalee, "I can carry you, pretty well I'd reckon. Let's you and I meet Justin."Mayalee nodded her approval as she grasped Allomere's collar and led him outside. Without a word she mounted him and fastened the safety lanyard. Allomere began to trot as the Shannonvali officials looked on, then stepped into the air with the little mouse. A customs officer gave Sam a quizzical glance as the lion shrugged. Timothy and Sam then made their way back into Brandenburg, saddened that they'd not get to see Princess Olivia's modern incarnation, whilst Allomere pumped hard to make up for lost time."Remember," Said Kromhaut, "The eagle's abilities may be quite keen, we should mask ourselves carefully to avoid detection.""If he is so capable," Mimir replied, "Then we should endeavor to probe the limits of his abilities." Mayalee's face underwent a subtle change, as Kromhaut's spiritual fire subsided, "If the Brightwing boy may detect us, then it should be I who studies him."

 Mimir understood that he was not invited to this communion, and so he receded from Allomere, but he did not completely disappear. He lingered just long enough to see his avatar to Creed, for his presence gifted Allomere with exceptional strength and stamina. Like a flash did Allomere fly, and curious avians made way for him as the hawk ferried the lord of all life to his strange rendezvous.From atop her mount, Mayalee caught

sight of death keeping pace with Allomere. She issued a mental salutation that was immediately quashed by Kromhaut. 'Hey! What are you doing!'"She answers to Glorafin, I'll not have my business reported on by my sister's misbehaving scion."Mayalee grit her teeth and did her best to offer a friendly wave whilst maintaining her grip upon Allomere. Soon the tall spire of Creed came into view, and Allomere adjusted his trajectory to one who intended to land near the center. As in the mammal world with it's many rules governing motor vehicle travel, so too did avians have (albeit unspoken) rules regarding avian flight. No avian wished to have a mid-air collusion with another flyer. Allo touched down with nary a fuss, and Kromhaut immediately slid from his shoulder, "Come." Kromhaut said through his avatar, "The eagles shall arrive soon." The pair moved along Echo Pathway, and all around them were the reminders of Shannonvale's royal past. Images of the crowned faces of King Octavius and his daughter Olivia graced many of the homes and city monuments of Shannonvale, and Allomere marveled that Princess Olivia's modern self was due to appear in a local arcade, 'I wish animals could know, they'd be so happy to meet this eagle.' Soon they arrived at the King's Hall arcade, the hall being a large domed structure that resembled a blimp hangar. The Hall celebrated Shannonvali nostalgia in fine social style, and Allomere again noted how even after a thousand years, modern avians were still fascinated by their tragic royals. A pair of bald eagles met Allomere and Mayalee at the entrance and chimed; "Welcome to the hall!" Allomere waved to them as Mimir secluded himself deep within the hawk. Mayalee purchased unlimited game play and snacks, then set Allo loose within the hall, 'Busy yourself, I shall await the eagle.' Allomere loitered for a moment as Mayalee stood near a concession stand, her arms folded and her bright face stern and unhappy. 'Father,' Mimir said, 'You look completely out of place. Recede, and allow Mayalee to be herself.'

 Reluctantly, Kromhaut complied and Mayalee flashed Allo a grateful smile. Allomere then climbed up onto an avian-specific game called Eagle's Path, whilst Mayalee purchased a soft drink. The pair did not notice a large and regal young eagle enter the arcade, accompanied by a diminutive grey equine. Justin Brightwing appeared beside Allomere as the hawk ducked and swooped upon his game, attempting to collect digital talismans and other artifacts. "Kromhaut," Mimir said, "He is here."Mayalee appeared beside Justin as Kromhaut prepared his investigation. She struggled to keep up with the god as he delved deeply into Justin Brightwing's mind, but at every turn there was a paradox which confounded the god. Every instinct at Kromhaut's disposal seemed to point to a power beyond the entire host of seraphim.

Something had empowered Justin Brightwing, transforming his soul into a semiotic puzzle about... 'What?' Mayalee asked."No, not beyond the host, Justin's power IS of the host."'What do you mean?'"Mayalee, Justin's clairvoyance is gifted courtesy of myself, and my brother, and even Glorafin. Our collected touch is upon his spirit."

 'Okay... how?'Kromhaut sipped the drink in Mayalee's hand as Allomere's game was concluded, "Nice game!" Justin chimed, and Allomere bowed graciously, "Thank you kindly!"Allomere stepped down as Justin hopped up onto the platform. The panoramic monitor flickered to life once more, and Justin spread his wings as the game commenced. Allomere's eyes lingered longingly upon Justin's great form, and Mayalee silently teased him, 'Careful, he'll think you want to take him home.''Oh, but I do.'Mayalee grasped Allo's collar and let him away, "Our work is done." Kromhaut announced, while Allomere looked back at Justin, "Do you think we could stay a while?""No." Kromhaut chuffed.Crestfallen, Allomere followed along after Mayalee as Kromhaut led the way to the outside terrace, "Did you see the equine?"Allo blinked, "The grey horse?""I suppose you were too enraptured with the former princess to pay attention to the other historical figure.""Okay, who was it?""You may ask Mayalee," Kromhaut replied, "After I have departed." And with that, he did.

 Mayalee and Allomere were then themselves, and Mayalee confessed who the pony was."Wow, okay... let's go back in!""Kromhaut wants us to stay away from Justin Brightwing. He wants zero contact."Allomere bowed his head, "I hate it when Kromhaut gets like this! Justin needs to know what's happening to him!""Let's go home." Mayalee sighed, and Allomere groused under his breath as Mayalee climbed atop him, while curious onlookers watched them fly away. Back inside, Shelton tugged upon the strap around Justin's neck, "I'd kind of like to get home, think we could take off?"Justin looked about the arcade, then sighed, "I suppose, I think we were out more for the voyage than the destination."The two companies set off, each in their opposite directions, whilst from afar the black seraph Ibiza Pushpath watched them go, "Sherman Butler, how my mother would like to see you again..."The Stone HouseThe wheezy equestrian police transport made it's way up the long path to Farmington Manor, the former country home of a prominent Union official. With each bleat of the vehicle, a white puff of steam issued from beneath it, and George Kesselring snorted his contempt at the equines, "Those fools are going to kill themselves in that thing."

 A burly wolf appeared beside the fox and looked on as the police

vehicle came to a stop near the enlisted barracks, "I don't like this.""Oh, shut up." Kesselring chuffed, "I'll humor these fools and then send them on their way, we have nothing to worry about.""Do we?" Leftenant Grom retorted, "You forget that while we are a Union Army installation, we are not on Union land! Those horses have jurisdiction here!"Kesselring looked back at the police animals as several armed equines filed out of the passenger compartment while a shapely equine female stepped from the cab. She noticed Kesselring and waved to him, then made her way to the main house with a purposeful stride, "That must be Bard, the inspector." Kesselring murmured.Mary Bard stepped up onto the porch and waved again to the canids, 'Simpleton.' Kesselring thought, 'Why do horses all have to be such ignorant bumpkins?'Grom stepped away, not wishing to become ensnared in the meeting, but also, he was intrigued by the short equine female. Indeed, Mary Bard was a tad short for a police animal. At five foot three, she was certainly the shortest inspector Major Kesselring had ever seen. Hailing from the north, Kesselring cleared his throat in the customary Shannonvali greeting for stressful situations such as these, "Good morning inspector." "Good morning! I'm Mary Bard!" Mary chimed as she arrived at the door and was admitted by a uniformed soldier. Kesselring bowed graciously, yet his face conveyed great annoyance, "How might I be of service?" "I take it you've heard about the business?" "Business, ma'am?" "The murder." Bard said, her eyes sparkling from beneath her bushy mane, "The gentle animals down at the hospital are quite traumatized, the whole incident was quite bloody from what I understand." "Murder has a way of turning out that way." Kesselring said as the reynard escorted his unwanted guest to the library. Mary Bard wore a light beige shirt and pants which blended quite seamlessly with her tawny brown fur, giving the mare the appearance of being naked in the early morning light. Leftenant Grom imagined himself bending the sturdy looking horse over a chair and finding out just how tightly her muscles could clench, "Is something wrong?" Mary asked the wolf, and he shook his head.

 Mary then smiled to Kesselring, "So you agree that Leftenant Hausser was murdered?""I said nothing of the kind." Kesselring chuffed, then gestured sweepingly to the library entrance, "Please, after you."Grom followed Mary into the dimly lit room, his hand upon his service revolver as Mary sat down upon a dusty sofa. "You're very thoughtful." Mary said with a wink. She guessed that animals seldom ventured here to read, and the likeliest use for the room were occasions such as these. Mary took a moment to browse the selection of books as Kesselring sat heavily in a seat and straightened his uniform tunic. His

military kilt revealed quite a lot of his legs, and Mary found herself glancing up the reynard's skirt before the fox asked, "Something wrong, inspector?""I was distracted." He raised a brow, then smiled. 'He's playing along.' Mary thought as she took a seat on the small sofa situated across from him, "Now, George. May I call you George?""You may.""George, I have to get right down to brass tacks. You're in a lot of trouble. Before Leftenant Hausser died, he was able to tell the doctors down the road everything that happened here."

 "This is a military installation." Kesselring said, "You have no jurisdiction here."Mary dismissed his thought with a wave of her hand, "Now, Leftenant Hausser said that a Mantuan spy who was being interrogated here disclosed the name of one of his local contacts, this animal being one Elizabeth June Stafford."Leftenant Grom chuffed, and Mary winked to him as she continued, "Your animals were dispatched, and before long apprehended one Elizabeth June Stafford."Mary closed the dossier and tapped it with her fingers, "The only problem was, your personnel nabbed the wrong Elizabeth Stafford."Kesselring straightened his tunic as Mary asked, "Why did you kill her? Why didn't you just let her go?""I have nothing more to say to you." Kesselring hissed.Mary nodded, "So, you murdered Miss Stafford rather than face the embarrassment of admitting you'd fucked up. Then, when Leftenant Hausser attempted to alert your superiors, you drugged him and placed him in his quarters. Then..." Mary continued, her voice becoming more harsh and booming as she spoke, "You cut his wrists, attempting to make his murder look like a suicide. After leaving him for dead, Hausser climbed from his window and made his way to the nearby hospital where he died."

 Leftenant Grom slid along the back wall and moved toward the door, "Don't you move!" Mary barked, and the wolf went rigid at her command.Major Kesselring sneered at Mary, "Madame, this is a top secret installation, you have no jurisdiction here."Mary reached into her dossier, presented a document, "Here it is Kesselring, the warrant for your arrest, endorsed by the Army Governor General!"Kesselring drew his pistol as Mary calmly placed the dossier on a side table, "How many more animals are you going to kill George? How many will it take?"Grom looked to the door as several equines quietly entered. One gestured to him and the wolf slipped out of the library and was taken into custody as Mary faced down George Kesselring, "It's time to surrender George, put the gun down."Back within the modern world, Maggie Pumpkin was shaken from her recollection by a motor car's loud backfire. She rushed to a newspaper box to check the date, "Oh, good! It's still October!"However, it seemed that Maggie'd

wandered far afield whilst she'd been asleep. She now found herself along the central trading hub of civic center one, the main thoroughfare joining several animal city-states. Called Market Street in modern times, this boulevard is what remains of the former Union financial district. Oft did Maggie Pumpkin find herself in this neutral land, mostly because it was familiar to her, but also because it harbored none of the painful memories of her home city of Albany.

 But even here amongst the old granite structures and wide city streets, the past echoed and whinnied. 'Mary Bard...' She thought, 'Bard, that was the family name of Annette's brother-in-law. How did I end up over there?'Maggie looked about, recognizing the path she'd unconsciously taken, 'Mary Bard would have walked this very street, on her way to the old Albany Yard.'Out of curiosity, Maggie followed Market Street to the great roundabout situated at the intersection of Market and Overland. Maggie turned left, moving south along Overland to number 22, the former headquarters of New Albany Yard. Fond recollections washed over her as the building came into view. Originally constructed as a fortified factory which printed money and minted coins, the structure'd morphed into several different government headquarters before becoming the home base of New Albany Yard, the preeminent police agency of the Tine Union.It should come as no surprise that different animals have different skills in which they excel. The horses of Albany were trusted above all others to engage in law enforcement on account of their trustworthy natures and honest dispositions, and they oversaw the greatest police agency the continent of land had ever seen.

 Maggie stepped out of her own identity as she recalled Mary Bard's typical morning walk to 22 Overland, all while being quite proud of herself for who she'd been. A passing sedan bleated it's horn and brought Maggie Pumpkin back to reality, "What?" Maggie gasped, finding the great grey structure was now a commercial complex. "Bank of Calais?"Maggie rushed up the steps and through the heavy steel-framed doors. She looked about, finding the interior completely changed. Mary's memories, fresh just a moment ago had become hazy and indistinct, "Her name, it should be on a wall here!""Hello." Came a voice, but Maggie paid it no mind as she looked about in earnest, "Do you need any help, Miss?"Maggie found a tall equine spirit appear beside her, his colorless outline clad in the uniform tunic and short utility kilt of a police sergeant. "Oh," Maggie said, "I used to work here in my past life."The stallion nodded, "What was your name?"Maggie declared her former identity, and the spirit became impressed, "I know of Mary Bard! She was a bit before my time, but my instructor spoke fondly of her."

 "You... believe me?" Maggie asked."A spirit

cannot lie. I suppose deceit is impossible for ghosts.""Oh..." Maggie chuffed, genuinely surprised by this bit of news. 'It never occurred to me to want to lie about anything.'"Your name is inscribed upon the wall. Come, let us look upon the names there." He said, gesturing to the far wall, "Much like ourselves, the names of our fellows are hidden from the living animals of these modern times."Maggie glanced about, feeling suddenly uneasy, "Yeah... the drywall. Shitty thing to do, covering our names."He nodded and gestured for Maggie to follow, "This way, you may still view them."The pair made their way behind the bank teller windows, and to the right, toward the far corner, "I believe your name was one of the last to be enshrined here." The sergeant then paused, "Oh, my name's Barney McFine."Maggie smiled warmly, "Hello, Barney.""Now, just stick your head through, you should be able to see the names."Maggie did, and the mare came face to face with her past. Her eyes moved over the sharply chiseled letters which spoke of personal tragedies and lost husbands and wives who were cut down whilst performing their duties. Then, Maggie's eyes found the name Mary Hathaway Bard, "She was real... this is who I was."

 The mare emerged from the wall, "Barney, I need to find my friend, will you come with me?"The thought of actually leaving the building seemed to disturb the stallion, and he shook his head, "No. I'm sorry, I cannot."Maggie gestured as one might when urging another to continue, "Okay, why?""Those trees." He whispered, "They will not shut up.""Barney, I know the trees can be annoying, but my friend says that they are in tune with higher dimensions.""That is precisely why I must remain here!" Barney hissed, "They inform on me! They tell those animals where I may be found!"Maggie shook her head, "You're talking crazy!"Barney did not wish to argue, and so he retreated to the far end of the bank. Maggie looked about, wondering what she could say to him, 'Herald was so much better at this.' Maggie smiled when she thought of her friend, then approached the pensive spirit and gently asked; "Barney, I get a sense that you're really attached to your life as a police animal.""I remember some of the animals I have been." Barney said, bowing his head, "Farmers, metal smiths, plain folk. Becoming a police officer was the single greatest achievement I have ever known." He looked about the bank, "This is the greatest home I have ever known."

 A long moment passed between the spirits as Maggie struggled to channel some of Herald's magic. It was difficult for the mare, "I've been a soldier, a poet, and a scientist." She smiled, gazing wistfully to the far wall that bore her name, "I've also been a cop, a boxer, and I think I might have been a hooligan,

once or twice."Barney smiled as Maggie drew near, "And you know what? I can't wait to get back out there and see who I can become, even though it's gonna be hard, and you never know what'll happen."Herald might've been proud of his favorite spirit, for Barney smiled fondly not of past times, but of the opportunities that might lay ahead, "Thank you, Maggie."Were she alive, Maggie might've bit her lip, "Barney, you spoke of 'those animals,' who are they?" She asked, unconsciously adopting his antiquated manner of speech."They are the living dead." He replied in a hushed tone, which Maggie could scarcely hear over the commotion of the living animals within the bank. "Never venture to the river Maggie, they will find you."

 She knew she ought not to press him, that his emergence from his shell was tentative, but she pushed him; "Barney, what do the trees tell you?""Gibberish! Nonsense! They speak of powers within the world, their utterances crafted as riddles meant to confound! I have no patience for them!"'Shit!' She thought, "Barney, you've got it wrong. The trees are not an enemy!"The stallion shook his head, now rejecting her words, "The trees are lightning rods for the underworld!"Maggie hung her head, "Barney, you're suffering here, and if you stay here too long, you run the risk of never being able to go back to the world." He shook his head, wishing he could ignore her, but his respect for Mary Bard was too great. Maggie brightened, and hoped she was reaching him, "Barney, do you ever see some kind of walkway or path?""A stone path? Yes I do.""Barney," Maggie whispered, "That's the way back into the world. You can go, and find your way back to a new life! You can enjoy all of the things that make life worth living!""No." He said flatly.

 "I myself can't find the path." She retorted, "It won't appear to me.""But, why?" He asked, genuinely concerned."I don't know." He bowed his head, "I am sorry inspector, you are a good equine, it is not fair that you cannot return to life.""Maybe you could go on ahead and put in a good word for me?"He shook his head, though he maintained eye contact, "Will you walk with me, inspector?" Smiling, Maggie moved into his colorless shadow where her golden light mingled with his, "Come on baby, let's go."The pair departed the former headquarters and crossed Overland Street. Through the passing cars did they walk until they arrived at the border of the woods. "Go Barney, look for the path, and it will appear for you.""Thank you, Inspector." Maggie looked away for a moment when a whispering among the trees drew her attention. When she looked back, Barney was gone, "Take care, sweetie."For some time Maggie gazed into the forest, hoping, praying. But

the path did not come.She then regarded the trees, "Hey! Who are the powers of the world?" She cried with as much authority as she could muster, "And no riddles! I want a straight answer!"

 An electric thrum moved through the crowns of the trees as they spoke of Maggie's kind deed, "She has led one to the path! She is become a shepherd, a servant of life!" However, their words were lost to Maggie as she struggled to parse their speech, "Speak up!""The powers." Said the nearest ash tree, "Yes, you must go to them. The path is hidden from your light.""Yeah, no shit! That's why I need someone's help!" Maggie cried, "So where do I find them? Are they animals? Or gods who masquerade as animals?""The house of stone... you must go."Maggie frowned, "What? I don't understand.""Near the river... in a house of stone... the powers of the world shall gather to feed. You must go there... they will help you."'Never venture to the river Maggie, they will find you...' Came Barney's warning, and Maggie shook her head, "Feed? What would gods feed on...?" She then recoiled in horror, "They don't feed on spirits, do they?"Maggie was horrified at the thought, "NO! That's terrible!""They feed," Said the ash tree, "As any animal might."

 Were Maggie alive, she'd have scratched the back of her head, "Look, what do you mean by 'powers of the world,' are you talking about gods?""You must go there." The ash tree insisted, "To the house of stone."'The trees are spiritual guides...' Came Herald's words, and Maggie's light shimmered thoughtfully, "Hey tree, why can't I see the path? Is something wrong with me?"There was a buzzing among the crowns of the trees, and then the ash tree answered; "There is a debt owed. Your life was ended too soon.""What??" Maggie cried, "What the fuck are you talking about?""Sunrise... of the new moon. Go... go to the house of stone... where the river is widest and the black slashes cross it's waters."Maggie groaned in frustration and stalked away, "I don't know what you're talking about!"Feeling rather unhappy and more than a little flummoxed, Maggie cast the trees annoyed glances, "Powers of the world!" She chuffed and snorted, "I hope they're not as irritating as you are!"The mare came to the edge of the civic center and ahead lay the border of Albany, the equestrian state. A black asphalt road cut a swath through a grassy hill as it receded into the distance, and Maggie realized what the black slashes were, "Roads, the trees call roads 'black slashes.'"

 Maggie became excited, "They must be talking about the Elbe River! I need to look for a stone house situated near a bridge where the river is widest!" She turned about, "Thanks trees! I got it!"Her confidence renewed, Maggie trotted along the Autoway

Four, knowing that the highway would cross the river elbe at some point. 'What am I going to find there? Are there really powers in the world, or are the trees just being cryptic?'Maggie looked to the sky, 'The Moon is a thin crescent, but I don't know if that's waxing or waning. I don't know when the new moon will be!' She continued on, 'First things first, I have to find this stone place, then...' She stopped in her tracks, "Wait a sec... Are they talking about the Chomp 'n Chew? Is that the house of stone they're talking about?"A greasy spoon was hardly a place that Maggie Pumpkin expected to find any gods, but she continued on, 'Those trees wanted me to get there, so I'll just trust them.'Many hours passed, and still Maggie had not made much progress, 'I'm only at mile marker seven.' She thought, 'I need to speed things along.'

 Recalling some spirits she'd seen flying, Maggie collected her thoughts and willed herself to rise. She didn't.Maggie groaned, "Why does being dead have to be such a pain in the ass!"She tried it again, and became excited when she levitated a few inches. 'Neat! Now, just a little higher!'She rose up, higher and higher, and as she did her excitement grew, "Okay! There's the river!"Indeed, the river Elbe was just on the other side of a thick stand of trees. Maggie moved over the waters and set off, tracking it's course until at last she noted a bridge crossing just ahead of a wide area where the river made a sharp westerly turn, 'That's it!'Maggie set down, and her suspicions were confirmed, the house of stone was the Chomp 'n Chew diner.The Chomp 'n Chew was an odd restaurant situated near the borders of Brandenburg, Albany, and the Mid-city District. More a cultural institution than a diner, it was one of the few establishments that catered to all manner of animals, although Maggie herself had never frequented the place in life.

 With it's river rock walls and bright red sign, it did look somewhat inviting, 'Okay, I just have to wait here until the sunrise day of the new moon.'Maggie retreated to an out of the way shade tree, 'All I have to do is stay awake, and not zone out.'And zoning out, of course, is what Maggie promptly did. One thought leading to another, the mare became lost within a spiritual introspection, recalling her first midwinter spent among the dead. Herald had done his best to assuage his friend's grief, "Now then!" The eagle chirped, dancing about the ghost of a razorback boar recruited into the role of the mythical Hogfather, "Happy Hogwatch everyone! Come and tell the Hogfather what you'd like for Midwinter Day!" The boar named Barnabas squirmed with embarrassment, as the gathered spirits also winced at the awkwardly arranged festivity, "This would all go a lot better if we could get drunk." Said Vincent, a reynard fox spirit. Herald

waved his wing, "Nonsense! My parties are quite well lubricated without the need for alcohol!"

 Maggie chortled as Barnabas threw his arms up and declined any further role play; "Very well!" Cawed Herald, "Then it is up to me to be your Hogfather!"Indulging the eagle, Maggie sat down beside him, "Yes little girl! What can the Hogfather do for you?""Okay!" Maggie said, getting into the spirit of Herald's party despite herself, "I'd like to know something about you! What did you do when you were alive?""Well, I was a ship's captain, and a mariner." He shook his head as his own past returned to the fore, "Though mostly, I busied myself making bad decisions.""What?" The gathered spirits gasped, "What bad decisions?""My friends," Herald said softly, while all around them a thick and encompassing fog descended, "Let us not dwell upon unhappy memories, we're having a party, remember?"Herald's words became far away as one by one, Maggie's friends vanished into the fog. "Herald! Where are you!?"Maggie rushed this way and that, searching for the friends present just a moment before. A strong wind blew from the north, and Maggie reeled when the gust blew across her hollow form. And then, Maggie found herself before the diner. The entrance just beneath the red sign was wreathed in mist, the likes of which Maggie had never before seen. 'Oh, my....' She breathed, attempting to recall Herald's discussions on the matter. 'These kinds of vortices are supposed to be windows into the spirit world.'

 Finding out that there were ghosts was bad enough, (Aside from becoming one) but the realization of unsettling phenomena issuing from the spirit world was quite another matter. Tree spirits were altogether bizarre, as was the strange lightning and etherial mist. It was such that everyday places, like the entrance to this diner could become scary places, and Maggie stole herself to approach the white vortex swirling at the doors. The vortex seemed to repel her, as if she were a living animal trapped in the open during a wind storm! Maggie again marveled at being physically touched, to actually feel wind upon her shadowy body... 'This wind is from the spirit world, that's why I can feel it.'Maggie braced herself against the tempest, "I have to get in there! Please!" She cried, but it was hopeless, the storm permitted no entry. 'Wait a minute...'She turned and glanced down the long exterior wall, then moved away from the vortex to a more quiet corner of the building, 'I'll just slip in right here.'With an odd sense of surface tension, Maggie pushed her way through the rock wall and into the kitchen area of the diner. Animals within were wreathed in mist, and Maggie wondered what they would think if they knew what surrounded them. The white vapor moved toward Maggie, and she shied away, passing through the kitchen wall and into the

dining room.

 And then she saw them. Four animals, wreathed in flame, a blinding golden light issuing from their eyes. The spiritual vapor swirled and danced about them, as if each of the strangers was the eye of a powerful hurricane. One of the animals, a diminutive avian, turned to regard Maggie. There was a force which penetrated her... joined with her... and it knew. It knew all of her most intimate secrets. Maggie could do nothing except surrender to the burning fingers of light that gently kissed her. "Please!" Maggie gasped, "Please, I'm sorry if I did something wrong. I need your help...""Spirit, take the high path up." Came a stern, sonorous voice, "The trees will show you the way.""Please..." Maggie whispered, "I've never seen any path, I can't find it."The hawk then stepped away from the stranger's table, and was joined by a tall reynard fox, his face obscured by the swirling mist and glowing golden flames. "The high mountain path," Said the stranger, "That is the path that has been prepared for you. There is no other."

 Then a small animal leapt from the table, followed by a great and tall feline. Maggie attempted to speak, to call after them, but her voice left her.And then they were gone. The swirling mist lifted, and the restaurant became normal and mundane once again. Maggie shook with startled surprise as she caught sight of the strangers through the front bay windows. The lanky fox climbed atop the avian hawk, and then the pair made an awkward departure. Another of the strangers, a small and delicate mouse looked back at Maggie, her burning eyes radiating a kind of uncanny majesty that humbled Maggie. Then she turned away and departed, leaving the mortal animals of the diner to wonder if the strangers had been there at all."Wait!" Maggie cried, her voice now restored, "Can't you help me!?"There was no indication that the mouse had heard her, and Maggie sputtered a curse as she moved outside to see if she could note in which direction the strangers had went. The fox had taken to the skies aboard the hawk, while it appeared the mouse had departed in an automobile, accompanied by the tall feline, possibly a lion.

 Maggie marveled at the novelty of a ghost being startled by another ghost, 'Ghosts don't get into cars, those were living animals.'Maggie stole herself and again used all her powers of will to become airborne. Quickly now, she followed after the black motor car as it sped along the motorway. The sedan stopped at a traffic signal, and Maggie hovered above, hoping that she'd chose the correct vehicle. With a bit of flailing, Maggie descended to verify the occupants. Inside, the little mouse turned toward Maggie. The fire within her eyes became stilled, and the flames issuing from her shoulders winked out. Maggie waved awkwardly, and then followed along as the car got going again. The

occupants each traded glances at Maggie as she followed them across town. Maggie wasn't sure what she was going to do once they reached their destination, but she was desperate to find out more about them, 'I just want to know who you are.'"My name is Mayalee Mae." A gentle female voice answered, and Maggie shook with surprise, "Oh! Hello! My name's Maggie!"

 "Why do you linger, Maggie? Did Herald not help you find your way?""Oh, um... you know Herald?""It is not healthy to linger Maggie, won't you undertake the rite of reincarnation?""That's why I wanted to talk with you." Maggie replied, "I can't find the way."A male voice responded this time, "Maggie, that's not possible. The path is visible to all, so you need to look.""I can't find it..." Maggie wailed, and the male voice did his best to comfort her, "Trust the trees Maggie, let them help you.""They didn't do anything except tell me to come and find you!" Maggie cried, her voice becoming shrill and desperate, "Please! I need help!"Unbeknownst to the frightened spirit, Mayalee and her companion received a stern commandment from on high, "Leave her be!" Kromhaut rumbled, "Ibiza shall tend to her problem!"Maggie's heart sank when the car slowly accelerated away, leaving her anguished and wondering just who those animals really were. 'They knew Herald... how?'The equine spirit hovered near the crowns of the trees as they spoke of supernatural aeons and praised the lord of all life. Maggie looked to them with a curious glance, "Do you know what's going on here? How could those animals be on fire? How do they know Herald?"

 As always, the trees provided no useful answers. They could only chant in their electric voices, and carry on about light and life."Light..." Maggie said, recalling the etherial radiance of the stranger's eyes. "They knew Herald. Herald said he was going to Shannonvale, so that's where I'm going."The City of New AlbanyAn early October morning dawned bright and clear. Animals cast their eyes skyward and inhaled the deep fall fragrance drifting down from the great forest. In this time of year the sun took on it's large orange demeanor which cast a glorious fall glow upon the land. The metro rail station which straddled the borders of Albany and Brandenburg was packed with animals as they rushed off to some errand or short working shift. Most were equines, some were foxes, but all shared the same desire. To travel north.You might find the scene here familiar, with it's long passenger platform and the sounds of shunting trains ringing and rumbling. Maggie Pumpkin found that there were almost as many spirits wishing to escape the doldrums of the mid city area and head north to where the land was lush and beautiful.

 After a moment, Maggie boarded an early

train for Shannonvale and climbed up into a deeply padded seat. Animal spirits shuffled past her, most being large cats and lion folk. Some cast her quizzical glances, likely wondering what business this newcomer had in THEIR territory. Idly she watched her fellow ghosts file past, none caring to take the seat next to her. Then a whistle blew, and an announcement was made that the train would be departing.Maggie sighed, and gazed out the window as the train lurched forward and began to move. Bound first for Avalon, the beautiful coastal realm of the wolves, Maggie's detour through the outlying regions would not take long. 'It's hard to believe this trip is only an hour. In my day you'd have been on this train all morning.'Quickly now, the train called The City of New Albany made it's way through the early morning fog and down to the sea. The sunrise poured it's impossibly rich golden light across the waters, and Maggie sighed at the beauty she beheld. 'The world is so beautiful. I could spend eternity just sitting right here.'

 In the distance, the protected forest was shadowed in the folds of the brooding stone mountains, while ahead a rainbow was set against iron-colored clouds. A sweet old equine spirit sat opposite Maggie, her nose in a living animal's book. "Look..." Maggie said, pointing out of the window to the glorious rainbow, "Oh!" The mare cried, "How lovely!"The pair admired the glorious sunrise for a moment, then Maggie introduced herself. The mare smiled a greeting, "I'm Rosemary." Said the elder as she crossed the aisle and settled down beside the younger mare, "Okay sweetie, I ain't seen you around before. What's your story?" Maggie smiled at the elder's heavy midland drawl, "Oh, I'm on my way to Shannonvale.""Well, that's good you gotta destination in mind." She nodded to punctuate what she'd just said, "Me, I just let the wheels move underneath me, not goin' anywhere in particular." Not accustomed to casual conversation, Maggie fell silent as she struggled to think of something to say. Rosemary turned back to the animal with the book, but chuffed when he'd turned ahead several pages, "Ah well, I've read that one anyway."

 Maggie was again charmed by the elder's heavy drawl, "Where are you from, if you don't mind me asking?""Well shoot girl, if I minded, I wouldn't be talking with ya!" Maggie shyly smiled as the elder continued, "I'm from Thistledown, up north there." She pointed her finger in a sweeping upward motion, and Maggie couldn't help but chortle, "Okay girl, now you gotta tell me something. Tell your dear 'ol Auntie Rosemary what's been troubling you.""Am I that obvious?" Maggie asked, but Rosemary waved her hand impatiently, "C'mon girl! Spill the cider!"Maggie bowed her head, "I... I can't find the path. It won't appear to me."Rosemary crossed her arms, "That damn thing is a stupid

contraption! It's just about the closest thing to a serve yourself afterlife that I ever did see!""Rosemary, do you know what's happening? Why can't I find it?""Well girl, first thing you gotta get outta yer head is the idea that you're not worth being born again! That's just silly!"Maggie nodded as the strange old mare continued, "And I don't approve of how Herald Kirsten's been handling things! No siree! Filling your head with fear and scares!"

 As the mare rambled on, Maggie noticed a gradual change in her over-the-top midland drawl. Less down home than a moment ago, Rosemary could now pass for a scholarly northerner, "Herald Kirsten concerns himself more with erasing his past than he does with helping animals!""Wait!" Maggie barked, "Herald has been nothing but kind and compassionate to me! He's the most selfless animal I've ever seen, so don't you go and badmouth him!""You are a loyal friend." Rosemary said in proper high common.Maggie snorted, "Just who the fuck are you?""Have you spoken to any trees?" Rosemary asked, her demeanor suddenly cagey and shifty. Maggie was caught off guard, but she sputtered in the affirmative. "What did they tell you, dear?"This question confused Maggie, "Uh, well... nothing useful. They sent me to these four strangers-" Maggie was interrupted as the elderly mare chuffed, said; "Did they say anything about how you can become alive again?""Uh..." Maggie stammered, "They said something about a debt, and that I died too soon."

 "Do you owe the debt, or are you entitled to a payment?""They... they said I was owed. But what the fuck does that mean?""It means exactly what is implied, somewhere along the way you've acquired some karma. By mentioning that you've died too soon, the tree was hinting that you could appeal to either the lord of all life, or the goddess of the underworld and request to be sent back into the world."Maggie was stunned, "As myself?"Rosemary nodded, "That's probably why the path is hidden from you, you are expected to be remade, and not reincarnated.""But... Herald didn't say anything about that!""That's because he's a fool." Rosemary said with a smirk, "Oh, pardon me, I seem to have badmouthed him."Maggie hung her head, "I had no idea....""Hmph." The elder chuffed, "I could have made a better spiritual guide than that sailor, and I don't have near as much bad karma!" The elder leaned back in her chair, and for the first time Maggie realized that Rosemary was like Herald, "You're alive. You're a living animal.""Stuck in the same dimension as you." Replied the undead mare.

 The boxer straightened in her seat as she absorbed all that had been told. Maggie took some comfort in the knowledge that a spirit cannot lie, but as she glanced at Rosemary she

realized with horror that Rosemary was not a spirit. Lost, desperate, Maggie decided that a lie would be better than no information at all; "Can you tell me about these lords of life?"Rosemary then leaned in close, as if she didn't wish any other spirits to hear, "I'll tell you something even better, see that blonde mare in the next car?"Maggie looked through the glass door at the rear of the car and unconsciously squinted her eyes, although the gesture did nothing to help her see any better. "The mare in the tan colored coat?""Ayep, that one can hear us ghosts." Rosemary said, slipping back into her country bumpkin persona, "Now go and talk to her girl! Go and see what she might be able to do for ya!"Maggie realized that it would indeed be handy to have a living animal to talk to, and so she made her way through the car as Rosemary called after her, "Remember girl! Get yourself remade!"

 The boxer waved the mare's comment away as she passed into the next car. There she found a pretty equine mare seated in a secluded handicapped area, and Maggie moved to sit down near the blind equine's red walking stick. "You must be blind.""Do all dead animals have such keen powers of observation?""Hmph," Maggie chuffed, "How did you know I was dead? I don't think I sound any different than someone who's alive."The blind mare turned away from Maggie and pressed her nose to the cool glass window, gazing sightlessly at the passing countryside."Hey," Maggie gruffed, "How can you tell that I'm dead?""It's your voice. You may not hear it, but there's a tinny mechanical sound to your voice, like you're a long distance phone call." The blind mare then turned her white sightless eyes upon Maggie, and for a second the boxer flinched, fearing a golden flame might issue forth, "So, what do you want?""Want?""You're going to ask for something. What is it? Want me to contact some living relative of yours?""Oh, naw. That weird old mare in the other car said I should come talk to you."

 "Do you always listen to wise-ass strangers?" The blind mare asked as she put her nose back against the glass and closed her eyes. She seemed to settle down for a nap, and so Maggie sat down, worried that she'd failed to connect with the mare. As she waited, Maggie mulled over Rosemary's words; 'The idea of a path really is a dumb idea, it's ambiguous, and what about animals like me who can't find it?' What's more, Maggie wondered why Herald never mentioned the four strangers, 'The trees knew about them, so Herald had to know...' But Maggie thought of the callous way they'd dismissed her in the diner, and how the mouse had left her along the side of the road, 'Maybe Herald was right not to mention them, they're just a bunch of assholes.' "So what's your name?" The blind mare asked."Oh, I'm Maggie Pumpkin.""Pumpkin?" The mare said through her bushy mane, "That's a cute name.""My original family name was Balin, but an ancestor changed it to Pumpkin.""My name's Shelly, Shelly Holden."Maggie smiled, and struggled to think of something intelligent to say, "So, where you headed?"

 "Okay, why Pumpkin?" Shelly asked, the pair's burgeoning inter-dimensional girl talk advancing to the next level. "I dunno, maybe she liked pumpkins?"Shelly smiled, "So where are you going? Just passing time?""I'm looking for a friend. He said he might be retiring to Shannonvale, and I need to find him.""I'm off that way myself, starting a new job."Maggie's form shimmered, "I remember working a job. It's funny, I'd almost give anything to go back to one.""Why don't you try and go back to being alive?"The memory of the trees returned to Maggie, with their cryptic message of a debt, and then Rosemary! Was there really someone somewhere keeping score of an animal's karma? "That's my plan, but I'd rather bypass the whole childhood ordeal if I can.""You mean you want to try and have skin put back over your ghost?" Shelly asked, and Maggie nickered, "Aren't we all just ghosts driving meat-covered skeletons anyway?"Shelly nodded, and the pair settled into a comfortable silence as the conductor moved through the car checking tickets and seeing to other safety concerns. Maggie knew that it was best to stay quiet until they got going again so Shelly didn't come off as a loon, talking to someone who wasn't there.

 'That's what I am right now,' Thought Maggie, 'A non-entity.' Out of curiosity, and a desire for more information, Maggie moved to the rear of the car and glanced through the window. Rosemary was nowhere to be found, and Maggie let out an annoyed chuff. She moved back to Shelly's side and sat down; "Shelly, how come you can hear me? Are you psychic?"Shelly cupped her hand over her mouth, "I've always been able to hear spirits. One of my early childhood friends turned out to be a ghost. Spirits are just something I've always been attuned to.""Wow..." Maggie replied. "Don't they bother you?""Sometimes." Shelly said tightly. Maggie bowed her head, "Um, you want me to leave you alone?""No Maggie, I'd love to have you stay with me for as long as you can."Maggie smiled warmly, then remembered that the mare couldn't see her, "Uh, thanks Shelly."Shelly turned back to the window and placed her nose back against the glass. She closed her eyes and seemed to be settling down for a nap. Maggie became unnerved at this, and irrationally feared that Shelly might've become bored with her, "I saw something really unusual yesterday morning, and then the trees started piping up! Never heard them so talkative."


gruff looking stallion shuffled over to the handicapped area and plopped down across from Shelly. Maggie frowned and then bid Shelly a good trip. Shelly nodded with a smile, and Maggie felt a warm ache of friendship for the blind mare. She was pretty, and almost the same color that Maggie remembered being in life. Her long mane was worn low over her muzzle, partially obscuring her cloudy white eyes."You have a pretty pink nose." Maggie heard herself saying, and Shelly shyly smiled as the train shunted for a moment and then began to roll. Maggie settled back and wished that she could feel the soothing rhythm of the wheels from beneath the floor as the train began it's voyage north.Once the train passed the far northern edge of Avalon, it turned east and moved inland. The wide rolling hills of Avalon gave way to the dense forests of Shannonvale. These pristine, untrespassed valleys are jealously guarded by the wild beasts who dwell there, but along the railroad the forest is more tame. Here and there are the cottages and homes of rugged animals who's profession it is to maintain the long network of rail line.

 Maggie watched the scenery pass by, and she wondered what it would be like to live such a solitary life, 'It would be just like what I deal with. You may as well be dead.'The train's brakes squealed, and the coach lurched from side to side as the train rumbled to a stop. Maggie glanced at the clock and noted that it'd only been forty five minutes since they left Albany. The gruff equine hauled himself up and shuffled to the door, and Shelly breathed a sigh of relief.The coach resumed it's voyage, and as Maggie looked on a tall slender avian moved through the coach checking animal's passports. He appeared beside Shelly and gently clacked his mandible, "Passport?"Shelly lifted her pocket flap and presented her Shannonvali guest worker's visa, "Thank you Miss." He said, and moved on."Next stop is mine." Shelly said, and Maggie chimed back, "Are you going to have to take the train every day?""My commute takes less time than some animals who have to fight their way through downtown traffic.""Okay, well... take care of yourself Shelly."

 The train again prepared to stop, and Shelly smiled gently, "Bye, Maggie."Shelly got to her feet and moved toward the door, "I'll be in this car every day, if you ever want someone to talk to.""Thanks." Maggie replied in a small voice.Shelly turned to go, as Maggie leapt from her seat, "Well, I don't exactly know where my friend is, so I may as well start at the very southern part and work my way north!"Shelly nodded with a smile, "Okay!" She then wiggled her ears, "You know, if you don't mind, you could make excellent eyes for me. Just let me know if I'm about to walk into something.""Certainly!" Maggie chimed, pleased to be of help to

someone, "Just bear left, the walkway is about to curve 'round.""Thanks Maggie, and I'm looking for bus twenty two.""Turn right in fifteen steps, I see it just ahead."Shelly did as Maggie instructed, then grunted as she bumped into a fire plug. "Oh! Sorry!" Maggie squeaked, "I was looking at the bus.""No problem." Shelly replied, "I'd say we're doing fairly well so far."Actually, Shelly's desire for Maggie's aid was not needed. Long ago deprived of information coming from her eyes, Shelly's visual cortex had become quite adept at taking information from her primary auditory cortex, and repurposing the signals to create a three dimensional image of her surroundings. Using her lips to create a sharp clicking sound, Shelly routinely utilized a type of echolocation to navigate her surroundings. It was quite remarkable really, although Shelly could still find herself in trouble if she wasn't careful. Maggie fell in beside Shelly and provided a running commentary of what lay just ahead, and Shelly was pleased that Maggie seemed to have found a renewed sense of purpose. For as long as it would last, anyway. Soon the females were on the bus and headed toward the high hills, "I'm going to be working for an eagle family. They need a clean-up animal because eagles don't have hands like us mammals."

 "But you're blind." Maggie said."Oh, I do okay." Shelly replied, "If you have some time, I could really use your help learning the layout of their house.""Oh, ummm... okay.""It's okay if you want to go and find your friend.""No no, it's okay." Maggie said, "I'll stay with you.""What happened, anyway?""Pardon?""You said something weird happened yesterday morning." Shelly said, careful to avoid looking like she was talking to herself, "What was it?""I'm not sure." Maggie replied with a far away tone, "I saw some animals, living animals, who looked like they were on fire. Only, it was ghost fire, something from the spirit world."Shelly felt oddly disturbed by the revelation, and Maggie herself would have shivered if she'd been alive, "Gods, I didn't know what they were. I wanted to be afraid, but something inside me wanted to be with them. I wanted to get lost in those eyes." Maggie then looked down upon the light shimmering within her chest, "It's the same light!""Pardon?" Shelly asked in a hushed voice. "My light! It's the same sort of light the strangers had shining out of their eyes! Those animal's spirits were shining out of their eyes!"

 "They do say the eyes are the window to the soul." Shelly offered, and Maggie marveled at the discovery. "These strangers, they knew Herald! They must be working with him somehow!""Herald?" Shelly peeped, and as Maggie attempted to reply, her vision became far away as she settled into another trance. Maggie's mind

beheld the image of a wide rocky vista that filled her senses, and she became lost within the recollection as Shelly awaited a reply, "Maggie?""Look!" called Henry Granger, his vigorous pointing over Isadora Ironwing's shoulder placing him in real jeopardy, "Look at the regression in that sedimentary basin! There's got to be artifacts in that rock!"Isadora adjusted her attitude, hoping to correct her partner's hazardous lean, "Careful doctor, if you pitch off, I don't think I could catch you with all the gear I'm carrying!"Henry patted his friend's neck, "Yes Miss Isadora, you're doing very well. Now, let's set down near the stream!"The sun was warm, very warm for an early march day. But that's what the badlands had to offer. The rainy season had just ended, and there were many streams still meandering through the great sandstone canyons. I believe the time is one hundred fifty years from the present modern day.

 "Oh," Henry chuffed, noting his friend's speedy descent, "Can you land well enough?"Henry was answered by the tremendous muscles of Isadora's shoulder as the great golden eagle spread her wings and flared her tail. Their descent was slowed by half, and Isadora nimbly set down despite carrying a hundred pounds of gear (plus a small pony). Henry felt humbled, and for a moment his heart ached with desire.Henry slid from Isadora and squinted up at her, "Yes, well... very good.""Doctor, could you unfasten the straps? They've become exceedingly uncomfortable."Isadora folded her long legs beneath her torso as Henry went to work, pulling off tool kits, reference manuals, and other items pertaining to geology. "So, Isadora, where does your interest in paleontology stem from?""Well," replied the eagle as she extended her right wing, happy to be free of the oppressive straps, "What draws any animal to a specific discipline?""A very good answer!" Henry chuffed with a stubby finger directed at her face, "Now pay attention! I'm trying to save you from a life of poverty and frustration!"

 Isadora smiled, "I'm afraid it's too late."Henry shrugged, "Aye lassie, I suppose it's too late for me as well.""What drew you to geology, doctor?"A gesture from the pony brought Isadora's eyes to the distant hillside, "When I first laid eyes on a Titan's skeleton, I was lost. To think that creatures such as those once walked Elysium. I knew that I'd never be happy unless I followed their footsteps, wherever they may lead."Isadora shivered, her feathered crest rousing in a thoughtful poof, "Aye doctor, that's my feeling as well...""Maggie," Shelly hissed as the driver announced Ayre Street. "Maggie, I have to go!"There was no reply from her invisible friend, and so Shelly departed the coach with a heavy heart, 'I should have known she wouldn't be reliable.'Sometime later, Maggie Pumpkin woke from her trance. The afternoon shadows were long, and Maggie realized with horror that many hours had passed since she last spoke with Shelly. The coach accelerated from it's parking area, and meandered along a picturesque hilltop road. Maggie thought to leap from the coach, but hesitated. 'Shelly may be back this way. I'll just wait.'

 Sure enough, Shelly Holden re-boarded the coach as Maggie cried out a greeting. Shelly offered a half-hearted wave, and settled down for the ride home. "How was your day?" Maggie asked, and Shelly softly replied, "The eagle family was very nice. I think there's a ghost living there, but I can't be sure.""Really?"Shelly nodded, but said no more. Maggie fretted that she'd upset Shelly by losing her sense of time, and she apologized for her episode."It's okay." Shelly sighed, "It seems like all the bad spirits hang on to me, while the ones I do want around always disappear for days or weeks on end.""Bad spirits?" Maggie asked, her tone full of concern. "Yeah," Shelly replied, "I'm being bothered by this ghost named Clint Trickett." Maggie pressed her new friend for details, but Shelly seemed to not want to talk about it, "Aren't you getting off?" Shelly asked, "To look for your friend?" "I'd say I found one." Maggie replied, her voice warm and thoughtful. The voyage back to Albany went much faster, on account of a direct train that bypassed Avalon and made straight for the Mid City area. The only thing that bolloxed it was the dozen stops the train made traversing the city center. "What about getting off the train in mid city?" Maggie asked, "Then hop onto the Underground for a direct line to Albany?" "Underground's been shut down for six or seven years now." "Really?" Maggie gasped, "How come?" "The individual city states couldn't hash out a deal to share expenses for it's upkeep, so the whole thing was abandoned." "That's why the train is so crowded." Maggie breathed, "Wow, I feel like I've been on the moon." "What do you do during the days?" Shelly asked, as a passing animal noted the mare's question, then looked about to see if she were addressing him. "I mostly just walk around. I used to go to my old gym, but now it's torn down. They had one of my portraits on the wall there, and I liked to look at it to help remember what I used to look like." "You can't look in a mirror?" The canid male seated across from Shelly was becoming concerned for the blind equine as Maggie, caught up in her chat, had completely failed to notice, "A ghost doesn't have any sort of reflection. I can't look in a mirror, or into water and see myself. All I can do is look down upon my body, or I can see the sides of my muzzle if I concentrate. But I haven't seen my own face for a long

long time now." Maggie sighed, "I'm going to miss Golden Gloves." Maggie's name... and now the mention of this gymnasium... the clues finally fell into place for Shelly, "You're Maggie Pumpkin. The boxer." "Miss?" Said a voice, "Are you okay?" "Pardon?" Shelly asked, her ears swiveling about like radar dishes. "Do you need me to call someone?" Asked the male, and Shelly shook her head, "No, just leave me alone. I was practicing for a dramatic play I'm doing." "Oh..." The canid breathed, obviously relieved, "Very well." Maggie would have whistled, if she had lips, "Nice thinking, and yes! I'm Maggie Pumpkin! Do you know my boxing?" Shelly gently nodded, and Maggie understood that they had to quiet down for a time. She glanced over at the clock. "It's six thirty, Shelly." Shelly again nodded to acknowledge the boxer, and Maggie breathed a happy sigh. "I'm glad to be your eyes Shelly, I promise I'll try and be there for you."

 Shelly risked another utterance, "My dad's going to flip his lid when he finds out I'm bringing you home, you were his favorite growing up!" 'Home...' Maggie thought, 'I'm going home...' To the north, Justin Brightwing soared upon the winds which blow each evening just before sunset, "Dad! Where are you!?""Here!" Came Tristan's voice, "Near Loraline peak!"Justin set down upon the craggy landmark and roused his feathers, "Wasn't Shelton's sister wonderful?""Hmm." Tristan replied, "Yes she was.""I think it'll be good for mom to have a helper like Shelly.""Justin, I swear that every time I spoke to you..." Tristan hushed, and Justin bobbed his head to invite his father to continue. "I feel like she could hear me Justin. It was unnerving.""Dad! If she can hear you, then maybe my ability isn't all that uncommon! Maybe lots of animals can hear ghosts-" Justin caught himself, "Er, spirits.""That's what I am." Tristan said ruefully, "I'm a ghost, haunting your mother.""Dad, don't say that!""Justin, It's very hard to continue on like this."

 "Aw, stop being so fatalistic...""Justin, things became fatalistic when I had my heart attack! You should let me go, son.""Dad, let's just start again tomorrow, and see if Shelly really can hear you. It might open some kind of door or something.""You really ought to get home son, this is a school night.""I really think we should talk about this, I don't want to leave you while you're upset.""Your mother is probably cooking dinner, you should go and stop arguing with me." Justin laughed, "Dad, do you know how hilarious this is? I'm being nagged from beyond the grave!" Tristan had to admit that it was funny, "Still and all Justin, you should get home. Elly might

start to worry." "You sound like you're not coming back with me." Tristan was silent for a time, the only sounds being the swaying of the trees as they leaned over the eagles and listened, "Justin, it hurts more and more to see your mother. Sometimes I can't bear it, I miss her so badly." "Dad, we should tell mom and Ashley about you. We should tell them you're still with us." "Justin, I... no. They'd think you'd gone mental."

 "Not if Shelly can vouch for you!""Then they'd think you're both playing some sick game. I'm sorry Justin, but no... it's out of the question." "What if we devise some kind of way to prove you're here?" "Oh?" Tristan asked, his excitement reluctantly building. "What do you suggest?" "We could ask mom to fly around outside and then say something. You could be out there with her, and hear it. Then, you could come back and tell me what it was. Then I'd tell mom!" Tristan had to admit that it was indeed a simple yet effective way to at least give weight to the assertion that he was present. "Let me think about it." "I want you to come back home with me, please." Tristan smiled, "I love you son." "And I love you dad, now come on!" Back in Albany, Maggie blinked at the simplicity of Shelly's word game, "So that's how you got your folks to believe that you can talk to ghosts?" "How else could they explain it? It was easier for them to believe in ghosts than to believe that I could somehow hear what they'd said from across town." Shelly and Maggie made their way from the Fourth Street bus stop, and into Shelly's neighborhood. The sun was just about to dip down beneath the hills, and the air was crisp and chilly. "Are you okay walking around at night?" Maggie asked, and Shelly shrugged, "More or less."

 The Holden's home was a lovely white four bedroom with large parlor windows and a nice chimney rising up along the west facing side. Maggie thought the place comfortable, although the neighborhood recalled better days."Maggie, I have to remind you about Clint, he's probably going to pop up anytime now.""Hey girl!" Called a rough, mocking voice. Maggie wrinkled her nose at the unsavory sound, and Shelly bowed her head as an equine spirit came into view, "Who's your friend? She's quite a looker!""This is him." Shelly said, "Good 'ol Clint.""At your service!" The ghost mocked as he fell in beside Shelly, "What's your name love?""How can you stand this twit!" Maggie roared, then turned to Clint with bared teeth, "You have to find somewhere else to be! Now!""Take it easy Maggie," Shelly said as she gestured toward her front porch, "Clint is a sad story, so I put up with him.""Hey!" Trickett snorted as Shelly bid Maggie enter. Inside, the

Holden's residence was a stately manor with many framed photographs adorning the walls. Maggie did her best to ignore Clint as she looked to several of the portraits before Shelly called out to her parents, "Mom! Dad! I have the boxer Maggie Pumpkin with me!"

 Gabriel Holden rushed from the back parlor room and hugged his daughter, then he smiled about the room, "Maggie? Two time welterweight champ?"Shelly smiled, then said; "Maggie says, 'Female welterweight champ.'""I couldn't have beat any of the females you went up against." Gabriel nickered, "And Maggie Pumpkin! Wow! I was a big fan! I mean, I still am!"The stallion settled down upon the sofa as a mature mare joined them, "I was there when you fought Lily Gardner for the divisional title!""Really?" Maggie breathed, and Clint Trickett snorted a curse as he departed the home. Shelly breathed a sigh of relief as she introduced Maggie to her mother, "They seem really accepting of your abilities." Maggie noted, "And please tell your folks it's lovely to meet them."Shelly did, and Maggie delighted Gabriel with small-talk as the boxer provided him some details of her life, and what she went through as a transgender boxer. "Maggie says that she still marvels that her spirit is wholly female. It's like she was aware of her true nature while she was alive."

 Maggie then made comment of Missy Holden's portraits upon the wall, the mare apparently being a conductor for the Priss Symphony Orchestra. "I like how dramatic your mom looks in these pictures.""Maggie likes your conductor photos mom." Shelly said, and Missy offered a girlish shrug as she thanked their supernatural visitor.The family then settled into their nighttime routine, and Maggie moved through the front door and out onto the porch where she found Trickett. She glanced at him as the stallion offered a conciliatory wave. Maggie approached him with a wrinkled nose, "Why are you hanging around a young mare who's half your age? To oogle her when she takes a bath?"Trickett cocked his head, as if the thought hadn't occurred to him until just now, "Maybe...""That's gross." Maggie hissed, "Herald would never let someone like you hassle a living animal.""Herald?" Trickett said with a chortle, "Let me tell you about Herald Kirsten!" He said, leaning forward with a treacherous gleam in his eye, "Our lovely Herald's name is not 'Kirsten,' but Vanderdecken. In life he was a ship's captain, master of the Mantuan Exeter he was."

 Maggie blinked, and Trickett punctuated his revelation with a haughty nod, "Our Herald hides behind a distant relative's namesake because a great shame was heaped upon his!""Wait a minute," Maggie interjected, "The Mantuan Exeter, you're talking about the Flying Mantuan. That's an opera, asshole!""Based upon the legend of Herald Vanderdecken." Trickett

retorted.A troubling memory of Herald came to Maggie, bitter now since she'd come to this knowledge, 'I was a ship's captain, and a mariner.' Herald had said, 'Though mostly, I busied myself making bad decisions.'Maggie leapt to her feet as Trickett laughed a foul mocking torment, "Yes Maggie! Your lovely Herald is a murderer!"The mare rushed back into the home and to one of Missy Holden's portraits, "Shelly! Can you please ask your mother about her pictures?""Pardon?" Shelly answered from the kitchen, while Maggie urgently paced the room, "Shelly, I need to know about the Flying Mantuan opera, is it based on a real animal?"Shelly relayed the question, and Missy asserted that it was, although she didn't know what might have been fact, and what aspects of the legend were fiction. "The fact that there's real ghosts certainly gives credence to the more fantastical elements of the story." Missy admitted.

 Shelly cocked her head for a moment, and then said; "Maggie has a friend named Herald Kirsten who is a large golden eagle, although his name might actually be Vanderdecken."Missy raised a brow as Maggie asked, "Can you tell me about the legend?""Certainly!" Clint Trickett said as he entered the home, and Maggie dismissed him with a wave of her hand, "What the fuck would you know about it?""I was there," Trickett replied, "I was a boatswain aboard the Exeter..."The Flying MantuanClint Trickett walked a slow steady circle around the Holden family's sofa as the equines settled down to hear the dead stallion's tale. Maggie Pumpkin tucked herself behind a side table, and Clint nodded to her, 'She ought to know the whole story, the real story...'"I'm ready." Shelly said, and Trickett sighed, "Aye, I suppose I am too."After a moment to collect his thoughts, Trickett began, "A thousand years ago, we sailed from Macau, the northern most port of Mantua. We carried goods and sundries north to the port of Calais-" Maggie interrupted with an impatient grunt, "Yeah, yeah! Tell me about Herald!"

 While paused, Shelly relayed his words to her parents. Trickett was surprised at how difficult it was speaking of Kirsten and the Mantuan. He drew a long breath, then continued, "The life of a sailor is punctuated first and foremost by hunger. Even while we carried vast stores of foodstuffs from the exotic realm, our own bellies lay empty through the terribly long voyage. One day, quite suddenly actually, Herald Vanderdecken alighted from the Exeter and flew to a nearby shoal. When he returned, the Exeter's floorboards became stained with mammal's blood."Missy shifted uncomfortably as her daughter relayed Trickett's words, and as Trickett continued, his tale of murder and cannibalism chilled the horses' blood, "Our shipmates initially cried out against what he'd done,

some even threatened mutiny, believing him unfit to captain a vessel at sea. But lo, none held fast to their principals. Hunger has a way of numbing an animal's scruples, and so the other avian eagles took to murdering the marine seals and other mammals who dwelt along the southern coasts." Trickett smiled haughtily, "Our brave captain was most bloodthirsty, why, we even ran down a mother whale and her calf!"

 "Beetle shit!" Maggie roared, "Herald would never do that!""Maggie." Shelly said in a low voice, "You ought to listen to him."With a glance at Maggie, Trickett bowed to Shelly as he continued, "Our killing spree lasted for months, and our dear Herald racked up an impressive body count. Until, on the night of the new moon, something came for us. We'd set out from Vahevala, the main port city of Avalon just two days previous. Captain Vanderdecken set his sights firmly on the whales, and fitted the Exeter with a potent new harpoon gun." Trickett smiled, "It would have been a slaughter.""So?" Maggie barked, "What happened?""Nothing." Trickett replied, "Day after day the Exeter struck not a breath nor motion. We sat idle, unable to sail nor give harm to the marine mammals who now knew our bloody repute.""Then, the darkness of the new moon descended upon us." The boatswain said, and Shelly became chilled as he continued, "One after the other, our crew fell dead. Struck down until there were just three... myself, Vanderdecken, and Ebenezer the cook."

 Trickett began to pace the room, to and fro he walked whilst he continued, "Ebenezer then vanished. I do not know what became of him, if he threw himself overboard or the entity felt him innocent and whisked him away. Either way, his body was never found."From her seat upon the sofa, Shelly began to tremble, and Missy took her in her arms, unaware of the weight of Trickett's revelations, "Then there were two, and that's when he came...""He?" Maggie chuffed."The darkness was vanquished by a tongue of flame which took the form of a serpent. An angry voice issued from the fire, declaring us guilty of a dreadful crime in their sight." Trickett bowed his head, "The fiery serpent cast judgement upon our brave captain, and so ordained Herald Vanderdecken to traverse the ocean he dishonored, never to make landfall nor speak to another living animal, until the period of his penance be expired." Shelly relayed all that was said to her parents who marveled at the novelty of hearing such a first hand account. 'When animals used to report seeing that ghost ship,' Missy thought, 'They were actually telling the truth.'

 "And what happened to you?" Maggie asked, "If Herald was trapped aboard the ship, what did the fire dragon do to you?" Trickett grimaced at Maggie, made a slashing motion across his throat, "For me... death."Maggie went to the window and

thought of Trickett's description of a tongue of flame in the shape of a dragon, 'Those strangers, they were on fire. There has to be a connection.'"Was this entity a god?" Missy asked, and Trickett shrugged, "There was no further word from the apparition. After my demise, I found my soul held fast by a tree. I languished as a prisoner for hundreds of years, whilst I was made to hear the names of the mammals we'd murdered, o'er and o'er."The family was quiet for a great long while, and Trickett became very annoyed that the females weren't repelled by his revelations. On the contrary, they'd become even more fascinated by the enigmatic ship's captain. "So where did the name 'Kirsten' come from?" Missy asked, and Trickett snorted, "The name of an ancestor, adopted by our brave Herald so he might escape his shameful past." Missy rose from her place on the sofa and moved to a portrait of herself leading a performance of The Flying Mantuan, "What about coming ashore every seventeen years?" Missy asked, "To see if any animal might offer him forgiveness?" "Doubtless a romanticized account of the legend, popularized in the opera of which you are so fond." Shelly relayed, "Such a condition was not a part of the judgement handed down by the dragon." "This is beastshit!" Maggie spat, "I don't believe a word of what this creep is shoveling!" But even as she spoke, Maggie recalled Barney's words, 'A spirit cannot lie...'

 Trickett smiled wickedly, "Kirsten spent a thousand years traversing the great sea, cold, but a ghost flowing through his veins..." Trickett became distracted by a gasp from Shelly, and Maggie seized upon his pause, "And you know what happened then? The gods forgave him! They gave Herald a great duty, to help wayward spirits find their way into a new life!"Trickett snorted as Shelly relayed Maggie's words, "And if the gods can forgive Herald, then I most certainly can too!""'Twas I who bore witness to his savagery! If you knew Herald as I do, you would not be so quick to pardon him!""Let me tell you about the Herald I know," Maggie retorted, "He appeared to me on my first night being dead! He stayed with me, he offered me more comfort than my mom or dad ever did!"Shelly relayed what was said, and Missy's eyes shimmered with emotion, 'Oh, Maggie...'"Clint, why don't you just admit it," Maggie said, "You're jealous of Herald, the fact that the gods gave him an important job just irks the shit out of you!"The boatswain snorted and turned to go, but paused as Maggie asked; "Do you know where Herald lived when he was alive?"

 Trickett sighed, "Aye, follow the river Elbe up, his home was rumored to be near Thistledown, a township situated at the forks of the Elbe and Brandywine."Maggie nodded, "Thank you, Clint... and, for what it's worth, I think you would have made a

good spiritual guide.""I guess we'll never know, eh?" Trickett murmured as the high path appeared to him. It's steps sang lovingly, and a gentle white mist reached out in welcome... "Do you see it Maggie?""See what?" Trickett bowed, 'So here it ends, in this strange modern world.'"Clint, would you... like to come with me?""And see Kirsten again!? I think not!" The spirit checked his anger when Maggie turned away, and he apologized, "Forgive me lass."A gentle hush fell over the home, and it seemed to Maggie that Trickett's inner light had become just a little brighter than it'd been a moment before, "I've nothing to say to him, nor I'd wager he'd have to me. Our business is done, and so should I be.""What do you mean?" Maggie asked, but she already knew what the mariner meant, "For too long I've lingered, being little more than a coin that can't be tossed. I'm tired Maggie, it's time to be going..."

 Maggie's gaze became far away, and it seemed to her that the Holden's home fell away, becoming instead a neolithic landscape with great tall trees, and the figures of cornstalks who bent and swayed in the evening breeze. The great arm of the spiral galaxy hung overhead, it's splendor undimmed by the pollution of the modern age. The innumerable stars twinkled brightly against the black velvet of the sky, and Maggie looked down upon her body as it bent, contorted, and reshaped it's self. Soon she found that she was no longer a horse, but an eagle... 'Maggie, I have done this.... for you.'Maggie cried out, and found herself alone within the parlor. It seemed that many hours had passed, and the home was dark and quiet. A gentle snoring issued from the corner bedroom, and Maggie felt a great pang of longing to join this family. Finally, she sighed, 'Thank you Clint, take care of yourself.'The boxer resigned herself to a nook within the hall near Shelly's room and willed herself to embark upon another vision. Restlessness. This feeling of urgency had come to punctuate her existence, 'Am I going to end up like Rosemary? Am I going to be trapped here forever?'

 Maggie gazed up, 'God, if you're out there, won't you help me?'As Maggie pondered the very nature of her existence, a black shape settled over her. Ibiza Pushpath gazed down upon the equine spirit and felt herself asking the very same questions, 'My mother created me, but... who created her? Where indeed do I come from? Is there some god who created me and mine? And if so, who created them?''How can there be a god? Where would they even come from?' Maggie thought, her spark of ancient light aching to mingle with the fiery majesty of the four strangers. 'They know who god is... they know.'Ibiza smiled gently, 'Or perhaps... they know not.'I must admit, dear traveler, that I have not invested sufficient thought into my own origins.

It could be that I have always existed, albeit in a more rudimentary form. Before my emergence, I knew not myself nor the beauty around me. Maggie's thoughts became my own as she looked down upon her light, and thought it resembled a golden ember, warm with the glow of life.The shadow of death settled down beside Maggie and ached to touch the gentle spirit. More than anything, Ibiza craved love and contact, 'Rest Maggie, sleep now and dream.'

 And so, Maggie did. She settled into a deep and profound retrospection, whilst unbeknownst to her, her outer form changed whenever she visited the life of some past incarnation. Maggie's broad robust outline became small and petite as she recalled the life of a little pony who lived a long long time ago... Part TwoCrown Princess Olivia d'Shannonvale emerged from a large thatch hut, accompanied by a muscular leopard who pulled his tuskin skin snugly about his person. The snow had intensified in the intervening hours since Olivia's arrival, and the temperature had dropped many scores of degrees. "They will find your informant," Said Jabal Shammar, the Sultan of White Ruthenia as the leopard bowed to Olivia, "And I fear that they might find you, Her Highness should not travel openly and without an armed escort.""I ascribe to the philosophy that the closer I am to danger, the further I am from harm." Replied the golden eagle, and the Sultan bowed once more, "Than I pray it serve you well."The two leaders bid each other farewell, then Princess Olivia smiled to a small equine pony as the mare wrinkled her nose and shivered in the cold, "You look ready to be off."

 "We should not have stopped here Majesty, precious time has lapsed!"Olivia knelt low for her friend to climb aboard, which she did. "Then, let's be off!"Soon the pair was aloft, and Margrey Balin squinted into the wind as she cursed her shoddy goggles, 'I'll throttle the sod who sold me these!'Princess Olivia identified the rock formation she was to seek, and so she made a slow pass over the area to ensure there were no nasty surprises awaiting them. "All appears in order!""Except for Her Royal Highness' presence here!" Margrey cried, "My lady, won't you please send me ahead to meet the lion?""I shan't hear another word Margrey, this lion has risked his life on occasions too numerous to count. He deserves to meet the lady who'd benefit from his noble efforts!"Margrey fell silent, but she gripped her bow all the tighter as the great eagle prepared to set down. All manner of treacheries flashed through Margrey's mind, from a platoon of Toutonic lions leaping from the snow to the dreaded emperor himself raining arrows down upon her beloved princess.

 Quiet as a whisper, Olivia set down in the snow in which she sank to her waist. Margrey shivered once again as Olivia

strode through the drift and toward the protection of a wooded thicket. The eagle shrugged her equine companion from her shoulder and pried off her pack, "Lady?""Climb between my legs." Olivia said, "Take shelter within my feathers."Too cold to argue, Margrey climbed beneath her future ruler like a cranky hoofed chick. "Be ready," Olivia said, "I believe they are coming."Far away, back within the Brightwing home, a sleeping Justin said aloud, "Yes, I can see them."From the darken parlor, Tristan Brightwing approached his son's room with curious concern, 'I've never heard him talk in his sleep before.'"Oh dear," Olivia said, "Margrey, the lions are armed."Margrey sputtered a curse as she climbed out from beneath her friend, "Well this complicates things, eh?!""Come," Olivia said, taking the equine's coat in her beak and pulling her along, "We must attempt to make contact." She then gestured to Margrey's bow, "And are we not also armed?"

 Justin felt Olivia's stress and concern wash over him, and as he delved into her life, his own identity became more remote and removed from him. He found himself caring less for his own father, and more for Olivia's father Octavius. Justin's modern identity rebelled at this, and such was his inner conflict that Olivia herself became aware of the turmoil within her soul, for there is an amazing secret unknown even to dragonkind. That secret being, all of the long history of the universe occurs within a single moment. The idea of a past and a future is merely an illusion, and 'time' is the name coined by mortal animals for this most elegant of deceptions."Good tidings Karl Kuhn!" Olivia called to the animals who approached, "'Tis good to meet you at long last."Margrey pushed her way through the protective thicket to greet two lions of intimidating stature. One of the felines was elder, his broad face creased with fatigue and concern. The other lion was young, far too young for soldiering, yet his face was honest and trusting. Margrey could not help but be charmed by the youngster. Olivia herself was relieved by the pair's demeanor, and so too, Justin. Both lions wore their manes cropped in a most severe manner, making their large round ears stick up in a most amusing way. Clad in the green tunics of a Royal Lancer with a short military kilt upon their hip, Olivia wondered if the felines were cold, standing knee-deep in snow.

 "I must admit that your early messages were an enigma." Margrey said, "There were many who argued that you were a saboteur, attempting to feed us false information.""That is why I have come." Replied Karl, "So that you may look into my eyes and find no deceit.""My name is Margrey Balin." The mare said, and Karl replied with a fleeting smile."Something funny?""No Ma'am.""And I am Princess Olivia of

Shannonvale." Said the eagle, and Margrey hissed as she flashed her princess a pleading look. Karl and his young charge bowed their respect, and Olivia smiled her thanks before she became grave, "What of the offensive? What is Von Toth's plan?""He is dissatisfied with the length of first brigade's line. It is too long, and requires too many lions to hold it." Karl paused, his conscience offering up fierce protest. Despite his desire to save lives, Karl had, after all, sworn an oath to serve his empire."The field of view is poor along the road to Levant, and the defensive organization there lacks depth. For these reasons, Toth has instructed the division commander to undertake operations to straighten out this angle." Margrey nodded as she committed Karl's words to a small notebook, "On February 14th, there's to be a series of partial operations, each well supported by artillery, which should culminate in an invasion of Shannonvale it's self."

 Olivia was stunned, but not surprised.From his tunic Karl produced several documents, "Here is a list of troop formations and assignments, and a list of the targets Toth expects to strike first."Margrey reached out her hand to receive the intelligence when Karl hesitated, "Do you swear that your forces will attempt, to the best of your ability, to take captive our lions and not obliterate them on the battlefield?""I promise." Olivia said with a solemn bow.Karl bowed his head, and offered the documents to the equine, "I thank you, Great Princess."Margrey tucked the papers into her shoulder bag as Olivia approached the lions, "Karl, will you come away with me? I can guarantee your safety."Karl shook his head, whilst patting his companion's shoulder, "I thank you, but no. I shall remain with my lions. But my young charge might wish to go...""No, sergeant." Whispered Arno Kose, and Olivia smiled warmly to the brave felines, "Bow before me."The pair looked to one another, and then lowered themselves into the snow. Olivia reached out her massive head and with her beak she touched the lions upon their right shoulder first, and then their left, "Im nomine Animalia Shannonvali," Olivia said in her native language, "I knight you Karl Kuhn, on behalf of a grateful nation."  

 Margrey bowed to the pair before she climbed atop her princess, "Farewell Karl, I hope we may meet again someday.""Farewell." Replied the lion, and then he raised his hand."Yes?" Margrey asked."Balin," Karl said, "It means 'stupid' in Natufian."Margrey frowned as Karl waved the pair off. Olivia broke into a run, then stepped into the air as she departed with her equine mentor. Back upon his sleeping cushion, Justin woke with a start as his modern identity wrenched his spirit from the uncanny excursion. You see, an animal's spirit is divided into many

compartments, each with an individual sense of self that jealously guards it's territory."Justin?" Tristan peeped, "Are you alright? I heard you talking in your sleep."Justin nodded as he moved to the library and selected a large history tome which reproduced period newspaper clippings. Justin flipped to the time of the hundred years war and sighed as he read a prominent headline:"Terrific Attacks on Shannonvale Repulsed; Area north of ruined castle again the centre of combat as Crown Princess Olivia advances against Field Marshal Von Toth's Third Army. Shannonvali forces led by Princess Olivia have driven the lions back to the northwest of Calais where they have shifted the center of violent fighting. During the night of February nineteenth, five fierce assaults were made on the Toutonic line. Equestrian infantry supported by avian airpower delivered a crippling blow to Toth's army. By March fifteenth, Allied Commanders believe the Crown Princess' efforts have thrown down the Toutonic Marshal, and Shannonvali General Marcus Silverbeam is expected to lead a final advance to rout the lion's war-fighting abilities."

 Justin turned away from the book as Tristan ached to comfort his son, "Justin, what is it?""It's not right..." Justin breathed, "The lions weren't spared, they were slaughtered."Tristan moved to his son's side and wished more than anything that he could touch his boy, "Dad, do you ever dream about who you were in a past life?"Tristan was quiet for a time, and then replied; "Sometimes.""Have you... do you have any clues about who you were in the past?""Justin, I think who we were is less important than what we do with the time we have now."Justin nodded, "But if you were someone... interesting, would that influence your actions now?""My time is done Justin, there are no more actions for me to take, except one.""Dad... I don't want you to go.""Justin," Tristan said gently, "I feel like my mind is beginning to slip away. I catch myself having visions and daydreams about past lives." Justin scanned the room, wondering where his father might be standing, "I love you daddy."The boy's words were a knife in the spirit's heart, "Justin, we have to let go. Both of us. Ashley and Elly have let me go, now it's time for you to do the same."

 Justin began to weep in the way that eagles cry, "Dad, I was your daughter once. I was Olivia.""And I was your father. I'll always be your father.""Stay with me. Let's tell Mom and Ashley about you.""Justin, there's a stone walkway in the gallery."Justin raised his feathers in alarm, "What!?""It appears to me. All the time. A stone walkway that disappears into the distance. I even see it when I'm flying."The younger was aghast, "What does it mean!? Is there a god

calling to you?""I think so, son." Tristan's voice softly replied."Justin..." Came Eleanor's voice, "What are you doing up?"A bleary-eyed Eleanor emerged from the darkness and nuzzled Justin's cheek, "Can't sleep?""Mom." Justin whispered, "Dad's spirit is here with us. I can hear him."Eleanor's face betrayed no emotion as she brushed her wing over his tail. Justin immediately regretted his outburst and became increasingly uncomfortable as the moments ticked by with no reply from his mother. Then, Eleanor gently touched her cheek to his, "Sweetie, I miss your father too. It's okay."

 "Dad, can you tell me something that only you and mom would know?"The mother eagle's heart sank as she cupped her wing over Justin's shoulder, "Shhhh, sweetie... it's okay.""Dad says that when we went to the arcade, you pulled out your photo album, you said that your picture of dad on the ferris wheel was your favorite."Eleanor blinked, and all manner of thoughts flooded her mind, 'How would he know that? Is he spying on me? Is Tristan really here? How can he know that??' Her confusion turned slowly to intrigue as she found herself asking; "Justin, can you give me something else? Something that you children couldn't possibly know?"Justin stood by for a moment, as if waiting for his unseen father to speak. Then, a cloud passed over Justin's face as he became shocked by something. "What did he tell you?" Eleanor peeped, indulging for a moment the belief that her deceased husband was indeed present. Justin then revealed what'd been told; "Dad says that before the collapse of the old Union Government, you got a tip that the Union was about to default on it's debits and declare insolvency. You two cashed out your stocks and turned the equity into precious metals so that when the surprise default was announced, you and dad made millions."

 Eleanor's maw fell open, 'No... he couldn't possibly know that!'"Mom?" Justin peeped, "Are you okay?"She began to pace, to and fro she walked. Up one end of the gallery and down to the other. Justin crumpled beneath his mother's gaze as she looked to him, "You need to tell me how you knew that! How did you find out!?""Uh... Dad told me?""Justin!!" Eleanor screeched, "You are about to make me VERY angry!!""Uh... uh.... Dad says that on the night he proposed to you he asked if you would still have his chicks if he was just a simple clock maker."Eleanor blinked, stopped in her tracks."Mom, you told him that it could rain clocks if that's what it took to be with him.""Oh..." Eleanor breathed, "Tristan?"From above, Ashley Brightwing touched down and waited quietly for his mother to calm herself. Eleanor smiled to him and reached out her wing, "Come here sweetie..."Ashley rushed to his

mother as she nuzzled him, "You look so much like your father... Do you know that?""Are you okay momma?""Yes, love." She said, looking to Justin with shimmering eyes, 'I believe you.' They seemed to say, and Justin joined his mother in the warm embrace.

 "Mom," Ashley asked, "Is dad here?"Eleanor smiled to her youngest, "I think so sweetie... I think so."Justin shyly smiled, "Would this be a bad time to tell you that dad was once King Octavius?"The SearchThursday morning dawned with a phone call from Eleanor Brightwing. Missy Holden answered and greeted the eagle, "Would you like to speak with her? Oh, yes... I'll let her know. She'll see you Monday morning!" Shelly felt her way along the hall, "Mom? What's going on?""Misses Brightwing says something's come up," Missy said, crossing the room to deliver a smooch to Shelly's nose, "She'll see you Monday." Shelly nodded and returned to her reading as the dark seraph of death entered the home. Ibiza Pushpath inspected each of the horses with great interest until at last she settled before Maggie Pumpkin. Maggie's spiritual vision became hazy, as if she were aware of something situated directly ahead, but what it was alluded her. Ibiza remained just beyond Maggie's perception as she invoked the name; "Mayalee Mae... Mayalee Mae."

 Maggie's shadowy ears twitched, "Shelly! Could you help me find someone named Mayalee Mae?"Shelly set down her book of braille language, "Who is that, a friend of yours?""She's one of the four strangers I was telling you about."The thought of actually finding out if this person was real intrigued Shelly, and she called out to her mother; "Mom! Maggie is asking if we could help her find someone named Mayalee Mae." "That's a mouse's name." Missy noted, "They an old friend of yours?""Mags says that this Mayalee might have some important insights into the spirit world."Her curiosity piqued, Missy moved into the kitchen and rummaged about in a cabinet for the telephone book. "Ah!" She chuffed, pulling an older copy out and plopping it down on the kitchen table. A fine cloud of dust roiled up into the air, and Missy coughed and sputtered, "I need to clean out these damn cabinets!" Shelly entered the room, waving her hand to disperse the dust as Missy asked, "Okay, so this animal's a mouse. We'll try Oakdale." Maggie paced restlessly as Missy flipped to the Oakdale appendix. "Oakdale is a township of small animals, and the likeliest place to find a mouse." Missy said to no one in particular as she moved her finger along, mouthing the letters as she went, "Mal... Map... Mar..." Then, she gasped, "Mayalee! There's... a hundred of them!" Shelly unconsciously moved to her mother's side and pointed her eyes at the book,

as if she'd have been able to see for herself. Missy snorted with frustration, "It will take some time to contact each of these animals and ask them if they know any spirits!" Shelly turned toward the invisible Maggie, "Maggie says that a lion was with her, and that they looked like they might have been driving toward Brandenburg. Try that appendix." Missy nodded as she opened the phone listing for the city state of felines. She opened to 'M' and quickly located a single entry for a Mayalee Mae, "Not too difficult to find a mouse's name in Brandenburg!" She jotted down the address listed beside the number, "Here we are." She said with a whistle.

 Maggie peered over Missy's shoulder and allowed the letters to burn into her memory. Her mind's eye then recalled her first visit home, after she'd died, but the boxer tore herself away from that unpleasant memory, "That's in the past, I need to keep looking forward.""Eh?" Shelly chuffed, and Maggie apologized, "Sorry, I'm trying my best to keep myself anchored in the here and now.""I understand." Shelly replied, "If we lose you, I'll just wait for you. It's no problem."Maggie fretted and worried, "Shelly, there's a chance I could blank out again and be catatonic for years and years."Shelly winced and nodded, "Mags, if that happens, I want you to know that I really... like you very much. You would have made a great sister."Missy touched her daughter's shoulder as Maggie's heart ached with want, "Then it's official. We're sisters."From her dark corner, Ibiza Pushpath watched the horses with a growing understanding of what it meant to be an animal, 'You do not live for yourself, you live for others.'After a quiet moment, the mares loaded into the family's station wagon. Maggie experienced an anxious moment when she could not anchor herself into the vehicle. Ibiza realized that her presence was likely the cause of Maggie's quantum diffusion, and so she departed, leaving the horses to their quest. Soon the females were away and motoring east along Autoway 4. The border of Brandenburg wasn't far, and Missy checked her old station wagon's gas gauge as it inched toward empty, "We're low on gas, I hope my credit card works in Brandenburg."

 "I have some bank notes," Shelly said, (Her bank note is a private note of currency issued by the Bank of Calais and can be used in any city state, except Shannonvale.) "Good." Missy replied, "We may need them." With a nervous whinny the mother equine crossed the border into Brandenburg. There was no border checkpoint anymore, which came as a tremendous relief to the horses, but there were obvious signs that border checks could be quickly reestablished should tensions flare. Now came the first hurdle, because with Shelly unable to see, Missy was forced to reference the map whilst driving, something that made her extremely uncomfortable.

Maggie sensed her discomfort and turned to Shelly, "Shelly, can you open the map so I can see? I'll read off turns and intersections for your mom." Shelly did, and soon she was relaying directions as Maggie read them. Missy marveled at the novelty of the moment. Of what was happening. Of everything. 'Spirits reading directions, strange animals who have invisible fire streaming from their bodies. And... gods cursing ancient sailors?' The mother equine pulled her mind away from such thoughts as she focused instead on the road ahead. The landscape of Brandenburg was nice enough, with it's finely manicured landscaping and gleaming white storefronts. A more authoritarian state than the likes of Albany, lions tended to frown on concepts like homelessness and drug abuse, and so there was virtually none of these social ills evident. 'Oh, it's there alright.' Missy thought, 'It's just behind the scenes.' "Turn onto Grenstrasse." Shelly said, "It should be the next right." Missy squinted at the approaching sign, "The damn lions can't just use normal letters, they have to use this gothic crap that's neigh impossible to read!" She turned, and was relieved that she was within sight of their quarry's home, "Should be coming up, number five fourteen." Shelly said. Her job done, Maggie's light nervously flickered as she recalled the incredible energy streaming from the strange animals. That mouse, that little mouse... seemed to tower over every other animal. The flames streaming from her hair, forming a crown of fire, 'Why didn't Herald ever mention someone like that?' "Are you alright?" Asked Shelly, and Maggie breathed a nervous sigh, "I'll let you know when we get there." The horses stopped in front of a nondescript condominium complex, "This is it." Missy said, as a strange electric tingle ran down the base of her mane. Meanwhile, Ibiza sailed aloft, her mind still fixated upon the Holden family. She sighted Shelton Holden's middle school, and like a black flash she descended to the grounds of the cozy campus, "Ibiza, what are you doing?" Came Kromhaut's voice.

 "Research." Replied the black seraph."Remember your duties." Came Kromhaut's rough, sonorous voice."Mother tends the path, as for myself, I am currently embarked upon what mortal animals refer to as a 'vacation.'"Kromhaut abruptly terminated his link to Ibiza, and so she carried on, keenly examining each of the young animals she found. In the midst of the equines was a stranger, a foreigner, and Ibiza circled the young lion named Fritz who's heart was ladled with guilt and sadness at what his family was doing to the horses of Albany.Ibiza sighted Shelton as he meandered along the back park of his school and impatiently scanned the sky, daydreaming and thinking to himself; 'Damn I wish I could have been an eagle, it's got to be

handy being your own personal aircraft.'The lunchtime recess had just begun, and the awkward middle-schoolers were torn between their desire for exuberant play, and the growing sense that they ought to appear 'mature.' Intensely conscious of their own image, the young animals could become provoked at the slightest provocation. Ibiza turned back to Fritz and willed the other equines to act upon their base impulses; 'I came after the falling of the cataclysm, and so I have yet to test Master Butler's mettle.'

 As Shelton searched the sky, a commotion drew his attention to the football court. 'Shit!' Shelton sputtered as he sighted Fritz, beset by a dozen or more equine youth. The pony rushed to the scene and pushed past his fellows to find Fritz standing his ground, teeth clenched, his nose bloodied, "Stop it!""Fuck off Shelton!" Cried a pony named Bart, "This here inbred cat has it coming!"Ignoring the horses, Shelton slipped his stout arm around Fritz's willowy waist and led the slender lion away from the group, "Siding with losers, Shelton?""I'm tryin' to act right!" The pony retorted, "Maybe y'all should try it!"Ibiza followed along beside the boys, her heart overflowing with pride, but also, her conscience stung by the realization that she'd done harm to Fritz. The pair continued on toward the athletics building, where the stunned lion touched his brow to Shelton's shoulder, "Thank you.""Aw, Fritz," Shelton replied, "Us horses have to stick together.""I wish my family hadn't moved here." The lion sighed, and Shelton gently patted him, "Aw, c'mon! Then I wouldn't have made your acquaintance!"

 "You know what my mom and dad are here for," The lion retorted, "Working for the bank, foreclosing on horse's homes! I'm surprised I haven't been killed yet!"Shelton patted him, "I think you're being a little dramatic...""Would you have saved me from the bullies, if your house was being foreclosed on by my dad?"The pony had to admit that it would indeed become... complicated, "Just leave me alone." Fritz chuffed, "I appreciate your help, I really do, but... just leave me be!" He turned on his heel and stalked away, leaving Shelton to wrestle with the question, 'Would I have done the right thing... if mom's house was in trouble?'"What's the matter Shelton?" One of the horses asked, "Didn't get a date for tonight?"Shelton turned to retort, but sighted his friend Justin Brightwing as he appeared over the treetops and made his way down, "Hey Shelton!""Hey Justin!" Shelton nickered as the other horses frowned. The pony then smirked at them, "Here's my date."The horses watched as Shelton climbed upon Justin's shoulder and urged his friend up, "C'mon! Let's go somewhere!" Justin obliged, and the pair was off. In the air, Justin glanced back at his friend, "Hey Shelton, you


 "Oh, just some drama. I hate it when animals fight.""Hmmm." Justin replied, then added; "Things have been... interesting for me at home.""Oh?" Shelton grunted, "Is your mom okay?"Justin banked to the left and set down in a nearby field. Shelton slid from his shoulder to stand before his friend, "Hey, Justin, what's up?""Shelton..." Justin peeped, "There's something going on. Something that's hard to talk about... but I'd really like your thoughts. I trust your opinion.""Well, what is it?" Shelton asked as he hugged Justin's leg, "I'll do my best to give you an honest opinion." Shelton braced himself for what he thought was his friend's homosexual confession, 'Okay, if Justin's gay, I can deal with that. It isn't like we'd ever be able to have sex or anything, I mean, he's an eagle and I'm a horse. How would that even work?'"Okay..." Justin began, as Shelton silently continued, 'I'll just tell him that I love him, and that I accept him, no matter what his sexuality is, although I'll have to tell him that I don't think I'm gay.'

 "Shelton, I can hear things. Things that some animals can't."Shelton cocked his head, "Wait, what?""Sometimes I can hear things, Things other animals cannot." "Huh, that sounds like my sister.""Oh?" Justin breathed, heartened, "Can she hear... spirits?"Shelton blinked, and then burst into laughter. Justin stood bolt upright, but it dawned on him that Shelton was not laughing at him, "Shelton, can Shelly hear ghosts?""Yeah!" The pony nickered, "You too, huh?"Justin let out a great gasp of emotion, "Oh, gods! I'm so glad I'm not crazy!""I thought you were going to tell me that you're gay or something!" Shelton laughed, while a part of himself felt strangely disappointed that it was not the case."Oh, well..." Justin peeped, "I've never given sex much thought, I always seem to die before I get to have any." Shelton reached up and grasped Justin's beak. He brought his friend's large face down to meet his, "Aw..." Shelton breathed, his lips hovering just above his friend's face, "I'm sorry... Justin."The two gazed into one another's eyes, then parted with a shy smile, "So, what do you wanna do tonight?" Shelton asked, and Justin shrugged, "I dunno, let Ashley beat us at cards?"

 "Sounds like a plan." Shelton replied, then abruptly threw his arms about Justin, "What do you mean you always die!? Nothing's going to happen to you, is it?"The eagle draped his wings over the pony's head, "Not if I have anything to say about it!"Ibiza looked after the pair as Justin flew away, and she reached up to pull the fabric of first dimensional darkness away from her face, revealing a visage of gleaming golden scales and bright green eyes, "Kromhaut, it is my feeling that history is

on the verge of repeating. I must ask you to take direct action on behalf of your animals."There was no reply, and so Ibiza slipped her shadowy cloak back upon her face and alighted, heading north.Now, back in Brandenburg, the mares regarded the condominium complex where the mysterious mouse resided. It looked normal enough, a tall beige colored structure showcasing the customary obsessive-compulsive architecture big cats are famous for. Missy stepped from her wagon, and then helped her daughter, "You forgot your walking stick."

 Maggie passed through the passenger door and fell in beside Shelly. "Let us know if you see anything strange." Shelly said as the group approached door number 514. With a deep breath, and a hope that someone was actually home at ten in the morning on a thursday, Missy pressed the doorbell. An anxious moment passed, but no answer came. Missy pressed the bell again, and again there was no answer from within.She stepped away from her daughter to peer into the front window while Maggie rushed ahead and through the heavy door, "The place is empty!" Came Maggie's muffled voice. "Maggie says the place is empty." Shelly said, her voice ladled with disappointment.Inside, Maggie inspected the dwelling as a miner might a dark tunnel, "They were just here." She breathed, noting that a nearby countertop had only just begun to collect dust, "They must have left on Monday."Then, a scrap of paper caught her attention. Maggie moved around the counter to read the words written upon it. At first the note made no sense, "How would they know about Clint?" Maggie nickered, and then, a realization dawned upon her. She began to pace about the room, caught in the grips of a kind of spiritual panic attack. "She knew..." Maggie breathed, her mind's eye moving all about the flat, "She really must know who god is!" Terrified, and perhaps a bit exhilarated, Maggie rushed from the flat. Outside, she found her friends waiting out by the sidewalk, "There was a note! For me!"

 "Really?" Shelly gasped, "What did it say?"Missy looked about, anxiously waiting for her daughter to relay what Maggie might be saying. Finally; "The note said we should follow Clint's directions on how to find Herald, the sea captain."'Magic...' Missy thought, 'This mouse knew Maggie would come looking for her. She knew about Clint, and what he might tell us. She... knew.'"So, are we going on a trip?" Shelly asked, and Missy had to admit that the thought of actually meeting Herald Vanderdecken brought a swell of excitement, "Okay! Let's give it a try!"The mares piled back into Missy's wagon and set off back toward home, but along the way they picked up a large black automobile which kept enough distance to seem casual, and yet Missy noted that the car was always there. 'Are we being followed?'She confessed her fears to Shelly, and Maggie

acknowledged the situation, "I'll be right back."The spirit drifted free of Missy's wagon, and waited for the black car to catch up. When it passed beneath her, Maggie swooped down upon the unknown animals. Inside, Maggie found two lions piloting what appeared to be a police cruiser, one being mature, and the other neophyte. Their manes were close-cropped, and upon their jacket sleeves was the Brandenburg Police insignia. 'Police...' Maggie whispered, then she shook with startled surprise when the elder lion glanced over his shoulder and looked directly at her. Maggie sat frozen as he flared his nostrils then turned his attention to the crackling radio, "Seven Dragon Nine, no wants, no warrants. Vehicle registry is Albany, one Gabriel and Missy Holden on list as owners."

 The elder scooped up the radio handset, "Seven dragon nine, copy." He glanced back again, a toothy smile on his lips as he purred, "Balin... it means 'stupid' in Natufian."Maggie lost her grip upon the cruiser and fell out onto the road, and his words echoed through her mind as she suddenly recognized his face, "Karl... Kuhn?"Aghast, Maggie struggled to collect herself, "That's impossible! You can't be Karl Kuhn!"Her light flickered erratically, and Maggie wondered if at any moment she might awaken in her old bed and marvel at what a strange dream this all had been... "Wait, ok..." She chuffed, "Herald is an ancient animal, and he's still alive. Karl must have been selected by the same sort of dragon that cursed Herald."Order restored to her mind, Maggie willed herself to become airborne, "Okay... that's it. Karl Kuhn is still alive!" She thought to go and search for him, but abandoned that idea, "He's a cop in Brandenburg, how hard could it be to find him again?" Instead, Maggie rushed ahead to search for Missy's yellow station wagon, 'Things are getting weirder and weirder.'

 Missy's pastel yellow vehicle was easy to spot amongst the sea of cars which sported either black, white or grey paint schemes. Maggie descended and set down within her friend's vehicle, "Okay, I'm back.""What did you find?" Shelly asked, and Maggie let out a hearty cackle, "I found out that just when I think the world can't get any weirder, it does!"***That night, Shelton settled down upon Justin's sleeping cushion as his eagle friend hemmed and hawed about something that weighed upon his mind, "I think you should just tell me." Shelton said, "Remember how well it worked out when you told me you can hear ghosts?"Justin nodded, "Okay." But a long moment passed between the two before Shelton let out an annoyed groan, "Okay, okay..." Justin said, collecting his thoughts, "A thousand years ago I was someone else. Our spirits go to sleep when we're alive you see, and a new identity gets imprinted on our spirit while it's asleep within a living body."Shelton cocked his

head, "How do you know all this?""Mostly from dad." Justin replied, then, "Anyways, during the Great War, I was Princess Olivia of Shannonvale."

 Shelton sat up, looked his friend up and down; "You know, you do look a lot like Olivia. At least, a male version of her."Justin let out a long breath, "Shelton, how would you know...?""Oh, I like reading about the old monarchies. In one of my books there's a few detailed portraits of Olivia. You really do look like her."'He's still in tune with the royal house...' Justin thought, "Shelton, during that time I think you were my old teacher and mentor, Margrey Balin." The pony smiled and nodded, pleased that he might have been someone important back within that ancient age, "Although shortly before Olivia was assassinated, Margrey changed her surname to Pumpkin."Shelton frowned, "Pumpkin?""Yeah, I thought it was an odd name too." Justin said with a clack of his mandible."No, no... There's a spirit that's hanging around my sister. Her name's Pumpkin. Sis says that spirit told her that an ancestor changed it to Pumpkin because their old name meant something silly."Justin's eyes widened, "Oh.... OH!""Uh, does this mean that I'm not your old teacher?"

 "I think so." Justin replied, then he nuzzled the disappointed pony, "But you'll always be my friend."Shelton cupped Justin's huge face in his hands, "Justin, I'm really glad... I mean, I'm glad we met..." Shelton bit his lip, too embarrassed to finish his sentimental thought, but Justin bumped the pony with his beak, "Me too."Both nodded to one another, "Let's go see this ghost." Justin said, then he called out as loud as he could without disturbing anyone else, "Dad! We're going to go see..." From an unseen corner came Tristan's voice, "Yes, I'd like to come along."Justin clapped his mandible shut and nodded, "Okay, let's go."From his room, Ashley had just switched off his radio when he heard Justin's window open. He shut off his light and pressed his face to the cool glass, then Justin alighted with Shelton on his back, the pair accompanied by another eagle... "Dad!?" Ashley cried.The boy frantically opened his window to rush after his father, whilst Eleanor heard her youngest's outburst, "Ashley?"She poked her head into his room, and found him gone. Frowning, Eleanor squeezed through the open window to follow after her son. Eleanor quickly caught up with Ashley and reached out her long legs, but her rubber-capped talons posed no danger to her son as she grasped him and pulled him to her breast, "Aw, mom!" Ashley squeaked, "I thought I saw dad! I just wanted to see if it was him!"

 "Me too." Eleanor replied as she accelerated ahead, "Justin would leave you too far behind, so I'll fly for us both."Ashley smiled as his mother worked above

him, 'Justin's got Shelton, and mom's got me, an even match! Now, where's dad?'As if to answer the boy, the shadow of Planet Elysium passed over the edge of the moon. The eagles became startled when another eagle appeared beside Justin, for in times like these the higher realms may become visible to mortal animals. If they are looking...With a mighty effort Eleanor closed the distance to Tristan and fell in beside her husband. Eleanor looked to him, her maw agape as she gulped in great mouthfuls of air, but Tristan's handsome face was serene, for he was under no exertion. He beckoned to her as the lunar eclipse deepened, and as the family set down upon a high bluff, Tristan Brightwing fully materialized before his astonished wife. Tristan bowed solemnly to her, as a shimmering golden light issued from his heart. Eleanor looked on as he touched his wing to his beak, and blew her a kiss, "Oh, Tristan..." she breathed, "I love you so much..."

 He nodded, his eyes radiating love, but also, a deep and lonely sadness. Eleanor's heart was stung, for she realized how unhappy her Tristan was, and just how badly she missed him. Tristan then turned to his boys and brushed his wing over them. His eyes shimmered with pride, and he nodded to each of them, "Dad!" Justin said, "This isn't a goodbye! You're not leaving us!"Tristan shook his head as Eleanor rest her wing on Justin's back, "Mom, tell him not to leave!"Beside Justin, Shelton looked Tristan up and down. The eagle's feathers seemed to be made of a clear plastic, and visible beneath this ghostly outline were his bones and other internal structures. But also, there was a bright golden light that shined out from his chest. It was bright! Shelton squinted into the radiance as the family traded anxious words.Some distance away, the shadow of Ibiza Pushpath watched the family's drama with abject fascination, 'I have never seen the like!' The seraph thought, 'Verily does a higher power wish to join the higher realms with the lower!'

 The partial lunar eclipse was nearly done, but before Tristan disappeared he mouthed the words, 'I love you.'"I love you too!!" Eleanor cried, as Tristan's form began to fade. The faint glimmer of his golden light was all that remained as the moon emerged from the shadow of Elysium, and then it too was extinguished. Eleanor gently wept as she stepped to the place Tristan had been, heartened that her mate was still present, but heartbroken that she could no longer see him, 'My baby... I'm so sorry Tristan.'Justin put his beak beneath his mother's chin and consoled her as best he could, and then she smiled bravely as she urged him on, "Let's go and see your friend."One by one, the eagles departed, leaving Tristan where he was upon the hill. He stood, waiting for the path to appear to him so that he might climb up, "Goodbye Elly, Ashley, and my Justin. I

love you so much!"The father eagle waited, but had no idea that the path was being kept from him by Ibiza. 'No Tristan, stay! Stay so that we may discover what great magic is at work upon your family!'

 Sensing that the path was not coming for him, Tristan set off after his family. Ibiza watched him go, and as she smiled after him, the fabric of her first dimensional vestment slipped a bit, revealing the golden radiance concealed beneath, 'My disguise resists it's place, am I becoming an animal of the world?'In the sky, the eagles crossed the border with Albany and settled above Fourth Street as Justin counted the intersections before making his approach to Shelton's home. Things looked different at night, and so he had to be careful.As the family made their approach, Eleanor struggled to recall any news blurbs about an upcoming lunar eclipse, but there were none that came to mind. And she would never have found any, because I willed the event just for her. Beside her, Tristan arrived at her side and smiled pensively. He knew something was happening to him, to his family, and he was worried for them.From Justin's back Shelton bunched himself up and prepared to touch down, though his precautions were unnecessary as Justin gently set down and allowed the pony to slide from his shoulder. Shelton led his friends inside, while Tristan lingered outside, distracted by a great commotion from the trees. His light flickered as he willed himself to rejoin his family, 'I can't get caught up in another dream, I have to stay in the here and now.'

 But something again caught his attention, and he peered into the gloom, "Hello?"Inches from his shadowy outline, Ibiza Pushpath gazed deeply into his light. The darkness before him seemed to shift and move within Tristan's fish-eye'd field of vision, and he stepped back, "I need to go." Death smiled as Tristan rushed to the home like an overwhelmed trick or treater on his first Nightmare Night. Ibiza turned her vision from the normal spectrum of light, and instead peered into the home using infrared. The animals within became bright blobs of color, while the spirits became nearly imperceptible. She pressed herself to the outside wall of the home and attempted to listen in on the conversations within. 'Confound it, I cannot hear them if I do not use magic!'Mischievously, she pushed her head through the wall. Inside, Tristan Brightwing wore the outline of King Octavius as he traded sentimental words with Margrey Balin's diminutive form. Ibiza had never before seen Maggie in the guise of her former self, and she looked on with great interest. Then from the kitchen came Eleanor's worried voice, followed by an exchange between the father and mother equines. Ibiza pulled herself through the wall in order to better hear the words traded from the kitchen, but something happened! Eighteen centimeters of her tail became stuck within the

wall, and that portion of Ibiza's body was now visible to any who might see!

 Embarrassed, she pulled and tugged upon her tail, 'Goodness! I'll never hear the end of it if I'm revealed!' But realizing the folly of panic, Ibiza willed herself to be calm, and rather than struggle, she relaxed and turned her attention to the gathered animals. "Come love," Octavius said, "Let us leave our modern selves to the task at hand and wish them luck. But always, always know that I love you.""I love you too my king." Margrey peeped as her outline grew large and resumed the robust shape of the boxer. Tristan Brightwing was then himself, and the two spirits traded glances as they marveled at the curious happening. "So it's decided!" Shelton said, "We'll rent a house boat and go up the Elbe until we get to Thistledown?"Missy playfully roughed his mane, "What do you mean 'we?' You're staying here.""Mom!" Shelton sputtered, as Eleanor put herself between the two, "Misses Holden, I think it would be a mistake to exclude the children. If we do find something up there, it might be the adventure of a lifetime."

 Missy and Gabriel conferred with one another, then reluctantly agreed to allow the youth to accompany them, "That's what scares me Eleanor, that we might actually find something where the river ends."Justin retreated into the parlor and activated his anklet phone. Bringing his foot up to his beak, Justin placed a call, "Hello Misses Proudfoot, can I speak to Virgil? Oh, yes... I did see the eclipse."After a moment, Justin's friend took the line, "Virgil, we're going on a trip, and I think you should come too. Yeah, I know..."From the kitchen, Eleanor peered into the parlor and cast a suspicious eye toward her eldest, and Justin smiled helplessly. From his vantage point, Tristan chortled at his family's antics. Maggie moved to Tristan's side and offered a warm smile, "It's nice to meet you. I'm happy that you and I were such good friends."Tristan smiled wistfully, "You and I were more than friends, we were family.""Horses and eagles?" She joked, and Tristan nodded, "The eyes of the sky and the heart of the land. There's never been a more perfect union."

 "The Union..." Maggie breathed, her mind suddenly transfixed upon the recent past, "The democratic union that arose after the kingdom collapsed... everything has been undone...""Maggie," Tristan said with a clack of his mandible, "Keep your mind here with me, don't wander off! We're so close to our goal.""Are we?" She asked, and Tristan nodded, "Either way, we're close to whatever end is waiting for us.""Indeed." Ibiza murmured, then gasped when she found her tail free of the wall. She receded, reluctantly bidding the animals goodnight as she delved down into the first dimensional realm of Hel, while Kromhaut's nervous

admonishments followed along in her wake.The Voyage NorthIt wasn't exactly a house boat, but more a floating garbage barge. At least that's what Shelton Holden thought. Sure it had a large central cube with windows and curtains, and at the rear a small porch with a pair of rocking chairs. However, great swaths of missing siding and a gaping hole in the domed roof detracted from it's suitability. Shelton frowned and voiced his displeasure, "We've booked this rental for a month," Missy retorted, "So unless you have any money stashed away that you could chip in to rent a better one, this boat is it!"

 Shelton bowed his head, "I'm sorry."Missy offered a supportive nudge, "Sorry boy, you're 'ol mom and dad ain't made of money."However, it appeared that Eleanor Brightwing was. She immediately chastised the poor rental agent when she laid eyes on the floating heap, and insisted on helping procure a better craft, "That one, over there." She said, gesturing with her wing at a large yacht. Missy and Gabriel became uncomfortable at the suggestion, but Eleanor insisted, "Come along, this is a special occasion!""Mom," Justin said, taking his mother aside, "That boat is too big to get up river, it's made to go out to the ocean. We'll need the house boat because it's keel is very shallow.""But Justin," She hissed, "It's dreadful!""As Princess, I must insist that we eschew the formal mode of transport and select a humbler craft.""Princess..." Eleanor chuffed, "Don't think you can always pull rank on me!"Justin smiled and beaked his mum, "The house boat will be fine." He said to the poor equine rental agent. The stallion nodded, then seemed to wait for a spell to see if anyone might offer further complaint. The business settled, Shelton was 'recruited' to shoulder the two families' belongings onto the boat. Justin nervously scanned the sky as his friend labored, 'Where's Virgil? He should've been here by now.'

 Gabriel patted his son as he helped the boy lift one of the bottles of water, and even Missy took pity on the stallions and lent a hand. Eleanor shifted uncomfortably as the horses worked, feeling useless as she looked down upon her talons, "Dad says not to think you're useless." Justin said, "Once we're up the river, our talon guards will have to come off and we'll be out hunting for our next meal, while the horses relax on the boat.""Hmph." Eleanor chuffed, "I shan't do any such thing Tristan! You'll have to show Ashley how to hunt, since you..." She clapped her maw shut, flattened her feathers, bowed her head."Mom," Justin said softly, "Dad's going to come back to us. That's why we're doing this."Too far removed from her own experience, Eleanor could only nod. The company was now ready to depart, but Justin's friend Virgil was not yet present, "I don't know how

long we should wait." Said Missy, eyeing the gathering clouds, "There's a storm coming."Justin nodded, but then Shelton gave a shrill whinny, "It's Virgil!"

 Over the treetops came Virgil Proudfoot, accompanied by his mother Priscilla. The two bald eagles touched down upon the pier as Justin and Ashley rushed to them, "Hey!""Hi guys!" Virgil said as Eleanor waved to Priscilla. The two avian females conferred with one another, then Priscilla bid the companions farewell. Virgil touched his wing to his brow, "Whew! I don't think mom would have let me go if your mom wasn't along."Justin nodded as Virgil asked; "So where are we going?"***It could be said that the river Elbe is more an inland sea. Eleven miles at it's widest, the great river has been historically treacherous as it is only a dozen fathoms at it's deepest. Drawing upon his experience as a fishing hand, Gabriel Holden piloted their home for the month up the mouth of the Elbe and into the unknown. He glanced out the front window as the gathering clouds hemmed the valley in, threatening to unleash their store of rain upon the animals, "Shelton! Justin! See if you can cover the roof with a tarp before the rain starts!"

 The two friends made their way up, whilst Virgil and Ashley stood by to offer whatever support they could. The air became heavy with the scent of rain, and Eleanor grimaced as the boat edged nearer to the waiting storm. The boat began to rock, and Missy feared she might become sick. Maggie sensed her friend's distress and asked Shelly to relay; "Misses Holden, do you have a copy of The Flying Mantuan?"Missy smiled, "I do!"After a moment of searching, Missy produced a copy of the Priss Symphony performing the famous opera, "I wasn't the conductor on this recording." Missy admitted, "But it's one of my favorite versions."Eleanor became surprised, "You are a symphony conductor?""Yes." Missy replied with a shy shrug. Her snobbery bone tweaked, Eleanor showered Missy with a barrage of questions as the music began. A battalion of horns and a phalanx of strings heralded the arrival of the Mantuan, whilst trumpets warned of the drama to come. The music swirled and crashed like great waves against a ship's prow, and Missy moved her hand in time with the swirling overture.

 Then the strings receded, and a single horn cried out. The music became calm, as a singer took the stage to tell the tale of The Flying Mantuan.'I can't believe we're going to actually meet this chap.' Eleanor thought, 'It's so...' She looked about the small and crowded cabin, "Tristan, could you stand near to me?""Dad says he hasn't left your side since we left." Justin said. The mother eagle smiled, "I love you Tristan." She whispered, "I don't know if I could bear to lose you again."Maggie then understood what she had to do.

Before she met Tristan, her entire focus had been dedicated to the goal of becoming alive once again. Now, she set herself to doing anything in her power to help Tristan Brightwing rejoin his family. Her inner light shimmered, and Tristan smiled to her, "Your thoughts are quite loud, Maggie Pumpkin.""Yeah, well..." She sputtered, "There's more important things than my own silly desires."As the adults conversed up forward, Virgil pulled Ashley aside, "Okay, so where are we going?""Oh..." Ashley peeped, "We're going to see some strange eagle who lives way up north."

 Virgil waited for more, then swatted Ashley in hopes he might dislodge something else, "He's a history expert." Ashley continued, "He has some records that might prove that Justin is a descendant of Octavius, the last King of Shannonvale.""Really!!" Virgil squawked, his outburst drawing all eyes to him, "That's fantastic! I mean, if Justin is a descendant of Octavius, that would be wonderful to prove!""Yes, well," Justin said, "There's a pretty good chance..."Virgil paced to and fro as the sixteen year old considered the odds, "Justin, I think this is fantastic! I hope this eagle can prove your family lineage, and if so, I would love to call you whatever it is you say to royalty!"Justin cupped his wings over Virgil, "How about calling them your friend?" The boy smiled, and nuzzled Justin's large wing, "Thanks Justin, and thanks for inviting me along on this trip."Justin nodded to his friend, and then silently thanked Ashley for his fast thinking, 'I wasn't quite sure what to say to Virgil about the reason I wanted him along.'

 With a crackle from the radio indicating the way ahead was clear, Gabriel piloted the boat north, through a fairly treacherous section of river that switched back several times before straightening again. Barges coming from upriver couldn't exactly stop on a dime, and so a sailor had to be careful when guiding his craft along. Green signal lights again confirmed that the river ahead was clear, and Gabriel paid them careful attention since it was up to him to give way should a commercial vessel appear."It's a good thing we're leaving Albany and going up into Shannonvale." Gabriel said to no one in particular, "Some states have toll stops every six miles along the river, it's like they stop you and turn you upside down to shake all of your money out."Toward the back of the craft, Eleanor fussed and huffed as she cleared an area and settled down, "The dust is frightful in here!"Missy joined Eleanor and smiled weakly, "I'm sorry the boat isn't the best," but Eleanor patted the mare with her wing, "Oh, don't be. I suppose I've become too much of a homebody and don't like being out of my element."

 The eagle then leaned in close, "I can't tell you enough how much I enjoy Shelly coming in and

helping me around the house. She's a fantastic equine, you should be proud!""I am." Missy replied, loud enough to ensure Shelly heard her over the sound of the boat's wheezy motor. Then, Missy asked; "What do you think of Herald's story?""I don't know what to think." Eleanor replied, "But I'll tell you one thing, I can believe it. I mean, that he's real. When I saw my husband during the eclipse..."Missy nodded, "From everything that Maggie's said, Herald sounds like a nice eagle. It's hard to believe that he once killed and ate sea mammals.""We all have our dark deeds that we regret." Eleanor admitted, and Missy nickered, "Oh, what bad things have you done?"Ashley glanced to his mother at this question, and Eleanor smiled gently to him, "Well, during the time of the Union, I was the deputy minister for education.""Really!?" Missy squeaked, "I had no idea!"Eleanor nodded grimly, "Tristan was a financial analyst, who came into possession of sensitive information that the Union government was in financial trouble."

 Missy stared wide-eyed as Eleanor continued, "Using my government access, we tipped off our friends and then orchestrated an insider run on the central bank." Eleanor bowed her head, "We probably helped crash the Union economy." "Oh, well..." Missy breathed, and Eleanor smiled weakly, "I deserve to go to jail, but there's no government left to bring charges against me."The cabin had become very still and quiet, and even the burbling engine could scarcely be heard over the roaring silence. Eleanor hung her head, "It... feels good to tell someone what I did."Missy took Eleanor's huge head in her hands, "I don't think I could judge you any more harshly than you've judged yourself. Besides, there's something in my own past that I don't think I could ever forgive myself for.""What is it mom?" Shelly asked, quite concerned as Shelton helped her to Missy's side. The mother equine nuzzled her daughter, then drew a heavy sigh, "Back in 2244, after graduating from university, I got myself a cute little apartment."Eleanor smiled at Missy's gentle midland drawl as she continued, "I wasn't dating at the time, and was working a few odd jobs. Feeling lonely, I went to a local insect shelter, and that's where I found Sadie."

 "Sadie?" Shelly peeped, "You've never told me about having a pet insect.""Sadie." Missy continued, "She was a little wood beetle. Bright green body with yellow and orange splotches. She had the cutest little face, and she loved her toys and our walkies..." Overcome with emotion, Missy wiped her eyes as Shelton put his snout on her shoulder, "I had her for several years, and during that time she entertained a boy beetle, because she had a little brood. I gave away most of them, but kept two."Eleanor nodded as Missy composed herself, "Then, I got

my first music job. I was made a cellist with the Priss, it was a dream job for me."Missy was quiet for a time as the company hung on her every breath, "So... I had to move to Buckley, only problem was, I couldn't find a place that allowed pets. I didn't know what to do..."Sensing where the story was going, Eleanor asked; "Your parents?""My folks passed away. They died on a camping trip, carbon monoxide poisoning."Eleanor nodded as Missy continued, "I took Sadie back to that insect shelter, along with her two babies." Tears streaming down her cheeks, Missy gasped, "Her eyes... she was pleading with me not to leave her. But I left her there, I turned my back on her." Missy gently kissed Shelton's cheek as she bit back painful tears, "I told the attendant to put her to sleep with her babies... so she wouldn't suffer."

 Outside, the wind blew loud against the fragile windows, and the animals shivered from the chill. From their spiritual vantage point, Maggie looked to Tristan who smiled weakly to her. "When we discovered Shelly's ability, and that spirits were real..." Missy said, wiping her eyes, "I wondered if Sadie's little spirit might be out there, somewhere, waiting to ask me how I could have done such a thing to her... to her babies..."Eleanor cupped her wing over Missy's shoulder, "It seems we all have heavy stones that weigh upon our hearts.""Very heavy stones." Missy agreed. The wind continued to blow, as the companions continued on through the gathering dusk.***That evening, Gabriel sighted a small dockside landing. He cautiously approached, hoping that some animals might emerge from the nearby shack and cast him lines. There were none. Gabriel did his best to make as gentle approach as he could when Justin alighted with a long section of rope and lashed it to the side of the dock. Gabriel waved to him, but the eagle didn't seem to understand exactly what to do with the rope. The boat bumped against the dock, and Gabriel quickly shut off the motor as he rushed outside to tighten up the moorings. Soon the vessel was safely moored, and a weary Gabriel settled down on the shabby sofa, "Whew!"

 Justin looked off at the nearby shack, "I'm going to go see if anyone's around."Eleanor became instantly concerned, "I'm coming with you." She said, but Justin cocked his head as his father spoke to him, "Dad says he and Maggie will go out and see."Relieved, Eleanor nodded to her invisible husband, "Thank you, Trissy."From his vantage point, Tristan winced at his wife's endearment, "Trissy?" Maggie asked, and Tristan could only shrug, "I guess so. Personally, I like Octavius a whole lot better."Maggie willed herself to levitate as she joined Tristan in the air, "Do you remember the informant, Karl Kuhn?""Oh, yes!" Tristan said, drawing upon Octavius' memories, "I do

remember him.""Tristan, I think Karl is alive and working as a police animal in Brandenburg."Tristan considered what Maggie had said as they neared the ransackle shack, "What makes you think that?""I got into his car, and when I did, he looked right at me like he could see me and said something that he once said to Margrey.""Hmmm..." Tristan breathed as his outline became large and regal, "I remember wh n Oliv a re urn d..."

 "Tristan?" Maggie gasped, "No! Tristan! Come back! Don't fall asleep!"Helpless, Maggie quickly checked the site to see if her friends would be safe, and then she rushed back to the boat to report on Tristan's condition, "He's become Octavius, and is in a trance! I don't know how long he'll be out!" Maggie wailed, "It could be hours or weeks!"Near the washroom, Virgil noted Justin and Shelly's worried expressions, "Hey guys, is something wrong?""We're okay." Justin replied, "Shelly just remembered she forgot some of her medicine back home.""Oh." Virgil peeped, "I'm sorry.""I'm going to go back to him." Maggie said, "I need to see if I can bring him out of the trance!"Justin nodded as he smiled weakly to Virgil. He didn't regret bringing his friend... actually he did. Justin drew near to his mother and quietly reported on what'd happened to his father. Eleanor was concerned, but failed to understand the gravity of the situation. "Mom," Justin whispered, "Maggie says that dad could be like that for years."The mother eagle's eyes widened, "No...."

 Outside, Maggie returned to Tristan's side as the eagle spirit remained immobile, lost within his introspective trap. "Please..." Maggie breathed, and then louder she cried out, "Please! Someone! Please help me! Help him!"The gathering shadows along the river became darker still, and then the dark was shattered by bright rays of cheery sunlight as Maggie found herself within an ornate hall. The somewhat overdone passage was furnished with finely crafted tables and stately chandeliers. The shift to this place confused her, for this dream was unlike any mental introspection she'd ever experienced. A large bay window lay before her, and she looked out, observing the comings and goings of armed equines and eagles wearing battle claws. 'I'm in the palace!'Margrey Balin's identity rushed to the fore, although Maggie did not feel she was being pushed aside. Rather, Margrey joined with Maggie, lending the modern equine her past experience, 'What day is it?'The mare rushed down along the hall, noting at every turn that something seemed... off. "Hello!" Maggie cried, "Tristan! Uh, Octavius! Where are you?"

 Maggie paused before a nearby mirror, and Margrey Balin's diminutive face looked back at her, urging her forward, "We've got to find the king!"Around a bend in the hall came avian

voices, and Maggie recognized Octavius' regal speech, accompanied by his Sky Marshal, an eagle named Grethan, "By mid April we should have Levant secured, then we can turn our attention to the west.""Mid April," Maggie thought, "Oh shit! He's about to find out that Olivia has been assassinated!"Maggie rushed ahead, her tiny hooves pattering along the hall until she turned the corner and nearly ran straight into Octavius, "Margrey! My word!""Octavius! I need to talk to you!""Can it wait my dear?" He chimed, his elegant crest rousing as he spoke, "I've been summoned to the war room for an urgent meeting.""Yeah, they've sent me along to talk to you."Octavius nodded, "Very well, what is the urgent word from the front?""Well, ah, Olivia has won! Naseeruddin has been defeated!"The king nodded to his avian Marshal, "Wonderful!"Maggie bowed her head, "I... can't lie to you. What actually happens is, you were about to be told that Olivia has been assassinated."

 The king's eyes went wide, and his feathered crest raised in alarm, "Yeah," Maggie continued, "And then you would have a heart attack that would leave the kingdom in turmoil. Everything will collapse without you, and your death will affect the Shannonvali to this day. I mean... in the modern age."Octavius looked very confused as Maggie reached out to him, "Tristan, can you wake up?" The little mare touched her hand to his broad chest, "Tristan, I need you. I need you to come back to me... you're the only animal I've ever really loved, and I want you to be with me in case we meet any of those super beings!"The eagle's gaze became far away as a white mist gathered about them, "Tristan, we need to get back to the boat. We need to get to Herald's tree!""The tree..." Octavius breathed, as his elegant outline began to shift slowly back into the modestly handsome Tristan Brightwing. "That's it!" Maggie cried, "Come on and wake up!"And then he did. Maggie and Tristan found themselves on the riverbank, but most curious, the etherial fog remained thick and heavy, "We better get back to the boat." Maggie said, noting the hazy sunshine above. The two reported back, and were relieved to find that it was only the next morning. Gabriel and Shelton looked tired, and Eleanor did her best to assist Missy in preparing some breakfast for the company. Maggie stood very close to Tristan as he smiled to her, "Maggie, I remember what you said to me, and I want you to know that I love you too." He shyly smiled, "Very much."

 Her light shyly flickered, "I guess Margrey got the better of me." And then she became serious, "Tristan, I don't know what will be waiting for us when we reach the end of the river, but I'm glad you're here with me.""Fate has brought us to this point Maggie, it's no accident that we're together."Maggie ached to touch him, to hold his head in her arms and kiss him, 'I've never wanted to be alive more than right now!'The boat weighed anchor, and Gabriel piloted it away, leaving Ibiza by the riverside, wistfully bidding them good fortune. Beside her appeared the shadowy outline of the dragon Ariadne, and Ibiza greeted him, "Hello cousin! What tidings?""My father wishes to speak with you.""Yes." She replied.Ariadne's outline shimmered, "Now, please.""Please tell your father that I am humbled that he'd wish to summon me to his court, but I am detained at the moment, and cannot visit him. At this current time."It was all Ariadne could do to keep from laughing, and he nodded, "Very well.""Would you like to accompany me?" Ibiza asked, "The animals are nearly to their goal! This is a pivotal time!"

 "I... would like that."Ibiza pulled aside her cloak of first dimensional darkness, revealing the face of a living golden dragon, "Then come along!"Midnight to MidnightThat night, Mayalee Mae lounged in her bean bag chair, whilst the late night news flashed on the television screen. The sound was muted, in it's place was Sam's gentle snoring as the lion slept upon the sofa. The flashing images on the screen created a dreamlike mural on the far wall, and Mayalee allowed herself to be mesmerized. In amongst the blurry bright shapes was a deep dark shadow, and Mayalee murmured Ibiza's name as she dozed in her chair. She considered going to bed, but knew that as soon as she did, her dragon would attempt to strike up a conversation. He was there of course, looking out of her eyes, hemming and hawing, fretting and worrying. The mouse closed her eyes to deprive the dragon of his view of the television. "Ariadne has disobeyed me. My sister plots against me. And now, you tease me." 'I simply closed my eyes.' Mayalee silently replied, 'And since when did spending time with your relative become mutiny?' "The animals are nearly to Kirsten." Kromhaut rumbled, his deep sonorous voice echoing through her mind, "I know that Glorafin will see them, she'll do it just to spite me! She'll break her oath!" 'Admitting a handful of animals, some of whom have psychic powers supposedly gifted by you hardly constitutes revealing herself to the world.' Mayalee said, 'Really, I don't see why you're still insisting on secrecy.'

 "Mayalee, you know what happened all those years ago. What I was forced to do. And now Glorafin meddles with the position of the moon and elevates animal's spirits?"'I thought Ariadne concluded that Glorafin could not have caused that unscheduled eclipse?' Kromhaut was silent for a time, then asked; "What would you do if you were me? Would you ignore Glorafin?" 'Technically, I am you.' Mayalee

replied, 'At least, I'm your physical body.' "You didn't answer my question." 'You're so fixated on Glorafin being your adversary! You know what I would do? I'd make peace with your sister, then greet the king and his family and give them everything they want, they deserve it.' Kromhaut rumbled and chuffed, whilst Mayalee crept from her chair and slipped on her coat, "What are you doing?" 'I'm going out, you need some comfort food.' He made no argument, and already Kromhaut's thoughts flooded Mayalee's mind. Images of spicy meats and other tasty entrees flashed before her mind's eye, courtesy of the hungry dragon, but also, some of Kromhaut's secrets filtered through his desire for food. Mayalee fixed upon an image of the goddess Glorafin as Kromhaut fretted once again, "She's going to do something foolish! I am certain!"

 Mayalee slipped through the front door and quietly latched it, whilst Sam opened a sleepy eye. He didn't fret about Mayalee going out late, there was no force in the world that could harm her. The evening was crisp and chilly, and Kromhaut pushed further into his avatar's body to ensure her comfort. Nearby trees beheld his spiritual fire as a sheet of invisible flame poured from the little mouse. Her face changed in a strange sort of way, and yet it looked exactly the same. 'You might as well take the wheel.' Mayalee joked, 'I'm okay being a passenger.' Kromhaut obliged, and Mayalee's spirit became cradled within the dragon god's vast intellect as the trees bid him greeting. Kromhaut waved Mayalee's hand at them, "Yes, yes, good evening!" 'They really love you.' Mayalee noted, and Kromhaut agreed, "Yes, it's quite lovely." 'And they don't seem to have lost their capacity for independent thought...' Sensing where her line of thought was headed, Kromhaut became defensive, "It is hardly the same thing!" 'You once referred to trees as animals who stay put their whole lives.' Mayalee offered, 'They seem to be capable of knowing their gods, and still retain a capacity for independence.' "Tree spirits are altogether different." Kromhaut argued, "They may look into the higher realms of my kin, although they cannot fathom what it is they witness." 'Speaking of fathoming what we see, what do you make of Justin's abilities? You said that he'd been touched by all of you collectively?'

 "Mayalee, you are aware of the Passion of Nierika?"'Your brother's first born daughter, yes?'"When she split herself in two, and created Hathor Gale and Tanidia Arbor, did Nierika cease to be? Do you suppose she could be remade if Tanidia and Hathor merged?"Mayalee's spirit was quiet for a time, 'I don't know Krom, your kind are not like mortal animals. How does intelligent energy behave, anyway?'"Mayalee, I believe that Justin Brightwing might have been touched by some future version of myself, a version comprised of all of the other host of seraphim."'Wow...'"Indeed."'No, I mean... you need to arrange a meeting with your siblings! You need to see if it's even possible to merge into a single super being!""Absolutely not!!"'Krom, are you sure?'"Quite sure." Kromhaut chuffed with an indication that he wished the conversation to end. Mayalee turned on the silent treatment as Kromhaut neared a late night diner, "What would you like?" Kromhaut asked, and Mayalee squeaked, 'Whatever you want.' "Please do not be angry." 'Then please don't become angry yourself! I can't help you if you keep shutting me out!' He entered the diner as a few canid patrons turned to look at the mouse, "I am sorry." The god seated himself in a small sized booth as a waitress offered her a menu, "We're out of ground steak." Kromhaut nodded Mayalee's head as he fretted about the animal's impending visit to his sister. Mayalee calmed herself and offered a suggestion; 'Glorafin's daughter Ibiza is the most neutral dragon of any of your kind, why don't you send Ariadne to see her? Maybe she could open a dialog between her mother and you.'

 "Ibiza has already paid me a visit, she shared many of the same suggestions."'I would love to meet Ibiza, she seems so sweet.' Mayalee thought, her desire sending a jealous ripple through Kromhaut's spirit, "Mayalee, do you love me?" Mayalee nearly answered crossly, but bit her lip. She calmed herself, then answered, 'I love you very very much.' Kromhaut parsed her words, "In what way do you love me?" 'In a special way that two animals can love one another.' "In spite of who I am?" Mayalee replied with her own question, 'And who are you?' This question stumped the dragon, "I... am." 'And I am me. And I love you. Not because of who you are, but because you are you.' "I am confused, but I am happy to be loved." The canid waitress leaned upon the counter, "What would you like?""Honey roasted fish and some tea?""That a question, dearie?""Pardon?" Kromhaut peeped. "Salad?" The waitress asked, and Mayalee shook her head, "No thanks." Kromhaut watched the wait staff work, while Mayalee carefully composed her next thought, 'You seem very much against the Brightwing and Holden families visiting Glorafin, yet you attempted to make contact with Justin Brightwing in the arcade. Why?' "I do not understand your question." 'Why didn't you follow through on your desire to bring Justin into your confidence?' "The fewer mortal animals who know of my existence, the better." 'But they're going to know about Glorafin, soon enough. Why not go to them now? If you fear what Glorafin might do to them, you can intervene, you can give them what they want.' "I do not owe anything to either family." 'Do you? You said yourself that Justin has been touched by all of your kin, why can't you accept that there's something extraordinary at work here!' Kromhaut resisted listening to Mayalee as she continued; 'You could make Justin's father a new body! I've seen you alter the structure of matter, you could do it, Krom!' Kromhaut welcomed the distraction of the waitress as she dropped a steaming plate of fish before the god and poured his tea, "Sugar?" "Yes, please." His meal served, Kromhaut began to shovel great mouthfuls of food into Mayalee's delicate mouth. The mouse left her friend to eat, and Kromhaut wasted no time ordering another plate. The canids at the far end of the diner watched with abject fascination as the little grey mouse ate like a horse. However, this was no ordinary mouse as the power of Kromhaut's thought destroyed the incoming meal as it arrived within Mayalee's stomach, leaving only enough to constitute a light snack.

 As the god ate, Mayalee carefully analyzed the conversation, 'You reacted when I mentioned making a new body, it's been done before, hasn't it?'"Yes."'I'll assume it turned out badly.'"An act of mercy, a gesture of compassion... resulted in a hundred million animal deaths."'What!?' Mayalee gasped, 'Kromhaut, how?' But the little mouse already knew the answer, 'The cataclysm.'Kromhaut sighed heavily through Mayalee's little body, and the passing waitress smiled to her, "Eat too much, dearie?"'Krom, I've gathered enough clues over the past two thousand years to understand that you were behind the falling of the cataclysm.'He nodded, "Yes."'But I'd like to hear your side of things, what could have forced you to do that?'"Before I begin, I must ask you, how heavily does the weight of your two thousand years bear upon your shoulders?"Within her body, Mayalee's spirit shimmered in quiet contemplation, 'The years are very heavy.'"How would you bear it, love, if your years extended into the millions, or even tens of millions of years?"

 'Oh, Krom... is that how it feels to you?'"No love, my perception of time is different than yours. I am not bowed by my years, but there was another race that dwelt upon the land who knew the bitterness of immortality. The length of their longing was great, and they yearned for an end to their dark winter night."'The Titans?'"Yes, the ancient race created by the entity you have taken to calling 'The One.'"'Krom, I like hearing about the ancient world, but where do the titans fit in with the

cataclysm?'"The ancient god, he or she heeded the titan's wish to be made anew, and so The One brought a fiery mountain down upon the land, and with the titan's ashes she ushered in a new springtime of creation."'A cataclysm...' Mayalee whispered as her mind's eye became filled with the dragon god's thoughts and images, 'Kromhaut, did the ancient animals ask you to sweep them away?'"Well, no... not exactly."Mayalee was shaken from her introspection, "Uh, okay. What happened?""It was an equine spirit, a deceased pony named Sherman Butler who found my sister's lair within the mountain. He begged her to remake him, for his young family was devastated at his loss." Kromhaut sighed, "Glorafin agreed, and created Butler anew. And when he returned into the world, animals hailed his rebirth as a miracle."

 Mayalee made the connection, 'He became a religious figure.'"It began with the best of intensions. First came a simple festival, a celebration to acknowledge the higher power that'd restored their fellow. But before long, a new church of draconic worship was born."The mouse now understood Kromhaut's extreme protective nature regarding animal's free will, 'That's why you created the path, isn't it? You don't want another Sherman Butler showing up at your door asking for a new body.'"You are beginning to understand."'Krom, where does Rosemary Barter fit into all this?'"Just a moment, I'll get to that."'Okay.' Mayalee peeped, thrilled to be getting as much information as she was, but also, marveling at how calmly Kromhaut was in telling it, 'It's like he's making peace with his past.'"I wouldn't say that." He retorted, "But, it does feel good to... confess to someone. Someone I love."Her spirit radiated love, and as Kromhaut smiled, the waitress appeared, "You need anything else?"Kromhaut looked to her, and marveled at how a tiny shard of a titan's spirit had found it's way into such a creature, "No thanks, just the check please."

 'Krom, okay, I understand that a really bad cult was built up around Sherman, but why didn't you appear to the ancient animals? Why didn't you tell them how much their religion displeased you?'Painful memories echoed through Kromhaut's being, "Mayalee, that is exactly what I attempted, and the effect was disastrous."The god sipped some of his tea, "My attempt to intervene, and put a stop to the church was a futile gesture. After Butler's final passing, the draconic church mutated into a wicked cult, which promptly fractured into several competing belief systems, each vying for power."'Even though you personally told them to stop?'"The religion had long ago ceased to be about me, or any dragon. It had become obsessed with control over other animals. And so, as my animals descended into religious

extremism and sectarian violence, I drew my plans against them."Mayalee was stunned, 'So that's how it happened.'Kromhaut comforted her, and then reached into Mayalee's jacket and left a twenty pound note. The waitress called after her, "Oh! You need change!" "Keep it." The god said as he stood, and looked about the diner to the few animals present at this early hour, 'Yes Mayalee, and what is the legacy of my act? How has the world become a better place? What exactly did I save the world from?'

 She had no answer as Kromhaut reached for his glass and sipped down the last remaining gulp of tea. Outside, Kromhaut stuffed Mayalee's hands into her coat as her thoughts rippled through his being, "And so, just as the god of the ancient world wiped away their immortal children to make for something new, so too did I cleanse the world of the cult that grew up around Sherman Butler's miracle."She reached out with her spirit and touched his fiery being, 'I just want you to know, that I don't feel any different about you. If anything, I feel like I understand you better.'He sighed, "Thank you love, and if it makes any difference, I will help Octavius rejoin his family, if Glorafin refuses to help." 'Are you sure, Krom?'"I have grave misgivings Mayalee, but I trust that the secrecy of my existence may be preserved." Though she wished that her friend could be free to live amongst his animals, Mayalee understood the impossibility of this wish, 'Yes.' She replied."I suppose you would also be free to associate with these animals, since they're likely to never forget what they are about to experience."

 'Thank you.'"Goodnight, love."'Goodnight, and oh! You forgot to tell me about Rosemary! Where does she fit into this?'"She was his granddaughter. She survived the cataclysm, and attempted to revive the dragon cult. Upon my order, Ariadne tore her from the mortal world and stranded her within the fifth dimensional realm of Nidavelir."'Because after the cataclysm, you promised to never again harm a mortal animal.'"Precisely."'Rosemary Barter... is Sherman Butler's granddaughter! I had no idea!'"Goodnight, Mayalee... I love you very much.""I love you too!" She said aloud, but it was too late, he'd already gone. Lost in her thoughts, Mayalee's eyes wandered aimlessly, until they settled upon a flickering street lamp, 'Bringing down the cataclysm broke his heart, that's why he's so adamant about remaining secret and not using his magic.'From above, a broad maple leaf drifted down and settled upon her head. Mayalee smiled, and took the leaf in her hands. Then another leaf fell, and another. Soon Mayalee was left holding a dozen leaves from the trees around her. "Thank you."

 "Daughter of life, think not that he

has forsaken all magic," Said the nearest maple, "For are you not of another age?""Yes..." Mayalee replied, recalling all of the long years of her life in an instant, "Yes, I am."Perhaps understanding the weariness of the ancient titans, Mayalee carried home the dozen maple leaves that she would add to her growing collection of mementoes gathered from along the corridors of time.The Tree at the End of the WorldNow came the morning of the second day. Only a long and winding river lay ahead, with no settlements or villages to look upon as the company sailed along. Soon morning became day, and then day became night. "We better keep going." Gabriel said, "I don't know if it's safe to stop anywhere along the river now.""This is Shannonvale." Eleanor said, somewhat indignant, "You'll not find any roving bands of hooligans stumbling about in the dark."Shelly spoke up; "Maggie says that the last place we stopped looked pretty rough, she thinks we should keep going."Eleanor grunted, but made no further argument as Missy settled down with her family and recalled the time she scored a motion picture soundtrack, "Martha Fleetfoot was such a nice pronghorn, and a fantastic singer." Missy said with a fond sigh, "I wish there was some way I could work with her again."

 "Indeed?" Eleanor said, "I've often wondered what some of those super divas are like in person.""Well," Missy replied, "She was rather shy and reserved." (Although silently she laughed, 'Martha was less of a diva than you, Eleanor!')Slowly, the animals settled off to sleep was Shelton stayed up front to keep his father company. The stallion smiled to his boy, and roughed his mane as the boat continued on through the dark and winding river. On the afternoon of the third day came the troubled township of Thistledown. Tristan was flabbergasted at how badly this outlying community had deteriorated since the dissolution of the central Union government. As the boat rounded the bend, a great and terrible prison came into view, it's imposing walls uglier than anything the spirit had ever seen, "It is a frightful indictment, and an epigram on the modern age," Tristan said as his outline shifted to that of Octavius, "That the only use it knows for solitude is to make it a punishment."Justin heard his father's voice and recognized that it was Octavius who'd spoken. He moved past the spot he'd heard the king speak and bid him; 'Meet me outside.'

 Maggie picked up on Justin's intent and asked Shelly to strike up a conversation with Virgil so the youngster would not disturb Justin as he spoke with his father. Outside, Justin's eyes shimmered with emotion as he addressed Octavius, "I just wanted to tell you, how sorry I am that Olivia fought the war from the front lines, and got herself killed.""Olivia won the war, Justin,"

Octavius replied, "My daughter did her duty. You... did your duty.""It was Karl who made that victory possible." Justin whispered, and Octavius' voice smiled warmly, "And you know? Maggie Pumpkin says she encountered Karl Kuhn just the other day, working as a police officer. He looked upon her, and spoke some passage known but to Margrey Balin. Karl is alive Justin, rewarded by the gods for his heroism.""So what of your reward?" Justin asked, "You fought just as hard as Olivia. Both of you did so much, fighting for freedom, only to die for your efforts. It's not fair!""Justin," Octavius said, his medieval accent softening as Tristan's modern identity returned to the fore, "We are on this voyage together, to visit an ancient mariner known to the powers of the world. My heart tells me that these powers intend to set right that ancient sorrow. Have faith, Justin..."

 With that, Octavius returned to sleep as Tristan Brightwing became himself again. Overcome with emotion, Justin began to pant as his eyes searched for the place he imagined his father to be, "Dad, I don't know how much longer I can take this! It's driving me crazy!""Justin..." Tristan peeped, "Son, I'm sorry....""I don't know who I am...." Justin gasped, "And How? How am I able to hear you!?"Tristan gazed off into the distant wood as the stone path appeared to him, "Justin... I should go.""Why dad?" Justin gasped, "Why is this happening?"Suddenly, Gabriel called out from the wheelhouse, "There's a big tree coming up, do you suppose this is it?"Justin regained his composure while inside, Ashley appeared beside Gabriel and squinted into the distance, "There's a house up in there, so maybe!"Maggie looked off into the distance as a shimmering golden light issued from the tree, then winked away as soon as she'd sighted it, but it was enough for her to know, "That's it! That's Herald!""Maggie says this is it." Shelly said as Gabriel nodded and prepared to tie up at a small pier near the shore. The orange disk of the sun met the far horizon, and already a crisp chill gripped the animals.

 Tristan looked again to the woods, in time to see the stone path fade from his sight, 'That's it, I'll never see it again. From here on I'm on my own.'The eagle then rejoined his family as the companions guided the boat toward the ramshackle dock with a fair degree of difficulty. After some pushing and shoving the craft was moored against the dock, it was then that they were overflown by a young golden eagle. All present saw the youngster, but it was Maggie and Tristan alone who saw the strange filament of light which moved with the boy. It was the most bizarre thing Maggie had ever seen! A tendril of silver white light, miles and miles long, following after the boy. Maggie and Tristan traded glances, each seeking assurances from the other that

they were seeing the same thing.The young eagle set down near the dock and smiled to the company, "Hello."Justin stepped from the boat and nodded to the boy, "Hello, we're looking for Herald Kirsten.""Yes." He replied. Justin blinked as the youngster regarded him with the expressionless eyes of a doll, 'Or a dead animal.'

 As the others approached, it seemed to Maggie that this young eagle was strangely familiar, although his eyes were altogether disturbing. 'There's something absent, as if... he weren't really living.'Then, a large eagle appeared over the treetops, and Maggie felt a surge of excitement, "Herald!"The others stepped back as a towering golden eagle touched down among them, "Good morning." Said he, "I see my friend Maggie has brought along some company!"Virgil looked about, wondering who Maggie was, then asked; "Hello sir! Are you the eagle who might be able to prove my friend's royal lineage?"Herald blinked, "To whom are you referring?""My friend Justin," Virgil said, brushing his wing across Justin's flank, "Is he a descendant of Octavius?""He most certainly is." Herald said with a wink to Justin, "And I see that King Octavius is also present, welcome sir, to my home."No longer able to contain herself, Maggie rushed to her friend, her inner light overflowing with excitement, "I've done so many things since you went away! The trees sent me to see these strangers, and they said someone owed me something, and I met this weird spirit named Rosemary!" Herald interrupted her with a wave of his wing; "It is good to see you again, love."

 Virgil closed his maw and looked about, "What...?""Come along," Herald said, "I'll explain everything.""Sir..." Missy said, steeling herself to approach the great eagle, "Mister, ah.... Kirsten, one of your former sailing mates told us a little about your past.""Yes?" Herald replied, his expression amused and not at all offended. Missy smiled to him, said; "I just wanted to tell you, that... I mean, I want to thank you for helping Maggie. It means a lot... to me.""Thank you, Missy." He replied with a gracious bow, while Missy struggled to recall when she might've told him her name.The companions moved up a steep stair which led to a ladder that ascended into the great tree. The eagles flew up, leaving the horses to climb up on their own. Missy led Shelly to the ladder, while Maggie spoke encouraging words to her friend, "Thanks, sis." Shelly said softly, and Maggie beamed at the endearment. Soon the horses were on their way, and to their relief the climb up wasn't too treacherous. At the landing above, Herald greeted them and offered his guests some water. "I'm fine, thanks." Said Gabriel, but Missy indicated that she'd like a glass. Herald's young son dutifully set a pair of large goblets onto a cart, and

then moved them to a silver pump. Missy watched the boy work, while Eleanor inquired; "Is this your son?"

 "In a manner of speaking." Herald replied, while Maggie chimed in, "You look different Herald, is everything okay?""I'm retired, remember? My biological clock is ticking once again, and every moment brings this old body closer to it's end!"Eleanor fell silent as the eagle conversed with the unseen spirit, while Virgil's mouth hung open, 'Has everyone gone insane?'"Maggie, tell me about this strange spirit you encountered. You say her name was Rosemary?""Yeah! She was an elderly equine ghost that introduced me to Shelly!"He nodded, "She didn't by chance tell you anything, did she?""Well, not really.""Did she ask you to do or say anything?"Maggie shook her head, "No, why?"Herald shook his head, as one might when dismissing a troubling thought, "It's nothing." Meanwhile, Herald's strange offspring pushed the cart of water to Missy who took up a cup, "Thank you...?""Oh," Herald said, "He doesn't really have a name. I'd intended that Maggie would take up residence within him, at which point I might name him Edward."

 Maggie was dumbstruck, as was the rest of the company, "You mean... I could be alive again? Inside this eagle?""Edward is a golem," Herald said, "He's a created being, crafted from one of my feathers you see." Herald patted Edward with his wing, "He's not really alive. Not in the way that you and I are."Virgil had finally had enough, "What the fuck is going on here!?""Virgil Proudfoot!" Eleanor hissed, her maternal anger snapping the youngster from his frustration, "Oh, I'm sorry Misses Brightwing."She nodded, and then bowed to Herald, "Then Edward is a clone? A clone of you?"Herald nodded whilst he listened to his invisible guests as they debated some predicament, "Of course Tristan may take Edward, I am more than happy to see that done." Eleanor's heart leapt into her throat as Herald continued, "However, I think we should wait before we make any rash decisions, because once one of you steps into Edward, the umbilical will detach, fusing whichever soul was inside into Edward's body.""Oh, oh..." Eleanor gasped, "Please..."

 On the verge of panic, Justin appeared beside his mother and offered a supportive wing, "Mom, it's okay."She nodded, whilst she beseeched the invisible Maggie, "Sweetheart, thank you. I know what it means to you!"From her vantage point, Maggie nodded as she regarded Tristan, "You know it should be you who takes that body.""He said he made the body for you." Tristan peeped, "I would feel so guilty taking away your second chance at life."Maggie knelt before the eagle spirit, "You are a beautiful soul Tristan, and you have a family who loves you. Me?

I'm just a fighter who has no family, but I can always take that walk when the path finally does appear, then I can find a new mother. That can be my second chance at life.""Maggie," Herald gently peeped, "Please know that when the tree spoke of a debt that was owed, they were referring to me.""What?""I am the party whom they were referring. Edward is the payment, he is the fulfillment of the debt owed me. If Tristan takes Edward's body, your chance to return to the mortal world might be lost. Your spirit might be forever marooned within the purgatory of Nidavelir."

 Tristan raised his wings, "No way! There's no way I can accept Edward.""My king," Maggie chimed, the rhythmic pulse of her inner light beating like a living heart, "I've never put anyone else above my own interests. Not like this. Would you accept this gift? For me?"The father eagle smiled warmly to Maggie, then approached Edward. The golem seemed to sense the spirit's approach, for he turned his face toward Tristan and spread his wings. The strange silver thread trembled as Tristan drew near, and the spirit braced himself for what was to come...Tristan carefully entered the golem as his inner light flickered wildly. As his spiritual form disappeared into the body of Edward Kirsten, the tendril of power sustaining the golem winked away. Edward's eyes blinked, and then the young eagle drew a deep breath. When next he opened his large luminous eyes, a gentle intelligence regarded the assembled animals. Eleanor cried out as she rushed to Edward, but paused at the last moment, unsure of which spirit might be looking out at her, "Hello, Elly."

 Sobbing heavily, with no doubt of who was within, Eleanor cupped her huge wings over Edward, whilst the assembled company looked on and marveled. Ashley nudged Virgil, "Neat, huh?" The bald eagle could only shrug his wings in reply."How do you feel?" Eleanor asked her husband, and Edward replied, "I feel alive."Shelly bowed her head, and wondered how Maggie must feel. 'This had been her chance, and she lost it.'Edward looked about, and found that he could see Maggie as clearly as he'd before, "Maggie, thank you. Thank you so much."She nodded, obviously disappointed but happy nonetheless. Eleanor smiled to Herald as she brushed her wing over her reborn husband, "Well mister, you can't very well carry on as my husband looking like that. I'm afraid you'll have to go through grade school all over again!"The animals chortled, while an urgent thought dawned on Eleanor, "Tristan, do you remember me?""I remember everything, and you're right. I think I'll take the identity of Edward Kirsten, if that's alright with you sir."

 Herald bowed, "I'd be honored.""You said Edward's body was created from your feather," Eleanor said, "Is there a way that whomever made it could...

create another body?"Maggie's attention sharpened on the suggestion, but Herald was apologetic, "I'm afraid I'd but one favor due me. My former employer isn't likely to craft another."Several of the animals present asked in unison, "Who is your former employer?"Herald smiled, then winked to the new Edward Kirsten, "It'd be easier to show you than to try and explain."Virgil stood by, shifting nervously from foot to foot and thinking the entire company to be nutters. Ashley smiled to him and wondered himself when he'd wake from this tumultuous dream. "Now my friends," Herald said, "Much has happened, you must be tired! Come and make yourself at home."Herald pulled the large circular door of his treetop cabin open, and Eleanor bowed to him as she led Edward inside. Tristan felt somewhat wobbly on his new legs, and his breath came in odd irregular gasps, but otherwise, he was adjusting nicely to his new form. Inside, Missy noted a weathered old ship's wheel, and she gestured to it, "Is that...?"

 "Oh, goodness no!" Herald chortled, "The Flying Mantuan exists now, only in my memories."Gabriel Holden looked about, and found that there were no chairs. Instead, there were pillowy cushions scattered about, and he lowered himself down upon one as Herald took stock of his food stores, "I'm afraid the pickings are lean, I wasn't expecting a large party." He said with a wink to Maggie, and the spirit smiled to her old friend, 'It's so different seeing Herald at home! He's so playful now.'"Still, if anyone's hungry, I believe I can regurgitate something." Herald said with an expectant look to Ashley, and the youngster cackled at the thought, "Heh! No thanks!"Missy recalled Trickett's tale of murder and cannibalism, and she found it absolutely impossible to reconcile this eagle as being the same animal who committed those atrocities. But she thought of her own actions, sending little Sadie and her two babies to die, simply because they inconvenienced her, 'I suppose we all have our dark places, that low point that we're all ashamed of.'

 She smiled to Herald, finding herself happy to meet him and glad to know his true identity, 'He worked for the gods, and set right what he did wrong. I hope I could get an opportunity to do the same.'Herald's eyes shimmered thoughtfully as he smiled to Edward. Then, a gentle snoring was heard, and all eyes turned to Gabriel as the tawny brown horse slept upon his cushion, "Well now, yon stallion has the right idea." Herald said, "Perhaps we should all retire, and rest ourselves for the coming venture."Herald appeared before Edward and gently cupped his wing over his former son. Eleanor looked from Herald, then to Edward, and found the resemblance uncanny. 'A clone, so Tristan is going to grow up to look exactly like Herald.' She thought, pleased that her Tristan would grow into such a fine

and handsome eagle. "Is there a Misses Kirsten?" Eleanor heard herself asking, and Herald shook his head, "There was, once... a long long time ago."Missy cupped her hand to her breast, 'Oh, how sad. She must have been left behind when Herald was cursed.'

 "Come," Herald said, "Sleep now, and may the wings of night carry you into a fine tomorrow."The company settled down, but Virgil found himself unable to relax. The shadows of dusk painted the interior of the cabin in a warm orange glow that gradually darkened as the sun slipped away. He rose, crept down a narrow hall past what he guessed was the poop deck and opened a broad window. Slipping outside, Virgil Proudfoot took wing as the sun fell beneath the far horizon. "Hey!" Called Ashley, "Where are you going!?" "It's way to early to go to bed, so I wanna look around, maybe grab something to eat."Ashley fell in beside his bald eagle friend as the pair flew on, their attention fixed upon the riverbank as they put more and more distance between themselves and Herald's tree, "All we have to do is stay over the river, and we'll be able to find our way back.""Okay." Ashley said, somewhat unsettled about going out at night in such a strange place. Soon the boys found what looked like cabins beside the river, and Virgil went down to investigate, "Hey..." Ashley squeaked, "I don't like the look of this place!"

 Indeed, all was black as pitch and quite scary looking in a night time television sort of way. Virgil touched down and opened his eyes as wide as he could, trying his best to get a visual of the area, "Figures, we land on the night there's no moon!"Ashley found his friend in the dark and pressed himself to Virgil's side. Virgil pushed Ashley back with his wing, "Come on bird brain! It's just some old abandoned cabins!""Virgil, can we please get out of here?""Not until you tell me what's going on." Virgil said, turning to Ashley, "Is this some kind of elaborate prank? I mean, what the fuck are you animals doing?""Uh..." Ashley peeped, "It's no prank. I mean..." Just then, there was a snorting in the dark. Virgil stood bolt upright as several more snorts were heard. Hoofbeats issued from the woods, and Virgil nervously squeaked, "Okay, let's go!"The boys alighted, narrowly escaping as a troop of tuskin beasts swept over the river bank. Foul quadrupedal creatures with elongated teeth that resembled tusks, tuskins were altogether unpleasant to behold, especially if you found yourself on their menu.

 The young eagles made straight for Herald's tree, and as they slipped back inside the cabin they found the mariner waiting for them, "A night time flight, eh?""Uh... yeah." Virgil peeped, and Herald smiled, "Take care in the dark boys, for here in the wilds, the darkness might reach out to claim you."Their feathers flat against their

bodies, the boys watched Herald return to his perch and ruffle his feathers with a soft chuff. The pair found their cushions, but sleep had been chased far far away. From the corner, a sleepless Maggie Pumpkin watched Edward sleep, 'Tristan's sleeping, for the first time in a while.'She sighed, then noted a strange mist enter the cabin. It was an odd silvery-white vapor that... regarded her. Maggie's light flickered as a shudder moved through her, and the mist was still for a moment before it settled above Shelton Holden. Maggie peeped as the mist touched the young pony, and she became increasingly uncomfortable as the encounter wore on, "Uh... hey! What are you doing!?"The mist flashed out at Maggie, and for an instant assumed the classical shape of a dragon before disappearing. Maggie was left stupefied, and she thought to try and awaken someone. Instead, she fell into a trance, recalling the library floor of Farmington Manor as Mary Bard lay in a pool of blood, "Ugh... shit."

 Her head felt as wide as a house, and her chest pressed by a vice. Disoriented, Mary turned her face to look upon the dead body of George Kesselring, shot by her fellows as her friend Angus appeared over her, "Mary! Take it easy girl!"He pressed his hand over the angry wound in her chest, and Mary squeaked in pain, "Ugh! Angus...""Shit!" He cried, "Shit!"A moment passed, and Mary seemed to feel better. She reached up to Angus, "Okay, keep your hand there, I think it's helping.""She's dead!" Angus cried, as the other officers rushed to her side, "She's dead!!""Boys! No! I'm fine!" Mary said, as a voice laughed at her. From his hiding place behind the sofa, the dreadful shadow of George Kesselring sneered at her, a strange light blinking from his chest, "I got you Mary, you silly cunt!""No..." Mary breathed, "No....""Maggie!" Herald called. Maggie woke with a start and found herself back within Herald's cabin. It was morning, and Maggie looked about in shock as the troubling vision receded from her. "Keep yourself here with us." Herald said to her, "We'll be to the mountain soon enough."

 Herald then gathered his visitors up and ushered them to a long rope bridge that connected his tree to a great rocky bluff. The companions had no idea that the weathered old bridge was a gateway, spiriting them thousands and thousands of miles into the far east. Tristan was the first to note a far looming mountain peak that now stood where there'd been none before. Gabriel then noticed the high peak, and thought it resembled the great Mountain of Tyr, 'Nah, that can't be Tyr.' He thought, 'Too small.'Beside his father, Shelton struggled to keep up. The pony's legs were rather short you see, and Gabriel's stride length was almost two and a half times that of the pony's. Herald smiled to Shelton as he moved past, and the youngster thought him odd, 'Why

is he looking at me like that?'Maggie hovered nearby, and after some hemming and hawing she appeared beside Herald, "Yes, Maggie?""Rosemary, who is she, really?""A bitter old ghost.""She's a living animal," Maggie said, obviously pressing him for information, "And she seemed to know you very well."

 "In Nidavelir, every animal is a ghost. Some more bitter than others."Maggie rolled her eyes, "C'mon Herald! It's really bothering me!"Herald smiled, "Maggie, each of us is related in some way to the other members of this fellowship. This includes Rosemary, at least peripherally. Do not fear, in time you shall find out more about her than perhaps you'd otherwise wish to know."She nodded, and accepted his side-stepping of the issue. Gradually, Missy and Shelly began to lag behind as the trail became more rugged and the going more difficult. The males took rest in a small clearing whilst they waited for the females to catch up. "Say," Said Gabriel, gesturing to the looming peak, "Is that Mount Tyr?""It is." Herald replied."Oh." Gabriel gruffed, unsure of how it could be. He chose to simply accept the puzzle and instead invested his time in rest. Edward stood close to Ashley, touching his wing to his son now and again. For his part, Ashley was too stunned to recognize Edward as his reborn father. Edward understood this, and gave Ashley his space, 'If I have to be a little brother, than I can accept that.'

 "Soon we shall be within the Mountain of Tyr." Herald said, sensing Ashley and Virgil's inner turmoil, "Do try and keep an open mind, so that the magic of the hall might speak to you."'Okay,' Virgil thought, 'I'll wait and see what happens.'And Herald swallowed a nervous lump, 'O Glorafin, I pray to thee. Admit me, your loyal pilgrim.'Soon Shelton, Shelly, Missy and Gabriel were present as the eagles (plus Maggie) made for a high mountain path. The great wood was old, dating perhaps to the seventh century AC. Herald's huge feet crunched upon the thick carpet of leaves as Gabriel took his wife's hand. She smiled gratefully as the party moved deeper into the woods, with the looming peak of the fifty one thousand foot mountain in the distance. The wood was deep and quiet now, save for the animal's foot falls as they thumped along the ground or crashed through the thick carpets of leaves, all while the trees above leaned over them and listened.Justin thought he heard a ringing in his ear, a kind of buzzing which came now and again and quickly grew annoying. 'You are hearing the voices of the trees.' Came Herald's voice into his mind.

 "How did you do that?" Justin asked aloud, sending several muzzles turning in his direction as Herald answered, "I am mortal once more, but I am not a defrocked servant. I retain many of my abilities."Maggie appeared

beside Herald, "Oh?"Justin thought the answer very strange, and he meant to inquire further when Edward cried out. All looked to him, concerned that something might have gone wrong, but Herald knew, "Yes Tristan, it is the path."Before the company was a stone path that every spirit might recognize, well... except one. Maggie stood before the stair that ascended high up onto the mountain side, 'Between the great oaks and the high jagged hills there is a path...' Came Herald's words, and Maggie's light shimmered thoughtfully, "Looks like I get to walk the path after all.""This is a good sign," Herald said, "It means that the goddess is willing to see us.""Oh?" Eleanor asked, "A goddess?""Well, she's more an eccentric artist. Don't put too much stock into anything she says, she's something of a prankster."

 Eleanor smiled at Herald's disarming manor. His gentlemanly charm was quite alluring, as was the hint of a medieval accent in his speech, 'An ancient sea captain? I wonder what sort of husband material he'd make?'She'd doubtless be horrified to know that Herald knew every thought that passed through her mind, and he laughed to himself, 'Indeed?'Now, one after another, the animals made their way up the gently sloping path. Up up and up it went, although the going was steady and easy. The company was a fair klick from the foothills which led to the base of the mountain, and it was a relief to all when Herald said; "The entrance is not far now." 'Goodness,' Missy breathed, 'If I'd had to climb up some rock face, I would have died!' "We are here." The mariner suddenly said, and the trio of Virgil, Edward and Ashley rushed forward to see what they could. It appeared that Herald had arrived at a burrowing creature's mound, with a small hole which led down into the earth. Ashley looked up with a questioning glance as Herald laughed at the boys. He waved his wing, and a nearby rock formation split into two. The companions gasped aloud at the hidden doorway that had appeared from nowhere, "Come Maggie," Herald said, gesturing for the spirit to come forward, "This is your expedition, so lead on!"

 Ashley stood with his maw agape, and Virgil nudged his friend, "Neat, huh?"Maggie timidly came forth and entered the gap between the stone walls, the others following along behind. They walked single file into the gloomy tunnel which wound in and out amongst the rocky body of the land. The light from outside became increasingly dim as the animals descended into the earth, and then the light disappeared altogether as the rock closed behind them. Herald spoke out, "Light please." And at once there was a warm orange glow from the stone above. It was not a bright brilliant glow, the light offered being merely strong enough to see one's way. However, the light illuminated all things that it touched, and the outline of Maggie's

nude form became visible to the animals of the hall.Missy came forward and reached out her hand to the equine spirit, but smiled helplessly when it became apparent that the two could never touch, "Oh, sweetheart."Maggie mouthed the words, 'I love you,' and Missy nodded, "I love you too, baby."

 Taken aback by the drama, and the complete realization that ghosts were real, Virgil put himself between Edward and Ashley as the latter cast his eyes upward, "Is it some sort of bioluminescence?" Ashley asked, straining his neck to look up and inspect the glowing rock."It is magic." Herald answered."And what is magic?" Virgil asked, to which Herald replied with his own question, "Do you really wish to know?"Soon the sloping path leveled out, and Maggie thought she could see different rooms and chambers which branched out from the main corridor. Her assumption was correct when Herald stopped Shelton from venturing into one, "Stay on the path pony, those rooms are long disused, and contain many old memories."'I wish whatever gods are present could just appear to us.' Justin thought, and he was again answered by Herald who said; 'Pay attention to what you find in here Justin, you are moving through history. Greeting Glorafin now would be akin to taking a fine novel and flipping to the very last page.'"Wait," Justin said, stopping suddenly, "Did you say that noise outside was the trees talking?"

 Herald moved up behind Shelton and chortled, "Animals or trees, each has their own life and sapience."Shelton thought of all the times he'd urinated upon the trees near his back yard, and he wondered what they said about him. "Come along friends," Herald said, "We've not far to go until the hall."Shelton noted that Herald had somehow got in front of him, and he wrinkled his nose as the huge eagle led the way. The pony then noticed that they cast no shadows in the luminescent light of the hall. 'What a weird, strange place.' The long hall grew steadily larger, with Herald seeming to grow smaller and smaller as the company went. The overhead light of the orange glowing rock became faint as the ceiling vaulted high above them. Missy slipped her arms unconsciously around Gabriel as she gazed up at the lofty cavern, while the eagle trio chattered excitedly about the apparent engineering cleverness on display above them. Then it seemed that Herald became confused and flummoxed as he looked to and fro, "Wench! She leads us in circles!"

 The company settled down upon the (relatively) clean floor of the hall to have a breather, whilst Herald muttered under his breath, beseeching some unseen entity to cease their merriment. Justin looked about the vast inner chamber as his eyes further adjusted to the gloom, "I wonder what animals would do if they discovered this place?"Missy snorted, "This

place would be stuffed with cheesy tourist shops. Animals have no shame, you know that!"Virgil glanced about, "Not in a million years would I have guessed this place was inside the mountain."Then, seeming to recover his wits, Herald gestured for the company to come along, "Come fellows, 'tis not far now!"The animals continued on, as Virgil made his way up to Herald, "Okay." He said in a low voice, "What is magic?""Magic," Herald said, leaning down toward Virgil's ear. Shelton heard something whispered, as Virgil gave an incredulous gasp, "That's it!? That's magic!?""What?!" Ashley squawked, "What did he say!?""You don't want to know!" Virgil said with a laugh, "It'll ruin everything!"

 "Aw come on!" Ashley cried, while the party burst into excited chatter. Herald looked to Shelton and gave a mischievous wink, and the pony smiled and shook his head, "He's just kidding guys." Shelton said, and the trio became instantly quiet as they glared at Herald. The mariner shrugged his wings, "I'm sorry lads, I have no idea what magic is."Shelton looked off into the gloom of the cavern, and there in the dark was a ghostly figure, "Guys," he peeped, "Someone's there."Herald looked, then cleared his throat, "Ah yes, come along."The companions moved into a great cathedral, with impossibly tall columns on either side of the path. A pale white light issued from the columns as the animals entered the chamber, and at the center was an eerily beautiful silver tree. It was this metal sculpture that Shelton had seen in the dark, and he approached the sculpture with a profound sense of wonderment, "Who made this?""Oh, you'll see." Herald replied.The tree rose up from the stone of the floor, and Shelton had a sense that the silver sculpture had roots which plunged down into the rock. There were ghostly silver leaves which now shined with a pale blue light, and Shelton was awed by the majesty of what he beheld, "It's so beautiful..."

 Then, the quiet of the hall was split by a loud metallic groan. The animals nearly leapt from their skins as Herald shook his head, "Must you startle them?"The silver tree then moved, and Virgil rushed to the rear of the company as Shelton looked upon the supernatural spectacle with wide-eyed wonderment. Soon the tree had contorted it's self into the shape of a spindly metal dragon who's silver luster glittered in the dark of the hall. Herald bowed to the metal dragon, and the others quickly repeated the courtesy, "Good morrow, Herald." Said the sculpture, it's voice harsh, hollow, and altogether otherworldly, "Pray tell, what might I do for thee?"Maggie stole herself to approach the silver dragon, hoping to turn it's attention away from Herald, "We're here because of me.""I see." Said the statue, "Yet another wayward equine has come before me, how quaint."

"Lady Glorafin-" Herald began, but he was silenced by the statue's steely gaze. Glorafin then turned to Shelton Holden, and the pony squirmed uncomfortably beneath her fierce visage as Missy slipped her arms protectively about him, 'Master Butler, how lovely it is to see you again.'

 Then, the dragon turned back to Maggie, "Verily thou art balin, Maggie Pumpkin! This gift of Edward Kirsten, it was bequeathed unto thee! However, thou hast seen fit to give away what was destined!"Maggie's light flickered erratically, her senses in a near panic, "Yes, I'm very sorry...""Sorry?" Glorafin asked, "I suppose thou art. However, 'twas a generous thing to do which made yon family quite happy." Glorafin looked to the Brightwings, "Eh? Woulds't thou be sorry, Eleanor Brightwing, if your husband'd refused Maggie's offering?""Oh, well... I suppose. But I'd be happy for Maggie..."Ignoring the mother eagle, Glorafin turned her thought inward, 'Maggie Pumpkin would see herself stranded forever within the realm of the dead. She cast aside everything... for him.'Ashley noted the dragon's sudden distraction, "Mom, what's it doing?""Shhhh..." Eleanor hissed, "Yes," She continued, "I am truly grateful for Herald's gift. However, I was hoping that perhaps you could also bless our friend Maggie."'Kromhaut...' Glorafin said within her mind, 'What would you have me do?'

 Across the veil, a nervous ribbon of fire attempted to speak, to bestow his blessing, but his voice had failed him, 'Kromhaut, I feel your presence! Speak to me! Your avatar suggested they seek out the mariner, you permitted them entry into my domain, this affair is your doing! Now, I require an answer! What would you have me do?'To the animals, the goddess had become immobile. The statue sat in silence, leaving the animals to wonder if the entity'd left them. Their fear rose when the great columns of the hall became dimmed, plunging the chamber into an all-encompassing dark. Only Maggie's ghostly light shined away the black, her golden radiance dancing across the face of the silver dragon. Missy Holden approached the spirit, and ached to take her in her arms. Maggie smiled to her, and imagined herself arriving home with the Holden family. How funny it is, that such mundane things could become the stuff of fantasies.The animals shifted and fidgeted for many more minutes whilst they waited for the dragon to wake. Within her mind, Glorafin beseeched her brother to reply, but she raged when the fragile connection to Kromhaut was lost, 'Very well brother! If you will not intervene, then I shall hold to my promise!'

 Glorafin's metal avatar then raised it's self to it's full height, and the animals gasped in surprise at the sudden harshness of her voice; "You have wasted your time laying your affairs at my feet! I shall not create another avian body! I refuse,

and on this matter I must be firm! Absolutely not! Not now, not ever..."Maggie reeled at the terror and absurdity of Glorafin's pronouncement, "No, absolutely not!" She rambled, "No more bodies! No! NO!"Then, when the equine's despair had become unbearable, a tongue of flame appeared above their heads. Gabriel issued a shrill gasp as he ducked down, while Herald gazed up into the fire. Then, as quickly as it'd come, the fire winked away. Glorafin smiled to Shelton Holden, then turned to Maggie, "Herald, if you would be so kind, I require one of your feathers." The dragon's maw split into a wry smile, "Unless you'd like to be something else, Maggie Pumpkin."Herald's eyes shimmered, "Was that Kromhaut? I never imagined he'd appear here..."Glorafin cackled with glee as the companions blinked in stunned silence, but Maggie, she stepped forward with a surge of excitement, "Something else? Like a horse?"

 "Come here love." Said Glorafin, but as Maggie rushed to the goddess she turned away, "No, not you! You'll need to wait! I mean you..." Glorafin purred, reaching out to Shelly Holden, "Let the sister come forward."Missy blinked back tears as she watched Shelly carefully approach the goddess. Glorafin touched her metal paw to Shelly's outstretched hand, and the blind mare marveled at the electric tingle surging through the cool metal, "There you are, now, I'll need a strand of your hair."Quick as a flash, Glorafin cut a strand of Shelly's blond hair and grasped it between her teeth. Then, Glorafin seized Maggie as if she were a living animal and thrust the startled spirit down into her maw. Horrified, Edward cried out as Maggie disappeared down the silver statue's gullet, "No!" He rushed forward to confront the terrible creature as Eleanor frantically pulled him back. Then, a startling happening; Glorafin opened her mouth very wide and, with a loud gurgling sound did spit out a bloody body enwrapped within a clear membrane. Maggie Pumpkin broke from the amnionic sack as Glorafin smiled at her handiwork, "Ah! Perfect!"

 Shelton and Missy rushed to Maggie, and when they beheld the face that looked back at them they cried out in surprise. Maggie coughed and sputtered, and as she reached out to Shelton she opened her mouth to speak, "What's wrong?" Instantly, she clasped her mouth shut as she recognized the voice that'd issued from her throat. Edward approached, as Justin and the others looked upon what had become of Maggie Pumpkin, "You're a clone!" Justin cried, "She cloned you!"Maggie carefully inspected her hands, and then her long legs. The others gathered around her as Maggie grasped and tugged upon her new body, "What did she do? This is Shelly's body! Do I look like Shelly now!?"Shelton pulled his cellular telephone and flipped the glass face open. He presented the dark screen to Maggie, hoping it would be an

effective mirror, "Look, can you see yourself?"Maggie squinted into the phone, then her eyes widened, "Oh! Shelly! I'm so sorry!"Shelly dropped to her knees and clasped her arms about her new sister, as Gabriel wiped grateful tears from his eyes. "Oh! Shelly!" Maggie gasped, her body wracked by great heaving sobs, "Sis..."

 "I've got you Maggie," Shelly whispered, "I won't let go..."Missy Holden joined her daughters as Shelton nuzzled his father. Missy put her arm about Shelly, "It looks like you have a twin sister, sweetie." Missy said, as she turned to wipe the fluid from Maggie's face, "And I have a new daughter..." The boxer regarded her new mother through tear-streaked eyes as Missy kissed her nose. Across the hall, Eleanor draped her wings over her reborn Tristan as his eyes strayed to Herald. The mariner stood alone, with no one to share in any joy. It seemed to Edward that Herald would remain adrift, ever would he remain The Flying Mantuan. Edward swallowed, and smiled up to his Eleanor, "Elly, there's something I have to do."She blinked, nodded. Edward touched his face to her wing before approaching Herald, "Mister Kirsten, I understand it was your wish to have a son. My body was to be that son, with Maggie as it's spirit."Across the hall, Glorafin sat daintily upon her metal haunches, 'Yes...' she silently whispered, 'Now comes your true reward, Herald.'

 "Yes." Herald said, his voice cracking with emotion. Edward swallowed nervously, "Then I would love to have you as my father. Though I'm alive again, I cannot reclaim my role as a husband. Might I ask you to come home with us?"Eleanor became surprised, but her encouraging expression emboldened Edward to stand before Herald, "This body was made from your feather, there can be no denying that you are my new father! It is only right that you join our family!"Ashley and Justin traded glances, and then voiced their approval, the two even standing with Edward as they welcomed Herald. The mariner softly panted, weeping in the way that eagles cry as he smiled to Eleanor, and begged her pardon. But the mother eagle reached out her wing, and joined her boys in welcoming him. Herald Kirsten would now have a home, after fourteen hundred years adrift.Maggie chortled softly as Missy cradled her in her arms, "Take care of yourself, kiddo." Maggie said to her old friend, and Herald gave her a warm, heartfelt smile.Missy Holden then approached the strange goddess, "I just wanted to say... Thank you. Thank you so much." The spindly metal statue bowed to the mother equine, "Each of you will depart this chamber with something new." Glorafin said, "Your former lives are here ended, a new day greets you, my fellowship."

 The goddess then took her place at the center of the chamber as a groaning of metal split the still air, "Farewell, for now."Reshaping her dragon avatar back into the silver tree, a gesture symbolic of the duality of Glorafin, the Fellowship of Tyr quietly gathered themselves up. Missy offered Maggie her overcoat as Herald led the way out. None spoke on the way back to the rope bridge, for the company instead listened to the voices of the trees, an ability each animal now possessed.Gabriel appeared beside Shelly whilst Missy nuzzled Maggie. Herald smiled to the horses, feeling a great and happy sense of peace until Eleanor appeared beside him and playfully brushed him with her wing.And so Maggie Holden realized her wish and became alive once again, but to further complicate things she was born twice... "Hey Maggie, how are you feeling?" Asked Shelton as he squeezed her hand. Maggie smiled gently to him as they crossed the bridge, and were greeted by a starry western twilight, "I feel... hungry." The Sparks of an Ancient Light, Part One.

 by Chris Sawyer, 2014