A Deeper Friendship 10: More Guilt

Story by awesomeos on SoFurry

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#10 of A Deeper Friendship

The 10th installment of my series. It's been a long time coming but we're getting to the climax of the story so that's exciting.

University has taken over my life but I do plan to finish the series before christmas so hopefully I will be uploading new material at a faster rate. Exams are coming up, we'll see.


This story contains a cliffhanger. Seriously, its hung like a horse.

(Actually contains vore and guilt. It also contains 1810 words, including these ones.)

As Zack settled in, Kara laid down on her stomach, the pressure that her body made with the unmoving stone floor caused Zack to squirm around to find a more comfortable position. Zack could tell that Kara was angry with herself. From what he could tell inside was that she could not get comfortable and enjoy him. Usually, she would lay down, not moving a muscle in order to feel his movements inside of her. They always seemed to tickle her predatory instincts and excite her. Zack silently scolded himself for losing his cool as she swallowed him.

Kara shifted uncomfortably. Every movement inside her made her feel sick to her stomach. She needed to get Zack out of her storage stomach.

Zack worried about her restlessness and started rubbing her stomach walls reassuringly. He hoped that she would feel it and stop worrying.

Kara suddenly felt Zack's struggles intensify, her heartbeat started to accelerate, adrenaline feeding her emotions. Worry and fear spread through her body like wildfire, causing her to jump up and bound out of her cave. Jumping off the Cliffside, her wings spread open. She glided down towards a clearing near Zack's house. Kara couldn't think straight, her body seemed to move on its own. She flew as fast as she could towards the clearing, suddenly throwing her wings up as she flew overhead. Plummeting straight down, she caused the ground to shake upon her landing. Her worries were not on her landing or stealth at the moment. As soon as she landed, she started coughing Zack up.

Zack felt his world shift as Kara suddenly stood up and bounded away. He could feel her jump and glide somewhere. Zack was confused by the sudden choice to leave the cave. He was suspicious as to why she wouldn't enjoy him like she used to. As he pondered this, his world shifted as she stopped midflight. The sensation of weightlessness surrounded him. Suddenly, almost as soon as the feeling started, the weightless feeling stopped abruptly. Zack heard the ground shake as Kara landed. Zack's world spun as he was thrown around the tight confines of her storage stomach. Confusion compounded on itself as the stomach walls suddenly squished him, forcing him through the tight tunnel that he traveled down to reach her storage stomach. He slowly progress through Kara's long throat, squished upwards until he felt his head become free from the grasp of the esophagus. As his head emerged, he saw Kara's mouth opened towards the ground. His body started to flow out of her gullet quicker as more of him emerged. Sliding down the tongue, he finally felt his legs get free. He started to tumble out of Kara's maw. A clawed hand rushed up to catch him as he tumbled out of her mouth.

"Zack, are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. What happened?"

"I felt you start struggling inside me so I wanted to get you out. I went to this clearing because there's a small pond that you can wash yourself off in." Kara said, holding him close to her chest, protectively.

Before Zack could say anything else, Kara had padded over to the pond and dipped him into the water. Zack recoiled in shock at the cold water. Kara held him in the water, swishing the water around to make sure he was clean before pulling him out again. She placed him on the soft grass. Still naked, Zack tried to warm himself up by bringing his legs to his chest. He looked up at Kara.

She looked back down at him, a disappointed look in her eye.

"Hey, what's wrong, why the long face?" Zack asked.

"Zack, why do you put up with me?"

"What do you mean?"

"I'm so selfish, Zack, I just take advantage of you."

Zack looked up at her, confused. "Hey, that's not true. You don't take advantage of me."

"Well what else would you call it Zack? I just take what I want from you. It doesn't seem to matter if you really want to or not. I can tell that you hate being eaten but yet I still do it." She looked down at his curled up form, shivering slightly but still paying attention to her. "Zack, I think I owe you an apology. I should never have done that to you. You mean more to me than just a snack, I swear you do. You mean more to me than I think anyone ever has."

Zack looked her in the eye. "I feel the same way. But, I still want you to eat me."

Kara looked at him confused. "I just told you that I was not going to eat you anymore. I know how much you hate it."

"I want you to because I know how much you enjoy it. On top of that, I do have to admit that it can be pretty comfy in there, albeit, a bit wet."

"I don't know, Zack. Sometimes, I just fear that I get carried away. I'd never be able to handle hurting you as a product of my own predatory pleasure."

"Well, I don't think you should fight your instincts. I understand that they're perfectly natural feelings towards me as I am natural prey to you. Everybody has cravings and I'm certainly not going to fight the cravings of a dragon like yourself." Zack said, smiling.

Kara giggled. "I don't think I've ever seen you fight anything, Zack."

"I've just never had a reason to fight." Zack replied, in a matter of fact tone.

"Sometimes I wonder what would have happened if you did fight me when we first met. I don't think we would be here right now. It's quite possible that you would have been eaten. I don't know where I would be... possibly still around Agnidev," Kara said, shuddering in disgust at her thoughts.

"What matters is that we're here now." Zack said, smiling up at her.

Kara brought her head down and licked his cheek. "You're the greatest thing that has ever happened to me, Zack; I hope you know that."

"I hope you know that you're the greatest thing that's ever happened to me as well."

Kara smiled. Zack smiled back at her, shivering slightly.

"Oh! I'm so sorry Zack, look at you; you're just sitting here all naked and cold. I'll go get you your clothes." Kara said, turning around and bounding off. Zack didn't get a chance to say that he wanted to get clothes from his house which was quite close to the clearing they were in.

He stood up and started walking in the direction of his house. As he walked up the back porch, he realized how lucky he was that his parents were gone to work. He would have had an interesting time trying to explain why he appeared from the forest with absolutely no clothing on. Zack grinned at the comical display that played in his mind. He climbed the stairs to his room and walked in. Zack dug into a pile of clothes on his floor, finding a pair of pants and a tee shirt. Throwing the tee shirt over his head while simultaneously trying to get his pants on turned out to be a much larger challenge than was previously thought but Zack caught himself before falling face first onto the floor.

He ran down the stairs and out the back door towards the woods. Zack jogged back to the clearing, wondering if Kara was already there. The clearing opened up infront of him but Kara was nowhere to be found. He was pretty sure that she would have been back by now; he took longer than he thought he would have finding clothes. The clearing was empty and silent. Zack noticed that nothing was making sound. The woods behind his house were usually filled with creatures. The sounds of nature should have been ringing in his ears but nothing but a slight breeze tickled his senses. Getting suspicious, Zack walked deeper into the forest. He though that he heard Kara talk. It seemed weird to him that she would be talking instead of calling out for him. 'Who is she talking to?' Zack asked himself, sneaking towards the noise. The unclear voice of Kara turned defensive as Zack approached; he picked up his pace towards the sound of his distressed partner. After only a short while of silent jogging, Zack found that he could hear both voices talking clearly. They seemed to be approaching him now. Zack stopped and looked around for somewhere to hide. Taking cover in a bush not too far away, he looked towards the source of the sound. From the thick forest, Kara emerged ,walking backwards, into a less dense patch of trees. Zack had a good view of her. She was cut in a few places, bruised in others. Confusion and anger awoke within him as he watched from the bush. Agnidev emerged, a triumphant look spread across his muzzle.

"So now that you've eaten that human, how about we get back to how things used to be, huh?"

"I told you, I didn't eat him!" Kara snarled.

"Well those tattered clothes sure do tell a different story. Either way, I think it's time we got back together. I'll even promise that if that human ever shows up again, you can eat him; It seems like you've been missing out on those bite sized snacks these past couple years."

"I told you that part of my life is behind me now and so are you, now leave me alo-"

Agnidev bolted towards her, towering over her. He looked down at her menacingly. "Come on Kara, just like old times."

Kara continued to back away but Agnidev pushed forward, staying within close proximity to her, uncomfortably close.

Zack couldn't just watch from afar, he burst out of the bush and ran between them, dodging footsteps and swinging tails.

"Get Away From Her!" Zack shouted, standing his ground between them.

Agnidev looked down, smiling maliciously. Without hesitation, he grabbed Zack in his claws and continued his advances towards Kara. Kara cried out in worry for Zack.

"Let Him Go!" She roared.

"It looks like you were telling the truth," Agnidev smirked. "You didn't eat him." Kara backed into a corner of densely spaced trees, preventing escape.

Agnidev continued to talk. "I think it's about time that you finished this little social experiment and spent some time with your own kind." He dangled Zack, upside down by his leg, in front of her. "Go on, eat him."

Kara said nothing.

"Either you eat him or I will; it's your choice."