Benefits Package

Story by Kintik on SoFurry

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The following story depicts gay furry sex. Proceed at your own discretion.

Please rate and leave a comment upon reading! Author can also be reached by email: [email protected]

Fuzzy blue rectangle. Warm. Comfy.

I blinked, bringing my eyes to focus. The curtains I was staring at took proper form. They shielded most of the outside light but sunbeams snuck around the perimeter. Dawn was long ago.

The bed sheets rustled soothingly as I pulled them up to my neck, struggling to hold on to my grogginess for just a little while longer. I closed my eyes and reveled in the loving caress of the sheets, drifting back into a state of total relaxation.

Fuzzy blue rectangle.

Awareness arrived quicker this time. The sunbeams had changed their angle.

I rolled over, unwilling to remove my head from the pillow. Squinting, I flailed an arm across the nightstand until its paw bumped into my cell phone. Bringing the lit display to my face confirmed my fear. It was Thursday. I should get to work.

With a grunt I sat up and scratched behind my pointed ears. I yawned, my long tongue stretching beyond the end of my muzzle. I scratched my balls. From the bed I inspected the open closet through the dim light, searching for something to wear. I scratched my balls again. My rising morning wood bounced yearningly against my paw. Sorry, Champ. Can't indulge right now.

Sighing, I threw the covers aside, shivering as I exposed myself to the sudden chill of room temperature. I swung my legs over the side of the bed and willed myself to stand. Summoning great resolve I shuffled to the bathroom and turned on the shower. As I waited for the water to heat I turned to the mirror, grabbed my dick with one paw and flexed the other arm's modest bicep. Yeah, I'm a stud.

Stepping into the shower I absorbed its assault, allowing the wetness to penetrate my fur. The hot water melted away Lazy Fox, leaving Refreshed, World-beating Fox in his place.

Leaving the shower my fur was free of the night's matting and I smelled of lovely lavender and rose shampoo (Refreshed, World-beating Fox resented being called Stereotypically Effeminate Gay Fox even when he fit the role). A brief stop by the dryers floofed my fur, rusty orange across my form save for a dollop of brilliant white from the sides of my muzzle down my chest and dark charcoal on the tips of my ears and tail. Several deliberate brushstrokes tidied my appearance.

The minty aftertaste of toothpaste tingled across my palate as I tried on a few shirts, composing a fashionable outfit. Refreshed, World-beating Fox liked to look good. Black slacks and a slate gray collared shirt served as a nice foil to my loud pink tie.

Following a leisurely breakfast I emerged to the city streets, ready to tackle a new day. Quite a nice day in fact. I decided to walk to work, filling my lungs with the crisp air of the waning winter.

The tall office building loomed like a monolith, bright sunlight reflecting off its grid of windows. Passing through the large, modern glass doors I flashed my security badge to the imposing wolf guard. "Most employees try to show up before 10:30 you know," he remarked with a grin.

"I figure sleeping in every now and then isn't such a big deal considering all I give for this company," I replied, adding a wink, "Accounting's been keeping me here late all week. They're all stressed out about completing the end of fiscal year reports on time."

He chuckled, "Yeah, I've noticed some of them look like they haven't slept in days. It's been a while fox, you have time to join me on my coffee break later today?"

I paused to consider, "I might be booked up in meetings all afternoon but I'll try to sneak away for a quick ten minutes if I can."

A well-dressed group of visitors entered, dispatching the wolf to find the sign-in sheet. Waving a quick goodbye to him I batted the elevator call button, entering the available car as it opened.

Ding. "Ninth floor: Marketing," the familiar recorded voice announced. I stepped out of the elevator, my youth contrasting starkly with the aged decor. Weaving through the maze of bland, tope cubicle walls I flashed friendly smiles to a gauntlet of cursory greetings.

A long, russet snout poked around a corner, engaging in a quick sniff before being followed by pair of anxious eyes. "Noah," the weasel exclaimed, his whiskers twitching, "where have you been?"

"Taking a brief sabbatical so I can better serve my coworkers," I responded dryly, "what's got you so worked up this time Marcus?" He brazenly grabbed my wrist, tugging me into his cubicle.

"Look, look," Marcus stammered, pointing to the schedule on his computer screen, "that big company-wide meeting got moved up from next month to tomorrow!"

I stared at him flatly, raising one eyebrow. "Don't you see?" he continued, adopting a conspiratory whisper, "the suits on the fourteenth floor never reschedule these quarterly meetings. Something big's happening. Another re-organization of the company, closing a division, lay-"

"Hey," I cut him off, "you worry way too much. The executives probably just want to get this over with so they can go down to Florida for Spring Break and bang some barely-legal college tail."

A litany of fretful responses assembled behind the weasel's eyes. I stepped behind him and leaned over his stiff office chair, grasping his narrow shoulders and kneading into the knots of his tense muscles. As he yielded to my calming touch I leaned in to whisper in his little, round ear, "You have nothing to worry about. You'll always have this crappy job, or one very much like it, available to you." I lowered my muzzle, closing the distance between us, and lapped soothingly at the rim of his ear. A tranquil sigh followed by a soft murr bubbled out of him as my short, sharp teeth nibbled delicately at his flesh.

"Noah," a voice exclaimed loudly, causing Marcus to jolt, "in my office, now!"

I calmly wheeled around to face the lion glaring at me, "Sure thing, Brian." He had already stomped off before I could get his name out.

Marcus listened to the steps until they faded. "Been here five minutes and you're already going to get it from the boss," he said amusedly.

"All part of the job," I responded as a self-assured grin crossed my muzzle.

I knocked on the door to Brian's office, entering without waiting for a response. "You're late," he growled, not bothering to look up from the papers splayed across his desk, "have those accountants been swarming your ass again?"

"Of course," I replied, shutting the door behind me, "same time every year."

"If they try to call you down there again let me know," the lion said, tension aging his face beyond our ten year difference, "I'll get them off your case for a while."

He stood to lower the blinds, shutting out the room from snooping eyes. "We're going to need you on Fourteen today," he said, his tone devoid of any hints as to why.

I looked up from clearing the papers to the corner of his desk. "You're this stressed out because the executives need decoration advice for their offices?" I asked, smirking.

Brian retrieved his briefcase from beside the desk, rummaging through it. "We need you to greet some VIPs from another organization," he stated matter-of-factly, finding his quarry and handing it to me before returning the briefcase to its home, "merger talks are underway with one of our competitors from the West Coast."

Surprised, my ears perked up as I paused to process the news. "Really?" I asked, placing the bottle from Brian's briefcase on the newly uncluttered desk. "I thought the company was way ahead of the industry average in yearly net profit," I said while deftly loosening my tie.

As the lion hung his shirt and tie from a coat rack I took a moment to appreciate the rippling muscles of his back, his short fur like a brilliant rolling field of wheat under the fluorescent lights. "We are," he replied, flexing the massive biceps and triceps of one arm for my leering eyes as he unfastened his belt, "but we've still just barely broken into areas along the Pacific. By combining our efforts with an established name in those markets we can easily get our products in there and won't have to ever worry about them pushing into our territory." His pants and boxer briefs joined the rest of his discarded clothing.

I laid my belt and neatly folded slacks to the side of the mahogany desk and dropped my chest to its slick finish. Turning my head over my shoulder I watched the lion align his hips behind mine. My sheath stirred at the sight of the big cat looming over me. While standing, my eyes reached his broad shoulders but from this position he seemed like a giant towering over me. The thick auburn mane framing his handsome face projected dominance almost as clearly as the plump, stiffening cock he rubbed along the cleft of my rump. He growled in approval as he pushed up my shirt to expose a full view of my furry butt, my bushy tail raised high and flagging off to the side.

"I like the jock strap," his deep voice rumbled, "I haven't seen this black one before."

I laid my head on the desk, murring lightly as he slid a strong paw beneath the elastic strap on each ass cheek, caressing my curves. "Yeah," I replied, "I picked it up on the weekend at tha-"

An abrupt yelp ended my sentence when Brian pulled on both straps and let them snap back against my ass. "Lube," he commanded.

I grabbed the bottle and held it over my backturned ears. "Sorry my story was boring you," I snarled in mock anger, "let's get back to talking about interesting things like profit margins."

He chuckled over the squishy sound of lube being spread, "It's a big day, neither of us has time for chit chat." A sudden pressure made my rear ache slightly as one lubed finger was shoved inside me, followed shortly by a second.

Any sarcastic responses drifted out of my mind as the digits turned and prodded, giving a hint of that familiar stimulation, causing my upper body to melt onto the desk. Deeper and deeper I was penetrated, occasional shifts to the side serving to loosen my entrance. My growing erection pressed more resolutely against the front of my jock strap. Moments passed in silence as my body relaxed into his control.

A hiss seeped from my clenched teeth as a third finger crowded in a little too roughly. "Sorry Noah," the lion said with tone of genuine repentance, "we've got to move this along so I can get prepped for the meeting."

An unexpected warm groping of my clothed balls made me forget the pain and drew a pleasured moan from my lips. My tail fell limply to the side and bunched against the computer monitor. "I'll take that as apology accepted," said Brian, his smile evident in his voice.

I was afforded little extra preparation before the fingers slid out. The unwelcome empty feeling lasted only an instant as the paw was replaced by something warmer, larger and insistent to gain entry. My paws gripped the far edge of the desk as Brian firmly pressed the head of his cock into me. A stinging rang out from my ass like the blare of a warning siren, even having been loosened the lion's sizeable member caused considerable discomfort. He paused, one paw stroking my side as he allowed me to adjust to the increased girth invading me.

After a few breaths my jaw unclenched and I nudged my hips back, signaling for my partner to continue. He did so without hesitation, steadily sinking inch after inch into me. I tried to focus on mentally measuring the hard cock as it was buried within me yet I still struggled to absorb the increasing pressure.

Four inches, five, six... the building pain caused my tailhole to contract. Sensing my soreness Brian halted again. He leaned forward to coo into my ear, "Let me know when you're ready, we're almost there." His one paw was planted, supporting his weight next to me, as his other rubbed my elbow reassuringly.

The heat of his breath washed over my neck before his muzzle reached my fur, affectionately cuddling me. His thick mane hugged my form as he pressed in close, my shoulders, head and ears all partially lost within the forest of his soft fuzz. His long, flat tongue snaked beneath the collar of my shirt. Its rough surface scraped along my fur, lending me his strength as my body fought to lodge his entry. The closeness intensified his captivating, earthy scent, overwhelming my vulpine nose, causing a flutter within my chest and helping me to relax around him.

Soon the pleasure of fullness overcame the discomfort. He sensed my readiness as my body softened into his touch. With his wide muzzle still pressed to my fur he asked, "Hmm?"

"Mmm-hmm," I replied. Holding our bodies together he rolled his hips forward, sinking the final two inches into me and warming my rear with his short fur. His sac came to rest against mine, his rocky chest cradled to every curve of my back.

After a moment's hesitation he placed his paws to either side of my trunk and pushed himself back to a standing position, his golden muscles bulging in my peripheral vision as they supported his mass. His paws returned to my hips, claws poking gingerly through my fur as he slid his length back out of me. Wicked hollowness drew at me until only the head of his cock remained inside, his barbs scratching at my entrance.

The vacancy had little time to register as he pressed himself into my hips, thrusting the entirety of his cock into me, his balls smacking heavily against mine. The second time he withdrew and slammed forward displaced my vocabulary, leading me to mutter, "Unh!" The tip of my cock strained against its textile prison, demanding freedom but out of reach.

Faint pain radiated from my hips as Brian increased the pressure of his claws on my flesh. He pulled back just a few inches and used the amplified grip to begin continuously pumping with quick, shallow thrusts in and out, in and out. He battered unknown depths within me, stealing my breath with every plunge. Allowing the lion to take control I let my paws dangle over the far edge of the desk, lost in the tide of arousal.

The divine scents of fox and lion musk intertwined, dancing across my snout. I was so adrift in the placating aroma I hardly noticed as Brian slid a paw around my waist. His firm grip fished into my jock and closed around my sheath, pulling it back to allow my swelling knot room to grow. My eyes bolted to full attention and a squeak escaped me at the touch of my most sensitive area. He slid his paw up my cock and stroked in harmony with his gyrations, using my flowing natural lubrication to elevate me to a soaring state of excitement. Of its own accord my body used what little leverage it had to grind back into the lion's thrusts.

I could hear my partner murmuring compliments but my mind failed to assemble any sense of the words. The world outside our connected bodies faded away like the audience in a theater. All I knew was the series of electric sensations flowing across my every nerve.

Brian removed his paw from my cock, allowing him to press my hips flush to the side of the desk, his weight pinning me completely to it. A small measure of awareness was knocked back into me as the lion increased the amplitude of our coupling, the growing force of his short thrusts threatening to fuck both me and the desk across the room. A cup full of pens fell over, its contents crashing across the keyboard and onto the floor. Files rocked across the desk's surface with every drive as the big cat announced his effort with a series of heavy grunts.

Leaving one paw to dig in at my hip he leaned forward to clasp the other to my shoulder, using it to pull himself toward me more harshly as he lengthened his thrusts. My body responded by straining to lift my tail higher than anatomy would allow, inviting the lion to unleash his might to its greatest extent. Brian gladly accepted the offer, slowing his pounding to draw almost all the way out before crashing into me with his full power. The pummeling caused his member to crush my prostate with incredible force, blasting unspeakable chills up my spine.

My tailhole stretched a little more as the lion's erection began to throb. He plowed another fierce blow into me, a low growl forming within him. Using the paw clamped to my shoulder he pulled me up to a standing position with ease, my tail trapped between our bodies. The paw at my shoulder wrapped under my arm, holding my back to his granite chest. The paw at my hip encircled my waist, holding my ass to his chiseled hips.

Brian's growl continued to build as he stepped away from the desk and straightened his back, lifting me off the ground and leaving my legs dangling. My paws meekly grabbed at his wide arm before diving into my jock. I frantically responded to my dick's demands for attention, one paw pumping as the other grasped the forearm crossing my hips. Holding my waist in place Brian drew his hips back with urgency.

My tongue hung out of my slack jaw in a silent moan as he thrusted again, stabbing into me one, two, three more times. Those final blows ramped up my arousal to unbearable heights and threw me over the edge, my cock exploding a torrent of seed into my jock and up my wrist. Brian tightened his grip like a vice and ground his cock deep into me as it spasmed. A rush of cum fired deep into the recesses of my body; Brian's growl became a thunderous roar. My ears swiveled flat against my head at the deafening sound but they did nothing to block out his second roar, accompanied by another shot into my ass.

Brian's posture relaxed, his arms still pinning me to his form. His rasping breath blew across my ears and moved our chests together in unison. My senses started to awaken; I savored the lion's heartbeat as it slowed from a rapid pounding to a tender thumping. We stayed silent a moment longer, sharing the warmth of our post-coupling bliss.

His mane tickled as he nuzzled my head, taking in my scent. I hung comfortably, relaxed in his arms. "Mmm," he rumbled through heavy breaths, "you're the best, Foxie."

I chuckled, "That's because anyone else would complain when you're ramming into them with enough force to put a hole in a wall."

Brian's tongue slid through the ruffled fur between my ears. "Yup," he said, "you take it like a champ and whimper for more."

I reached back and smacked his side. "I do not whimper," I said, readopting my outraged tone from earlier, "I am a masculine fox who makes masculine sounds." That brought another chuckle from him as he lowered my legs to the ground.

I braced myself upon feeling the carpet hit my paws. Despite my best efforts I couldn't quite prepare for that feeling of emptiness when he pulled his dick out of me, seemingly taking a part of me with it. His feline barbs scraped along my sore tailhole on the way out, reminding me to clench it as tightly as the exhausted ring would allow to prevent my legs from being stained by a trail of lion seed.

The lion walked away to retrieve a box of tissues, running a paw along the small of my back as he went. He offered me a pawful of them and took a few himself; together we cleaned the soaked pouch of my jock as best we could. Brian laughed, "Noah, you shot like a fountain! It couldn't have been that long since such a hot fox last got off."

"I guess you just bring the best out of me," I said, beaming.

Brian collected the wad of tissues and threw it into the garbage can. I donned my pants, careful to not let any remaining stickiness soil them. Most of the wrinkles sullying my shirt were hidden as I tucked it into my slacks. As I fastened my belt the nude lion approached, affection in his eyes as his large paws straightened the knot of my tie. "There," he said, "a dapper fox ready to conquer the business world."

"With a buttload of your cum," I continued.

Brian's smile widened, "Complain all you want, you keep coming back for more." He leaned in and gave me a quick kiss on the forehead.

"Thanks, Noah," he said, "now go get ready for the meeting. Even though your average is fantastic we need you at your best today to make sure everything goes smoothly."

I popped my muzzle up to give him a peck on the cheek. "You got it, Boss," I said with a grin, "good luck dealing with the execs."

I gave him a playful smack on his bare rear as I walked by, adding "You may want to hide some fur so they won't get distracted."

I slipped out the door, closing it quickly behind me to allow Brian some privacy. Cheerfully I marched through the labyrinth of cubicles, feeling the stares on me as I passed. Even if Brian's roar didn't tip everyone off to our activities the scent of sex billowing off my body would alert even those without an acute vulpine sense of smell. With proud disregard I held my head high, a radiant smile fixed on my face as I trod off.

Following a brief stop at the on-site gym facility to shower, relieve myself of Brian's load and change into fresh underwear I finally arrived at my cubicle. I waded through a swamp of emails, picking out one Brian sent shortly after our morning mating. "Today, conference room 14-A, 1pm," the message read, "join us to meet the VIPs from ViaCorp. I'll split off with the CEO from both sides, you give that company promo pitch to the others." Glancing at the clock I figured I still had a few minutes to check out what I was getting into. Attached to the email were short biography packages about the two guys to whom I would be attending.

Each fur's bio seemed to be taken from their corporate website, bland and devoid of much useful information. The younger one, an otter who couldn't have been more than three years out of college, was their CEO's son. Based on the way he had received a series of hasty promotions he seemed to be destined to take over his father's position once the elder otter retired. The other guy was a rat who looked to be in his mid-30s, not a kid like the golden boy but still fairly young to have achieved such a lofty position. Unlike his counterpart he didn't appear to have had any help from nepotism, having earned his place through a history of successful, often unconventional, business decisions.

I loaded an Internet browser to do my own investigation. ViaCorp seemed to be more about throwing exclusive parties to promote their own image than making quality products. The pup-faced otter never seemed to miss a single gala; photos of him at the events were plentiful. In every snapshot he had at least one gorgeous young female on his arm, never the same one twice. The dark-furred rat didn't seem to be afforded the same level of celebrity, only showing up to the occasional party. Despite looking quite dashing in a tuxedo he never had any of the other's gaggle of pretty females around him.

Unfortunately that was all the time I had to scout the situation. Hopefully it would be enough to give me an insight into how to impress them both. I paused to examine myself in a small mirror amidst the clutter of notes and phone numbers on my desk, fixing the placement of a couple stray hairs before hurrying to the elevator.

Ding. "Fourteenth floor: Executive," said the recorded voice with the barest hint of conceit. The doors slid open to reveal a hallway overflowing with gaudiness. An ornate chandelier hung overhead, illuminating the only carpet to have been replaced in the building within the past ten years. Being no stranger to this floor I confidently swaggered past the recently varnished wood paneling, entering into the first door to my left.

Conference Room 14-A was a fantastic sight. A backdrop of massive glass panels permitted glimmering rays, highlighting an expansive rectangular table decorated with sculpted metal trim. That one piece of furniture probably cost more money than I had made in my lifetime, to say nothing of the endless rows of fine leather chairs running along its sides. Silhouetted by the afternoon sun were five figures, four paired off with the other relaxing in a cushioned seat.

Walking in, my vision adjusted to the light, allowing me to distinguish the individuals. My entrance caught the eye of only the rat from ViaCorp, distracting him from his conversation with Brian, the lion hulking over the thinner, shorter male. The two CEOs stood nearer the corner, engaged in their own discussion. The younger otter paid no mind to any of them, leaning back as he stared off into the skyline. His thick tail hung through a hole in the back of his chair and made the rest of his body look frail in comparison.

Brian followed the rat's stare, his face lighting up upon seeing me. "Here's the fellow I was telling you about," the lion exclaimed, "everyone, this is Noah Dunstan, our young rising star from Marketing." The executives briefly paused their conversation to acknowledge me with courteous nods before turning back to each other. The young otter swiveled his chair to face me, a flat, unimpressed look in his eyes.

Brian placed a paw on the rat's shoulder, introducing our guests. He listed their credentials and job titles but I ignored most of the information, instead focusing on holding the rat's gaze. "Pleased to meet you, Gregory," I said, extending a paw to the rat whose name I remembered from my research.

He took it in his own pink, fleshy paw, replying, "Likewise. Please, call me Greg."

In a subtle motion I rubbed my thumb along the back of his paw before withdrawing my own, adding, "Of course."

Surprise flashed into Greg's eyes. The shock was quickly hidden but Greg couldn't fight the boyish grin forming on his muzzle. "Brian here won't stop raving about how successful you've been at improving your company's relationships with its manufacturers," the rat said, "in such a short time as well, you must be a very impressive young fox."

My tail twitched at the compliment. I smiled politely, replying, "I'm sure you'll find me to be quite extraordinary."

Turning to the young otter I said, "Joshua, I recognize you from the coverage of last year's ViaCorp product launch party."

That grabbed the otter's attention away from his mobile device. "Right," he said, shaking my paw, "I recall that one. You know the suit I wore that night? I had the best tailor in Italy flown over just to make it for me that week! Anyway, it's nice to meet someone who pays attention to our industry."

Predicting my urge to roll my eyes at Joshua's self-importance Brian jutted in, noting, "Very impressive."

He gestured toward the isolated CEOs adding, "I should get going before those two both go hoarse. Noah, I trust you can handle things from here?"

I grinned at the lion's covert wink, responding, "Absolutely, I'll keep our guests entertained."

With a nod Brian retreated and shepherded the two older furs from the room, the large door clanging shut as they exited. Assuming a soft expression I stepped toward Greg and placed a gentle paw on his back to guide him as I requested, "Please, have a seat." The rat's long, pink tail jumped at my touch, his small ears folding back as he sat in the chair nearest to Joshua.

I framed my body in the cloudless sky, the contrast of its ocean blue making my fur appear ablaze. Collecting my paws behind my back I prepared to open my pitch before Joshua interjected, "I'm sure you have a speech all ready to go but here's your situation: we've got all the details worked out and this merger can be put in motion today."

The otter placed his paws on the chair's armrests, the leather creaking as he assumed a grand posture like a king ruling his subjects. "Greg and I would be moving here to integrate our organizations," Joshua continued, "but my Dad won't go ahead with the merger unless I-," he didn't flinch as the rat glared at him, "unless we say we're in favor of it."

I tilted my head, amusement spreading across my face. "Alright," I said, "what would you like from me?"

"Sell us," the otter responded, "tell us why we should share the company my father built from the ground up."

A hint of a sneer crossed his sandy muzzle as he added, "You'd better be very convincing too. I don't appreciate my presentation being given by some low-level employee."

Greg's eyes screamed embarrassment at the otter's arrogance; one paw scratched at the back of his neck in discomfort. I offered a warm smile to calm him. "Fine," I said, strolling between the two and nonchalantly taking a seat on the table, "maybe I should begin by explaining why I was chosen to be with you today."

I placed a paw on the back of both fur's chairs, keeping their gaze ahead with mine at the city landscape. "Five years ago I was taken on as an intern at this company," I continued, casually moving the paw on Greg's chair down to his shoulder, "I didn't have a lick of experience and though I had all the booksmarts anyone could ask for I had no idea how to apply them to the real world."

I slid the paw on the rat's shoulder to the back of his neck, gently massaging the stress from the tight muscles below his coarse fur. He spun his head to look at me with alarm but I refused to meet his eyes, instead keeping my gaze forward and blocking the otter's view of my actions. As if nothing was out of the ordinary I continued, "I was terrified of making a mistake so I hid in the background as much as possible." A faint scent of the rat's arousal wafted to my nose as I kneaded deeper into his tense flesh. He relaxed into my touch; his inaudible moan rumbled into my paw.

"Right," Joshua interrupted, "so you finally found a little courage and did just fine. Lovely story. What does this have to do with my organization?"

I turned my head toward the impatient otter, muzzle held in a look of enjoyment. "Actually, I was terrible," I responded, the paw at Greg's neck slithering over his far shoulder, claws searching his chest, "once I started to speak up I couldn't get a single thing right. No matter how hard I tried it seemed like my every action brought disaster and ridicule." Finding my target I gave Greg's nipple an unexpected pinch, drawing a sharp yelp from the rat.

Ignoring Greg's exclamation and Joshua's interest in the interruption I stood and removed my paw, turning to face the otter. I bent over and grasped Joshua's chair with both paws, taking care to pass my shaggy tail along the chin of the rat behind me. "What I learned was everyone has to find their place within the team," I said in a softer tone, "and it may not be where they expected to find it."

I muffled a yip as Greg finally tired of being teased, his paw firmly groping my ass. I continued, struggling to keep my voice steady as a second paw joined in on the fun, "Joshua, you probably see this merger as a threat to your future leadership of your father's company. I can't deny that it is. But would you really hang on to a future limited to the West Coast to pass up an opportunity in a national industry leader?" My final few words became increasingly rapid and shrill as one of the paws slid between my legs to tease my taint.

My question caused visible consideration in Joshua's eyes before he became distracted, his nose wrinkling at the rising scents of rat and fox invading the room. "As I was explaining," I said, leaving the rat's paws and circling around the front of Joshua's chair, making no effort to hide my growing erection from Joshua, "I didn't expect to find my place where it was."

I dropped to my knees between the otter's legs, my paws placed on his knees to an incredulous glare. Peering up at him with my best seductive look I continued, "But I do whatever I can do well to benefit the company. Many males find the workday very stressful; when I'm not out frolicking with our manufacturers I bring them relief. We've found a short break with me can do wonders in increasing our employees' productivity."

Joshua's paws slapped down onto mine, halting their journey up his thighs. "Excuse me," he said, astonished, "I didn't come here to get felt up by a male. I think you've made a very serious error."

A third pair of paws joined ours. "Come on, Joshua," Greg said, leaning over me from behind, "I've seen how you act with some of your friends from college. You can't tell me you've never fooled around with the same sex before."

Joshua stuttered, a blush visible in his little ears as Greg guided our paws further up the inside of the otter's thighs. With a growing confidence in his voice the rat continued, "And if this nice, young fox was a female you'd already have your pants at your ankles by now. Let yourself have some fun."

Our six paws converged at the otter's groin. At the bottom of the pile mine wrapped hungrily around the rigid lump straining against Joshua's pants, drawing a nervous whimper from him. Greg removed his paws and knelt behind me, his own constrained erection pressing into my tail as he reached around and relieved me of my tie, throwing it with lustful carelessness onto the table before tending to my shirt. With Joshua's unsure paws still resting atop my own I slid his zipper down slowly, its faint sound like an ominous tearing at the otter's reality. My dirty thoughts were no doubt apparent as we kept our eyes locked, Joshua halfheartedly mouthing a silent protest.

Unwilling to give him a chance to reconsider (and quite thirsty for some otter cock) I leaned forward, my snout diving into his pants. I allowed myself a quick sniff of the alluring scent within the muggy heat of his groin before reaching my tongue down, searching for the tip of the throbbing prize still hidden inside. Showing off my dexterous skill I wrapped my nimble tongue around Joshua's erection, still restrained by his boxer briefs, and pulled it out of his pants. Impatiently, I engulfed his clothed member in my muzzle, nudging my nose back into his pants to get as much of his cock inside me as possible. Its dry cotton surface sucked up my saliva as I lavished it with attention, dutifully exploring every inch within reach.

If Joshua had any remaining reservations that sensation made them drift away. His needy, feminine moan made me smile around his cock as his paws grabbed desperately at my ears. Feeling a sudden chill I realized that while I had been distracted attending to the otter Greg had exposed my rump, my pants and underwear crumpled at my knees. Warm paws spread leaking precum around my cock and sac as the rat ground his hard length along the cleft below my tail.

Eager to reveal Joshua's dick before Greg started tearing into my backside I pulled my head up, the seal of my lips making a wet popping sound as they ran out of cock. Sensing my intention, Joshua hastily unfastened his belt and shimmied his underwear and pants to his ankles, promptly kicking them away as his slender, rosy cock bobbed temptingly under my nose. Unrestricted, he spread his legs, allowing me easier access as his long, heavy balls pooled on the seat. He returned his paws to my ears and with almost malicious force pushed my head back down, impaling my maw with his cock until my lips smacked into the short fur at its base.

My eyes opened wide with shock as the otter's unexpectedly long cock struck the back of my throat causing me to combat a brief gag. Joshua allowed me only a moment to adjust before tightening his grip on my ears, pulling my head up and plunging me back down. My tongue fought to flick and dance about his shaft as he drove my motion, pleasuring himself roughly with my muzzle, feeding me a continuous flow of his slick precum.

I leaned further forward to brace myself on the chair around Joshua's thighs and find a more comfortable angle for sucking. My shift of position caused my ass to rise tantalizingly toward Greg. The paws molesting me disappeared. One of them found the base of my tail, hoisting it up to expose my hole. Mentally chiding myself for forgetting to mention the tiny bottle of lube I'd brought in my pocket I readied myself to be painfully entered by the rat.

Something delicately nudged my ass cheeks apart. A gentle, damp stroke brushed across my tailhole radiating chills to every corner of my body. I struggled to comprehend this magnificent, unexpected sensation as the otter continued to brutally fuck my face.

Greg's second lick at my tailhole was slower, wetter. He seemed to have two yards of tongue, every velvety inch made my cock jump in excitement as the rest of my body melted into a dripping puddle of horny fox. He released my tail, allowing it to drape between his ears and down his back. His next lap pressed against my body's resistance, tenderly gaining ground against my seal through the moistness of his saliva.

My entrance loosened, Greg stabbed his tongue directly into my hole, gliding past its defense with ease. A boisterous moan erupted from my throat at the sudden pleasure. The vibrations from my utterance rumbled into the otter's dick, the new sensation causing him to release a fresh spurt of precum down my throat and a moan to echo my own.

I swore I could feel Greg smiling as he pressed his tongue even deeper into me, stretching my tailhole agonizingly slowly as he wriggled around inside. Content to leave me deep-throated, Joshua's amazed voice registered dimly in my ears, "Whoa, gay guys actually do that?"

To my dismay the tongue slowly withdrew from within me. "Most guys will do it upon request, some like to do it," Greg responded, panting, "but I've never met a guy who doesn't like getting it. Noah, what kind of guy would you say I am?"

Paws pulled apart my cheeks and the rat savagely forced his tongue back into me, the vigorous entry short-circuiting my brain and releasing another moan from my lips. Around my mouthful of otter cock I responded, "Unghuh," meaning both, "you like to do it," and, "thank you."

Struggling to take in enough air through a snout filled with otter-scented fur I pulled my muzzle back, my tongue attacking Joshua's cock in a frenzy along the way. My lips reaching his tip, my tongue darted out to lap off one final bead of precum as I finally freed my muzzle. I looked up to tell Joshua I needed a breather but he was so captivated by the sight of Greg eagerly rimming my ass I just laid my head down on the otter's thigh and yipped as the rat assaulted my tailhole with increased vigor. Wrapping one paw around Joshua's side to steady myself I used the other to form a firm grip at the base of his cock. Pumping through gobs of our combined fluids, it didn't seem the enthralled otter had even noticed the change.

Greg's tongue jackhammered into me at impossible speeds, tracing patterns which lifted me to heights well above the fourteenth floor. His claws scraped lustily through the fur on the fronts of my thighs as he stabbed further and further into me. Desperate to get a message across I muttered, "Unh!"

After a pause to clear my mind I tried again, groaning, "God Greg, I can't take any more. Would you please fuck me already?"

His arms wrapped around my legs in a loving embrace as he slowed his tonguing. With one final push he sunk in as deep as he could reach, his lips locked around my tailhole. I buried my face into the fur on Joshua's thigh, pawing his cock furiously and murring as my body attempted to process the spectacular sensation. Unbearably slowly he withdrew from inside me, giving a prolonged, firm lick at the top of my hole. After an eternity his slick flesh tapered, allowing my entrance to close as the tip flicked out.

A solid slap to my rear cracked like thunder and jolted me out of my tranquil state. "Sorry," Greg chuckled, shifting around behind me, "sometimes I get too wrapped up in the fun." The tip of the rat's erect member pressed menacingly at my tailhole like a loaded gun. I suppressed a whimper as he moved it around, teasing me another moment longer as he coated my entrance with his ample precum.

One of rat's paws returned to my tail, forcefully holding it to my back, as his other gripped my hip. Without warning Greg stabbed the tip of his fat cock into my ass, making me tense up in the otter's lap. Despite my earlier session with Brian and the heavenly rimming I'd just received the plump, unlubed cock stretching me shot waves of soreness along my nerves. He groaned as he sunk it in deep, mercifully pausing as his hips came flush with mine. "I'm not going to last long, Noah," Greg said, panting lightly as he reached around my hip to tease my cock.

Finally turning his eyes downward and realizing the sucking at his cock had turned into a messy paw job, Joshua grabbed my shoulders and lifted me off his leg. "Get up," he said, rapidly shifting in his seat below my face as I pushed up my chest.

Suddenly my attention was ripped away as the rat pulled his hips back briskly. With a squeak of delight he slammed them forward, driving himself balls deep, sending stars of brilliant light and pitch darkness shooting through my eyes as he smacked into my prostate. Trying to restrain his release Greg drew back slowly before crashing forward again, settling into a steady rhythm.

Through my lustful haze I felt warmth drape across the bridge of my muzzle. Blinking, I recognized the sight of fuzzy balls on my snout and the feel of an exposed tailhole meeting my lips as Greg continued to jolt my body forward. "Do that thing Greg did to you," Joshua commanded, legs held high as he lounged back on the chair, his tail hanging forward off the edge of his seat. His eyes brimmed with excitement like he'd just been given a fantastic new toy.

His fantastic new toy was happy to accommodate. Unable to steady myself because of the shivers the grunting rat was sending up my spine I sloppily licked across the surface of the otter's tailhole. A groan of pure animal lust escaped his throat. His paw frantically grasped the fur on the back of my head and stuffed the end of my muzzle against his hole, his clean, tremendously male flavor spreading across my tongue. I continued to slather the rim of his tailhole with saliva, trying to time my licks with Greg's increasingly erratic thrusts.

The otter kept my face pressed to his tailhole, begging me to keep going. Squishy sounds of him pawing at his cock competed with the wet slapping sounds at my ass and the mixture of enraptured moans emanating from the three of us.

Greg's merciful paw pumped at my cock with urgency, bouncing off my knot with every downstroke. The sounds and scents of horny rat, otter and fox filling the room overwhelmed my senses. The stimulation of the rat's paw jerking my dick combined with the feeling of his cock ramming away under my tail finally sent me flying me over the edge; my cock tensed and sent a jet of cum splattering across the carpet below.

As my tailhole clenched in orgasm Greg delivered a final powerful thrust and hilted his cock in my ass. A blissful, uncontrollable squeak cried out as his cock swelled and delivered a long, flowing blast, painting my insides with hot rat spunk.

Riding out the final waves of my orgasm, I redoubled my efforts on the otter. Swirling the tip of my tongue around the rim of his tailhole I felt his balls begin to lift upward, their comforting weight lessening as I worked feverishly. Remembering Greg's ferocity I aligned my tongue with the center of the otter's hole and hammered away, darting into shallow depths as his tight tailhole gave in to the pressure.

A lusty mewl burst forth from the otter; his paw was a blur as it traveled his shaft. Two paws clutched at my ass as Greg removed his spent cock from my ass hurriedly. As soon as his tip sprung free he rushed to Joshua's side. Leaning down, the rat grabbed the otter's head and plunged his long tongue into Joshua's mouth. Greg's ears folded back and eyes closed as he mashed their lips together in a deep, passionate kiss.

As Greg snogged Joshua I forced my tongue deep into the otter's ass, stretching his rim roughly. Joshua moaned intensely into the wet kiss, his hole contracting around my tongue as a thick stream of milky cum fired out of his cock. The otter's cum landed messily on his chest and Greg's neck as a second volley followed the first.

Greg continued to wrestle his tongue with Joshua's as the otter's cum soaked into their fur. I withdrew my tongue, giving a few more tender laps at Joshua's tailhole as his afterglow set in and his balls returned to rest weightily atop my muzzle.

As the seconds passed and the orgasmic ecstasy subsided Joshua realized that he was, in fact, making out with a male. His paws jumped to Greg's shoulders, pushing the rat off his mouth. Panic filled Joshua's eyes as he breathlessly exclaimed, "Dude!"

"Sorry," Greg said with a wide smile, wiping some of the otter's cum from his neck, "I told you I can get too into it." Greg sniffed Joshua's cum on his paw before winding his tongue around a finger, humming joyfully as he pressed it into his mouth and savored the taste of the otter's seed.

Exhausted, Joshua lowered his legs over my shoulders and rested them on my back as I remained kneeling in front of him. I wrapped an arm around his leg, my paw sliding gingerly across the surface of his flagging cock. "So," I said casually as the otter writhed at the touch to his overstimulated dick, "I believe we have an enthusiastic approval from Greg. What do you say, Joshua? Are you leaving or would you rather stay here and get through those long, boring conference calls with the help of my warm muzzle?"

Two hours later I was at my computer, a salty flavor lingering from the coffee break I had spent with the wolf guard. My rear ached from the day's work as I arranged visits from the company's most important manufacturers. My ears perked up in alarm as a stalking shadow fell across me.

Two huge arms encircled me from behind; a big, bushy tuft of brown fur pressed against the side of my face. "I knew you'd come through, Noah," Brian rumbled proudly, his tight hug squeezing the air from my lungs, "those guys were falling all over themselves to sign the agreement."

Nuzzling into the lion's mane, I murred happily and responded, "I never could have done it without your support." I reached back and gave a quick jostle to his heavy crotch, adding, "Behind me."

His low chuckle reverberated through my body like a gentle earthquake. "Speaking of which," Brian said, "I think we'd better meet to review your performance on this task."

He leaned over me and opened the schedule on my computer. "Excellent," he said mischievously, "book off that time tomorrow from 8 p.m. onward. We'll meet in the conference room at my house."

I giggled, "I didn't realize your place was available for business conferences."

He turned my chair around to face him. One big paw tenderly lifted my muzzle to meet his, our lips coming together in a light embrace.

Breaking the kiss after a heartbeat, Brian whispered, "Only for one special client, Foxie."