Kael and Jacob the day after

Story by freakdudebob on SoFurry

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#7 of the stories of Kael the wolf pup

"Wake up call, caught you in the in the morning with another one in my bed"

"Wha stupid alarm!" Kael said as the song began to play on his stereo. He turned it off and headed back to his bed. Taking one look at his bed, his blood froze. Samantha was lying there without any clothes on. He took a look at Jacob and saw Liz there also naked. Looking down, he realized he was naked as well.

"Mmmm where am I? Kael? Where am ... Kael what happened? EEEK!!" Samantha said as she woke up. Seeing Kael naked and then realizing she was also caused her face to turn tomato red. She pulled the covers close and turned her head. Kael took this time to put on some clothes. Samantha then got up with the covers and walked to where she had seen her clothes on Kael's stereo. She hastily pulled them on and then ran towards the door running straight into Kael. They both flew out the door and landed with Kael on his back and Sam on his chest.


"I don't know. I don't remember at all. Do you?"

"No. I vaguely remember coming into your room but after that, it's all a blur. Where are Jacob and Liz??"

"They're still in there. Let's go wake them up!"

When the two walk in, they find the two already awake and making out with each other. They stop when they hear Kael and Samantha walk in. Liz's face turns red and so does Jacob's.

They all look at each other and Kael and Samantha sit on the other bed.

"Do either of you remember what happened last night?" Sam asked.

"I remember coming in here after Jacob and crawling into bed with him. We had a little um fun with each other. I even gave him one of my earrings last night. You two just disappeared though so I don't know what happened to you" Liz said. Jacob showed off the earring she had give him in his right ear.

"Kael, Jacob are you two awake?" They heard Sarah say and then she walked in with Lori, Elise and Elaine all naked. All four faint from seeing this. Sarah got a confused look in her eyes and then she realized they had not put any clothes on. They ran back to the room and got dressed. When they got back, the four had woken up.

"Alright guys. What happened last night?"

"I don't know!" Kael and Sam said together.

"Well um Jacob and I um I guess got it on last night." Liz said.

"I'm going to guess you didn't use condoms?"

"Um no." Jacob replied.

"Luckily for you Jacob, it is almost impossible to get another species pregnant." Elise said to them as she began to pace up and down the room.

"Liz, Samantha did either of them force themselves on you?" Elaine asked.

"I don't remember what happened last night Elaine." Sam replied

"No, Jacob did not rape me! It was all consensual!" Liz said.

"Here, Sam and Liz, take this pill."

"What is it?" the two girls asked together.

"It's a day-after pill. It will make sure that you two don't get pregnant. If you are going to continue to see these two, you should always have some with you, ok?" Elise said to them. "Now do NOT mention this to anyone. Consider it your dirty little secrets. I am going to get us doughnuts now. You had all better be ready to eat when I get back." With that, all four of the older girls left the room leaving the four alone.

Kael and Sam got up and practically ran out the door. Jacob got up to get dressed but Liz got up and got in front of him. She easily pushed Jacob to the bed because she was bigger than he was and began to kiss him. One thing led to another and they had sex again. When they finished, Liz took the pill and went to take a shower. Jacob waited until she was finished to take a shower as well. Sam took her pill when she got a glass of water. She wished she could remember what had happened last night. She stared accusingly at Kael until he noticed.

"What are you staring at Sam?"

"Whatever you did last night, I am certain I never agreed to it. The only reason I don't call the cops is that I don't remember at all. Stay away from me or else!" Sam practically yelled at Kael.

Then, Jacob and Liz walked in with Jacob's arm around Liz's waist.

"I'm serious Jacob! We are going to have four kids; two panthers and two wolves."

"I think you are definitely thinking too far ahead Liz!" Jacob replied.

"Oh yeah?" Liz said as she grabbed Jacob and threw him onto the open couch. She then pounced on him pinning him under her. She began to kiss him again until Sam threw a pillow at them.

"We'll finish this later Jacob." Liz whispered into his ear. She got off of him and then Elise and the girls got back with doughnuts. After eating breakfast, Elise told the four that they were in charge until they got back.

"Oh yeah if any of you want anything for fun, there should be a few things in our closet for you to use. Have fun!" Elise said as she and the three other girls walked out the door. Jacob and Liz looked at each other, grinned, and then ran into the closet. They came back out with a bag of stuff and ran into the basement. Sam gave one last contempt filled glare at Kael and then went to go shower.


When Jacob and Liz got to the basement, they opened the bag. They found a large variety of toys and restraints and took them out. Jacob was looking around for something but Liz had already found what she was looking for; a pair of hand cuffs and a muzzle. Sneaking up on Jacob, she forced the muzzle on his snout before he could react. She then grabbed his arms and pulled off his shirt before pulling the arms behind his back to be handcuffed. When that was done, she got up and went to the pile of toys and restraints. She came back a few moments later with a blindfold and some rope. Jacob tried to struggle but she put the blindfold on him and then tied his legs to his arms. He still struggled but did not accomplish anything. Liz picked up a large vibrator and a ring vibrator. She licked his sheath until his cock came out and then she slipped ring onto it. Jacob began moaning when she turned it on. She then began to slide the other vibrator into his ass. His moans got louder as the thing worked its way into him. They got even louder when she turned it on. She began to lick his nipples causing his body to shake from the feeling. Before he could come though, she turned off the vibrators. He whimpered about it but she ignored him. She took out the vibrator from his ass and turned him on his stomach. She picked up a double ended strap-on that would go into her pussy. She mounted Jacob's ass and started fucking it. A few hours and comings later, both of them were very exhausted. Liz took the blindfold off of Jacob and removed the muzzle. Jacob was expecting to be freed but Liz had other plans. When he opened his mouth, she jammed a ring gag into it. She then began to lick his cock. After a little while, he came in her mouth but she did not swallow. While Jacob had his eyes closed, she got up and yanked the ring gag out. Before he could react, the jammed her snout into his and forced his semen into his mouth. He tried to spit it out but she grabbed his snout and held it shut while she replaced the muzzle on him. He began to struggle again but she easily held down the cat as she pulled up a larger vibrator. She placed it in him and turned it on. He began to moan again as she began to rub his cock. She slipped the ring vibrator back around his cock and set it to its lowest setting. It would arouse him but would not be near enough to make him come. She slipped the blindfold back over his eyes and he let out a few whimpers. He still had not swallowed his semen and he was not going to.

She turned up the power of the vibrator in his ass and then began to lick his ear.

"I think you should stay like this for a few hours for arguing with me about how many kids we're going to have Jacob. See you tonight!" Liz said as she tied the ropes binding his arms and legs to hooks in the wall. He would not be going anywhere until she let him. He whimpered again as he heard her walking away but then she stopped. He heard her getting closer to him and then felt something being placed over his ears. Then he could not hear. He began to whimper even louder because now he had no idea where she was. Liz walked up the stairs and locked the door and took the key so only she could let Jacob out. She was glad that she had decided to set up that video camera before she left. She was going to enjoy being with Jacob.

I do not make the story, I merely right it.