Chapter 6: Did you seriously retcon the events of the previous chapters?

Story by Tessler on SoFurry

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As I strolled over the entrance to the Burnt Tower, I could only wonder....what would compel the people to keep this building up as it was? Then it hit me.As soon as I got inside the building, I could only look at the building interior, as I let Beleza out of her ball, and she asked "So this is the Burnt Tower of Ecruteak?""You got it." I replied as I stroked her side. "It's a wonder with the remains of this place. And I think I have a theory as to why this place has been left intact rather than rebuild it." Gesturing me to go on, I continued "I believe that the people of Ecruteak felt that this place has a great significance, and the people here felt that it would've been a disgrace to tear it down.""That would be the gist, kid. That would be the gist." We heard a feminine voice say.  Turning around, we saw a brown haired girl walk in , wearing a dark blue trench coat, matching colored hat, and black pants, with black boots. In a way, she almost looked exactly like me, albeit more feminine, and older. "Are you describing my appearance?" She suddenly asked me. "What are you talking about?" I asked her, confused."Never mind. " she said. Changing the subject, she explained "My  name is Andrea Lucia.  And yes, like that one Batman film you love.""You're reading my mind, aren't you?" I asked, surprised by the randomness of her explanation.With a half smile, Andrea continued "And yes, I was reading your mind. Let's just say I am an Aura user along with my boyfriend.""Guess I don't have to explain myself then." I implored."Exactly." She replied."Feel free to go Sherlock on me." I shot back."I love that show! Benedict Cumberbatch is so gorgeous! Anyway.....your name is Ethan Lantz, you were born in New Bark Town as the son of Professor and Mrs Elm, and you have had a rough time back in school.....well, not until Middle School where you started to have a rough time, but I'll spare of details for obvious reasons. During your first year at high school in Johto, you met a Feebas  in the Lake of Rage northeast of of your hometown. You and the Feebas, whom you named Beleza became really close friends, seemingly connecting with each other." Turning to Beleza, she looked square into the eyes of my Milotic, and continued "As for you, while you have been grateful for him taking you in, you didn't want to stay a Feebas for long, did you?"Blushing, she raised her multicolored tail to hide her blush, her cheeks as red as her eyes, she replied "Yes. That is all true.""And some time back, you two had gotten ambushed by members of a group called Team Phoenix, am I right?" Andrea questioned."Yes, I responded. Remembering where we were, I asked "Miss Lucia, is there anywhere else we can talk?""Just call me Andrea, Ethan. Follow me if you want to know more about Team Phoenix." She gestured as she turned around and walked outside. Looking up at my dearest, she

simply nodded and we went out of the ancient building....Catching up with her, I noticed we were walking east to Mt Mortar, and asked "So where are you taking us?""Somewhere where we can talk." Andrea stated. "All I can say is that Team Phoenix has eyes everywhere. Caves and mountains are the only place we can talk in safety.""Are you saying that it's unlikely they would find us here? Did you consider that there could be members hiding, waiting to ambush us, if what you are saying is all true?" I questioned."First off, they're not after us. Just you, Ethan." Andrea explained, turning around, and looking straight at me with her deep brown eyes.  "And did I not think of that, those little Spinarak could really be hiding in this very mountain. Thank you, Ethan for that idea." Instantly pulling out a Pokéball, she pushed a button and a Pokémon jumped out, revealing a Lucario.  "Chris, watch the two. I'm going to scout this mountain out." She explained to her blue furred jackal as she suddenly jumped onto a rock formation thousands of feet above the three of us.Looking at the Lucario, standing at least half my height, I questioned "Is she always like this?""I don't even know what else I can add about her. What you see of my mate is what you get." He responded, as he put his arms across his chest. "Name's Chris. I'll bring you up to speed on Team Phoenix. Like Andrea said, those eggheads really are after your head, Ethan."Scared, Beleza instantly wrapped herself around me, and begged "I can't let them do that. He means a lot to me, what did he ever do them?""That is a long story." The jackal explained."We have time." I reasoned.....Andrea's PovScaling and exploring the depths of Mt Mortar with mere leaps, all I can say is what a wonder as to what I have accomplished wielding Aura on my own. I only wish my mother was a Lucario.....Anyway, I need to get back to the main focus....finding any potential threats hiding in this very place. Raising my hand forward, I began to scan the area as I closed my eyes, and clenched my fist , as I, this not right. They have to be here......somewhere.....Sinnoh has been struggling to keep The Phoenix out of our home, I won't let Johto fall with them.Ethan's Pov"Are you for real, with what you said of Team Phoenix? I can't even begin to think, let alone imagine it?" I asked, hearing Chris's explanation of the villainous group."Ethan, it might sound absurd, but did you forget that Pokémon never lie?" Beleza questioned, shivering at the nightmare inducing descriptions from what the Lucario detailed to us."Fine, then. If my words don't convince you enough, Mr Lantz, then I'll show you instead." Chris reasoned, as he walked up to me. Before I could ask what he was going to do, he suddenly pressed his paws onto my temples, and I saw the most terrifying, and

inhumane atrocities I had ever seen.All around me, I could see Pokémon Trainers and their loved ones being forcibly separated from each other, and being executed for, whatever reason, I don't understand.  "These 'trainers' have disgraced us for having sex with the same Pokémon they train! Citizens of Unova, let these lowlives be an example of what happens when they develop such relationships with their Pokémon, and they claim that it's "true love" to everyone else!" Someone called out, as people watched Pokémon Trainers being moved towards huge,  what looked like woodchippers, before being thrown in, and screaming in pain as the citizens watched in horror of their own being turned into mincemeat, until their silent, gory remains were left, serving no purpose other than to traumatize the people.The Pokémon, terrified at the loss of their respective mates, attempted to retaliate, only to be silenced by more powerful Pokémon.  As the unconscious Pokémon be dragged off, a masked individual in a white lab coat, and black pants, appeared. "Citizens of Unova, you can call me Scarecrow!" He boldly declared. Almost instantaneous, an army of individuals clad in red blazers, and slacks marched in, ready to attack. "Do you wish to join us, or face the same fate as the Poképhilles that are going before you?"Rather than submit,  I witnessed the sight of the Trainers that hadn't committed Poképhillia attempt to fight back, only to be seemingly overpowered within minutes......Suddenly flashing out of the vision, I felt my Milotic hold me in place as I regained my footing. "Thanks, Beleza.""Anytime, Ethan." She responded with a smile. "I take back what I said, Chris." I suddenly exclaimed, attempted to apologize to the Lucario. He must've not wanted to hear it, as he raised a paw right at me, and it clicked to me."If it makes you feel better, Ethan, I only showed you a glimpse of what Team Phoenix has done to everyone in Unova." The Lucario replied.Remembering what I asked him, I questioned "That still doesn't answer my question. What does Team Phoenix want with me?"Ignoring my question, Chris continued "Team Phoenix is made up of several groups. Most notably the fallen Neo Team Plasma, and the extinguished Team Flare. Their goal is to claim al of the Fire Type Pokémon in the world, and incinerate everyone, along with the whole planet. The only reason it's been taking a long time for them to achieve their goals is because they need the power of the Fire Type Legendary Pokémon, and they have disappeared, effectively stalling them."And what does this have to do with me?" I asked. Chris opened his snout, but before he could say anything, an explosion rocked the mountain we were in. Andrea returned, smashing through a wall of rock, telling the three of us "We need to get out of here. There's Phoenix Grunts, they're armed, and we need to get-"Before the

brunette could finish, another wall exploded, and the red suited grunts marched in, pointing guns at all four of us, but mainly pointed at me. "Freeze, Pidgey! All we want is Ethan Hilbert Touya, and no one of you have to get hurt!" One of them called out. Did I just hear that right?"Now do you know why they want you, Ethan?" Chris asked me....Sega Nesquik: For anyone that is wondering, I'm basing Andrea Lucia's personality off of the Benedict Cumberbatch incarnation of Sherlock Holmes. And yes, I plan on fleshing out her character, along with her fluffy little Chris in the side story. I'd say more, but there's only so much you can say off a tablet before it gets aggravating.