School Pride III

Story by Apollo Wolf on SoFurry

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So once again it took me forever to get this finished off. But to be fair it is the longest edition of this series yet. So if you're ready to find out what has been going on with Lucas, here's your chance. Check it out and enjoy and don't forget to tell me what you think.

You should probably read the first two if haven't already.

School Pride III - Foolish Pride

Apollo Wolf

[email protected]

The following story is a work of fiction and is not grounded in reality. At least not any reality I have found yet. Just like the previous two editions, it does involve some intense sexual situations between male characters. If this is disturbing to you, why are you here? Further reading is at the sole discretion of the reader who assumes full responsibility for doing so. Now go ahead and check it out and let me know what you think.

"Man, I wish I could go with you guys," Greg moaned. "Why did they have to go and schedule our first swim meet for the same day as the last football game?"

Brian just shrugged as he continued to pack his uniform and gear into a duffle bag. The season had gone perfectly so far and all that remained was their traditional end of year game against Saint Francis of Assisi, then the playoffs. Brian had to admit he was really looking forward to today's game, even though he didn't expect much of a challenge on the field. Saint Francis was currently suffering a down year from the loss of some seniors and a few bad breaks with injuries and had only recorded four wins this year. No, what Brian was looking forward to was the pre and post game activities he would get to engage in, and for that he required the school mascot and his new friend, Eric.

Eric was sitting back against a locker, his small bag containing their school mascot already zipped and ready. Today, unlike most away games, he wouldn't don the lion costume until they reached their destination. Brian had playfully hinted that an hour and a half bus ride with Lucas in the seat next to him would be too physically draining before a game. As a result, Lucas was safely stowed in his bag and Eric would get to hang out with the team for a change. It was just going to be him and Brian on the trip; the other members of their mascot fraternity were not coming along. As Greg had been reminding anybody who would listen, their swim season was finally getting underway. While Eric had gotten to sit in on a few practices he was excited about the prospect of bringing out Lucas to cheer on the swim team and the bright blue speedo jammer that he wore for such occasions.

In the few short weeks since he became the school's new mascot and learned the truth behind the mascot fraternity, he was already starting to see changes in his physique. Each time he put on the Lucas costume and made the transformation into a full blown half man, half lion he kept a little piece of the massive feline for himself. It started with the loss of what little fat he had on his rather scrawny body and soon began to add muscle mass and definition to his form. The promised payoff for being the school mascot was that he could go on to be a star athlete for St. Luke's and so far it certainly looked like it would come true. He had even decided what sport to take up and started getting some wrestling pointers from Chad.

Chad on the other hand was still earning back the trust of the other guys and dealing with the consequences of his actions. It had been a few weeks since he had decided on his own to make use of the Lucas costume, even though he knew it was not allowed after the first year and he had passed the costume on to Eric. Greg seemed to take it the hardest, viewing it as a slap in the face to him since he had dutifully handed Lucas off to Chad himself. He had scarcely spoken to or otherwise acknowledged Chad's existence since he found out what he did. Brian, being farthest removed from Lucas, didn't understand how the sophomore could have been so greedy and stupid but at least he forgave him and called him fewer stupid nicknames with each passing day. Eric probably sympathized with Chad most of all. Even though he had almost a full year to go as St. Luke's mascot, he was already dreading the day when he too would have to surrender Lucas to another.

"Just relax will you Greg? You get to hang out with all those other speedo sporters to make up for it and besides, the swim meet you have against Saint Francis is a two day home meet for us this year, remember?" Brian said trying to satisfy the younger guy.

"Oh yeah, I nearly forgot about that! Ok, well you boys go off and have yourself a good time then." Greg said pulling an emotional one-eighty.

"I still don't see what the big deal is guys, this is just another away game. Isn't it?" Eric asked for the hundredth time. The other guys had been so tight lipped about what made this particular game so special, for the past two weeks his friends had been making subtle hints about the final game and it unique set of pre-game activities. Which was unusual considering the amount of fun they already had before and after every game. Even Chad had refused to tell him anything though Eric suspected that's because Greg had threatened to pound him if he told.

"You'll see when we get there," Brian said with a wink.

Eric just shook his head in acceptance. Every new experience with Lucas had sort of been like this; with the guys trying to surprise him or catch him off guard with something. So far he had managed to roll with it pretty well though the upswing in his own popularity probably had a lot to do with it. He was now somebody at school, recognized in the hallways now and not just some nameless freshman. Through Lucas he got to meet a lot of other students, since homecoming he had done two more assemblies and attended almost every fall sport at least once like cross country, soccer, and volleyball. Though in all of those situations Lucas was essentially in control, Eric at least got to go along for the ride and everyone treated him just like it was Eric in a costume and not a real lion. Eric was particularly excited about getting to spend some more time with just Brian. He had gotten quite close to the upperclassman over the season, hanging out with him outside of school and away from the football field and they had even taken turns sleeping over at each other's houses though they did anything but sleep. If it weren't for the uproar it would cause in the school, not to mention his own family, Eric would have been happy to call him his boyfriend.

"Come on, we better get a move on, the rest of the team will be on the bus by now." Brian said heaving his bag up over his shoulder.

Eric grabbed his much smaller pack and followed the quarterback out of the locker room. Sure enough the rest of the team was already crammed onto two yellow busses that, despite the ruckus caused by the rowdy mass of guys on them, seemed in no hurry to leave. Eric and Brian found an empty seat about halfway back and stowed their gear and engaged in some friendly chit chat with some of the other members of the team seated nearby. Before long though the coaches finally boarded and the busses rumbled out onto the road. Eric was enjoying this trip much more than usual so far. Normally it was Lucas who got to hang out with the team but this time Eric was the one to enjoy their company. He had managed to make friends with several of the guys especially some of the few freshmen who made the varsity squad. Most of all he was just enjoying sitting there next to Brian, feeling his body in close to his while they talked about stuff not related to football. Ordinarily a ride of this length would have caused him to dose off, as most of the team eventually did, but the excitement building for what might be coming up was keeping him awake and alert.

Brian must have been just as excited. He hadn't fallen asleep either, though he did seem to lean in closer to Eric than he had any other time they had been out in public together. The quarterback was also less than subtle as he shifted in his seat a few times to adjust his pants and gently grope his mounded tent. It wasn't uncommon for him to get horny before a game but it was going to be a longer wait for him to rectify the situation this time. The bus ride seemed to go on forever as the scenery changed from their own familiar neighborhoods, to empty harvested fields, back to city streets. They eventually arrived at their destination and Eric was a bit surprised to see that instead of pulling up to a high school football field they had arrived at a much larger stadium. Brian leaned over and explained that Saint Francis didn't have enough seating for this game so they usually played at Trent State University instead. Eric looked around as he got off the bus and suddenly recognized some familiar landmarks. His oldest brother was at school here and while he had visited him once or twice on campus he had never taken much note of the stadium before.

The rest of the team filed off the bus and headed straight to the locker room but Brian grabbed Eric by the arm and led him in a different direction. "Hey coach, I gotta show Eric a few of the differences at this stadium since he's never been here before. I'll be back in a sec." He called out to one of the assistants.

"Ok just try and make it quick this time, last time we played here you and Jake missed almost the entire walk through while messing around with Greg."

Brian smiled and laughed slightly and Eric had a good idea about what was so funny, he could easily picture Brian and another member of the mascot fraternity taking a little too much time with Greg's transformation. "No problem coach, we'll do our best," he shouted back to the coach before turning to wink at Eric, "Come on we gotta go meet up with the others."

That confused Eric a bit, "What others, it's just you and me this time isn't it?"

"You'll see. "

Together Eric and Brian made their way deeper into the confines of the stadium, twisting and turning through an endless corridor, past all of the facility support rooms. Brian's excitement was infectious and Eric felt his anticipation grow by leaps and bounds. That wasn't the only thing growing as Brian's warm-ups were jutting out to an obscene degree and he was losing some of his control and already taking on a few of his lion-like traits. They finally reached their destination and found two people already waiting for them in the combination locker room and equipment storage closet.

"Cutting it kind of close there aren't you Brian?" The bigger of the two boys called out upon their entry.

"Well we figured we didn't need to try and sabotage you like you did to us last year. You guys showed up what, three hours early? By the time the game rolled around I could barely stand up straight." Brian and the other guy laughed heartily before shaking hands and clapping each other on the back in a brotherly hug.

"Had to try and slow you down somehow, didn't even work, you still cut our defense to shreds, good to see you buddy." The larger guy said. He was already dressed for the game in his gold game pants and red jersey. Clearly the older of the two he was also taller with short crew cut black hair he had a warm smile and dazzlingly white teeth to complete the handsome boy next door look. "So is this the new guy? Where are Greg and Chad?"

"Yep this is Eric," Brian said making introductions, "Greg has his first swim meet of the year this evening and Chad has a wrestling scrimmage he needed to attend. Eric this is Skyler Frost, he's plays wide receiver and is captain of the team this year."

"Just call me Sky, nice to meet you Eric."

"Yeah same here." Eric said. Eric could easily see how this guy could be a top playmaker for Saint Francis, he was tall and muscular enough with huge hands, and if Eric didn't know different he would have thought Sky was already playing in the pros.

"What about your guys, what's up with Kevin and Raj?" Brian asked.

"Raj is with the soccer team and they're in a tournament out of state. Kevin though, he broke his leg out on his dirt bike last weekend and trust me if his aunt wasn't watching over him like a mother hen he would have hopped in here on one leg rather than miss this. You remember James from last spring right?"

"Absolutely, how's it going Jimmy? You've come a long way from the skinny little scarecrow you were at that time."

"Yeah it has been a great year so far. I still have to pinch myself from time to time to make sure I'm not dreaming." The smaller boy said, shrugging his shoulders.

Eric did a quick assessment of this guy and guessed he might have been about the same age as he was and probably about the same height but that's where the similarities ended. He was totally ripped. Not overly muscular just cut like he was a work of art carved out of stone. His abs easily stood out beneath his skin tight red t-shirt and his jeans did little more than accent his firm round ass and the impressive curve of his bulge. His brown hair was a little on the long side though not quite to his shoulders but at least he kept it back in a neat little ponytail. All in all, the models on the wall in Abercrombie stores should look this good.

"I think I've finally settled on going out for the gymnastics squad when this is all over, though I change my mind at least twice a month on that." He was saying as he chatted with Brian.

"So you guys ready to do this?" Sky asked with a grin.

"Hell yeah man! I've been looking forward to this all season," Brian exclaimed.

"Ready for what? Brain don't we have to be... you know?" Eric said with a nod of his head towards his duffle bag containing the Lucas pieces and feeling confused about Brian's behavior.

"Just relax Eric, why don't you just stay here with Sky for a minute while Jimmy and I go get changed." Brian said throwing his arm across Jimmy's shoulder and leading him to the door.

Even if he had time to protest he was prevented from doing so when Sky grabbed him and pulled him in close, dwarfing him with his impressive size and bulky football pads, "I heard Lucas has a new look this year and James has it on good authority from a couple of guys on the Hayes football team that he's rather impressive. I can't wait to have a look for myself, so why don't you go ahead and bust him out."

Eric frowned up at Sky even though he was doing his best to resist wrapping his arms around him and grabbing his cute bubble butt with his hands, "How do you... what do you know about Lucas?"

"Trust me I know all about him, so come let's do it! Grab the jock and stuff and let's get going." He said bucking his hips forward into Eric.

"Well I need Brian here then," Eric said as he pulled back and opened up his duffle bag to get the tail, mane and jock sheath out.

"Not this time hot stuff, check this out." Sky said unlacing his pants.

Eric felt puzzled as he watched Sky close his eyes and take a deep breath. The big football player grunted softly then doubled over as if he had been punched in the gut. He shuddered slightly and actually started to grow in size, expanding beneath his uniform, stretching the spandex pants, pads, and jersey to their limit. Eric was actually starting to expect him to start growling and begin growing a lion's tail and mane. He was almost right. Instead of growling Sky moaned and hummed as his body changed, his labored breathing actually coming out like a whiney as a flowing tail of glossy black hair sprouted above the beltline of his pants. He grew a mane but it was limited to the area down the back of his head and between his shoulder blades while his ears grew long and narrowed to a point. When Sky looked up to smile at him Eric realized his now slightly elongated face had a certain horsey appearance about it. It was when he stood up straight that Eric found out just how horse-like he had become. His cock had virtually erupted outward from his unlaced pants spilling out in front of him and standing proudly erect. Sky was certainly hung like a horse now, his prick was a dappled ebony and pink and at least as thick as a soda can and probably around eighteen inches in length. It had a flat flared head and a raised ring of flesh about halfway down towards the dark leather sheath that wrapped around it. Even his balls were bigger and covered in a fine dark glossy coat.

"Holy crap! You guys are horses?" Erick found himself shouting out.

"Well what did you expect? We are the Saint Francis Mustangs." Sky quipped, his voice noticeably deeper.

"The guys didn't tell me what was up and I didn't know you guys had a real mascot too." Eric said allowing himself to get a closer look at Sky. Even though he looked incredibly hot in his football uniform Eric was desperate to see the muscle bulging beneath it exposed. That and the rich male musk that was being exuded by that gigantic member was absolutely driving him wild at the moment.

"Ahh they went the surprise route on you, that's always fun. Our mascot, Mitch, well he's sort of like Lucas' brother. They're close enough that your guys and ours can trade off and help each other's mascot change. We get together officially a couple of times a year and the last football game of the year has had this tradition for about thirty years now." Sky said slowly stroking his dick.

"So you and I are going to...?" Eric asked feeling hopeful.

"Now you're getting the idea."

It was just then that Brian and Jimmy returned both now dressed in their football uniforms. Jimmy was dressed in the same gold spandex pants and red jersey as Sky though his seemed to fit him much more loosely, especially without much in the way of shoulder pads. His open fly revealed what looked like a pair of brown compression shorts underneath, though these shorts had a large pouch and sheath up front that held Jimmy's equipment in its tight embrace. A long black tail hung limply through a hole in the back of his football pants, the silky hair was obviously attached to his compression shorts.

Brian's uniform though was certainly tighter then Jimmy's as he had taken on his half-lion appearance. This time he had on the away uniform with white pants and a light blue jersey. His grown out mane of hair made him look tougher while the impressive bulge and thick tail flicking about behind him just made him look more attractive.

"Shit Eric, what's taking you so long? You aren't even undressed yet," Brian said with a laugh.

Eric rolled his eyes and looked at Brian with amusement, "You know you could have at least warned me about this."

"Naw, it's more fun this way," Sky retorted as sauntered up to Brian and kissed him full on the lips.

Eric grinned at the sight of this, though he did feel a slight pang of jealousy as well. The problem was, he wasn't exactly sure who he was jealous of, Brian for getting to get so up close to Sky's massive equine equipment or Sky for getting it on with who he thought of as his boyfriend. He didn't have that long to dwell on it though as Jimmy wrapped his long arms around Eric from behind and hugged him close. It was like being embraced by a slightly softer brick wall.

"Damn, were you always this stacked or does your mascot just work that fast on you?" Eric asked reaching backwards to stroke down the sides of his thick spandex covered thighs.

Jimmy thrust his already obviously hard cock against Eric's backside, "I was actually pretty out of shape when I was selected but Mitch certainly has a way of changing that. I can't believe how much things have changed since last spring. "

"Wait, you've been the mascot since last spring?" his confusion only slightly impeding his arousal as Jimmy's hands went to work unbuttoning Eric's pants.

"Yeah, I'm a sophomore now. I was chosen as the next mascot last June so me and the guys had all summer to... get me trained." Jimmy said the smirk evident in his voice as well as a pronounced throb from his groin indicating what he meant by training.

"Alright then guys let's do this," Sky announced backing away from Brian, his baseball bat sized prick standing fully erect in front of him.

Brian walked over to Jimmy and Eric taking his friend by the hand and kissing him firmly on the lips, his slight muzzle pressing in against Eric's face. Breaking away he shot Eric a flirtations wink before shoving him right at Sky's drooling cock. Meanwhile he unlaced his pants to free his own meat and let it wave at Jimmy who nodded in approval as he placed a long haired wig on his head that extended down between his shoulders.

Eric found it difficult to focus on getting his costume pieces on. Between constantly checking out Sky's imposing figure, looking back over at Brian's familiar lion-like form, and wanting to see exactly what happened to Jimmy's hot bod as he became the opposing mascot, Eric wished he had an extra set of eyes, or at least a camera. Eventually he got the mane in place as well as the jock and tail but even with his erect cock stretching out the sheath of the jock he still felt small standing next to Sky's equipment. He licked his lips hungrily as he contemplated how to best confront the pony's thick dappled cock.

Sky seemed to be getting impatient though as he placed his heavy hands on Eric's shoulders and slowly forced him down to his knees. Eye level with his impressive set of nuts, the black and pink cock towering over him was even more of an imposing sight. He reached up with his hands and grasped his shaft tightly in a two fisted grip, feeling a satisfying pulse of excitement ripple down its length. The velvety smooth skin slipped easily beneath his touch as he stroked downward towards the sheath. The large stud standing over him neighed slightly in pleasure and this only encouraged Eric to pick up the pace. He throttled the hefty spire of flesh in his hands and worked them quickly up and down its tender surface. He only slowed long enough to squeeze down on the medial ring and let it vibrate roughly with the slow passing of his fingers. Soon heavy drops of musty rain were falling into his face as a steady stream of pre began to flow from the equine's prick. Eric hungrily lapped it up and only felt his hunger build in intensity.

Pulling the massive cock downward towards him Erick cupped his hands around the flat flared head, the black skin now glistening with a coating of juice. He was no longer as hesitant about this sort of thing since he had started becoming Lucas but he still tried to savor every moment. He leaned in close and brought the tip to his lips, feeling the heat from this monster soaking into his own skin as he did so. He let his tongue slip outward tasting Sky's horse cock and comparing the flavor to the lion meat he had become accustomed to and finding that if anything his salty tang had a hint of cinnamon sweetness to it versus Brian's heavier musk. Ultimately Eric had to stretch his mouth so wide his jaw started to ache just to slide the heavy cock into his mouth but he made it and felt the hot pre start to rush down his throat which sent warming tingles to every corner of his body that he knew were just precursors to the changes to come.

A quick look to his side told him that James was not having any difficulty with Brian's dick. Brian was not small by any means in that department but he certainly couldn't compare to what Jimmy was used to with Sky and the rest of their team. Brian was straddling the other guy's stomach, leaving him in position to cradle Jimmy's head in his paw-like hands as he sucked on Brian's cock while his tail was free to slap against Jimmy's rigid pole. It was a position Eric was familiar with and one of his favorites with Brian. The gargantuan prick in his mouth demanded more of his attention at the moment and he wasn't about to embarrass Brian, Lucas, or any of the others by letting Sky down.

After a few minutes of straining to take in every bit of Sky's dick as he could, Eric started to notice it was getting easier. This wasn't because Sky was getting smaller, in fact his own mouth was getting bigger. His own changes had begun and it started with the steady expansion of his mouth to form a muzzle. Whiskers pushed out from the sides of his face and his sparse stubble gradually filled in to create the first hint of a coat of fur. Sky was running his large hands over Eric's mane and even while the other football player's own black hair receded into its normal cut and style Erik could feel the mane on his own head becoming a part of him, the massaging touch of the other stud reaching down to his scalp. Eric let his hands rub up and down Sky's thick legs; the smooth spandex slipping underneath his fingertips seemed to get rougher but was in fact the addition of paw pads to his palms as his hands changed and grew.

Eric growled as his body packed on the muscle, his skin stretching taut over each firm muscle group before sprouting a thick layer of chocolate brown hair. He reached behind Sky to caress his smooth lycra covered ass and found his hands were battered less and less by the steady whipping of his horse tail as it shrank and disappeared into his back. His own tail started to thrash as it attached to his skin and became flesh and fur. The swelling of his hands and feet into massive paws nearly completed the change and Eric hungrily sucked down Sky's cock which had swollen to incredible proportions as his transformational energies focused there. With one last thrust and yell the opposing team member unleashed a massive load from his equine cock and Lucas hungrily drank what was offered. He didn't let up until Sky's cock had complexly returned to its normal, albeit still impressive, size before he pulled off and the young man who nearly collapsed in exhaustion.

Lucas got to his feet and smoothed down his fur, smiling appreciatively at Sky who was still trying to catch his breath. He glanced over at the others and could see that Brian and James were nearly there. Jimmy's feet had contorted and changed shape as his toes merged and the toenails changed to thick black hooves. His mane had become attached to his scalp and his ears had grown pointed and more pronounced. A glossy coat of fur had covered every inch of his exposed skin and his face had morphed into an equine muzzle than now completely engulfed Brian's junk. A few seconds later Brian was roaring as he gave up his energy and James completed his change into Mitch. The tall stallion eventually got to his hooves and shot his comrade a wink before turning his attention back to Brian. Lucas admired the mustang's coat and realized how similar they were in coloration now. They both had dark black manes complimented by dark brown fur, though Mitch's was really more like tan. The long bridge of Mitch's equine face and nose was covered by a splash of white and his hands and feet were similarly sheathed in white fur. While he had bulked up, thanks to his height he didn't seem quite as muscular as Lucas though he really filled out the football uniform nicely, his red pants trenched tight over his powerful legs and the yellow jersey was barely less than skin tight. Even though Lucas was more bulked up there was one area he could never hope to match the stud, the size of his cock was a thing of beauty. He long thick shaft extended from his dark leathery sheath still exposed through his open fly, and what started as jet black flesh gradually faded to a rosy pink as it reached the flared tip some twenty inches long. Brian might have had some skill but even he didn't have a prayer of going down on that monster. All he could do was throttle it with both hands and massage it with his lips and tongue.

Lucas turned his attention back to Sky since his own impressively erect cock demanded some attention. The wide receiver had been gazing at the large black member and Lucas could see the desire in his eyes. Lucas sat back on a bench to give him an easier go of it and the nearly purred in appreciation of the enthusiasm that Sky was demonstrating. Despite its size Sky had the lion's cock buried deep in the back of his throat in mere moments and was bobbing his head up and down on it with vigor. He let his hands range free, caressing the insides of Lucas' thighs, cajoling his heavy set of balls, even tracing the ripples of his abdomen all while he vacuumed ever drop of fluid from the hard throbbing prick. His stimulation was so exacting that it took Lucas far less time than he would have liked to reach the pinnacle of his resolve and, accompanied by a deep rumbling growl, he was soon blowing shot after shot of his seed down Sky's throat. Nearby a similar neigh of pleasure answered and he was certain Mitch had just orgasmed as well.

It took a few minutes to cool off and both mascots stood by as the two football players cleaned up as best they could so they could rejoin their teams. As for Mitch he had gone through the change in uniform so he only had to wait for his prodigious cock to retreat into his sheath to allow him to lace up his fly and he was ready to go. Lucas though still had to dress and his equine counterpart was only too willing to assist him in getting his game uniform on. They used this time to catch each other up on what has been going on at each school including Lucas' tale of a member of his group and his unexpected actions.


Chad sat on the folding chair near the edge of the mat and nervously waited for his turn. In fact he could hardly sit still. He kept getting up to jump up and down or do short sprints behind the bench just to keep himself warm and loose and also to keep from dwelling on Lucas too much. It was hard o decide what was worse, times like this where he knew the schedule and knew what was coming and simply had to wait for the inevitable or when it hit him completely by surprise. He had a few occasions like that when he had been out at the mall and even once in church. Hell just yesterday he had been sitting there in his eighth period chemistry class; lost in his own daydreams rather than learning about ions and isotopes, when out of the blue he felt himself get instantly hard and spontaneously creaming in his khakis. He only found out later that Eric and Greg had a free period and had been tasked to straighten up the equipment closet in the back of the gym. He was lucky the teacher had excused him to go to the restroom just before his second orgasm otherwise the third and forth would have left him with a much larger sticky wet stain in his pants than the one he was already forced to try and hide for the rest of the day.

This connection he shared with Lucas was his own fault and he had a feeling it was meant to be a punishment to go along with his longer shaggier hair that grew back as soon as he cut it, slightly pointed ears, disfigured almost muzzle like face, and a stunted stub of a tail that he managed to keep mostly under wraps. But as punishments went he was starting to enjoy these random episodes of spontaneous ejaculation. There was something about losing all control over the experience that turned him on. Almost like Russian roulette; he never knew exactly when it would happen. He could be in the middle of the most mundane task and he would feel it hit him like a bolt from the blue. His cock would quickly go rock hard, throbbing with all its might for a few scant seconds before his toes would curl and his eyes would gloss over and the tidal wave of the most mind blowing sense of release would wash over him as he would unleash incredible amounts of spunk. Just like Lucas, he had untold reserves and it wouldn't matter if he had just jacked off; each orgasm was just as powerful as all the others and produced the same shot glass size load of come.

Even times like today when he knew it was coming and there was the distinct possibility it could happen at precisely the wrong moment, that thrill of risk and embarrassment only served to keep him at a heightened state of arousal. Today was the wrestling team's first inter-squad scrimmage and would determine the starting varsity rotation. He knew Eric and Brian were away at Saint Francis and the special meaning that game entailed. He bent over and riffled through his bag again to pull out his cell phone and check the time. It should happen any time now if they were to be ready in time for the game. Unfortunately his match was up next, and as much he got off on the linked orgasms, he really had no desire to blow his load in the middle of a match. As an extra precaution; today he was wearing his regular underwear and a pair of compression shorts under his practice singlet. He could only hope that would be able to hold him in should the worst happen.

The weight class below him was just finishing up, he watched as the excited freshman beat out the more experienced junior for the spot. Chad stood up and ditched his warm-ups before heading out on the mat to face Tommy Schafer. Though in the same grade Tommy had made varsity last year as a freshman. He was an excellent technical wrestler and Chad knew he would have his hands full with him. His main advantage was going to be size. Tommy was trying to move up two weight classes since he had grown so much over the summer and was small for this spot while Chad, thanks to the extra muscle he had put on from his work with Lucas, had just squeaked in under the upper limit. Between Tommy's advanced skill and Chad's extra strength the match was pretty much a dead heat. They traded pairs of takedowns and escapes in the first period and both had managed a reversal from the down position in the second and third periods leaving the score tied at eight apiece as they went to extra periods. Neither of them was able to gain an escape in the first or second overtime so it ended up going to sudden death.

Chad could tell that Tommy was running out of steam while he still had some strength in reserve thanks to his conditioning. His opponent was getting sloppy in his moves out of fatigue and desperation as the seconds ticked down. Finally, Chad spotted his opening when Tommy left his left leg too far forward; he took his shot and had him down. He wasn't just satisfied with the win though, he wanted the stick. The assistant coach who was acting as ref was calling it right down the middle and allowing the move to play out before blowing his whistle. Chad got some leverage on Tommy's arm and cranked him over turning his back to the mat, pushing his shoulder blades down. Tommy tried to bridge, arching his back and thrusting his hips upward in a desperate move to prevent the pin but Chad just snaked one of his legs between Tommy's and pressed him back down, practically laying his full body weight directly on top of his opponent. He only had to hold him for a second for the pin and just as the ref's hand slapped the mat, Chad felt dizzy.

His head swam as his already pounding pulse rushed south centering on his groin. His dick hardened in an instant and out of pure reflex he clenched his buttocks to try and hold it back, forcing his crotch down even tighter onto Tommy's. His whole body jerked and he bit down on his lip hard enough to draw blood only to keep himself from screaming out in ecstasy as he blew a full load of come into his shorts. He tried to quickly disentangle his own limbs from Tommy's as he rushed to stand up even as his cock still expelled large gobs of fluid. He wasn't even allowed to hide his crotch with both hands as one was raised in victory and he tried to bend over slightly to keep his prominent erection from being too obvious to Tommy. He shook his hand and was congratulated on a good match. As quick as he could get away he ran to the locker room to keep anybody from seeing the expanding wet spot seeping into his singlet.

In private he sat down on a cool wooden bench and peeled the shoulder straps off his singlet leaving them to dangle around his waist. Sweat poured off his skin both from the exertion of the match and the exhilaration of his latest public orgasm. His crotch felt hot and damp as his dick gradually softened in the sticky mess it had created. That was too close he thought. If that had happened at any other point in the match he wasn't sure what he would have done. Apart from the mess in his shorts it appeared he had gotten away cleanly again.

"Chad you in here?"

Well maybe not so cleanly after all.

"Hey Tommy, good match," Chad stammered as the other wrestler came into view.

"Yeah, I really thought I had you there a couple of times. Next time I guess, huh?"

"Not if I have anything to say about it," Chad laughed nervously as he stood and turned to face his locker.

"So are you ok? You ran off pretty quick after the match," Tommy asked as he leaned against the locker next to Chad.

"Oh well yeah, I'm fie I just need a drink real bad, I mean it was a long match."

"Yeah it was. I thought it might have had more to do with the damp spot in your crotch." He stated boldly.

"What? No I just spilled some Gatorade on me when I got a drink." He lied rather weekly.

It was only then that he looked up at Tommy and could spot an odd twinkle in his eye. Like Chad he was dripping with sweat. His short strawberry blond hair was spiked with perspiration and beads of sweat dotted his face and left the rest of his exposed skin glistening in the fluorescent lights of the locker room.

"Gatorade huh?" he asked with a laugh. He was now standing right next to Chad. Chad was trying his best to stay cool and not retreat but suddenly Tommy's large hot hand was pressed against Chad's stomach, sliding downward across his abs that were already slick with his own sweat. In one smooth motion his hand dipped beneath Chad's singlet and the waistbands of his compression shorts and underwear, not stopping until his hand came to rest under Chad's come soaked balls. He cupped them in his hand and squeezed gently before withdrawing his touch allowing his fingertips to brush along the resurgent swelling of his shaft.

"Doesn't feel like Gatorade." He smirked.

Chad just stood there dumbstruck. His mouth moved a little but no sound came out. Tommy fully withdrew his hand and it was now covered in a liberal coating of Chad's spent seed. He held it up slowly and brought it right next to his slightly up-turned nose.

"Doesn't smell like Gatorade either, does it?"

Now he held his hand out and dabbed a wet finger on the underside of Chad's nose. Chad took a deep breath and inhaled the powerful scent of his own musk overpowering every other smell in the locker room.

"Can you tell me if it tastes like Gatorade?" Tommy asked in a husky voice as he traced his wet index finger over Chad's lips.

He had no idea why this was happening here and now but he couldn't fight back against his own lust. Chad took Tommy by the wrist and held his hand still as he slowly sucked the offered finger into his mouth. The strong taste of his own sweat and spunk hit his tongue mixed with the somehow sweeter taste of Tommy's skin. He pulled the finger from his mouth slowly, enjoying every second of it before letting go. With his hand now free Chad wasn't sure what Tommy was going to do next, the stud had just made him taste his own come and he thought he could still somehow be setting him up. That was until he brought his hand up to his own mouth and licked a great dollop of runny white come from his palm before sucking on the same finger that had just been in Chad's mouth.

He let his hand drop to his side, smacking his lips lightly as he stared at Chad, "Definitely not Gatorade."

"So what brought that on?"

"You did. At first I thought you were just trying to get in my head out there. I mean you copped a feel at least six times during the match."

"What? No I didn't!"

"Oh please, yeah you did. You pinched one of my nipples when you had me in that arm bar, squeezed my ass twice, and the last time a checked starting in the down position didn't involve your opponent's hand on your shaft and balls."

Chad thought back through the match and realized Tommy was right. He wasn't even aware he had been doing any of that, he was trying so hard to concentrate on the match. Now looking back he couldn't deny he was clearly feeling him up.

"Shit, man I wasn't trying anything I swear."

"I know, like I said I just thought you were trying to get to me, it wouldn't be the first time I've had a guy trying the distraction routine. But then at the end of the match when you had me pinned, you were pressing down into me with your hips a bit more than necessary and I could feel you getting hard."

"Dude I am so sorry about that, I couldn't help it. You've got to believe me."

"Don't worry about it Chad, does it seem like I mind? I didn't think anybody else on the team was, you know... interested." Tommy smiled easily.

"You mean you're like, you like what I was doing?" Chad questioned, his confusion changing to disbelief.

"Definitely," he said as he pulled the straps of his singlet down his shoulders, "So what do you say, wanna wrestle?"

Chad swallowed hard, really seeing Tommy for the first time since he came in. His smooth milky skin was glistening from the sheen of his sweat with small beads of perspiration expanding across his pecs. His small darker nipples were taught and Chad wanted nothing more than to spend a good deal of time just sucking on them. The straps of his slick blue singlet hung loosely about his hips while the bottom clung tightly to his legs, barely concealing the curves of his thighs and the ample bulge of his jock. His ginger red hair was tousled from their match and Chad could see the sincere desire in his clear brown eyes. His crooked smile just looked so cute right now and Chad once again couldn't help himself. He closed the short distance between the two of them pulling him close into a deep full kiss.

Their bare chests pressed close together as they wrapped their arms around one another, holding each other tight as they kissed. Chad let his hips buck forward, this time fully aware of his own hard cock grinding against Tommy's swelling groin. Their tongues mingled as they pushed deeper into the kiss, exploring each other's mouth in the same way they had explored each other's strengths and weaknesses on the mat. Chad felt Tommy's hands holding the back of his head, and slipping down over his shoulders and across his back but he jerked suddenly when Tommy's touch dropped lower, nearing the waistband of his shorts and underwear. He suddenly felt his tail twitch and that sent an electric shock through him that brought him back to the reality of the moment.

Without warning he was pushing Tommy away and backing himself up so fast that he slammed rather painfully into the lockers behind him. Chad desperately wanted to continue but he didn't know if he could risk it and the hurt and confusion on Tommy's face only made the feeling worse.

"What's wrong? Don't you want this?" Tommy all but pleaded.

Chad had to fight to keep his reserve from crumbling and he could barely bring his eyes up to look at Tommy's sexy body. "God yes I want to -" he said and before he could continue Tommy tried to get close to him again. Chad just backed away further, edging down the row of lockers more aware than ever of the sensations coming from his tail and larger ears, "- but I can't."

"Why not, is it something I did?"

"No not at all, I don't think I ever realized you were so hot and that you want me too... it's just - well it's complicated."

"Well yeah, I knew it would be but that doesn't mean we have to stop does it?"

"I... I just can't - not here." Chad almost felt like crying.

"Where then?" he begged.

Chad could hardly take it. His cock was throbbing like mad and if he didn't know any better he would have swore that Lucas was coming again. He was told not to let anybody in on the secret and if they kept going there was no way to keep his changes hidden from Tommy, especially the foot long tail extending from his rear end. But maybe he didn't have to tell him everything. He just had to hope it wouldn't weird him out and make him walk, if not run, away.

"My place, tonight. My parents are leaving to go to the lake for the weekend."

The smile on Tommy's face was as beautiful as it was infectious, "Deal."

Chad wrote down his address and cell number for Tommy as the other wrestler pulled his singlet back on the rest of the way and adjusted his crotch so his semi-hard dick wasn't too obvious. He held on to Chad's hand as he took the scrap of paper from him and leaned in and kissed him gently on the cheek.

"You know I don't mind; but, you might want to change clothes before you come back out to the gym," Tommy said playfully before he turned and walked away silently.

Chad stood there staring after the other wrestler's cute round ass in his singlet. He looked down and could see that his own earlier orgasm had completely soaked through all three layers of clothes he was wearing, darkening the outer most layer of spandex to a much darker blue than the rest of the fabric. His mind buzzed with too many thoughts and quick images of everything from their match to what just happened and what could happen tonight and he wondered if he just made a huge mistake. He also glanced up at the clock and wondered if he should even bother to put on clean clothes right now. It wouldn't be long before it was halftime over at the football game and the only thing he was certain of right now was that Lucas would be busy.


Despite expectations of an easy game for St. Luke's the first half had been a real battle so far. Sky was having a career night for the Mustangs and had been catching everything that came near him including their only scores. It was only when their quarterback threw to his other receivers that things broke down and the Lions had come away with several interceptions. Brian's quarterback play was flawless though and had kept them ahead from their very first drive which had resulted in him running the ball in from the two yard line for a touchdown. Otherwise their ground game had failed to gain traction and with two minutes left in the half the score was St. Luke's 21, St. Francis 14.

Lucas had followed his usual routine through the start of the game. Hanging out with the band and the cheerleaders prior to kickoff to get them fired up while spending the first quarter among the St. Luke's fans. The second quarter was more fun though because that was when he made his way to the opposite sideline to interact with Mitch. For most football games the mascots would usually hook up during the second and third quarters for a little good natured antagonism. At games like this one, it was just an excuse for them to be together more. Lucas had to admit, Mitch was looking especially good this year. James must have been as positive an impact on the equine as Eric was for him. In fact he could feel Eric's infatuation with Mitch and fed off it even though he knew how strongly he felt for Brian. More than once as they played out a mock fight or some other routine Lucas would let his grip linger for a few seconds longer than necessary on the stallion's arm or rear end.

The clock ticked down and Lucas started to feel a little restless waiting for the half to be over. He had to head back to his own sideline as he felt himself starting to get a little too into Mitch's presence and he had more self control than to allow himself to pop wood in his football pants, at least outside of the locker room. Between the timeouts and the sideline hugging plays the last minutes were taking forever. That was good for St. Luke's though as they had gotten a punt back with short time on the clock but Brian was methodically and masterfully marching their team down the field. Finally, with just 3 seconds remaining, Brian dropped back to pass from the twenty five yard line and got the defense to bite on an impressive pump fake before firing off a picture perfect spiral that sailed in right over their receiver's shoulder as he crossed into the end zone. Lucas through his arms up in synchronization with the referee signal of touchdown and the visiting crowd roared with excitement. A quick point after and the Lions streamed off the field with a 28 to 14 halftime lead. Lucas high-fived and fist bumped as many of the guys as he could as they headed into the locker room, locking eyes with Brian just long enough for him to shoot Lucas a knowing wink.

A quick glance across the field let him know Mitch had already headed inside and Lucas knew exactly where to find him. Just a few quick detours through the stadium brought him back to the supply room where they had first met up before the game.

"You guys look good this year," the mustang commented while brushing back his mane.

"Yeah, I think we'll be able to make a run in the play-offs." Lucas said confidently.

Mitch just laughed, "I wasn't talking about your team, cat."

"I'm not either when I tell you that you're gonna get spanked." Lucas boasted, stepping closer.

"Now that's more like it."

Mitch didn't waste any time and closed the remaining distance between them before locking their muzzles together in a deep kiss. Lucas let his hands move of their own accord, sliding up the stallion's back to brush through the silky mane of black hair about his shoulders. It had been a long summer since the two of them had gotten together, and the torturous wait for this particular football game was long enough. Lucas forced his rapidly swelling groin in tight against the horse's, enjoying the spreading sensation cause by his responding growth. He reached down and grabbed at the hem of Mitch's oversized jersey, pulling it up and interrupting their kiss as his brought it over his head. He paused just long enough to admire the stud's strong chest and his smooth tan coat, running his fingers against the grain of his fur. Mitch's ears flicked as he was freed from his jersey, smiling back as he pulled the lion's shirt off just as quickly.

As sexy as Mitch looked right now with his tan fur and bulging red spandex pants, Lucas couldn't move quick enough to undo the laces of his fly. He longed to see that hefty sheath of his friend's erupt with his equine member. He undid the clasp of Mitch's buckle and with deliberate haste he slid the football uniform down his massively thick thighs until the smooth folds of the fabric were gathered around his hooves. With his target in sight Lucas thrust his muzzle under the horse's leathery balls and drank in the rich musky scent. He could feel the sheath swell further as it brushed against his own face before the pronounced flared tip of his cock was exposed and steadily rose higher and higher over his head. Lucas' own paw dug into his pants and groped his surging member, squeezing his swollen meat tightly in his grasp as he forced the spandex game pants down. He slowly stood back up, letting the equine's cock rub down his chest and leaving a noticeable trail of pre in his fur. His own dick was equally stimulated as it slid along the glossy hair covering his legs.

Lucas felt Mitch's strong arms embrace him and hold him tight. Their two throbbing dicks pressed against one another and sandwiched between their bodies. It took a lot for Lucas to feel inadequate next to somebody and that was perhaps the thrill he got when dealing with Mitch. The stud's hands rubbed across his back and shoulders gradually sinking lower until they fondled Lucas's twitching tail and prodded at his ass. He knew exactly what Mitch had in mind so Lucas pushed back on the pony's chest and looked at him with a sly grin on his face.

"Hey now, you know what the stakes are tonight," Lucas rumbled.

"Sorry, just trying to get a jump on things I guess."

"Not this time you aren't." Lucas laughed and he pulled on Mitch's arm and the two of them half dropped, half fell to the floor.

Their well muscled forms took turns covering the other as they grappled on the cool pavement, pressing down into each other or thrusting against the pleasing weight. Slowly they adjusted to each other's motions and positioned themselves for what they both had been waiting for. Lucas knelt over the stallion's chest. The hot rush of the horse's breath blew across the underside of his tail as the moist heat soaked into his furry sack. Looking down he again marveled at the size of the cock in front of his face. Lucas felt himself start to drool almost as much as the red flared glans before him was. He grabbed the massive spire in both paws and felt it throb in response, sending a new cascade of pre down its glossy length. Lucas slowly worked his paws lower before milking back upward across the medial ring, coaxing out as much clear juice as he could which he was soon lapping up with his tongue. He let his wide flat tongue slap against the head of Mitch's cock forcefully, stimulating the horse further while giving himself a preview of his salty sweet taste. It wasn't until he felt his own pulsing member engulfed by the stud's mouth that he responded in kind and allowed that massive prick to slide into the back of his own throat.

Together their movements became more primal as their urges grew stronger and their time grew short. Lucas knew in the back of his mind that halftime was almost over and they were expected back on the field. However, the majority of his mind was on how long he could keep himself from unloading into his counterpart's muzzle. He felt his need to orgasm building with same deliberate pace as the clicking chain on the first hill of a roller coaster bringing him closer and closer to the summit. Mitch was just as practiced as he was at extending the pleasure and his large thick tongue was doing a number on Lucas' shaft as he rocked his muzzle up and down on his dick. In a blissful moment that felt both too soon and like it could not come quick enough, Lucas roared around the equine cock stuffed in his mouth as he thrust his own member deep into Mitch's muzzle and felt wave after wave of his spunk unload from his balls and shoot down the horse's throat. With well practiced ease Mitch took in everything that was offered to him, his large nostrils flaring as the fur on Lucas's sheath tickled his nose. Remarkably he was able to hold back his own explosion until Lucas had finished, allowing both of the mascots to completely enjoy the experience of the equine cock expanding further before blowing his come like a fire hose.

Lucas rolled over to his back and lay panting on the floor. He licked his chops enjoying the salty tang of Mitch's orgasm. "Damn Stud, you have been practicing over the summer haven't you?"

Mitch was equally winded but he had enough energy reach over and squeeze Lucas' softening cock in his strong hand, "Like you, Chad, and the guys didn't get in some extra workouts?"

"Chad certainly was enthusiastic but I think its Eric's influence that really has me going right now."

"Hmmm well I certainly approve of everything he's done for you so far," Mitch added as they helped each other up.

"Just you wait till after the game," Lucas laughed.

"Game's not over yet, Mr. Kitty,"

"You can say that again."


Chad anxiously paced around his family's living room. He was sure this was probably not his brightest idea, and he had to admit he was on a string of poor decisions lately, but he didn't know how he could turn away now. Even with the risks he wasn't sure he wanted to turn away.

Fortunately he had made it home before the game over in Trent Stadium got to halftime and happened to be in the shower when his connection to Lucas flared up again. The strange thing was he could have sworn he had felt it coming on this time. He had already been soaping his erect cock, thinking of how hot Tommy looked in his singlet, when the uncontrollable impulse hit him and he plastered the glass door of his shower in a deluge of cream. Maybe he was just imagining it because he was so looking forward to meeting up with Tommy in only a few hours.

He was still pacing circles around the living room when the doorbell startled him. He ran over to the door and had to force himself to calm down for a moment before opening it up to find Tommy standing there. With the streetlights flooding in behind him the young man looked like a vision from above with his tight blue t-shirt and his basket hugging jeans that clung to him so close they seemed to ignore the laws of physics and mobility.

"Hey Tommy, how's it going?" he fidgeted.

God that sounded so lame, Chad thought to himself as he tried to smile. Lucas was always so much better at this. With his style and confidence he could talk to anybody and usually was able to hit on and pick up even the straightest guys. Before he had become Lucas he didn't have much experience with other guys or dating much at all in fact. Even after joining with the mascot gang he didn't hang out all that often with Greg, Brian, or even Drew, who had since graduated. It was mostly just to make the change. But there was no denying the attraction he had for Tommy now, and it wasn't just physical though he had to admit that was a big part of it. Tommy was cool, confident, cocky even, in short it was all the things that attracted him to Lucas. Thinking of it in hindsight it made Chad wonder if Tommy had tried out for the position, would the guys have chosen Tommy instead of him. He had to shake this line of though off though when he realized he was staring at Tommy who was speaking.

"It's going a lot better now," Tommy replied with a wink.

"Well come on in. Can I get you something to drink? There are probably a few beers in the fridge."

"No I'm still trying to stay in my weight class, sine I didn't move up thanks to you, so I don't need any empty calories right now."

Tommy walked through the door and nodded in approval of the surroundings, not as though Chad really had much of anything to do with that. With the door closed he turned and grinned back at Chad and dropped all pretext at what the young wrestler was there for as he grabbed at his bulge.

"So how bout you show me your room?"

Chad felt his own cock surge, rapidly stiffening in his briefs and tenting out slightly beneath the sweats he was wearing. The only thing that slowed him down was the sensation of a twitch in his tail, too.

"Sure, follow me." Chad said feeling nervous but excited.

Chad led the way up the stairs, growing more nervous and excited with each step. He ushered Tommy into his room and closed the door. When he turned back around the other boy was sitting on his bed and pulling his t-shirt off over his head. It took a moment for Chad to remember to breathe as he gazed at the sight of this stud sitting on his bed in his room. The curves of his muscles beneath smooth skin stood out in sharp relief from the lone desk lamp that was on and Chad desperately wanted to explore the ridges of his six pack abs and follow the dark treasure trail down from his navel into his jeans.

When Chad failed to act it was up to Tommy to spur things on a bit. He stood up, kicking off his tennis shoes and walking up to Chad in his bare feet. Once again he brought his body in close against Chad just as he had done in the locker room, letting their crotches press into one another while their lips met at the same time. Their tongues mingled as Chad tasted the minty tingle of Tommy's freshly brushed teeth. The other wrestler's strong hands slipped downward and then up again as they found their way beneath Chad's shirt, caressing his skin and stroking his chest as he helped work the shirt up and then over Chad's head.

"So if I recall, we were somewhere right about here when we stopped." Tommy whispered into Chad's ear.

Chad could barely control himself. He wanted nothing more than to drop to his knees then and there and suck this gorgeous jock's prick like there was no tomorrow. But even as Tommy whispered to him, Chad could feel his larger pointed ear twitch and he had to stop himself.

Yet again he found himself pushing Tommy away, and the hurt and confusion in his eyes was enough to make Chad want to beg for forgiveness.

"Tommy, before we can... umm well before I uhh, that is." Chad stammered.

"Dude its fine, I can understand if you're nervous. I was too my first time."

"What?" Chad asked rapidly. "This isn't my first time, I've gone way farther before!"

"Cool, let's just see how experienced you are then." With that Tommy unbuttoned his jeans and let the denim fall down his thick legs. Beneath the pants he was wearing a shiny pair of black lycra wrestling shorts, an immense cum stain dried into the fabric down one leg and an expanding wet spot growing over his massively tented cock.

"Hey those are mine!" Chad blurted out instantly recognizing one of his favorite pairs of spandex shorts, the very same ones he had been wearing the first time he had experienced one of Lucas' linked orgasms.

"I thought so. I found them in the showers a couple of weeks back. I was sure I had seen you come at practice so I grabbed them before anybody else saw them." Tommy laughed to himself, "not that it wasn't fun wearing them as soon as I got home." He slowly traced a finger around the crusty dried jizz.

Chad simply felt his cock get even harder. Seeing Tommy standing there with his cock bulging beneath the come stained fabric of Chad's own shorts was almost too much for him to take. He wanted to strip of his sweats and throw himself at Tommy but he had to tell him first.

"Fuck you are so hot." Chad breathed.

"I know. So what do you propose we do about it?"

"Well I have to show you something first. Before I do though, you have to swear you won't tell anybody else. I mean it you can't tell anybody else about this, ever."

Tommy was clearly confused but smiled playfully like it was some sort of game, "Come on man, I've seen you in the showers before, you've got nothing to be ashamed of."

"I'm serious Tommy, swear you won't tell anybody." Chad demanded.

"Fine Chad, I swear. I'll never tell anybody, no matter what, ok?" Tommy added a little impatiently.

Chad took a deep breath trying to keep calm. It wasn't too late, he could still to turn back right now, but he just couldn't stop himself either. He nodded slightly at Tommy and then reached up and brushed back his hair uncovering his large pointed ears. Tommy coked his head to the side and looked at him quizzically but clearly still thought it was some kind of joke. Then Chad dropped his hands down to his waist and pushed his sweats and underwear down his legs. His hard cock bobbed in time with his pulse as it stood out proudly and while it was slightly thicker and longer than before it was unlikely anything Tommy would be aware of. Then he turned to the side and let his stubby tail drop free, swishing it from side to side as Tommy's eyes widened in shock.

To his credit Tommy didn't yell out, run away, or otherwise freak out. He just backed up slightly until the back of his legs hit the bad and he quickly sat down.

"So what do you think?"

"What do I think? Are you serious? I mean really, this isn't some sort of joke?" Tommy asked never taking his eyes off the tail.

"I'm afraid not, it's all me."

"Dude that is so fucking... so fucking... " Tommy stuttered searching for the words.

"Weird? Freaky?" Chad offered cautiously.


"What?" Chad blurted out now feeling like he was the confused one.

"Yeah that is so fucking awesome! It's a lion tail right?" Tommy shouted jumping up to his feet with a big smile on his face. "I've always thought tails were cool, it's one of the reasons I got into being a furry."

"Being a what?" Chad felt giddy with Tommy's excitement.

"A furry, you know - into anthro animals and stuff. You are too aren't you?"

Chad had to laugh at the implications of that, "Yeah, you could say I've been... into them for about a year now, especially lions."

"Dude how did you get it? Can I touch it?" Tommy asked hopefully.

A feeling of relief and joy swept over Chad as he processed Tommy's reaction. Now that he knew the other wrestler wasn't grossed out or disgusted by his new appearance he could also tell there was no way he would tell anybody about it either. Chad was still coming to grips with all of this when Tommy came to grips with his tail too, literally. It felt so strange but so wonderful to have somebody else touching his new appendage. He had played with it quite a bit himself and found that doing so increased his arousal. Judging by the incredibly stiff boner Tommy was pressing against the side of Chad's thigh, playing with the tail amped up his arousal as well.

"Oh man this is so incredible. Seriously, how did you get this?" Tommy asked as he stroked his strong hands across Chad's backside.

"Well it was kind of an accident." Chad offered hoping that Tommy wouldn't press too hard. He didn't really want to tell him about Lucas or give away too much.

Tommy leaned in close against Chad and whispered in his ear, his lips brushing against the pointy tips. "Damn, that's one sweet accident. You'll have to show me sometime."

With the hot rush of his breath followed by the wet touch of Tommy's tongue on his ears Chad almost could have sworn Lucas was coming again as his already hard cock felt ready to shoot. Copious amounts of pre poured out and rolled down his shaft soaking his balls and he desperately wanted Tommy to move his hand from his tail to his prick. Instead, Chad let himself drop to his knees, slowly pulling his tail from Tommy's grasp. His teammate's disappointment was short lived though as Chad buried his face in Tommy's crotch, inhaling deeply of the stale musk of his own come and the strong sent of Tommy's own arousal. He nibbled at the throbbing shaft of Tommy's prick as it pressed out into the spandex, doing his best to wrap his lips completely around him, shorts and all. Chad had only done this before with the other guys in the mascot club and it was hard to keep himself from growling as he tasted the salty mix of his old spent load and the fresh smear of pre spreading through the shorts.

Gradually Chad pushed Tommy backwards until he again bumped up against the bed and had his legs knocked out from beneath him again. Now it was the other wrestler's turn to fight back a low growl as he moaned out loud and laid back across the bed allowing Chad even greater access to his target. He nuzzled his large square jaw in close between Tommy's spread legs, licking and biting at the spandex shorts though careful only to get the fabric between his teeth. With practiced skill he managed to pull off the wrestling shorts without using his hands allowing Tommy's stiff cock to spring free and slap Chad across the bridge of his nose and eliciting an aroused laugh from Tommy.


They were done playing games over in Trent, too. At least the football type. In the second half the game turned into a rout as St. Luke's defense snuffed out any spark of offence St. Francis had showed in the first half. The Mustangs could barely get a play off without a defensive lineman in their backfield and they hurried, knocked down, or sacked the quarterback on nearly every passing play. St. Luke's own running game started to click and that opened up the pass for them and Brian threw for a league record five hundred and thirty five yards and seven touchdowns. The lone bright spot was a short bubble screen that was completed to Sky who used some fantastic moves to turn what should have been a five yard gain into an eighty three yard touchdown. Final score: St. Luke Lions - 73, St. Francis Mustangs - 21.

"God that was rough. I guess I didn't do such a good job wearing out Brian after all." Mitch said with a note of disappointment when he met Lucas back in the supply room.

"I could have spared you some of the effort by telling you I can't even wear that stud down, but I didn't want to spoil your fun." Lucas laughed.

"Well I think you guys are defiantly on your way to a state title, just promise to invite us to the victory party when you do ok?" Mitch said as he stripped off his jersey and shook out his mane.

Lucas smiled in appreciation of the sight of Mitch shirtless, the tan fur coat on his chest glistening with his sweat almost as much as the red spandex of his football pants sparkled across the bulge of his crotch. Lucas likewise pulled off his game jersey and the two mascots took turns rubbing each other's pecs and abs. Lucas felt the harder more hoof-like hands of the stallion slip through his thicker fur while his own paws gently grazed and bristled through the short dense coat of his counterpart. Lucas was eager to get started and fortunately Brian and Sky were just as eager to join them, jogging into the room just as soon as they could get away from the rest of their teams.

"Great game, Brian." Lucas said as he embraced the jock.

"Yeah, you certainly made us look foolish." Sky said as he hugged Mitch, too.

"Hey man, you had a great game. It's not your fault your offensive line had more holes than swiss cheese." Brian consoled him. "If your QB actually had any time to throw you really would have lit it up. Maybe next year when you have me throwing to you things will go better for you."

"Sweet, does that mean you're going to commit to Western Tech too?" Mitch asked offering him a high five. "Adding you and Sky to their team will really open up their offence. Great choice!"

"And the best thing is we'll get to be roommates right?" Sky asked hopefully.

"Fuck! That dorm will never be the same," Lucas laughed.

"In the mean time don't you guys think we should get a move on? Our bus will be pulling out soon." Brian added while adjusting his crotch.

"Like it's the pulling out that you're really thinking about right now," Sky offered in retort.

"You know as well as we do, to the victor go the spoils, you ready for your ride pony?" Lucas growled seductively at Mitch.

"I don't know who decided this was punishment cause this makes loosing worth it." Mitch called back.

Mitch and Lucas quickly paired off, wrapping their arms around each other even as Sky and Brian each made the partial shift back to their more animalistic forms, their sweaty hair grew into mussed up manes, tails almost exploding from the rear of their pants, and the laces of their flies straining under the added pressure of their larger dicks. All four of them shed the remains of their uniforms just as quick as possible. Brian had to agree that if they had to lose a game this one would be worth it as he stared at the enormous equine cocks of their opponents, but tonight it was still going to be the Lion's turn to dominate.

Lucas wasted little time placing his hefty cock beneath the tail of the mustang. There was undoubtedly something to be said for letting the winner of this rivalry top the looser. Lucas certainly knew how to take his time as he enjoyed every pleasurable moment he took in pushing his cock deep into Mitch's tight rear end. He ran his paws across the stud's well muscled back, massaging him and teasing at his long black mane. Mitch was certainly enjoying being on the losing end though. He moaned and neighed as he was filled by Lucas' impressive girth and from the sound of it Sky was enjoying Brian's attention jut as much. Lucas felt ready to roar with his release but he held back, in part because it was a miracle nobody had been drawn to the noise the four of them were already making, but also to draw out the moment even longer.


It was the most incredible sensation Chad had ever experienced. He and Tommy couldn't keep their hands off each other. Their impromptu wrestling match on top of Chad's bed had lasted several minutes, each guy trying to dominate the other and gain a better position. The last scraps of their clothing had been tossed aside and Chad reveled in the touch of Tommy's skin against his own everywhere they made contact. The other wrestler was definitely more skilled and he kept using that to his advantage; when grabbing at the tail he was so enthralled with or putting Chad in a headlock to lick at his ears.

Chad quickly found himself in the enviable position of lying flat on his back and staring up at Tommy's thick cock as it steadily dripped pre on his lips. Tommy was otherwise occupied as he straddled Chad's head, his attention drawn to Chad's proud firm prick as he ran his hands up and down its pulsing shaft. With Tommy pulling on his meat, Chad found his hips steadily rising up off the mattress while the other jock moved in closer. The hot rush of his teammate's breath fell across his moist cock like a waterfall and the tip was soon nuzzling against Tommy's eager lips. He nibbled at Chad's glans, teasing his flesh and licking the hot flow of pre that had bubbled up there. Chad let himself moan out loud as his dick was engulfed by Tommy's mouth only to have his own mouth filled with Tommy's meet as he thrust down on him.

There had been many times when he had done something like this as Lucas, but this was something different. This time it was all him and not the lion getting the attention. He couldn't help but growling as his cock was swallowed and his tail was fondled in Tommy's firm grasp. It was on pure instinct that he let his body shift even further, his ears and tail growing a bit more, his mane spreading further down to his shoulders while his body became more muscular. Tommy might have noticed a few of these changes if he wasn't too busy dealing with the puzzling but incredibly satisfying increase in the size of the cock in his throat. Without disengaging from one another they rolled on top of the bed, allowing Chad to take up the more dominant position as he felt the last bit of his desire to keep from climaxing ebb away. Tommy was the first to let fly though and the salty rush filling Chad's maw threw him over the edge. Growling from deep him the pit of his stomach Chad felt his entire body unload as his cock exploded. As if that wasn't enough, Chad scarcely had time to take a breath when he felt his cock burn again, getting even harder as blast after blast of cum rocketed through his shaft and down Tommy's throat. His connection with Lucas burned through him and Tommy struggled to keep up with it all, soon receiving several shots to the face and neck as Chad tried to pull away a little.

"Damn Chad, you cum like a fire hose." Tommy laughed as he rubbed at some of the spunk on his cheek.

"I guess you could say it's a gift," Chad panted as he flopped down on the bed next to Tommy.

"Shit; with gifts like that, who needs Christmas."

Chad laughed as he felt his tail twitch in response to Tommy's quip. It had been weeks since he felt this at ease and content with his situation. In the back of his mind he still felt a little guilty about letting down Lucas and the guys but things would probably be okay so long as he had Tommy next to him to take up the slack.


Eric roared as he felt Lucas' body fade back into his own. Fur receded into his smooth skin and his muscles shrank back to a more proportional size to his human form. His paws and feet lost their animal appearance and his tail returned to its artificial state and hung limply from the back of his jockstrap. Even though his cock still burned with the massive release that had just shot through it into Mitch he could still feel it decreasing in length and girth. At the same time Mitch's equine hind quarters returned to James smaller but still incredible sexy human resemblance. Eric pulled back eliciting another moan from James as the both stepped over the massive pool of their spent come that had gathered at their feet. Mitch had come at nearly the same moment as Lucas, painting the storage boxes he had been leaning against with a liberal coating of white.

A quick glance across the room told Eric that Brian and Sky had finished as well, returning back to normal. Eric felt his cock throb as he watched his boyfriend kissing the other team's star player deeply and passionately, both of their young athletic bodies covered with the grime and sweat of the playing field and splattered from the waist down with their spent seed. While he still felt a sting of jealousy at the sight he wasn't about to pass up the opportunity and turning back to James he wrapped his arms around him and kissed and licked at his handsome face and neck.

It took them awhile longer to get cleaned up enough that they could return to the rest of their teams. Especially since none of them could resist stopping every few minutes to press against one of their compatriots to steal another kiss or give a firm grope to the seemingly permanent semi-hardons they each possessed. Eventually, they had to say their goodbyes and after Eric got phone numbers and addresses for the other guys, he and Brian turned to leave.

"So what did you think of that road trip?" Brian whispered into Eric's ear as they sat down next to each other on the bus.

Eric could still smell the musky mixture of horse and lion sweat and spent come rolling off of Brian and he had to shift in his seat a bit as his dick pulsed at the intoxicating aroma. "That was totally worth it. I can't wait till we match up with St. Francis again."

"You should see it when we get the whole gang together, this was actually a rather small affair this time around."

"You don't say. There any other surprises in the competition schedule you want to fill me in on?"

"Why? Don't you like surprises?" Brian laughed reaching over and grabbing Eric's crotch and giving him a squeeze.

"Only if all of your surprises are like this one." Eric said leaning back into him as the bus rocked and bounced its way out of the stadium parking lot.


Two weeks later St. Luke's was still bulldozing its way through the competition in the first two rounds of the playoffs. Brian was still burning up the record books and even though he had already committed to Western Tech he was receiving more scholarship offers by the day. Eric was staying plenty busy just trying to keep all of Lucas' different commitments straight. He had no fewer than three appearances per week at this point and with this hectic pace Eric was noticing that the lion's effect on his body was rather dramatic. He didn't have much fat on him before he joined the mascot club and by now he was down to just the smallest trace. His muscles on the other hand had grown exponentially. His mom actually had to take him shopping for new clothes the other day just to try and keep up with his increasing mass. He now had a clear six pack and his arms and legs had thickened considerably with definition that would normally take years of work to achieve.

With all of this activity Eric was hanging out with Brian and Greg more and more but none of them really took note of the fact that they were seeing less and less of Chad at their pre-game activities. Greg was finally pretty much over Chad's perceived betrayal as he had little time to think of much except swimming. Brian usually acted as if nothing had ever happened, choosing to ignore the young wrestler's permanent tail and appearance whenever they did get together. Of all of them Eric still felt sorry for Chad the most and had tried to hang out with him a little but since he was so busy it wasn't always possible.

Chad was fine with the diminished attention from the guys. While he still missed the transformation to Lucas everyday and missed getting together with the guys, wrestling practice was getting more intense and so was his relationship with Tommy. Chad found Tommy to be as horny as anything and it was nothing for them to have to take a break in the middle of a practice just to go and get off with each other. Tommy's appetite for Chad's cock was insatiable and they hung out together just about every evening so Tommy could suck Chad off. At first Tommy had continued to pressure Chad to tell him how he had gotten the tail and ears but Chad stayed true to his oath to maintain Lucas' secret. Still the spark he felt for Lucas hadn't been extinguished completely, it merely smoldered beneath the surface, waiting for just the right opportunity to flare up again.

That opportunity came just before the last soccer match of the season, fortunately enough it was against St. Francis. Lucas was supposed to be at the game but Eric was going to be late, his mom had made a doctor's appointment for him to look into his rapid physical development and he wasn't able to talk his way out of it. Chad wasn't surprised, he had gone through the same thing when he became Lucas and from what he had heard Brian did, too.

He wasn't sure why he had been so obsessed with Lucas that day or why he would even consider something so reckless. Maybe it was the fact that Tommy had been out of town for a family funeral the past two days and Chad was feeling a little lonely and a lot aroused. Or maybe it had been seeing Lucas in a wrestling singlet at their last scrimmage that had set him off. He knew there were bound to be more consequences if he tried to get the full change again but he didn't think it would be all that bad. So what if his tail grew a bit longer, he could still hide it and Tommy loved tails. He knew the other guys would be really upset with him and Greg would probably never talk to him again. No matter what happened he didn't care anymore, his mind was made up and he made his plans to make sure he could get what he wanted.

Chad stood outside the visitor's locker room while the commotion inside slowly died down as the players made their way out to the pitch in groups of two and three. Finally he spotted who was looking for and he tried to catch his eye and wave him over.

"Hey Raj, over here."

Raj was probably not your typical soccer player. Yes he looked like he played football, only it looked more like he fit the American version. Tall and long limbed he had been lanky before he became associated with Mitch, now he was built like a tight end. He had great upper body strength but his defining feature had to be his massive quads. Just one of his legs was as big as both legs on most of his teammates which made what normally should be loose fitting nylon shorts look more like compression shorts on him. His smooth mocha colored skin already had a nice sheen of sweat to it and his strong square jaw and handsome features broke into an easy smile when he noticed Chad.

"Hey Chad, how's it going?"

"I'm good. Do you have a minute? I need your help with some Lucas stuff."

"For that I'll make time. We've got a while before we start warm-ups and I've wanted to meet this new Lucas of yours."

"Right, well let's do it then." Chad replied smoothly trying to keep his poker face.

Raj followed along quickly as they made their way back into the wrestling room where Chad felt so at home.

"You know I was feeling a little left out since I missed the last football game and Mitch had to be at the cross country championships today. I usually play my best soccer when I've had some pre-game time with the guys," Raj said giving his already tented red shorts a suggestive squeeze.

"I know what you mean, that's probably one of the reasons Brian is having an all-star season himself." Chad said trying to hide his nervousness as he retrieved the Lucas costume parts he had liberated from Eric's locker a short time ago.

"So where's everybody else, your new guy, Eric isn't it?" Raj inquired as he stripped of his golden yellow jersey revealing his solid six pack and well defined pecs.

Chad braced himself as he stated his rehearsed lie, "Oh well they were all busy, I was going to be filling in for Lucas today."

"Really, you guys are able to do that? That's awesome, I've always wanted to go back and try Mitch on one more time but we aren't allowed to after the first year."

"Yeah well this is a special case." Chad said as he stripped out of his street clothes, careful to keep his partial tail hidden from view before he pulled on the Lucas jock and slipped his already throbbing member into the sheath. He let his own tail entwine the limp appendage as it hung from the back of the strap. "You ready to go?"

"At a moment's notice, bro."

Kicking off his cleats Raj drew a deep breath and closed his eyes. With his arms splayed to the side he started to grunt and groan as his body expanded, adding muscle on top of muscle. His ears perked up more, adding several inches as they rose above the top of his head and his face stretched into a more muzzle like configuration. His dark black hair spilled down his shoulders into a glossy mane but most noticeable of the changes was the rapid swelling of his shorts in front and back. Raj started to whiney and neigh a bit as his hands grasped the waistband of his shorts, he slowly pulled them down letting his thick cock spill out as it lengthened and changed shape. In seconds Raj was looking more horse-like with an enormous black equine cock throbbing between his legs and a long tail draped over his ass.

"Damn I love stretching out my shorts like that," Raj panted, his voice taking on a deeper tone with a slight lisp through his enlarged teeth, "I can't tell you how many pairs of short I've ruined by just letting my tail and cock rip right through them."

Chad didn't waste any words and was quick to fall to his knees before that enormous prick, even though he didn't really need to since he could have just as easily brought the flattened head to his lips while still on his feet. It was strange though, he was aroused but he wasn't really turned on. Maybe it was because he had become so accustomed to Tommy sucking him off, or maybe it was the difference in the taste of the horse cock and the lion meat he was used to. Most of all though, it had to be because he was on a mission, he was just going through the motions to get something he wanted more.

Growling around the mouthful of Raj's enlarged dick, Chad let some of the mascot's enhancements flow though his body. He felt his tail grow larger still, bumping against the limp one that hung from the jock strap. His cock stretched out the sheath in the front even as his jaw stretched out into his feline muzzle which only allowed him to take in more of Raj's member. His ears twitched underneath the Lucas mane on his head and his enlarged nose let him take in more of the scents rolling off of the stud's slightly equine body. Chad felt his cock warm as he stroked it in one of his paws while the other gently fondled the soccer player's balls.

Raj was nothing if not enthusiastic, and a little on the noisy side too. Between his whinnies and grunts he was moaning loudly too. Chad would have told him to try and keep it down since he didn't want to attract any extra attention if his friends were on the way to fetch Lucas. His mouth was rather full at the moment though and all he could do was hum around the meaty shaft. He couldn't do much about Raj's noise extept to try and hurry things along by plunging the thick horsey member deeper into his throat.

"Is that all you got, lion?" Raj taunted him as he thrust his hips forward. "Come on kitty take it all and make me come!"

Chad grabbed at the other's thick thighs and pulled his gyrating hips further into his maw, his paws roughly squeezing Raj's firm round butt and practically lifting him off the floor by his tail as he took up the challenge to deep throat even more of his pulsing python. He slammed him up against a nearby rolled up wrestling mat and tossed his strong legs up over his shoulders as Raj screamed out in delight.

"Yeah, that's more like it!" Raj shouted even as the horse-like changes in his body started to fade, draining away as they centered on his ever expanding dong.

The sensation of the horse cock filling his jaws, pouring streams of hot pre into his gullet was exhilarating for Chad but still just one more step in reaching his goal. He could tell it was starting to work as the changes spread from Raj's cock into his own body, muscles starting to bulk up as his skin started to blur out in a fuzzy layer of fur. Just like the last time, the transformation taking place was different than what he was used to. While his body started to change his mind didn't. He wasn't expecting to feel Lucas take over this time, this was his chance to fully enjoy what was happening. Chad's pulse pounded through his veins almost as fast as Raj pounded his manhood down his throat.

Only moments later, the soccer stud let out a strained neigh as his cock flared one more time and his massive nuts unloaded their contents into Chad's hungry mouth. His hot salty spunk flowed into Chad in waves and he eagerly took it all in, draining the other man of his seed and the transformative powers of his mascot as his dick returned to its still impressive human form. Falling backwards to the wrestling mat, Chad fought to catch his breath as he swallowed down the last of Raj's gift bracing himself for the full effect of Lucas to fill him.

Chad didn't have to wait long as hands and feet started to swell, beginning with his fingers and toes as they changed shape, thickening into claws; pads forming on his palms and soles; very quickly he gained a new set of paws. He knew right away that something was wrong though, just as before it was different but this was even more so. Falling to his back on the mat, Chad took stock of his body as the changes accelerated. His paws were actually bigger than they should have been. After an entire year as Lucas and all of his activities, he was very familiar with what every part of his body should feel like and his paws were just a few sizes too big.

Then there was the color. The fur rapidly spreading across his sweat soaked skin was not what he expected. Splashes of dark and lighter hues alternated up his arms and legs while his chest was filling in with a bright white. The strange coloration was even more drastic than it was the last time he had attempted this foolish venture a few weeks ago. The only place the fur wasn't growing was on his head, his mane was actually shrinking back slightly, becoming shorter and denser around his large triangular ears. The Lucas mane was actually starting to itch and irritate him as his head changed shape and his muzzle grew more pronounced. He grabbed a hold of the false mane in one of his paws and yanked it free tossing it aside. Even his tail felt different. It grew longer and thicker than before, grating against the fake tail hanging from the jock strap.

"Dude what's happening to you? I thought you were going to change into Lucas?" Raj panted breathlessly as he continued to come down from his orgasmic high.

"I don't know," Chad growled back through gritted teeth as the changes finally hit his crotch.

His junk became uncomfortably warm in the confines of the jock's sheath. Almost painfully hard, Chad struggled to pull the artificial sheath off his cock, which was still expanding. He finally managed to tug it free, kicking it off his legs where it flew across the mat to join the mane, just as the tip of his member tapered off to a point and finished changing to a rich almost glossy black that glistened beneath the flow of his pre. The pure white fur on his chest and abs spread downward to wrap around his reformed dick becoming his own ample sheath, continuing on to coat his enlarged balls in thick white hair.

With the passing of a final wave of dizziness, the changes finished and Chad was able to take a deep breath. He sat up slightly and looked himself over with a strange mixture of fear and excitement. One thing was sure; he was definitely not Lucas. His overall body type and shape was similar but the rest of his appearance was dramatically different than what he was looking for when he formed this plan. The irregular blotches of darkness in his fur had taken on a more definitive pattern, actually forming stripes up and down the top of his arms and sides of his legs. These black stripes ran down the sides of his shoulders and torso accenting the rich orange fur that had taken the place of his anticipated tawny coloration. The underside of his arms and interior of his thighs had actually lightened to a crisp white, matching the short fur that covered his chest and stomach. The white color was especially vivid around his groin where the bright white that covered his sac and wrapped around the base of his cock to form his sheath. It was all the more striking because Chad's cock was now such a dark black.

Chad got to his feet, stretching out his lager body and feeling the weight of his hard, heavy cock pulling on his groin. The sensation excited him almost as much as the heft of the tail hanging over his ass. He looked down the length of his tail, with its stripes of orange and black, and realized how much longer and thicker it was than before. He flicked it from side to side, swishing it across the mat beneath his paws, loving the amount of control he felt. He ran his paw-like hands over his feline shaped head and felt a little remorse over the lack of a mane but that thought was fleeting as he drank in the sensation of power that radiated through his new body.


Chad snapped out of his self-examination and looked over at Raj who stood nearby looking at him in open mouthed awe.

"No, it's still me," Chad said with a deep rumbling voice.

"Why didn't you tell me this would happen," Raj asked excitedly. "I didn't know you guys could change this much. When we turned into Mitch it was always as a stallion."

Chad was actually glad that Raj wasn't really the sharpest knife in the drawer as he didn't have a way to explain this himself. He knew something had gone very wrong; clearly the result of trying to be Lucas again was much more severe than he had considered. "This wasn't supposed to happen I don't know why I didn't become Lucas," Chad lied.

Frowning at that, Raj stepped closer and ran his hands across Chad's short dense fur. "Well it's not like it's a bad thing is it? I mean you make a really excellent looking tiger."

Chad felt a smile creep across his muzzle as his new nose picked up was Raj really meant by that. The soccer stud couldn't hide his arousal as he started to get hard again, pushing his cock against Chad's well-muscled thigh. It was difficult to resist as Chad hadn't even orgasmed yet, which he usually did after changing forms, and his own pulsing cock was still hard as steel. Chad didn't have long to explore how much Raj liked him as a tiger though. Raj had taken his eyes off of him just long enough to glance up at a clock and nearly jumped in shock.

"Oh shit! I'm gonna be late for the start of the match!" Raj yelped as he found his soccer kit and rushed to pull his shorts and shirt back on.

"Wait a second, what about me? What am I supposed to do like this," Chad complained, gesturing to his striped body.

"Look man, we can try and figure this out later, ok? I know I wouldn't mind spending a little extra time looking like you right now," Raj said with a smirk. "If I see any of the other guys out there I'll let them know where you are, in the mean time I gotta get out on the field okay, I've already missed half of the warm-ups!"

"Sure, I'll just hang back here for awhile. If you can find him, maybe tell Brian first would you?"


Chad just stood there staring down at the stripes on his arms when he heard Raj gently close the door behind him. Raj had been perhaps even more shocked and puzzled than Chad had been, since he knew there would be more consequences to becoming Lucas again but he hadn't expected anything like this. The short orange, black, and white fur clung closely to his body, almost helping to define the impressive muscles that rippled beneath his skin. His ears were probably smaller than Lucas' and the lack of a mane almost made his entire head feel lighter than it should have been. His tail was thick and strong though and seemed more mobile than the lion's. At least his cock was every bit as impressive as Lucas', standing firm and proud, the deep glistening black standing out against the backdrop of his plump white sheath. In all Chad had to agree with Raj, he did make an excellent tiger.

He stood in front of the mirror, posing and strutting, examining his body. It was strange to be so large and have this much control over what he was doing, nothing like it was when Lucas took over before. He purred and smiled at his reflection when he thought he saw somebody standing behind him. He turned sharply but there was nobody there. When Chad looked back to the mirror, the reflection clearly showed Lucas standing behind him. He spun around again but nobody was in the room, and a look around the room proved the Lucas jockstrap, tail, and mane were still spread across the floor where they had landed earlier.

Slowly turning the mirror again, Lucas was still there, standing right over his shoulder. Chad stared back into the reflection, locking eyes with the mascot. There was something about the way image was looking back at Chad. There was a sadness in Lucas' eyes, regret almost, and with a simple shake of his head as if to say, "You should have known better," he disappeared.

Chad stared into the mirror, his heart racing, unsure what all this meant or what he should do. Before he could decide on a course of action his tail, which had been thrashing slightly behind him, started to tingle at the tip. The strange sensation slowly spread up along the thick length of the appendage until the whole thing felt numb and then it abruptly fell limply to the floor. He reached around behind himself and felt where it hung lifelessly from his backside, trying in vain to get it to move. It was no use, his tail had no sensation at all, even the fur had become an indistinct fuzz. Chad was still focused on that when his cock started to go numb as well.

Now feeling a sense of utter shock, Chad grasped at his still erect cock with his paws, stroking it desperately in an effort to fight off the tingling sensation that spread down his shaft. He didn't stop even though no matter how hard or how fast he pawed at himself he could no longer feel anything. He was still stroking as his cock started to retreat into his sheath, disappearing inch by inch into its furry white home. It may have been seconds or maybe even minutes before Chad came to grips with how aroused he still was yet he had no way to do anything about it. His sheath now simply felt empty, a hollow tube completely void of the heft of the massive feline cock he was just getting used to as his own. His paws were still cupped gently over his groin when they two started to loose feeling.

Chad's panic rose to new levels as the prickly sensation spread up his arms like they were falling asleep. He stared into the mirror as his reflection started to change, the muscular definition beneath his skin was starting to fade, the ripped appearance of his body smoothing out beneath the fur. Even the fur itself was changing across his chest, adding a glossy artificial sheen. Chad could feel himself shrinking, becoming more compact as his torso and waist narrowed.

"Lucas please, please help me," Chad begged. He desperately wanted the vision of the lion to appear in the mirror to explain what was happening, to make it stop. "I'm sorry, Lucas. Please!"

No help came to him though and the numbness spread though his body. He quickly ran to the door but was unable to turn the knob as from the elbows down his arms just wouldn't work. He thrust his shoulder into the door but it wouldn't budge. He tried shouting for help but his cries were quickly cut off as the strange prickly feeling attacked his throat and tongue. A sensation of complete helplessness filled him as he staggered back to the center mat in the room before falling to his knees as his legs gave out beneath him.

Chad gazed down at his feet, completely dumbfounded, he could only watch while his paws actually started to disappear. Starting with the claws and moving up his toes; they just faded out, becoming less substantial as they gradually became transparent before they vanished complexly. He couldn't believe this was happening as his legs up to his knees simply faded away. The disappearance seemed to stop about mid-thigh though. The glossy appearance of his fur on the rest of his legs completely smoothed out, Chad could actually feel it as his skin seemed to tighten becoming a thin layer of orange, black, and white spandex. The tightness soon hollowed out, his body dissolving beneath the spandex all the way up to his waist. In seconds there was nothing left of Chad from the waist down except a pair of lycra compression shorts with a tiger pattern, a sheath-like pouch up front, and a tail attached to the rear.

Realization dawned for Chad about what was happing to him. Despite himself, Chad couldn't repress the excited thrill he felt. A dark thought occurred to him that this was perhaps what he was really after all along. He fell down on the mat as he could no longer prop himself up with his arms. He held his hands over his face and watched, mesmerized. His fingers changed from opaque to transparent before they disappeared into thin air. His arms followed suit and he could feel his stomach tightening just as his thighs had done, a tightness that spread up his chest and over his shoulders. Last of all he felt light headed; his ears gave one more twitch and were still. His muzzle pulled back in a smile as it slowly faded away, leaving the wrestling room empty except for the brown jock strap, tail and mane of Lucas' and the new addition of a pair of tiger stripped compression shorts and attached tail, and a short sleeved spandex shirt with a white chest and orange and black striped back.


"I don't know; Raj wasn't very clear when I passed him on the way to the field," Brian said as he walked with Greg and Eric towards the wrestling practice room. "He just said something about Chad changing with Lucas."

"Well I certainly hope Chad has a good explanation for all of this. I'm starting to regret ever picking him to follow me last year," Greg responded in a huff.

"I thought Lucas made that decision?" Eric asked as they walked down the hall.

Greg snorted, "Same difference."

"Come on guys just take it easy, Chad was probably just trying to get things ready for us." Brian added.

"I certainly hope so because the mane and tail were missing out of my locker," Eric was a little worried. The way Chad had been acting lately had Eric was very worried that he was going to try something foolish with Lucas like last time.

The three of them entered the practice room to find it deserted.

"Well this is just perfect, where the fuck is he?" Greg grumbled.

"Raj said he left him in here," Brian scratched his head.

Eric looked around; the sinking sensation in his stomach was still there, "Wait, what's that over there?"

The three of them walked to the center of the mat to find the strange pair of compression shorts and the attached tail as well as the tiger stripped shirt.

Eric picked them up and turned them over in his hands. "This is too weird, where did these come from? Is there something else you guys were trying to surprise me with?"

"Don't look at us, we've never seen them before?" Brian shrugged.

"Look. Over there, that's Lucas," Brian pointed across the room.

While Brian went to retrieve the jockstrap and lion mane Eric held the shirt and shorts in his hands up to his face, breathing deeply of the scent of the spandex; there was something else there, something familiar.

"Here you go Eric," Brian said trading him the equipment as he came back over. "Let's get Lucas in here, maybe he can explain what's going on."

"Yeah, maybe he can tell us what the hell Chad has been up to," Greg added, already unbuttoning his shorts.

Eric had to laugh on the inside though as he watched Greg strip, a revealing flash of blue spandex visible as he undid his fly. Eric knew Greg often wore his favorite speedo under his clothes, what was funny though, was that despite his gruff attitude and protestations, he was already fully hard by the time his shorts hit the floor; his swimsuit was just doing a better job of hiding his arousal for him. Brian secured the door and quickly ditched his clothes as well.

Pulling on the brown jock strap and mane, Eric thought it was going to be difficult to concentrate on changing into Lucas with his concern over Chad weighing heavily on his thoughts. Then again he briefly forgot what a strong influence of having Brian and Greg standing in front of him, naked and growling as they shifted into their partial lion forms was. He started growling along with them as his own cock started to poke through the end of the jockstrap's sheath. Eric ran his hands through Brian's more mane-like hair as he stepped in close enough to kiss him deeply, drinking in the taste of his lips and feeling the heat of Brian's body spread though his own. In moments, Greg was sitting atop one of the rolled wrestling mats as Eric swallowed his thick lion cock down his throat while Brian was behind him plunging his member into Eric's rear.

Together the three of them moved and growled as one, Eric's body slowly feeding off the energy that the other two were pumping into him. Eric felt himself grow larger as his muscles expanded, stretching out his skin as it sprout it's fine coat of dark, chocolate fur. The tail attached itself to his backside and sprang to life, thrashing against Brian's chest as he continued to drive his cock deep into Eric's shifting ass. His ears twitched and grew larger as the mane became a part of his scalp and his hands and feet reformed themselves into massive sets of paws. Brian and Greg panted as they worked themselves into a frenzy of lust, gradually losing their animalistic forms as they came closer to climax.

With a shout of satisfaction, both jocks came at nearly the same instant while Lucas finished his transformation with a triumphant roar of his own. The lion's cock let loose a torrent of seed that splashed down on the mat as his fully formed sheath and balls pulsed in rapid succession. Brian and Greg gently disengaged from Lucas as they recovered from the intensity of their own orgasms.

Greg was first to catch his breath and looking up at the massive lion in front of him he couldn't help but smile. "Thank god Lucas, we were a little worried something might have happened to you."

"Yeah, we though Chad might have done something to you... or with you," Brian added.

"I appreciate the concern but you don't need to worry about me. You'd be surprised what I've gone through with you guys at this school over the years." The dark furred lion said with a smirk.

"Well, what's going on then; what are these doing here," Greg asked grabbing the spandex shirt and tail/shorts combo off the floor. "And where the hell is Chad anyway?"

Lucas took a deep breath and sighed. "Chad is still here with us but the young man as you knew him essentially doesn't exist anymore," he said with a nod to the articles of clothing in Greg's hands.

"You mean this... this is, this was Chad?" Greg said as his jaw dropped. Greg couldn't believe what he was hearing or that what he was holding used to be his friend. Shock and confusion rippled through him and he fought the impulse to drop the clothes he held in his hands.

"No, you can't be serious!" Brian blurted out, looking completely stunned.

Lucas reached over and took the shirt and shorts from Greg, "I knew Chad was going to have difficulty letting me go. He had become too attached, too dependent on our bond. Even after the last time he still felt a compulsion to join with me. That desire was stronger than anything for him." Lucas sighed gently. "Stronger than friendship," Lucas said patting Greg on his shoulder with one of his large paws. "Stronger than his own personality. Even stronger than the potential for love."

"But how, why?" Brian asked with a note of fear in his voice. "Why would you do this to him?"

Lucas shook his head solemnly, "This wasn't my doing. Chad alone was responsible for his choices. The results of his actions go far beyond my control."

Greg shook his head feeling the same anger he had before about Chad's selfishness, "So he did try to change into you again?"

"Yes, he tricked Raj into helping him."

"Can we change him back?" Brian asked his shock giving way to pity for his friend.

Lucas brushed his dark mane back as he shook his head. "No. This was his choice. He's now a mascot like me, like the others who failed to let me go in the past."

Greg who had turned away from the other two spun around in shock, "You mean somebody is going to wear him, wear Chad? They're going to change into him... as a tiger?"

"That's right, and speaking as a feline I have to say he is rather impressive with all those stripes." Lucas said while rubbing the brightly colored spandex shirt across his chest.

"Wait, this has happened to others before? To other mascots like you and Mitch?" Brian asked feeling a little uneasy at the thought.

"No, the forces that created me were different. As for Mitch, let's just say his genesis was quite unique." Lucas said with a mild chuckle.

Greg was closely examining the new mascot pieces, hefting the tail and stretching the fabric over his hands, "So one of us can use these, use Chad, to change into a tiger?"

Lucas shook his head, "No, you guys are still lions, part of my pride, you won't be able to make that change and you shouldn't try."

"Then who?" Greg demanded.

"Well... I have it on good authority that the Tri-Valley Military Academy over in Benton is looking to upgrade its mascot program. And it just so happens that their new athletic director just happens to be an alumnus of Saint Luke's and somebody who is quite familiar with what it takes to be a successful mascot."

"Do you think we'll get to help them select some candidates, you know, since we knew Chad and all?" Greg said with a hopeful gleam in his eyes.

"I think we can arrange that, after all, our first away wrestling meet is against the Tigers this year." Lucas nodded.

"But what about Chad's family? He can't just disappear," Brian offered still feeling a little uneasy about the situation.

"There will be some hard questions for the two of you and Eric as well. You'll have to be strong and have faith that Chad will be quite happy in his new form. After we get him settled he can write a letter to his family and offer an explanation for his disappearance. For right now I've got a soccer match to get to." Lucas added handing the new mascot clothing to Greg before heading to the locker room to get his soccer kit.

Greg watched the lion's backside and the tail gently swaying behind him as he walked out of the room. Brian had quickly pulled on his own clothes and followed him out but Greg just stood there a while longer, holding the tiger tail in his hands. He still had trouble believing that this shirt and pair of shorts used to be his friend. Something about that thought turned him on though. He was just about to reach for his lucky speedos and get dressed when he stopped in mid-motion. Lucas might have said they wouldn't be able to change into the tiger, but he didn't say he couldn't wear the tiger's striped spandex for a while.


Epilogue - Tommy couldn't believe he was stuck here for another night yet. He wasn't even all that close to his Aunt Darla before she passed and he had no interest in hanging out with his younger cousins. His folks were just lucky he actually had a weekend off from any wresting activities or he would have flat out refused to come along. As it was he would still rather be at home wrestling with Chad. He missed his partner terribly and could still feel the memory of the warm touch of his skin against his own body. But it was more than just the time they spent fooling around, he was really getting close to Chad and just wanted to be with him. Truth be told, he had been attracted to Chad when they first came in to school together as freshman wrestlers. Then he spent the year as the school's mascot and he kept getting hotter. Maybe it was the thought of him in that costume that turned him on so much. But now he just found him so adorable, the fuzzy mess of his hair, the way his big ears seemed to be a bit pointed, and god, that tail. He was still trying to get Chad to tell him how he got it but he was pretty tight lipped about the subject.

In fact he never said much at all about the whole mascot thing in general. He had been spending less time with those guys but he would still go off to be with them before and sometimes after some of the events at the school. Sure Brian was hot and Tommy thought Greg and most of the guys on the swim team should be required to wear only their uniforms to class. Even the new kid was kinda cute, if not a little on the small side. The mascot did look pretty awesome this year, different that he did the year before, a little darker perhaps. Come to think of it Tommy was probably a little jealous of Chad for spending time with those guys; he could at least invite him along. At least the last couple of times he was able to get Chad to stay behind with him.

Before the last cross country meet Chad was going to meet up with Brian, Greg, and the new guy but Tommy pulled Chad away into one of the restrooms near the art wing of school. Using every bit of his persuasion, he talked Chad into actually fucking him that time. It felt so great to feel his large hands rubbing across his back and shoulders as Chad rammed his massive cock into Tommy's virgin ass. Funny thing was he was sure Chad had actually roared when he came and his cock seemed to spread him even wider as he spilled a massive load of his seed deep inside of him.

His hole was still tender even a week later. He wasn't ready for that again and Chad didn't feel up to letting Tommy try him like that, even though he wanted to get his dick under that tail in the worst way the night before he had to leave town. This time it was Chad who pulled Tommy aside into the empty wrestling room after the last volleyball meet. He said he wanted to give Tommy a going away present. First Chad, practically sucked Tommy's cock right of his body as he gave him the deepest longest blow job he had ever had. Then he shot more come down Tommy's throat than he had ever imagined possible when he returned the favor and swallowed as much of Chad's member as he could. This time he was sure it was bigger when he blew and he could have sworn his tail was longer and hands were bigger just before his eruption as well. He was also positive he heard a roar coming from the locker room next door at the same moment of Chad's orgasm. When they snuck through the locker room afterwards he was sure he heard Brian, Greg and the new guy, Eric, in the showers and the air in there positively reeked of the musky scent of sex. Maybe that was why the mascot club was so secretive.

Just thinking about those guys possibly getting it on was enough to get Tommy hard and he was stroking himself through his shorts. Not that he wasn't already half hard anytime he started thinking of Chad. He looked around the hotel room and realized his parents were still going to be out to dinner with the "grown-ups" for a few more hours. He got up and shut the drapes and shut the safety latch on the door before he dropped his shorts, peeled off his shirt, and jumped up on his bed naked. He shut his eyes and pictured Chad while he slowly started stroking his piece. First he just pictured himself with Chad, feeling his dick slide into his ass right beneath his tail. Then he pictured the other guys too, Brian the quarterback, Greg the swimmer, and Eric the new mascot. Lucas. Tommy moaned lowly as he slowed the pace of his stroking, drawing out the pleasure. His imagination took over and he was screwing Chad while he was sucking off Lucas. Then he pictured Chad putting on the Lucas mascot costume and letting Tommy go down on the enormous lion.

Before he knew it, Tommy felt himself actually growling and thrusting his hips in the air as he panted and groaned, his cock leaking furiously as the pace of his hand quickened with the addition of his own lubricant. His entire body was tingling, spreading out from his groin in waves. His ass burned with the memory of Chad inside of him, his hands felt bigger as he grasped his junk more forcefully; unbelievably feeling like his prick was growing beneath his touch. He was nearly there when he landed hard on the bed and yelped in shock. Something felt pinched and pained beneath him. His eyes snapped open and he arched up while he reached beneath his body but he didn't feel anything on the bed. He sat back down but jumped right back up when he felt it again, this time it moved. He slid his hand along his back and he puzzled at how thick his hand seemed to be but didn't get very far with that thought when it brushed something just above his ass.

Tommy rolled out of the bed and groped his way through the dim light into the bathroom. He flicked on the lights and blinked in shock at the sight of himself in the mirror. He jaw had lengthened and his nose seemed to have flattened out giving him an almost feline appearance. His hair had grown longer and bushier, falling almost down around his shoulders. He brushed the new hair out of his face and discovered his ears had become quite a bit bigger and even seemed to be pointed at the tips. He withdrew his hands and realized they were changed too, his fingers were thicker and it looked like he had claws. All this paled compared to what he saw when he looked lower. His cock was harder than ever but it certainly looked less human than it should. Deep red and with a wide pointed tip the entire thing seemed to be several inches longer, though the exact length was hard to tell as the base disappeared into a plump ruddy brown fur covered sheath. His balls were quite a bit larger too and covered in the same reddish-brown fur. Then there was the tail. A wickedly fanged smile spread across his lips as he felt a tail wagging slightly behind him, brushing against his ass lightly, tickling his crack with its soft fuzzy coat of fur.

In absolute heaven, Tommy grabbed at the tail, his tail, and shuddered with the pleasurable notion that it was really there. He could feel it tugging on his spine as it twitched back and forth, his mind actually controlling it as it twisted around his wrist. He grasped his altered penis and growled again. Pulling on his body both front and back Tommy thought of Chad again and growled louder as his stroking became more frantic. In mere moments he was roaring so loud half the hotel was probably going to call the front desk and complain. His balls contracted and unleashed a deluge thick hot cream that splattered noisily across the sink and the mirror in front of him.

Tommy leaned heavily against the vanity, panting and heaving for breath. Reaching up he wiped away some of the streaks of spunk running down the mirror and gasped when he realized his reflection had returned to normal. He quickly looked down and his softening cock looked exactly as it did before, no sign of the sheath. Most disappointingly a quick twist to look over his shoulder revealed no tail hanging from his rear. He turned back to the mirror his head dropped feeling drained and empty; both from the massive orgasm, and the loss of something that had very briefly filled him with such joy. His brain tried to make sense of what had just happened, fighting to put the pieces together. He thought back on everything he knew and experienced with Chad, about Lucas and the other guys around him. Slowly a grin crept back on to his face. Tommy gradually lifted his head and stared into his reflection before he started to growl.