No More

Story by Polly25 on SoFurry

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This is not the story to wanted to write its just the story that came to me you'll have to ignore my punctuation errors thank you for reading and enjoy

Today was different then all the other days today she knew she couldn't take it anymore as she cried alone in the bathroom no one noticed her sobs could be heard the pain clearly written on her face they always told her shed never amount to anything she'd always be alone and scared and hurt. today was different though today the boys at school decided they would pity the fat lonely girl they always made fun of so when she was walking home alone like she always did they grabbed her and hearded her into the adandon house at the corner everyone just avoided. they laughed at joked "you'll never forget this" "you should thank us for even giving you the time of day"she was scared begging them to just let her go to leave her alone she wouldn't tell anyone, one of the boys started hitting her a few punches there and a kick here telling her to shut up and enjoy it. "its not like anyone else cares about you or will ever give you a chance" their laughter rang in her ears she stopped struggling still terrified and crying she let them paw at her and pull her clouthes off contained her agony as they thrust inside her sometimes taking her two at a time vomiting whenever one stuck their thing inside her mouth and when they were done and they had finished with her she numbly pulled on her clouthes and feld not stopping untill she was home her parents hadnt even noticed her enter or the fact she was dirty and her face tear streaked. she felt dirty and bruised and she was done with it all and now as she laid in the bathtub her descison fully made she cut the razor deep into her wrist the pain a welcome feeling a relaxing feeling the blood flowing fast getting light headed she could barely cut her other wriist the water now a deep crimson the sounds of life fading and then no more as she faded to black she wuld never deal feel like she didnt matter she would never be again she was free and safe from all that could hurt her because she was gone and she was no more