Chapter 13

Story by tfamonk on SoFurry

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#13 of Return to Decadence

Thanks for waiting everyone, and thanks again to Readasaur for cowriting, and Circeus for editing.

"I swear to the brothers, you are the only person in Serenium who could get a sexy, submissive wolf man dumped in his lap, ready and willing to serve, and possibly think of it as a bad thing." Zericho teased Nate, fluttering next to him as they walked.

While the rest of the escort journey was going smoothly in the sense that they had not run into any more invading forces, things were not looking up for the group's harmony. Julius had taken an instant dislike of Chiboom due to her bad first impression, and took every opportunity to snipe at her when he wasn't fawning at Nate. Xelto was not speaking to Chiboom after her insult, and was leading the swarm in professional silence, while the swarm chattered amongst themselves about the ways they could 'interrogate' their incubus prisoners, though they had the decency to do so in their own snickering language and Nate never had to get upset about it. Zericho seemed vastly amused by the entire situation, and cheerfully annoyed the human about it as they went. No one had yet seen fit to tell Chiboom that Nate's healing had yet again produced a strange side-effect: Her hair was changing to all the colors of the rainbow, one strand at a time.

Nate seemed to be the only one who actually wanted to tell her, but was a bit afraid at what she might say or do if he told her, while everyone else seemed content just snickering behind her back. Besides, he currently had his hands full. "Look, my world has a... bad history with slavery all right? And I don't care what anyone says, this is pretty much glorified slavery." He knew it was more complex than that of course, it still didn't get rid of the bad taste in his mouth.

"Don't think of it as enslavement, think of it as getting a stray that won't stop following you!" Zericho responded cheerfully. Of course Nate had tried the obvious route of just ordering Julius to forget his lifedebt, but the werewolf insisted that it did not work that way. He was honor-bound to stay by Nate's side for the rest of his life, though the way his tail wagged when he said that suggested it had little to nothing to do with honor. "Look, kid, you're just stressing yourself out worrying about this. He thinks this is the most romantic thing in the world, and you're gonna have to work for a while to convince him that you don't want him at the end of your leash. And hey, given our situation, if he sticks with us there's a chance he will end up saving your life and then bam! Lifedebt resolved. So relax and think of all the fun things a guy and his wolf can do together." He gave Nate a wink.

The wink only served to make Nate shudder a bit, "Yes, that is just what I wanted to hear right now Zericho, thanks so much." Zericho had a point, though: the lifedebt would be resolved if Julius saved his life, right? Maybe he should purposely endanger hims-- No! What was he thinking?! That sounded way too much like the beginning of a poorly written sitcom episode. The thought actually reminded him of how much he missed TV. Definitely a huge downside of being in an alternate universe, one he hadn't considered before now; not that he considered alternate universes a whole lot of fun up till now anyway. He looked back to Julius, who was still following them closely, and sighed, "You really think he's interested in me?" He didn't see it, personally, or rather, was unable to tell where the lifedebt stopped and where whatever Zericho had been talking about started.

Nate was so lost in thoughts he didn't see the Prince of Imps' smile vanish and his hands rise to grind their palms against his tightly closed eyes. The noise that escaped his clenched teeth was too frustrated to be a growl. He took several, deep, calming breaths before he allowed himself to speak. "Okay... I don't know how many times I can keep saying this before I start screaming it at you. You. Are. Handsome." He said it slowly, carefully, as though he was talking to an inattentive foreigner. "People. Find. You. Attractive. I cannot speak for the ridiculous world you seem determined to get back to, but people in the Impire clearly have far better taste than those of your world. You have incredible talents at healing, and you could become a very rich guy. All these things..." He paused to make sure Nate was listening. "...Are. Attractive. They make people, and I need you to focus on me here, interested in you. How many times do I have to say it? How many times do I have to be proven right? At the very least, stop acting like this is the first time this has ever happened to you! This happens to you everywhere we go! You are talking to a guy who is interested in you!"

Really, if Nate wasn't so good at repressing this knowledge every single time Zericho told him, the Imp would probably be more impressed by the boy's sheer ability to blush. It was like some invisible force applied makeup to his cheeks every single time this happened. "I... I guess it's just... Part of me can't help but think that like, you have to be lying to me. This never happened back home." Well, maybe it did? If that was the case, he never noticed, that was for sure. People were a lot less blunt back home. "It probably doesn't help that I went through the hell known as high school not two years ago. I... if I am as attractive as you're saying I am now, it's probably a recent change, puberty wasn't the best experience for me." Ugh, he shivered at the memory of 10th grade, aka, the year his face essentially exploded.

Zericho floated in front of him, his tail swishing slowly behind him. "Kid, that wolf guy is ready to spend the rest of his life under your boot, and not just metaphorically. Because he wants to play master/pet with the cute healer who saved his life. If that isn't proof enough that we're telling the truth, then I give up." With an overdramatic sigh, he turned and swooped up into the swarm, taking comfort in the company of his own kind, who needed only a sultry glance to be assured of their own sex appeal.

When Chiboom walked up next to Nate, still having to notice her hair was no longer quite black anymore, and in fact starting to shimmer a bit, she noticed the uncomfortable look on his face. "What happened this time? Did he regale you with another story of his 'achievements' on the battlefield?" Sometimes she wondered why he used that euphemism when he was both technically a soldier and wasn't the type to try and be subtle. She figured he must have just thought it funny.

Nate only shook his head, "No, I just annoyed him I guess. For a change." He shrugged, "I don't know. I guess this means I consider him a friend now, seeing as it's actually bothering me." If he was to be more descriptive, he would say he was worried that he had just angered Zericho into not liking him anymore, although he didn't need to say it to know how stupid it sounded. He'd need to at least attempt murder on Zericho to get him to dislike him. Probably multiple times. He looked up at the sky and sighed, "I think the problem is, I'm kind of feeling homesick today. I've no idea why, it's not like anything happened to actually remind me of home."

As though sensing Nate's mood, Julius trotted up next to him in wolf form, his clothes bundled on his back. Up close, he resembled a large and handsome dog, but there were enough hints on his face to suggest that this was no mere loyal canine that walked next to the human. He looked up at Nate's face adoringly, but paused briefly to growl at Chiboom before resuming his worship of the healer. He gently nudged Nate's hand with a hopeful air about him.

Chiboom rolled her eyes at Julius's behavior, while Nate looked at him awkwardly, "Um, sorry, but it's kind of weird petting you. I... tend not to pet sentient beings." He really hoped that the supposed crush on him that Julius had would pass quickly, this just felt... awkward and unearned.

Julius only gave him an open-mouthed, doggy smile in response, and continued to walk next to him until Xelto called for a halt. Zericho circled down to join the other three on the ground, and Xelto floated down to address them all collectively. "We have reached one of our campsites, so we'll be sleeping here for the evening. If madame wishes to sleep apart from the rest of the group, there is a lone watchpost a short distance away." He might have made the suggestion out of courtesy for Chiboom's gender, or perhaps it was a jab at her earlier insult, but no sign showed on his composed face. "Guards will be posted, so you may sleep easily tonight, my prince."

Zericho nodded cordially, and took wing again as they climbed a taller hill, this time finding a smooth crater at the top, with a tiled floor and haphazard stone statues strewn about. There were signs that it had been used as a sleeping area before, and a large pile of ashes in the pit at the center suggested that it had also seen use as a bonfire. The Imps landed and scampered about, either exploring the campsite for signs of discovery or finding places to curl up and get comfortable with a friend or three. The campsite was all but invisible from anyone who hadn't climbed to the top of the hill, and gave a good vantage point of the entire surrounding area. It seemed like Xelto's assurance would be proven true.

Chiboom sighed as she watched the Imp commander go off to speak with his troops, being fairly certain it was, in fact, an insult directed at her. "The Orc part of me is telling me to go beat the crap out of that Imp." She admitted to Nate as they looked over at the camp, "But the part of me that was smart enough to leave those idiots in my camp behind is saying I should go apologize, for real this time." Nate glanced up at her and she shook her head, "I'll go set up my camp first, he looks busy."

Nate kind of hoped that she would have helped him set up his tent, seeing as he was still pretty terrible at it, but at the same time, was kind of glad to see her try and be nicer than she had been during the battle. He idly wondered what Zericho was up to as Julius once again walked up to his side.

Julius flopped down on the ground, panting and looking up hopefully at Nate. It seemed like he was waiting for permission to do something else, but perhaps he was trying to corner Nate into giving him an order? It was difficult to gauge the intent in those seemingly innocent eyes.

"Dame Chiboom?" Before Chiboom could begin setting up her tent, a bright blue Imp had approached her, and indicated away from the general campground. "Would you follow me, please?" He led her to one side of the gulch, and waved his hand. A door appeared in the turf, and opened to reveal a small chamber lined with lit torches and a trio of mats piled on top of one another to provide comfortable bedding. The opposite end of the chamber had been enchanted to provide a wide angled view of the hill, and it seemed this area was designed for a covert lookout. "Warden Xelto hopes you will find this chamber to your liking." The torches gave it a warm and homey touch, and it was surprisingly spacious considering its secretive nature. It was probably better accommodations than even Zericho was going to get tonight.

Chiboom stayed silent for a moment until the Imp left, then sighed deeply, "Great, he's got a crush on me." She massaged her temples, wondering how to deal with this, seeing as he wasn't the normal type of suitor that she could literally swat away when he annoyed her--okay, she could literally swat him away; it just didn't seem such a good idea. Or, hell, maybe he was just so out of touch with what non-Imps would consider romantic gestures that he saw nothing odd about this. Hopefully. She really didn't need to deal with something like this.

Julius eventually grew tired of waiting for Nate to catch the hint, and instead transformed behind a very immodest statue back into his hybrid form, and returned while still in the process of pulling his pants on. "Wait! Wait! I know you don't want me to do things for you, but at least let me help you set up your tent!"

Nate would've rolled his eyes were he not too busy trying to make sure the tent parts didn't collapse on top of him. "Yeah... okay, yeah, I can agree to that." Despite Chiboom having shown him again and again over the past few days, he still had absolutely zero idea how to set one of these up.

As Julius assisted him in assembling the tent, Nate began to speak, "You know I didn't save you for this, right? I didn't want a reward, I was just doing it because it was the right thing."

"I know!" Julius replied cheerfully, but then his ears twitched and he realized more words were required. "I mean... I wouldn't have agreed to the lifedebt if I thought I was being manipulated. Your healing was freely given, and my life was saved. So now my servitude I freely return." His tail wagged slowly, and Nate slowly became aware that the werewolf was actually very close to him, and that it wouldn't take much for him to lean over and... Oh boy, he was leaning over right now, actually, with his eyes half-closed, his mouth parted slightly and--

Julius yelped as he was dragged backwards by the surprising strength of a small swarm of Imps grabbing at his fur and clothing. "Okay, handsome, you and me have to have some words before you make a big mistake." Zericho declared, observing from a short distance as the werewolf was dragged to a sheltered alcove before flying over there himself. Three Imps landed next to Nate and smiled mischievously at him as they wordlessly finished the work that Julius had begun on the tent.

"Uhh..." Nate wasn't quite sure what to say in this situation, staring as Julius was dragged away and the three other Imps finished putting up the tent. "Thanks, I guess." He murmured at them, "Did Zericho tell you anything about what he's doing?" He wasn't crazy about Julius, but he didn't want the prince to hurt him out of some sense of protection either.

"He said that you are cute like a rabbit boy, but that when someone makes you angry, it's like a rabbit opening its mouth and revealing rows of teeth and also it breathes fire and swears a lot." One Imp informed Nate cheerfully. "So I think he wanted to keep the hot wolf guy from making you breathe fire." This Imp was promptly swatted upside the head by his friend, who glared at him before smiling at Nate with a poor attempt at innocence.

Nate was tempted to correct them, but was just too confused and tired from the long day. He thanked them and sent them off before crawling inside, just about ready to collapse on his sleeping roll.

In the alcove, Julius had recovered from his surprise and was snapping at the Imps furiously. They only giggled and kept just out of his reach with annoying agility. None of them considered that it might be cruel to do such a thing to someone who was nearly slain by a swarm of demonic creatures earlier that day, but empathy did not necessarily come naturally to Imps.

"So... Let's talk about Nate." Zericho began, sitting on a lewd statue only a few feet taller than Julius himself. The Lycan snarled at him, but the glowing eyes of the other Imps compelled him to calm down and stay still. "Now, I know he's one hot slice of healer, but there is a lot you don't know about him. First of all, don't try anything physical with him yet. He's got this thing where you need to hang around him for a month before you even start to look good to him, so paws off unless you want to freak him out. Second, it bears repeating that he is really, really not happy about you being his servant for life, but maybe you can change his mind if you stick around long enough." He had Julius' full attention now, and he made use of it. "Third, he lives somewhere very far away, and he wants to go back there pretty bad. And it's one of those 'no pets allowed' kind of places, so you're out of luck anyway unless he's warmed up to you by then. Fourth... that bracelet? Until he tells you what's up with that, you haven't made any progress with him at all."

The Prince of Imps clapped his hands together, and the swarm scattered, freeing Julius from their spell. He swayed on his feet briefly before growling at Zericho. He didn't appreciate being manhandled and ensorcelled, especially considering what those wretched Incubi and Succubi had done to him. "What is your stake in this, Imp?" He demanded, "Why warn me of these things?"

He hadn't expected Zericho to suddenly swoop down within clawing distance, and smirk at him mere inches away from his face. "Because I am your benevolent prince, and it is my solemn duty to see true love take its course." Julius' lips curled into a snarl, hating how dirty those words sounded in the insincere mouth of the Imp, but Zericho had swooped away before he could bring his claws to bear, leaving him uncertain and alone. When he eventually returned to Nate's tent, his steps were heavy, and he couldn't help glancing at the glowing blue gem on the human's bracelet, wondering what secret he was meant to earn.

"Sorry about that, Nate. Zericho was telling me you don't... like to be touched." He admitted, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly. "I'm sorry, I hadn't realized. I won't try to touch you... in that way until you give me permission."

He hadn't even been aware that Julius had been trying to touch him until this moment, the Imps dragging the Lycan away fast enough that by the time he had turned around, he was far enough that he would've had no way of telling. "What do you mean, 'touching'? What were you doing?" He had a feeling the answer would be something he would have objected too, but he still wanted to know.

"Uh... " Julius had not heard the 'he turns into a fire-breathing, multi-fangled bunny boy when angered' speech, but he was still wary of upsetting the target of his affections. "I had thought the moment might be appropriate for... um... " He tapped his paws together, hoping Nate would assume something good and let him off the hook, but when it grew obvious this was not the case, he reluctantly finished with "...A kiss...?"

Instead of doing what Julius had dreaded would happen, Nate simply blushed before smiling a bit. "You know, I always figured that was the kind of thing that you had to ask someone permission for if they were like... your master, or whatever it is you consider me." His smile faltered as he finished his sentence, but it was better than Julius's expected outcome. "So... you like me, huh?"

Julius nodded very eagerly, automatically kneeling on the ground to show his sincerity and submission. "Yes, sir! I mean, I would like to get to know you a lot more before I could say that I love you, but I do like you! You saved my life and..." He gestured wordlessly up and down, indicating Nate's handsome body in his exotic outfit. "...There is a lot to like." He concluded, unknowingly reinforcing Zericho's point from earlier.

Nate blushed again, glancing to the side awkwardly, "Could... could you please not call me 'sir'? Seriously, it just makes me uncomfortable. And... you shouldn't think too much about me saving your life, I would've done it for just about anyone."

"Then your tent would get pretty crowded, Duke Nate." Julius winked at him, though this was the innocent wink of a joke and not the implied impropriety that Zericho's wink had held.

"I'm not a Duke either. Seriously, my parents aren't even close to royalty, and I've never held any position of authority." He meant it too: he never was the leader of so much as a group project. Leadership simply wasn't something he was attracted to in the slightest.

Julius considered this, and then reluctantly conceded "...Alright then... Nate." His nose wrinkled in distaste at having referred to him without a formal title, but if that was what Nate wanted...

Nate sighed, aware that he was making Julius slightly uncomfortable with his request, but he was willing to live with that for now. "So... what did you do before this, anyway?" He figured he might as well try and get to know Julius if the Lycan would be by his side for a while.

"Lycan are unwelcome in many parts of Serenium, so I came to the Impire in the hopes that it could become my home." He looked at the sky thoughtfully. "I've done a lot of things, from playing music to guarding caravans to prostitution. Many people are afraid they can 'catch' our shapeshifting powers as some sort of curse, so it is a huge relief to be among people who are more enlightened." He smiled warmly at Nate, wagging his tail. "Do you play any music?"

Nate shook his head, trying his best to ignore the prostitution bit the best he could. "Not really, my parents tried to have me play a little when I was young, but it wasn't for me." Although, to be fair, it might just have been that the piano tutor they took him to was kind of a prick. "What did you play?"

"The harp!" Julius said brightly, holding his hands in the harpist pose to demonstrate. "I had to use theirs because mine is too big to carry with me, but they liked my voice well enough, so I'm always welcome when the drunken singing starts."

"Oh, do your claws get in the way when you do it? Or maybe they help... I really wouldn't know." The harp wouldn't have been his first guess, but hey, never judge a book by his cover.

Julius hesitated, but it seemed fair to ask Nate when the human was the one asking questions. "What about you? What did you do before you decided to travel with the Prince?"

He almost laughed as Julius said decided, but shrugged with a little smile that seemed just a tad melancholy. "I was a student, I um... well I was studying to take medicine."

"Oh! So you were a student at one of the great learning academies? That must have been amazing!" It might have occurred to Nate at that moment that he was talking to someone who would never experience higher learning, and that attending university was reserved for the upper echelons here, rather than those considered a bane on civilized society. "You must have been well-regarded! My wound doesn't even itch after you healed it!"

Nate paused for a moment before shaking his head, "Oh, uh, yeah, I forgot that you didn't know. I'm..." He seemed to struggle with how to say it, "I'm not from around here... like... not from this world..."

Julius stared at him, his ears flicking as his mind worked through that. "...The Prince said that you were from somewhere far away, but I just thought another continent or..."

"Yeah... no, I'm... it's really complicated." He sighed with a side glance. "I'm travelling with Zericho so I can get a chance to go home."

"Oh." Julius stared into the distance and blinked. Well, that answered the other question he was going to ask about why Zericho and Nate were traveling together. He considered the implications at work here, and then took in a deep breath before turning back to Nate and gently taking the human's hand between his paws. "...Okay. Nate, I know how much homesickness hurts. So I want you to know that I'm going to do everything I can to help you get home!" He vowed earnestly, looking into Nate's eyes with his own intense green gaze.

Nate blushed and did his best not to flinch or pull away as Julius took his hands, instead smiling awkwardly at what the Lycan had to say. "You... don't have to do that, Julius. But thank you, I mean, I guess that if you really want to get even with me, that'll do it, huh?" He smirked a little.

Julius smiled back at him, his tail wagging again. "So what is it like, this world of yours?" He removed his hands from Nate's own, sensing his mild discomfort and instead focused on the fascinating aspect of the tale. "How is it different from Serenium? Oh! What is it called?"

Nate laughed awkwardly. He was still not used to all this interest for his home world. But then although he found the questions weird, he knew he would want to know all about another universe if he had met someone from it back home. "Uh well, it's called Earth. And well, the biggest differences are that there's no magic, and well, only humans, no other species like Imps or Orcs or Lycans."

Julius looked amazed. "Only humans? No magic?" That sounded... incredibly boring, honestly. Certainly more harmonious, but the idea of a world without magic or the endless variety of intelligent beings on Serenium sounded terribly dull and uninteresting. Rather than voice this opinion, he chose the more sympathetic tactic. "What do you miss most?"

"...My parents. They're... kind of all I have." He realized how sad this probably sounded to Julius and he tried to make a little joke, "Uh, that and my bed, I don't normally sleep on the ground you know!" He laughed awkwardly.

The Lycan frowned and gently patted Nate's shoulder. "I understand. I missed my family terribly when I lost them." He did not elaborate, but his eyes looked very far away for a few moments.

"Oh, I'm... I'm sorry." Nate frowned and looked at Julius, "I... do you want to talk about it...?"

Julius shook his head and smiled. "Not yet. Now is the time for bed, I think." He stretched with deliberate carelessly and then tilted his head in the direction of the tent. "Would you prefer I slept outside? Or in my other form?"

"What? No, I'm not going to make you do that." He knew why Julius thought he might be uncomfortable with it, but he wouldn't use that as an excuse to be a jerk. "I mean... you're not going to try anything while I'm asleep, right?"

"No sir!" Julius assured him quickly. "Honestly, that would be a pretty awful thing to do." He was fairly sure even most Imps wouldn't do something like that to someone else.

Nate nodded nervously, smiling a bit, "Thanks. I... I hope that question wasn't offensive, was it? Like, I don't mean to say anything about you! It's just... things have been really weird since I've arrived here."

"It is a little odd that you'd... ask me if I'm going to rape you in your sleep." Julius admitted, scratching the back of his head. "Is that how it works in your world? Rape depends on the honor system?"

Nate burst out laughing at that, clutching his stomach for a few moments before calming down. "No, no, no sorry, I just... wow, sorry, I guess I'm just so used to being around Imps lately, and most people back home aren't nearly so... sexually charged." That was a more polite way of saying horny, right?

"...Did Zericho try to molest you in your sleep?" Julius asked in a hushed tone, his ears going back and a low growl emerging from his throat.

"What?!" Nate's eyes went wide and he shook his head, "No, no, no! Don't do anything rash, okay! He... all he did was hit on me and ask me to sleep with him but I wasn't used to it--still aren't, actually-- and I panicked and..." He sighed. That was a slight simplification with a major detail or two left out, but he didn't want to make Julius even angrier. "I'm just not used to the whole idea of this, I guess."

"Oh..." Julius' ears turned down in sadness, and a small whine escaped him. "Well, I can promise I won't bring it up, and leave the matter entirely in your hands, okay? I won't suggest we do anything of that nature, and you can decide on your own time if that's what you want with me."

He had absolutely no idea what to say, "I..." Really, what was the correct thing to say when someone was offering themselves sexually, but only once you would be ready? His experience with the entire topic was a joke--one that seemed to be getting worse every time--and he knew himself enough to know that he was an emotionally unstable mess. "You know, I thought a lot when I was younger how great it would be to have someone attracted to me." He smiled sadly, "I never considered it could be this complicated. Guess I never got past the part about being glad someone like that existed to begin with." He avoided mentioning the part where seemingly everyone wanted to get in his pants, which wasn't a problem in the fantasies.

Well. Julius wasn't going to let that just pass by without doing something about it. So he began to change while moving towards Nate, until it was a wolf who gently nuzzled the human's hand and tenderly licked him to show his affection.

Nate began to giggle a little bit, "Quit it, that tickles." He pulled his hand back a bit, but returned for a moment to give the wolf's head a little pat.

Julius pressed his head up against Nate's touch, and moved so that Nate could stroke his back before he sat down and looked up at him, tilting his head curiously for what Nate wished to do next.

Nate smirked a little bit, "I always wanted a dog, but dad's allergic, I had to settle for fish." He chuckled a bit and gave Julius another pat on the head, "Do you... feel comfortable in that form by the way? I don't want you to do that when I'm sad if it feels weird."

Julius stretched out his arms in front of him as though he was yawning, only to transform back into his anthro form as he did so. "I'm fine with it, Sir Nate! All of my forms are myself and I am comfortable in skin or fur." He smiled, his tail wagging behind him. "Not all of my people feel so, though, and they stay in one form for as long as they can. I was lucky to have parents who taught me to love myself in all of my aspects."

"Okay. Just making sure." He wondered for a moment how the whole form thing worked, and whether it was analogous to anything back home, but decided to let it go for now. "Anyway, I'm getting kind of tired, so I guess I'm going to head to sleep." He wasn't actually all that tired, but there wasn't anything else to do, and he knew they'd be up relatively early tomorrow.

"I'm still feeling awake, so perhaps I will go find something to tire myself out. I may still join you in the tent for the night, correct?" Julius asked him politely. "I could stay here and watch over you if you wish."

"Yeah. you can sleep in the tent. And you don't have to keep watch, I don't think anything's going to happen. I think all the soldiers are still convinced me and Zericho are a thing right now, so they're probably not going to do anything." He sighed as he thought about that, "What're you going to go do?"

"Oh, well perhaps I will go out and play with a few of them..." He showed his very sharp teeth to Nate. "Remind them that pestering myself or you is a very bad idea, whatever your relation to Zericho."

Nate rolled his eyes, "Don't, the last thing I need right now is the idea of you getting kicked out of this place because you were worried about me. Besides, all they've done is hit on me... I think."

"If they are making you uncomfortable, I will stop them." Julius insisted firmly. "I will protect you from all threats, sexual or violent." He meant it sincerely, but the way he folded his arms and set his mouth just made him look a bit too much like a determined puppy to take seriously.

"It's fine, okay? I... I don't want you to worry about me all the time." He sighed as he realized how he wasn't acting like that. "Look, just... do what you want I guess but try not to do anything stupid for my sake."

"I will try, but according to your friend I am a drooling moron who runs around screaming 'Attack me, demons! For I am a ripe and nubile fool', so that might be a challenge." Julius muttered sarcastically, grumpy because now he had been ordered not to pounce on any Imps for the night.

Nate rubbed his head, "Yeah, sorry about Chiboom, I... she's better when you get to know her. She makes a bad first impression is all." She certainly didn't seem to care about him when they first met.

Julius grumbled again, but stood up and stretched his arms. "If you say so. Regardless, I will do some running around to tire myself, and you will likely be asleep when I get back. So I wish you sweet dreams, sir Nate."

"Okay, later." Nate waved Julius off and went to get ready for bed himself, his mind stuck on the topics of what Julius's affections meant exactly.

Once he was sure that Nate was inside and no longer looking at him, Julius smiled to himself and dropped his pants. A long, loping stride took him on a wide circuit around the inside of the gulch, and he could feel the lustful gaze of the various Imps on his body as his firm rump pumped in time with his stride, and his balls bounced between his thighs. When they would flutter closer he would dart away with a burst of speed, leaving them aroused and annoyed in his dust, and he proceeded to relentlessly tease them for hours before jogging back to the tent, changing into his wolf form, and curling up next to Nathan. He'd been ordered not to pounce on any of them, but Julius St. Jerome had more than one way to get even.