Not Without You: Part 4/4-Going Under

Story by VoodooRoo on SoFurry

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#4 of Not Without You

This is a story depicting graphic acts of a sexual nature between two gay furs; if you don't like MxM or are under 18 (21 in some states) years of age, turn back now. Otherwise, enjoy!!

This also depicts certain scenes of graphic violence and issues of a mature nature.


Lance looked up at the school, breathing heavily. He was already fifteen minutes late, and that had been when he 'accidentally' forgot his homework and made his father drive him back home for it, while he 'searched' for it in his room, where he actually sat on his bed and hugged his knees.

He walked through the front doors and made his way to the second floor. The door to his math class was closed, and he briefly entertained thoughts of hiding in the bathroom. But, he opened the door and walked in.

Everyone looked at him as he walked in and he froze for a moment, the teacher pausing slightly before going on. He walked to the back and over to his seat next to Race. When he got to his desk he found a single of paper with 'FAG!' scrawled across it. He brushed it aside indifferently. Race watched him as he sat down.

Lance looked behind him at the seat where Clark usually sat; his seat had been empty since Monday, five days ago. After the party, Clark hadn't talked to Lance or Race. He was sitting in the front of the class, and wouldn't even look at them. Most people wouldn't, unless they were pointing and whispering.

Lance remembered the first conversation he'd had with Ty, and what he'd asked; "Are there many homophobes in your school?" Lance hadn't thought so, but now that he had a different perspective, he knew otherwise.

When the class ended, he and Race stood and walked out together; Clark was already long gone.

"I didn't think you'd be coming," said Race quietly.

"I was here the rest of the week," said Lance, "what's one more day?"

"Well, it hasn't been the easiest week," said Race. "I know what happened Tuesday."

Tuesday night, Lance's house had been spraypainted with things such as 'faggot' and 'cocksucker' and 'Race + Lance.' His parents had been horrified, and had wanted to know who would do such a thing. Lance said he had no idea why he'd be a target of such an act, or who had done it.

"It's nothing," said Lance, sadly, as they walked towards Lance's locker.

"Have you seen--"


Ty hadn't been in school all week. Lance hadn't seen the leopard around at all. He tried to call him, even went to his house after a few days, but there was no answer; Lance didn't really blame him, either. Lance had been out with Race every night since Saturday. He loved being with Race, and doing things with him. But guilt still gnawed at his gut and conscience, and he couldn't shake it.

Lance grabbed his books, slamming his locker. "I guess I'll see ya later." He looked at the ground glumly.

Race grabbed his paw. "Come on."

Race led him down the hall and to the boys' bathroom. He shoved Lance inside as the next-class bell rang.

"Should be pretty quiet, now," said Race, dropping his books and shoving Lance against the sinks, kissing him on the muzzle.

"MMmmf!" said Lance, dropping his own books. "What're you doing? We can't do this HERE!"

"Why not?" asked Race, grinning. "I don't need a full-on fuck; we can just make-out a little." He slid his paws up Lance's shirt.

Lance put his arms around the collie. "Mmmm....I guess I can handle that." He licked Race.

Race kissed Lance up and down his neck, putting his paws on Lance's butt. Lance still hugged Race furiously, crying a little now.

"What's wrong?" asked Race, pulling back.

"Nothing...everything," said Lance, sobbing a bit.

"It's Ty, isn't it?" asked Race.

"Yeah....," said Lance. "I wanted to pretend I had everything figured out, but I don't."

Race tipped Lance's muzzle up. "Let me be the first to say I don't know everything either. But I know I do like you... a lot."

Lance smiled a little. "I know. And I'm glad we're together now, but...there are still things I don't feel right about."

Race pried Lance's arms off him. "I'll wait as long as you want; I'll always be around. Until then, I just like to spend time with you. When you get everything sorted out, let me know, 'kay?"

Lance nodded, wiping away tears.

Race kissed him again. "Later."

He opened the door and left, and Lance was all alone. He sighed, thinking about Ty again. How could he talk to him if he wouldn't even answer the phone?

He grabbed all his books again and slipped back into the hallway.


Lunch period was nothing short of hellish.

Since Monday, Lance had gotten the clear hint that he was unwelcomed at his usual table; generally by the fact that they'd kicked away all the extra chairs once the rest of them had sat down. With tail between his legs and ears flat, he ended up by himself.

He hated being the school outcast. Furs whispered around him, but he could still catch bits of the conversations; "That's the guy, right?" "Yeah, the gay one." He grit his teeth, unable to take this. He didn't like being called all these names, being the topic of discussion behind his back. Even his 'friends' were pointing at him.

Lance stood up, leaving his tray on the table, and walked out of the cafeteria. He was so enraged, he nearly bumped into Mr. Larnby, one of the school counselors. "Whoa, there," said Mr. Larnby. "What's the rush?" asked the elder wolf.

"....sorry," mumbled Lance, walking on.

"Wait," said Mr. Larnby, "where're you going?"

"I don't know," said Lance, "anywhere but in THERE!"

Mr. Larnby smiled sadly. "Come on, you can sit in my office, if you like."

Lance hesitated for a moment, then allowed the wolf to guide him along.

Mr. Larnby sat at his desk, Lance pulling up a chair, not looking at him.

"So....anything you want to get off your chest?" he asked.

Lance said nothing.

"It's okay," said Mr. Larnby, "no one will ever know what you say in here; I promise."

"Not even my parents?" asked Lance.

"Not unless you want them to," said Mr. Larnby.

"I don't," said Lance, emphatically.


Lance took a deep breath. "Last Saturday, everyone found out I'm gay."

Mr. Larnby said nothing.

"Now everyone knows that I'm gay, and the two guys I've been...with," said Lance.

"Does that bother you?" asked Mr. Larnby.

"That I'm gay?"

"That anyone knows."

Lance fidgeted. "A little. I'm gonna get branded a fag and a queer, and anyone who doesn't think that way will go along with it to avoid being lumped in with me."

Mr. Larnby nodded.

"And I hurt the one guy...badly," said Lance. "We were going to be...together, y'know, dating, then I ended up with another who I feel just as strongly for."

Mr. Larnby said nothing still.

"You must think I'm horrible," said Lance, quietly.

"No," said Mr. Larnby, "I think you're just exploring something new. You think you're the first gay boy to cross this office? Or the first with a love triangle going on, gay or otherwise?"

"...I guess not," said Lance.

"You need to find out what YOU want; what will make Lance happy. Everything else will become secondary. If you're gay, and like that, and it's who you are, then that is what you must be. As far as relationships go, well, only you can answer that, I'm afraid. As far as other students go, I can't help you there, either. High school is not known for being an open-minded environment."

Lance laughed mirthlessly.

"Just don't give up," said Mr.Larnby. "Don't crawl into your cage and hide. They're going to mock you until they've broken you; don't let them. The strong prey on the weak just to boost themselves up; you'd be surprised how many of them are just as insecure about things in their lives, their sexuality included."

Lance grinned a little.

"And can I make one more suggestion?" asked Mr. Larnby.

"I guess," said Lance.

"Talk with your parents about it," said Mr. Larnby. "They may be more understanding than you think."

Lance looked away, his eyes full of worry. "But--"

"Just think about it," said Mr. Larnby. "You feel better?"

"A little," said Lance.

"Want me to write you a pass to class, or would you like to stay here?" asked Mr. Larnby.

"Can I stay here?" asked Lance.

Mr. Larnby smiled. "Stay as long as you like. "I'll be back in awhile." He stood and left.

Lance went to a couch he had in the corner and stretched out, feeling a little safer now. His mind was still going, but he felt himself drifting off to sleep.


"Hey," came a voice, "wake up."

Lance opened his eyes a little, seeing Mr. Larnby.

"You slept a little long," said the wolf.

"What time is it?" asked Lance, sitting up.

"Little after five," said Mr. Larnby. "I have to leave for the day, now."

"OK," said Lance, yawning and getting up. "Um...thank you for--"

"It's alright," said Mr. Larnby. "Anytime you want to stop by, feel free."

Lance nodded. "I will."

Lance and Mr. Larnby parted ways in the hall, Lance walked towards his locker for his jacket. He felt weird being in school after-hours; most of the lights had been turned off, and this time of year not much natural light was filtering in.

When he hit the hall with his locker, he froze. He would've sworn he heard voices and furtive footsteps, and he was certain he heard a door close. He looked down the hall, cocking his ears. But he didn't catch anything else.

He moved down the hall slowly, getting to his locker. He still didn't see anyone else nearby. After putting his stuff away, he closed the door.

As he did, he felt two burly arms snake around him; one his neck, the other his mouth. He felt another set grab his waist. He tried to kick, but was lifted clean off the ground. He was dragged down the hall and into the bathroom, the same he and Race had been in earlier. The lights were off, just the dying sunlight filtering in through the window.

Lance was tossed unceremoniously to the floor. He coughed as the wind was knocked from him. He tried to get up, but was forced back down. "Don't move, faggot," sneered a voice. Lance whimpered, but didn't move. Someone grabbed him by the neck and yanked him to his feet. "Been waiting all day for your queer ass." Lance could make out two more figures in the gloom; all that was obvious about them was the varsity 'L' on their jackets. Football players.

Lance was punched across the face, the fist landing just above his right eye. His head spun, and he felt blood seep into his fur. "Damn fairies. Why can't they keep you away from us normal furs?" One of the others stepped forward and punched Lance now.

They dropped Lance on his feet, and punched him in the gut. Lance fell forward, coughing. He tried to scream, but couldn't get a breath. He was on his hands and knees, feeling like he'd been hit with a sledge hammer.

In the darkness, he heard a zipper being undone. The jock who'd picked him up, who Lance could now make out as a lion, was poking his erect cock through his pants. "You like sucking dick, huh? How 'bout this one? Wanna take this in your mouth?"

Lance whimpered, which was followed by a swift kick into his ribs. "C'mon, cocksucker!"

Lance opened his mouth, but started to yell. He was cut off by another shot in the ribs. He held his side painfully.

"Don't make this harder than it has to be, gay-boy," sneered the lion. He held his member in his paw. "Let's go."

Lance grit his teeth, blinking back tears. Wasn't anyone going to help him?

The lion grabbed his neck again and brought Lance's muzzle inches from his throbbing cock. Lance whimpered again, and took the swollen member into his mouth. He gagged at the idea of sucking some strange fur's cock, but didn't have much choice.

"That's right, faggot. All you gay motherfuckers are good for is head," said the lion, pressing on the back of Lance's head, pushing his muzzle down further. Lance's eyes went wide when he throated the lion's cock, but managed to hold back his gagging.

"How 'bout I get a turn?" asked one of the other jocks, a Doberman.

The lion growled with pleasure. "Sure."

Lance watched the doby from his peripheral vision until he disappeared behind Lance. Lance felt his belt being undone, and then his boxers and pants get yanked down. Lance tucked his tail down between his legs and much as possible, but the doby roughly yanked it up. "No, no," he said. "Hey, check out the boner on this fox! He's likin' this!"

The lion looked down at Lance. "Turnin' ya on to suck a dick this big, huh?"

Lance said nothing as he blinked back tears. He shut his eyes tight when he felt the doby penetrate him, pushing his massive cock into Lance's tailhole, roughly and fast. Lance was being penetrated from both ends, feeling pain spread through his lower body as the doby thrust in and out of him. He'd never had such a painful and humiliating moment in all his life. Tears were flowing freely now.

The doby behind Lance kept pushing in further with each thrust, but didn't tie with Lance; either he didn't let his knot slip in, or pulled it back out, which defined 'pain' in a whole new way for Lance. Lance kept trying to distract himself on the big cat's cock; he licked his tongue up and down, playing it over his swollen cockhead. The lion laughed and stroked his own balls. Lance could see them pulling up closer to his body, which meant his ejaculation was imminent.

"That's right, foxy, I'm gonna cum right inside that pretty mouth of your's," said the lion, grimly. "I can...feel it..."

Lance could also feel the doby swollen up painfully, who was growling and breathing heavily as he kept himself centered on Lance's rear end. The third jock hadn't moved from the shadows and kept himself hidden well.

When the lion came, it was a huge load; more than Ty or Josh had been. It filled his mouth in one spasm, cum dribbling out of his mouth and down his chin. The lion growled softly as he came into Lance.

As the lion came, Lance felt the doby's penis spasm inside his tailhole. Without his knot there, it was spilling down Lance, past the underside of his testicles, and down the inside of his legs. The doby kept humping Lance even as he came.

The lion's orgasm finished off, gobs of semen all over Lance and the floor.

"Clean me off," said the lion forcefully. Lance did as instructed and licked the lion's cock clean of semen, swallowing most of it by habit.

When Lance was finished, the lion tucked his cock back inside his pants and zipped up. "Damn, better head than my girlfriend gives," he said. The doby pulled his cock from Lance, and Lance felt nothing but pain inside himself. The doby walked back in front of Lance.

"Wanna turn?" the lion asked the last figure.

No reply.

"Well, alright, I can understand," said the lion. He picked Lance up again. "Listen, little faggy, tell anyone who did this to you, and kiss your boyfriend good-bye, alright?"

Lance cried more.

"UNDERSTAND!?" raged the lion.

Lance nodded meekly.

"Okay," he said. He kneed Lance in the gut and punched him across the face again. He let Lance drop, and Lance curled up when he hit the floor, moaning.

"Let's go," said the lion, and the trio left.

Lance sobbed on the floor, both from pain and embarrassment. He wanted to die at that moment; he still had the lion's cum on his face, and the doby's in his ass. His ribs hurt, and he felt blood drying on his fur. He tried to yell for help again, but couldn't; all he felt was blackness creeping in on him.

It would be three hours before his body was discovered.


The elevator dinged and Race practically ran off the elevator to the reception desk. Since he'd gotten the message from his sister that Lance was in the hospital, he couldn't get here fast enough. Apparently Race's number had been one of the only ones Lance had had on him.

He stopped at the service desk. "Where's Lance!?" he yelled at the desk nurse.

The golden lab on duty looked up at him slowly. "And who might you be? Only Lance we have here is a fox."

"I'm his best friend," said Race, heatedly.

The nurse calmly flipped over a sheet, like she had a hundred times before. "Parents and family members only for now. No friends."

"But...I...I was called, they said to come down right away," said Race.

"Probably your's was the only number on him," said the nurse. "Have a seat, sir."

Race put his head down. "What...what if I said I was his boyfriend?"

The nurse looked at him critically. "Are you?"

"...Yes," said Race, slowly.

"Then you may not want to see him anyway," said the nurse delicately.

"Why not!?" asked Race, his stomach dropping like a weight.

"He's...pretty beat-up," said the nurse.

"I HAVE to see him," said Race. "Please..." he begged.

The nurse sighed. "If it wasn't for the fact we couldn't reach his parents, I would say emphatically no, but..." She looked over her shoulder. "Last room on the left."

Race smiled. "Thank you." He ran down the hallway.

When he hit the room, he looked through a window first and gasped.

Lance was laying in the bed, tubes feeding up through his nose. His fur had been cleaned up, but Race could see his eye was swollen and cuts under his fur.

"Who are you?" asked a voice.

Race spun and came face-to-face with a tiger doctor.

"I'm--" started Race.

"With him?" asked the doctor gently, motioning at Lance.

Race nodded. He was going to ask what had happened when the elevator at the end of the hall dinged again. The doors opened, and Race couldn't believe his eyes as a snow leopard walked into view. Ty stopped dead in his tracks when he saw Race. It looked like he was going to jump back on the elevator, but walked towards Race, ignoring the desk nurse.

" he?" asked Ty, as he approached Race. When the nurse saw him walk to Race, she stopped yelling.

"In there," said Race, pointing, not meeting his gaze. "Now, what did happen to him?"

The doctor cleared his throat. "I really shouldn't release that information before his parents arrive. In fact, I can't even let you in before they arrive. Would you know their number?"

"...Yeah," said Race. He gave the doctor their work number, and he was gone.

Race turned to Ty, said nothing, and sat down in a chair next to the door. Ty sat next to him, out of force, not choice.

"So, why're you here?" asked Race.

"They called me," said Ty, "probably thinking I was a home number. I...I came down when I heard he was in the hospital."

"Even after last Saturday?" asked Race.

Ty was silent. "Yes," he said, finally.

"You know, neither one of us meant to--"

"I know," said Ty, cutting him off.

Race said nothing further.

It wasn't long before Lance's parents showed up, almost running down the hall themselves. They dashed past Race and Ty to the doctor, talking quietly to him. The doctor led them into Lance's room, and Race and Ty couldn't hear anything. All they could do was watch Lance's mother cry as the doctor spoke.

As they crowded around his bed, Race was briefly aware of another presence. He hadn't noticed until he was practically on top of them.


The kangaroo sheepishly stepped forward, inch by inch.

"YOU!?" raged Ty. "How the hell can you even THINK of coming here!?"

"I...I...heard from Race's sister when I called him," said Josh, quietly. "I was worried--"

"Oh, so NOW you're worried!?" asked Ty. "You weren't worried when your little ploys to tear us apart were in effect!?"

"Huh?" asked Race, looking at Josh.

"He basically blackmailed us into sex with him," said Ty. "But then YOU come along, anyway, so it didn't really matter."

"Hey, you can't blame it all on me!" said Race, defensively.

"Why not!? You did sleep with him, too!" shouted Ty. "As far as I'm concerned, you're BOTH to blame he isn't MINE."

"So he likes me better, and I'm to blame? Is that right?" asked Race.

Ty said nothing, just looked away.

"We--" started Josh, but was cut off when the door opened, and Lance's parents came out of the room.

"Thank you for coming down, boys," said Lance's father. "You can go in, if you like."

None of them met the parents' eyes. They just shuffled past and into the room.

"So what did happen?" asked Race to the doctor when they went in. "NOW can you tell us?"

The doctor sighed. "Your friend was severely beaten and raped; we found traces of semen on his face and in his anus. There was severe tearing of the tissue, and one of his ribs was broken. He also has several cuts and bruises across him."

"God...," breathed out Race. Ty and Josh said nothing. "Do you know who did this?"

The doctor shook his head. "This age, DNA samples wouldn't be on file. And being a hate crime, the school will bury this."

"Hate crime?" asked Race.

"Well, you claim to be his boyfriend; either he's gay or bi," said the doctor, bluntly.

Race said nothing.

"The school won't be in a hurry to put in the paper that one of their students was raped because he was gay," said the doctor.

The collie balled up his fists, because he knew it was true.

"Right now he's still unconscious," said the doctor. "I need to go talk with his parents, excuse me." The doctor opened the door and left.

Ty approached the bed first. "Lance? Can you hear us?"

"He can't," said Race, walking over to the other side. "You heard the doctor, he's unconscious."

Tears slipped off Ty's face, falling on the bed sheets. "I'm sorry, Lance..." He turned and left. Josh looked at Race, then followed Ty out.

"Hey, wait," said Josh. "Where're you going?"

"Away," said Ty. "There's no place for me here anymore."

Josh grabbed his paw gently. "That's not true."

Ty looked back at him oddly.

Josh grinned crookedly. "There's a spot right here. The first time I spent with you, I knew I liked you. At first, I admit, it was just to get a quick time of it, but after...I realized how much I really do want you."

Ty's frown softened a bit. "Josh..."

"I mean it; you really are something special," said Josh. "I wouldn't mind a real date."

Ty took Josh's other paw, holding it softly. "I guess...maybe...even though you did--"

"I know, I was stupid," said Josh. "But, would you forgive me? Please?"

Ty looked at the ground for a moment. "Okay, I'll try."

Josh smiled and threw his arms around Ty. "It feels better to have someone for real than just for one night."

Ty hugged him back. "You're not going to leave, are you?"

"Like Lance?" asked Josh, looking into Ty's eyes.


Josh shook his head. "Never, I promise."

Ty smiled bigger. "Okay."


Race sat on the edge of the bed, holding Lance's paw. He jumped a little when Lance's eyes cracked open.

"Hey," said Race.

"Hey," said Lance, weakly. "W-where am I?"

"Hospital," said Race. "You remember what happened?"

Lance nodded slightly. "Too well. Race...I was..."

"Shh. I know," said Race, stroking Lance's head. "I know. It'll be OK."

"I don't know how," said Lance. "Everything is so fucked up, and I--"

"--have me," said Race, squeezing his paw.

"I...I wanted to die," said Lance. "I didn't want to live after that."

"Don't say that!" hissed Race. "Not ever."

Lance said nothing. "And Ty?"

Ty and Josh walked back in. "Is right here," said Ty.

Lance's eyes dropped.

Ty came over to his other side. "It's okay...everything is okay now, we're all here for you."

Lance glared at Josh. "What about him?" he asked as angrily as his energy allowed.

Ty threw an arm around Josh. "We're working things out. I guess you and me just weren't meant to be."

Lance looked over at Race. "I guess not." Race grinned. "So you all came just for me?"

"Yes, you big lug," said Race. "Just because we all give a shit."

Lance smiled again.

"I knew you'd been calling," said Ty. "I just...couldn't..."

"I don't blame you," said Lance. "I hurt you badly. And I'm sorry."

"Speaking of hurt, do you know the guys that did this to you?" asked Race.

Lance hesitated for a second, then shook his head. "No, I didn't get a...good look."

"Lance...," started Race.

"Race, please," said Lance. "I didn't see them."

Race nodded. "Okay, I believe you."

"I did," said a voice from the doorway. They all turned and looked.

"Clark?" asked Race. "What are you doing here?"

"I saw Lance getting taken from the school," said Clark. "I was there after school. And I also heard who did it. They were bragging about it."

"Who!?" asked Race.

"Guys on the football team," said Clark. "I heard them bragging."

"Where?" asked Race, hotly. "I swear to God, I'll fucking kill them."

"Settle down," said Clark, "I already gave their names to the police."

"It was you, wasn't it?" asked Lance, weakly. "You were the third, weren't you?"

Clark said nothing.

"What third?" asked Race.

"There were three guys in the bathroom, one of whom didn't do anything," said Lance. "It was you, wasn't it, Clark?"

Clark rubbed at his arm. "Yeah, it was...but, now we can--"

Race was across the room and had Clark up against the wall. "You son of a bitch! You didn't do anything to stop it!?"

Clark struggled against the collie, but even with his football-player's build couldn't break free. "I couldn't! There was no time! If I'd gone, it would've happened by the time I came back."

"Race, put him down," said Lance from the bed.

"But, he--"

"Is doing the right thing, now," said Lance. "Put him down."

Race glared at Clark, then grudgingly put him down. Clark straightened out his shirt.

"I'm sorry, Lance," said Clark, not looking at his broken body.

"It's okay," said Lance. "I'm happy you came here." Race went back to Lance's side.

The doctor stuck his head in the door. "Alright, visiting hours are over. You can come back tomorrow at three."

Race squeezed Lance's paw again. "I'll be back tomorrow."

Lance nodded. "Okay."

"Feel better," said Ty, for lack of anything better to say. Josh patted him on the shoulder, and Clark waved.

The four of them left, not saying much of anything. They stood in front of the elevator.

"I'll, uh, take the stairs," said Clark, ducking away, looking at Race. "Bye."

The others muttered 'bye' back.

Race, Josh, and Ty piled into the elevator, riding back down.

"Kind of sad it took something like this to pull us together," said Ty.

"Yeah," said Race, "but I'm glad everything's out in the open."

"Maybe we can all do something once Lance is out," said Josh, taking Ty's paw.

"Yeah," said Race, as they hit the ground floor.

"You're coming back tomorrow?" asked Ty.

"Everyday until he's out," said Race.

Ty smiled. "Lance is lucky."

Race also smiled. "I'll see you guys later."

They waved as Race left, going to his car. When he got there, he cried before starting the engine.


Race was in the hospital every day, next to Lance's bed, holding his paw and talking with him. Ty popped in every now and then with Josh; the two of them barely keeping their hands off one another. Clark had stopped by to tell them the two guys that had raped Lance were arrested, and would be in juvenile hall until they could face criminal charges as an adult; he had brought a newspaper clipping in conveniently left out the fact it was raping or gay-motivated, instead playing up the beating.

Lance was happier to get time alone with Race.

After the third week, Lance was released to go home. Unfortunately, his parents were out at work every day, and Lance still had a cracked rib and other injuries. Race, with his parents' permission and the school, managed to weasel out of two weeks of school to stick around and help Lance during the day; getting stuff for him, helping him around, and such. Every now and then, he managed to steal a kiss or two from Lance.

In the fourth week, Race was right in the bed with Lance, pulling him closer for making-out.

"I think I'm feeling better," said Lance, grinning.

Race poked him on the nose. "I think so, too, foxy-boy."

"Ready for other in-door activities?" asked Lance.

Race rubbed his belly and watched Lance flinch. "Not yet. You're still hurting."

Lance tried to hug Race, his face contorting in pain. Race eased him back. "Easy, there."

"Yes, mother," said Lance.

Both of them heard the front door open. "Speaking of...," said Race, crawling off the bed, sitting on a recliner next to it. As he did, the door opened and Lance's parents stepped in.

"Hi, mom, hi, dad," said Lance.

"Hi, sweetie," said his mother. "How're you feeling?"

"Much better," said Lance.

"Well, the doctor called, your cast comes off next week, and then you're back in school."

"Aw, mom...," whined Lance.

"Race, would you like to stay for dinner?" asked his mother.

"Uh...yeah, sure," said the collie, his ears pricking up.

"Good," said Lance's mother. "I'll set up a table in here for you." With that, she and Lance's father left.

"So, next week, I guess," said Lance.

"Yeah," said Race, standing up. "I'll go see if your parents need help with dinner."

"No," said Lance. "Stay. Please?"

Race sat back on the end of the bed. "Okay, if you insist."


Josh sat on the edge of the hood of his car, his arm around Ty's shoulders; they were down by the waterfront, watching the sun set over the ice-covered water.

"Nice here," said Ty.

"Mm-hmm," said Josh, putting his head on Ty's shoulder. Ty looked over at Josh and smiled.

"What are we gonna do all night?" asked Ty.

"I dunno," said Josh. "Get a movie, watch TV, video games."

"I can think of something else to do...ALL night," said Ty, grinning wildly.

Josh picked his head up. "Really?"

Ty nodded.

Josh put his head back down. "In a little while." He hugged Ty tight. "In a little while..."


Lance stood on his front walk, looking at his front door. He took a deep breath, squeezing Lance's paw.

"You ready?" asked Race.

Lance nodded, a lump catching in his throat.

"I'll be right here," said Race.

They walked through Lance's front door. His parents were in the living room, reading the Sunday paper.

"Hi, Lance," said his dad. "Hello, Race."

" gotta talk," said Lance, sitting down. Race sat down next to him.

"Oh?" asked his dad, looking at his wife. "About what?"

Lance stared at the floor, fidgeting with his paws and his feet. Race took Lance's paw in his.

Lance looked up. "Mom, dad, I'm gay...and...Race is my boyfriend."

His dad looked over at his mom again. "Son, we love you, no matter what. There's nothing you, or anyone, can do to change that."

"We're always here for you, sweetie," said his mom. "Always."

Lance smiled and blushed. "Thanks."

"What do you boys feel like for dinner?" asked Lance's mom.

"Whatever," they said at the same time, and laughed.


Lance fell back onto the bed, Race following right on top of him. They were in Race's bedroom, since his parents were gone for the weekend and his sister had long since left.

"Been waiting for this," said Lance as Race lifted his shirt over his head.

"Me, too," said Race, kissing him. Lance pulled him closer onto his chest, being able to do so now that his ribs were healed.

"You make me feel good again," said Lance. "Like being alive again."

Race smiled. "I'm glad." He unzipped Lance's pants, rubbing his crotch. Lance murred as he got Race's shirt and pants off. They lay on top of one another, their stiff cocks pressing through their boxers. Soon enough, the boxers were gone, too.

Race parted Lance's legs, his erect member brushing against Lance's. He took the opportunity and rubbed himself against Lance's more vigorously, moving his own shaft against Lance's sensitive spots on his cock. Lance groaned.

He then pulled himself down and pushed his cock into Lance's tailhole ring, slowly penetrating him. Lance hissed in pleasure as he was parted, feeling Race's heat coming into him.

"Feel good, still?" asked Race, panting.

"Yes," said Lance, quietly. He felt his own pulsing hard-on.

As Race pulled himself in and out of Lance, he bent over and started sucking on Lance's penis. Lance had his eyes closed, and hadn't even noticed him moving in. But his eyes snapped open when he felt Race wrap his tongue around his cock.

"Race...oh, man, Race," he breathed out. He felt Race move his tongue over his cockhead, licking there, taking Lance's pre-cum into his mouth. He moved his muzzle up and down while moving his cock in and out of Lance. Race could feel his knot forming at the base of his cock, trying to delay it as long as possible to extend their session.

Lance reached down and fondled his own testicles, feeling his tailhole clench around Race's cock in his rear end every time a little shudder of pleasure went through his own member. He wrapped his own legs around Race, pulling him in as tight as possible; Race was forced to bury his knot inside Lance, tying with him. Race felt even better once his knot was submerged inside Lance. He felt his hot cum pushing through his cock, and he slowed his pace to keep from ejaculating.

"Feels be tied with you again," said Lance, gasping as Race pushed his muzzle back down his cock. Race responded by rapidly moving his tongue over Lance's cockhead. Lance bucked his hips a little when Race did that. Race could still feel his cum on the verge of spilling out, and he felt Lance's cock swelling further in his mouth.

Race pushed Lance's cock down his throat at the same time he pumped his cock into Lance's tailhole with more force, releasing the semen his aching member held. When Lance's cockhead hit the back of Race's throat, he felt his own spasms start and move up his cock, spilling his cum into Race's muzzle. Race wasn't even moving his cock anymore, just pressing himself deeply into Lance, unloading himself, and swallowing Lance's cum. Lance was gasping as the last of his twitches finished, and Race's warm semen was painted on his insides.

"That was...intense," said Lance.

"Well, as soon as I settle down, I think it's your turn, again," said Race, licking Lance's face.

"No," said Lance, looking into Race's eyes. "I'm just happy to be here...with you." He pulled Race down onto him tight, hugging him. Race adjusted himself inside Lance so he didn't hurt himself or Lance.

"So am I," said Race. "I don't ever want to be anywhere else."

Lance kissed Race again. "Not without you."



Desperate for changing

Starving for truth

Closer to where I started

Chasing after you

I'm falling even more in love with you

Letting go of all I've held onto

I'm standing here until you make me move

I'm hanging by a moment here with you

Forgetting all I'm lacking

Completely incomplete

I'll take your invitation

You take all of me

Now I'm falling even more in love with you

Letting go of all I've held onto

I'm standing here until you make me move

I'm hanging by a moment here with you

I'm living for the only thing i know

I'm running and not quite sure where to go

I don't know what I'm diving into

Just hanging by a moment here with you

There's nothing else to lose

Nothing left to find

There's nothing in the world

That could change my mind

There is nothing else

There is nothing else...

Desperate for changing

Starving for truth

Closer where I started

Chasing after you

I'm falling even more in love with you

Letting go of all I've held onto

I'm standing here until you make me move

I'm hanging by a moment here with you

I'm living for the only thing i know

I'm running and not quite sure where to go

I don't know what I'm diving into

Just hanging by a moment here with you

Just hanging by a moment

Hanging by a moment..

Hanging by a moment...

Hanging by a moment here with you..

"Hanging By a Moment"~Lifehouse


Author's Note: Well, that's it. The end. No more. Never again. Finito. Ta-da. That's all he wrote.

Nah, I'm kiddin'. I got more ideas in mind, this is just the end of THIS series. There'll be more on Race and Lance, and other furs they'll meet along the way.

On a side note, this was probably the most difficult part to write; for obvious reasons. Originally, there was a MUCH different ending in mind; Ty was going to be the one in the hospital bed after an attempted suicide, but that's so over-done and cliched, and then I was struck with this idea, and went with it. I liked it because it let me explore gay-related issues, like beatings. I guess it's a, quote, 'happy', ending. I really did enjoy writing this series, and I hope you guys liked reading it as much (from previous comments, I can imagine so =3 ).

Oh, yeah, and I think I should mention none of this series was based on actual events; it all came from my imagination (except when Lance confronts his parents on being gay; that's loosely based on real events).

Anyway, um, yeah, best way to go out is leave 'em wanting more, so be on the look-out for more in the future.
