Leveling Up

Story by Epic Quest on SoFurry

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#2 of Can't Tame Digimon

That first quest is always satisfying. Our "heroes" waste little time putting their new powers to use on a pair of rookie digimon.

The two newly formed digimon stared at each other in awe, finding they had become the viruses depicted on their computer. They were now in the digital world, just like they had planned. If things went smoothly, they'd soon be having a great deal of fun!

The male had become Incumon, a virus class demon species. He had dark blue skin, a pair of fangs, ebony hair growing to his shoulders, a large pair of bat-like wings, a prehensile tail, and scaled plating along his forearms and lower legs. His fingers and toes were tipped with claws that looked ready for battle, should he need them. He was also strikingly handsome male with otherwise flawless complexion and sharp features. Incumon was almost completely naked with the exception of what looked to be a fleshy thong worn around his crotch and backside. The clothing was oily black in color, and felt more like living tissue than actual clothing. Somehow, Incumon was instinctively aware the garment was actually part of his body. The thong did virtually nothing to cover up his modesty, as it actually seemed to conform to his body shape. As he looked down, he saw a bulge that perfectly outlined his cock and balls in the fleshy texture.

The female had become Succumon of the same class and species. She looked very similar to Incumon, except her skin tone was hot pink, and she had snow white hair that grew down to her waist. Her only method of clothing was made from the same dark, fleshy substance as her companion's, except it formed a pair of nipple coverings and a thin strip over her pussy. She was just as beautiful and flawless as her companion, and he immediately noted her hefty D sized breasts.

"Alright," Succumon said as she adjusted her breasts, "We should have all the powers of a digimon now. That includes super human bodies, cool powers, and the ability to grow stronger by absorbing the power of others." she was still inspecting her body as he companion voiced his questions.

"So does this come with a tutorial mode or something?" he asked, playing with his tail as it wiggled about in his grasp like a snake. The new appendage should have been alien to his brain, yet he found that with only a little bit of concentration, he could move it to his will.

"If we're really digimon, all the information we need has been programmed into our data." Succumon replied, "We'll use our powers on instinct when the situation calls for it. That should make adjusting to this faster!" she grinned at the thought. Of course as the programmer who designed these bodies, she had a better understanding of their capabilities.

"So now we hunt!" Incumon declared, his wings unfolding wide as if prepared to take off, but Succumon grabbed him by the arm as if to stop him. He turned to look at her in confusion as she held up a finger to him as if disciplining him.

"We just got here!" she chastised, "How about we earn some more experience before charging into any boss battles?" she let go of his arm before unfolding her own wings. "Let's go hunt some Rookies." she grinned mischievously before the pair of them flew off into the sky.

Not far away from where the viruses had landed, a pair of rookie class Digimon were enjoying some time in the forest. A Gabumon and Palmon who were happy the digital world wasn't being conquered by some team of evil masters for once. They weren't the legendary Gabumon and Palmon who accompanied the digi destineds, but they were the same iconic species.

"The sun is shining, the air is cool, and the forest is healthy." Palmon said, "It's a beautiful day to forget about our troubles!" she exclaimed cheerfully, stretching her plant-like body as she flopped onto her back and felt the cool dirt press against her. As a plant type digimon, it felt wonderful to have fresh soil under her on a day like today.

"It's enough to make me want to take a nap right here." Gabumon yawned as he gently laid down beside her, stretching out his arms and legs. He closed his eyes as a gentle breeze passed over them, providing a relaxing sensation. He was only dimly aware of the sound of wings overhead, before Palmon started shaking him.

"Well, well, this is perfect!" exclaimed Succumon as the pair hovered above the two rookies. Palmon had noticed them because her eyes were open, and she appeared to be trying to stir Gabumon who was looking around groggily for the emergency.

"One for each of us!" Succumon commented as the two of them dropped to the ground just as Gabumon was getting to his feet, realizing the inherent danger. "We have to defeat them to absorb the experience, so let's do this quick." Succumon informed her partner, who nodded in response.

"As if we're going to let you do it that easily!" Palmon declared before flinging her arms out, "Poison Ivy!" she declared. The purple finger-like appendages at the end of her arms suddenly extended into vines that rushed towards the pair of viruses.

Had she been the legendary Palmon, they would have probably been too fast and strong for the pair of them to avoid. But as a generic Palmon, she was under trained and inexperienced. They easily dodged out of the way and came charging for her from both sides.

"Flames of Passion!" Succumon called out as a swirling orb of flames materialized in her palm. She thrust it forward with a push of her hand as it went sailing towards the Palmon who was still waiting for her vines to retract before she could move.

Before it hit, Gabumon leapt in front of the attack, holding his arms up in an X formation. The fire ball struck home and spread over his upper body. He grunted in pain as the impact caused him to slide back a couple inches on the dirt, but otherwise he didn't seem too effected by it. Palmon's attack finally ended and she was able to once again move about.

"Well, looks like Gabumon's the meat shield." Incumon mocked with a laugh before holding up a pair of fingers as sparks danced in between them. "Shocker!" he shouted as a bolt of electricity lanced forward and caught Gabumon in the back.

Undefended, Gabumon took the full force of the attack as he fell forward. Smoke wafted off his back as a burn mark had been singed into the wolf pelt he wore over his body. Palmon yelped in surprise as she tried to hel her downed friend. She had just enough time to prop him on all fours before both viruses shouted their attacks simultaneously.

Flames rushed from the left and electricity from the right, striking the two helpless Digimon who were caught in the middle of their path. The pair of them yelled in pain before they burst into a shower of data particles.

"That was awesome!" said Incumon as the viruses approached the clouds of data that had previously been Palmon and Gabumon. The data clouds split into two groups and rushed towards the viruses before quickly being absorbed into their bodies.

The moment the clouds were absorbed, Incumon and Succumon felt a rush of power surge through them as they gained experience from the battle. The power of the two fallen digimon was being added to their own strength, and the strength would continue to grow with each digimon they slew. After they felt their powers increase, however, another cloud of data emerged from their bodies and hovered where the two enemies had once been.

"What is that?" Incumon looked to Succumon in surprise as she grinned at the clouds. Incumon didn't feel any power diminish, so it couldn't have been something that wasn't intentional. He blinked in surprise when the clouds began to take physical form, however.

"Digimon can't actually die." Succumon explained, "Their data just gets reformatted. But since we're viruses, we corrupted their data, so they're reincarnation is going to be a little different." she was practically beeming with excitement

Slowly, Palmon and Gabumon began to reappear as brightly glowing figures in the data clouds, which began to gain more shape and texture. The glow started to fade away as their reformation was complete. Palmon and Gabumon stood silently before them, although they were noticeably different from before.

The two digimon now had black collars around their necks, looking to be made of the same fleshy substance that was attached to the viruses. Additionally, they now had visible sexual features. A pair of yellow scaled balls, with a red, canine cock hung between Gabumon's legs. While a vaginal slit formed between Palmon's legs.

"Technically, Digimon are genderless." Succumon commented flatly, "But we changed that." she giggled as the two digimon began to move. They approached the two viruses eagerly, with Palmon moving towards Incumon, and Gabumon approaching Succumon.

"We're your obedient slaves!" Palmon declared, half moaning when she said it. "Please do whatever you want with us!" Gabumon added.

"I'm going to enjoy this." Incumon said as Palmon began reaching for his crotch. Much to both their surprise, the fleshy thong reacted to her presence as Incumon began to harden up. A pair of black tendrils show out from around his waist and latched themselves to Palmon's collar before yanking her forward onto his cock!

Again, I'm sorry for the text bunching up like it does. I don't know how to fix it, and nobody has been answering when I ask about it. I try to put double spaces in between paragraphs, but it comes up as only one space when the story is published.