When Life's a Bitch, Treat Her Right

Story by StGeorgesHorse on SoFurry

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#22 of A Real Animal Lover



 It's a word I've rarely mentioned before. You

know, I just wasn't into things like Las Vegas or Virginia Beach. I was

honestly more into things like; well, like zoos and parks and such. The farther

I went into life, the more I found that humans were a bit less human than a lot

of the animals I cared for. If that doesn't make sense, think of it this way;

the animals were true to themselves and their nature. Humans tended to be jerks

in some pretty amazing ways.

One summer I took a month off. The

bosses bitched about it, but I assured them that the staff could handle the

day-to-day operations just fine, and since I had already lined up a replacement

for myself while I was to be gone I knew I wasn't leaving them in a lurch. They

were still unhappy, and it didn't make things any better when I told them I was

going to Canada.

Why Canada?

Why not?

Back in those days the border to

Canada was open with the USA, and driving across it was as simple as finding a

road that crossed from one side to the other. My trip was on account of me

answering a call for volunteers at a park in Alberta needing some assistance

with the reintroduction of wolves into the wild. I had never worked with wolves

and was curious about them. Ok, I'm talking about Timber Wolves, or as they are

variously called, the Mackenzie Valley wolf or the Northwestern Wolf.  I realize that I had already worked with the

Maned Wolf in a manner most amorous.

Timber wolves were a lot larger

than their South American cousins, and this type was probably the biggest of

the entire wolf clan. I couldn't wait to get up close and personal, and while I

know what you're thinking, I wasn't planning on making any assumptions as to

how that aspect was going to go. After all, they weren't my wolves. I was there

to assist with their care and eventual release into the wild.

I had sent in my application to

work with them early on, and was quick to receive a reply. That was why I had

insisted on taking off. I already had a slot in the group and I intended to

take it.

I took a plane to Calgary and from

there took a rental car to Banff National Park. Why am I telling you where I

went? Because at this point it hardly matters. There were a good fifteen

volunteers there, so picking me out of the group at this point would be nearly impossible.

They were going to introduce the

wolves pack into the park, much like they did in Yellowstone. It was a great

idea, and the benefits at Yellowstone have become glaringly apparent in recent

years. You simply can't remove a component predator from the ecosystem and

expect there to be no ill effects. Man had nearly wiped them out, and in the

end, could have destroyed everything he thought he was saving.

I remember reading Teddy

Roosevelt's essay on them. It's amazing to think of how much wanton destruction

man had caused during the 1800s; all the bison and wolves that fell under their

guns. It was simply disgusting. There was a bounty on their heads; one on the

bison to make it harder on the natives, and on the wolves because they attacked

livestock. Brash stupidity seems to only come with intelligence. Man therefore

is cursed.

Banff had their newly obtained

wolves in separate enclosures. The idea was to keep them from forming a

hierarchy before they got into the wild. As it was, several of the group came

from hand raised pups. One of them eventually went on to be the alpha female.

Her name was Honiahaka, though everyone just called her Honey.

She was obviously a hand raised

wolf, for she showed no fear of humans. If someone would have told me then that

she would end up being the top canine of the pack, I would never have believed

them. As it was, I got to work with her almost exclusively. There was a reason

for that. In fact, I'll tell you right now that I made an impression on

everyone when I ended up opting to sleep out in the elements with her.

As it was, it was summer, so even

where we were that far north, it was plenty warm. I had packed camping

equipment with the full intention of enjoying the great outdoors. I just didn't

realize that I would eventually be doing it inside one of the enclosures.

The first day there was full of

routine introductions and what-have-you, you know; the basic crap. My fellows

in this project were from all over Canada and the USA, from zoos and

sanctuaries and in one case, a university. We ranged in experience from thirty

four years down to just three. But together we made quite the group.

I probably had the most experience

with direct animal care, though as I think I've said before, not with wolves.

Zoo managers still sort of thought of them as big dogs and hardly worth putting

on display for the public. It was a lousy outlook on the species, but there was

only so much I could do. It took another fifteen years before the species

really started to make a full comeback. We came pretty close to losing a

remarkable canine.

Anyway, getting on with the story...

From day one I opted to sleep

outside. There was a mild amount of fuss made over my choice. The fact was, the

lodge at the park had us sleeping five to a room, and to be honest, I wasn't in

the mood to listen to everyone's personal stories. Call me antisocial, because

maybe I was. I was all willing to talk shop, but I didn't care about their

personal lives, and I certainly wasn't into discussing mine.

I stayed there the first night, but

after that, rain or moon glow, I slept under the stars. I guess I had gotten a

little soured on human kind, but even more importantly, I came out here to

experience nature. Sleeping in a bed within four walls was something I could do

at home.

Honey and I made our acquaintance

early on. While many of the wolves there were properly standoffish, she was

much like a big Siberian Husky. She was over by the fence looking for loving,

and I have no doubt, a treat or two. Luckily for her, I had come equipped with

beef jerky and we quickly became friends. Of course, I told no one else. No

point in disillusioning them to the reason she was so amiable.

Honey and I became fast friends,

right down to me spending the nights in her pen. The park officials were

against it, but as I told them, the waver I signed said I was under my own recognizance

while I was helping at the park, and therefore, unless they decided that my

presence in the pen was detrimental to the she-wolf, then there was little they

could do about it.

Yeah, I pissed a few people off. It

didn't last.

Honey and I spent the nights

together, and before you ask, no, nothing happened, at least not right away. In

fact, if nothing had happened sexually I would have been quite content. This

was an experience to remember for it wasn't often I got to be one with the

animals in the wild, even if she was currently penned up. It was in the middle

of the wilderness, and that was closer than I usually got. After my years

inside the confines of a zoo, I was a little stir crazy.

The wolves were all fit and

healthy, which was no surprise. I would never remark that the Canadians didn't

know their stuff. The problem was going to be in mixing them together in manner

to keep tensions down. I wasn't certain that was possible. After all, they were

from different areas and as such, there was going to be some friction, just

like there was in our human group. It's the nature of the beast.

My first week was spent outside of

the pens, as I was no fool. I had a small tent, a sleeping bag, cooking gear;

the whole darn thing. By damned if I wasn't going to be roughing it while I was

here. Sleeping was a bit tough, considering how active they were at night.

There wasn't a whole lot of your usually depicted nighttime howling, but they

did yip and bark and growl. It didn't bother me at all. To me, it was music to

my ears.

I sat up late listening to them,

all the while staring up at the clear night sky. My god, how the stars shone!

Living in a city, albeit in zoo, there were always lights on, dimming what you

could see of the sky. Out here, there was nothing, not even from the lodge,

because the lodge was three miles distant. Yep, that's right folks; I was

really out here on my own. I have never counted so many stars. I think I even

spotted a satellite or two.

Still, my greatest interest was

here on the ground, and not far from me. That was why, after being out in the

wild for a few days, I decided to climb the fence with my sleeping bag and she

what she would do.

Now mind you, it wasn't really a

foolhardy thing to do. I had spent some time with her already. Like I said, she

was an obvious hand raised wolf, for she acted more like a dog than a wild

carnivore. She loved to play, and she especially loved to tussle. While she

tended to use her teeth to tug and pull at my clothing, never once did she bite

or even accidentally break the skin.

Sleeping with her was a trip, for

she would often pace the inside of the fence perimeter. I felt bad for her,

knowing that eventually she would be released and maybe then wish she had some

solid boundaries to deal with.  She was

going to go from a few square yards to hundreds of square miles in a few weeks

time. After they were all released, it would be up to them to fend for


I was unsure she was ready for this,

and to this end, did something that very nearly could have gotten me kicked

out. I let her go.

Hey! I'm not an idiot. I knew I was

taking a chance, but I felt she needed a little experience before getting set

free. So here's what I did. First off, all canines love meat. I figured she

wouldn't go far from me since I had a pocket filled with jerky. Secondly, where

would she go? She was going to be free in a little while anyway, so what

difference did upping the timetable make?

We went on an excursion the first

night, looking to scare up some game. We found a few rabbits, but she seemed to

be confused at what she was supposed to do with them. That didn't bode well for

her or the rest of them if they had no idea how to hunt.

The second night out (for you see,

she stayed with me) we were a little more successful. This time I flushed a

hare out from under a bush and it ran straight towards her. She grabbed it, but

not knowing what else to do with it, she let it escape. It was at least a


During these times she was still

pretty playful, and she preferred to romp more than to hunt. As the moon

reaching its fullest phase, the nighttime was lit up with an eerily luminescent

glow. I don't know if you have any idea what I'm talking about, but it's when

the moonlight is so brilliant you can read by it. You could see right down into

the valley below.

And what did I see? A herd of deer.

I figured they would be a little big for her to tackle alone, but she noticed

them with a keen interest. Since it was a prey animal the pack would be looking

to take down, I let her investigate them. When she took off after them, I was

slightly surprised, and when she almost took one down, I nearly cheered.

She came trotting back, head held

high, and with it her tail as well. I thought it was just a bit of canine

pride. It turns out it was a little more than that. I had assumed the

restlessness in the males  was just

because they were caged up. It hadn't dawned on me until that moment that a

female might be in heat. Funny that it happened to be the one I was presently

working with. I had to thank dumb luck for being on my side.

I pride myself on being able to

ascertain when a female is in heat, but I was so wrapped up in the whole

outdoor experience that I hadn't really been paying attention to her backend.

Apparently my nose wasn't nearly as sensitive as the other males out her, but

that goes without saying. It made the past few evening's ruckus a little more


That thought got me pretty excited,

because here we were out in the middle of nowhere. That meant that I could

relax and not worry about anyone discovering us. There was to be no sneaking up

on me unless someone walked in the moonlight to where we were, because

headlights would show up on the road well before anyone made it to the site.

I stripped down to nothing and sat

down on the grass. I doubt that she got any ideas from the removal of my

clothing. She was in the mood for playing, and I sort of think that this might

have been her first heat, and therefore she didn't know quite how to deal with

it. Luckily for her I did.

We tussled around on the grass for

a while, for as I've said before she acted a bit too doglike to suit me. Not in

her looks mind you, which were exquisite and a perfect paradigm of the wolf

breed. She had that perfect mix of black, gray and browns. Her eyes were golden,

and they reflected back the moonlight like miniature mirrors. No, I was

referring to her desire to please. She was going to have to outgrow that or she

was never going to survive, pack or no pack. But for the moment, I pushed aside

those thoughts for something more immediate.

We rolled around and wrestled,

giving the others a bit of a show. The males were definitely fidgety while we

were horsing around. I knew that she had to be in heat, or else they wouldn't

be reacting so strongly. For her part, she seemed oblivious to anything else

but her and I. So at one point when I tackled her and pinned her to the ground,

I slipped my finger under her lovely tail. She froze as my questing finger

found a hole dripping with lubrication. My cock went rigid in record time.

She was on her back, and it was as

perfect a position as we were going to have. I left my finger inside her and

played around, rubbing her walls with a firm touch. With my other hand I

stroked her fur in an effort not to have her freak out on me. She seemed more

like the opposite. She was holding still as I rubbed her belly with one hand

and tested the waters with the other. 

She was dripping in no time.

Having tackled smaller subjects

than her, I knew there was going to be no difficulty in poking into that lupine

love hole. Since she was being so cooperative, I didn't waste any time. I got

up on my knees, pulled her legs forward and placed the head of my cock against

her puffy lips. I grabbed her front paws and pulled her towards me as I leaned

in. I slipped in like a hot knife through butter and was engulfed by a raging

heat.  This girl was hot and bothered!

I kept my grip on her front paws

and used them as leverage for going at it. She was suddenly very still as I

pressed my crotch against hers with the full weight of my body. I could feel

her stretch open as her lips became a tight ring around the base of my cock.

Her fur was a fuzzy tickle against my bare skin, and her insides were a hot,

enveloping paradise. I was immediately in lust. I knew what I was going to be

doing every night until it was either time to let her free, or until the estrus

wore off. Either way I was going to be draining my nuts on a nightly basis.

I worked away on her with as much

energy as I could muster, for we had been cavorting about already this evening.

As it was, the aroma of her once untapped cunt was driving the other males in

the vicinity absolutely nuts. I could see a few unsheathed cocks poking out

from underneath their bellies. The boys wanted in on the action! Too bad for

them. There was chain link between them and us, so she was all mine.

After a little while, I rolled her

onto her side and repositioned myself, careful not to pinch her tail under my

knee. As I worked her over, I took my left hand and using a little lube that had

splattered on the outside, rubbed across her ass until it loosened up. My thumb

went in right to the knuckle. I felt her shudder as it did. A smile spread

across my face. I was going to be breaking this virgin in on both holes


Ignoring the fuss from the pens, I

went to work with a vengeance. Here I was out in the bright moonlit night,

screwing a beautiful wolf to the sounds of her future pack mates voicing their dislike

of a human getting the first mating with their future leader. It was music to

my ears, and her cunt was pleasure beyond compare. I had a feeling I was going

to be dead tired come morning.

Honey was well over a hundred

pounds and more than capable of handling me. I figured I was good for both

holes, though how long I was going to be using each was only going to be

answered once I was done. I continued to work her over; cock in cunt and a

thumb up the rear. I could feel her body quiver with the overload of sensations

running through it. I think she was as turned on as I was.

After a good fifteen minutes of

plugging away on that fine hole, I pulled out and took a shot at the one above

it. She whipped her head up when I vacated her hole, watching me as if to ask

if that was all there was going to be. I pressed against her ass and wiggled my

cock in. She stiffened for a moment and then dropped her head back down. I

pressed it in until I was up to the hilt. Damn, but if this hole wasn't nearly

as sensational as the other I don't know what was.  

I went at it, and she reacted by

having one of her legs twitching in time to my pounding. I thought maybe it was

just from the force of my thrusts, but when I slowed them to a measured pace,

her twitching continued. My cock got a little harder at the thought that she

was into anal. That meant I was going to be tapping out both of her holes until

my cock gave up the ghost. I prayed that wasn't until the very last day.

I slid my other thumb where my cock

had just been, and while the position was still a little cramped as before, it

worked out just fine. She was off the deep end as I slid in an out of her ass

like a piston. Now you may question whether I'm telling the truth, but you'd be

surprised how many animals found the back door to be nearly as much fun as the

front. Equines especially seemed to savor having both holes plugged now and

again. Trust me, she was totally into it.

I fucked her until I couldn't hold

back anymore. I had a grip on her tail and her leg; all the while I was rocking

her world with as much force as I thought she could handle. I let loose inside

her and spilled forth with as much strength as a true male wolf. I was only

missing a knot.

Oh, what I wouldn't have given to

be locked up tight inside her!

I stayed in as long as I could, but

after a few minutes the issue was forced and I dropped to the grass beside her.

She went into a fury of licking; to my face though and not to herself. I rolled

on my back and she was immediately on top of me, avidly showing her

appreciation for this new game. I would have figured she would have been

licking her ass, which I assumed might be a bit raw, but she was having none of

it. In fact, she moved from my face to my crotch, sniffing and lapping like it

was some great delicacy.

It was a little much to take after

just having blown a wad, but I bit my tongue and let her go at it. As it turns

out, she licked me hard in five minutes flat. I wouldn't have believed it if it

hadn't happened to me. Then again, I was really into this girl, and I think

that helped. I finally pushed her away and got up on my knees.

It took a moment to get her

arranged, but she got the idea and held still as I maneuvered behind her. I

plunged back into her cunt with nary a touch of friction and slammed it in

deep. I felt her go rigid as I did so, and knew she was ready for the long

haul. I was thankful for the soft soil and grass under my knees, for that

wasn't always the case. Then again, they had toughened up over time so maybe it

was compromise.

I grabbed her hips and went to town

on her hole again, determined to dump a load into there as well.  I would have been a little leery of poking

back in after being in her ass; a matter of cleanliness and all, but she had

licked me plenty clean in her enthusiasm. So without reservation I went forth

to show her how it was done.

The males were still pacing and

growling, but since there wasn't a damn thing they could do, I was content to

listen to their grumblings. In a few weeks they would have their turn. For now,

it was mine. With any luck, I might just ruin their chances, though that was a

mean-spirited thought. After all, the idea was to release them into the wild

and have them repopulate the species. That was the long term goal. My sights

were set a little more in the here and now.

I screwed Honey until she tightened

up like a Chinese finger trap. I was soon forcing myself in, not for lack of

lubrication, but because her cunt was slowly constricting, fitting ever more

tightly around my head and shaft.  I had

to slow down, which I was of mixed minds about. Part of me wanted to savor the

feeling, and the other part wanted to slam on her until my muscles gave out.

The first was the only option. I took it of course.

It made for a long night indeed. I

was to the point where I literally had to force my way inside, and because it

was getting to be so tight, I often simply pushed in and concentrated on the

feeling of warmth and tightness surrounding my cock. It was a pulsing tube of

pleasure, that's what it was, and I had to wonder how she could ever take a

knot when she was shrinking around me like she was. Truthfully, it wasn't going

to be my problem, but I guess that when the time came, the lucky male was going

to be stuck for a lot longer than he may have bargained for.  

I certainly was. Each pull out was

measured, for if I slipped all the way out, there was a real chance I wasn't

going to get back in. Therefore, when the flared edge of my head reached her

pelvic bone I stopped, and with care and a fair amount of pressure, I pushed it

back in. I did this for an hour. I didn't know about her, but I was tiring, and

I was feeling just a little raw. But if she was feeling any of those things she

was keeping it to herself. She was sitting still, her forefeet extended, and

her head and shoulders low. It was a stable position and probably one that

allowed her to expend much less energy staying still  than I was banging away on her backside. I didn't

begrudge her one bit.

In the end, I quit moving and

instead slammed her into me. It worked wonderfully, and as a matter of fact, it

was ideal. I still couldn't go too fast, but I could really get in deep this

way, and she was shaking like a leaf by the time I finally came. I blew a

painfully constricted load straight into her cub-maker with extreme prejudice.  I was pressed up against her cervix so I'm not

exaggerating one bit.

This time I held on so tightly

against her that I never fell out. I was fairly exhausted, but I really didn't want

to leave the confines of that sweet little hole. As it was, I finally knew I

had to and I pulled out, but not without a sigh from me, and a little look of reproach

from her. I got dressed in my boxers and climbed into my sleeping  bag. Come the next morning, she was snuggled

up with me on the outside. I shared some jerky from my pouch before I returned

to my tent and got dressed. I had to look presentable when everyone else got


I was feeling pretty euphoric. I

hadn't considered that I would ever being checking such a majestic creature as

the wolf off of my list. Like I said before, sure I had done some Maned Wolves,

and while they were smaller and a little odder in appearance, there was

something deeply religious about this experience. I was out here in her land, and

under her sky, and under her tail... And it was wonderful.

There were plenty more nights, let

me tell you, but I will not bother with them right now. Eventually, we did

release them into the wild, but I'll save that tale for later, in case you're

interested. After all, there were still around two weeks left, and I made good

use of every night of every one of them. But for now, I think I'll cut the

story here before it gets to be too long. And if you'd like to hear more, I'm

sure I can be persuaded to kiss and tell.