Knotty Alphas: Chapter 3

Story by Mojotheomegawolf on SoFurry

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#3 of Knotty Alphas

Here is chapter 3. Enjoy.

Chapter 3: The Alpha Experiment: Part 2: The Ride of a Lifetime

"So what's next?" he asked, moving around Kate's front.

Kate slid herself off of the log and turned to see his cock still dangling between his legs, then smiled as an idea was birthed in her head.

"Saddle up, cowboy," she purred, pushing him onto his back, then straddling his body, "I'm gonna take you for the ride of your life."

Garth hit the ground with an oof and looked up to her as she boarded him, but she used one of her paws to push him flat while she used the other one to align his cock with her pussy, then sat down on his waist, pushing him into her.

"Oh yes," she moaned softly, sitting all the way down on his knot.

She had tried to do this with Humphrey once before, but there are some horses that just aren't made to be ridden, and he was one of them. This, however was absolutely incredible, everything that she had hoped it would be when she was first disappointed by her mate's inadequacy, and it would only get better.

With a sneer, she leaned forward and placed her paws on Garth's chest then began to bounce on his cock, taking care to stop herself before reaching his knot, because she knew that once it was inside of her, she would be locked in and the fun would be over. She couldn't do that yet, because the fun had only just begun, and it would be a real shame to have it end so soon.

"Mmm," Kate crooned as she fucked herself with his huge cock, "yes."

Garth lied there on his back, rubbing her sides and hips with his paws as she worked and groaned softly, slightly happy that he got a little break, because he and Kate had been fucking so hard and for so long now that his core was beginning to get sore.

Kate crooned and ceased to bounce for a moment, but began to grind against his hips, making his cock tease her pussy ever so good.

But then Garth got an idea.

As she began to bounce on him once more, he wrapped his paws around behind her back and began to thrust up every time she came down, and this new sensation caused Kate to cry out with pleasure.

"Oh yes, Garth! Fuck me goooduh!

Garth took this as he key to speed up, so that's exactly what he did. With closed eyes and clenched teeth, he began to fire his cock up into her hard, giving to her a whole new level of pleasure.

"Oh, God, yeah!" Kate groaned as he pounded her, then used the padding on her paw to begin teasing her clitoris, and this combined with the pleasure of having his cock mash her insides, caused her to shriek in ecstasy.

"Oh Garth, I'm gonna cum!" she cried out, padding her clit harder and faster.

Garth smiled and gave her everything he had, fucking her so hard that his balls began to slap the bottom of her juicy, bouncing ass.

Kate's panting increased in octave as her orgasm rose, building up until it was a shrill cry, then, all at once, she let it go, experiencing for the first time a squirting orgasm.

So intense was the pleasure that she threw herself off of Garth and onto her back where she lied screaming as juices literally squirted like a hose from her pussy.

Garth, having never seen anything like this before, was shocked, but at the same time quite proud of himself, because based off of what he could see from the eyes being rolled into the back of her head and the multiple bodily contractions, she was in a state of extreme pleasure, and he had caused it. What was there not to be proud of?

Finally, Kate's orgasm subsided, leaving her lying on the ground, panting heavily, but Garth would not leave her lie for long, as he had not yet experienced orgasm, and he was not going to stop until he did. With his cock still dangling between his legs, he turned to her and straddled her body with his forelegs, then lowered himself down so he hovered above her and with one quick motion, he shoved his cock into her wet, dripping pussy.

Kate moaned softly as he entered her, still as turned on as she was the minute they had started this non-stop sex session about an hour ago, regardless of how many times she had already climaxed and how sore her pussy was, because she just could not get enough of his wonderful cock.

Finally Garth was buried up to his knot, and for a moment he paused, but only to reset his base, then once he was settled, he began to thrust into her at a moderate pace.

Kate crooned as he fucked her, using her paws to tease her many excited nipples, then cried out with pleasure as her lover sped up.

"Oh yes!" she moaned, being fucked so hard that her body slid back and forth on the ground slightly each time he connected.

Garth panted as he continued to drive himself deep into her juicy pussy, then leaned his head down and pressed his lips against hers.

Kate closed her eyes and kissed back, opening her mouth and allowing him to stick his tongue down her throat, which he did. Kate moaned softly into his mouth and bit his tongue as he slid it out of her, then laid her head back, taking her fucking like a good bitch.

As Garth pulled away, he began to kiss his way down her neck to her chest, where he found the first set of teats, which were swollen due to the heat, and allowed his lips to fall upon them.

Kate gasped as she felt him beginning to suckle on her nipples and wrapped her paws around his back, digging her claws into his skin, as the pleasure she was experiencing was absolutely phenomenal.

But Garth was not going to complain, as the sensation of her claws slicing his skin slightly only turned him on further.

He began to draw circles around her nipple with his tongue and sped up his thrusting even further, pounding her so hard that juices were beginning to slosh all over the place with each impact that his knot made on her walls.

Kate, unable to control herself, began to literally scream with pleasure, arching her back slightly so that he may access a different and more pleasurable part of her pussy.

"Fuck me, Garth!" she cried, "rip my tight little pussy apart! Yes!"

Garth panted, sweating profusely, but he was not going to give up now, because he loved making her squeal.

"You're so fucking hot Kate!" he cried passionately, "what the hell were we thinking when we decided not to marry!"

Kate shrieked as he pummeled her g-spot, digging her claws deeper into his back.

"I don't know, Garth!" she screamed, "I don't know!"

"God damn, Kate I'm gonna cum," Garth announced, feeling an orgasm suddenly spike.

"Do it!" Kate begged, "put it in me!"

Garth nodded and thrusted her hard, on the brink of exploding, and right before he let his seed fly, he forced his knot into her once more, then just as soon as he was engaged, he came hard, sending eight ropes of cum deep into her womb.

"Jesus Christ, Kate," he panted, looking down upon her with a smile, "I think I'm in love."

Kate smiled, panting heavily.

"Me, too," she said softly, then leaned up to give him a kiss, which he gave to her then laid down upon her chest.

"So what do you want to do now?" she asked him, her racing heart pounding against his.

"I don't know," Garth replied, "I mean what else is there that we haven't tried already?"

Kate bit her bottom lip as she thought, then bit harder as an idea came to mind.

"Well..." she began nervously, "there is something, but I don't know if you'd be up for it."

"What is it?" he asked her.

Kate took a deep breath then leaned up and whispered in his ear what she wanted and when she finished, she lowered her head so she may gauge Garth's reaction.

"I'd love to do that," Garth replied, "but don't you think that it's a bit of a bad idea? I mean, I don't want anybody else finding out about this."

Kate lowered her eyes, disappointed.

"It's okay," she said, "I understand."

Garth hated to see her upset, mainly because it hurt his chances of fucking her some more, so he sighed.

"Tell you what," he said to her, "I think I know somebody who would do this and keep their mouth shut."

"Really?" Kate asked, her eyes lighting up with excitement, "who?"

"Scar," Garth replied, "he's my best friend, so he should keep it just between us, and honestly he's been wanting to nail you since he first saw you. I think he'll be happy to oblige."

Kate smiled.

"That would be awesome," she replied.

Garth nodded.

"Alright then it's settled," he said to her, pulling his knot free and standing up, "wait here. I'll be back."