a desert night.

Story by Helban on SoFurry

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#2 of a sex slave

Teleportation sucks

Part 2

Part two of the series. I hope you like it all, ill try to make it nice and long. Also, again, nothing here is to refer to halo.


"erm..." I groan as I slowly get up.

As I sit up, my brain try's to piece together why I'm naked, why my ass feel's like It was brutally raped, and where the hell I am. And then it hits me. My ass WAS brutally raped, I was teleported to an alien planet, and I was naked because an alien wanted to suck on my tits.

As I look around, I see the alien beside me. As I begin to scream, I realize that it's the same one as before. When I notice that the alien is asleep, I slowly begin to stand up, and then I simply walk away.

And wouldn't you know it, I step on a big rotten stick, that makes a nice loud "CRUNCH!" noise as I step on it. The alien is up in a flash, and I'm down on the ground.

As it slowly realizes that its just about to eat its own sex slave alive, it calms down and gets off me. And then puts a foot on top of me as it see's me trying to get up.

Then it takes it's foot off and then walks in front of me. When I see the raging boner it has, I know exactly what it want‘s, and I can tell by the extremely sharp claws it has that I shouldn't disappoint it.

I simply open my mouth, and wait for what I know is coming. As it grabs the back of my head and slowly inserts its cock into my mouth, widening it as it enters.

Then it suddenly shoves it all the way in with extreme force, making me choke and gag horribly. Then it quickly brings its cock out of me most of the way, only leaving the head in, and then shoves it back in just as hard as before.

As it continues to fuck my face, I continue to wriggle and worm, really wishing that I hadn't tapped my foot. And then I'm brought out of my thoughts as on of its hands leaves the back of my head and grabs my right breast, roughly fondling it.

When it starts to tweak my nipple, I start to moan slightly. I like having my tits twisted and nicked, sometimes even sucked on, but it didn't do nearly as much as it could have, mainly because it was roughly shoving its cock down my throat against my will.

As it continued to twist my tit, I began to lightly lick its cock, hoping to just get it over with. But just as I began to feel its cock twitch, it stopped moving. Confused, I looked up at it, and what met my eyes was....well...red eyes.

Then it quickly pulled its cock out of my mouth, and turned me over on my back. It then grabbed both my breasts, and then pushed them together.

Now I knew just what it wanted. And I knew I was going to like this. When it placed its cock in between my breasts and began to shove in and out of them, I was giddy with the thought of the coming pleasure.

"ohh....please....don't stop!" I manage to moan out as it continues to use my breasts.

When it's cock begins to twitch after another 20 minutes, I know what's coming, and I really want it. After a final twitch of its cock, it roughly shoves forward, and I engulf it's cock with my mouth, welcoming the cum that came blasting out of the tip.

It tasted extremely sweet, and a bit salty. I LOVED it! It just made me want it in me. I couldn't swallow it all, so a lot of it spilled onto my breasts. Strangely enough, it was a more yellowish white color, extremely thick.

As it fell on my breasts, I couldn't help but reach down and rub my tits, relishing in the feeling of the slimy ooze on them. Then it rubbed a lot of its cum all over its get, getting it slick and slimy.

Then it walked under my feet, and lifted up my legs, spread them, and put its maw in between my legs, right into my pussy. As it began to lick like crazy, I quickly start to squirm and wriggle in the dirt, moaning in pleasure.

Its tongue was surprisingly long, allowing it to shove it deep within in, practically fucking me. Then it brought its mouth out of me, and got onto its knees, lightly pressing it's cock onto my slit.

At first I was thinking that it wanted to take me anally again, but it didn't want that this time. It wanted my little cunt. Before I could protest, it shoved its cock as deep as it could possibly go, about 7 inches of it.

I instantly blow, screaming in my orgasm. As it continues to pump, I continue to wriggle and squirm like a worm out of dirt. As it begins to thrust more forcefully, I began to moan and scream louder.

"f...fu...fuck me! Fuck me harder!" I manage to scream in between moans and thrusts.

After yet another 20 minutes, its cock starts to twitch again, and again it stops. I'm extremely disappointed, but, after my third orgasm, I'm about to black out.

Then it brings its cock out of my pussy and lifts my legs even higher, pressing its cock up against my anal. Once I finally realize why it pulled out, its already to late to say anything.

I still wasn't used to it's cock being in my ass, so it hurt a good deal. But, I managed to get over it, and simply enjoyed the feeling of my ass hole being stretched to the brink of tearing, and my hole being filled up.

Then it did something odd, it looked down at me, realized how much less pleasure I was getting out of it, and then began to lick my slit.

I don't know how it managed it, but it bent down enough to where it could get nearly all of its tongue into me, but still managed to thrust just as hard as normal into my ass.

I very quickly move into my fourth orgasm, and just scream at the top of my lungs. Now knowing that it had brought me over the brink again, it stops licking me, and just focus' on its own pleasure.

I soon begin to feel its cock twitch AGAIN, although just barley, and I knew that it would not hold back this time. It launched all that it could into me, filling my ass, and letting it leak out around its cock.

As its cock slips out of me, I can feel a heavy emptiness in my ass as all its cum pours out. I feel extremely exhausted, but it urges me up.

Now, I don't know how it can still walk, after fucking for 2 freaking hours, but I really want a good long nap. Unfortunately, it suddenly got the notion that we should take a nice long WALK.

It was the middle of the day, so I could at least see. I could see that I was about to fall into the puddle of water and fall sleep, but it just wouldn't let me.

You know what? I should really give it a name. or at least name its species. And then a thought crept into my mind from out of now where.


And the thought wasn't in my own voice either. It was in some raspy, old and withered voice, but was somehow very calming.

And then I looked at it, the "surogna", now realizing that that was its species name, and knew that he had sent me the thought. I don't know how, or why, but it just had, and now I had something that I could actually call it, other then simply "it", and I was happy at that.

The surogna turned around and looked my dead in the eye, and I just froze. And then my mind was flooded with thoughts that were not my own.

They were memories.

The surogna was sending me memories of its life, telling me about its culture, its species, everything, all in the blink of an eye. And just as quickly as he had turned around, he turned around again and walked away, and I followed.

After about an hour of walking (and I was just about asleep) he suddenly stopped and I didn't even notice. At least not until I ran into him head first.

he turned around and hissed at me, then looked forward again. We were at the end of the forest. We were now at the beginning of a desert.

And I had a feeling that he intended to cross it, forcing me to tag along. As he began to walk forward, I just GAPED. I cant believe it actually thought that I was going to follow him through that HELL HOLE.

But, as it quickly demonstrated to me, it pointed back wards, and then I heard a very long and blood thirsty howl. And that's when I start walking at a quick pace into the desert all on my own. Well, mostly. That howl kind of helped change my mind.

After about thirty minutes, I start feeling that its safe to start walking at a normal pace. The surogna passed me, looking up at me for a second as it passed by.

In that one look, he had told me what the howl had come from. It came from something that looked a lot like a bunny. that's right. A fucking BUNNY.

I felt as embarrassed as hell, and was about to ask him why he hadn't told me about it earlier, when he looked me in the eye and I received the thoughts

"because if I had told you, you wouldn't have started walking, and I would have had to simply eat you. Happy with that answer?"

Again, he had sent it to me, which was still a bit unnerving, considering that most humans would consider telepathy impossible.

By the time we found a rock to sleep under, I was about ready to fall asleep again. When he held up his hand as a command to wait, I was curious why, but I still waited outside.

And then I see why. I see some large worm like thing being thrown out from under the rock, and then die. I'm terrified, but I still manage to look at him and say

"what the hell?!"

When he crawled out and looked at me, he thought

"we needed a place for the night, and I dislike there species. 2 rog's, one stone I thought."

Now, I have no idea what a rog was, but it made sense. As so, after he crawled in, I started to walk in after him. As I get deep enough, I see that there is a surprisingly large amount of room under the rock.

As I looked around, I was actually able to nearly walk around. Nearly. I still had to lean forward a bit, or crouch. I decided to crouch.

I found the surogna laying in the left corner, apparently getting ready to take a nap. When he saw me, he beckoned me over with a flick of his wrist.

As I walked over, I saw some kind of slit at his waist, and then his newest erection began to slowly poke out. When I looked him in the face, I saw that he was smiling.

When I finally reached him, he lightly grabbed my arm, pulling me lower and lower, until my face was at the slit in his waist. As his erection began to slowly throb, I lightly rubbed it, looked up at him for a second, and then began to lick.

As I licked, he began to groan and thrust lightly, and his erection began to gradually slide out of its slit, and grow even harder. As it hardened, I grabbed it and put into my mouth, never stopping my licking.

As I start giving it a blowjob, it's nearly fully hard, so, I begin to go ahead and bob my head on it. As I begin this, pre begins to leak out of it like a waterfall, making a little harder to bob my head on it.

Then I stop bobbing my head on it, which starts some confusion from the surogna. The reason that I stopped sucking him off? I had noticed that he had grown some testicles.

So, I just leaned down and licked them. This instantly made him groan, and I actually very much liked the taste. As I continue licking, I don't notice that his cock is starting to twitch. When I looked up for a second, I realized this and stopped licking.

Too late. He blew, and he blew hard. It sprayed up about three feet, and then fell onto my back. As it rained, he got up, and walked behind me.

I didn't even notice, as I was still amazed at how much had fell. Then I'm suddenly grabbed, and pulled nearer to the wall. I hadn't even noticed that he had gotten behind me.

And now he just laid down and let his erection point straight up, expectantly. I know what he wants. He wants me to sit down on it, and let it sit in my cunt.

I decided to go ahead and try it. I half stood above him, and slowly began to slide down on it. As it got deeper, I slowly moaned under the pleasure.

When I got as far as I could go down, he lightly grabbed my shoulders and laid me down on top of him. Confused, I simply let him do so.

Then he lifted his hips and slowly thrust in and out. I started to moan loudly at this, egging him on.

"ohh.....please don't stop. Speed up!" I moan out he continues to thrust.

And at those words, he starts going nuts. He thrusts like crazy, eventually slowing down to lay me on my side, grab my left breast, and thrust as fast as he could.

As he continues, I quickly come to my peak. I cum with all my might, showering his cock. And that's what did it. He came even harder then before.

The force of his ejaculation almost hurt. It instantly came roughly plowing its way around his cock to get out, his cum leaving me quickly.

By then, I was about to go into a coma, from walking for so long, and then fucking him for an hour.

But he didn't pull out his cock. He left in there, not even going soft in the least. And I never saw any more of what he did. I fell asleep.