The Ancient Mariner Part 4: To much Cheating

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#4 of The Ancint Mariner

WOW guess who's back. Sorry it has been so long. I have been dancing non stop and I am so glad I finally got a break. Well here it is number 4 hope you all enjoy and pleas remember that if you haven't read the first three then this will not make much sense have fun!!!



Colton shut he door behind him as he casually walked into the small room. Garrett's back was facing him as he could see in his paw, the cologne that he had put on earlier. Colton murred as he watched the young husky sprinkle a few drops over his chest fur. Garrett set the small glass bottle to the side as he took a few steps back to the bed as he slowly arched back. He glanced over at Colton and gave him a soft smile.

Colton took a deep breath as he slid off his shirt, and made his way over to Garrett as he leaned in for another sniff at the cologne. He closed his eyes as his mind was engulfed by the aroma. He was interrupted by a paw under his muzzle that guided his lips to Garrett's.

The two fell into a short kiss as Colton pulled away, "I want you.." he said under his breath as he had gone back in for another lustful kiss. This time his tongue intertwining with Garrett's as if they both were fighting for control. Colton's paws traveled down the sides of Garrett's body as he came across the waist band of his swimsuit.

Garrett giggled as Colton pulled away from the kiss and focused his attention on the small knot in the laces that was the only thing keeping him from his huskies bulge. Garrett propped himself up as he watched Colton's paws at work. The knot was undone and Garrett's member peeked it's head out.

Colton smiled then had gone down on the organ as he playfully licked the tip. Garrett fell back wards on the bed as Colton had slowly gone down on Garrett with one long bob. Garrett's paws gripped the sheets digging in every nail as he moaned in complete ecstasy.

Colton released Garrett from his maw as he crawled back up his body to meet his lips ounce again. The air grew thick from the energy the two were letting off. It wasn't long until Colton was on all fours with his tail high in the air.

Colton's paws gripped the sheets as Garrett playfully ran his member along the outside rim of his tail hole.

"Come on Garrett put it in! Please stop, your torturing me." Colton managed to make out. Garrett finally began to slip his member in ever so slightly. Colton let out a nice long moan as he took in Garrett's full length. Garrett waited for Colton to adjust as he then began to slowly pull out.

It wasn't long until Garrett was going at full speed. Their balls hitting after every hump. Colton was in pure bliss as the tow of them were both dancing on edge of their climaxes. After one final thrust, Garrett had released his seed into Colton and at the same time, Colton had released himself all over the bed.

The two fall and lay with one another as Garrett pulled Colton in for a final kiss as they both passed out asleep on the bed next to one another.


Colin looked forward at the open water glancing at the beautiful canyons on both sides of him. His paws grazed the wheel as the boat gently kissed all the waves coming its way. Colin was happy to be alive and he never even noticed a pair of paws slide onto his hips.

Colin melted back into the wolfs arms as Ryan set his head over Colin's shoulder. Ryan slipped his paw over on top of Colin's stomach. Colin moved one paw off the wheel and brought it to Ryan's and grasped his hand.

"What are you doing?"

"Just visiting. How is the drive going?" Ryan asked as he gently swayed side to side with Colin.

"IÂ love this place, it is so beautiful. I could live here forever." Colin said as he rest his head on the side of his furry friends head.

Mat had come from the back and saw the two at the front of the boat. He let out a cough to announce his presents as he sat down on the couch. Ryan released Colin and made his way to the couch as Colin got back to dreaming about the paradise they were going to soon find.

Ryan took a seat next to Mat as he crossed his legs and took a nice long look at the sexy fox.

"So have you settled in?"

"Ya thanks. Your boat is beautiful, I love it. So how long have you been... Well you know.. Gay?"

Ryan sat there and tilted his head to the side as he began to think about the question. "Well my first gay lover was Colton and we just started going out this year. I am not sure when I found out I was gay. I guess it was back at dance..."


Four Years Earlier At Ryan's Dance Studio...

It was just after one in the afternoon and Ryan had just go out of a long ballet class. It felt like forever but it will be worth it in the long run. Ryan had about a half hour to just kick back and relax while the next all girl rehearsal had gone on.

Ryan put his stuff away and made his way to the small cafeteria room in the back where there were a few empty lunch benches. He had made his way to a long bench were he laid back to take a nap. He had only been there for a second when one of his little friends came along. He was only eight years old, almost nine, and was a great dancer and one of Ryan's closest friends.

The small brown Doberman made his way over to Ryan who was now fast asleep. He climbed on top of him and laid parallel on top of Ryan. His snout was now touching Ryan's as he tried to hold back his gigging.

Ryan started to wake up due to the extra pressure on his chest to find his little friend looking him eye to eye. Ryan smiled as he put his arms up and gave the pup a hug. The two smiled when the little guy said, "Ryan I am bored. Can we do something fun? Anything pleas?" The pup said still nose to nose with Ryan.

"Well how about we play a little truth or dare huh?" Ryan said as he sat up and put the pup on his lap.

"Sure you go first... Truth or dare?" The pup said with an evil grin on his face.

"Well Mathew I am going to have to go with truth for now." Ryan said countering his attempt to get him off guard.

"OK then... Do you have a crush on any body at our studio?"

"Well now that I think of it, I don't think I do. OK now my turn... Truth or dare?" Ryan asked as he sat back again on the bench. As his pup ounce again hopped on top of him.

"Truth! Ha Ha I will not let you get me that easy." Mathew said as he ounce again looked Ryan eye to eye again.

Ryan loved the feeling of the pup on top of him. It made him feel different and he loved it. All he could think about was seeing the pup in front of him naked. This was all very new to him but he couldn't explain it. After thinking he finally answered, "OK then do you like boys or girls?" Ryan asked.

"Boys of course. Girls are gross and annoying I would much rather spend time with you."

"No I don't think you understood the question. Do you like boys," Ryan began as he slid his paws up to the pups tail hole where he put a small amount of pressure on him, "or girls?" Ryan said with a soft smile as he slid one of his paws into the back part of Mathew's pants.

Mathew closed his eyes as a new sensation electrified his body. It felt great and he wanted more. Ryan could feel Mathew's erection through his dance pants and it made him feel ecstatic. Mathew looked Ryan in the eye then leaned in for his first kiss. Their muzzles met as Ryan let Mathew explore his mouth before he would attempt to kiss him.

Mathew pulled away quickly with a shine in his eyes. He moved his little paws over Ryan's pecks and began to message them squeezing every ounce in a while. Ryan had moved his paws up the back of Mathew's shirt taking it off as he followed suite and took his off. The two enjoyed the heat from one another making the moment even better.

"Hey Ryan I think I found a spot to camp for the night." The story was interrupted by Colin's small voice as he pointed at a nice spot of beach which would be a perfect camp site. Ryan smiled over at Mat then stood up to go and help Colin steer the boat in the rite direction.

Ryan had made his way to the very front of the boat where he hopped off and quickly swam over to the beach. Mat had gotten out some ropes and anchors and tossed them over to him as he started to tie the boat up. It was a good thirty minutes until the engine finally stopped and they had gotten settled in to their new camp site.

The orange sand mixed with the golden rocks as every small wave that washed up could be heard bouncing off the canyon walls. It was like an alien planet with not a soul around but the six on the boat. There were many dead trees, which would have made great fire wood, and the small dried up brush that looked very flammable.

Kailer had gotten a small Axe and started to cut down some wood for the fire they were hoping to have that night. Mat was right behind him carrying all the cut up wood to a fire pit were Colin and Garrett were setting up the fire. Ryan and Colton were both inside making dinner for the night. Hot dogs!!

The fire was up and blazing as the freinds gathered around it. They had been telling stories, roasting marshmallows, and even doing some behind the scene kissing. As the fire began to die down the group was found flat on their backs in a circle staring up into the night sky. It was so clear and beautiful out, every star could be seen.

Colton turned into Ryan's arms as he began to fall asleep breathing with the same beat as Ryan. Colin and Garrett had both fallen asleep quickly as Kailer, Mat, and Ryan were the last ones found awake.

"So you guys want to move on tomorrow or should we just stay here for another night?" Ryan asked as he held his lover close.

"This place is beautiful. I wouldn't mind staying here for a few days." Kailer said as he looked Ryan in the eyes, still caught in the moment they had earlier that day.

"Well I guess we can go looking for the Ancient Mariner in a few days. Well for now lets just sleep. Good night!'" Ryan finished as he then began to drift into another long sleep. He was excited to see what would happen over the next few days. It was a perfect ending to a perfect night. Nothing in this trip could go wrong. Could it?


Well the fourth one was a little shorter and not as much as I wanted to put in it, but now I have a good lead off to what I really wanted to do. So stay tuned for the fifth because this is going to be where things really pick up. Thank you all for reading hope you read the next one. Hope I get it done quickly too ; )