Train Heading West

Story by solarix on SoFurry

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Something i noodled around on. Hope some of you enjoy it i promise it is fairly clean except for the yiffing he he. obviously if you are too young to be here then please go and wait a bit before reading. If you are the right age sit back and enjoy i intend to write another chapter soon i would appreciate some feedback, thanks and enjoy!

Train Heading West

I've always enjoyed train travel, don't really know why it's just always been lots of fun to pack a bag and hope on a train for several days at a time. So that's where I found myself boarding the continental experience in beautiful San Francisco. I was one of the lucky ones who would be catching the historic steam locomotive out of San Fran and crossing the entire United States over a two week period. It was a good time for me to go on a trip too I had just broken up with my boyfriend of two years and needed some time away from him and his bitchiness as he packed his things and got the hell out of my life. My first stop was my sleeper compartment, even though it was a classic train trip the cars were all more modern so I had a nice sleeper with bath along with the other sixty or so other furs on the trip. After I unpacked most of my clothes I headed along the train to take in where things were before we left which would be promptly at eleven. I made my way towards the front of the train first coming upon one of the observation cars then the bar car then the dining car which lead to one of the kitchens and beyond was sleeping quarters for the train staff. I turned to head towards the back and smacked my nose into the chest of a gorgeous black stallion knocking myself flat on my ass.

The stallion looked down smiled and reached out a paw, "sorry I guess I wasn't paying that much attention". He helped me to my feet and I wasn't able to do much but drool and babble, "h-h-hai, me husky name Arik". This must have struck him as funny cause he burst out laughing, "oh ho ho ho ha ha he he hurk, sorry I think I may have hit you too hard", I shook my head hoping he would understand I was fine which he seemed to do cause he went on, "I'm Clive, sorry again about that I'm off to get a snack from the order hutch see you later husky" he gave me a quick smack on my ass and tromped off to the serving hutch for simple dining snacks and such as I padded off light as a feather exploration forgotten with hearts in my eyes my heart in my throat and my dick trying to get out of my underwear. I made my way toward the back of the train passing by the observation cars the club car and reaching the rear observation car/caboose. I stood on the rear platform and waved to some of the furs on the platform before I headed for the observation car and found a seat. The only open seat looked out on the opposite platform and as I took it I heard the low voice of the sexy Stallion talking on his phone in the seat behind me.

God his voice was sexy, I had no clue who he was talking to but the other person was lucky. I heard him muttering something about selling the stock and not to call him again on his vacation then he put his phone away. I must have dozed off for a bit because the next thing I knew the locomotive was blaring its horn and we were starting to slide right out of the station. We picked up speed as we crested the bay and then began to roll steadily southward. I watched as the hills rolled past and broke up into the occasional field or town as we passed through the California hills then headed into the mountains. "Beautiful view isn't it?" the voice took me off guard and I looked over to the seat next to me and found Clive sitting there. "Uh yeah it sure is" I said as I turned a deep crimson doing nothing to accent my blue fur. "Heh heh heh heh first time on a train then?" he asked me with that silky voice of his. "N-n-no, I've been on trains before just not this particular trip"

"Well that's good, you just seemed nervous to me earlier"

'Well I-I-I just came out of a bad breakup and well you are really, really hot' I said with a deeper blush

"He He Heh, oh calm down puppy you're gonna do some damage changing colors like that" he reached over and patted my back and then ruffled my head fur.

'I will try it's just I can't help myself I feel like a kid who is escaping school and got caught by the sexy principal', he laughed at that "ha ha ha ha, I get that quite a lot mostly at the office", I was still enjoying the feel of those strong paws on my head, 'oh you work for an office which one?' "I work for Hillcrest Associates". I looked him over and turned a deeper color of crimson, 'you are Clive Hillcrest aren't you?', "yep and if you keep turning that color one of the chefs might try to serve you". 'I-I-I n-n-never expected to meet someone so famous on this train Mr. Hillcrest, and to say the things I said to you oh Gods what must you think of me, oh gods oh gods' I broke down in a slight spiel. I had expected to meet a few nice people on this trip but not Clive Hillcrest the owner of one of the largest incorporated businesses with permanent law offices in every city. "Come on puppy Arik I think your name was, come with me and please Mr. Hillcrest was dad's name even mom called him that, but what you need now is a drink or else you're going to pop a blood vessel" as he said that he helped me to my feet and guided me to the club car and up to the bar, "Let me have a Stallions Musk and my friend will have a...." the broken pause and look he gave me was a cue for what I wasn't quite sure so I just said whatever he said.

He led me over to a booth and sat me down then went back up and grabbed the two mugs of what I was about to discover was a very strong stout meant more for horses and bulls. One sip of the stuff sent me into a chocking cough. 'Ack, graggghhhh', to which Clive thumped me on the back, "Easy Arik easy kiddo this stuff is strong if you can't handle it let me get you something a little weaker like a martini or a Sizzler", 'no, no I just wasn't really ready for it I'm fine now' I managed to choke out as I took another stronger sip of the beer. My second taste was only slightly better than the first. "Well go slow it's a stronger beer then what you would expect", I nodded to him and took another sip letting it slowly grow on me, "And I'm not a kid, I'm 26" I said as I took another sip. "Sorry about that I guess when you reach the age of 28 you begin to think of anyone else who is younger and no offense but in your case shorter as a kid", 'no harm done and thanks for the drink, so what do you do at your office', "well I ......" We talked for an hour over all sorts of things ranging from what he did to what I did, (I'm a journalist for a major magazine), and how I liked my job. Before we knew it the porter was coming to tell us that they were starting the seating's for dinner.

I hadn't selected a sitting when I got on so I opted for the second sitting, Clive had selected the first sitting but when he heard my plans he changed his and asked to be put at my table. We spent an enjoyable evening together talking and then dining and joining a group of other furs who went to the domed coach and watched the stars as we raced through the mountains southward towards the main line that would run us to Pennsylvania. I remember going down to the club car with Clive after the star session and then going to bed shortly after that I don't remember sleeping or what I had to drink because I woke up the next morning and the usual gentle swaying of the train was more like the rocking on the ocean. I made my way to the bathroom in my berth and was just in time to get to the commode before I vomited up the previous night's dinner and what I was sure was partially processed Stallions Musk stout.

Shivering I got in the shower and did my best to clean myself up for the day before putting on some comfortable clothes and shoes and was just in time for Clive's knock as he came to take me to breakfast. "You okay Arik?", 'Sure, sure why do you ask?' The big horse ruffled my fur and led me to a table, "because you color is slightly off", 'well I did throw up this morning I don't know if I am ever gonna get used to Stallions Mark, I think I may need to go back to Wolf's Run'. "Whatever you want pup, but I don't think that is such a good idea for this morning perhaps just some toast and strong coffee", 'and a breakfast steak and some eggs please too'. Clive put our orders in and we discussed some more things that bordered on the mundane. At some point in the meal it kind of hit me, I had confessed an attraction to him but he hadn't said anything to me. I played with my eggs but devoured my steak and had two cups of coffee. Clive had to take some calls after breakfast so I went to the observation car with my laptop and a book. I spent a nice morning there and had lunch with Clive after lunch we joined a group of people starting up a card game that lasted us till dinner.

I don't remember what we had too well for dinner just that there was lots of wine and conversation. After dinner we both went to the rear observation car and out onto the platform for some private conversation. We were lucky that we were the only two in the car and the only two on the platform. "So how many trains have you been on in your life", I smiled up at him, 'I was born on one, mom and dad went on a train trip and I came early almost too early'. He ruffled my fur again, "well that is a story I have to hear", I shook my head, 'there is a more important story and I really need to know who it is going to end'. "Talking about us huh?" I turned to look at him and held his paws in mine, 'yes, I need to know I just came out of a bad relationship I don't know if I can go back into one or if this is even leading to one, or if this is just two people who are on a train who live in the same city', he smiled at me and asked "does this answer your question pup?" and as he asked me that question he kissed me. It was a deep and passionate kiss and there was more than just a little tongue play.

I heard a strange sound and there was lots of heat, I wasn't sure what was going on at first but I realized that the strange sound was me murring, and the heat, gods that heat where ever it was coming from it was intoxicating. Breaking off the kiss I melted into his strong arms, 'yes I think I know where this is going the only question left is whose room and do you have protection?' His answer was to pick me up and carry me slowly to his berth and lay me gently on the bed. "My berth is bigger for obvious reasons and yes puppy I have everything we will need", 'ooo were you planning on hooking up with a canid on the trip?' I teased when he tossed me a pack of canine style condoms. "Actually yes and to be entirely truthful I had hoped to hook up with you" I felt all my fur bristle at this 'You did but why and how?' He sat down on the bed next to me and pulled me close then while he gently rubbed my head and ears he told me the whole story. "Well I had planned on a train trip recently but I wasn't sure when to take it then three weeks before I needed to put money down on a ticket and berth my company began to aquire your magazine and when it came to overlooking all the staff you stood out" he sighed then grabbed two bottles of water and continued. "I toured the magazine once or twice and whenever I passed by your desk and area I did my best not to be floored by how hard you worked or how cool you were in that pressure cooker you call an office, I noticed you had a picture of you and your ex and I told myself, leave him alone he has someone special someone who cares" he paused to take a swig of the water and I managed to push in a question, 'did you help to break us up was it you who hooked him up with that other guy?'

Clive shook his head and looked at me, "I would never come between two people in love and I didn't do it this time either. I do admit to keeping a closer eye on you I just couldn't stop looking" he blushed at his admission and pressed onward into his story. "So after we bought up the magazine and left most of the staff to do as they pleased as long as we turned a profit things went well, granted with my access to company records it wasn't hard to see when you requested time off listing personal reasons and that's where I got to be a little bit more into your life" I looked him over 'now who is blushing up a storm and how did you get involved'. He sighed a heavy sigh, "when I learned you were taking time off for personal reasons I started to hang out at the local bar a little bit and I watched and let the entire thing play out before me, I saw your boyfriend with that guy he left you for, I saw you catch him one night and that was when a tiny part of me just screamed now's your chance, so the next day I found your request for vacation time and it didn't take too much more to figure out that you were taking this train". I took a few minutes to let this all sink in before looking at him and kissing him again. 'I think that is one of the sweetest things someone has ever done for me.' "You don't find it creepy?" I started to unbutton his shirt and rubbed one of his silver dollar nipples, 'Oh believe me it is a little creepy but it is a good kind of creepy and to be fair its better then how I met my first boyfriend but that is a story for later"

I pulled his shirt free and gently sucked on one of his nipples enjoying the feel of the strong horse beneath me and the sudden feel of a hard horse beneath me, 'guess something wants out pretty bad now doesn't it' I asked him playfully as I moved down to my knees and unzipped his pants with my teeth. I was instantly assaulted with a huge horse cock that slapped me on the maw. 'Murr, no underwear I see so you really were intending on getting with a husky that or this is too big for them' I started to gently lick on his shaft getting it longer and longer and longer till I had at least a foot and a half to work with. He stopped me after I got him more than halfway and sat me on the bed undressing me slowly and murmuring over what I had to offer. "Not bad not bad at all" he said as he gave my cock a little lick then poked at my tailhole. Murrr I admit I was a little slut I laid down on my back flopped my tail down and put my foot paws on his shoulders, "take me now big horsie please". And he did he slipped on one of those tubesock sized equine condoms lubed up my hole and stretched it too its limits. He started out slow teasing my hole as if the only thing I would see in it that night were his thick fingers then I felt the blunt end of his cock poke gently at my entrance before he gently popped the flared head in.

Clive was gentler then any lover I had, had before because instead of forcing the rest in he gently leaned down and kissed me letting me adjust before slowly, achingly pushing in up to his medial ring and letting me adjust again. I think at one point I blacked out a little because before I knew what was happening his balls were gently bumping up against my butt cheeks and he was gently thrusting in and out. With every thrust I felt my shaft get harder and harder until I clenched his shaft hard and shot my load all over my belly. Clive chuckled at that and shoved in me hard snorting and filling up the condom. I cried out and shot a much smaller load and clenched again. I felt a shuddering and Clive snorted some more then I felt a sharp snap in my bowels and a gushing warm feeling that just kept going on and on. "Whoops hope you don't mind a little cum inside of you" he muttered sheepishly, I just smiled happily up at him and quietly passed out.

I woke up the next morning warm and snuggly with a huge pressure in my ass. When I opened my eyes I saw Clive's nose first and felt the gentle warmth of his breath on my nose yawning I kissed him gently and moved to get up and realized the pressure felt in my ass was two things, one was the need for the toilet, the second was a huge horse cock that was flaccid but still huge. As I laid there trying to figure out how to get up without waking him I felt the cock begin to stir and harden and when I looked back into Clive's face I saw those huge brown eyes were open and mischief was shining in them. "What's wrong puppy, feeling a little discomfort?", he asked in a cheeky manor, I nodded, 'Yes puppy needs to go out really bad can he please?' he smiled at me and pulled that beautiful black/gray length out of me and let me go to the bathroom. When I came back he was laying on his side and looking at me, "puppy feel better now" I padded over kissed him and rubbed my hardening cock against his abs. 'Puppy feels good now and wants to have a lot more fun with you' I said this as I ripped open a canid condom with my teeth and motioned for him to lay on his stomach.

We did this a lot on the rest of the trip as well as taking in the scenery and some of the history. Riding the rails was fun with Clive and the train trip was good too! I was a little sad when we reached Philly and had to disembark from the train, luckily for me he had chartered a private flight home for us and we spend the entire time snuggling together and making plans for another train trip. This time we were thinking something a little more in the range of the east.