The Doorway in the Shelves

Story by Theo Winters on SoFurry

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So, one day one of my friends said that all he wanted for his birthday was a story about him doing the adult characters from "Between the Lions". I was more then happy to provide.

The Doorway in the Shelves

By: Theo Winters

Story for Sondaica

Sondaica walked through the tall stacks of books, browsing through the titles to see if one might catch his interest. So far nothing had, but he hoped that he would find something, he had quite a few hours to kill.

He moved between the narrow shelves, towards the back of the library where the 'silly' books were kept. Things on magic and end of the world predictions for years past. Basically the cruft of the library's non-fiction collection.

Picking up a handful of hardback books he flipped through the titles, letting out a snort when he found one on astral projection. "What rubbish," he said as he placed the book back of the shelf with enough force to dislodge the books from the other side of the shelf.

He bent down and look through the empty space to see if any other books were about to fall. He was surprised to see a large ornate doorway where the next shelf should be. A large wooden door, the top arching over the carved surface with a lion's head cut onto the center of the doorway. A pair of copper handles met at the center of the door and near the top of each side of the door was a large knocker, also with a lion's head.

He cleaned his glasses and looked again through the gap in the shelves. A few thoughts crossed his mind as he looked at the strange door. Not the least being that there couldn't be a wall there! Just another shelf of books, at least that's what was suppose to be there.

To confirm what was going on he walked around to look at the next shelf, finding only a sparse number of books sitting on that side of the shelves. They were practically empty in fact.

He leaned back around and looked back through the gap in the shelf. The door was still there.

With a quick glance to make sure that no one was watching him Sondaica picked up a book and threw it through the gap and towards the door. It hit the doorways with a heavy thump, the knockers bouncing on the wood.

"Curiouser and curiouser," he said to himself as he walked around to where the door should be. He felt around the shelves, finding them to be just as deep as they should be, without an inch of wood in sight.

He took a step back and looked at the books on the shelves and compared them to what he remembered of the door. The door itself wasn't there, but when he thought about the major features, the carvings and the fixtures he saw books were in the correct places.

Taking a wild guess he reached out to where the door handle should be. He touched the spine of the book and felt something under his hand, something that could have been a latch. He grasped at and gave it a firm squeeze, which was followed by the sound of a door opening. He pushed against the shelf, still holding the invisible handle. With a soft creaking the door appeared under his hands and swung open into a dark room.

Sondaica smiled at his discovery and used a book to jimmy the door so it wouldn't close, then he walked into the darkness. Across the threshold he found a small set of stairs leading down to a hard wooded floor. He stood still allowing his eyes to adjust to the darkness.

It was night time here, soft starlight was twinkling through windows above him on a second level. Large bookshelves lined the back and sides of the room filled to the brink with hardbound books. It was another library, large and open. Even in the darkness there was a warm feeling about it, it was cozy. It also felt vaguely familiar to him, but he couldn't place why.

He jumped and let out a sharp yell of surprise as a slamming sound came from behind him. He spun around on his heel and frowned when he saw that the door had closed behind him, and had vanished into the bookshelves.

"So now how do I get back, and where is this place?" he asked himself as he looked over the shelves, touching gently at the books. He could see an arch in the shelves, scribed by the varying highs of the books. He reached to where he thought the handle would be and was relived to find it.

He let out a long sigh and pulled out a pair of books, setting them on the floor where the door was. Now that he knew he could go home, there would be no harm in looking around. That exploration was cut short when he heard a door open and a light flashed on in the other side of the library.

Trying to be as quiet as he could he turned around and reached for the handle, hoping he could slip out before he was found. He knew it was too late when he heard a voice call out: "Hey, who's out here?"

Sondaica clenched his teeth together and let go of the handle, then slowly turned around to see who he was dealing with. In the light of the doorway he could see the silhouette of a person with heavy wild hair and a fairly portly build. The person was shorter than he was, but then most people were.

"Hello, I'm sorry that I'm trespassing but I found this door and just had to see where it led," he said, looking at the figure across the room.

There was a pause, then the figure took a few steps out of the doorway and motioned to Sondaica. "It's all right. We welcome anyone who cares to visit, though we do prefer that it be durring the day," he added with a laugh.

Sondaica nodded and walked across the floor of the library, unsure of what he should say, or how much he should explain about the doorway in the shelves. "Thank you, I don't mean to intrude, I'll be on my way as soon as possible," he said. As he walked into the light of the doorway, the face of this new person became clear.

He felt his mouth go dry he as finally saw the person. He wasn't human, but human like. He had a long and thick muzzle with a pair of glasses perched on them. His hair was a huge mane with large ears rising from them, a few short braids in the mane framed his wide face. Every place he could see was covered in tan fur.

"You're a lion!" he said with a gasp, just as the lion said, "You're a human!"

They looked at each other in surprise, taking in the unexpected sight. The lion was male, and overweight, with a heavy gut that hung down against the line of his short pants. He wore no shirt, exposing the fur on his chest as his mane flowed down over it.

"Are you real?" Sondaica asked, reaching out to touch the lion on the side of his muzzle.

The lion nodded his head as he looked up at the human. "How did you get here? How could you get here?" he asked with a gulp. His yellow eyes catching the glow of the light behind him.

"I found a door in the library, through the bookshelves; it came out over there," he said as he pointed towards where he had entered the library.

The lion leaned to the side and looked behind the human, then looked back at the man. "This is incredible. I didn't think humans were real, I've always wished they could be," he said, biting his lower lip.

"I could say the same about you," Sondaica said as he looked closely at the lions features, his mind starting to come up to speed. "You... you're Theo," he said as recognition finally dawned.

The lion jumped back, surprise crossing his features as he looked once more at the human. "How do you know me?" he asked.

"You're on television where I'm from, a children's show... I always try to watch it because... well I've always had a crush on you and Cleo," he said with a blush flaring across his cheeks.

Theo stumbled back a bit, then turned and walked to a nearby desk and sat down at the chair. His thick tail threaded through the chair back and rested on the ground.

"So I'm fictional where you are from?" the lion finally asked after some thought.

The human nodded and walked over to sit next to the large lion. "Yes, you are, but still attractive," he said.

Theo chuckled softly and nodded his head, preening his mane with one paw. "You're the fictional one here, and fairly attractive in your own right," he said with a small smile.

He looked up at the older lion, then slowly smiled at him. "You fantasize about humans?" he asked, reaching out to stroke the lion's mane.

"Every night," Theo replied, a smile spreading across his muzzle.

Sondaica smiled and leaned in closer, reaching out to gently lift the lion's glasses from his face. "The kind that involves a lot of sex?" he asked with a smile.

"Skin feels so good on fur," Theo replied as he leaned closer and licked at the human's face.

The younger man nodded, then slipped his arm around the lion's back and pulled him forward into a kiss. Theo returned it eagerly, his lips parting and his thick tongue rubbing up against the human's. His paws reached around and started to rub the man's back, teasing the skin through the material of his shirt.

Sondaica ran his hands over the lion's broad back, exploring over the soft fur, teasing at it as he worked his way down to the lion's tail. He teased at the thick appendage, stroking his fingers around and under the base, eliciting a deep purr from the lion.

Theo pulled away and smiled to the human. "You know just where to put your hands," he said with a smile.

The man laughed and reached out to rub the lion's heavy gut. "I'm familiar with a few things," he said as he reached down to work at the hem of the lion's pants.

He chuckled softly and started to return the favor, taking the human's glasses off and striping the human of his clothing. Soon enough they had both shed their clothing in a pile on the floor.

Sondaica hugged the lion and pressed himself to the large animal, feeling the soft body and fur against his skin. The lion's purr made his belly quiver and rub right against the human's tight erection.

The lion leaned back and looked down at the human's arching cock. "I didn't think it would look like that," Theo said and reached down to grasp at the thick erection, stroking the skin over Sondaica's firm shaft.

With a moan the human leaned back and presented himself to the eager lion. "What did you think it was like?" he asked.

Theo bend down and flicked his tongue forward, the rough texture teasing at the thick gland at the end of the shaft. "This is something no one really guessed at, I've always seen human cocks drawn smooth," he said with a purr before enveloping the shaft into his wide muzzle.

For a happily married man the lion knew what he was doing in teasing a cock. His tongue was slurping eagerly around the shaft, teasing the tight flesh as he stroked the human's balls with the tips of his claws, eliciting a soft whimper of pleasure from the man.

Sondaica reached down and started to run his fingers through the lion's mane, scratching gently around his large ears. This caused the lion to purr again, the rumbling sending short bursts of pleasure along his cock and up his spine.

Leaning back on his heels the lion slowly let the erection slide from his lips, allowing his teeth to catch gently behind the head before letting it slide free with a light nip. "You taste lovely, nice and meaty," he said with a smile, his eyes glowing.

The human looked down and smiled at the fat lion, a smirk on his lips. "It feels as good as it tastes."

Theo looked up and chuffed deeply, licking his lips. "Is that an invitation?" he asked.

"Get your ass on the table and let me see your tail," he replied smacking the top of the desk with his hand.

The lion's eyes went wide as he scrambled to his feet, his excitement showing all over his body. He laid himself face down on the table top, his large gut lifting his ass higher and exposing his cock. The lion's cock was long and tapering, starting thick at the base and thinning out at the point, small nibs lined around the tip and pre-cum was already leaking. His balls were huge, each one almost the size of a baseball and held tight in his fuzzy scrotum.

Sondaica took a deep breath and reached down to grasp gently at the large testicles, giving them a slight squeeze. "You have a nice baby-maker down here, I'm going to have to do something about it soon," he said with a smile. He grasped the lion's raised tail with one hand and slowly brought his other hand up to tease the lion's tight anus.

Theo's eyes went wide at the intrusion to his hole, but he slowly started to relax, a soft purr echoing from his deep inside of him as he relaxed onto his belly.

The human pressed up behind the lion, rubbing his legs against the soft fur. He spat onto his hand and started to work his fingers deeper into the lion's ass, slowly relaxing the muscles so they would open easier. He worked his fingers deeper, using them to tease the lion's insides and causing him to start to hump against the table top.

"You like that huh?" the human asked as he twisted his fingers in the hole and working a third finger inside.

The lion nodded excitedly, sending ripples through his mane and soft body.

Sondaica chuckled and reached out to grab the back of the thick mane, holding the long hair tightly in his fingers. "Then you are really going to love this," he said, then pulled his fingers free and replaced it with the head of his cock, still stiff from the sucking, and started to slowly press it in.

"Oh, Bast," the lion whimpered, his body tensing up as human's cockhead pressed past the loosened sphincter and into his ass. Slowly the shaft slid inside, pressing its way deeper into him until the human's hips came to rest against his wide ass.

The human smiled and tugged at Theo's mane, and pulled his cock back, just as slowly as he had put it in. He held it just inside the older man's ass, letting him start to relax before sliding himself back in and starting to fuck the soft and tight ass.

Theo was whimpering with each thrust, his body tightening up every time the long shaft buried itself inside him. The bulbouls head was rubbing against his prostate, teasing him even more.

Sondaica pulled his hand free from the mane and slide it down the lion's back and around his ass. He moved it down to grasp the lion's hard cock and started to stroke its length, using the heavy pre-cum as lubrication over the slick flesh.

The lion moaned happily at this, clenching his ass around the smoothly stroking cock, slowing it down just a bit. The human took this as an invitation and started to stroke the lion's cock in time with the fucking.

Sondaica closed his eyes and moaned happily as he started to pick up his pace. He had fantasized about taking a lion's ass, but he had never expected it to feel like this. It was tight and smooth and fit perfectly around his cock.

He was starting to pick up speed when he heard a voice from behind him call out. "Theo, where are you? It shouldn't take that long to check," she said, and ended with a high pitch gasp.

The human came to a stop and twisted his head around to look at the owner of the voice. Under him Theo turned his head back to do the same. Standing past the doorway was a lioness, tall and regal with two dozens rings rising around her neck, stretching it out. She was wearing a long skirt that flowed around her bare feet and a strip of cloth tied around her firm and well-sized breasts, holding them in place. She had a surprised look on her face, her eyes wide and a paw pressed to her lips.

Sondaica smiled at her, knowing her on sight. Under him Theo let out a long purr and sighed at his wife. "Oh Cleopatra," he moaned and humped back at the human.

"What is going on out here?" she asked as she walked over to where the pair of males were fucking. Her nipples were hard and pushing through the fabric of her top.

Her husband laughed and flicked his tail high. "I found us a human," he told her.

She came to a stop, turning her head to look closely at Sondaica, her eyes narrowing as she took the man in. "Bast! You really are a human," she said, reaching out to touching his face.

He nodded, blushing a bit as he looked down at the large ass under him. "I'm also fucking your husband," he finally said.

Her ears lifted high as she took in a short breath, a narrow smile spreading across her muzzle. "That would explain why he looks so happy. By all means, continue with what you are doing," she told him.

Sondaica gave her a smile and slammed himself hard into Theo's ass. "You're next, Cleo," he told her with a wink. He grasped at the male's cock, giving it a firm squeeze as he continued stroking it.

Cleo leaned on the table beside them, watching the two males mate as she slid one paw down the front of her skirt. The tight material outlined her fingers as she started to tease herself. Her other paw reached up to undo the knot holding her top on, the cloth falling away to expose her firm breasts. Her nipples were large and very dark in color, pressing out like small finger tips from the tan fur that covered the breasts.

The human continued his pounding of the lion's ass, working the tapered cock in opposition of his own strokes. He keep one eye on the lioness as he pounded her mate, watching her as she fingered herself.

"You should lose the skirt, hon, put on a nice show," he told her, then reached out to her and ran his fingertips over her tits.

She nodded her head and sat up, slowly wiggling her way out of her skirt, revealing her lovely legs and full hips. Nestled between them were the folds of her sex, moisture already glistening on the flushed lips.

Sondaica smiled at her as she spread her legs, her paw returning to her cunt, her thumb rubbing at the nub of her clit as she watched them fuck. He slapped Theo's ass with his hand, sending a ripple running through his overweight body and bringing a smile to her lips.

Under him Theo was humping the table in time with his rapid strokes, his cock pulsing in the human's hands as his balls started to tighten up. He was lost in the pleasure of the sex, ignoring everything else.

The human took in a deep breath, slowing down just a little bit to keep the lion just on the edge. Even then he was keeping his eye on the lioness, watching her as she skillfully pleased herself. He pulled his hand away from the lion's cock and grabbed the side of his ass, at the same time he reached out and grabbed the lioness' leg.

She looked up at him and smiled, then slid herself closer them. Sondaica pressed gently at her belly until she leaned back then bent down and pressed his face between her legs. Her smell was intoxicating, the tastes of her juices strong on his lips as he dove his tongue down between her lips and into her warm cunt.

Cleo let out a gasp as he started to eat her out, her husband matching it with his own cry as Sondaica teased him with his fucking. Each stroke was pushing him closer and closer to the edge, and each time the human slowed down just a little bit more to keep him there.

The lioness squirmed under his talented tongue, gasping softly as her wetness grew, running down his face and over his lips. He twisted his tongue down into her, nuzzling his nose into her clitoral hood and teased at the nub under it.

Theo tensed up under him, letting out a groan as his tail started to wave around like an excited snake. His ass clenched tightly around the human's cock as he came, thick jets of semen exploding out of the tip of his cock and splattering onto the desktop and his gut.

Sondaica groaned happily and started to slam the tight ass, growling through his flat teeth as he felt his own sack start to tighten up. He pressed his face flush against Cleo's flushed cunt lips and let out a whimper and came hard into the lion's rump.

The lioness reached down and pressed a paw against the back of his head, holding him tight to her as she whimpered. She was the only one who had not gotten off and it made her just that much more aroused.

Theo growled softly, panting hard as his orgasm finally settled, a thick pool of sticky cum running down his gut and onto the table. He lifted his head and looked back at the human, smiling when he saw where his face was. "You look happy my dear," he said.

She shot him a look and relaxed her grip on Sondaica's head, letting him up for breath. "I would be happier if I was cumming," she said with a long sigh.

The human lifted his head from her sex and licked her juices from his face. "I think that we could arrange that, and it is your turn to take a ride," he said.

Cleo's face broke into a smile as she scooted back a bit on the desktop. "Anything that makes my husband that happy is something I have to try," she said with a smile.

A long chuckle escaped Sondaica's lips as he pulled out of the lion's ass, using his tail to clean the cum from his cock. "Then let's go for a ride," he said, striking a pose, his hard cock arching from his trim body.

Her eyes grew wide as she took in his cock, a long purr escaping from deep inside her body as she looked him over with her eyes. "You have a fantastic cock, so different," she said with a long purr.

The man nodded and walked to the lioness, pulling her from the table. He wrapped his arms around her lovely body and pulled her into a passionate kiss. Their tongues played with each other as he gabbed her hips and lifted her upwards, hoisting her into the air and letting her fall onto his cock.

She was already well lubricated from watching the two males mate and his cock slide into her with silken ease. Her cleft was hot and tight, his cock pushing inside until he was balls deep inside of her. Her feet dangled in the air, her slim weight supported only by his arms and shaft.

Cleo broke the kiss, her eyes wide as she chuffed while she settled onto him. "Oh Bast! You feel huge inside of me," she said, her eyes wide and her ears pressed back against her head.

He smiled at her and licked at her nose, then started to hump at her sweet sex. The feeling of it was delightful, like nothing he had ever felt before. It tugged at his cock, pulling around the gland at the head and teasing the underside.

The lioness wrapped her arms around his neck and nuzzled at his face, purring happily as she rode on his cock. She could feel it moving inside of her, every vein and ripple of skin as he fucked her with long and slow strokes. She had never ridden a man like this, held high in the air, and she loved every moment of it.

Sondaica kissed at her face, licking at her whiskers and nibbling their tips. The rings around her neck were warm from her body heat as they held tight against the fur, pushing her neck longer then it would naturally have been. He pressed tight to her body, some times thrusting into her, other times lifting her up and letting her drop onto his cock.

He watched as Theo climbed up from the table, a smile on his wide muzzle as he watching his wife ride on the human. His own erection had returned, pressing up against the curve of his belly, his balls hanging low against his thick legs.

The human motioned to the lion with one hand, pointing first at Cleo's back, then down at the base of her tail. Theo needed no more of an invitation and walked up behind his wife, threading his arms around her body to paw at her full breasts as his cock explored under her tail.

"Oh, Theo, that's just the right spot!" she gasped out as the narrow tip of his cock pressed into the tight hole of her ass.

Sondaica smiled and kissed the lady full on the lips. "Even had it in both holes?" he asked her as she shifted his weight so Theo took some of it in his arms. Her body sank down as his cock speared into her ass, pressing the warm hole open lubricated by his pre-cum.

She shook her head, cumming the moment her husband filled her completely. Her body shook in their arms as she started to buck. It only lasted for a moment before she came back down, but only by a little bit. "Please, more," she gasped.

Theo chuckled and licked at the fur on the back of her head, purring as his balls came to rest against the human's. The large orbs rubbed against the humans smaller balls, twisting and bouncing around each other as they fucked Cleo.

The lioness could hardly contain herself, rocking between the two males. With a trim and firm body in front of her, and a soft belly behind, she was in heaven. At that very moment she couldn't imagine anything better in the world.

Sondaica started to pant, shifting his grip on the lioness as he worked her harder, feeling his climax starting to rush on him like a freight train. "I'm going to cum," he managed to bite out, warning the lioness.

"Cum inside of me," she whimpered, humping herself down onto her lovers. She wanted to feel the humans seed inside of her more than anything else she could think of.

Theo changed his grip, pulling her back a bit as he increased his fucking, working her ass hard as he felt his own balls tighten. He held back though, waiting for the human to cum in his wife first.

Sondaica groaned and pressed his face against her shoulder, lifting her as high as he could and thrusting his cock deep into her as his balls tightened and his cum exploded into her depths.

The feeling of the hot cum flooding into her body was enough to push Cleo over the edge. Her eyes rolling back in her head and her tail twisted around her husband's arm as her cunt almost exploded, the muscles spasming around his cock and nearly sucking the seed out of his shaft.

Theo felt his wife as she fell over the edge, her body going tight against him. He slammed himself into her ass, burying his whole length into her body as her spasiming brought him past the edge and his own semen rocketed from her cock deep inside of her.

The three of them held each other tightly as they shook and groaned, becoming a single mass of orgasm for just a moment... one entity caught up in a fantastic moment that brought them all together. Finally they broke apart, their climaxes fading as the three of them settled down onto the library floor.

"That was fantastic," Sondaica said, nuzzling softly at the lioness's cheek.

Cleo nodded, stilling panting as she came back to herself. "That was some of the best sex I've had," she whispered out.

The human nodded and pulled himself free of the lioness as he gave her a kiss. "I'm flattered, thank you so very much," he said with a smile.

Her husband look up from behind her back, his paws slowly stroking along the side of her body and over the sides of her breasts. "I'm going to agree with her, that was an overwhelming thing," he said as he nuzzled at the back of his wife's neck.

Sondaica nodded and let out a soft chuckle. "We'll have to do it again, some time very soon," he said.

Theo chuckled and looked over the top of his wife's back. "You know our names, but I don't think you ever said yours," he said.

The human smiled. "I'm Sondaica, and it's a pleasure to screw you," he said.

"The pleasure was all mine," Cleo said with a long and pleased purr. The three of them cuddled close together, basking in the afterglow of the sex.


This story was written and copyright 2006-2009 by Theo Winters, reposting and archiving are allowed as long as this copyright notice and the author's name are not removed. This story can not be published without permission of the author. The character "Sondaica" is owned by his creator, and is used with permission. Violators will be eaten.