Kicked out chapter 4

Story by FraddasD on SoFurry

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I awoke on Sunday morning and saw that me and Zack wher sleepling the same way we went to bed last night. Only thing different I noticed that I was completely undressed. And I don't remember takeing my clothes off. So I decided to get some answers. I reached down to Zacks Ball sac and started tickeling them with me claw. I then noticed Zack giggling in his slep so I grabbed them and woke sleeping beauty up with a kiss.

"Oh good morning kitten"zack said with a grin

"Did you do something last night while I was sleeping" I said with a smile indicating my nude body

"You pants where making me sweat so I removed them" zack said honestly

"you sure you whern't trying to rape the poor kitty" I said with a lower lip

"you know I'd never do that" zack said stroking my head. I wanted him to continue but unfortunately my phone Rang and it was beth


"Hello how was your birthday?"

"It was the best "

"glad to hear that"

"Oh, I was going to save this for tomorrow,but guess what?


"me and Zack are getting married in two weeks!" I exclaimed



"Oh, I'm so happy for you two"

"thanks oh,do you know if Tyler, Mark and Cole are free this afternoon?

"Uh, yeah they are why?"

"wedding detail, I need to know if Cole can take the photos, Mark can video tape it, and if Ty's band is available"

"Mark and cole I think should be ok for it,What day is it gonna be?"

"Thursday after next"

"Get on IM and talk to them I got to call Kila"

"ok ttly"


She Hung up and I ran an with some assist from Zack I managed to get dressed an log on to the IM "Zack I need your help explaining to Tyler,Cole and Mark what we might need."

"Do they have any Experience?" Zack asked sitting at his computer and looging on also

"I do not know. But we're about to find out" I said simplely

"Either way though it will be good" zack said turning me giving me a thumbs up.

I called Tyler up and told him we needed an emergency "A- team" Meeting. Of course I didn't mention the actual reason I called it and told them to be there at 1:00.reason being my future mother-in-law had to get mine and Zacks Measurements for our Tuxedos. The unfortunat thing they would not be hear untill the day before. Which was not gonna be fun If they where too big or too small.Truth be told I hoped Zack's pants where tight, just in case I get nervouse I'd have something to stare at to make me feel better.

By the time that was done it was noon. I and Zack decided since the meeting was scheduled on short notice We'd stop and grab everyone some Starbucks for everyone. So we drove to Starbucks and orderd our drinks. While we where Waiting Zack spoke up.

"Uh, Remind me why are we going to Tyler's house" Ty's mom is not exactly the Friendliest of furs. She hates anything that looks out of th ordinary, as Zack found out the hard way a few weeks ago when we visited last.

"Because, Tyler and his Band are Grade A. as far as music is concerned. He was offerd a Record Deal a while back but he turned them down" I explained as we waked back to the coutner to pick up the drinks

"Why did he do that?" Zack asked slightly Shocked

"He Told them thanks But I want to finish school before I decide to get Screwed over by a contract" I started as we walked outside. "Yeah he read about a band who got screwed over by not only a record company but by there own lawyer. Which is why he wants to become head of his own independent recording company?"

"Sounds like fun to me" Zack said helping me into the car. Once Zack got in fully we headed over to Ty's which was in the outskirts of town. After about 15 minuest we finally arrived. I immeaately recognized Cole's Jeep and Mark's Ford. We climbed out, and when we did the door flew open and Tyler ran out and swept me off my feet

"OMG! Beth called me an hour ago and told me the news, you lucky Bachelor" then saw the Starbucks in Zacks arms And ran over and grabbed his. " I was About to the other when you rolled up but I wasn't going to tell them the big supprise"

"Glad you didn't, could you give me a hand with the drinks?" Zacks asked.

"Sure no problem" he said Grabbing Cole's and Mark's drinks inside, us following inside Just as me and Zack enterd Mark and cole where giving me and Zack a Question look.

"So what's this news?" cole piped up first

"well on my birthday..." I'll have zack tell you the rest since I've already told someone already" I said

" that and Terry here are...GETTING MARRIED!!!"Zack finshed loudly.

" WoW! Realy?" Cole shouted with a grin

"That's Awsome dude, what day?" Mark asked

"The Thursday after next"I said holding Zacks middle hand

"And I'm just as Curiouse as the others on why you called this meeting, because I know you have something else you want to Disscuss" Tyler said sittinng next to me wit an iquiring stare.

"As a matter of fact there is, we're wondering If you guys would be willing to preform at the party?" Zack said

"How big is the wedding gonna be?" Mark asked.

"About 30 people We decided to invite Only Family And friends of ours" I said indicating myself and Zack. Ty looked at Mark and Cole. then back to me and Zack.

"Boys, you got yourself a band to perform at your wedding " Tyler said Shaking mine and Zack's paws."Free of charge of course, now what songs do you want us to perform?"

"Uh, Zack have any ideas?" I asked.

"You know the song Earth Angel?" Zack asked after a moment

"Yes we do, as a matter of Fact" he said reaching for his green binder on the coffe table.

"I have a list of songs in here we know how to play, including some techno songs if Marties sound mixer works"

"I pray it does because I see a few techno songs I'd like played" I pointed out "Caramelldansen deffinetly, ‘Dirty down' Never heard of it?"

"Oh that's a new one I wrote It's pretty good" Cole said. "I thought of calling it 'down and dirty' but that title was already taken"

"well if you say it's good then add it." Zack said.

"Ok, so that's 3 tracks so far, how many where you thinking?" Mark asked

"Good question, Well My brother is checking church arrangements so I'll let you know what we have stareing us in the face probably Tuesday, Wednesday at the latest" I explained

"take this with you so the two of you can make a Decision together" he said handing me the binder.

"Thanks Ty, and thanks again for having this emergency meeting"I said

"Yeah thanks alot" Zack added

" no problem dudes" Ty said pouring soda in his parents whine glasses "Were not 21 yet, but it's better than drinking water" Tyler then passed out the soda filled whine glasses to everyone then grabbed his and cleard his voice

"To the Happy soon to be married coupel and to those who missed there chance at 2 fine furs" everyone laughed at the last bit than drank the soda and we discussed all the Details and plans.

Everything was damn near on track except the next thing I new my phone rang, It was Toby and hopefully he had something good to say,wrong answer. "Terry you need to get hear right away mom's down!

"WHAT!!" I stood up surprised.

"Get your tail over hear asap I already called the ambulance." Toby replied.

"Ok" I said hanging up,I then turned to Zack and said "Emergency we need to get going"

"who's hurt?" zack asked

"My mom, toby told me she's down, probably forgot her heart medication.Sorry to leave so soon guys but theres an emergency" I explained

"no problem" cole said

"hope everything goes ok" Tyler said thoughtfully.

WE jumped in the car and drove at top speed to my house, during the entire ride I was praying she'd be ok. As the rounded the corner we saw the Ambulance and the a stretcher, My first thought was Oh, shit! We puuled up right behind my moms car and ran to the Ambulance and one of the guys there was with my brother.

"What's going on is our mom ok?" I asked Panicked.

"you the older son?" the wolf asks me.

"Yes I am calming down" I respond instantly

"Can I speak to you privately" he said in a simple tone. I motion Toby to stand with zack.

"Ok son, I didn't tell the little one this, but your mom had a major stress induced heart attack, and...*sighs*...I hate to tell you this but...she's dead" he says.

This is what I felt like. I felt like a mirrior, that was just shatterd it to so manny pecies that it can't be repaired. With my mom dead Who take care of my baby brother, who will help at our wedding? Somany questions and hard reality hit me so hard that I lost my Balance and fell. Thankfully the guy was there to catch me.

"I'm so sorry" he says.

"Terry, hun is everything ok?" Zack says in a worried tone I also see Toby next to him.

"Is momy gonna be ok?" toby asks close to tears.

"yeah...shes's in a....better place" I burst into tears at the last word and to by runs over and hugs me starting to cry Zack comes over and hugs both of us, also sheding a tear.

*what will happen next for Terry, Zack and now poor Toby?*