Christmas Wrapping

Story by sisco on SoFurry

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Well he's another xmas one, it's based on and named after a Christmas song that I happen to really like. However, it's a short excuse for porn really and it has a nice steamy ending. Merry Christmas again guys I hope you enjoy

Bah, humbug! No... that's too strong; Christmas is my favourite holiday, but I'd be lying if I said I was looking forward to it that year. It'd been a sort of 'meh' year, and I can't say I achieved anything at all really. Which is sad, because it started so promisingly, at a New Year's Eve party.

My friends Tony and Jenna, a tiger couple I have known since university... they are what you might call a bit crazy. They live for their friends and are always throwing some dinner party, or just a party. I know there's a reason for it; they were hoping to be parents when they married after uni, but it was not to be. My heart goes out to the two - a more loving couple I have never met. They have invited me to Christmas dinner every year, mostly because they know I don't have any family to be with.

No, you don't need to feel sorry for me. My mother walked out before I was old enough to even walk after her. My Dad... he was great, and I never missed my mother, because he made me feel so loved. I don't know if you've ever been the centre of someone's world before, but it's a good feeling. When I was young, he would make a huge deal of Christmas. Have my uncle over , cook a huge meal, stockings, presents the whole sh and a huge bang.

He was taken from me too soon, just six years ago now. There's a scene in Red Dwarf, one of my father's favourite shows, about how it was good to get a few weeks' warning before you die, because all most of us get is 'mind that bus! What bus? Splat!' It took me three years to realise that was literally word-for-word the last exchange between me and my father; he never saw the X34 that hit him. He never felt any pain. It hurt me to see it, and I miss him most of all on Christmas day. However, he had a great sense of humour, and something tells me that he laughs at our last exchange. It would have tickled him.

Anyway... it was Tony and Jenna's New Year's Eve party last year. I was having an ok time. The beer had flowed, and there had been some nice whiskey too, single malt and expensive. I should know: It was the Christmas gift I gave Tony, after all. Their huge house was packed with people, some I knew well, others I vaguely recalled and some... some were complete strangers to me.

Around eleven fifty-five, I spotted him dancing. There is a thing called a Goldilocks zone around suns where it is possible for a habitable world to exist -- not too hot, not too cold, just right. Well, there is a similar zone for guys you'd bang. The Goldilocks banging zone - not too fat, not too thin, not too stupid, not too short... this list goes on for a while, all those factors which you consider when eyeing up a prospective lover.

This guy... he was smack damn in the centre of that zone. A collie, thin but with curves to his hips and tummy, just enough; his fur shaggy and messy, and yet just neat enough. His clothes casual and yet clean and neat, no spills despite the party chaos around him. His face so pretty and perfect as he danced and smiled, his eyes blue and beautiful. I found myself choking on my beer as I noticed him, after that I couldn't stop staring he was just beautiful, and graceful too.

Then my heart almost stopped as those beautiful baby blues gazed back into mine. He'd spotted me staring and was looking back, I couldn't help but blush. I mean, what am I - just some big polar lug, my stomach so big I get called 'comfortable.' My arms and shoulders, I'm kinda proud of; actually got me some muscle there. Legs too. Yeah, bear has some form to him. Though most people don't see past my belly, and good luck to them I guess; everyone should know what they like. Of course, I was dressed in a Santa outfit that Jenna had insisted I wear, 'because you make the perfect Santa'.

Yeah... some drunk, chubby bear, dressed as Santa, staring with his jaw wide open... I must have looked like a crazy drooling pervert, which wasn't too far from the truth. Not that he seemed to take offence; in fact, as the room started to count down from ten, he wandered over to me, and as he was just a meter or two away he pointed above me. I followed his pointing finger, looking right above my head to see the mistletoe I had been obliviously standing under. As I lowered my gaze back to him, I found myself held in a tight embrace as two soft black lips met mine, and we kissed. The room around us cheered as the countdown hit zero; couples kissed and party poppers were pulled.

Not that I cared. All I cared about was the kiss. It was warm and wonderful. Just a little bit of tongue play, enough to taste each other as I finally returned the hug, more out of instinct than a conscious choice. Eventually, we broke the kiss, and I found out his name: Troy. It suited him. He and I talked for an hour or two, before he was dragged away from me by the friends who had brought him. He gave me his number first, scribbling it down on a napkin.

It was perfect, the best start to any year I'd ever had. He was smart, witty, and very into me. I had already made plans to call him on the second of January. After all, I didn't want to seem too crazy eager; one day's waiting before I make my play. As the guests began to leave, I started to help Jenna clean the place up, just like after every party. I spoke to her about the collie, and she said she didn't know him and assumed he had been a friend of a friend.

It wasn't until I decided to call him, when I reached into the pocket, and I realised something had gone wrong. The napkin... it was gone, I swore I had put it in my Santa pants pocket, but they were kinda shallow, and it must have slipped out while I was tidying. One hour of surfing through Jenna's rubbish, and the napkin was nowhere in sight. That's when I gave up. It wasn't meant to be.

Ok - so not exactly the worst thing ever, I'd agree, but he'd seemed so nice, and I'd wanted to see where things went. I have to admit I was hoping for 'straight to the bedroom.' I really wanted to get to know him - every inch of him - see if it was all as perfect as the rest of him.

I guess that isn't enough for it to be a meh year, but well, I didn't find any other prospects. Not until spring anyway, when I was just walking into a coffee shop. I almost walked into a guy carrying two coffees, and as I apologised, we had a moment of recognition.

"Hey, it's you!" He said excitedly, "You never called." He had a sad look in his eyes as he said that - oh sweet, sad puppy dog eyes, melting my heart and making another muscle somewhat rigid.

"I... I lost your number. I looked everywhere for it," I stammered and then added, "Seriously, I spent new year's day fishing through bin bags looking for it."

A grumpy throat clearing broke our conversation. It came from a female collie who was glaring daggers at Troy.

"That's my sister, we are running late. Look, here's my number, call me soon, ok?" Troy hurriedly wrote his number down on another napkin and handed it to me. I watched the collie leave, and my heart leapt for joy at having been given a second chance with someone so cute. Then I turned around, napkin in paw and Wham! walked straight into another guy carrying a tray of coffees, they went all over me and believe me coffee stains polar bear fur something awful. I was mortified as I realised the paper napkin was soaked, the number no longer recognisable. I didn't even stop to apologise; let me tell you, as an Englishman that physically hurts me. I just made a dash for the door. It was too late of course, he was gone, and so was his sister. I wandered the streets for hours hoping to bump into him again.

The year continued, and with it so did the meh-ness. I tried dating, but every guy was put up against the measuring stick of Troy and found wanting. It is hard to believe that the fish that got away was not the magnificent trophy winner you have been dreaming of for years. The weather seemed to match my mood; it stayed wet and miserable, even by English standards, well into June.

Then the sun finally broke through, beating back the clouds like the valiant warrior the old boy is. Glorious days and balmy nights. I took a week off work and enjoyed my garden, a well tended small plot behind my house, high fences for privacy, cherry, apple and pear trees with their fruit just beginning to ripen. I lay on a sunbather and basked in the wonderful weather; it was so warm and wonderful that I dozed off.

Noel Coward got it right - mad dogs and Englishmen go out in the noonday sun; though we English are effete, we're quite impervious to heat... Well, he got it half right. One day's sun bathing led to one hell of a case of sunstroke. I could barely walk and was on the verge of calling for an ambulance. After a lot of water, I practically passed out on my bed and awoke the next morning feeling rough. I felt rougher when I found my mobile and a bunch of missed calls and texts from Jenna.

They had invited me to a poolside BBQ, and I had intended to go; however, as I read their texts I couldn't believe my luck.

"Hey bear, you better get here soon, I think your collie just showed up and is bathing in our pool, see the pic." This text was accompanied by a picture of canine perfection in a pair of red speedos, water dripping down his flawless body, that sent blood racing to my groin.

"If you're not coming just let me know if that's him and I'll get his number for you - J."

"You there big bear? J"

I texted Jenna, desperately hoping that she had gotten his number anyway. No such luck. However, my hope was kept alive when she said she had invited the collie and his sister to her Halloween bash. Ohhh, you have to believe there was no force in heaven or hell that could stop this bear going to that party!

It was pure torture, waiting the next few months for what surely would be my last chance at the dog. Assuming he would give me one. After all, I'd lost his number twice now and, to many people, that would seem like I wasn't interested. He might just think I was playing him along.

Well, I was the first guest to arrive, actually turning up in the morning to help them set up. I'd baked a few goodies to bring with me, which brought a smile to both their faces. This bear may not be much good for many things, but when you put me in the kitchen, I can make food so succulent and tasty many who taste it feel the need to orally gratify the cook. Trust me, I have won over many a lover with my culinary marvels; in fact a couple of boyfriends said they postponed breaking up just to get a few extra meals in.

For a costume, I went as a panda - a real easy costume for a polar bear, after all. All it took me was some fur dye and a pair of jeans. I figured if he liked me, then he probably was a fan of a fuller figure. Of course, the panda colourings really helped make me look cute and accented my bear figure. Not that he would see it... all night, I waited by the door, answering it to party goers and trick-or-treaters with a hopeful smile. Only he never showed up. Apparently, he had something better to do, and I was sure that it would be someone else he was snuggling with. Ten months... a beauty like him doesn't stay single for that long.

Well... that's part of why I was having Christmas alone. I'd spent all year fixated on one guy, and there was no way I could spend it with anyone else without being disappointed. That would be a horrible gift to bring with me... a wonderful 'you ain't who I want to be with' feeling.

Of course, just because I am spending it alone is no excuse not to enjoy myself (as much as is possible) alone. So I had a turkey roasting, potatoes ready to roast, a small ham joint glazed, and a hundred treats all ready for a Christmas for one. Of course, that's when I realised the one thing I had forgotten: the cranberry sauce! There was a Tesco's express just a few miles away, and I jumped into my car. I had just half an hour before it would close up and then not open again for a few days. I almost broke the speed limit getting there and rushed through the tiny shop looking for the cranberry sauce.

Finding the right aisle, I stopped just as dead as if I had ran into a brick wall nose first. There, standing in front of me, looking at the shelves, was the collie I had been chasing all year... just browsing, he hadn't even noticed me. I considered my position for a moment and decided that I had to go for it. I walked over to him and tapped lightly on his shoulder. He turned to look at me with a moment's recognition and surprise. Before he could say anything, I rushed out, " Hi, would you like to get some coffee with me sometime?"

A smile spread across his face and he glanced at his watch before replying, "Twelve months... now that's a slow play."

Blushing with embarrassment I scratched my head with my huge paws and replied, "Would you believe the second you left some guy spilled his coffee all over your number again? If you give it to me once more I swear I will call you, or die in the attempt."

"How about, you give me your number, and I'll call you, to save you from any need to sacrifice your life?" Troy replied with a chuckle as he pulled out his phone and offered it to me. I grabbed it and typed my number into it for him.

"Ok, great. You have no idea how much I wanted to get that to you. I hear you went to Tony and Jenna's pool party, but I was ill and couldn't be there. I was hoping you'd turn up for their Halloween one." I didn't want him to go; the store would be closing soon, and all I had to look forward to was a day alone tomorrow.

"Oh, we were going to go to that. I had a great demon costume too, but my damn car died on me." The collie smiled, embarrassed, and then he added softly, "I must admit I was really sad when you didn't call, I kept waiting for the phone to ring."

"Yeah, I just wanted to call you for months... it's been a bit of a crazy year," I admitted with a shrug of my shoulders. "Couldn't face a big Christmas party this year, so it's just me."

"Me too; my sister wanted me to go round, but she always overcooks the turkey, and her kids will be all crazy and hyper on presents and chocolate. I just wanted..."

As he spoke, an announcement interrupted him warning shoppers that the store was closing in five minutes ,and to make their way to the tills. "Bugger; we'd better grab what we want and get out."

"Yeah, ok." I agreed. It was then that we both reached for the last jar of cranberry sauce. As his paw touched mine, I felt a little electric thrill run up my arm and through my whole body. "You forgot the cranberry too?"

He didn't answer we just both broke out laughing, and I felt his fingers close around my paw and squeeze. I picked up the jar of sauce, and we both headed to the tills. I didn't need to ask him, and he didn't need to tell me, we both knew where this was headed.

We bought the sauce and then headed out. Luckily, he had walked to the store so he joined me in my car. On the way back home, I didn't speed; I took a leisurely pace as we finally began to talk again. A few minutes later, I welcomed him to my home, the smell of roasting turkey more than sealing the deal on him joining me for Christmas dinner. Of course that was to be the next day; that evening, I brought out a few treats I had been holding in reserve for when Tony and Jenna, inevitably, called round to check on their friend.

There are many ways to a male's heart. Through the stomach is an easy path for me to tread. After a few of my world-famous, seven-cheese pastry twists and a couple of slices of my internationally-renowned bacon-and-five-cheese quiche, the dog was putty in my paws. Sitting on my sofa next to me, we didn't need to speak really; I just reached out for him, only for my fingers to meet his as they reached for me.

Our heads turned and our eyes met, and suddenly the question of who we would be spending Christmas morning with was answered. It was written over both our faces. I wanted him, and he wanted me. It was beautifully simple. A few heartbeats later, he was in my arms, his paws wandering over my ample stomach as our lips met again, after a cruel twelve months' enforced separation.

His lithe frame felt good grinding up against my 'comfortable' one. I could feel his paws as he stripped away my shirt, his fingers teasing my nipples and making me moan into his mouth. The kiss was deep and passionate, our tongues doing fierce battle in our mouths, tasting and exploring each other in turn. My own paws pulled off his jumper and polo shirt to reveal his tight body, trim and lithe, just a small belly showing, not the body of an athlete but of someone who still cares about his form. Curvy hips that my huge paws stroked over and squeezed softly, making him cry out in my mouth... I swallowed his delicious moans.

My fingers found his flies, and suddenly I was unfastening the buttons. Like anyone at Christmas, I wanted to get the wrapping off my present and play with the toy inside. I peeled his jeans away and gasped at the tight briefs he was wearing. They couldn't contain the plump erection inside; it could be seen clearly, tenting out. Six or seven delicious inches, with a heavenly aroma that made my best baking taste of ash by comparison.

Breaking the kiss, he leaned back, flushed with arousal and embarrassment as I devoured his delicious body with my starving eyes. There are some things in this world that are just too beautiful to believe - sunsets over the highlands, the Pennine mountains covered in snow, and the memory of how Troy looked that moment... and how he looked at me in return.

I savoured it for just a moment, but could not contain myself; there was a sumptuous morsel dangling just in front of me, and I had to have a taste. Undomesticated equines could not have kept me away from his body. My muzzle nuzzled his chest. I drank in his scent: musky with hints of caramel and vanilla. My tongue delved into his fur as my nose travelled lower, filling my mouth with his taste. I swallowed greedily, hooked and desperate for more.

He made soft moans and squeaks as I licked and kissed my way down his stomach... they were beautiful music to my ears. The journey was so wonderful and perfect that I reached my destination before I knew it. His erect, brief-covered cock pressed into my chin as he cried out at the touch to his sensitive glans. Unable to stop, I tugged his briefs down with one paw, not waiting for them to be even halfway down before I swallowed his member whole, sliding the thick, pulsing, musky length right to the back of my muzzle. I let my tongue writhe against his hot flesh. His gasps and squeaks grew louder, his paws grasping at my shoulders for support.

I pulled off his cock, but didn't pause my assault, my warm broad ursine tongue running over his shaft. It swirled around his glans and teased at his drooling meat, lapping up the pre he was giving in great quantity. Ambrosia, it was... nectar drunk from the cock of my canine god. Yet it was not enough, and my muzzle dipped lower, lapping over his balls, tasting the thick sweat and grime of an unwashed male after a long day.

I used my paws to slowly push him back, and he complied willingly, lying on his back and spreading his legs. It was the greatest invitation I had ever or will ever receive - a welcoming to the home and heart of the perfect canine in front of me. My tongue lapped down his taint, and he cried out softly in surprise and arousal as he realised at last what my tongue's destination had been all the while.

Questing, my thick tongue found it's true target: musky, but with a telltale metallic taste to it, I found the entrance to heaven. As he writhed in pleasure, my tongue teased his puckered doughnut, then I slowly began to thrust getting a strong fresh taste of his musk. He opened up for me, and my thick tongue slid in further, swirling around inside him and thrusting deeper, ever searching for new corners. A lap against a nub, something strongly metallic flavoured, and my collie cried out in pleasure, canine pre rained down on my ears as he jetted his approval of my tongue's actions onto me.

I had found the spot I needed. One of my paws slipped off his hips and grasped his throbbing doghood. Then my tongue began it's true work, lapping over the sweet nut again and again, thrusting past it, teasing him, always pulling back just as he wanted more. He was far from the first lover I had teased this way, and I used every bit of my experience to drive my new lover to his peak. I could feel his cock throbbing, balls tight and ready, his cries desperate, and I knew that it was the right moment.

Pulling my tongue out to disappointed whimpers I looked up at him and his expression said everything. Nobody begs with their eyes better than dogs. The poor puppy was desperately pleading for more. I raised an eyebrow asking for permission and got a desperate nod in reply granting me full access.

Moving with the speed that only someone who hasn't got laid in twelve months can, I yanked my pants down to reveal my own maleness. Now I may have an ample belly, but it's matched by my more than ample cock. Ten inches of black meat, thick as the collie's wrist, throbbed in my paw as I stroked it and looked at him, like a starving man looking at a feast.

To my surprise, he didn't waiver; in fact, he looked at my cock the same way I looked at his ass. It seemed I wasn't the only starving man getting to feast that night. Ever the considerate lover, I used my pre soaked paw to stroke my cock, using the canine's own juices to prepare myself. I pre a lot too, and I knew once I got inside, I could make his hole nice and slick.

I'm no man slut, but I've fucked my fair share of guys. I know how to make them squeal and moan, and I know how to take an ass without pain. Leaning over him, I distracted him with my lips, as my paws and hips worked in unison guiding my cock to its saliva-soaked target. He moaned as my huge glans pressed to his slick pucker. I could see in his eyes a hint of doubt and worry, I stroked one huge paw up his chest and then found his paw, lacing my fingers with his own. I squeezed lightly, and he squeezed back, then I thrust, gently for just a second. My cocktip pushed at his hole, and he clenched a little in panic... but as I stopped, he relaxed, and then I thrust again.

Soft slow thrust, after soft slow thrust, I worked my thick meat inside him. Millimetre by millimetre, black bear cock stretched out tight collie ass. He was no longer clenching; the pain-free thrusting had won over his trust, and he was giving himself to me. The kiss we held was so strong and passionate, nothing could break it. We shared each soft moan and shared sigh as I worked myself deeper and deeper inside him. I could feel the warm tight depths stretching around me, and I wanted more.

My thrusting grew faster, as I neared hilting inside him, working my bear meat deeper until, with a shared moan, I felt my hips press to his. My balls rested on his taint as my bear sword rested in the tight collie sheath. I gave him a moment to recover and adjust, but only a moment as my body was screaming at me, begging and pleading to mate this lover fast, hard, and deep.

I felt his paw squeeze mine, and I knew he was ready for more. I pulled back just a couple of inches; we both moaned as my thick length slipped around inside him, then I thrust forward quickly. My cock sang with pure pleasure as it thrust into collie heaven. Warm sensations were driven down my cock, spreading out to every fibre of my being. Nothing could stop me know. I had to have more, to feel more, thrusting again and again. With growing speed, strength, and depth, I bred the desperate and willing perfect bitch.

Our moans and gasps filling the air, the sound of my balls smacking off his taint began to grow as my rutting got faster and faster. Suddenly, he howled in pleasure, and I knew my cock had found the secret nub inside him. Marking the spot in my mind, I began my final assault. Thrusting relentlessly, driving my thick inches into him again and again, I brushed against his prostate over and over. My paw reached down to his hot pulsating cock, thick fingers wrapping around the shaft. I played his meat like a fine instrument, making beautiful music spring from his lips as I squeezed and jerked his hot meat.

I could feel his pulse racing as I mated him with all the speed and strength I had, the sofa shaking and creaking in protest at the roughness of our amour. It could shatter to kindling for all I cared in that moment, my body was awash with the pure pleasure only a vigorous, animalistic, rutting can bring. My hips pounded into his and my balls smacked on his taint with a satisfying slapping noise. I could feel my orgasm rapidly approaching ; I tried to fight it off, wanting this moment and the feelings of pleasure to last forever....

However, my valiant efforts to hold out were broken by his body as he reached his own peak. I felt his cock pulsing in my paw, and his entire ass clenching and spasming around my cock. I broke the kiss and bellowed out into the night a pure animal cry of pleasure as his tight clenching depths proved my undoing. My own cock began to spray thick warm jets of seed deep inside the wonderful canine. I mated him with desperate passion, reaming his tight passage as I flooded it with my essence.

Eventually, when we had both given the other every last drop of fluid and ounce of strength, we collapsed panting. We lay there for what felt like hours, just basking in the warmth and feel of each other's body. The air heavy with the scents of our passion, sweat, musk, and cum all mixed into a potent blend. We shared sweet kisses and tender caresses, and then a beeping from Troy's pants roused us from our bliss.

My thick meat was withdrawn from his now-stretched ass, followed by a flood of bear juices that stained my sofa. He grabbed his phone out of his pocket and chuckled. "It's just my sister, saying Merry Christmas. She does this every year at twelve-oh-one." He typed out a quick reply before returning to my warm embrace, his soft paws caressing my huge muzzle. He kissed my lips softly, then whispered, "Merry Christmas." into my ear.

I returned the soft kiss with one of my own, then replied, "I'm glad we're not spending it alone this year."

Well... you know the rest. The next day was perfect and happy. My friends did pop by for a visit, and they were delighted to find I was not alone. They were less delighted by the stains on the sofa, so we sat at the table. Tony complained bitterly about the lack of baked goodies, until I made some more. You all know what happened. Christmas magic brought my tale to a very happy ending.