The History Of Zato; Legends Brought To An End.

Story by Zato on SoFurry

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#15 of The History Of Zato

(Zato, Sin Dragons "Demon Dragons" and the characters in this story are テつゥ Zato ))

"Riil! Don't have him do that!"

Oneedia nearly died from embarrassment in that spot and her cheeks were burning with a blush, which only caused Riil and the others to laugh even more. Her eyes narrowed and a low growl began to emit from her throat before she suddenly felt a weight on her back and herself get pushed onto the ground. Of course, she began to struggle with as much might as she could muster but she soon knew who was on her and gave in, Zato was far too heavy when he pinned you to even think of fighting it. Thankfully, it was just a pin and she laid there, glaring to Riil before she suddenly felt Zato lock his jaws around her neck and his fangs sink into her throat, but it wasn't a killing blow, though she still let out a startled squeal.

"Oh shush Oneedia, you knew this was coming from the day you began to follow that bitch of a mistress you have! You truly think we did not know, Otaz was the one who allowed you to live for as long as you have. He thought it was cute, watching you try to sneak behind our backs, talk to her messengers, try to help and save so many. Well...anyways, its time for you to die. Zato...try using that venom of yours."

Oneedia went to speak but she was cut off as she felt two new, much longer fangs, pierce into her neck and a hot...burning hot liquid begin to pump into her veins and that was when she began to thrash and fight with all of her might. She was actually going to be killed! And damn, the pain that was going through her right now. Pain filled roars began to escape her as she moved a claw behind her and began to claw at Zatos sides, doing nothing to stop him, as she began to feel her body slowly and painfully shutting down. It was excruciating, her body felt so hot...but at the same time so, very, cold. What she wouldn't give to have Zato just...

"Zato! I did not say to do that!"

Zato slowly let the now lifeless body of Oneedia fall to the ground and looked to Riil. He had heard those pained thoughts...why did he feel so bad for killing her....who was this person yelling at him for putting someone so weak out of their misery? Those pain filled roars sounded like they were coming from a whelpling slowly being cut in half. What right does one so strong have to slowly kill one so weak? Snapping her neck in his jaws in a quick death was the proper one to give one such as herself.

"Weak...get quick deaths...they do not need to know of...pain...I need a challenge..."

The elders looked to Zato in disbelief, how did he disobey them? Shouldn't his mind fully be controlled by the spell?


Riil raised his head up from the other elders and looked to Zato and opened his eyes in shock. The tip of Zatos Zanbatou was pointed at him and blue lightning was flashing from the entire blade.

"You will not have me kill the innocent nor weak so and I will kill you and the others gathered here...Far worse then you forced me to kill Miss Oneedia..."

He moved over to Oneedia's corpse as Riil and the others just stood there, silent and thinking over what he just said, and they watched as he placed his claws together in an old prayer gesture and slowly began to chant something in ancient tongue, something the elders had not heard in ages.

" does he know that?"

A dark green dragoness asked as she moved up to try and listen to Zato. Even though he was talking in a normal sounded so silent and before long, it began to sound like two Zatos were speaking in sync with the other. A weird echo following his voice. And before anyone knew it, Oneedias body vanished into bright particles and drifted out of the windows.

"How in the hell are you doing shit by yourself!"

Riil finally let his anger show through, Oneedia was to be food, not dust on the wind!

"I am not in control of myself...everything I do is being told to my Master."

"What?! Otaz is not even here!"

Zato turned back to Riil and took a few steps towards him, Riil and the other elders backing with each of the steps. Otaz was only suppose to take Zato over towards the end, when the plan was nearly completed, not now, not at the very beginning. How was everything going wrong!?

"Master Otaz has also told me that the elders have become useless...however...he also says to keep the females alive while I kill the males...Riil...Skuda...Ada...Noe...please....put up a decent fight..."

Each of them looked to each other before they all launched at Zato, each one of them stopping dead in their tracks not even two feet from him. Something was stopping them, and Riil knew exactly what it was. It was an ancient spell used by the most magically intuned of their race, the humans had dubbed it with "Freezing Barrier" and normally it was followed with a...

"Everyone! Flee!"

It was two late and in a bright red flash Skuda, Ada, and Noe each had their heads chopped off and each rolled onto the ground in a pool of each others blood, soon followed by their still quivering and twitching bodies. Their last impulses running through the bodies, but the bodies could not truly respond to the impulses without the main part of any body.

Riil and the females were the only lucky ones. The females having been flung clear across the huge main chamber of Ragnas castle and Riil fast enough to jump back, though he lost half of his tail in his clumsiness. And in his mind, he shut off the pain so it would not effect his judgment and ignored the death of his brothers.

"Otaz! You traitor! We had a deal!"

Zatos helmet melted into his scales and a wicked smirk greeted Riils sight and Zatos maw soon opened and he began to speak, though the voice was not his at all. It was his masters. Deep, dark, foreboding and it sent a chill down your spine with each word spoken.

"Riil Swiftwing, our deal was that you bring me Zato. You did that wonderfully, I congratulate you for a job well done."

He began to clap now, his gauntlet covered hands giving each clap an eerie metal sound as he did so, as he took a few steps towards Riil as Riil could only summon a blade and shift down to his anthro. Of course, his blade, like most of his life, was overly decorated in gems, jewels and had not been repaired in over two long decades. The blade would not hold in a combat against a weapon like Zatos, constantly repaired, tuned and belt for battle, not for show.

"Your job however is complete, as were your brothers. The females, your sisters, shall go on to live. Zato and the others might enjoy their company later on. Oh! I must thank you again for bringing me this wonderful specimen of a demon dragon, I can see why the others thought he was to be the last. However, he will not be, he will bring change to the wondrous spell the humans casted upon us and instead of one demon dragon and one mercy, there shall be thousands of demon dragons and not a single mercy dragon! And I must stop calling them demon dragons, Sin Dragons was a much more fitting name."

"I made a mistake joining with you Otaz! You killed my brothers and threaten my sisters! I should never have brought you Zato! I should have seen this coming! I will not let you win!"

Zato's grin only grew as he moved up a few more steps to the now clearly angered Riil. Oh how delightful it was, Dragon Elders, most specifically the leader of them, losing his cool in combat and making rash decisions! The plan was coming together without a hitch! And as Otaz had hoped, Riil charged him with that antique weapon held high over his head. Lets see just how that weapon faired.

Zato swung his arm out and summoned his Zanbatou just before Riils blade clashed into it. Riil pressing down on his blade with all his might, but Zatos blade and arm barely gave-way. It was like trying to move a mountain. And as he feared, and Otaz presumed, his blade shattered and Zatos blade flung forward and sliced clear across Rills chest before the tip of the blade was driven deep into his gut and right out of his back, dripping with the red essence of all beings.

"And now join your day, your sisters will meet you as well...but not before they have returned Zatos many favors."

Riil coughed up blood onto Zatos armor and let a smirk come to his maw. He knew something Otaz did not and will never know, nor will the others, and he gave it away knowing there would be nothing he could do about it.

"She...will defeat has been seen....and can not be changed..."

Several more coughs came from Riil before white hot flame erupted from his maw and right over Zatos armor and head, each shred of the armor dropping off from the heat and soon Zatos scales boiled. Damn this elder! He swung his weapon and flung Riil across the room and right out of the door before examining himself. Several burns along the arms and chest...most scales gone and the defective armor destroyed...doesn't matter. His mind was more focused on understanding what the former elder meant....she will defeat Zato? Time to think that over and let Zato control himself...if albeit slightly.

"Now onto the kingdom..."

Zato spun on his heel and made his way back to the room Osia was held in, having nearly forgot if it was not for that voice in his head reminding him. With each step he made, his feet seemed to get heavier and heavier. Something was weighing him done, trying to stop him, and just like it had come the feeling vanished and he was light again.

"Something is not right..."

He bolted down to the room and skid to a halt at the door way just as Arthur rounded the other corner and stopped behind him.

"You felt the.....the hell happened to you?"

Zato did not answer Arthur and looked straight to the now empty room with a large chunk missing in the wall and both Osia and Ragnas body vanished. No! No! Something in him was nagging at him that he failed a mission he did not remember, something that he could not remember but his body knew! He felt he had to protect that dragoness! Something about her was familiar!

A sudden thought came to mind and his eyes flashed as he gripped the ferals neck and slammed Arthur against the wall, the feral gasping and struggling against the unbelievably tight grip of the anthro.

"Where is that dragoness! Protect her! I must protect her!"

Arthur fought against the claw around his neck before it was suddenly gone and now on top of Zatos head with the other joining it and a roar coming to his ears. happy he was he did not get forced into getting this spell and willingly let it be cast upon him. He held onto his memories but rendered his body to the master whenever he demanded and listened to his words every minute.

"The king of the Dragon Kingdom took her."

The voice in his made him say it and he did, and in a flash, Zato had fallen silent and was now clearly thinking over his choices. After not even a full minute, he rose, and made his way out of the castle. He took each step slowly as his blank eyes looked to the ground and plans, tactics, weapon training, killing blows flashed in his mind and he prepared himself for the battle that would ensue.

The sight that greeted him was truly unexpected, though highly welcomed. The army that was once under Ragnas control was lined up in perfect columns with their weapons held in a relaxed posture, but still clearly ready, and grunt from each and every soldier greeted the sight of the dragon before them.

"Otaz is our leader! Zato is our general! We are ready for battle!"

A smirk came over Zatos maw as he looked over the troops and equipment. Siege engines, catapults, wyverns, orcs, elves, dwarves, lizard folk, wolves, so many species here. The number had to be in the tens, if not hundreds, of thousands of troops and equipment. This battle with the dragons would not last long.

His eyes continued to look over the troops before he noticed a dragon heavily chained down in the middle, how he had missed it earlier he did not know, but he made his way to the sight. Each soldier moving and allowing him passage, even without forcing his way through, it took him nearly twenty-minutes to arrive to the dragon and what he witnessed...pleased him.

"My my..."

Zatos voice rang out as he circled around the dragon, as it looked back. Such a wonderful specimen. Long elegant neck and tail, full wings, thick green scales with red ones here and there. Thick plate scales on its belly and along the underside of its neck, bright blue eyes and a fiery expression. He continued to examine this dragon until a scent filled his nose and he gave the air a few sniffs before a shudder ran through him at the wonderfully elegant smell. A dragoness ripe in her heat and from the purity of the smell, she was pure as well.

"We found her, general, untouched and ready for you."

An orc said that stood behind Zato, but he ignored him as he moved behind the dragoness and hoisted her tail up even though she tried to force it back down and began to whimper. And the sight that greeted him was just as he thought. Her lips were swollen and pink, clear juices ran down her thighs and dripped onto the ground. He faintly heard the orcs laughter behind him as he finally let the tail down and moved up to her head, squatting in front of her as her eyes opened wide, finally recognizing this dragon.

"Scales and body so are but a mere child....barely hitting mating age...experiencing your first heat in the tide of a a prisoner of the war..."

Zato trailed his claws along the dragoness' neck and couldn't help but allow a tinge of sorrow for this creature enter him. She was so young, they had no right to pluck someone so weak away from her family. What fight could she have possibly put up? From the look of her scales and body, she didn't put up any.

"Who captured this dragoness?"

An orc quickly moved up from the ranks and Zatos eyes locked on him as he saluted. Orcs were such ugly creatures. Noses of pigs, two fangs that stuck out from their bottom jaw, sickly green skin and as big as a house. A tree could out think an orc...and wear better armor, since the orc before him only wore a armored "skirt" and a few leather straps covered his chest.

"I did sir! Easiest prey I've ever--"

The orc was silenced before he could finish that sentence and the cause was clear as Zato stood there with bloodied claws and a glare to the other orcs as their brother fell, gasping for air even though it escaped through the three slashes across that horrid neck.

"You do not capture any, ANY! Creature. If it doesn't put up a fight, leave it alone. If it does fight, it earns the right to die a honorable death in battle! Do not break this rule! I witness this rule being broken, you will be marked a coward, and cowards are not welcome here!"

He moved around to the head of the dragoness with the chattering and muttering of the orcs as his background, but he paid it no mind. Should one try to attack him, he would silence them. And from the sound over him, the wyverns were becoming interested in the spectacle....or the smell of a ripe dragoness.

When he did arrive at the dragons head, he crouched and rested himself in front of her. It was...funny. She did not lunge at him, growl, hiss, nothing. She just stared at him with tear filled eyes...or more so, his slit, since it was in full view. But it was not truly her staring, it was her need for a male. None could blame her.

"I am sorry you have arrived into this predicament, Miss. You should be with your family, happy, living and playing with friends. Probably locked in a Flight Of Mates right now."

He eased his claw forward and slowly took each chain off of her slender and elegant muzzle, allowing her to speak.

"Might I ask your name?"

She looked to him now, into his eyes, and a gasp was vocalized as she finally stared into those empty white orbs, only a faint outline of his eyes could be seen. However, before long, she shock her head out and let out in a soft, childish voice. Though it had the tinge of lust in it.

" name is Voras. Voras Slendora, third daughter to the King of the Forest."

The voice in the back of Zatos mind kicked in and he listened and nodded to each sentence.

"Voras...your father is looking for you....he will arrive here shortly...I wish for you to look men are going to fire upon him..."

"But you c-!!!"


Zato raised himself up and turned to face the orc that had called the order out and then to where the arrows flew. A bright green dragon, almost as massive as Zato himself in his feral, flew to him and it was clear the dragon was wild with rage. He made no attempt to evade the arrows, he flew to them.

"Re-string your arrows!"


Zato called out as he watched the massive green finally evade the arrows at the last second and narrowly avoid the end. It took massive concentration and skill to be able to avoid some hundred arrows, though, he was lucky that the entire archer division did not fire.

"Green! Come here!"

Every orc, wyvern, and other looked to Zato, even the dragon. That dragon floated there for a moment, contemplating before he did a lazy glide to the rather small dragon asking one of his size to come directly in front of him. Of course, he was being cautious as he looked around to the orcs, each one snarling or readying their arms on the hilts of their blades, though, he could they, somehow, respected the command of this dragon.

"You took my daughter....from our own home....we are nothing but peace loving! We want nothing to do with the war of the Royal Dragons!"

The green spoke in a clearly angered voice as he looked into the soulless white pits of the commanding dragon, he did not care why his eyes were white, why he had no clothes, nothing. All his attention was on his girl behind this beast.

"Sire, I am sorry for the incompetence of some of my troops. They clearly need better training. You are free to take your daughter back home."

Everyone opened their eyes wide. The green, Voras, his own troops. None could believe him. However, as he backed away, they slowly came to realize, that he was not bluffing. He was simply letting them go? Then, it came to some of the troops, maybe it was a trick! It was a trick, had to be! No way he was just going to let them go.

The green remained silent and made his way to his daughter, slowly and cautiously taking off each chain from his daughters hide until she was freed and rose up to shake herself to ease the ache in her muscles. She had been kept like that for some time.

"There will be no arrows. No troops following you. Nothing. You are truly free to go. Troops, move out! We head to the kingdom of dragons!"

And just like that, Zato made his way to the west with his baffled troops following him. Some shooting back glares at the two dragons that stood in utter bewilderment. They both truly thought they would die, he would suddenly have arrows fly, something! Not truly let themselves go. Though, neither dallied too long and both were in the air in a fraction of a second. Neither talking, only thinking of what just happened.


"I am truly amazed at just how much of Zato remains intact. No memories, but nearly everything else is him."

A towering shadow muttered out to itself as its gaze was casted upon a pool of gleaming water with its own reflection staring back at it, but even then, it was just a shadow with two orange dots that shined with an eerie glow. Nothing of this shaped seemed to be there, yet nothing seemed out of place. It looked nothing more then a shadow casted upon a cave wall in the dieing light, yet nothing else was there to have its shadow casted.

"It will be amusing to watch the battle unfold....though Zatos forces and himself will suffer a great lose."

Glittering white teeth shone from the shape now as it kept its eyes on the pool, watching Zatos advanced as a few orcs ran up to him and gave him some armor to wear. Nothing like his old armor, however, it would not matter. His was far too powerful now to have any worry. Though, he did look rather intimating in some of the orcs armor. An armored skirt with spiked gauntlets, shoulder guards, and shin guards as well as some wyvern tail plating that had wicked obsidian spikes on them and the bright blue skin that shown all over him now that so many of his scales were gone.

"This will be a wonderful test."

The shape gave that same glittering smile as he continued to watch, he was eagerly awaiting the wondrous show that was about to begin!


" is done. I have told the forces and all citizens, every member of the kingdom both young and old to go it anthro, save for the Ancient breed who have no new traits. They have been deemed heavy war machines and shall be used in drastic times."

Godaris was simply speaking in a normal tone with his gaze on a draped black curtain. Pink had been behind it since he had returned and the constant ring of armor being fastened was his only reply, it was clear she was doing it herself, as her maids would have finished it ages ago. So, he stood there, paws clasped behind his back and wings around him like a cloak, no gentlemen would ever rush a lady, no matter how dark the times.

" is she?"

He turned his head a bit as he heard Ruby's voice and smiled to both her and Veon, who had finally gone back to her legged form. Though, they had company, as Kizna and Ryu both stood behind her, clad in battle armor and in anthro, clearly having heard the order.

"She has not spoken a word since earlier...what?"

They had all their eyes focused somewhere else before he finally felt a presence behind him, so he turned, albeit slowly. He did not want to bump into something, so he did it caustiously, and as he did, the most unbelievable sight one could imagine greeted him. An armored hulk stood before him, while at the same time it was shorter then him. He stood at an easy nine foot while in anthro, and this beast stood at seven. Though, he should stop calling it a beast as his eyes roamed over the armor.

Pitch black, to be expected, with Ruby red trims. Each plate looking to weigh a good fifty pounds and they overlapped just like the scales of a dragon, and colored and decaled like them as well. Most of the armor was black and ruby, however, the belly and chest of it were green and so many tribal symbols on it in a bright pink. The helmet kept the pattern, though a line in their own tongue was etched into this armor.

"Armo Uhade Niuh Moka Seeua Opediad."

"Protect the ones you love like an iron wall."

It wasn't the best of lines, though it did tell you the armor was Zatos, and Pinks still depressed voice sounded out from behind that thick helmet.

"Zato had this armor crafted in was to be his ceremonial armor....he made it with the same enchants...and with new ones so it could fit us....we go to rescue him and Osia...and all the other captured...."

They all just remained silent and gave a nod before banging their right arm and wing against their chest, a salute, as the humans called it, that Zato made for the dragons. Unlike others, it had truly no to little meaning, though the populace had already began to say it stood for the dragons heart and the reason they fought. To protect their loved ones, to ensure their race survived understanding what drove them, and the love the dragons tried to share with the other species of the world.

"Prepare the forces...we leave by none tomorrow for Ragnas castle...."

She said nothing else as she pushed her way past each of them and went straight down the hall before turning and vanishing around a castle, while each of them just kept their gaze down the hall before each dispersed and went to prepare their own armor, weapons, and get certain tasks completed. However, each heavily held the possible thought of killing all of those captured.


"Halt! Who are---Sir Zato, what are you doing here?"

A dark green drake with red belly scales looked to their leader, simply baffled. Had he not been captured? Why was he wearing orc armor, carrying one of those hideous orc swords, and why did he smell of blood and what the hell was wrong with his eyes? Well, lack there of. And what was he doing at the Hills of Nora? The small mountain chain meant nothing, and this checkpoint was almost always ignored by all who would even think of attacking, even Ragnas army had not even bothered looking for it. Even if something was foul, why bother going through a place that lead directly into the courtyard in front of the training grounds?

"I was captured by the humans and---"

"Ful, you utter fool, he's under the spell!"

A bright blue dragoness called out from the a cliffs edge before she let an arrow loose, aimed directly at Zato. The rather decorated arrow flew true and cut the air with a loud hiss before stabbing directly into Zatos right shoulder, a low hiss emitting from him as he looked to the arrow before simply plucking it out and dropping it onto the ground. Both Ful and the dragoness thought of retreating at that, but both held their ground, Ful now armed with a blade aimed directly at Zato, Pink and Ruby said not to let any past this point.

"You two are too inexperienced to be a challenge and my purpose here is not to battle. Return to your leaders and tell them of my armies approach, I wish for them to be ready."

Before either could reply, he was in the air and the heavy beat of his wings was the only thing they listened to before they looked to each other. Both with completely baffled and confused expressions, before something in both of their eyes flashed, he was actually warning them of his advance!

"Breeze! Go tell them! I will stay here and guard incase someone does try to enter through her! However foolish they may be!"


"Love, Go! We may not have a lot of time to warn them!"

She looked to her mate before she spread her wings and gave a mighty push and flew off to the castle, only giving one look back to her mate before she speed up and was out of sight. She wanted to get there, warn them, and return.

"Hurry my love..."

Ful turned his head back to the path that lead up to the passage and the second he did, he was struck with something heavy, hard and hit the ground almost as hard as he was struck. Before he could even regain any composure or try to get up, he felt something heavy push down on him before three more held him down.

"We had hoped for ta female, but you will do fine."

His eyes shot open before two strong, green hands held his muzzle shut and he felt something speared inside of his tailhole. The pain that shot through him was unbearable, but still, he tried to swing his claw to slash the beast on top of him and slash his throat, but the third orc caught his arm and held it down, leaving him to be their plaything for however they wanted, both eyes screwed shut as he only thought of his mate.

"You will make some nice armor when we are done with you."

He heard one of them mutter out before he felt a hot liquid land on his belly and chest. He didn't even want to know what it was but when he felt the one raping him rip himself out and the other two let him go, he knew someone was saving, and only then did he open his eyes. Only to witness Zato slash the necks of all three of them as they tried to rush him, a fourth under them, forming a pile in front of him.

"I told them not to attack and use the weak and they ignore me...can not trust orcs intelligence...only their usefulness as pawns...return the castle young one, get healed, prepare yourself for battle...none of my troops will use this passage..."

Once again Zato was in the air in a flash, but truly Ful didn't care, he was up and in the air as fast as his hurting body would move him. There was no way he was going to stay there with the chance of getting raped again.


Breeze carried herself as fast as her wings would move her, each pump straining the muscles in her limbs and her wings cried out to her with each flap. She had never pushed herself like this, her wings were inexperienced for speedy and long distanced flights, even though the kingdom was only thirty minutes in flight, she had been pushing her poor limbs far more then her normal slow and gentle flaps.

"By the gods...the king owes me for this..."

She noticed herself descending, slowly but surely, the ground was getting closer and closer. And right when she was over the barracks too! The castle was only ten more minutes!

-Wings...come on, help me here...hold out....please....-

She continued to strain her wings and soon each flap was visibly tearing the membrane of her wings, she had flown to fast and flapped too hard. However, her fear of plummiting to the ground never came, as a pink dragon swooped her up and nestled her in her arms, she had not even noticed this dragons approach with how concerned she was with her wings holding out.

"Young not push yourself too hard when flying...."

She knew that voice! She looked up to the dragoness that was slowly landing in the middle of the barracks courtyard and nearly cried out in pure happiness! What luck! Pink was the one to have saved her! She didn't even need to worry about flying the extra ten minutes! She could return to Ful sooner then she thought!

"Mistress Pink! Sir Zato warned us of an army he is leading! It approaches the Kingdom Walls from the east! They will be here by dusk! Now please, release me, I must return to my mate! He is alone at Noras pass!"

Pink had hardly heard the rest of the dragoness' words before she nearly dropped her and sped off to the castle, the armor she had thrown on earlier showing itself once again as she did so and returned to her raptor self. She was so concerned with telling the others of the approach and who the army was lead by that she even failed to notice that the dragoness had screamed out when her mate landed.

Somewhere in the back of her mind a voice screamed to her that it could have been the spell, but she had shown too much emotion, too much concern, blame her trust or love for the others, but she did not believe that the dragoness was under the spell. So with every fiber of her being screaming to her, she ran to the castle, to warn the others and to get the forces mobilized even faster then they had previously planned.

To Be Continued...